Armstrong and Larson rev up their co-moderator campaigns with race cars and hugs

McClure Taylor and Morales discuss stories of courage and comfort during reception

Young Adult Advisory Delegates participate in General Assembly orientation

The Rev. Bronwen Boswell is the first guest on the inaugural edition of ‘GA Daily’

Presbyterian pastors are featured during Saturday’s Poor People’s Campaign assembly in Washington, D.C.

Technology, committee support pass the test at General Assembly

General Assembly planners help provide welcome through all-gender bathrooms

Global Language Resources gets head start on General Assembly

General Assembly Procedures Committee toils into the night to approve proposed changes in the Standing Rules

Presbyterians prepare to make ‘a joyful noise’ at GA226

Be open to the Spirit and be flexible

Archival images from PHS’ holdings offer glimpses at first General Assembly held in Salt Lake City

Christian Formation Committee considers two commissioners’ resolutions

International Engagement Committee concludes business with an overture and commissioners’ resolution approved for full Assembly consideration

Environmental and Climate Justice Committee discusses fossil fuel divestment again and recommends a GA presentation on the Inflation Reduction Act

A changing ministry landscape calls for creativity and imagination

A decision at the last General Assembly led to historic events in Alaska

Environmental and Climate Justice Committee endorses divestment from the fossil fuel industry

Race, Sexuality and Gender Justice Committee moves through business with conviction and care

Domestic Engagement Committee passes items on modern slavery, gun violence, white Christian nationalism and solitary confinement

Ordination Committee takes actions in response to the needs of a changing church

General Assembly Procedures Committee turns to breakout groups to discuss its most daunting item of business

Christian Formation Committee advances theological education initiatives

International Engagement rejects one overture; approves another for full Assembly

Ordination Committee wrestles with systemic changes to the theology and practice of ordination

Committee on General Assembly Procedures approves the Presbytery of Milwaukee’s offer to host the 227th General Assembly in 2026

Christian Formation Committee considers changes in theological education

Environmental and Climate Justice Committee passes peace pledge and recommendation to move away from single-use plastics

Race, Sexuality and Gender Justice Committee begins its faithful work

Committee approves three action items addressing A.I., internally displaced persons, and protecting Utah’s wildlands

Committee on International Engagement kicks off its General Assembly business

The 226th General Assembly opens quietly

Dr. Mark Douglas named Columbia Seminary’s J. Erskine Love Chair of Christian Ethics

Guns to Gardens event coming to General Assembly on Sunday in Salt Lake City

Treasury official briefs Episcopal bishops, then sits down with Presbyterian News Service

United Korean Presbyterian Church amends its bylaws and enhances its service to the community

A valedictory for the Co-Moderators of the 225th General Assembly

Following a visit by PMA staff, a PC(USA) partner reflects on six years of refugee work in Eastern Europe

Following a visit by mission co-workers, a PC(USA) partner reflects on six years of refugee work in Eastern Europe

Ahead of the 226th General Assembly, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship holds its online Peace Breakfast

The Rev. Shavon Starling-Louis appointed campus minister at Columbia Theological Seminary

SDOP learning engagement in Panama provides ministry of presence and opportunities to listen

What do the Standing Rules have to say about telegrams?

Rev. Dana Waters joins Presbyterian Foundation as Ministry Relations Officer

June 29 Moral March gathers steam as PC(USA) and others offer continued support

Juneteenth reflection: Liberation and justice are not automatic or simple

We’ve come this far by faith

Domestic Engagement Committee to consider action on gun violence, studies on both Artificial Intelligence and white Christian nationalism

Presbyterian Association of Musicians conference opens with the theme ‘Lead Us Homeward’

What does it look like for us to love your neighbor?

Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy holds a webinar on selected items of business coming before GA226

Race, Sexuality and Gender Justice Committee to consider two resolutions and one interim report

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship to hold its online General Assembly Peace Breakfast Saturday

In West Philadelphia, three congregations flow into one new church

‘Good God, y’all!’ becomes a rallying cry for PC(USA) campus ministers

Polity Committee to consider ‘Olympia Overture’ and a dozen other items of business

Funding Model Development Team co-moderators take to the airwaves to explain their work to date

Louisville congregation welcomes Mid-Kentucky Presbytery family to celebrate Juneteenth

Christian Formation Committee to confirm five new seminary presidents

Presbyterian Historical Society partners with Sínodo Presbiteriano Boriquén to preserve records

Peace-planters and a ‘true crime’ podcast are part of Montreat Youth Conferences

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A monthly series for serving faithfully

Children’s Defense Fund’s leader draws from the Parable of the Sower to illuminate the agency’s work

Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar explores divesting from fossil fuel companies from a European perspective

Finance and budgeting issues will take center stage when Financial Resources Committee convenes

Eastern Europe Partnership Network launches new resource

‘You shall love the alien as yourself’

General Assembly to consider addressing fossil fuels and reducing plastic pollution

Raising the roof — and the rest of the house as well — is one way New Castle Presbytery is responding to the Matthew 25 call

When church is dangerous, digital ministry provides sanctuary

Presbyterian Foundation hires the Rev. Bill Davis and the Rev. Zoë Garry for Theological Education Fund posts

MRTI webinar provides overview of its role in responsible investing

General Assembly Entity Coordination Committee has a lengthy agenda to work through

Ecumenical and Interfaith Partnerships Committee to review the work of global partners of the PC(USA)

‘Go forth and be the church as you have received the church’

First GA town hall is a how-to for Creation care at the local level

Mid Councils Committee to hear from synods and the host mid council of GA 226, the Presbytery of Utah

1 John has wisdom for preaching in polarized communities of faith

Presbyterian pastor calls for end to gun violence, promotes Guns to Gardens event

Committee on International Engagement likely focus to be on Israel/Palestine issues

New landing page simplifies search for Korea peace material

Moving toward ‘Intentional Authentic Evangelism’

Ordination Committee to address a host of issues related to the ‘ordered ministries’ of the Church

‘Olympia Overture’ opponents make their case

Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy provides new mental health guide

Healing through evangelism

James Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage coming to Ghost Ranch Aug. 22-25

PC(USA) pastor brings stories from Ukraine to a US audience

General Assembly Procedures Committee to consider changes to the Standing Rules of the General Assembly

‘Meet me in St. Louis’

Severe and dangerous weather impacts multiple PC(USA) presbyteries in recent weeks

Prayer for our nation during tumultuous times

Community organizer and activist gets a lift from like-minded Presbyterians

LGBTQIA+ Equity Advocacy Committee responds to pastors’ petition on the Olympia Overture

Podcast guest gazes up at her broad and sturdy family tree

‘An absolute delight of a human being’ takes to the airwaves of ‘Leading Theologically’

‘God’s got this’

Effecting change from inside the corporate tent

Gathering of the National Council of Korean Presbyterian Churches has the feel of a family reunion

Nationalism and Christian Zionism focus of latest webinar

Columbia Theological Seminary ethics scholar looks at how climate change impacts conflict and violence

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Wesley Lowery addresses the Westminster Town Hall Forum

Presbyterians urged to persuade policymakers to advocate for a Faithful Farm Bill and head off SNAP cuts

Columbia Theological Seminary’s Wonder of Worship program offering $1,000 grants to congregations

App encourages small acts of discipleship

An International Peacemaker who served during 2023 stops by to join the ‘A Matter of Faith’ podcast

Barreto, Disasa and Pomroy to headline annual Stewardship Kaleidoscope Conference in Portland

Montreat Conference Center announces summer worship series lineup

A look back at Pentecost and ahead to Africa Day

Shiphrah and Puah in the room where it happens

Ecumenical Advocacy Days Spring Summit attendees hold a prayer vigil at the Pentagon

PDA/CPJ trip to Hungary and Moldova focuses on plight of Ukrainian refugees

Presenters bring passion and scholarly analysis to Ecumenical Advocacy Days workshop

Saving both our vote and our democracy

A UKirk campus minister responds to campus protests

Unification Commission introduces its culture consultant

PC(USA) videographers, authors and communicators garner seven awards from the Associated Church Press

‘If anyone can bring the fire, it’s the people of God’

Presbyterians urged to contact their senators on initiatives that limit free speech, advocacy for Palestinian rights

General Assembly planning director takes online questions and discusses why she can hardly wait for GA226 to start next month

Report: Asian American women have fewer church leadership opportunities

‘Along the Road’ podcast: next stop General Assembly

Without passages on justice for the poor, the Bible is a very slim volume

Author and speaker Brian McLaren makes a second appearance at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church

Palestinian preacher ministers to PC(USA) national staff on Palestinian Nakba Remembrance Day

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Volunteer opportunities open overseas for young adults

Podcast explores 30 years of service by more than 1,900 Young Adult Volunteers

Rev. Dr. David Loleng promoted to Vice President at the Presbyterian Foundation

PC(USA)’s LGBTQIA+ Equity Advocacy Committee applauds United Methodist Church vote removing ban on ordaining gay clergy

Pentecost Offering sends children, youth and young adults out to change the world

Why do people migrate? What can PC(USA) faith communities do to help?

Registration for 2024 Evangelism Conference now open

Ecumenical leaders call for more action on racism and poverty

Second Presbyterian Church in Roanoke, Virginia, hosts an emotional and ecumenical dedication service on Mother’s Day

It’s not too soon to be dreaming of the upcoming Presbyterian Youth Triennium

Promoting peace: Women to speak out against U.S. military presence in South Korea

Navigating ministry along the migration route

PC(USA) campus ministry in New Orleans benefits from ecumenical partnerships

2025-26 unifying budget proposal clears its last hurdle on the way to the 226th General Assembly

La nueva red de misión de la IP (EE. UU.) empieza a trabajar con seriedad

‘She is at her most energetic when love needs to be put into action’

New PC(USA) mission network begins work in earnest

Healing the desire for truth in an age of misinformation

Around the Table initiative cohorts launch later in 2024 and in 2025

World mission and the stewardship of opportunity

The gospel from Utah

Latest webinar focuses on nationalism and Christian Zionism

Young Adult Volunteer learning how SDOP lifts up minority voices

Three PC(USA) governing bodies unanimously approve unified budget proposal

Sprunt Lectures opening worship lifts up conflict and confusion in the church

‘Princeton Seminary is just on fire right now’

The fruit of justice will be peace

The Rev. Dr. Gene March, a beloved Old Testament scholar at Louisville Seminary, dies at age 88

Three of the PC(USA)’s top officials discuss the value and the challenge of developing a unified budget proposal

Preaching that’s both prophetic and apocalyptic

Hoping for peace in Poland

Striking a balance between ‘Spirit-led’ and ‘decent and in order’

Upcoming webinar focuses on migration issues

PC(USA) partner featured in film that excoriates corporate control of US food industry

Israel/Palestine Mission Network pens letter to university leaders calling for divestment in the Holy Land

The PC(USA), A Corporation Board is briefed on 2025-26 unified budget proposal

‘A call to imagine the change we want to see’

‘Aren’t we all just holding space?’

Advisory Committee on the Constitution reports for GA226

A little anarchy might be good for us

Memphis church finds new life, ministries in storefront

James Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage set for Ghost Ranch Aug. 22-25

The PC(USA)’s Office of Public Witness signs letter urging funding restoration to UNRWA

Presbyterians show support for Moral March on Washington

Exxon’s legal actions against climate-conscious shareholders invoke PC(USA)’s response

Pentecost Offering helps bring together young adults from across the globe to change the world

‘Lean in and look up’

Strong Cities Network, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary partner to host U.S. Mayoral Retreat

World Central Kitchen resuming Gaza operations

차기 총회 정서기로 지명된 오지현 목사

La Rvda. Jihyun Oh es la candidata a la Secretaría Permanente de la Asamblea General

The Rev. Jihyun Oh is the nominee to be the next Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

Churches in Colombia work for peace and reconciliation

Four PC(USA) clergy represent the denomination at an interfaith service for seven World Central Kitchen aid workers killed in Gaza

Presbyterian pastor and activist the Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis kicks off a webinar series designed to fight poverty and racism

Georgia churches advocate for housing and health care

Heritage Sunday 2024

Faith to overcome

Is your church the right place to heal from religious trauma?

Deadline to host an International Peacemaker is fast approaching

Inter-American Human Rights Court delivers long-awaited justice for the people of La Oroya, Peru

250 churches in Northeast India burnt down

Presbybop leader and pastor Bill Carter brings his deep appreciation for jazz to the ‘A Matter of Faith’ podcast

National Faith + Climate Forum gathers more than 20 denominations and faith communities

Older Adult Ministry Week/Month begins May 5

Earth Day 2024

Going green by going solar

Grandparents take their seat ‘Around the Table’

Christian religious LGBT advocacy in Ghana

PC(USA)’s Washington Office plays key role in interfaith Earth Day Service of Celebration

First ‘Confronting Christian Zionism’ webinar draws large audience

Preschoolers at Leesburg Presbyterian Church learn the ABCs of composting

Two South Carolina presbyteries endorse Rev. Tony Larson and Rev. CeCe Armstrong for GA co-moderators

The National Council of Churches Announces ‘NCC Freedom Summer 2024’

‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’ guest explores advancing our values through our investments

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

PC(USA) podcast offers up a how-to on how to hold conversations when not everyone is on the same faith journey

The Rev. Danny Morales will stand with the Rev. Dr. Marian McClure Taylor for Co-Moderator of the 226th General Assembly

The Rev. Carolyn Winfrey Gillette produces a Creation care hymn for free use on Sunday

Pentecost Offering helps young DREAAMers dream big

Presbyterian Peacemakers, delegation visit border ministry to collaborate on migration

A Corp Board discusses changes to the Board of Pensions’ Benefits Plan

Louisville-area volunteers ‘assemble’ to support disaster-impacted communities

Front Page news

PC(USA) webinar focuses on challenges faced by Roma population

Presbyterian Church, A Corporation Board shines a light on some of the denomination’s back-office services

PHS hosts exhibit and talks on missionaries to Persia

Author and activist Brian McLaren weaves stories and prescriptions during an online conversation offered by New York Avenue Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Writers Guild’s legacy comes home to Agnes Scott College

Winner of the 2024 Grawemeyer Award in Religion speaks to an appreciative crowd at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

General Assembly Leadership Briefing concludes with a mock committee meeting that veers hilariously off the rails

The psalmist and the solar eclipse

The future of Black faith and resistance

Better leading through technology

The PC(USA)’s ‘Around the Table’ podcast looks at faithfully parenting children through different life stages

Singing and creating to prepare for totality

Young people voice their hopes for what they want the church to become

More than 130 people gather online and at the Presbyterian Center for the three-day General Assembly Leadership Briefing

Presbyterian communicators scoop up six awards from the Religion Communicators Council

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission wraps up its two-day meeting with a brief public session

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance offers how-to guide for volunteer work trips

A look back at Stillman College’s nearly 150 years of faithful service

Seeking justice and peace for Palestinians

Unification Commission selects a consultant to help it unify the Office of the General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Traveling history

A timely webinar on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza

An oasis of peace on the migration trail

Speakers offer advice on financial security and wealth building for women

Praying and paying for college

Congregations gain flexibility, choice with redesigned Benefits Plan

PC(USA) webinar on ‘Confronting Christian Zionism’ is scheduled

Like a mustard seed

‘Every Season Sacred’ author Kayla Craig joins the PC(USA)’s ‘Around the Table’ podcast

New book by John Pavlovitz is published by Westminster John Knox Press

North Carolina youth ask the important question, ‘¿Cuándo te vimos?’

Creation sings hallelujah in a cemetery

‘I’m glad someone did that for me as well’

Even as Sunday people, Christians live in a Friday-Saturday world

Easter and transgender visibility fall on the same day this year

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is recruiting National Response Team members to help communities following disasters

The PC(USA)’s Advocacy Committee for LGBTQIA+ Equity recognizes Transgender Day of Visibility

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) representatives join Global Partners Roundtable in Buenos Aires

Embodying Easter in a Waynesboro, Pennsylvania laundromat

Acting Stated Clerk joins 140 other Christian leaders calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and a halt of arms sales to Israel

‘The devil is in our doctrine,’ lecturer tells Princeton Theological Seminary

‘The devil in our doctrine,’ lecturer tells Princeton Theological Seminary

The intersections of disaster response, self-development and hunger alleviation

Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network conference aims to lift up ‘the new face of aging’

Utah’s Presbyterian churches prepare to welcome attendees to the 226th General Assembly

Easter prayer service for Myanmar set for Saturday

Exposing trafficking networks in Madagascar

The PC(USA) church that became a library

Author speaks to the value of naming and reclaiming women’s stories from the gospels

Webinar explores challenges faced by Roma population

‘It’s hard work and it’s not always simple work, but it’s important work’

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) webinar brings out important election issues for 2024

Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar looks at real faith in a sinful world

2024 PHS research grants awarded

Caring for people on the move

Seminary professor holds an online Old Testament treasure hunt

Regarding Ruling Elders celebrates 10th anniversary

Presbyterians celebrate their inner child on Mister Rogers Day

The Rev. Grace Choon Kim, who served the PC(USA) for more than 30 years, dies at home in California

From Plato’s ‘The Cave’ to the 21st century lawful execution of criminal convicts, even children

New Way podcast explores how to be in a relationship worth repairing

We live in volatile times

One Great Hour of Sharing brings hope and healing to the most vulnerable

How we conceive of God can contribute to a number of crimes and sins, including sexual abuse

New PC(USA) mission network launches this week

Marchers undertake a brief pilgrimage to urge for a ceasefire in Gaza

World Mission’s Africa Area Coordinator discusses the value of education, especially for girls

‘Along the Road’: new releases

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김'의 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Union Theological Seminary honors one of its most gifted graduates, the Rev. Dr. Gay Byron

Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People shares transformational stories with the 68th Commission on the Status of Women

Loving our enemies is not only possible — it’s what Jesus requires of us

Visiting the lowlands of Louisiana gives Presbyterians first-hand view of climate change

Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries to host Narcan webinar

Presbyterian delegate gets to question UN Secretary-General at town hall

Acting Stated Clerk offers up the Tuesday sermon at the 68th Commission on the Status of Women

‘Faith gets lived out in the world’

Stewardship Navigator portal celebrates five years of growth and success

The Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Stony Point Center to host housing crisis symposium


New York minister promotes loving as God and Jesus did to empower women

Leading with a purpose

‘Everything Good about God is True: Choosing Faith’ author Bruce Reyes-Chow is the guest on a new podcast

Board of Pensions’ Board of Directors approves a redesigned Benefits Plan for the PC(USA)

‘We must speak up, speak loudly, speak together and speak always to transform our societies’

MRTI committee approves ‘Shareholder Resolutions Directory with Proxy Voting Recommendations’

Presbyterian delegation to the 68th Commission on the Status of Women convenes at New York City’s Church of the Covenant

The PC(USA)’s advocacy director is named Union Presbyterian Seminary’s distinguished alum for 2024

A call to prayer for the people of Haiti

The church as community organizer

The Presbyterian Foundation’s Anita Clemons announces her retirement

Presbyterian pastor preaches on a proverbial prototype

Ethical values and themes in 2023 Oscar-nominated films

Rick Jones named director of the PC(USA)’s unifying communications ministries

Columbia Theological Seminary awarded Climate Science in Theological Education grant

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship launches new Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit

Schedule finalized for Congo Mission Network conference

Two South Carolina pastors announce they will stand for co-moderators of the 226th General Assembly

Excitement grows as PC(USA) and Presbyterian Women’s joint delegation heads to New York for the UN Commission on the Status of Women

Embodying kindness on the streets of Las Vegas

Ecumenical Advocacy Days to host summit in Washington, D.C., May 17–19

For the past decade, Presbyterian Hunger Program has partnered with a Gaza organization working on food security

That’s a RAP

PC(USA), regional and international partners advocate for continued collaboration at ‘People on the Move’ gathering in Rome

Three PC(USA) pastors in Mission Presbytery share candidly in a webinar on isolation and loneliness

Union Presbyterian Seminary welcomes a new vice president for Strategy and Institutional Effectiveness

‘Connecting the Dots’ webinar examines living on an island used for decades by the US military for bombing practice

African American Leaders and Congregations Collecting Initiative

What does Lithuania have to teach us about war?

Members of the ‘Solidarity with the Suffering’ delegation share what they saw and heard during their eight days in Palestine-Israel

Denver teenager adds welcome ‘drama’ to 2025 Presbyterian Youth Triennium Production Team

Trinity Presbytery’s Vital Congregations Coordinator says older Presbyterians have plenty of wisdom to share

In the footsteps of the Queen of Sheba

Acting Stated Clerk looks ahead to her remaining time in office

Presbyterian pastor and organizer Liz Theoharis speaks during the fourth and final installment of studying ‘Poverty, by America’

The PC(USA)’s One Great Hour of Sharing gifts help to foster resiliency, self-reliance and hope in hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico

A Presbyterian chaplain who’s also a pharmacist joins a podcast to talk about health and spiritual care for Native Americans

Westminster Presbyterian Church forum explores opportunities and barriers for building Black wealth

Interfaith Power & Light names two PC(USA) churches as Cool Congregations for 2024

Registration open for the PC(USA)’s Young Adult Advocacy Conference

Through a lens: Black History Month

The PC(USA) celebrates the gifts of women

Experience the highlights of the PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 Summit

A scholar stops by the PC(USA)’s ‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’ to discuss what needs to change in higher education

Chicago’s Alliance for Community Services advocates for disabled people and families struggling to make ends meet

The PC(USA)’s Special Offerings director takes a page from ‘Lennox Hill’ during Wednesday’s Chapel service

Living Waters for the World launches full-church mission curriculum at APCE conference

Bethesda Presbyterian Church in Gaffney, South Carolina, hosts a Black History Month concert

A quartet of PC(USA) scholars and preachers offers up a how-to on preaching hope this Easter

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly recommends Milwaukee as site for 227th General Assembly

Calling for a stop to the destruction of Gaza

Presbyterians Today article, panel explore pastoral isolation and burnout

The PC(USA)’s denomination-wide book study gets explicit on solutions for ending poverty

PC(USA)’s Unification Commission outlines its work to date in its report to the 226th General Assembly

Archives sneak peek: Florence Helen Ray Boyes papers

Presbytery of San Fernando celebrates 55 new worshiping communities in 55 years

Ambitious school growth, new funding models the focus for Congo conference speakers

Synod of the Covenant preaching webinar invites us to join those present for the wedding at Cana

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김'의 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders (Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes): Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Stories of hope and empowerment highlighted in 2024 SDOP Resource & Yearbook

Stories of hope and empowerment highlighted in 2024 SDOP Sunday Resource & Yearbook

Longtime presbytery leader the Rev. Edward D. Gehres, Jr. dies at 82

Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar explores what it will take to slow the devastating effects of climate change

South Carolina group helps Black farmers to fight historical inequities

Meeting people where they are on Ash Wednesday

Presbyterian Writers Guild endowment to benefit Agnes Scott College’s Center for Writing and Speaking

PC(USA) partnership gives away more than 4,800 copies of family-friendly book of psalms

Bronwen Boswell reaches midpoint of her term with the Office of the General Assembly

The PC(USA)’s group studying ‘Poverty, by America’ isn’t deterred by technology gremlins

Gifts to the PC(USA)’s One Great Hour of Sharing help Middle East Council of Churches restore hope and health to Syria’s most vulnerable

Presbyterian Women begins its third annual Justice & Peace Book Discussion Group

Louisville Seminary’s Spring Convocation takes a loving look at how children learn about faith

Say ‘yes’ to the community

PC(USA) governance groups to begin a conversation on the future of the Presbyterian Center

The PC(USA)’s Disability Concerns Consultants help people overcome barriers to full participation in church

The gentle ‘sole’ behind the PC(USA)’s Gracie

Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis offers up Michele Norris to share six words on race

PC(USA) congregation in Minneapolis co-creates a healing space with sex-trafficked neighbors

‘Along the Road’ shares 50th episode

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board learns more about Matthew 25 plans and the fighting in Gaza

The PC(USA)’s Special Offerings will be pared from four to three under a proposal approved by the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board

Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility welcomes Princeton Theological Seminary

PC(USA) launches Lenten resource webpage

OGA In Focus: building a culture of philanthropy

Matthew 25 book study on ‘Poverty, by America’ draws more than 260 people — and the author of the best-seller

After its sanctuary is burned by an arsonist in 2020, a PC(USA) church in Springfield, Massachusetts works to rebuild

PC(USA)’s Mission Responsibility Through Investment continues to fight for reproductive justice

New Castle Presbytery sponsors life-changing field trip for young adults in Guatemala

Costen, Rigby selected for the PC(USA)’s Excellence in Theological Education Awards

PC(USA) camp partners with land trust to conserve nearly 300 acres in Colorado

APCE Annual Event workshop resonates with the experience of seasoned church educators

Your photos tell your story

PC(USA) delegation reflects on global climate summit and looks to the future

Taking the ‘plunge’ to improve basic sanitation and hygiene worldwide

Shelton Bishop Waters and the African American Leaders Series

APCE Annual Event includes an animal-themed workshop

‘Creating a Culture of Repair’ from the PC(USA)’s Westminster John Knox Press will be available in April

APCE Annual Event workshop offers a how-to on retreat planning

PC(USA) colleagues celebrate Jewel McRae’s 37 years of denominational service

Action Alert asks Presbyterians to advocate for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid for Gaza

The PC(USA)’s Daily Prayer app gets a big update

APCE Annual Event preacher: Reconnecting with our joy is vital for Christian educators

Free devotional marks 40 years of PC(USA) Peacemaking

The Presbyterian Foundation’s Lee Hinson-Hasty is named Union Presbyterian Seminary’s next Vice President for Advancement

Multi-congregational and multicultural church in Colorado is a model for the PC(USA)

A trio of accomplished Christian educators honored during APCE’s Annual Event

Resources and networking opportunities abound at APCE Christian Formation luncheon

The PC(USA)’s Acting Stated Clerk shares her thinking on helping congregations and mid councils navigate change

APCE’s Friday worship service features a look at the Children and Worship model

One snowy night in Oregon

Creating and ‘holding’ space for neurodivergent people is the theme of an APCE workshop

APCE talk is peppered with tales of feeling lost and abandoned

APCE preacher: Radical love can revive us like rain brings the desert back to life

Office of the General Assembly takes steps to show support for immigrant Presbyterians

Special Committee to write a new confession

APCE keynoter says stories can save us, and he weaves a few to explain how

Gracie the fish makes a big splash at APCE Annual Event

Presbyterian pastor’s take on the Good Samaritan highlights opening worship at APCE’s Annual Event

Popular author and speaker Mark Yaconelli calls forth compelling testimonies from attendees at the 2024 APCE Annual Event

Attendees of the PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 Summit report the gathering’s positive impact

PC(USA) Hunger Program associate analyzes Gaza’s worsening humanitarian crisis

'Growing and vibrant'

The PC(USA)’s ‘Trouble the Water’ docuseries to receive wider release

Board of Pensions President elected vice chair of Church Benefits Association board

The PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 Being Connected events can help maintain momentum from last week’s summit

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Fred Rogers Institute to offer one-year post-doctoral fellowship in theology and ministry

The Rev. Frank Diaz, who led the General Assembly Council during the 1990s, dies at age 90

PC(USA) employees lead workshops and discussions during Rome conference on migrant and refugee justice

Stated Clerk of the General Assembly candidate interviews

The PC(USA)’s favorite film critic selects his top 10 movies for 2023

Palestinian Lutheran pastor galvanizes Matthew 25 Summit on closing day

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission takes in reports, including efforts to join communications ministries

Peacemakers coming from near and far in 2024 to visit and inform the PC(USA)

‘C’mon, church! Won’t you dream?’

The Rev. Dr. William Yoo explores the Matthew 25 church that never was and the one we have today

Innovative worship opens second day of the PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 Summit

Presbyterian ethics professors mark major transitions

The Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis entreats Presbyterians to organize to end poverty

The PC(USA)’s first-ever Matthew 25 Summit opens with powerful and prophetic preaching

Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Now processed: Presbyterian Peacemaking Program records

To celebrate MLK Day weekend, New York Avenue Presbyterian Church hears from one of the nation’s great preachers

Westminster John Knox Press publishes ‘Wounded Pastors’ by Carol Howard and James Fenimore

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship hosts webinar featuring an authority on Bayard Rustin, the organizing genius behind the March on Washington

Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry Network points to a fascinating online word study on aging

Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry Network offers a fascinating online word study on aging

Look out, PC(USA) preachers! Lent’s coming

A ‘merry band’ of Presbyterian believers in Rochester solve their ‘edifice complex’

PC(USA) pastor shares her experience with intentional pastoral transitions

180-day deadlines for General Assembly reached

Register for free online PC(USA) book study of ‘Poverty, by America’

PC(USA) Chapel Service preacher: ‘Thank God for the midwives!’

The PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 Summit aims for intention and impact

Dr. Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., is the guest on Union Presbyterian Seminary’s ‘Seeking Shalom’ webinar

Equipping Congo’s youth is goal of upcoming PC(USA) conference

Religious News Service digitization project update

Westminster John Knox Press is releasing two new Lenten titles this month

PC(USA) church in Iowa embodies Matthew 25 across generations

‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’ looks at raising kids beyond the binary

A Presbyterian pastor finds hope and direction in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Epiphany traditions awaken sense of wonder across the PC(USA)

Church Leadership Connection set to launch additional updates for presbyteries and call-seekers

The Hunger and Inclusion Advocate for the Presbytery of San Jose penned a pair of books during the pandemic

‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’ looks to help people who have been burned by religion

OGA In Focus: Administration as ministry

Historic African American PC(USA) church to host Matthew 25 Summit

Presbyterian podcast looks at the harmful effects of church patriarchy

Zephyr Point Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center prepares for its Centennial Celebration

Korean CREDO conference provides a safe space for PC(USA) pastors to share

PC(USA) podcast examines the joys and challenges of ecumenical campus ministry

A Christmas Message from the Stated Clerk

We are there

‘Christ in the Rubble’ service from Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem draws a large online crowd

Retired pastor thanks the PC(USA)’s Christmas Joy Offering and Board of Pensions for providing invaluable support

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission appoints a task force to help it prepare for the upcoming General Assembly

PC(USA) congregation in Iowa lives out Matthew 25 with All God’s Creatures and prisoners

Presbyterian News Service to take a break for the remainder of 2023

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A monthly series for serving faithfully

PC(USA) celebrates 50 years of Mission Responsibility Through Investment

Survey to help Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) determine its carbon footprint

The Rev. Dr. Beth McCaw named Dean of University of Dubuque Theological Seminary

Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation receives $1.25M grant to launch pastoral residency program

The Clifton Kirkpatrick Oral History Project

Robert S. Hay Jr. to join the staff of Columbia Theological Seminary

$1.25 Million Grant will help fund a University of Dubuque Theological Seminary initiative to revitalize small churches

A PC(USA) contingent in Dubai shares some of their thoughts as COP28 draws to a close

Presbyterian Investment & Loan President & CEO Jim Rissler reflects on a calling marked by innovation and friendships

A commissioned ruling elder from Kendall Presbytery tells his faith story on ‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’

This month in Presbyterian history: December

The PC(USA)’s ‘Being Matthew 25: Summit Edition’ airs its final installment ahead of the Jan. 16-18 gathering

OGA In Focus: Being a connectional church

PC(USA) webinar touches on multiple aspects of Israel-Palestine crisis

Transgender author and activist Raquel Willis shares insight and inspiration with the Westminster Town Hall Forum

‘Along the Road’ podcasts: recent and upcoming episodes

Christmas Joy Offering helps Menaul students grow strong in mind, body and spirit

COP28 pledges not enough to limit warming to 1.5C

Deadline for Stated Clerk applications approaching

New York Avenue Presbyterian Church hosts columnist who cites three commandments for Christians in politics

University of Dubuque Theological Seminary receives $500,000 grant to support clergy coaching

First Spanish Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn welcomes asylum seekers, who become regular worshipers

Scholar focusing on God’s human qualities wins Grawemeyer religion prize

The PC(USA)’s New Way podcast explores how church and home can be courageous spaces

The PC(USA)’s advocacy director is among faith leaders attending a White House meeting on seeking peace in Gaza

COP28 reaches a midpoint

Traducciones del Libro de Orden en coreano y español

한국어와 스페인어 규례서

Book of Order translations in Korean and Spanish

Practicing what she preaches

PC(USA) mission co-workers sound the alarm over increased fighting, atrocities in Sudan

Presbyterian Hunger Program partners flee violence in Gaza

Clare Lewis named President and Chief Executive Officer of the Presbyterian Investment & Loan Program

The theology and practice of ordination

Guests tell Between 2 Pulpits how the PC(USA)’s Christmas Joy Offering helps institutions and individuals to thrive

Presbyterian Giving Catalog thanks its year-end piglet donors with limited edition ‘Little Piggy Tote Bag’

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance director: This little piggy went to a Haitian family in the Dominican Republic …

PC(USA) webinar seeks clarity on Israel-Palestine crisis

Christmas Joy Offering helps a retired PC(USA) mission worker find her home

Presbyterian educator sees everything that churches do as part of their teaching ministry

‘Leading by listening: Ruling elders and Presbyterian polity’

Presbyterian hymn writer pens ‘Now There Is War’

The Presbyterian Foundation’s ‘Leading Theologically’ focuses on God’s sufficiency

Charlotte’s Myers Park Presbyterian Church celebrates 75 years of ministry in Congo

Presbytery of Milwaukee helps congregations’ vitality to shine

Matthew 25 field trips open imagination for the Presbytery of Boise

Author and scholar Dr. William Yoo previews the talk he’ll deliver at the PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 Summit

Thanks to grants, more than 40 PC(USA) new worshiping communities will get technology upgrades

OGA In Focus: Seeking God’s call in ministry

A Presbyterian in the US Senate who answers to a higher calling

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Iowa City chooses like-minded neighbors to help live out the gospel

New CEO brings 20 years’ experience in international nonprofit leadership and development to the PC(USA)’s Ghost Ranch

Minnesota’s only Black-led PC(USA) church addresses the opportunity gap for Black youth

This month in Presbyterian history: November

Church of Scotland’s Moderator of the General Assembly takes a turn on ‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’

PC(USA) podcast explores the difficulties of modern-day ministry

Join the #GivingTuesday movement on Nov. 28

Global climate talks begin Nov. 30 in Dubai

An All Souls’ Day commemoration remembers the names of incarcerated women

Presbyterian caucus denounces Florida’s anti-immigrant law

Davis & Elkins College, a PC(USA)-affiliated institution, receives $5 million gift to construct new residential facility

Check out the Presbyterian connection in the Netflix film ‘Rustin’

Dean Lewis and the Advisory Council on Church and Society

Presbyterian Center hosts a special screening of ‘1963-Still: Same Shot’

The PC(USA)’s Christmas Joy Offering helps mother-daughter duo find success at Stillman College

The PC(USA)’s ‘Between 2 Pulpits’ podcast takes a look at the story behind the Special Offerings stories

Heads of US churches and church-based organizations call for immediate ceasefire

PC(USA) Advent resource speaks in the language of many hearts

Presbyterian Hunger Program joins about 150 people praying for Oak Flat in Arizona

Committee, financial and presidential reports round out the final day of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation Board meeting

The wisdom of a digital worshiping community that is ‘church adjacent’

Following wildfires, team from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) visits Hawaii

PC(USA) introduces Advent resource webpage

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation Board hears upbeat reports on generosity and technology

Presbyterian Office of Public Witness advocates for Congress to assist families in ‘urgent need of economic stability’

Inspired by Matthew 25, Iowa PC(USA) church focuses on its community

R. Gustav Niebuhr, distinguished Presbyterian journalist and academic, dies at age 68

PC(USA) mid-council moderators embrace ideas for holding purposeful meetings

The changing religious landscape

Womanist Advent devotional to tackle issues of faith and justice

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Considering equity while moderating and leading

PC(USA) workshop explores thinking, praying and living the faith

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance teaching a humble approach to volunteerism

Presbyterian Giving Catalog thanks its piglet donors with limited edition ‘Little Piggy Tote Bag’

Co-Moderators of the 225th General Assembly have time of reflection at Moderators’ Conference

More than just governance

Giving Tuesday funds to support 226th General Assembly

PC(USA) launches new Israel-Palestine resource page

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission learns more about how communications ministries will be combined

The PC(USA)’s mid council moderators who recently said yes to God’s call hear from one who heard that same message in 2022

Columbia Seminary professor: Accessible worship is ‘what God’s future feels like’

PC(USA)’s ‘TikTok Pastor’ engages 287,400 followers in a ‘safe, translatable’ way, says Denver’s lead presbyter

Presbytery of Philadelphia is awarded a $1.25 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.

PC(USA) travel study seminar to explore ‘Legacies and Lessons’ of the civil rights movement

Film screening coming to the Presbyterian Center

This weekend, Westminster Presbyterian Church in Nashville celebrates 150 years of ministry

Presbytery of Greater Atlanta shows its marks of vitality

Presbytery of the Pacific’s Mission Catalyst preaches on living the Matthew 25 imperative by seeing Christ ‘in his most distressing disguise’

Presbyterian Mission Agency ministries authorize funds to support relief efforts in Israel-Palestine

Rob Fohr joins Presbyterian Foundation as Vice President of Strategic Alignment, Mid Council Relations

Rachel Carson: Care for Creation

New resource from the PC(USA)’s Peacemaking Program and World Mission encourages congregations toward solidarity with Ukraine

Synod of the Covenant workshop helps preachers convey ‘exilic hope’ in the climate crisis

PC(USA) pastor in San Francisco garners one of five Jefferson Awards given last month during a ceremony in New York City

Grant will help Union Presbyterian Seminary grow its ‘The Bridge for Early Career Preachers’ program

The PC(USA)’s Synod of the Covenant is awarded a $1.25 million grant from the Lilly Endowment

PDA’s newest volunteer host site commissioned in Mississippi

Finding God in the mountains while on a paddleboard

Free registration for APCE’s online Annual Event in Spanish now open

‘Along the Road’ podcasts: new ‘Nourish’ and ‘Encounter’ episodes

PC(USA)-affiliated camp and retreat center receives grant to launch day camp in Indiana

Matthew 25 workshop shows how to stand alongside international partners for the long term

Militarism Working Group offers Veterans Day resources

A unexpected visit from dad and an insight by a visiting scholar highlight the All Saints’ Day message for the PC(USA)’s national staff

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship announces its new executive director

Washington office of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) calls for ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Israel-Palestine

Daughter-father duo, both with roots in a PC(USA) congregation, earn recognition for advocating for gender inclusivity within the Boy Scouts of America

New Westminster John Knox Press book sheds a light on sexual exploitation in the Bible

This month in Presbyterian history: October

The PC(USA)’s Board of Pensions releases its Board Bulletin for fall 2023

The Rev. Dr. Tim Hart-Andersen offers up his final sermon at Westminster Presbyterian Church

Author Sarah Augustine’s talk culminates a five-week online book study convened by the Presbyterian Hunger Program

Remembering the victims in Lewiston, Maine mass shooting

PC(USA)’s ‘New Way’ podcast features online faith leaders in a new series on technology

Nurturing Matthew 25 hope in the Heart of Africa

The Rev. Anthony Jermaine Ross-Allam, director of the PC(USA)’s Center for the Repair of Historic Harms, discusses how to wake up to what God gave us

New Covenant Trust Co. announces Angela Duffy as President and CEO

Columbia Theological Seminary receives $1.25 million grant to establish the Columbia Preachers Studio for Renewal

A PC(USA) podcast culminates with the Matthew 25 vision as a whole

The director of the PC(USA)’s Center for the Repair of Historic Harms makes a pitch to attend the Matthew 25 Summit

The PC(USA)’s Young Adult Advocacy Conference concludes with a silent march lamenting gun violence

OGA in Focus: mixing historical research with a passion for helping people

Young adults at the PC(USA)’s ‘Jesus & Justice’ conference learn the basics of education advocacy

From white Jesus to Hispanic stereotyping, the PC(USA)’s Young Adult Advocacy Conference took on tough issues

Presbyteries’ Cooperative Committee on Examinations for Candidates October consultation

God’s love abounds

Hunger advocacy at home and abroad are topics of the PC(USA)’s ‘Jesus & Justice’ Conference workshop

#GivingTuesday on Nov. 28 will celebrate the collective power of Presbyterian generosity

Westminster John Knox Press publishes ‘Out of Focus,’ a story of sexuality, shame and toxic evangelicalism

The PC(USA)’s Young Adult Advocacy Conference features a workshop on gender justice

Rooted and grounded in God

PC(USA) Co-Moderator champions advocacy as a divine calling during the 'Jesus and Justice' conference for young adults

The PC(USA)’s advocacy director: ‘We have had church tonight!’

A PC(USA) partner in Guatemala shows its support for new possibilities following the election of a reform-minded president

Hospital bombing in Gaza Strip draws strong reactions from General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations

Seed fund from Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) will benefit mid councils, congregations and other entities

PC(USA)-related camp fosters healing for survivors of school violence

Three scholars headline Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar on Pope Francis’ ‘Laudate Deum’

PC(USA) faith formation leaders discuss recruiting and resourcing volunteers

Presbyterian ethicist and eco-justice advocate the Rev. Dr. Dieter T. Hessel dies at 87

Katie Geneva Cannon digital collection celebration

Columbia Seminary preaching professor explores both Bible testaments from A through Z

Crises in Afghanistan and Libya draw humanitarian response from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and its partners

A multiplicity of voices in Minneapolis

PC(USA)’s Synod of the Covenant offers up LaRue’s clues for preaching

Registration for a PC(USA) Matthew 25 online workshop now open

Bequeath more than tangible assets with an ethical will, suggests a Stewardship Kaleidoscope speaker

Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

A chapel packed with well-wishers inaugurates and installs Princeton Seminary’s president, the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Lee Walton

First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia commemorates 325 years

‘Giving Wall’ helps Texas congregation scale new heights in generosity

Presbyterian ruling elder notes that Jesus spoke freely about money

Dr. Stacy Davis to join Westminster John Knox Press

Unification Commission greenlights uniting the communications ministries of three PC(USA) entities

Like MLK before him, the Rev. Dr. Jerry Cannon urges Presbyterians to be more like thermostats and less like thermometers

Columbia Theological Seminary president focuses on reframing stewardship with abundance and grace

Acting Stated Clerk condemns violence between Israel and Hamas

Presbyterian leader from Zimbabwe does the math for mid council leaders attending the Polity, Benefits and Mission Conference

PC(USA) workshop explores evangelism and ministry in the 21st century

Registration now open for the 2024 annual event of the Association of Partners in Christian Education

Changing benefits for a changing church

Presbyterian panel relates two compelling Matthew 25 stories

The PC(USA)’s Office of the General Assembly offers up a sneak peek at GA226

Presbyterians hear ideas about how to innovate around their properties to better serve their communities

Liturgy around stewardship requires deeper understanding of what we have to share, says Stewardship Kaleidoscope speaker

PC(USA) Co-Moderator tells conference-goers to listen for stories from footnotes and the margins

The PC(USA)’s mission partners echo concerns and lament the loss of life in Gaza

OGA In Focus: Ministry Leadership Development

PC(USA) delegation rights a historic wrong in Juneau, Alaska

People of color adorn stained-glass windows at First Presbyterian Church in Kewanee, Illinois

Stewardship Kaleidoscope speakers: Sound financial practices are key to good stewardship in churches

Reformation Sunday resources for Oct. 29

Presbyterians join many faith organizations to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day

New hymn written to support One Home One Future, a Creation care campaign joined by the PC(USA)

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board votes to create a task force to study clergy pay equity, staffing barriers for small congregations

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board grapples with steps it can take to eradicate systemic poverty

Family faith formation leaders in the PC(USA) gather around the table

Stewardship Kaleidoscope speaker: Good planned giving program is a ministry

Princeton Theological Seminary expands online offerings and grows its community of lifelong learners

El pueblo presbiteriano se reúne con delegación cubana durante las conversaciones de alto nivel de la ONU

Acting Stated Clerk of the General Assembly to deliver apology in Juneau

Stewarding grief: PC(USA) pastor shares hard-won insights

The PC(USA)’s Christian Formation Collective sees the forest for the trees

Presbyterians meet with Cuban delegation during UN High Level Talks

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board joins online for a full and rich day

The PC(USA)’s newly formed White Ally Network convenes in Charlotte, North Carolina

Progressive Asian American Christians co-founder discuses how and why the group helps support its growing community

Help Wanted: Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

Acting Stated Clerk urges churches to share the expanded love of Christ

Once Advent comes and goes, Presbyterians can pause for Lent by spending time with the psalms

Stewardship Kaleidoscope speaker: Getting to the ‘why’ of stewardship motivates giving

Marian McClure Taylor wants to put her ‘encourager’ skills to work across the PC(USA)

Presbyterians join 28 partners standing together to care for Creation

The PC(USA)’s Jinishian Memorial Program describes the displaced persons crisis unfolding in Armenia

Stewardship Kaleidoscope workshop offers up ways to gather fundraising information

The Rev. Dr. Victor Aloyo of Columbia Seminary: We’re moving forward with the perspective of grace and abundance, not fear and scarcity

The call of Matthew 25 is heard in distant lands

Presbytery of the Miami Valley, Colombian presbytery celebrate decades of mission-based connection

Presbyterian Foundation webinar: non-cash gifts go further when donating to your church or ministry

Bronwen Boswell joins church women who led the way

Presbyterian Hunger Program to distribute $1.1 million in grants

The PC(USA)’s Education Roundtable urges Presbyterians to support and protect public education

Acting Stated Clerk reflects on first few months on the job

Presbyterian mission co-workers: Interfaith dialog center a safe space for all faith followers

Presbyterians can make the most of their church's mini capital campaign

Presbyterian Mission Agency president and executive director takes to the airwaves to discuss the upcoming Matthew 25 Summit

Special Offerings’ Between 2 Pulpits podcast makes a return engagement

The Rev. Wilson Kennedy begins work leading the PC(USA)’s Special Offerings and Appeals

A PC(USA) partner and human rights advocate works diligently for native country against great odds

This Month in Presbyterian History: September

A Presbyterian scientist makes the case for climate justice

Exposing the moral and migrational implications of climate change

Presbyterian Publishing launches a new Advent book on hospitality

Presbyterians for Earth Care wraps up its hybrid conference with a call to give heed to voices too often disregarded

Presbyterians for Earth Care honors a community garden organizer and an educator

A classic board game offers up a teachable moment for Presbyterians for Earth Care

Sermon during Presbyterians for Earth Care conference hints we’re living in ‘such a time as this’

Supporting younger migrants and their communities

Stellar preaching and insightful Bible study open Presbyterians for Earth Care conference

International Peacemakers welcomed and commissioned for service during program in Louisville, Kentucky

'Along the Road’ season two

The PC(USA) is immersed in the UN General Assembly this week in New York

South Presbyterian Church in Rochester, New York, celebrates the decision to sell its building to focus on faithful acts

Missouri congregation ‘gives away the farm’

The PC(USA)'s Call to Worship journal launches a new website with more digital content

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) webinar to explore ways to protect public education

Co-Moderator memories from the Montreat Youth Conferences

Matthew 25 congregations in the PC(USA) take action against structural racism

The PC(USA)’s Mid Council Ministries director looks at how a connectional church works

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission discusses what it’s learned through its extensive consultations

A joyous and musical celebration of life for a PC(USA) gem, Dr. Melva Wilson Costen

Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

NFL superstar Micah Parsons scores big for a PC(USA) congregation in California

A PC(USA) pastor who knows how to ask good questions of the church

Prominent PC(USA) leaders among special guests coming to Young Adult Advocacy Conference in Louisville

Tragedy in Libya

COGA ponders legacy as attention turns to unification

Sermon series at Brentwood Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles invites Taylor Swift to help tell the good news of Jesus Christ

OGA In Focus: Allison Davis

Remembering Melva Costen

COGA signs off on latest draft docket for the 226th General Assembly

The story of Bruce Klunder

Presbyterian hymnwriter pens anniversary hymns for congregations marking milestones

Presbyterian Hunger Program helps put on a summit focused on food systems and urban agriculture

‘Weaving the Food Web’ summit attendees see educational and agricultural operations up close

Boswell urges Presbyterians to remember victims/survivors of Morocco earthquake

Special Committee on Standing Rules wants to hear from you

Author of a book on dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery appears on the PC(USA)’s ‘A Matter of Faith’ podcast

PC(USA) celebrates 40 years of the Commitment to Peacemaking during 2023 Season of Peace

‘New Way’ podcast covers meditation, cannabis ministry and breaking capitalism’s clutch on Christianity

‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’ looks at upstream ways for ending gun violence

Columbia Theological Seminary announces grant recipients in its ReKindle Congregational Development Program

The PC(USA)’s Connecting the Dots webinar updates viewers on Colombia’s peace process

Westminster Presbyterian Church uses hunger action work to address cost of living issues in Madison

Senatobia Presbyterian Church celebrates 175 years

Liberty Community Church in Minneapolis is using the PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 invitation to bring healing to its neighborhood

Registration now open for the first Matthew 25 Summit

Presbyterian delegation visits Colombia

PC(USA) partner discusses ministering on the margins in Madagascar

The PC(USA)’s Westminster John Knox Press publishes a spiritual travel book

… a path forward is starting to take shape …

Presbyterians for Earth Care offers up a webinar on sustainable transportation

Webinars assist full-time church employees with their education debt

Presbyterians building partnerships for protest and resistance in Louisville

PHS welcomes new senior co-editor

Presbyterian Youth Triennium production team applications open until Sept. 30

Presbyterian film critic: ‘Oppenheimer’ draws cautionary lessons from the Bible and other ancient texts

Hurricane Idalia threatens multiple presbyteries as it pummels Florida and other areas

OGA in Focus: Nancy Taylor

The PC(USA)’s Research Services offers a survey questionnaire on the disparity experiences of Black women, girls and gender nonconformists

Perhaps vulnerability is what God was looking for …

Matthew 25 workshop speakers promote ‘people power’ as a way to fight poverty

‘She speaks’ seeks to center women’s voices on the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington

Church Leadership Connected

Presbyterian response to Maui wildfires continues

Building ramps toward belonging: tools for PC(USA) leaders and volunteers

The PC(USA)’s Young Adult Volunteers learn from a panel of Louisville leaders

First Presbyterian Church Near Ely, Iowa, sets its missional sights on Ukraine

YAV alums and others in the PC(USA) join to commission the 2023-24 class of Young Adult Volunteers

International Peacemaker from Cuba to share stories of hope, support and resilience

Registration open for Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association conference Nov. 12-17

Thursday’s Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation Board meeting includes a sunny financial report

A PC(USA) interagency delegation is heading to Juneau, Alaska, to listen and learn

What if?

Want to push for more justice? The PC(USA)’s Samantha Davis has ways to make that happen

60 Years Since '63 March on Washington

On the eve of Ukraine’s Independence Day, Presbyterians pray and lament the awful aftermath of the Russian invasion

‘Oppenheimer’ sets all eyes on Ghost Ranch

Presbyterians urged to contact Congress on reauthorizing the Farm Bill

New York Avenue Presbyterian Church continues its discussion on moral injury

PC(USA) hymnwriter celebrates resourceful Hebrew midwives and laments the dangers immigrants face

Free books available to equip faith formation in PC(USA) readers at home

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission sets July 1, 2025, as the date for unifying the Presbyterian Mission Agency and the Office of the General Assembly

Book study by Presbyterian Hunger Program and partners to focus on dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery

Westminster Presbyterian Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, holds a ‘service of service’

COGA recommends delaying agency review process by two years

Intergenerational Creation care, solar eclipse event planned for Presbyterians in 2024

Ya está abierta la inscripción al seminario web «Connecting the Dots» de la IP (EE. UU.)

PC(USA)’s ‘Connecting the Dots’ webinar registration now open

Mid-Kentucky Presbytery churches help Kentuckians eliminate more than $4.5 million in medical debt

Justice as a faith connection

Next of the PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 workshops to feature the Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins and more

PC(USA) workshop explores how vital congregations can thrive within the Matthew 25 framework

The Rev. Dr. John Goodman, appreciated as a volunteer at PC(USA) General Assemblies for his knowledge of polity, dies at 81

Bill Craig, part of a fifth-generation family at Siloam Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, is remembered for a life well lived

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a las personas ordenadas como ancianas gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

This Month in Presbyterian History: August

Dr. Anna Carter Florence has a how-to for Presbyterians who want to go beyond the lexicon’s scripture passages

Dr. Anna Carter Florence has a how-to for Presbyterians who want to go beyond the lectionary’s scripture passages

Presbyterian Youth Triennium shares resources and talks up formation of its 2025 production team

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and the Presbytery of the Pacific respond to deadly fires on Maui

Synod of the Covenant webinar explores a third model for preachers

Presbyterians and their friends gather under the Tent of Make Believe

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary names new vice president for its Office of Philanthropy & Stewardship

A Tuesday webinar will focus on Congregational Vitality

A day, a week or a month: Churches take time to launch the PC(USA)’s Christian Formation program year

Co-Moderators name special committee on the PC(USA) and race

International Peacemaker hopes visit will plant seeds to strengthen the bond between churches

Over the years, a 15-member PC(USA) congregation in Tennessee has given $40,000 to help God’s children access clean water

Presbyterian Mission co-worker Jim McGill says he’s grateful for prayers and concerns after being evacuated from Niger last week following the coup

PC(USA) chapel service focuses on Wednesday’s observance of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

OGA In Focus: Connecting with Presbyterians through church statistics

Theology program for incarcerated women answers the PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 call

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary will hold its 2023 Presler Virtual Lecture on Sept. 13

A climate scientist makes a clear case for climate change during a Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar

‘What would God have me do?’: a conversation with Shavon Starling-Louis

Human trafficking victim supported by PC(USA) prayers and gifts receives first family visit in four years

The good, the bad and the in-between as depicted by Hollywood actors and biblical authors

Nearly six centuries after being burned at the stake, Joan of Arc reaches forward with lessons for Synod School students

Salvadoran with passion for collaborating with PC(USA) to serve as International Peacemaker

Mission co-worker evacuated from Niger on State Department recommendation

Synod School class helps nearly 60 participants hear Jesus’ parables the way his original hearers did

Service brings human side of Korean stalemate to light

Restorative Actions explains to Synod School the work it’s undertaken

Salt and Light, tears and joy

Presbyterian pastor turned Foreign Service Officer outlines current trends in foreign policy during Synod School mini-course

Kate Trigger Duffert to lead General Assembly planning

Mission co-worker delivers a compassionate update during Synod School on Ukrainian refugee work

¿Quiere una mejor experiencia web para la IP (EE. UU.)?

Panelists encourage churches to get involved in gun violence prevention

Bob Abrams: Celebrating the first 100 years

Co-Moderators name special committee to consider a new confession

Want a better PC(USA) web experience?

The PC(USA)’s advocacy director likens Synod School to a celebrated Marvel Comics nation

Synod School closing worship explores the church’s role as co-creator

Technology grant from the Presbyterian Foundation brings inspiration to a congregation in Puerto Rico

Synod School gathering pauses to celebrate communion

Synod School keynoter: Christianity and capitalism don’t get us to the same place

Native Lands of the Southwest highlights the ‘beauty and resolve’ of Indigenous communities

How does Matthew 25 show up in worship?

Synod School worship looks at agreements big and small, from pinky promises to biblical covenants

Do Santa Claus, the American flag and other symbols belong in our churches?

African American leaders: Mary McLeod Bethune

A prophetic call for a long-forgotten right to live

A wily serpent and God in three persons lay out the Genesis story of sin and banishment during Synod School

The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins gives Synod School attendees a primer on what Presbyterians don’t believe

UKirk debuts new four-session study and liturgy for those exploring ministry with Gen Z

Poignant Synod School band offering reminds worshipers God makes beautiful things out of dust and out of us

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s advocacy director talks up religious freedom during Synod School’s initial convocation

US-provided cluster munitions in use in Ukraine

Taking her cue from 29,000 cycling enthusiasts

Lakeside Presbyterian Church in Storm Lake, Iowa, throws out an enormous welcome mat

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission will consider bringing on a consultant to help with its ‘daunting work’

Author and educator Camille Hernandez tells ‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’ how churches can better minister to people who have suffered sexual exploitation and violence

Renewal occurs through relationships between new PC(USA) community leaders and pastors in Puerto Rico

Presbyterian pastor says it’s important to be real with God during worship — even when it comes to preaching about sex

The U.S. Department of Energy reaches out to faith communities working on Creation Care

OGA In Focus: learning about the future by looking at the past

The Presbyterian Mission Agency Board’s Matthew 25 Team seeks an end to anti-transgender and anti-LGBTQ+ legislation

Broad Street Presbyterian Church’s longtime pastor loves serving a congregation full of explorers

Presbyterians help plant shade trees

The new Book of Order (2023-2025)

PC(USA) area coordinator for the Pacific explores the lingering effects of nuclear bomb testing in the Marshall Islands

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

PC(USA) podcast guest explains how to find your voice even when the world tries to silence you

Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Next Mosaic of Peace conference sure to be impactful based on a history of memorable experiences

During a UN chapel service, mission co-workers ask God to ‘guide us’

Presbyterian Foundation announces a promotion for Troy Marables

New York Avenue Presbyterian Church hosts a talk on moral injury and climate change

PC(USA) partner in South America recounts dangerous journeys that migrants are undertaking

PC(USA) new worshiping community pastors join a panel exploring faith communities’ shrinking membership rolls

The PMA’s Office of Christian Formation awarded $1.25 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to equip and support faith formation in households

People who are both Presbyterian and Indigenous can find joy and meaning in both worlds

PC(USA) partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo provide students with hands-on learning

This Month in Presbyterian History: July

Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco hosts Drag Queen Bible Story Hour

Quiet on the (Presbyterian Center) set

September conference seeks to encourage leaders of older adult ministries to ‘walk in new shoes’

PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteers work to see beyond the rusted wall

Christ makes the yoke easy for two PC(USA) churches in South Dakota

Andrew J. Browne named Executive Vice President at the Board of Pensions

‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’ hears from a shelter director who knows his way around city hall

Pittsburgh Seminary awarded $1.25 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help establish its Faith Forming Families Network

Kin-dom Camp co-founder shares lessons learned during the PC(USA)’s ‘New Way’ podcast

Ways churches can respond to extreme heat and climate change

In Niger, water is life

A Presbyterian musician pushes for bail reform

World Council of Churches central committee calls on Philippine authorities to uphold human rights

World Council of Churches central committee calls on Philippine authorities to uphold human rights

Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment reports significant wins during this year’s proxy season

Presbyterian worship authority Dr. Arlo Duba is remembered with fondness and deep respect

PC(USA) International Peacemaker offers a prayer for peace

Nelson Legacy Part Four: Looking to the future

Why the Fourth of July matters to Presbyterians

Webinar hosted by a PC(USA) partner explores reimagining Independence Day

The Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson becomes the first woman to lead the United Church of Christ

Stated Clerk blasts US Supreme Court’s decision on affirmative action

Good faith, good company and ‘good trouble’ have guided the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II

Mister Rogers conference provides novel platform for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Educate a Child initiative

PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 webinar helps congregations and mid councils measure their anti-poverty effectiveness

PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 webinar helps congregations and mid councils measure their anti-poverty effectiveness

Presbyterian World Mission regional liaison: ‘We can’t wait for peace any longer'

PAM’s Worship & Music choirs offer up a full and united sound pleasing to everyone in attendance, including God

Dr. Yolanda W. Page will begin her duties as president of PC(USA)-affiliated Stillman College July 1

Nearly $15 million has been granted to New Worshiping Communities over the past 10 years

One last time, the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PC(USA) delivers like the prophets of old

‘Presbyterian Pride: David Sindt, Minnesota, and LGBTQ+ Inclusion’

Handbell directors and players at PAM’s Worship & Music Conference discuss what it takes to make their joyful noise

The Rev. Dr. John Wilkinson finds beauty and synergy among the PC(USA)’s ‘many moving parts’

OGA In Focus: Constitutional Interpretation

The Rev. Earl F. Palmer, among the PC(USA)’s best-loved preachers and authors, is remembered for 67 years of ministry

Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Worship & Music Conference artist helps create space for the Spirit to work

Presbyterian World Mission’s the Rev. Cheryl Barnes is given the Maria Fearing award

Building a Legacy: Warren Julius Nelson, Sr.

The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) releases its Summer Bulletin

Music supplied by children’s choirs sends the first wave of Worship & Music conferees home on a high note

Wisdom as a multi-tasking and capable woman wraps up a week of study at PAM’s Worship & Music Conference

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission adopts a unified budget process for 2025-26

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission addresses organizational interdependencies and complexities

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission wrestles with the ‘M’ word

Job as you’ve never seen him

Presbyterian Foundation Senior Vice President re-elected to Oikocredit Members Council

‘No water necessary. No waiting required’

‘The wise love to know better, do better and be better’

Bronwen Boswell named Acting Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PC(USA)

Nelson Legacy: Part Three

Rest in peace, medical debt

A biblical story with ‘all the makings of a Marvel movie’

Discrepancies in the legal system are nothing new

World Refugee Day spurs calls for action and prayer for forgiveness

Stated Clerk grieves for those lost in Greek migrant tragedy

A hundred Presbyterians walk into a bar …

A tug-of-war with the communion loaf

It’s humanity’s job to ‘help Creation flourish in all its beautiful diversity’

Former McCormick Theological Seminary professor defines what it means to be a theologian in retirement

The Routley Lecturer at PAM’s Worship & Music Conference asks his audience to critique his work

‘Listen, you rebels; shall we bring water for you out of this rock?’

Worship & Music workshop explores dialogue, dissonance and debate in the Bible

On Juneteenth, Black Presbyterian leaders share their thoughts on congregational stability and church financial reimagination

Presbyterian Association of Musicians makes a joyful noise during its Worship & Music Conference

National Black Presbyterian Caucus conference closes with a sermon about seeing what’s in plain view

The PC(USA)’s Stated Clerk, the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, is honored by the National Black Presbyterian Caucus

After interviewing 75 people for the ‘Leading Theologically’ broadcast, the host turns the tables on himself

Co-Moderator of the PC(USA)’s 224th General Assembly: In God’s hands, two fish and five barley loaves is much more than a fish sandwich

Presbyterian Giving Catalog makes giving as easy as pie for Washington state youth

National Black Presbyterian Caucus hosts its first in-person conference since Covid

Muy pronto: new Book of Order Spanish-language translation

Muy pronto: nueva traducción del Libro de Orden al español

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance official offers advice on intentional volunteering

Acerca de los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

The PC(USA)’s ‘New Way’ podcast offers hope and courage during ‘a kind of scary time right now’

Early June rainstorm, earthquake further threaten Haitian people who were already struggling

Hunger Action Advocate helps Californians fight food insecurity

Matthew 25 workshop on measuring effectiveness set for June 29

Sermon during PC(USA) Chapel service offers powerful insight to a parable perplexing to many

Nelson Legacy: Part Two

This month in Presbyterian history: June

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship asks: How does your Guns to Gardens grow?

Longtime PC(USA) pastor the Rev. Wayne A. Steele Sr. announces retirement

The PC(USA) wants to strengthen the voices of young adults by offering them an advocacy conference this fall

Matthew 25 vision is lifted up at a global human rights prison reform conference

Office of Christian Formation webinars offer resources and camaraderie for church educators

Nelson Legacy: Part One

Task Force named to Explore the Theology and Practice of Ordination

‘Along the Road’ completes first season journey

1001 New Worshiping Communities podcast takes a loving look at community, family and pride

Synod of the Covenant’s Equipping Preachers webinar looks at helping congregations slow down in a fast-paced world

Three Presbyterian entities offer an informational webinar on balancing church assets and liabilities

New York City’s response to the asylum crisis builds on Broadway Presbyterian Church’s model

It’s not too late to register for this month’s Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Worship & Music Conference

Union Theological Seminary adds caste to its anti-discrimination policy

The PC(USA)’s Advocacy Committee for Women and Gender Justice has ideas for covering worship leadership for 12 weeks of family leave

Liftoff for the new Church Leadership Connection

Union Presbyterian Seminary’s Dr. Chris Burton finds time for an illuminating chat

Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries embraces its new mission statement

Activist from Poland to serve as International Peacemaker

As summer approaches, a Presbyterian camp and conference program director describes the faith formation that can occur during a week away

Alma College vice president selected to be Louisville Seminary’s 11th president

PHS celebrates the Katie Geneva Cannon Digital Collection

Presbyterian church in California nurtures ‘Free Butterflies’ to address housing crisis

OGA In Focus: Managing General Assembly business and Per Capita promotions

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary celebrates its 227th commencement

1001 New Worshiping Communities online retreat honors speaking from one’s heart language

Arizona church ‘persevering in the spirit of love’ after devastating fire

‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’ takes up race and racism

Presbyterian pastor in Korea longs for peace and prays for reunification

New season launched for New Way, the podcast of the 1001 New Worshiping Communities movement

A Presbyterian congregation’s family housing solution is shut down in Charlotte, North Carolina

World Mission’s Africa team leads the PC(USA) Chapel service

SDOP panelist: Veterans need support beyond Memorial Day

An online Matthew 25 gathering on eradicating systemic poverty draws a crowd of more than 150

Presbyterian Center staff joins with Mid-Kentucky Presbytery to gather hygiene kits

Presbytery for Southern New Jersey honors pastor on 80th year of his ordination

Presbyterian Mission Agency receiving grant applications in May, June and throughout the year

National Council of Churches names Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie as its President and General Secretary

Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis hosts its livestreamed ‘Arc Toward Justice’ forum

Light and reflection: a conversation with Ruth Faith Santana-Grace

Mid-Kentucky Presbytery engages in dialogue around the issue of gun violence

The PC(USA)’s Pentecost Offering supports ‘Belonging Together’

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance hears from the communities it has served

Montreat Conference Center announces its Summer Worship Series

PC(USA) pastor helps shepherd Latine doctoral students through their studies on their way to serving God

This month in Presbyterian history: May

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission is hard at work, but looming deadlines will require coordinated and prodigious effort

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation Board members update one another on the goings-on around the Church

Former seminary president looks at what’s toxic and what’s generative for a preacher’s soul

Rolling out the red carpet at the Presbyterian Center

An online conversation on Black Presbyterian churches is slated for Juneteenth

Search to begin for Acting Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

One city in two nations

Gay Mothershed, Vice-Moderator of the 208th General Assembly, dies at age 85

The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy leans into the prophetic calling of the whole PC(USA)

International Peacemaker to shed light on El Salvador and its people

Presbyterian Mission Agency diversity manager urges storytellers to go way back

PC(USA) diversity manager urges storytellers to go way back

OGA In Focus: Responding to God’s voice

The PC(USA)’s Pentecost Offering celebrates its 25th anniversary

Presbyterians are seeing good results planting native species on their sacred grounds

The fight for 12

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A monthly series for serving faithfully

The Stated Clerk of the PC(USA)’s General Assembly sends graduates on the road forward with a reminder to look back sometimes

Union Presbyterian Seminary panel looks at biblical texts that can make antiracism work difficult

Presbyterian pastor advances the cause of reproductive justice

Presbyterian pastor advances the cause of reproductive justice

Longtime New Covenant Trust Company’s CEO announces retirement

Longtime New Covenant Trust Company’s CEO announces retirement

Encounter ‘Along the Road’ podcasts

The PC(USA)’s Young Adult Advocacy Conference is coming to Louisville this fall

A PC(USA) congregation in Iowa communicates the gospel in word and deed

PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 webinar looks at where Jesus stands on poverty

Some of the work at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church is pop-up ministry. Other efforts are built to last across generations

Stated Clerk renews Call to Prayer for the people of Sudan and South Sudan

The Presbytery of Southern Kansas installs the first African American woman as lead pastor

A Presbyterian minister discusses her intentional approach to retirement

Children at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Iowa City are learning kindness by showing it to others

규례서 새 한국어 번역판 준비 중

New Korean translation of the Book of Order in the works

Trying on a new pair of glasses

The PC(USA)’s Pentecost Offering helps set at-risk youth on the road to success

Linda Jacobsen announces retirement from the Board of Pensions

Leadership Formation webinar: care ministry

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Iowa City is selecting its future neighbors missionally

Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church member offers a glimpse into war-ravaged Sudan

SDOP disburses more than $100K in grants to seven self-help projects

Iowa congregation sees its Matthew 25 future as remaining ‘faithful to the covenant’

Self-Development of People’s discussion forum to delve into the plight of veterans living in poverty and how churches can help

Presbyterian congregation in Iowa explains how forays into the community fit with its Matthew 25 focus

The PC(USA)’s UKirk Collegiate Ministries director says in an era of isolation, campus ministry is more important than ever

Dr. Keri Day delivers Sprunt Lectures at Union Presbyterian Seminary

Madison McKinney, an Indigenous person and a Presbyterian, invites the church ‘to sit with me in this pain’ of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people

Madison McKinney, a Native American and a Presbyterian, invites the church ‘to sit with me in this pain’ of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people

Presbyterian congregation joins with its neighbor, a prison, to live out its Matthew 25 calling

Nourish ‘Along the Road’ podcasts

New Connecting the Dots webinar registration opens

A word from the Stated Clerk

PC(USA) congregation and partners work to build a home for all God’s creatures

Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri closes out Secret Sauce conference with an ancestral recipe

Secret Sauce conference offers a recipe for partnerships with immigrant communities and a ‘cookbook’ to download

The PC(USA)’s Pentecost Offering gives young people an opportunity to change the world

PC(USA) church membership still in decline

Ukrainian faith leader and displaced person named as Presbyterian Peacemaker

Heritage Sunday 2023

First Presbyterian Church’s Matthew 25 celebration includes community partners

First Presbyterian Church in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, is helping to ensure that IowaWINS

Lobby Day gets a boost from the Poor People’s Campaign at Ecumenical Advocacy Days

Finding the financing to grow enough food for all God’s children

People of color speak out against ‘food apartheid’ and bias against indigenous groups

This month in Presbyterian history

PC(USA) mission co-workers lead Ecumenical Advocacy Days workshops

Ecumenical Advocacy Days panel mulls the impact militarization is having on food security

Secret Sauce conference in Atlanta opens with multilingual worship

OGA In Focus: Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations

Ecumenical Advocacy Days plenary looks at making the Bible’s prophetic vision meaningful in today’s world

Ecumenical Advocacy Days preacher urges participants to take Jesus’ advice to ‘go and see’

J. Herbert Nelson to step down as Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PC(USA)

PHS awarded grant to digitize historic RNS photographs

Lilly Endowment Inc. awards $1.24M grant to Columbia Theological Seminary

‘Don’t be afraid’ urges the Presbytery of Charlotte’s Jan Edmiston

Planning for a global advisory panel in Kuala Lumpur

Presbyterian Youth Triennium resources, grants support youth retreats from Washington to Puerto Rico

Presbyterian pastor, Menaul School students help unearth a treasure ahead of Earth Day

Devotions, actions and discussion wrap up the final day of Presbyterian Mission Agency Board meetings

PC(USA) communicators are awarded for their 2022 work

Beechmont Presbyterian Church welcomes the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board

J. Herbert Nelson will not seek a third term as Stated Clerk

PC(USA) webinar offers up ways to extend a radical welcome to all God’s children

PC(USA) boards and a committee gather under one roof for the first time in three years

Up close with the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly opens spring meeting in Louisville

Webinar by PC(USA) partner Interfaith Power & Light tills the soil on how people of faith can influence the Farm Bill

The PC(USA)’s 1001 New Worshiping Communities explores spiritual formation for innovators

Humanitarian situation in Sudan worsens as fighting intensifies

Church in Puerto Rico embraces Earth-friendly practices

University of Dubuque Theological Seminary announces two new master of arts programs

Pentecost Offering helps young people challenge the world’s injustices

Human rights activist from Greece returns as International Peacemaker

Church Leadership Connection reboot

Meet a PC(USA) congregation in North Carolina that’s been doing social justice ministry for decades

The Unification Commission’s four work groups outline their initial steps

Princeton Theological Seminary panel looks at our faltering faith in institutions

International Peacemaker to focus on religious pluralism while visiting the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Acerca de los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A monthly series for serving faithfully

The Rev. Dr. Diane Givens Moffett offers up a homily on gun violence prevention

OGA In Focus: Managing the budget in the Office of the General Assembly

‘Love your neighbor’ like Mister Rogers did

Union Presbyterian Seminary to offer Sprunt Lecture Series May 1-3

PC(USA) pastors in Nashville respond to the events and politics of gun violence

Hundreds gather in prayer across Louisville following Monday’s mass shooting

Presbyterians for Earth Care receives one scientist’s look at the most recent climate assessment

Presbyterians for Earth Care receives one scientist’s look at the most recent climate assessment

The Rev. Cheryl Barnes is named World Mission’s Africa Area Coordinator

Community College of Philadelphia intern at PHS

The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) announces a season of rebuilding

Stated Clerk mourns those lost in fire at immigration detention center

Louisville’s Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church hosts a vigil following Monday’s mass shooting

‘A Matter of Faith,’ a PC(USA) podcast, explores creating worship spaces for people who feel they don’t belong there

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mourns victims of latest gun violence just blocks from the Presbyterian Center

Working to restore a Presbyterian school in South Carolina that helped shape Black leaders in the PC(USA)

A retired PC(USA) minister lives into the call to let go

Palestinian Christian social worker serving as one of the PC(USA)’s International Peacemakers

Dr. Trina A. Armstrong of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary to deliver the 2023 Edwards virtual lecture

Presbyterian Church of Myanmar, a PC(USA) global partner, asks for prayers as violence escalates

Presbyterian Church in Myanmar, a PC(USA) global partner, asks for prayers as violence escalates

Environmentalist Bill McKibben will headline ‘Saving the Planet’ panel discussion April 16 at First Presbyterian Church in New York City

First-time International Peacemaker from Liberia shares West African nation’s challenges

Tornadoes damage PC(USA) churches and destroy homes in the presbyteries of Ohio Valley and Arkansas

International Peacemaker to share South Sudan’s hope for a better future

Ecumenical Advocacy Days returns April 25-27

The PC(USA)’s One Great Hour of Sharing changes lives

Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary inaugurates the Rev. Dr. José R. Irizarry as its 10th president

Timeline of African American Presbyterian history

‘We’ve come this far by faith’ Louisville’s Grace Hope Presbyterian Church proclaims on its 125th birthday

The PC(USA)’s Office of Public Witness asks Presbyterians to take action to end gun violence

The PC(USA)’s Associate for Migration Accompaniment Ministries presents on climate change’s impact on migration

The winner of the 2023 Grawemeyer Award in Religion delivers insight and inspiration at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Announcing the PC(USA)’s International Peacemakers for 2023

Award-winning poet Tim Lilburn connects to the land through contemplative practice

Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations celebrates #CSW67’s Agreed Conclusions

Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations celebrates #CSW67’s Agreed Conclusions

California school and church community find new opportunities to learn and serve with the Presbyterian Giving Catalog

The president of a PC(USA)-related seminary stays focused on justice by expanding his toolkit

While not directly impacted by Friday’s tornadoes, Presbyterians in two Mississippi presbyteries are aiding their neighbors in need

Empowering clergy and other church leaders to help care for congregants’ mental health

Deacons & ruling elders and the care of souls

Westminster John Knox Press publication wins prestigious Wilbur Award from the Religion Communicators Council

Stated Clerk calls on churches to be more vocal about gun violence

OGA In Focus: Office of Immigration Issues

Presbyterian delegates to the 67th Commission on the Status of Women share what struck them and what they’ve taken home

Presbyterian Mission Agency employees gather under the banner of ‘One Band/One Sound’

Two Louisville churches, Mid-Kentucky Presbytery offer half-day workshop on implicit bias

A word from the Stated Clerk

Stony Point Center calls its next director

The Rev. Dr. John Wilkinson is called to lead Ministry Engagement and Support

‘Along the Road’ podcasts: Growing representation and managing calls

Tres Rios Border Foundation connects Presbyterians to the border and beyond

Hey Presbyterians — have you thanked your pastor?

Presbyterian clergywomen put on the mantle of leadership

Stated Clerk urges Kentucky governor to veto anti-trans bill

Presbyterians celebrate Triduum and the Easter Vigil

Blessing the animals, Presbyterian style

Presbyterians Today discusses flock protection

Presbyterian Mission Agency seeks public input on new flagship publication

Presbyterians Today looks at living out the Great Ends of the Church

Church closure leads to a new call for a PC(USA) pastor

Remember, Presbyterians: God can bear our pain and anger

2023 PHS research grants awarded

Synod of the Covenant and Science for the Church team to offer webinar on tending to clergy mental health

Presbytery welcomes transgender teens

Presbyterians Today columnist considers: Did Jesus really descend into hell?

Presbyterians Today columnist suggests we open our eyes to the poor

A new day for farmworkers

Two OGA staff honored by the Greater Louisville YMCA Black Achievers program

Osage Nation scholar wraps up ‘Just Creation’ conference by retelling his nation’s creation story

First Presbyterian Church of Roseburg, Oregon, helps connect its community

Presbyterians are called to engage in policy-making

Presbyterians Today columnist: Breath prayer eases anxiousness

A letter from the Presbyterians Today Team

‘Just Creation’ panelists air their thoughts on our fragile atmosphere

‘Just Creation’ panelist: ‘I don’t have to fix the world. I just have to be faithful’

‘Just Creation’ panelists describe the places on Earth that helped form them

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is responding to Cyclone Freddy

Vision Convocation during the week of March 20-24 means the news flow from Presbyterian News Service will be slow next week

Presbyteries’ Cooperative Committee on Examinations for Candidates to update registration process for examinations

Environmental Defense Fund vice president opens Just Creation conference with insights into a beloved psalm

‘Being Matthew 25’ gives Presbyterians a view from inside the 67th Commission on the Status of Women, which concludes Friday

OGA In Focus: Teresa Waggener

PC(USA) pastor and leader the Rev. Dr. Aimee Moiso talks about the constructive side of conflict

Advocating for just immigration policies on Capitol Hill

UKirk, the PC(USA)’s campus ministry network, will hold its second official national gathering June 13-16

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Presbyteries’ Cooperative Committee on Examinations for Candidates addresses concerns on recent Exegesis exam

Union Presbyterian Seminary works to expand Katie’s canon

Faith groups, including the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), urge US to change policy toward Cuba

PC(USA) pastor and professor describes ways to read the Bible from the Earth’s perspective

This month in Presbyterian history

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) joins other Christian denominations in a call for peace between Palestinians and Israelis

Synod of the Covenant webinar explores a provocative question: Can our faith make us well?

Unique group from around the world travels to the Philippines and Hong Kong for a PC(USA) Peacemaking study seminar on forced migration

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission concludes its three-day meeting by dividing up its work

Tasked with a gargantuan mandate, the PC(USA)’s Unification Commission chooses teamwork

Smartphones and domestic violence: Free phones and safety planning give hope to survivors

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission hears from the two people who will be most responsible for PMA and OGA unity

Strengthening ties toward community building

International Women’s Day showcases young inventor and urges women to ‘rise up’ at #CSW67

Presbyterian pastors team up to bring awareness to a land deal that will harm Native people in Arizona

Presbyterian Commission on the Status of Women delegates meet with Cuban delegation

Presbyterian Barbara Everitt Bryant, the first woman to lead the US Bureau of the Census, dies at age 96

Presbyterian Study Grant is part of network of vocational support for students

Voices of young adult delegates given space by PC(USA) Co-Moderator

Conference of European Churches gathers to ‘give witness to radical hope’

UN Secretary-General: Gender equality is centuries away

#CSW67 looks at protecting the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls

Pictures from a special Saturday at First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn

The PC(USA)’s Board of Pensions releases its Board Bulletin for spring 2023

Sowing seeds of hope

Co-Moderators of the 225th General Assembly lead joyous worship for the 67th Commission on the Status of Women

‘Along the Road’ podcasts talk renewal

Fighting for gender equality: Event by Ecumenical Women prepares Presbyterians and others to mobilize for advocacy at UN gathering

Korean episodes of ‘A Matter of Faith’ now available

United Church of Christ Board nominates the Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson for General Minister and President

New worshiping community charters as church in South Carolina

The PC(USA)’s Stated Clerk says he’s glad to be ‘in the midst of a powerful gathering of women’

Presbyterian orientation provides advice and encouragement for participants preparing for UN gathering

‘This is work all Presbyterians can benefit from’

Office of Christian Formation empowers faith formation leaders with monthly office hours

2023 ‘Celebrate the Gifts of Women’ service offers a powerful reflection on Mary’s embodied revolution

Louisville’s Beechmont Presbyterian Church constructs a Peace Garden and then celebrates its many healing effects

Here’s how Presbyterians can preach about racism

Here’s how Presbyterians can preach about racism

Columbia Theological Seminary to host ‘Just Creation’ conference March 16-18

Presbyterian delegates and church leaders headed to gender-equality gathering in New York

Presbyterian delegates and church leaders headed to gender-equality gathering in New York

A ‘Journey Toward Peace’ Journal

Union Presbyterian Seminary webinar looks at the Bible as a double-edged sword

President of Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation writes for, a devotional app

OGA In Focus: Mid Council Ministries

Presbytery of Greater Atlanta’s New Church Development Commission and the PC(USA)’s 1001 New Worshiping Communities combine for a tasty offering

Presbyterian Women grows its Justice & Peace Book Discussion Group

Seven-week PC(USA) Black resistance Bible study continues through March 15

Presbyterian Women, Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries team up for Wednesday worship service

The next chapter: congregational support for refugees and asylees

Through videos, a 200-year-old Brooklyn church explores the history of abolition and activism

Mutuality and co-learning are guiding principles in collaboration between Seattle and Colombian presbyteries

Presbyterian pastor: Don’t fear the ‘E’ word

Committee to examine use of text on ordination exam

Webinar focuses on nonviolent action in Ukraine

SDOP Sunday Resource & Yearbook highlights anti-poverty work

Union Presbyterian Seminary webinar explores programs that work to house people

For the first time, Union Presbyterian Seminary will be led by a woman

Henry Roe Cloud and the American Indian Institute

Ethical values abound in this year’s Oscar-nominated films

Presbyterians leave Ash Wednesday services looking and feeling different

Third round of Bilateral Dialogues continues between the Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Listening in while a PC(USA) pastor and a rabbi hold a respectful conversation on antisemitism, Islamophobia and the church

Presbyterians invited to partnership conference in Czech Republic

New hymn encourages Presbyterians to gather and deliver emergency kits

A word from the Stated Clerk

Gifts to the PC(USA)’s One Great Hour of Sharing support dignity to India’s most oppressed

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission receives a primer on the history of the Church’s structure and emerging trends

US Senator Raphael Warnock, who earned two degrees from Union Theological Seminary, drops in to chat via Zoom

Church destroyed by Hurricane Ian to celebrate healing and hope

When Justice Knox, it’s best to answer

The PC(USA)’s Administrative Services Group checked off most of its to-do list for 2022

New episode of the PC(USA)’s ‘Everyday God-talk’ focuses on unplanned transitions

Celebrating a late great presbytery

The PC(USA)’s Office of Christian Formation awards 58 Sabbath Grants

Presbyterians among those rattled by fiery train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio

Respecto a los(as) Ancianos(as) Gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: '신실한 섬김' 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A monthly series for serving faithfully

New book by Westminster John Knox Press designed to help preachers called to speak about mass trauma

Mid-Kentucky Presbytery is one of 18 national runners-up for Interfaith Power & Light’s ‘Cool Congregations’ awards

OGA in Focus: Investing in ruling elders and deacons

PC(USA) mission co-workers share their thoughts on a once-in-a-lifetime peace delegation

Vital Congregation Initiative offers 2023 Lenten devotional

PC(USA) antisemitism webinar set for Thursday via Zoom

This Month in Presbyterian History

Third Act’s Day of Action on March 21 seeks limits to bankrolling fossil fuel expansion

PC(USA) pastors and other leaders offer a public apology that was centuries in the making

SDOP partner Ciudad Nueva embodies the gospel of Christ

The PC(USA)’s advocacy director engages New York Avenue Presbyterian Church crowd with his scholarship on Black protest

‘Along the Road’ podcasts: responsible investing

The Rev. Jenny Warner, a poet and the pastor of Valley Presbyterian Church in California, shares what it means to curate space for others

Presbyterian Foundation low-interest loan pivotal in launching Master of Social Work degree program in Kentucky

Sacramento Homeless Organizing Committee fights for the rights of the unhoused

Presbyterian Study Grant supports seminarian’s sense of call

Ready for researchers: the papers of Howard Rice

Board of Pensions names the Rev. Lori Neff LaRue as Vice President, Education

PC(USA) partner reports on the Peru uprising that’s killed 50 and injured hundreds

Princeton Seminary’s Center for Asian American Christianity hosts webinar on second-generation churches

Magnolia Presbyterian Church in Riverside, California, is rising from the ashes

Stated Clerk calls for a lift of sanctions on Syria

PC(USA) offers assistance for the people of earthquake-ravaged Syria and Turkey

Philadelphia group is partner of PC(USA)’s Self-Development of People

PC(USA) partner in Somalia: Conflict and climate change push millions close to famine

New Castle Presbytery’s Guatemala Partnership shares what partners saw and heard during a memorable time in Central America

Presbyterian pastor and musician: Music flows like the waters of baptism

APCE’s Diversity Task Force presents its final report

A difficult Bible passage sparks widespread social media reaction over the choice for the exegesis ordination exam

Unbound to release ‘With Creation: A Native and Indigenous Lenten Devotional’

APCE workshop helps participants speak the language of grace

Presbyterian Foundation and New Covenant Trust Company host webinar on socially responsible investing

Your photos tell your story

APCE workshops address trauma and faith

PC(USA) pastor examines how post-pandemic preaching is changing

PC(USA) team journeys to South Sudan

APCE workshop leader: Churches are well-positioned to minister to members struggling with mental health issues

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary to offer hybrid programs in your neighborhood

Grant partner of the Presbyterian Hunger Program makes strides on local issues

PC(USA) partner condemns recent violence in the occupied Palestinian territories

PHS shares histories of African American church leaders

Retired Presbyterian pastor pens ‘The Big Book of Christian Encouragement’

Dr. Tori Smit with the Presbyterian Church in Canada has practical advice for churches with few children

Leader Formation webinar to tackle the 'E' word

Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary wonders: Is God calling you to lead change?

OGA In Focus: Korean-Speaking Councils Support

Presbyterian World Mission’s Myanmar webinar series resumes

PC(USA) pastor and film critic Dr. Edward McNulty releases his Top 10 film list for 2022

New book from Westminster John Knox Press available Feb. 21

‘Along the Road’ podcast: teaching and embracing changes

Stated Clerk reacts to video of altercation between Memphis police and Tyre Nichols

Appointments made to Special Committee on the Standing Rules of the General Assembly

APCE plenary speaker John Pavlovitz passes the microphone

Showing up for the storms of others is ‘the single most pressing lesson plan,’ APCE speaker tells church educators

APCE honors three educators for their work in creative faith formation in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

PC(USA) Co-Moderators take their turn behind the microphone during this month’s ‘Being Matthew 25’

APCE swears in its new president, PC(USA) pastor the Rev. Dr. Kathryn Campbell

What does it mean to be a PC(USA) Peace Church?

Presbyterian Mission Agency staff make good neighbors

Presbyterian pastors and educators hear tales of terror from one who’s learned to right-size threats

The PC(USA)’s ‘Just Talk Live’ takes on a tough topic during the second episode of a new season

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary president explores courage and curiosity during the Presbyterian Foundation’s ‘Leading Theologically’

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary president explores courage and curiosity during the Presbyterian Foundation’s ‘Leading Theologically’

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary president explores courage and curiosity during the Presbyterian Foundation’s ‘Leading Theologically’

First-timers and veteran APCE event goers share their stories

APCE welcomes its keynote speaker, pastor and author John Pavlovitz

The Rev. Dr. Michael W. Waters, author of a pair of acclaimed children’s books, gets APCE annual event off to a thoughtful start

Mapping mid councils

California congregations commemorate merger in stained glass cross

Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar explores ways older adults can work to halt climate change

Stated Clerk mourns those lost in two mass shootings

Faith-based groups, including PC(USA), sound off about broken asylum system

Presbytery of Charlotte takes a turn at the nuts and bolts of church work

New seven-week PC(USA) Black resistance Bible study launches on Feb. 1

This month in Presbyterian history

First female pastor in Palestine ordained

Annual Princeton Theological Seminary conference trains Asian American church leaders

The PC(USA)’s Unification Commission now has an online platform to help commissioners do their important work

PC(USA) delegation to make solidarity trip to Eastern Europe

The PC(USA)’s Everyday God-talk launches a fourth season

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation introduces new resources for 2023

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board worships twice and learns a lot about the Agency’s future

PC(USA) webinar calls for environmental justice for Iraq

Dr. Edwin I. Hernández named to lead Louisville Institute

‘Forging Faith’ podcast tells the stories of people living at the intersection of faith and life

The PC(USA)’s role in repairing historic harms

OGA In Focus: Judicial process and social witness

Retired PC(USA) minister writes on honing pastoral presence

Per Capita Sunday: January 22

Domingo de capitaciones: 22 de enero

'상회비 주일': 1월 22일

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

PC(USA) churches in New York provide a genuine welcome to all God’s children

A word from the Stated Clerk

Stated Clerk of the PC(USA)’s General Assembly celebrates the life and legacy of MLK with a rousing and prophetic talk

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A monthly series for serving faithfully

PC(USA) webinar to explore negative impact of military-related pollution in Iraq

New PC(USA) congregation ordains leaders of worshiping communities as ruling elders

Presbyterian senior living community’s talented residents featured on national news

First Presbyterian Church in Salt Lake City’s ‘Mother Teresa’

Registration for new Connecting the Dots webinar now open

New worshiping community is rooted in reverence for the Earth

President of the PC(USA)’s Board of Pensions talks about recent efforts to break down barriers to flourishing ministry

PC(USA) church in Iowa celebrates all God’s creatures, great and small

The PC(USA)’s Myanmar webinar series has been rescheduled

The PC(USA)’s director of advocacy is called ‘a witness to Christ in the halls of power’

A Presbyterians Today columnist explores keeping our promises

Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary is hosting a national conversation on repairing the nation’s racial divide

Social justice veteran the Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler leans on Isaiah during an online forum offered by Union Presbyterian Seminary

Ready for researchers: James and Melva Costen Papers

From passwords to payments, protect your church, says Presbyterians Today columnist

Rest is the ‘soul food’ of self and community care

‘Resurrection always wins out over insurrection,’ Presbyterian pastor tells a Capitol crowd

Climate change conference delegates help students at the Presbyterian School of Kabuga in Rwanda plant trees

The pastoral team behind a ‘People’s Cathedral’ in San Diego highlights trials and successes during PC(USA) podcasts

Minding the gap in the Presbytery of New York City

The gift of sabbath from the PC(USA)’s 1001 New Worshiping Communities

PC(USA) workshop gives participants ideas for solid and thoughtful preaching during Lent

PC(USA) ecumenical leaders hopeful in latest round of Roman Catholic-Reformed Ecumenical Dialogue

Helping churches save money on their energy bills the topic of Presbyterians for Earth Care webinar

Drone warfare the subject of an informative webinar hosted by a PC(USA) partner

A Presbyterians Today columnist describes how to be Christlike to all

A new hymn by PC(USA) pastor Carolyn Winfrey Gillette laments Tuesday’s Supreme Court ruling on Title 42

Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network offers some solace during the winter solstice

If grace is so amazing ...

Presbyterians Today takes a sacred pause

Celebrating the Baptism of Our Lord

Unification Commission gets to the work of determining how and when the Presbyterian Mission Agency and Office of General Assembly will be one

Presbyterian News Service takes a two-week break to welcome the Christ child and the new year

Co-Moderators of the PC(USA)’s 225th General Assembly share their work and their hearts

December meeting: Committee on the Office of the General Assembly

Determined to rebuild, First Presbyterian Church of Mayfield reflects on a year of lessons from a December 2021 tornado

Hosts take a look back at the initial year for the PC(USA)’s ‘Being Matthew 25’

A word from the Stated Clerk

Lilly Endowment Inc. awards $1 million grant to NEXT Church

Lilly Endowment Inc. awards $1 million grant to NEXT Church

Advent’s message of hope can be trusted

Advent’s message of hope can be trusted

Journeys of faith and tradition during Advent

Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary awarded $1 million grant to help reimagine youth ministry

The work of caring for immigrants is spreading north of the border, PC(USA)-sponsored webinar reports

Rex E. Wentzel, Presbyterian pastor and ‘Chicken Man,’ dies at age 88

The PC(USA)’s Christmas Joy Offering helps Stillman College student meet the cost of higher education

The little Presbyterian church in the big woods

Harnessing entrepreneurial energy inside the PC(USA)’s worshiping communities

In time for Christmas, Presbyterians help forgive $13.3 million in medical debt across the Midwest

Stated Clerk issues Call to Prayer for the people of South Sudan

PC(USA) World Mission video series to highlight Myanmar

Presbyterian churches innovate to make a difference in their community

Lilly Endowment grant awarded to Union Presbyterian Seminary to provide a bridge for early career preachers

Congregations, communities host Presbyterian Peace Fellowship-inspired Guns to Gardens events

Dec. 15 is the deadline to apply for PC(USA) travel study seminar

Thanks to the PC(USA)’s Christmas Joy Offering, a pastor and his family receive critical support in their season of financial hardship

First Presbyterian Church of Fredonia, New York displays hundreds of creches

‘Leading Theologically,’ a PC(USA) broadcast, explores the joys of serving a pastoral residency

PC(USA) 2023-24 scholarship applications are now open

Unlikely partnership between the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People and the Rochester Hyatt Regency transforms a cancelled celebration into a new opportunity to embody mission

Presbyterian Giving Catalog gives families endless ideas

The Presbyterian Center’s new conference facility came in on time and slightly under its (revised) budget

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance opens Volunteer Host Site in Western Kentucky

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance opens Volunteer Host Site in Western Kentucky

Coming in 2023: ‘Just Talk Live’ returns to inform and delight Presbyterians

Coming in 2023: ‘Just Talk Live’ returns to inform and delight Presbyterians

Union Theological Seminary’s Kelly Brown Douglas named the winner of the 2023 Grawemeyer Award in Religion

Thespian couple dramatizes story of peace at Shelter Island Presbyterian Church on Long Island

As it heads over to the Administrative Services Group, leaders from the PC(USA)’s Mission Engagement & Support talk about where they’ve been and where they’re headed

Presbyterian pastor opens up a toolkit for researching the kind of welcome churches extend to visitors

Presbyterian Foundation webinar reveals four tips for boosting end-of-year giving

A Presbyterian pastor on getting real with Reels

The PC(USA)’s ‘Advocacy Watch’ offers takeaways from COP27 climate conference

Union Presbyterian Seminary panelists share their thoughts on just leadership and the care of souls

‘Along the Road’ podcast: being mindful and connectional

Presbyterians Today columnist writes on sitting with those spending the first holiday without a loved one

Remembering Vera Swann

The PC(USA)’s Christmas Joy Offering helps Menaul School students to overcome boundaries and realize their potential

Diversity isn’t inclusivity, says the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s manager for diversity and reconciliation

Presbyterian churches in Louisville, Kentucky take the plowshares approach toward halting gun violence

A word from the Stated Clerk

Presbyterians Today columnist hungers for ways to feed others

Presbyterian Mission Agency releases new LGBTQIA+ resources

Presbyterian Mission Agency releases new LGBTQIA+ resources

PC(USA) mid council leader and seminary professor says post-pandemic ministry is akin to being launched from a catapult

The PC(USA)’s Scattered Church speaker explains evangelism as making friends and telling stories

A presbytery moderator’s advice: This Advent, take time to breathe

Columbia Seminary awarded $50,000 grant to aid its Wonder of Worship project

Online Advent devotional features PC(USA) authors who write with youth in mind

First Presbyterian Church in Gainesville, Florida, shares a concert and the Good News

Stated Clerk joins interfaith leaders at climate action roundtable

‘Advent Journeys’ takes the PC(USA) national staff on a virtual trip around the world

Presbyterian Church of Colombia minister appointed to negotiating team to broker peace talks

Presbyterian Church of Colombia minister appointed to negotiating team to broker peace talks in Colombia

Presbyterians Today editor explores ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’ and asks, 'What is real?'

The PC(USA) offers a post-Thanksgiving webinar on decolonizing and de-sanitizing the traditional narrative

‘Trouble the Water’ docuseries now available to download

PC(USA) church relies on Dolly Parton and prayer stations to encourage active and vibrant worship

The PC(USA)’s Christian Women Fellowship Movement holds its annual Rally in Maryland

PHS webinar celebrates research fellows for Giving Tuesday

Embracing our collective call to ministry

Celebrate #GivingTuesday on Nov. 29 by giving to the many faces of Presbyterian mission

The PC(USA)’s Christmas Joy Offering connects a retired pastor’s family with crucial assistance in time of need

Broad Street Presbyterian Church’s 50-plus-year-old food pantry puts justice on the menu in Columbus, Ohio

A Princeton Theological Seminary webinar tells a captivating story of how one inmate gained freedom and now serves his community

Live in the power of the Holy Spirit and be mindful of the blessings

The PC(USA)’s Office of Theology and Worship launches Gospel of Matthew resources ahead of the new liturgical year

Presbytery of the Inland Northwest launches capital campaign for Native American churches

‘When we know better, we do better’

Dr. Delores S. Williams is remembered and reimagined

Second 'Along the Road' episodes now available

The PC(USA)’s Christmas Joy Offering eases financial needs

Just in time for Advent: Presbyterian pastor and hymn writer publishes ‘God’s World is Changing: New Hymns for Advent and Christmas’

Appointments made to Commission to Unify Office of the General Assembly and Presbyterian Mission Agency

Stated Clerk speaks out on weekend shooting at LGBTQ nightclub

Presbyterian Hunger Program webinar offers advice on grassroots organizing

PC(USA) leaders continue their work dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery

COGA confirms committee/plenary dates for GA226

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and others mourn sudden loss of colleague

Presbyterian congregation in Washington state is lovingly served by a couple formerly drug addicted and without a home

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders join call for higher ambition at COP27, the UN climate conference

Princeton Theological Seminary professor says getting the right answer involves asking the right question

Massive transition and transformative work lie ahead for the church

PC(USA) national staff uses Wednesday Chapel service to honor the lives and mourn the deaths of 30 transgender people killed during 2022

The PC(USA)’s advocacy director contributes to a thoughtful discussion on white churches and the sin of racism

Be the salt and light in the world

PC(USA) mid council leaders receive an hour-long primer on the 7 Marks of Congregational Vitality

The Co-Moderators of the PC(USA)’s 225th General Assembly, up close and personal

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Respecto a los(as) Ancianos(as) Gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship announces a new vision statement

‘Repairers of the breach: conflict and the constitution’

Participants in Christian Zionism conference, which included the PC(USA), release their final document

The PC(USA) Moderators’ Conference sends mid council leaders home with practical skills, including designing and holding more purposeful meetings

'Considering equity while moderating and leading'

The PC(USA)’s 2022 Moderators’ Conference launches with worship that’s both stirring and thoughtful

During a PC(USA) webinar, Bible scholars reimagine evangelism as equity, inclusion and flourishing

The PC(USA)’s Connecting the Dots webinar suggests congregations can support veterans dealing with combat-related trauma

PC(USA) church brightens its community with a paint-by-number mural featuring a beloved Presbyterian pastor

A Pennsylvania church serves as a case study during a PC(USA) Stewardship Kaleidoscope workshop

The Rev. Dr. Luke Powery tells a Synod of the Covenant gathering that dealing with death is central to preaching that’s alive

Presbyterian Mission Agency and partners reveal how debt relief addresses systemic injustices across the globe

Here’s a pro tip, a workshop at the PC(USA)’s Stewardship Kaleidoscope says: Pastors ought to be involved in stewardship matters

PHS LIVE: Book Talk with Dr. Gene Zubovich

New York Avenue Presbyterian Church hosts Professor Kristin Henning, a lawyer and scholar who wrote about how we are criminalizing Black youth

Presbyterian churches invited to learn about grassroots organizing in Nov. 16 webinar

Stewardship Kaleidoscope workshop helps PC(USA) preachers to articulate generosity year-round

A word from the Stated Clerk

Hurricane Ian recovery highlights systemic struggles for Florida farmworkers, PC(USA) partners report

With 14 languages spoken, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s New Worshiping Communities now number about 750

A PC(USA) Stewardship Kaleidoscope workshop offers security tips for online financial transactions

Presbyterians for Earth Care offers ‘Climate on the Ballot’ workshop out ahead of Tuesday’s midterm elections

Denominational leaders and church members remind Presbyterians of the spiritual power of voting

Auburn Seminary’s Dr. Keisha E. McKenzie talks up effective engagement during the Presbyterian Foundation’s ‘Leading Theologically’

Native American Coordinating Council holds its first in-person gathering in more than two years

Presbyterian Mission Agency celebrates Women of Faith Awards recipients for their gifts and courage

Closing worship during the PC(USA)’s The Immersion conference asks worshipers to take note of their blind spots

The Immersion, a PC(USA) conference on congregational vitality, hears from one of the nation’s foremost biblical scholars

Presbyterians concerned about global warming headed to UN Climate Conference in Egypt

Stewardship Kaleidoscope workshop touts the importance of simplifying giving campaigns among PC(USA) faith communities

Keynoter at the PC(USA)’s ‘The Immersion’ conference takes attendees through trying different kinds of prayer and building caring relationships

Mid council leaders and GA225 actions

The PC(USA)’s Immersion conference takes a deep dive into worship assumptions

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary president announces plans to retire in 2023

Stewardship Kaleidoscope workshop identifies five ways PC(USA) leaders can minister to church donors

Preacher during the PC(USA)’s Immersion conference says vital congregations remember their true base

Women, life, freedom

Election season returns

People attending the PC(USA)’s Evangelism Conference receive a Top 10 list to help them spread the good news

PC(USA) is among the conveners for a week-long conference on Christian Zionism

Stewardship Kaleidoscope workshop explores the growing power of putting our money where our hearts are

The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) releases its Fall Bulletin

First 'Along the Road' episodes available

The PC(USA)’s Evangelism Conference looks at churches’ ‘beautiful lies and ugly truths’

Stewardship Kaleidoscope panel explores how every faith has traditions of generosity

Family, friends gather at Broadway Presbyterian Church in New York City to remember and honor a social justice giant, the Rev. Dr. Robert Laird Brashear

Presbyterian Historical Society celebrates student-designed exhibit

The PC(USA)’s Evangelism Conference seeks to address harm while embracing hope

A Church of Scotland pastor born and raised in South Carolina will be Moderator of the Scottish church’s 2023-24 General Assembly

International Peacemakers with the PC(USA) reflect on their visits to the US

Presbyterians screen, then discuss a thoughtful documentary on climate change and patriarchy

Ten-person church opens Presbyterian Disaster Assistance volunteer host site

Nov. 3 webinar to offer insight from international and domestic partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

PC(USA) pastor and educator shares new research on hope among pediatric patients

#GivingTuesday on Nov. 29 will again celebrate the collective power of Presbyterian generosity

#GivingTuesday on Nov. 29 will again celebrate the collective power of Presbyterian generosity

No stopping these PC(USA) seniors

PC(USA)’s ‘The Scattered Church’ broadcast spotlights three faith communities where connection and belonging are treasured

Changing the World

PC(USA) churches are changing the world

PC(USA) podcast ‘A Matter of Faith’ gives clergy and other allies resources to help the families and friends of intersex people

Changes coming to church statistics

The PC(USA)’s Mission Development Resources Committee announces the final Mission Program Grants for 2022

Presbyterian Church of East Africa celebrates four decades of women’s ordination

Stewardship Kaleidoscope seminar explains why and how churches should establish an endowment

Columbia Theological Seminary will inaugurate its 11th president next month

Bridging and bonding toward inclusion

A PC(USA) partner in Indonesia helps provide interreligious understanding and education

Presbyterian Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment adopts its Mission Work Plan

A few of the PC(USA)’s new worshiping communities gather online to celebrate the program’s 10th birthday

Online committees, in-person plenaries

New Presbyterian documentary will address the impact of structural racism

The task during the World Council of Churches Assembly was to strive toward unity in a very diverse gathering

Stewardship Kaleidoscope speaker offers strategies for unleashing generosity in culturally specific ways

Presbyterian pastor from Trinidad and Tobago wants assemblies to attract attendees of all ages

The PC(USA)’s DOWNTOWN CHURCH is an energy hub with a different approach to stewardship

Hispanic Latin Presbyterian Women gather and encourage justice actions

The Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett explains her past influences and current passions during Everyday God-talk

Dorchester Presbyterian Church in Summerville, South Carolina, embraces status as Earth Care Congregation

Presbyterian panelists explore the role evangelism plays in Christian formation

Presbyterian panelists explore the role evangelism plays in Christian formation

Churches as community partners

History-making president of Columbia Theological Seminary shares a fresh vision for a seminary that’s nearly two centuries old

Theology, Formation & Evangelism’s associate director selected for a dean’s position at Columbia Theological Seminary

Stanford University scholar uses ‘A Matter of Faith’ appearance to discuss how the term ‘heathen’ is understood

Howard Baskerville and the call of freedom

Princeton Theological Seminary panel discusses how polarization threatens American democracy

The future of calls

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: why they are marks of the church, and how we can practice these values in our congregations and mid councils

Social ethicist and scholar to lead Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Center for Repair of Historical Harms

Princeton Theological Seminary announces the election of its eighth president

PC(USA) pastor and author discusses ‘Our Angry Eden’ with Presbyterians for Earth Care

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Respecto los(as) Ancianos(as) Gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

The Rev. Dr. Hunter Farrell, the former director of Presbyterian World Mission, shares how congregations can decolonize mission efforts

Although it’s relatively small, the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren has a ‘distinct and widely respected voice’ defending human rights

Presbyterians Today columnist Ken Rummer shares wisdom for two

Presbyterian Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment approves selective divestment list that includes five fossil fuel companies

Reformation Sunday resources for Oct. 30

During Wednesday’s PC(USA) Chapel service, a Native American pastor retraces a recent blessed journey undertaken by a father and his son

A former PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer and current medical student talks to the ‘A Matter of Faith’ podcast hosts about providing health care from a faith perspective

Presbyterian Foundation VP: Personal stories boost stewardship efforts because they resonate

Pejuhutazizi (Yellow Medicine) Presbyterian Church in Minnesota is the first to receive Native American church property funds designed to repair aging structures

Words from the Stated Clerk

‘More like church than church’ is the approach that helps a PC(USA) congregation in North Carolina address hunger

World Mission Initiative panel at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary focuses on leading through disruption

McClure Lecture, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary’s World Mission Initiative explore leadership in a time of disruption

Presbyterians continue to look for ways to support asylum seekers coming into US

Neo-fascist and authoritarian trends in Europe are alarming, says Presbyterian World Mission area coordinator

A talk during the PC(USA)’s Stewardship Kaleidoscope poses tough questions for church leaders to consider

PDA responds to ‘heartbreaking’ destruction from Ian

Solar panels at First Presbyterian Church near Ely in Iowa help put ecological stewardship into practice

The Presbyterian Foundation’s Stewardship Kaleidoscope offers churches a look at the gospel and money

The themes of Advent are explored during the Synod of the Covenant’s Equipping Preachers workshop

The Rev. Laura M. Cheifetz discusses PC(USA) connectivity and accountability on Everyday God-Talk

Despite a fire and a government shutdown, Lesvos Solidarity’s work continues, its founder says during the PC(USA)’s 'Between Two Pulpits' broadcast

A PC(USA) new worshiping community in Texas is blessed to be served by ‘the community’s pastor’

“Advocacy Watch,” bonus episodes from "A Matter of Faith" podcast to highlight work of PMUN and OPW offices.

'Advocacy Watch,' bonus episodes from 'A Matter of Faith' podcast to highlight work of PMUN and OPW offices

'Sons & Daughters of Thunder' film reveals Presbyterian connections to Harriet Beecher Stowe

The Church moving forward post pandemic

Board of Pensions names the Rev. Dr. Douglas Portz as Vice President, Church Relations

Grammy-nominated music educator discusses faith and fine arts during ‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’

Music educator discusses faith and fine arts during ‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’

Stated Clerk calls on Presbyterians to pray for those impacted by recent hurricanes

Ruth Gardner receives Donna Craig Volunteer Award from Kentucky Refugee Ministries

Price Henderson Gwynn dies

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board hears from its corresponding members and approves reports from its new teams during final day of meeting

The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins of the PC(USA) joins a panel examining the trouble with Christian nationalism

Three Women of Faith to be honored during an online ceremony Nov. 3

Reframing stewardship as a spiritual discipline of generosity

Dr. William Yoo, a seminary professor and author, helps the PMA Board take an honest look at Presbyterian complicity in slavery and anti-Black racism

Best-selling author A.J. Jacobs delivers the first keynote talk at Stewardship Kaleidoscope

Upcoming webinar: 'Practicing Inclusion'

The Rev. Dr. José Irizarry, the new president of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, discusses how to start well

For the first time in nearly three years, Presbyterian Mission Agency Board members are privileged to meet in person

The Board of Pensions appoints the Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Cannon as Vice President, Ministry Innovation

PC(USA) webinar helps those in charge of worship gear up for a year with Matthew

Chaplain and author discusses spiritual care needs young people are experiencing around the climate crisis

Presbyterian Hunger Program approves more than $1.2 million in grants

Church moving forward post pandemic

Evangelism Conference keynoter offers up a few words of welcome and encouragement

Peace & Global Witness Offering benefits Lesvos Solidarity in its mission to promote dignity and protect the human rights of refugees and migrants

Unifying opportunities

Year with Matthew webinar set for Tuesday

‘The Great Dissenter,’ Justice John Marshall Harlan, was a longtime ruling elder at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C.

Presbyterian hymn writer the Rev. Carolyn Winfrey Gillette pens new lyrics following Hurricane Fiona’s impact

Presbyterian churches urged to pray for peace on the Korean Peninsula

Evangelism Conference, Immersion event to be held back-to-back at Montreat Conference Center

Looking back and looking ahead

Building Knowledge and Breaking Barriers through collaboration

Princeton Theological Seminary to host series on the future of American democracy

The Rev. Rachel Penmore, who leads UKirk campus ministry at the University of Tennessee, discusses the work of nurturing young adults

International Peacemakers lead PC(USA) chapel service

The Cecil Corbett Papers

Years of cooperating and cajoling by churches in the Presbytery of the Pacific helped pass legislation to bring more affordable housing to Los Angeles County

On the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico faces record-setting rainfall and devastation from Hurricane Fiona

Polity podcast is your friend

Peace & Global Witness Offering helps to serve a hurting and needy world

Longest serving Black female pastor in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) called ‘terrific leader’

Delaware pastor with a social work background keynotes National Faith Day event for the National Alliance on Mental Illness

The Presbyterian Mission Agency’s manager of Diversity and Reconciliation is this week’s guest on ‘A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast’

Being Matthew 25 explores innovative ways Denver-area churches are helping their neighbors into housing

Training imaginative minds by planting seeds at the Presbyterian School of Kabuga in Rwanda

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship explores the path ahead following General Assembly

Michigan church chooses a cause close to its heart from the Presbyterian Giving Catalog

Columbia Theological Seminary will hold Thompson Scholars seminar next spring

The PC(USA)’s man on Capitol Hill, the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, joins thousands of friends at a White House celebration

Presbyterian Mission Agency's Associate Director of Advocacy joins thousands at the White House to celebrate the Inflation Reduction Act

The PC(USA)’s man on Capitol Hill, the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, joins thousands of friends at a White House celebration

Bail Project still basks in success of the 225th General Assembly

Immersion conference at Montreat takes a deep dive into Vital Congregations

Disabilities advocate Bill Gaventa makes the case for welcoming the stranger on 'A Matter of Faith' podcast

Jackson water crisis brings frustration

Exhibit open house in Philadelphia

Co-Moderators optimistic about the future of the PC(USA)

Shining the light of Christ on the streets of Indianapolis

Church in the digital age

The Faith Studio’s Gina Brown is the guest on the latest PC(USA) New Way podcasts

‘We either have fun learning or we give in to despair’

When the secular becomes sacred

Outreach effort brings hope to Native American communities

Unity among members of the World Council of Churches? Not in every case, Presbyterians on the ground report

‘We are one church in this global world’

Sunday’s sermons for Monday’s world

The Church of Scotland pays tribute to Her Majesty the Queen

Unifying behind unity

Stated Clerk brings greetings to military chaplains

The PC(USA)’s top ecumenist touches on the highlights of the World Council of Churches’ 11th Assembly

A mission-minded scavenger hunt

Wayward hen finds a home

You’re welcome

They’re just ideas

Mastering the art of the pivot

This is the way

No place like home

A seat at the table and access to the microphone

World Council of Churches elects new presidents

‘I believe very firmly as a Muslim that Christ’s love was meant for me too’

Continuing a pilgrimage of justice and peace

Cameroonian peace activist to visit PC(USA)

‘A strong grassroots network that can mobilize within hours when needed’

Julia Henderson wraps up work with the Office of the General Assembly

For reindeer, climate change is no game

Speaking and acting to bring about a world without rape and violence

Giving a gift that makes a difference

Putting our personal power to work collectively

LGBTQIA+ Christians celebrate diversity at World Council of Churches Assembly

The Season of Peace is a time of reflection

Space for all God’s children

Landmark legislation will aid not only stretched budgets but Planet Earth, too

World Council of Churches convenes in Germany

Presbyterian Association of Musicians receives a $360k gift

The Rev. David Hunter McAlpin, Jr., among a string of five McAlpins to serve on the Union Theological Seminary Board of Trustees, dies at 94

Black Mountain Presbyterian Church tackles food insecurity

‘What glory’

Laying aside ‘every weight and the sin that clings so closely’

Feeling like you belong

Presbyterian generosity, pandemic continue to impact A Corp finances

New Way podcast returns

Laying down tracks for technology investments

Mission accomplished

‘I’m happier and it’s crazy how that happens’

‘These kids have had to be brave their whole lives’

Program emphasizes importance of respite for Hispanic pastors

Ecumenical leaders: Be wary of the Marcos dynasty

Neighborhood watch

Presbyterian support for the Sanctuary Movement

‘Love makes room’

Remembering Frederick Buechner

International Peacemaker to illuminate climate risks in the Pacific

Sit-ins and other forms of protest go way back

‘Look right into the face of Almighty God and give yourself to the work that is before you’

‘Look right into the face of Almighty God and give yourself to the work that is before you’

Office of Public Witness urges Presbyterians to contact Congress over Israeli military attacks on Palestinians

Back to school means back to missions

Reformation Lessons and Carols

Sanctuaries under construction

Stated Clerk joins Louisville-area faith leaders in downtown prayer vigil

This PC(USA) church in Stillwater runs deep

New ‘covenant agreement’ to provide more affordable seminary options for Young Adult Volunteers

‘Response From Our Faith to Gender Violence’ to be held Aug. 27

The Rev. Jaime O. Quiñones, former GA vice moderator, dies at age 94

A year as a Young Adult Volunteer is ‘like being air-dropped in the middle of chaos’

PC(USA) offering support after massive fire in Cuba

APCU launches leadership development institute

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Open Hand Ministries offers tools and accompaniment to strengthen home ownership in the Steel City

A look at how faith communities and mid councils are making Triennium their own

Does wonder have a shelf life?

Bringing a message of peace and justice from El Salvador

Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, Switzerland, is once again offering scholarships for yearlong study

Kin-dom kids

PC(USA) and others call on the US government to help following a massive fire in Cuba

Stated Clerk to bring greetings at ELCA Churchwide Assembly

A matter of FACT

Moderators’ Conference to be hybrid event this year

Collaboration stokes fire for faith-based advocacy

Flooding in Eastern Kentucky: ‘What I have seen has broken my heart’

Presbyterian Writers Guild celebrates three award-winning authors

The talent behind the trio of Triennium resources

Pair with ties to Presbyterian World Mission to serve on the American Waldensian Society Board

‘A mixed bag of destruction’

Reimagining Jesus as an Ivy League track and cross-country coach

A fine yarn

When good news is harder to find

Eliminating the prison industrial complex

Where do we go from here?

Taking our well-being into our own hands

PDA responds to destructive flooding in multiple areas

Presbyterians asked to solidify congressional support for the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

‘That’s who most needs to be here’

Worship resource designed to aid churches celebrating College and Young Adult Sunday

‘Two ideas trying to share space’

Genuine relationships and long-term commitments

Finding and providing sanctuary

The nitty gritty on the city

‘Think and laugh and be compelled to reimagine’

Blooming where we’re planted

‘Heartened and hopeful’ to be part of the conversation in Uvalde, Texas

‘Come Bear Witness’

What do we do about guns and violence in America?

‘Navigator of Peace’ the Rev. Jack Mathison dies at 97

Stop stifling and start learning from unexpected sources

‘So much more than an event’

Board of Pensions issues Board Bulletin for summer 2022

Grants from the Native American Leadership Development Fund to benefit five projects

‘GA, Creation Care and You’

Worshiping work

It’s all in the timing

‘When one thing goes out of whack in our communities, many things go out of whack’

Presbyterians and others urged to support asylum seekers

Faith Presbyterian Church Germantown and Clarence Cave

Minnesota pastor wins Best First Book Award

Minnesota pastor wins Best First Book Award

Setting the table and adorning the walls

Stewardship Kaleidoscope registration continues as early-bird deadline approaches

Centering residents’ voices to bring about resident-led change

Union Presbyterian Seminary awarded grant to help starting pastors hone their preaching

The Rev. Adriene Thorne is called to be The Riverside Church’s eighth senior minister

Welcome to Utah

‘Prisoners are not slaves’

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and interfaith groups denounce ‘illegal assault on Ukraine’

Abraham and the Multiverse

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

The thread of bondage

Celebrating the 1,000th Matthew 25 congregation

Evangelicalism is ‘not the monolith that a lot of headlines would have you believe’

‘The Struggle is Real’ returns July 20 with a webinar on disabilities and poverty

Reflections on GA225

Teaching your children well

‘Stable housing is the foundation for a successful life’

A summary of General Assembly actions

Faith and knowledge can occupy the same space in believers’ hearts and minds

‘Togetherness and love’

Presbyterian Foundation president and CEO confirmed for a fourth term

Of geese and bikes and Christian worship

Stated Clerk shares letter to church on GA decision regarding Israel-Palestine

Board of Pensions appoints executive vice president and general counsel

Go forth and change the world

Assembly approves per capita rates and budgets for 2023 and 2024

When everything else has been said, saying ‘thank you’ is always appreciated

GA commissioners approve moving Mission Engagement and Support to the Administrative Services Group

‘I will sleep so hard when it’s over!’

The parable of the prodigal son

GA 226 will feature in-person plenaries, online committee work

People you may not know about at General Assembly

General Assembly votes for commission to unify Presbyterian entities

Resolution rejects government attempts to limit access to contraceptive and abortion care

‘A future with hope’

Adapting to a world ‘that is not going to stop and wait for us’

Exploring GA history through Pearl, the PHS digital repository

Rolling * with * the * holy * punches

Recommendation for mandatory reporting of abuse revived by assembly

One more day

Stated Clerk leads panel discussion for this year’s Hands and Feet

Thursday worship service focuses on hope for the future

The call to be Christ’s hands and feet will once again ring out across the PC(USA)

GA overwhelmingly endorses efforts to curb violence in the US

The value of the YAADvocate

The community fridge

Los comisionados aprueban la desinversión de cinco empresas energéticas

다섯 에너지 회사에 대한 투자 철회 승인

Commissioners approve divestment from five energy companies

A reading as a first act of repentance

미국장로교, '피난처 교회 및 동반자 교회' 선포

IP (EE. UU.) declaró "Iglesia de Santuario y Acompañamiento"

The road to denominational Damascus

How are they doing that?

‘We still see God and find God in each other, even behind masks’

PC(USA) declared ‘Sanctuary and Accompaniment Church’

Our bodies are our temples

Committee on Mid Councils and Committee on Polity top agenda for Plenary 5

Off and running

중간공의회 위원회 및 정책 위원회, 본회의 5의 주요 안건이 되다

El Comité de los Concilios Intermedios y el Comité de Política ocupan el primer lugar en el orden del día del Plenario 5

‘I’m excited to see where the Spirit will lead us’

Building a diverse, multiethnic community

UPCUSA y La Causa: César Chávez habla en la Asamblea General de 1974

UPCUSA와 La Causa: 세자르 차베스,1974년 총회에서 연설하다

Dragon boat racing gives pastor insights

The UPCUSA and La Causa: Cesar Chavez speaks at the 1974 General Assembly

‘It’s not just Presbyterians that God loves. God loves us all’

'서로를 안아줄 수 있는 가상의 공간'인 BIPOC Space

El Espacio BIPOC (personas de color, de raza negra e indígenas) de la AG ‘es como estar envuelto en un abrazo virtual’

‘We are only strong when our sibling agency is strong’

"Sólo somos fuertes cuando lo es nuestra agencia hermana"

GA BIPOC Space ‘like being enveloped in a virtual hug’

'자매 기관이 견고할 때에 우리도 강하다'

Aprobación del equipo de Desarrollo del Modelo de Financiamiento y preparación para las votaciones del presupuesto de fin de Asamblea

자금 조달 모델 개발팀 승인 및 총회 예산 투표 준비

Approving Funding Model Development team and preparing for end-of-Assembly budget votes

Called to advocate for healing

Committee says next General Assembly should be hybrid

Amending a recommendation to unify PMA and OGA

Moving forward

El Comité dice que la Asamblea General debería ser híbrida

총회 조직체 정책 및 절차 위원회 논의를 조기 마감하다

El Comité de Políticas y Procedimientos de las Entidades de la Asamblea General concluye sus trabajos antes de tiempo

위원회는 차기 총회도 하이브리드로 열려야 한다고 말했다

General Assembly Entity Policy and Procedures Committee completes business early

‘It’s amazing to watch how much they want to build God’s church in the world’

Having fun with the Bible

Protecting the ‘center of the ancient world’

LGBTQIA+ overture stirs debate

Up front about behind-the-scenes work

Supporting church institutions and individuals

Perfect 20/20 vision

PAP Committee unanimously recommends re-election of the Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett as head of the PMA

Stories from GA: 1983 Reunion

A barista on a mission

‘Teasing out what happened can really speak to the Church today’

Stated Clerk urges Immigration Committee to carry ‘the spirit of innovation’ home

Ecumenical-Interfaith Committee approves partnerships with international denominations

총회 진행규정 특별위원회 설치 승인

El Comité aprueba el establecimiento de un comité especial sobre las Reglas Permanentes de la Asamblea General

범교회 위원회가 국제 교단과의 파트너십을 승인했다

Comité Ecuménico - Interreligioso aprueba asociaciones con denominaciones <br> internacionales

Committee approves establishing a special committee on Standing Rules of the General Assembly

International Engagement Committee concludes business

El Comité de Compromiso Internacional concluye sus actividades

국제 참여 위원회 안건 논의 마감

General Assembly commissioner has found creative way to minister

Reading Scripture expansively

The Rev. Dr. José R. Irizarry to become Austin Seminary’s 10th president

Empty pews are here to stay

Immigration Committee completes its business, reflects on migrant tragedy

Standing up to proposed Standing Rules changes

Pay some attention to the people behind the curtain

Israel and Palestine dominate the attention of the International Engagement Committee

Overture denouncing antisemitism, Islamophobia approved

총회 이민위원회, 이민자의 비극을 생각하며 안건을 마무리하다

Comité de Inmigración completa su labor, reflexiona sobre la tragedia de los migrantes

반유대주의와 이슬람 혐오를 고발하는 헌의안이 승인되다

Moción denunciando antisemitismo, islamofobia aprobada

‘It’s church, and church in its best form’

‘It’s church, and church in its best form’

Breathing, singing and listening to God ‘calling for us’

Science has a place in our faith

There is always room for growth

GA’s Immigration Committee takes steps to broaden asylum seekers’ access to legal representation

Supporting the people of Africa, Central America, the Philippines and Ukraine

Rocket docket

Ecumenical and Interfaith Committee speeds through ‘agreeable’ first day

The Hands & Feet initiative, hybrid style

총회 이민 위원회가 망명 신청자에 대한 법률 지원을 확대했다

El Comité de Inmigración de la Asamblea General toma medidas para ampliar el acceso de los solicitantes de asilo a la representación legal

Katie Cannon Scholarship recipients announced

총회의 일상이 된 테크놀로지

Ya no es noticia de primera página

No longer front-page news

A Worship and Music Conference with plenty of both on display

There’s relief in sight

Our food system’s unsung heroes

Environmental Justice Committee again backs selective divestment

Listening to the survivors of sexual misconduct

Committee approves resolution on racism as a public health crisis

No new Covid cases reported in second round of committee meetings at GA225

환경 정의위원회, 다시 선택적 매각 지지

El Comité de Justicia Ambiental respalda una vez más la desinversión selectiva

성적 비행 생존자들에게 귀 기울이기

Se escuchan a sobrevivientes de acoso sexual

‘When it’s working, it’s really beautiful’

Committee on Addressing Violence in the U.S.A. wraps up its business

미국 내 폭력 해결 위원회가 일정을 마무리했다

El Comité para Abordar la Violencia en los Estados Unidos cierra sus asuntos

A time to stand firm: The 1964 meeting of the UPCUSA General Assembly

Environmental Justice Committee continues mulling over divestment

Apologizing for the sin of slavery and repairing the lasting breach of racism

‘I’ve received all the elements needed to be successful in the process’

Assembly committee approves 'The Decade to End Gun Violence'

One GA committee’s response to Friday’s Supreme Court decision

금요일 대법원 판결에 대한 총회 위원회의 응답

Respuesta de un comité de la Asamblea General a la decisión de la Corte Suprema del viernes

Sadness, anger, frustration

Commissioners/advisory delegates glad to be together again

Columbia Theological Seminary student organization protests the firing of admissions director

Faith gives certainty in life’s uncertainties

GA committee approves MRTI’s fossil fuel divestment proposal

A long — and historic — day 1

Health, Safety and Benefits votes three times to strengthen the PC(USA)’s mental health ministry

General Assembly committee takes up violence in the US

Un largo — e histórico — día 1

길었지만 역사적이었던 위원회 첫날

‘God’s providence took us through’

Creating community takes work

TWE Committee wrestles with theology, ecumenism in its concluding business

Polity Committee completes its agenda

Mid Councils Committee resurrects overture on final day

Additional commissioners test positive at 225th General Assembly

Faces that couldn’t hide their hearts

제 225회 총회 대의원들이 추가적으로 코비드 양성 반응을 보임

Los comisionados adicionales dan positivo en la 225ª Asamblea General

정책위원회, 의제를 모두 다루다

El Comité sobre Política completa sus asuntos

중간공의회 위원회, 마지막 날 한 헌의안을 재논의

El Comité de los Concilios Intermedios resucita la apertura en el último día

TWE 위원회는 신학, 에큐메니즘을 심도있게 다루면서 안건들을 마무리지었다.

El Comité TWE (por sus siglas en inglés) lucha con la teología, el ecumenismo en sus negocios finales

Synod of the Sun announces new director of Synod Partnership for Disaster Recovery

‘The past is in front of us’

They’re back!

Polity Committee again approves one item calling for Book of Order change

Theology, Worship and Education Committee recommends consideration of a new confession

Mid Councils Committee focuses on Presbyterian employee benefits

(Never) lost in translation

권징 규례 위원회, 새로운 교회 권징 정책 승인하다

Capítulo por capítulo, el Comité de Reglas de Disciplina aprueba una nueva política para la disciplina de la iglesia

Chapter by chapter, the Rules of Discipline Committee approves a new policy for church discipline

Ruth Santana-Grace tests positive for Covid

Ruth Santana-Grace da positivo por Covid

루스 산타나-그레이스, 코비드 양성 판정

Blazing a trail of love

Historias de la AG:

총회 스토리:

Stories from GA:

GA Committee on Mid Councils addresses issue highlighted in Juneteenth sermon

Busca corregir los errores históricos

역사적 과오를 바로 잡기

Seeking to right historic wrongs

On day one, one change to the Book of Order referred to full assembly

Rules of Discipline Committee acts on six of its seven items of business

Manager of GA Business has a lifetime of assembly attendance to draw from

청년 자문단, 제 225회 총회에 함께하는 헌신적인 지도자들

Los Jóvenes Delegados Asesores son un grupo de líderes comprometidos que se reúnen en AG225

The ‘Great Realignment’: Pastors come and go

A look at Louisville

Una mirada a Louisville

루이빌 살펴보기

Young Adult Advisory Delegates are a group of committed leaders coming together at GA225

Aging gracefully

Mission co-workers share post-pandemic travel tips

Bills and Overtures Committee refers eight commissioner resolutions for consideration by other committees

Isaiah and the call to 'do more'

‘I love being a people of the impossible’

Breaking new barriers in General Assembly

총회에서 새로운 장벽 허물기

산타나-그레이스와 스탈링-루이스, 225 차 총회 공동 총회장에 선출되다

Santana-Grace y Starling-Louis elegidas como Co-Moderadoras de la 225a Asamblea GeneralShape

General Assembly’s host city wraps up Juneteenth commemoration

Se rompen nuevas barreras en la Asamblea General

Santana-Grace and Starling-Louis elected Co-Moderators of the 225th General Assembly

Opportunity, assessment, and commission

'We are not frozen, and we’re not chosen'

Oportunidad, evaluación y comisión

El sermón de apertura de la 225ª Asamblea General desafía a la audiencia a pasar de la religiosidad a la rectitud

El secretario permanente de la Asamblea General es el primer invitado de GA Live

"Tiene que haber un mejor sentido de por qué nos reunimos y quiénes somos"

‘Will you come bear witness with me?’

기회, 평가 및 위임

Opening sermon at 225th General Assembly challenges audience to move ‘from religiosity to righteousness’

Luces, Cámaras, Acciones

‘There has to be a better sense of why we gather and who we are’

'우리가 모이는 이유와 우리가 누구인지 더 잘 알고 있어야 합니다'

제225회 총회 개회 설교 '지나친 종교주의에서 정의로'

Assembly Committee on Business Referral gives thumbs up to a handful of measures

Historic Moderator firsts

The Stated Clerk of the General Assembly is GA Live’s first guest

조명, 카메라, 액션

GA Live의 첫 번째 게스트

The Rev. Dr. James Reese, a beloved Presbyterian pastor and leader, dies at age 98

Lights, cameras, actions

GA worship planning team prepares for decolonized worship at the Assembly

Stated Clerk remains hopeful for the next three weeks

The Sankofa bird looks back

Recursos Lingüísticos Globales se prepara para la GA225

글로벌 언어 지원부가 제 225회 총회를 준비하고 있다

Global Language Resources prepares for GA225

Hot off the (virtual) presses

Health precautions are in place for the 225th General Assembly

Presbyterians headed to Poor People’s Campaign march on Washington

‘These are trying times, but we come from people who have survived trying times’

Polity Committee to consider a dozen overtures

World Refugee Day comes as crisis is now worse than ever

World Refugee Day comes as crisis is now worse than ever

Ecumenical and Interfaith committee considers ways to strengthen relationships

‘Collegiate ministry is the best-kept secret in the denomination’

Service dogs in training are part of church’s welcome

International Peacemaker chaplaincy program provides support for marginalized people

Raising their voices against gun violence

Mid Councils Committee at GA225 will consider issues of inclusion, equity

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Virtual YAV program gives young adults another opportunity to experience mission in action

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

GA committee to consider ways to address needs of immigrants and refugees

And yet it moves

Consideration of Moffett’s re-election among the duties of the General Assembly Entity Policies and Procedures Committee

Assembly news in ways you can use it

Ebb and flow

PC(USA), other congregations join in National Guns to Gardens Day

God provides hope in Syria — and the United States

The General Assembly’s Moving Forward/Vision 2020 Committee will consider reports from two special committees

Grabbing onto the incarnational theology of Jesus

Pride in her work

Nominations sought for the 2022 Women of Faith Awards

Financial Resources Committee preview

GA’s Environmental Justice Committee to consider divestment proposals

Practicing inclusion

Columbia Theological Seminary appoints Dr. Christine Roy Yoder as Vice President and Dean

Princeton Theological Seminary embraces bold vision for PhD program in a changing world

Committee on Standing Rules will have no time for standing by

Race and Gender Justice Committee preview

Does faith have a place in mental health?

Police officer baptized by clergy couple he used to arrest

Southern Europe Partnership Network forming to stand in solidarity with European partners

Advising the Assembly

Mental health, reproductive justice and family leave top committee’s to-do list

A tiny island nation faces enormous challenges

정신 건강, 재생산 정의, 가족 돌봄 휴가 - 위원회 안건 목록에서 중요한 자리를 차지하다

La salud mental, la justicia reproductiva y la familia dejan la lista de tareas pendientes del comité superior

El Comité para Abordar la Violencia en EE.UU. examinará los informes sobre la violencia con armas de fuego

미국 내 폭력 해결위원회가 총기 문제에 대한 보고서들을 검토할 것이다

‘You’re also bringing yourselves’

Addressing Violence in the US Committee will consider timely gun violence reports

‘Glory to God!’

‘Nobody is beyond resurrection’

‘Nobody is beyond resurrection’

A ‘Christ-like example’

미국장로교 총회 사역 조정위원회는 LGBTQIA+ 관련 이슈를 검토할 것이다

El Comité de Coordinación del Ministerio de la Asamblea General de la IP(EE. UU.) considerará las cuestiones LGBTQIA+

Ministry Coordination Committee of the PC(USA) General Assembly to consider LGBTQIA+ issues

총회위원회 소개

Vista previa del Comité de la Asamblea General

Looking ahead to ‘A Year with Matthew for a Matthew 25 Church’

General Assembly Committee preview

Academic space in Argentina serves God’s mission in the world

성적 비행에 대한 건의안과 규례서의 개정안을 고려하는 권징조례 위원회

Comité del Reglas de Disciplina encargado de examinar las recomendaciones sobre conducta sexual indebida y las enmiendas al Libro de Orden

God’s church: a liberated and diverse community of faith

Rules of Discipline Committee to consider recommendations on sexual misconduct and amendments to the Book of Order

The Rev. Chris Roseland named acting senior director of Mission Engagement and Support

Presbyterian advocacy director part of White House reproductive rights meeting

International Engagement Committee has full slate of reports to consider

New partnership between the PC(USA) and New Wilmington provides opportunities for young adults

법안 및 헌의안 위원회가 위원회 일정의 포문을 연다

Proyectos de Ley y Mociones es el primer comité de la Asamblea General

When will the bloodshed end?

War in Ukraine and crises in the Pacific explored

Queer eye on the Bible for Pride Month

Bills and Overtures is the General Assembly’s first committee

Selecting just the right sermon illustration

Gun violence and GA225

PC(USA) and Berliner Missionswerk offer volunteer service placement in Berlin

Covenant Network of Presbyterians celebrates 25 years of justice work

Congregational vitality

Equity primes at GA225

Charlotte, North Carolina, to host Urban Presbyteries Network hybrid conference

Mission Engagement and Support Senior Director Rosemary C. Mitchell announces retirement

‘Mission in reverse’

Learning from our siblings in the Church of Scotland

Stated Clerk joins Louisville mayor to announce Juneteenth Jubilee Celebration plans

‘A really terrible period of amnesia’

Buffalo pastors say community connections key to responding to mass shooting

A grieving and shocked community gathers to pray

How do we metastasize the goodness?

New leaves and old fears

PC(USA) staff celebrate Mission Worker Sunday with a special chapel service

The story of Rising TIDE will float your boat

Stated Clerk mourns for those killed in latest school shooting in Texas

How migrants can participate in their own advocacy

Welcoming the stranger

A new hymn remembers gun violence victims in Uvalde, Texas

‘Indecent and Out of Order’

Without missing a beat

Pastor speaks of God’s healing power after California church shooting

Pastor speaks of God’s healing power after California church shooting

A family affair

Final in the Matthew 25 video discussion series released

It works!

No hay descuento para personas mayores aquí

Columbia Theological Seminary names its 11th president

Montreat Conference Center announces summer worship series lineup

No senior discount here

The Rev. Peggy Howland is remembered for paving the road to make it easier for others to travel

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly holds last monthly meeting before GA225

Edwin David Aponte departs Louisville Institute for Drew Theological School

Heritage Sunday 2022

New Mexico grapples with destructive wildfires

Former GA Co-Moderator the Rev. Cindy Kohlmann sees God’s love and goodness in the Matthew 25 vision

‘I think we as a church have to learn how to love again’

Using our setbacks as steppingstones

Presbyterian Borderlands Ministries welcomes people of all faiths to join its ministry

‘I feel like I really need a Jubilee and I’m guessing some of you do too’

What happens when the PC(USA) engages an insurance giant on climate change?

One farmer’s take on the Creation narrative

Self care as holy restoration

미국장로교 한인교회 전국총회 희년 집회를 개최하다

Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly condemn weekend violence in the US

National Caucus of Korean Presbyterian Churches holds Jubilee Assembly

Reproductive justice and the PC(USA)

Louisville Seminary awarded grant to help gather best practices for passing along the Christian faith

Rest is resistance

These, too, are children of God

‘May Christ heal us from our dis-ease’

Stated Clerk prays for healing amid weekend shootings on both coasts

Shooting in a Southern California PC(USA) church leaves one dead, five wounded

Maryland’s Bethesda Presbyterian Church hosts an ‘urgent’ conversation

‘This stuff is profound, y’all’

Why do we keep doing these prayers of confession?

Telling God’s Good News through a variety of media

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Mission leaders meet to talk about being thoughtful travelers during mission trips

Take your trouble to Jesus

‘There’s a lot at stake’

Silencing human rights advocacy in Israel has broad implications, PC(USA) webinar says

Presbyterians Today, Special Offerings efforts honored during DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards

Five steps to a successful capital campaign

Transformative $25 million gift brings college of dentistry to the University of Pikeville

‘Our voices do matter’

‘It’s in our DNA’

‘Get acquainted and get familiar with your intended community’

Katie Geneva Cannon Digital Collection

New grant to study how theological education can be more intercultural

A.J. Jacobs to launch Stewardship Kaleidoscope Conference in Savannah, Georgia

Presbyteries say: Anti-Racism training no longer optional

‘It’s hard to kill your darling’

Mosaic of Peace returns Nov. 6-18

Confessions of a worship binge-watcher

‘Why not just start your own learning hub?’

World Council of Churches mourns the loss of the Rev. Dwain C. Epps

Deidre Allen joins the Young Adult Volunteer Program as a mission associate

‘God is moving God’s own people much faster than we could ever move ourselves’

Humans are being trafficked all over the world, including our neighborhoods

Crafting for a cause

General Assembly Leader Briefing II

People of faith gather to pray that a just and peaceful election will be held Monday in the Philippines

New grant to study diversity, equity and inclusion in preaching

Understanding Black protest

A high risk, high reward endeavor

Presbyterian webinar will look at US role in Israel Palestine

Presbyterian Mission Agency, Board of Pensions partner on student loan debt

‘You go to church to be fed to do the work you’re called to do’

An engaging approach

Social media is not a bullhorn

‘My mother was very clear about God’s provision’

An old story told with fresh insight

Funds freed up for 1001 New Worshiping Communities program

Practicing resurrection

Hallmark holidays can hurt

Firing up our sanctified imagination

Fill ‘er up at church!

‘Decently and in order’

Three boards come together to approve the 2023-24 unified budget

Community School of Tehran

PC(USA) responsible investment committee celebrates another successful proxy season

Thou shalt not steal

Bless, do not curse, changes

‘We have to shift the narrative to something that resembles Jesus’

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board says goodbye to a dozen of its own

Presbyterians at the forefront of protecting New Mexico’s Greater Chaco Landscape

Journaling your way to the Divine

Presbyterian mission co-worker the Rev. Cathy Chang red-tagged in the Philippines

Finding their voice and maintaining their boundaries

Preventing human rights abuses by corporations

Come as you are

All hands on deck

Could a culture of public forgiveness break our modern outrage cycle?

Conditions in Cuba decried during advocacy workshop

Church discovers key to vitality

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board OKs proposed budgets for 2023-24

Advocacy Days participants lobby for voting rights, humanitarian policy

Union Presbyterian Seminary President announces he will retire in June 2023

Emergency Ministry on Conscience and War Records

One church, four generations

Creating the ultimate prayer room

Honor your mother

Memorial service for Freda Gardner

International Peacemaker from Rwanda to discuss her country’s history

In too many ways, we Christians ‘look more like the world today than the world looks like us’

COGA gets walking tour of new conference space at Presbyterian Center

Ellen Sherby named associate director for World Mission’s Global Connections

Helping our youth flourish

PC(USA) joins in effort to ease humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Untie that colonized colt. Loose that disenfranchised donkey

PC(USA) 2021 statistics continue to show declining membership

Stubbornness and Salvation

Amplifying voices we don’t often hear from

Concern over sea levels is on the rise

Creative approaches to addressing hunger and homelessness applauded

With protocols in place, 225th General Assembly still on track for both in-person/online event

‘O taste and see that the Lord is good’

Maryland church given ‘Cool Congregations Challenge’ award

A Corporation to the 225th General Assembly: Administration is ministry

Day 2 of Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice training focuses on domestic work

‘We’ve got to move Earth Day to 12 months a year’

‘The world is on fire’

Extended suspensions of due process occurring in El Salvador

Home visit by International Peacemaker leads to health transformation for ailing community member

COGA focuses on preparations for the 225th General Assembly

Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice Training focuses on Presbyterian ministries

Prayers of Liberation & Hope for Immigration Relief

‘Participatory democracy can be fun’

Our kids and mental health

The kitchen is a holy place

The new language of love

Sharing good medicine to ‘create the type of world that is pleasing to God’

Impromptu worship

Called to teach

A ‘bridge builder’ at the Board of Pensions

Not even a pandemic can slow down this 60-member church

Final Report: Special Committee on Racism Truth and Reconciliation

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

‘The sensitivity of the people I met for these refugees was just really impressive’

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Resurrection is a movement

‘Writing faithfully, not perfectly’

Abordar la violencia doméstica desde el púlpito

Addressing domestic violence from the pulpit

International Peacemaker works to preserve Christian presence in the Holy Land

After Easter, there’s Earth Day to observe, celebrate

The horrors of war

South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church trains facilitators for trauma healing

Committee approves proposed 2023-24 budgets for the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Presbyterian grants to support refugee and immigrant advocacy

‘I felt obliged to tell this story’

Un viaje cuaresmal a una prisión guatemalteca

A Lenten journey to a Guatemalan prison

Heartbreak in Ukraine

Fanning out to aid Ukraine

Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary plans a year-long celebration of its 155th anniversary

How and why the church fuels white supremacy

Registration is now open for Stewardship Kaleidoscope

The promise of abundant life

Turn your eyes to Jesus

‘You cannot love if your heart is not soft’

Learn more about intersectional justice at one of these webinars

Culture shift

Coordinating Committee approves comments on two significant General Assembly reports

Cómo vivir vidas santas en medio de amenazas de destrucción

Interested in advocacy? These events are for you

Even in our polarized times, it’s possible to preach faithfully on third-rail topics

How to live holy lives amidst threats of destruction

How your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts are used

Where do your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts go? Here’s one place in Africa

A way of life

‘Scoot a little closer to the screen’

Two teams of candidates announce intentions to stand for Co-Moderators of the 225th General Assembly

REAC sends a ‘loving and justice-centered response’ following the Stated Clerk’s MLK Day remarks

‘COVID-19 did not discriminate, but we did’

Tales from two cities

Tales from two cities

The Rev. Mienda Uriarte named as World Mission’s acting director

The Rev. Mienda Uriarte named as World Mission’s acting director

Tax preparation as a spiritual practice

Celebrating the victories of Joining Hands and its alliances

A new worshiping community for people who have been hurt by the church

New mission co-worker arrives in country to walk alongside Japan Mission

Advocates for farmworker safety to march in Florida

Cutting to the chase

Being good stewards of God’s grace

Toiling in the spotlight of public ministry

Racism impacts refugees of color in Ukraine

Lucy Craft Laney and the Haines Institute

Jule C. Spach, a former missionary and Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in the US, dies at 98

Jule C. Spach, a former missionary and Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in the US, dies at 98

Presbyterian Writers Guild will not give its David Steele Distinguished Writer Award in 2022

A sweeping view of Latin America and the Caribbean in only 17 minutes

Applications now being accepted for Native American Leadership Development Fund Award

The crisis in Ukraine is front and center, but others also deserve our attention and compassion

Agentes de cambio en Nigeria

나이지리아 사회 변혁의 주역들

Agents of change in Nigeria

‘Let me stop there. I’m getting ready to start preaching’

No Polity, Benefits, and Mission Conference in 2022

From a train station to a storefront theater to home

Practicing discernment by remaining spiritually disciplined

Arab Institute for Women was the first of its kind in the Arab world

‘Why are we destroying God’s Creation?’

The Long farewell

In three weeks, Presbyterians have donated nearly $1 million toward humanitarian relief in Ukraine

How is Presbyterian Disaster Assistance helping in Ukraine?

Stated Clerk calls on Presbyterians to speak out in support of LGBTQIA+ siblings

Former Army satellite communication operator feels ‘an ethical and moral obligation’ to inform the public on the horrors of drone warfare

Global partner works to eradicate systemic poverty by stabilizing families

Estudiante de la Universidad de Puerto Rico sueña con servir a su comunidad

The Presbyterian Historical Society shares General Assembly histories

Struggles of women and girls highlighted in online discussion

Synod of the Sun working with PDA for synod-wide disaster response

University of Puerto Rico student dreams of serving her community

‘We have co-laborers to carry out the work’

Being the church together

‘Just because you don’t see it in the news doesn’t mean it’s not happening’

PC(USA) climate justice webinar to feature women leaders

While supporting Ukraine, don’t forget other conflicts

‘Who didn’t grow up watching Mister Rogers?’

Doing something good in the face of evil

Nineteen worshiping communities receive Mission Program Grants

UN Secretary-General expresses allyship with women and girls at Town Hall

General Assembly Leader Briefing 1

Listening to the real experts on disability inclusion

Frontera de Cristo remembers migrant shot and killed by border agent

PC(USA) webinar looks at the human cost of remote warfare

A nation of shut-ins

Registration open for upcoming communications workshop

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship’s executive director stepping down

J. Phillips Noble, a civil rights activist who helped guide the Board of Pensions after reunion, dies at age 100

A picture is worth a thousand words

Celebrating multilingual spaces

Stated Clerk joins other faith leaders to urge more work on Puerto Rico’s debt crisis

Deacons, ruling elders and their roles as worship leaders

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

‘The promise is that we won&#039;t be there alone’

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Refugees ‘just want to go home’

어떤 교회도 섬처럼 고립될 수는 없다

No church is an island

환경 정의의 옹호

Abogamos por la justicia ambiental

Advocating for environmental justice

Board of Pensions releases Board Bulletin for Spring 2022

Decolonizing environmental health

Setting the table before engaging a few select causes

‘We are not victims of the crisis, but resilient communities’

Divisions die on the cross

Setting the stage for gender equality

‘What are you here to take?’

Standing with and celebrating transgender and nonbinary youth

With a foot in each of two worlds, international human rights attorney has a unique perspective

Breaking historic ground . . . again

When trusting God &#039;is all we can do&#039;

When trusting God &#039;is all we can do&#039;

A YAV reunion across the miles

A YAV reunion across the miles

A YAV reunion across the miles

A YAV reunion across the miles

AIG makes environmental commitments requested in PC(USA) resolution

March 15 webinar will examine ‘apartheid’ in Israel-Palestine

March 15 webinar will examine the human rights situation in Israel-Palestine

Repairing broken sidewalks

‘A motivation out of love for God’

Presbyteries’ Cooperative Committee on Examinations for Candidates

Can prayer stop a convoy?

On pilgrimage

Advocates need to tell a different story about immigrants and refugees

Fighting erasure: Panelists advocate for Black immigrants

‘There is a culture war going on in this war, and poor Ukraine is stuck in the middle’

Becoming an Earth Care congregation

Detroit arts organization among those to be highlighted during SDOP Sunday on March 13

Climate change is a major cause of migration, even in the US

Climate change webinar focuses on disasters

Climate change webinar focuses on disasters

SDOP-backed project aids entrepreneurial ministry in Nicaragua

What the tree said

Experiencing resurrection

‘We are as much a part of the community as those whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower’

Urge Congress to support Ukrainians impacted by the Russian invasion

Urge Congress to support Ukrainians impacted by the Russian invasion

‘The whole country is rising to help these people’

‘There is a weight and a sadness that is as deep as I’ve ever felt’

Passing the mic

Two little pigs?

Chocolate eggs and ministry

BIPOC leaders talk climate justice

American history: Rooted in Black protest

Webinar encourages prophetic preaching during times of trouble, including right now

Wilmore, Yamada to receive Theological Education Awards

Cultivating hope and resiliency in South Sudan

Social media needs a strategy

Going to White Privilege Conference?

Using a blacklight to point out and clean up our messes

Global partners grateful that the PC(USA) is standing in solidarity against Russian invasion

New video series introduces Sabbath practices

Detroit’s Warriors on Wheels has the drive to thrive

Actions and decisions matter

총회장에 출마했던 최초의 한국계 미국인 문바울 목사, 87세를 일기로 소천

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) seeking support for humanitarian response to Ukraine

‘Reparations are profoundly biblically correct’

The Alter program gives churches tools to minister to people living with dementia

Stated Clerk condemns recent racist remarks toward women’s lacrosse team

The Rev. Paul G. Moon, the first Korean American to stand for GA moderator, dies at age 87

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Journey to the Cross devotional series returns to website, app

A journey toward hope

Returning to the land

Viaje a la esperanza

희망을 향한 여정

Gracie finds her gift, and so do we

Roman Catholic-Reformed Ecumenical Dialogue in the United States

Massachusetts pastor to speak March 9 during Celebrate the Gifts of Women worship service

Massachusetts pastor to speak March 9 during Celebrate the Gifts of Women worship service

Mariners Family Ministry Grant honors a worshiping community filled with youngsters

Mariners Family Ministry Grant honors a worshiping community filled with youngsters

Embracing life’s twists and turns

Embracing life’s twists and turns

Centering Latina voices, theology and language for Lent

Stated Clerk reacts to Russian invasion of Ukraine

Tent of Nations brothers speak out about Jan. 28 attack

‘I believe God is holding us accountable for this’

Virginia congregation living out its vows to the first sextuplets baptized in the PC(USA)

SDOP grant will help Brooklyn-based senior organization keep its members informed

Honing a church’s mission

New World Mission appointment fulfills a General Assembly mandate

Now accepting applications for the Katie Cannon Scholarship

PC(USA) supporting immigration and refugee conference

‘Trust me and let me be part of this — but you be a part of it too’

Seeing with our hearts

A hymn to help voice prayers for peace

PC(USA) joins a vigil for peace in Ukraine

Joshua Park acepta el llamado como gerente de apoyo a los concilios de habla coreana

죠수아 박 목사, 한국어 공의회 지원 담당 매니저 청빙 수락

Joshua Park accepts call as manager for Korean-speaking Councils Support

A home away from home

Restorative history

‘We are backed by God’

‘We are backed by God’

A rock-solid testament

Give a piglet on National Pig Day!

Windshields and rearview mirrors

The doctor is in

Rural poverty webinar coming in March

Joining in the prayer of Creation

With a boost from SDOP, Afghan ranchers in Virginia are raising cattle that meets Halal requirements

A church changed by COVID

Creating a new Lenten tradition

Final goodbyes

Webinar explores race, science and the church

Hawkins releases ‘Unbroken and Unbowed’ Feb. 22

‘This seems to be the right tool at the right time’

120 days to the 225th General Assembly

Black history all year round

Proposed Mission Work Plan for 2023–24 embraces transformation

TJ Remaley isn’t just yolking around

‘We refuse to be enemies’

Our movie critic explores theological themes and ethical values in the Best Picture nominees

Fulfilling Pittsburgh’s promise

SDOP looks to boost women’s empowerment in Panama

Join the Presbytery of Arkansas for a Zoom-based Lenten Bible study on mission and the church

Casper I. Glenn

COVID-19 cancels 2022 Presbyterian Youth Triennium

‘We need to talk about voting’

Transforming a food desert in Flint, Michigan

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Restorative Actions to be recipient of offering at the 225th General Assembly’s opening worship

This is how we run

To market, to market!

A Corp Board to mull shifting some funds to investment firms run by Black fund managers

Mental, physical and spiritual health are interrelated

Unity Through Diversity: GA Committee on Representation

Moving beyond Sunday morning Christian education

Homework for the teachers

PMA Board authorizes fund transfers to pay for ministry innovations

APCE honors a trio of educators

Afghanistan is in a desperate humanitarian crisis. Presbyterians call for help

Join the liberating movement of love

Lasting impressions

PMA Board discusses, debates proposed 2023-24 Mission Work Plan

APCE adopts new name, welcomes new leadership

‘This is what makes us strong’

Stated Clerk responds to recent reactions to Martin Luther King Jr. Day statement

Presbyterians to share how they’re welcoming Afghan refugees

Children’s Enrichment Center at the U.S.-Mexico border shows children a different way of life

A picture is worth a thousand words

A vision for repairing and rebuilding

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly issues statement in response to Stated Clerk’s recent observations on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday

General Assembly preparation tops agenda for COGA winter meeting

Is being Black a preexisting condition?

‘Why does the church need youth ministry?’

Exploring the tensions between faith and security

‘Who dey! Who dey! Who dey think gonna beat that hunger? We dey!’

Historically Black Presbyterian Schools

Office of Christian Formation offering in-home faith formation resources

Presbyterians looking forward to gender equality event

Calling a friend

Save the date (March 20) and find resources for Mister Rogers Day 2022

Presbyterians for Earth Care says ‘the time is now’ to cherish Creation, cut carbon and speak up

Living with the mind of Christ

What now?

‘Historically, African Americans have not had the luxury of self-care’

Embracing mental health for Asian Americans

Where justice and diversity meet radical welcome and healing hope

The Daily News Briefing gets a wakeup call

Elements of worship

‘If it matters to Jesus, it should matter to us’

Invasion of Ukraine is considered imminent as troops mass on the border

APCE to celebrate ‘50+1’ years at annual conference

PC(USA) Washington office supports legislation to ‘end the pandemic now’

8 habits for spreading the Good News

Princeton Seminary president set to retire in 2023

Presbyterian Communicators Network announces schedule for 2022 workshops

Presbyterian Foundation board re-elects Tom Taylor as President and CEO for fourth term

Your photos tell your story

Engaging children in Matthew 25

Denominational website upgrade draws closer

Health care and freedom

Feb. 1 marks the one-year anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar

$50 and a challenge

Give a gift from the heart this Valentine’s Day

‘It made me want to dance’

‘Our earnest desire is that you come and visit’

Discovering a pandemic silver lining

Invitación al cuidado de la Tierra para las iglesias hispano-latinas

‘We must go beyond the one-day worship service’

Bringing Earth care to Hispanic-Latina churches

PC(USA) joins call for peace in Ukraine

Revision to proposed 2023-2024 Mission Work Plan section on militarism is approved

Mission co-workers reinvent what mission interpretation looks like during the pandemic

Our film critic selects his top 10 films for 2021

Poor People’s Campaign plans June 18 March on Washington

No more unread emails

PHS Live: Reckoning with the past

Human rights group marks historic convictions in Guatemala

Praying for others

PC(USA) Washington office calls for support of Women’s Health Protection Act

Princeton Seminary Board of Trustees votes to disassociate Samuel Miller’s name from the chapel

Making real the promises of democracy

COVID issues cause educational and economic challenges for Asia and the Pacific

Save the date for Ecumenical Advocacy Days and its Presbyterian prelude

Reimagining the ‘Charity Garden’

Changes in Public Service Loan Forgiveness program favor the borrower

온 마음을 다하고, 목숨을 다하고, 뜻을 다하고, 힘을 다하여 주 우리 하나님을 사랑하라

Israel/Palestine Mission Network issues statement on the Stated Clerk’s MLK Day call

Loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength

The power of solitude

Call to Prayer for a peaceful solution between Ukraine and Russia

"이것이 우리의 간증이요"

‘This is our story’

Taking a deep dive into structural racism

Session stands up to racism

A message from the Stated Clerk

PMA Director of Special Offerings Bryce Wiebe announces his resignation

‘Being Matthew 25’ premieres with a look at one church’s efforts to minister in the midst of misery

COGA January meeting

Extraordinary show of Presbyterian generosity promises prosperous New Year

Church pays ‘royalties’ for use of African American spirituals

Princeton Theological Seminary awarded $7.3 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.

Mission co-worker eager to help Malawi women form village savings and loan groups

Coordinating Committee gives mostly thumbs-up to the PMA’s 2023-24 Mission Work Plan

Five companies recommended for General Assembly divestment list

It takes a village

‘And there’s a hand, my trusty friend’

GA225 worship leaders announced

Mass incarceration webinar now available on video

A new year, a new goal

Acting like Jesus in the world

Standing behind a commitment to gender justice

The long road home

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A monthly series for serving faithfully

Decolonizing the dream

Remembering Dr. King by celebrating and protecting religious freedom

Remembering Dr. King by celebrating and protecting religious freedom

In a world of trouble and despair, we need a unity of spirit

New Mexico church works to build the Beloved Community on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

After a tornado destroyed its building, a Kentucky church begins to move forward

Finding their voice

Presbyterian pastor joins hunger strike for voting rights

Celebrating the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Scaling the truth and spreading reconciliation

Christmas in Eastern Europe marked by the spirit of helping others

PMA global partner celebrates 50 years of helping the people of Nicaragua

Per Capita: What’s in it for me?

공공 서비스 융자금 탕감 프로그램 변경 사항을 다루는 학생 융자금 웹 세미나 진행

Seminarios web sobre la deuda de los préstamos estudiantiles abordarán los cambios en el Programa de Condonación de Préstamos a los Servicios Públicos

Fire destroys sanctuary but not spirits

Student loan debt webinars will address changes in Public Service Loan Forgiveness program

Presbyterian World Mission adopts new funding system to support mission co-workers

Where do we go from here?

Union Presbyterian Seminary awarded $1 million grant to help faith leaders address the nation’s cultural divide

Presbyterian Writers Guild seeks Best First Book nominations

Returning to his Red Clay Creek roots

'All-Black Governing Bodies' at 25

Board of Pensions adds care navigation to simplify the healthcare experience for members

Under construction

Workshop to explore food sovereignty and climate justice

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to Colorado wildfires, other situations

Opportunities abound for effective online preaching

What does JOY mean to you?

Young adults impress leaders at 2022 College Conference at Montreat

An Epiphany epiphany

Teen continues an Epiphany tradition

Per Capita Sunday: January 23

Grants offsetting carbon emissions will support climate-friendly projects

Grants offsetting carbon emissions will support climate-friendly projects

Grants offsetting carbon emissions will support climate-friendly projects

Being Matthew 25 in word and deed

Gospel and inclusivity

San Francisco Theological Seminary reaffirmed as Presbyterian institution

Challenges remain the same for 2022

Día de los Reyes draws Christmas season to a close

The Christmas season is far from over

Mourning the loss of a champion for justice and peace

Incluso en tiempos de incertidumbre, alégrese esta Navidad.

불확실성의 시대 속에서 이 성탄의 기쁨을 누리세요

Even in times of uncertainty, be joyful this Christmas Day

Becoming flesh

Becoming flesh

Once again, a Minnesota congregation’s Alternative Christmas Marketplace gets families to make meaningful selections to support mission

Western Kentucky churches begin tornado recovery

Bringing about God’s Jubilee in a hurting world

Sharing the Dream

Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion?

Black History Month Comes to Life

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Westminster College partner to offer 3+3 program leading to MDiv

Taking restorative actions to ‘make right what is wrong’

Ecumenical and Interreligious Service Recognitions

Draft committee structure for GA225 is introduced to COGA

Ho! Ho! Ho! Who&#039;s on the Christmas ‘Presby Podcast’?

Presbyterian Foundation receives a third grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.

Visionary pastors shouldn’t employ visionary accounting practices

From Kabul to Exit 9

Holding difficult conversations about the future of church property

Rare and beautiful treasures

Being church in a COVID world

‘In our living, in our giving, we are there’

Louisville Seminary announces finalization of land sale to Olmsted Parks Conservancy

Texas church fights homelessness with permanent supportive housing

The clock is ticking toward the 225th General Assembly

‘Focus: Palestine’ is a new resource available from the World Communion of Reformed Churches

Do we need our church property to be faithful?

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Faith-based investors persuade Tyson to conduct racial equity audit

Princeton Theological Seminary receives $1 million grant to innovate models of Christian leadership

La ofrenda de gozo de Navidad

Despite many challenges, Christmas is celebrated in the Holy Land

Presbyterian podcast lanza versión en español

Educator opportunities

‘There is comfort knowing we will endure and flourish’

Presbyterian podcast launches Spanish version

Christmas Joy Offering

Office of Public Witness champions Build Back Better Act

Presbyterians impacted by and responding to weekend tornado outbreak

Getting ready to inspire climate change action

‘The Christmas story fascinates, intrigues and challenges’

Stated Clerk mourns loss of life in December tornado outbreak

Innovative executive presbyter selected to lead the transformation of the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Work describing Buddhists’ faith despite confinement wins Grawemeyer religion prize

Decolonizing the church through radical hospitality

$1 million grant will help Columbia Theological Seminary fund a new initiative

Un nuevo llamado a conectar diferentes partes del cuerpo de Cristo

Peace Cards prompt conversation, prayer and reflection

Presbyterians are stepping up to welcome refugees. How can you help?

A new call to connect different parts of the body of Christ

‘It’s all that easy and it’s all that hard’

Nominees sought for best Presbyterian writer

Sixty-four African American churches receive booster grants

Presbyterian World Mission will enter 2022 with two new regional liaisons

Where do we look for security?

Remembering Richard Poethig

‘It’s a joy to see them develop into the young women and men God created them to be’

Finding the right road through times of financial hardship

Two little prepositions can bolster preaching

Apricot bread and gathered worship

Advent devotional centers voices of refugees and immigrants

Have I got a story for you!

Winning hearts by filling stomachs

McCormick Theological Seminary receives $1 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.

You too can help bend the moral arc

#GivingTuesday wraps up with communion and stories of committed Presbyterians

Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable

Presbyterians for Earth Care publishes online Advent devotional

When home is a world away

#GivingTuesday gifts near $150,000

Minneapolis church expands its artistic palette during pandemic

Presbyterian-affiliated residential schools for Native students

Antiracism ‘is the core work of the church’

Mission work in Romania inspires ongoing support

Co-mods contemplate goats, church basements, TikTok pasta

Faith 4 Justice shines on Giving Tuesday

University of Dubuque Theological Seminary receives nearly $1 million to increase student accessibility to theological education

‘Ready, set, shift!’

‘We are committed to living into authentic community’

PC(USA) to hold World AIDS Day chapel service

Between two coastlines

Justice comes for Ahmaud Arbery

One mid council leader’s take on embracing our new reality

Celebrate #GivingTuesday on Nov. 30 by giving to the many faces of Presbyterian mission

A little extra help to keep the home fires burning

‘Come, Ye Thankful People, Come’

Delve into the Pandora Papers with Valéry Nodem

A time for Thanksgiving and Thanks-Living

‘The promise of God is that the future is not going to be like the present’

Centuries of dishonor

Stated Clerk reflects on outcome of Kyle Rittenhouse trial

How to have an Earth-friendly holiday season

Sponsorship options available for the 225th General Assembly

Facing the ‘unpretty things’ about our country’s history

Reaching for the stars

We’re no superheroes

Presbyterian history and Palestine

Mid Council Financial Network announces virtual conference Dec. 14–15

Blooming out of season

Do you or someone you know have a home for an Afghan refugee?

Faith groups mobilize to help North Carolina community

Presbyterian Foundation takes action to sustain funds for future generations

How to resist ‘the fear and outrage that is being encouraged’

Taking the time to hear from all voices

Women’s Ministry leadership grant helps fund women’s equity forum

Militarism working group offers educational event on security and its use to justify military action

Interested in learning more about ecumenical ministry?

Never a better time to welcome the stranger

Becoming truly thankful

COP26 outcomes draw mixed reactions

PC(USA) Transgender Day of Remembrance service urges connection

After the storm

Conversation with the Co-Moderators

Global partner planting seeds in good soil

Global partner planting seeds in good soil

Keeping God in the meeting

Christian educator: Play dress-up on Christ the King Sunday

Increasing intercultural capacities

Decolonizing worship

Planning and running meetings with a purpose

Digging into the Bible’s ‘clobber texts’

Current and former GA Moderators will join #GivingTuesday2021 virtual celebration on Nov. 30

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

In-person gathering ‘exponentially better’ than online

‘The image of God in us all’

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) offers its first Transgender Day of Remembrance service

Office of the General Assembly provides overview of GA225 at Moderators’ Conference

Joining the Covenant Conversation

Watch Night services ring in the New Year

The role of the moderator

PC(USA) church trolled on Twitter a week after ordaining new pastor

Fatigued, worn out and longing to go deeper into your faith journey?

Extending welcome to the formerly incarcerated

‘Thank you for supporting this book because this is my life and I have experienced these things’

J. Herbert Nelson joins Co-Moderators to open the annual Moderators’ Conference

Years of accompaniment by global partners and U.S. Presbyterians breathe new life into La Oroya, Peru

Identifying and dealing with restricted fund restrictions key to possibly reassigning some of the funds

Pioneering transgender minister lets her light shine

The Rev. Dr. Irvin Moxley is dead at age 87

The Way of Spiritual Fortitude explores faith and doubt

The Three Little Pigs and the healing of Naaman

A generosity that knows no boundaries

Christmas: no celebrating allowed?

BURM Network gets an update on the current situation in Belarus

Stated Clerk issues Call to Prayer for the people of Ethiopia

Critical race theory, say hello to the Bible and theology

The gifts of God for the people of God: Come and serve

Advent spirituality in a wreath

Eighteen worshiping communities receive Mission Program Grants

Online worship service precedes Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week

‘I am 68 and I am still excited’

North, meet South

A Christmas Eve idea to use: invite and bless the animals

Mission Study Survey

Presbyterians sharing their experiences at UN climate conference

Presbyterian Foundation vice president earns certification from the Society for Human Resource Management

Eight-part Minister Survey series wraps up with letters ministers wrote to their younger selves

Welcoming the stranger through the Matthew 25 lens

Listening for those silent nights

‘COVID-19 has not brought many blessings, but this is one’

Community dialogue to center on poverty and mass incarceration

A behind-the-scenes look at bringing #GivingTuesday to Presbyterians

An incredibly rare opportunity for a life-long musician

Speaker articulates ways that decolonization can build up church leaders

Giving came naturally to the ‘Bread Lady’

Johnson C. Smith Seminary opens registration for 2022 Drum Major for Justice cohorts

Taking time for renewal

Forum for Black Millennials gives insight into issues that cause disconnect

Fulfilling our roles as proclaimers of God’s good news

Stated Clerk speaks out on actions against six Palestinian organizations

Young Adult Volunteer program names new coordinator

Props for her sermon

Teaching Scripture as a screenplay

Humility: Christ’s gift to us

Austin Seminary President Theodore J. Wardlaw announces plans to retire in 2022

‘Have you put the leaf in the table of your faith community?’

Association of Stated Clerks and Association of Mid Council Leaders convene for annual fall event

A color wheel of generosity

REvangelism conference attendees experience fellowship and prayer

Framing and lighting tips for professional videos

Immigration conference postponed to focus on immediate needs

‘It’s really about survival’

The eye of the beholder

Cameroonian asylum seekers plead for Temporary Protected Status in U.S.

Enduring a season of ‘languishing, lamenting and lingering’

Beyond Black and white biases

Creating a truth-telling Thanksgiving

#GivingTuesday on Nov. 30 celebrates the collective power of Presbyterian generosity

New Advent/Christmas Devotional from Presbyterians Today

Bilateral Dialogue between the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Episcopal Church wraps up fall meeting

Your photos tell your story

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary to install its seventh president Nov. 12

Heads up! The call to ministry can occur just about anytime

A journey of learning and unlearning

A retired engineer learns by helping others

The machines are catching us

First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh receives $200,000 historic preservation grant

Jesus showed us ‘internal resurrection’

Our film critic says ‘Sons and Daughters of Thunder’ has plenty for Presbyterians who appreciate an important story told well

New hymn lyrics support efforts to counter climate change

Detroit church upcycles food to feed others

Town Hall precedes November push for federal reparations legislation

The spacious nature of generosity

Tell, then show

Understanding per capita

Are we there yet?

God’s mission in East Asia

A climate scientist’s case for hope and healing

Bridging the (generation) gap

Money matters

Keeping the mission top of mind

God’s mission in Africa

Presbyterians prepare for UN Climate Change Conference

Learning from one who was at the frontlines of denominational change

Preparing to provide language hospitality for yet another GA unlike any other

새로운 형태의 총회에 참석하는 이들을 환대할 새로운 언어 서비스

Prepararse para proporcionar hospitalidad lingüística para otra AG como ninguna otra

How one church turns virtual worshipers into members

Want to reach a diverse client base? You yourself must be diverse

Report: New Worshiping Communities are more racially diverse and younger than traditional PC(USA) congregations

Stewardship matters

PC(USA) hospital chaplains respond to gargantuan pandemic needs

Board of Pensions publishes Board Bulletin for fall 2021

A Single Step

Board of Pensions to serve more with expanded access to Assistance Program

From disruption to dialogue

Streetside vigil demands an end to Title 42

Women ministers, clergy of color report higher incidences of discrimination than their counterparts

Making good use of the Mission Toolkit

Federal domestic violence legislation championed during PC(USA) panel discussion

‘I believe the divine embrace is wide indeed’

COGA approves designated space for Black, Indigenous and people of color at General Assembly

Minnesota congregation anticipates successful Christmas marketplace despite COVID-19

Scripture as a cookbook, blueprint or trail map

Facing our insatiability

Finding our way by developing spiritual fortitude

First woman ordained by Presbyterian Church reflects on 65th anniversary

‘I am a Presbyterian, and that’s what we do’

Join Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church for an online talk on the prophetic witness of the Black church

Fifty years of eradicating poverty in the Middle East

Las acciones globales urgen a un mejor cuidado de la Tierra

Presbytery approves overture about racism toward Native Alaskans

PC(USA) responsible investment committee expands divestment criteria

Global actions urge better care for the Earth

John Calvin’s theological imagery compelling for ecological concerns, care for Earth

The small church: a gift to its community

Fair trade co-op lifts Indonesians out of poverty

Don’t sidestep Advent

Wiping away tears of injustice

Immigrants giving back to their communities

The gospel according to Ted Lasso

Conversaciones francas sobre la violencia de género en inglés y español

Frank discussions of gender-based violence in English and Spanish

Forums slated for Black Millennials

Matthew 25 and decolonization

Webinar on human rights for the LGBTQIA+ community set for Monday

Webinar on religious rights for the LGBTQIA+ community set for Monday

A celebration 122 years in the making

Calling out corruption to root out poverty

‘My faith grows when I am with the people of Haiti’

"¡No más!"

Healing the wounds of separation and loss

Longtime Louisville Seminary Professor Clifton Kirkpatrick to retire at the conclusion of the fall 2021 semester

Hebrews 11 and Matthew 25: scriptural foundations

PC(USA) pastors report widespread fatigue, burnout and isolation

‘No more of this!’

Single mom, committed church member juggles school and employment to better serve children during pandemic

Rising out of poverty during a pandemic

PC(USA) leaders support week of action for Cameroon refugees

Princeton Theological Seminary dedicates its library in memory of a prominent abolitionist and pastor

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Benefits, Connection and Innovation

Land use in Latin America and systemic poverty

Watch Jesus and do the same

Virtual Polity, Benefits, and Mission Conference opens for mid council leaders

Where do ‘the least of these’ go unseen in the educational system?

‘Mi casa es su casa’

1001 ‘New Way’ podcast opens new season

Empowering girls through education

‘Mi casa es su casa’

PC(USA) is major supporter of refugee and migration conference

Author of ‘White Fragility’ and ‘Nice Racism’ shatters comfort zone

Stony Point Center becoming a place of connection for nonprofits in community

Breaking the chains of poverty

Food Week of Action highlights Jesus’ call to serve

Hispanic and Latinx History Makers

Flyaway Books publishes children’s book by acclaimed author Michael W. Waters

New picture book from Flyaway Books shares that God is always with us

Five Wisconsin churches join to feed their hungry neighbors

Combating multidimensional poverty on the outskirts of Cairo

Grants available to help African American churches meet media/technology needs

Hymns from the heart of the Black church

Minister Survey reveals the lingering effects of educational debt

Faces of poverty in Ukraine

LGBTQIA+ leaders in PC(USA) reflect on coming out, history and the church

One pastor and two churches are building congregational vitality

‘I think the first person we are preaching to is ourselves’

New Mexico group empowers refugee women

Small churches have great blessings

Board approves plan for reimagining and rebuilding the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Praying intimately, with expectation and power

Praying intimately, with expectation and power

What did the war really cost?

Presbyterian Giving Catalog provides pathways of empowerment for women and girls

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

‘It’s not rocket science’

Good, honest medicine

Muraho. Bienvenue. Welcome

‘Love yourself well’ is goal for spiritual strength webinar

‘The intersection of faith and media’

Everyone is a philanthropist

Dr. Leanne Van Dyk, Columbia Theological Seminary President since 2015, announces her retirement

Welcoming Afghan refugees is nothing new to this California church

A paintbrush in one hand, the Bible in the other

Be ready to receive planned gifts with policies, procedures

Minister Survey shows pastors struggle with consumer debt, retirement planning

Music that can touch the soul

Responding to death and end of life issues

PC(USA) Flint documentary featured in March on Washington film fest

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren hosting conference on youth involvement

8 Habits of Evangelism author: Sacraments are grace on display

Ministry challenges call us not to work harder, but to work wholeheartedly

Ministry challenges call us not to work harder, but to work wholeheartedly

Stewardship is a discipline and a covenant

Votes on General Assembly 225 and future planning

Presbyterian Hunger Program grant process reflects transparency — and tugs at the heart

1001 New Worshiping Community retreats are ‘lifesaving endeavors’

Presbyterian Giving Catalog connects grateful donors with world’s greatest needs

Freedom to Vote Act gets push from PC(USA) Washington office

How can you become part of Presbyterian Peacemaking?

Resignation of special envoy deepens multiple crises in Haiti

General Assembly budget projections, the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s new vision and collaborating with the Presbyterian Historical Society

Spiritual formation and transformation happen ‘inside out and upward through’

Upcoming meeting: changes to New Jersey presbyteries

Year of Leader Formation discusses deacon ministries

General Assembly planning, renovations and questions about vaccinations

A small urban space for peace

Brief questionnaire seeks information from church educators

Peace &amp; Global Witness Offering

You’re welcome

Vaccination and faithfulness in a time of pandemic

PC(USA) ministers are not reticent to talk about mental health

Planned giving is the opportunity of a lifetime

J. Herbert Nelson troubled by treatment of Haitians coming to US

Mission co-worker serving as pastor for Moscow Protestant Chaplaincy

Jubilee Weekend is an opportunity for advocacy Oct. 15-17

Church embraces a history of service

‘Gifts exist to grow ministry, not bank accounts’

A prison, by any other name …

Endowment workshop lays out the principles that guide the gifts

Bundles of free books spur both gratitude and creative ways to share

New Orleans Young Adult Volunteers respond to tribe impacted by Hurricane Ida

Learning to sign ‘peace’

‘Conventional ideas of fairness do not account for the original theft’

Sign up for last antiracism, gender and inclusion workshops of 2021

You say goodbye, and we say hello

‘Figuring out how we share the gospel in Chandler and the world’

Brooklyn’s Church of Gethsemane battered by storm

COVID-19 and kids: What’s a parent to do?

PHS LIVE: The Angela Davis Legal Defense Fund 50 years later

Upending the bushel basket that conceals our light

‘I was quickly approaching burnout’

‘A beacon of hope’

PC(USA) Washington Office calls on Congress to stop restrictive abortion laws

A new take on the Parable of the Talents

First of eight Minister Survey stories delves into the demographics of PC(USA) Ministers of Word and Sacrament

Northeastern US churches bruised by Hurricane Ida, other storms

Compromising diversity for convenience is not an option, says COGA

Preaching to reach those who are present and those overhearing from the Court of the Gentiles

Be a presence to those you might consider a stranger

Welcoming Afghan refugees feels like ‘what we’re called to do as Christians’

Consultants recommend a decentralized, partner-seeking and harm-repairing Presbyterian Mission Agency

United with Christ — and thus with God

Women in faith leadership roles reveal how the pandemic has impacted their work and their lives

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

‘It’s a little harder to suss out what’s going on in terms of transgressing boundaries’

Synod of the Northeast seminars encourage online church relationships

Giving isn’t just for fall anymore

Family detention is the focus of the next PC(USA) immigration webinar

창의적 표현을 통한 트라우마 치료하기

Sanar traumas a través de la expresión creativa

New 1001 NWC cohorts to reach a more diverse group of leaders

SDOP to host forum on church and community relationship building

During stressful times, two new devotionals for Advent draw us closer to God

Healing trauma through creative expression

Transforming the Season of Peace into an art form

Ministers use in-depth survey by Research Services to share the joys and travails of their calls and lives

PC(USA) ministries call for support of African farmers

Johnsonburg Camp &amp; Retreat Center to launch social justice cohort this fall

Multiple pandemics are uncovering what needs to be uncovered

A pastoral letter on 9/11 and all that’s happened since then

Golden calves lurk everywhere

Celebrating Theological Education Sunday on Sept. 19

Registration now open for final Lydia’s Listening Session

After Ida, Louisiana Presbyterians making sure no one is overlooked

‘An amazing place to learn’

Un ministerio de fronteras que elige la acogida y la hospitalidad

Ready for researchers: Church World Service and Burned Churches Project records

There’s no secret sauce for cooking up Spirit-inspired worship

Mother knows best

A border ministry that chooses welcome and hospitality

Remembering with honesty

Stated Clerk remembers September 11

‘Nothing is inevitable. Nothing has to be put up with’

Audio tips for hybrid worship

The jig’s up

Trail magic

Berries and nuts are among signs of God’s enduring love for Creation

Volencia Domestica en Puerto Rico

Presbyterians in Puerto Rico seek an end to domestic violence

Arab and Israeli women use creativity to work toward a just peace

A light in the clearing

숲속 빈터의 한 줄기 빛

Una luz en el claro

Putting the fun back into fundraising

La iglesia debe prestar atención a la étnia

Vital Congregations are essential to disaster assistance

Among people of color, Native Americans are tops in getting vaccinated against the coronavirus

The church must give attention to ethnicity

Church sees a revival

‘I am not glad we got it, but I am glad they didn’t get it’

Panel discussion looks at why some congregations have seen giving increase during the pandemic

Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center becomes safe haven during wildfire

Danger and opportunity

Preaching professor: Poets and preachers both believe that words can change the world

A place for pets

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance partners meeting basic needs in Haiti

Upcoming webinar: ‘Deacon Ministries’

A little church with a big heart for mission

Matthew 25 invitation reaches milestone

Worship and Music Conference content now available online

Immigrants and their needs vary culturally

Save the date (and name): Polity, Benefits, and Mission Conference

Flyaway Books’ latest board book offers a modern retelling of the Parable of the Lost Sheep

New picture book from Flyaway Books explores the history of the peace symbol

Path of Peace Reflections get creative twist

Boston church gets creative with the arts

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance official offers Ida update during Monday’s ‘Between Two Pulpits’ broadcast

Stated Clerk urges US to provide 'constructive, humanitarian support' for people of Afghanistan

Sixty church representatives gather online to pray for peace in Korea

Reformation Day and diversity

Estate planning does God’s work after we’re gone

Presbyterian Week of Action draws to a close with a quiet vesper service pleading for an end to gun violence

‘We will survive and we will do so much more than that’

Presbyterians ready to help the Gulf Coast recover from Hurricane Ida

Try this: Pull over, get out of the car and dance to the music

The PC(USA), A Corporation&#039;s rosy financial picture has but one thorn

Co-Moderator joins call to action for critical issue in Indigenous community

How children see God

‘We shouldn’t sit back and wait for folks to come’

An ‘our’ way of thinking

As natural disasters grow, Presbyterians respond

Widening pathways to citizenship

Peruvian Young Adult Volunteers are blazing new trails for the program

Baptism is a wonderful promise

Maintaining an outward focus

International Peacemakers visits go virtual as pandemic surges

Week of Action program on racialized poverty promotes activism

Payer Express makes impact on per capita contributions

A resilient woman who refuses to be dismissed, even by Jesus

Catastrophic flooding in Addis Ababa kills eight at seminary

Three churches work together

Carman Pimms, beloved leader of The Campbell Farm in Wapato, Washington, dies at age 58

An unvarnished look at the Middle East opens the Presbyterian Week of Action

Join ‘Act for Creation. Act for Justice’ call-In day for congressional climate action

More than two centuries of giving back to the community

Stuffed animals minister to young and old

‘Pastors are the unsung heroes helping people get through the pandemic’

New book by spiritual travel writer Lori Erickson explores the religious aspects of genealogy research

Gifts to #Give 8/28 help pastor attend Black Theology and Leadership Institute

Louisville Presbyterian Furlough Home receives a proper send-off

Where hope comes postmarked

Who has a seat at the table?

Upcoming webinars to feature 8 Habits of Evangelism authors

Presbyterian hymn-writer offers a prayer for Afghanistan set to ‘Away in a Manger’

Week of Action to highlight Asian American and Pacific Islander resilience, resistance, affirmation and power

Semana de Acción para destacar a la comunidad hispano-latina

Week of Action to highlight Hispanic-Latina community

PC(USA) ministries call for admission and welcome of Afghan refugees

New YAV class will be commissioned Sunday in virtual ceremony

Hearing from a diversity of voices

Anti-racism work is heart work

Have you thanked your pastor?

Seeing the sacred in everyday movements

As micropantries pop up, creativity is key

Middle East Monday will set the tone for Week of Action

‘Every day they have to fight’

Equipping women leaders of color to combat racism

Going where Christ went

Two presbyteries require Minister’s Choice benefits package

Detroit church combines forces with Make Food Not Waste

In praise of Earth Care Congregations

After a massive earthquake and a tropical storm, Haiti continues to face serious challenges

1001 New Worshiping Communities introduces spiritual health series

‘A blessing and a great gift to my spirit’

Oradores traen 'código rojo' y esperanza a la conferencia del Cuidado de la Tierra

‘The struggle does not define us’

Speakers bring ‘code red’ and hope to Earth Care conference

New Director of Development named at the Presbyterian Historical Society

Put on the whole armor of God

PC(USA) webinar will focus on ‘citizenship for all’

‘Our work continues no matter what’

PDA official offers a briefing on the circumstances in earthquake-stricken Haiti

‘Art has a way of flourishing in the midst of crisis’

Decolonizing our congregational ministry

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

‘I remembered what it was like to let my spirit breathe’

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Sharing an abundance of Presbyterian musical gifts

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) agencies minister to hard-hit Haiti

Faith groups call for humanitarian action in Cuba

Bringing light to the people of India

Financial collapse in Lebanon pushes half the population below the poverty line

Using culture to inform the church

Creating creative Creation care worship elements is good for congregants and good for the planet

PC(USA) Washington Office hosts Texas legislators fighting for voting rights

PC(USA) Washington Office hosts Texas legislators fighting for voting rights

Among the most vital of conversations

Responding to a crisis in Indigenous communities is the focus of Week of Action Thursday

Is it time to crowdsource the stewardship campaign?

Un nuevo grupo tiene como objetivo coordinar el cuidado de la Tierra en las congregaciones latinas

Gifts to #Give 8/28 can make a difference in lives often overlooked by churches

‘I realized that I needed to start doing a better job with self-care’

Church continues legacy of arts education through endowment

Gardens in Haiti offer both food and dignity

Even while livestreaming worship, churches must comply with copyright laws

New group aims to coordinate Earth care between Latinx congregations

The preacher’s power to persuade

Stockton couple will be awarded for their post-retirement peacemaking efforts

‘They tell us what peace looks like in other places’

Week of Action LGBTQIA+ day includes homage to Mister Rogers

An inconvenient truth

Forums slated for Black Millennials

PC(USA) meeting team helps other denominations with online gatherings

Methodist Church Milan has become an international model for inclusiveness

‘We are tearing down the Creation God has given to us’

PC(USA) urges Biden to back broader global vaccine distribution

The Rev. Dr. Donald W. Shriver Jr., president emeritus of Union Theological Seminary, dies at 93

Activists need a break too

‘These are people doing real work together’

Madagascar fighting the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and food insecurity

‘We don’t own God or the gospel’

A pandemic baby who stares down the naysayers

Presbyterian Women elects new leadership ‘for such a time as this’

A Purdue-bound bus was always a welcome sight in the Nelson household

If it’s rooted in God, our hope is sure and certain

Presbyterian Women kicks off its 2021 business meeting

Learning to pastor in a pandemic

‘You don’t have to do it alone’

What is Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice?

‘Between Two Pulpits’

‘You don’t want this smoke’

Princeton Seminary building damaged by fire

New director of programs and services named at the Presbyterian Historical Society

‘When the Earth is sick, we are sick’

‘We should care for the Earth as God cares for us’

‘Like water in the desert’

We’re so quick to judge

Keeping the least of these from losing their homes

Speaking the truth in love

The Rev. Dr. Rose Niles joins Presbyterian Foundation as field staff

A plaintive cry: Won’t you be my neighbor?

PC(USA) part of ecumenical rally for refugees at White House

Mental health panel discussion leads pastors to reveal the stress of their pandemic losses

Leaders Wanted: National Council of the Churches of Christ Convening Tables

Playground behavior

La Conferencia REvangelismo está diseñada para ayudar a la IP (EE. UU.) a ver el evangelismo de manera holística.

복음을 총체적으로 보게 하는 REvangelism 컨퍼런스

Is God calling us to be prophetic in our particular places?

REvangelism Conference designed to help PC(USA) see evangelism holistically

What the church is called out to do

Presbyterian Communicators Network to host online workshop

Board of Pensions makes organizational changes to better serve Church

‘Around the World with PDA’ to highlight lifesaving work in India

An unexpected blessing

A declaration regarding the current situation of the Cuban people

‘Wait on the Lord and be of good courage’

&#039;An amazing love story&#039;

Presbyterians urged to speak out for millions of undocumented people

‘It is very good’

Presbyterian Writers Guild offers panel on hymn-writing

Advocacy offices publish letter of solidarity with Cuba&#039;s churches and its people

The Rev. Dr. Robert H. Meneilly, who founded one of the PC(USA)’s largest churches, dies at age 96

Vandals tore down their flags, so this church made them bigger

Everyday God-talk reimagined

SDOP disburses more than $190,000 in grants to 13 self-help projects

A voting rights call to action

Pandemic forces more Philippine families into poverty

Earth Care Conference spreads out buffet of events online

21st century ministry in a repurposed denominational HQ

‘We exist to be about God’s mission, and that’s it’

‘Take me to the Alley’

Digitizing Presbyterian history of New York City

Planting seeds of greatness and health

Presbyterian pastor will serve as faith-based policy advisor to New Jersey congresswoman

‘God is with Us in Every Season’

‘We have nothing to lose but our chains’

‘Liberty’s Civil Rights Road Trip’ introduces children to significant people, places and events from the civil rights movement

New film takes visitors to the Tent of Nations, an act of peaceful resistance

Jesus is still in the midst of us

Even a pandemic can’t squelch one church’s creative impulse

Spiritual direction is not therapy

Report tracks women’s role in global media

‘Keep our eyes fixed firmly on the prize, not on the politics’

Aligning words and deeds

Los libros gratuitos apoyan la formación de la fe para la niñez en el hogar

‘As women that God created, you are prized’

Women’s Moral Monday March on Washington set for July 19

자녀를 위한 가정용 신앙 교육 서적 무료 지원

Free books support at-home faith formation for children

Presbyterian Foundation acts to free up funds for 1001 New Worshiping Communities

Decolonizing our pedagogy

It’s a matter of record

Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico names new president

Landscaping fundraiser success

Christ’s radical message of inclusivity

Staff reductions might well be a part of re-envisioning and restructuring the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Cubans take to the streets to protest dire economic conditions and rising COVID-19 numbers

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Creating spirit of worship

Crafting a delicate piece/peace

Teen serves church ‘Cookies and Milk’

PC(USA) joins ecumenical call for reparations commission

Cuba Partners Network sends letter of support to the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba

Pastor pedals for hunger issues — again

Carving soap and meeting neighbors

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation releases three units of its new Follow Me curriculum

To help Haiti, we must understand Haiti

COGA fall meeting to remain virtual

‘Sing No Empty Alleluias’

2½ years into a three-month gig

Native plants transform church property

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance concerned about government treatment of migrant children

Federal government forgives the PC(USA)’s Paycheck Protection Program loan

Justice is on the menu

The Rev. Dr. Jean Kim, a tireless advocate for ending homelessness in the Seattle area, dies at age 86

시애틀 지역 노숙자의 대모 김진숙 목사 향년 86세로 별세

Reaching a milestone

PC(USA) advocacy director joins in Poor People’s Campaign events; you can too

Give 8/28 to be a part of the PC(USA)’s Week of Action

Investing with impact

Presbyteries and congregations can apply now for 2022 Vital Congregations initiative

Get your social media noticed with hashtags

Lifting up the people of Haiti

Mississippi church lends helping hand in Mound Bayou

Presbyterian filmmaker receives top honor from alma mater

Matthew 25: the real deal

Fear grips Haiti after Wednesday’s presidential assassination

Resources now available for planning Christian Formation Celebration Week

‘We don’t always have to get it right. We just need to wrestle with it’

Stuck in the muck?

Myanmar experiences its highest COVID-19 numbers to date

Sharing God’s love through the power of song

&#039;Ministry is about relationships&#039;

Ordinary Time gets a new image

Resilience and imagination: two key ingredients for successful ministry

No choir during COVID-19, no problem

Despite the pandemic, Michigan church is growing

With help from its youngest attendees, PAM conference ends on a high note

모든 영웅들을 초청하세요!

Educator Thaye Ann Richards Kearns dies at age 74

First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown in New York tackles food insecurity

Calling all heroes!

Presbyterian seminaries explore definitions of ‘call’ and ‘ministry’ in the 21st century

Presbyterian seminaries explore definitions of ‘call’ and ‘ministry’ in the 21st century

Sifting through the falsehoods

Sifting through the falsehoods

Servants’ Entrance

‘We are free’

Stated Clerk discusses renovating the Presbyterian Center and transforming hearts and minds

Two presbyteries officially become one

Words matter

A small but impactful program in Congo lifts children out of malnutrition

Don’t weary while doing good

Summertime outreach can foreshadow the fall stewardship campaign

‘You are beloved dust and immeasurably important, yet life is incredibly short’

Presbyterian inclusive language guide updated

Presbyterian Historical Society partners with Religion News Service on project

Fighting for the Equality Act called ‘an issue of faith’

A roof over everyone’s head

Whistle while you worship

‘We spent the last year literally and figuratively walking on the sidewalk avoiding each other’

‘God, we’re listening to what you’re providing for us. Let’s carry this to the future’

‘I can’t believe I get to be part of something so beautiful’

Not just a pastor’s job

‘You are mine’

Board of Directors for the Board of Pensions publishes summer 2021 Board Bulletin

Six-figure gift inspires Matthew 25 mission work in the Presbytery of Milwaukee

As gun violence grows, so does awareness and advocacy

‘Surprise, surprise, surprise!’

Black Women and Girls Task Force lifts up LGBTQIA issues

Educator, activist and peacemaker the Rev. Dean Lewis is remembered

Faith-based investment committee revises evaluation criteria

The late Rev. Dr. George Edward Todd awarded medal by the Korean government

The role of ritual in pandemic recovery

New resources focus on youth mental health

‘You give them something to eat’

What’s next for ministry in the post-pandemic era?

PC(USA) seminaries advance curriculum to match the needs of the church and society

Announcing the 2021 Katie Cannon award recipients

Palestinian refugees call on Presbyterians to support them

PC(USA) entities are updating policies and promoting discussion around LBGTQIA+ issues

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance promotes hurricane preparedness

PC(USA) advocacy offices urge end to Cuba embargo

‘I haven’t seen that many 30-year-old people at the church in more than a decade’

Baltimore church embraces the Matthew 25 vision

Registration for Lydia’s Listening Sessions now open

Poor People’s Campaign undertakes the nation’s Third Reconstruction

Matthew 25 video discussion series based on eradicating systemic poverty now available

New book lays out the first theology of the American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) movement

PC(USA) partner sues to protect shareholder rights

‘Attending with faithfulness to the church’s worship and community’

It’s time to reconnect

Welcome to ‘phygital’ worship

The world needs peace

COGA to seek a hybrid gathering at its annual fall meeting

Inaugural HUEmankind Fest will be held online June 26-27

Presbyterian Week of Action slated for Aug. 23-29

Presbyterians urged to contact Congress, President Biden to prevent further suffering in Israel-Palestine

Remembering Dean Lewis

Relishing a slower pace of life

Refugee and LGBTQIA+ lives intersect every day

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) celebrates Juneteenth in a one-of-a-kind worship service

In Peru, the light at the end of the tunnel still a distant one

PC(USA) Daily Prayer app a hit in Canada

VBS takes Sermon on the Mount to the garden

La Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) apoya a las iglesias de Puerto Rico que protestan contra el feminicidio

사역 장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

The good news: Many pastors don’t believe science and faith are mutually exclusive

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) plans service to commemorate and celebrate Juneteenth

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) stands with churches in Puerto Rico speaking out against femicide

Let’s put on a show!

Presbyterian seminaries look to partnerships to fulfill mission

A Corp Board receives financial audit, approves revised policies

Faith Counts launches first comprehensive resource on religion’s impact in America

PC(USA) pastors team up for antiracism work in Pittsburgh

Face-to-face with all my stuff

The T-ball umpire as stated clerk?

COVID-19 forces Pacific Island nations to rethink subsistence models

Seeing Scripture from a Pride perspective

Presbyterians tell U.S. to end support of Colombian police, military

‘I was in prison …’ – immigration detention and Matthew 25

Air Force Chief of Chaplains is retiring, but not from ‘soul care’

Presbyterian Giving Catalog announces summer concert series

What it means to follow Jesus as a Matthew 25 church

Iowa church sows seeds of hope through longtime partnership

Syria Lebanon Partnership Network offers training on how to advocate with U.S. representatives

Presbyterian Mission Agency’s 2020 annual report offers glimpses of God’s grace during the pandemic

Seven new worshiping communities, one presbytery receive Mission Program Grants

PC(USA) seminaries adapt to remote learning

This is not what God intended

Dr. Lakisha R. Lockhart called to Union Presbyterian Seminary

Strengthening the connections between the Matthew 25 vision, Scripture and theology

From rooms to Zooms

‘My father, my hero’

Special topic planned for The Journal of Presbyterian History

PC(USA) Washington office signs letter to VP Harris

Being Matthew 25 people

Imagine Tulsa 21 invites participants to ‘reflect and respond’ to the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre

장로교인들, 여성 폭력방지법 지지를 촉구함

Se insta al pueblo presbiteriano a apoyar la ley contra la violencia hacia las mujeres

Presbyterians urged to support Violence Against Women Act

Nebraska Presbyterian Foundation awards more than $182K in grants

Pastor, former GA Moderator announce the founding of the Center for Jubilee Practice

‘The danger of a single story’

A Presbyterian church and its role aiding victims of the Tulsa race massacre

PC(USA) staff mourns US gun violence

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation names Austin Seminary professor as Vice President of Publishing

Faith communities working together to support those impacted by Congo volcano eruptions, earthquakes

Think globally when it comes to the pandemic

Love &gt; logic

The other side of the coin

Do the queer community and the church need each other?

New worshiping community is A Work in Progress

Singing has a special role in the lives of believers and the human race

Remembering more than 1,600 Delaware lives lost to COVID-19

Confronting hate at the Pride Parade

Don’t worship justice. Worship a just God

Faith-based responsible investment committee having successful proxy season

Pro-noun equals pro-identity

New Communicators Network Facebook Group provides a safe space for collaboration and conversation

The do&#039;s and don&#039;ts of narrative budgets

World Communion of Reformed Churches announces year-long leadership plan

Examining the roots and impact of toxic theology

Imagine Tulsa 21 host first event commemorating Tulsa Race Massacre

Imagine Tulsa 21 hosts first event commemorating Tulsa Race Massacre

‘It’s a kind of spiritual ferment that’s afoot’

Presbyterian Pride 2021 calendar

Prayers lifted up across oceans and time zones

We’ll understand it better by and by

Immigration webinar premiere focuses on Central America

Commemorating the ‘single worst incident of racial violence in American history’

Excavating sexualized violence in the Bible

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to launch online series this week

Global partners in Southern Europe gather virtually to discuss mutual ministry

Mission Worker Sunday — May 30

NWC reinterpreting biblical passages that have been used against those who are poor

‘Let’s dream our half’ of the future of preaching, professor tells Festival of Homiletics

Stated Clerk reflects on the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre

‘Race, Reparations and Reconciliation’ webinar

The preacher as doubter

Presbyterian Office of Public Witness champions the Environmental Justice for All Act

Annual book of statistics produced online only

Of silkworms and Spades

The Rev. Susan Blanchard called as first director of Baptist House of Studies at Union Presbyterian Seminary

Old Testament scholar shows Jeremiah’s relevance to 2021

Webinar series offers Presbyterian perspective on immigration

Shining light in the darkness

Stay the course for the 225th General Assembly and let commissioners decide on the 226th

‘They correct themselves when they become aware of things they need to change’

‘We must stay on the wall’

A Corp Board approves Presbyterian Center renovation

"Nuestro modelo es Jesús"

‘No one comes to this table because they deserve to’

Office of the Middle East and Europe offers webinar on Tuesday

Challenging the ‘idolatry’ of the nuclear family

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) plans for 2021 #Give828 campaign

‘Our model for that is Jesus’

Presbyterians in Florida support interfaith ministry of advocacy, prayer and ‘Nehemiah Action’

Building faith connections that last a lifetime

Presbyterian Center improvements to allow it to host General Assembly will cost an estimated $2.4 million

Chat with author yields advice on how to get rigid churches to talk about race

Conflict in Israel-Palestine reaches unprecedented levels

The toll of the pandemic and political tribalism on PC(USA) pastors

Far from the border, churches welcome refugees

‘If bigotry is your game, Jesus is not the name’

What does Matthew 25 say about feeding the hungry?

PC(USA) calls for leaders in Colombia to end retaliation against protesters

The Rev. Dr. Barbara Roche, Horizons Magazine’s first editor, dies at 86

Is the church really dying? Or is it dying to change?

Pentecost Offering nurtures youth and at-risk children

El Caucus Nacional de Iglesias Presbiterianas Coreanas reconoce su 50 aniversario discretamente

미국장로교 한인교회 전국총회가 차분하게 50 주년을 준비하고 있다

National Caucus of Korean Presbyterian Churches to quietly recognize its 50th anniversary

A ‘relentless servant’ lays out a trifold ministry for seminary grads

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Celebrating Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month

‘Follow Me,’ curriculum for the whole congregation, set for July launch

Decolonizing our memory

Beltway-area church receives ‘best of’ award

PC(USA) advocacy leader hosting antiracism discussion with Austin Seminary author

Researching donor restrictions is the key to leveraging restricted funds

Se avecinan cambios en Trienio, un evento que cambia la vida de miles de jóvenes y adultos jóvenes presbiterianos

수천 명의 장로교 청년들의 인생을 바꾸는 행사, 트라이에니엄에 변화가 생기고 있다

Manifestantes pacíficos en Colombia enfrentan fuerza excesiva, lesiones y muerte

Stated Clerk condemns recent violence gripping the Holy Land

Changes are coming to Triennium, a life-changing event for thousands of Presbyterian youth and young adults

Peaceful protesters in Colombia face excessive force, injuries and death

Princeton Theological Seminary appoints director of the Betsey Stockton Center for Black Church Studies

'전도의 8가지 습관'의 새로운 자료 출간

Nuevo recurso explora '8 hábitos de Evangelismo'

New resource explores ‘8 Habits of Evangelism’

The Rev. Dr. James Rockwood dies at 90

Presbyterian leader to speak on Israel-Palestine in White House meeting

Mother’s Day to Father’s Day series considers new definitions of family

Ninety is the new 60 in Korean culture

Presbyterian Outlook names new editor/publisher

Demanding workers’ dignity in Nashville, with Presbyterian support

NEXT Church director will leave her post later this month

God made the church to be an instrument of peace and justice

Visionary leader helps young DREAAMers live the dream

CREDO Sabbath: A virtual retreat

Amazing Grace Smith!

A duffer finds grace in golf

Decisions to engage in online content are made in seconds

‘If anyone can do it, you can’

Aleppo’s Children of the World Medical Center addresses the Syrian city’s severe health care shortage

La beca Katie Cannon está disponible para mujeres presbiterianas de razas no blancas

Partnership key to Presbyterian youth workers resurgence

‘Can you teach me to turn so I can get home?’

Two struggling churches triumph together

Dr. Jake Myers named the Wade P. Huie Chair of Homiletics at Columbia Theological Seminary

Grace Presbytery shows grace to migrant teens

Mental Health Month brings opportunities for opening discussion and reducing stigma

Do not give in, do not give out, do not give up

‘No matter how deep evil goes, God goes deeper’

‘No Longer Shall They Teach One Another: The End of Theological Education’

Bluebirds find a home in a church garden

Energy flows where attention goes

Advocacy committees call for recognition of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls day

Breaking free from purity culture

A partnership across cultures grounded in the Body of Christ

God is ‘the subject of every sentence that ends in redemption’

1001 ‘New Way’ podcast celebrates Easter season

Adopt-A-Prison builds community and hope

PC(USA)’s Washington office signs letter backing reparations legislation

The end of theological education?

Westminster John Knox Press titles receive top honors from the Academy of Parish Clergy

Ministry at the intersection of faith, race and justice

A brewery where faith is always on tap

Small group leads big solar projects at Kansas church

Here’s the church, here’s the steeple

Dubuque Seminary selected to participate in Science for Seminaries project

Before Pentecost comes the Ascension of the Lord

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance grants $20,000 to COVID response in India

Fitting hybrid worship into the context of the local congregation

Presbytery takes steps to welcome transgender teens

Sisters leave a legacy of joy for future pastors

‘Remember your baptism and be thankful!’

PC(USA) ministry staff deepen understanding of global women’s issues at UN event

Two 2021 Walton Awards, 18 new worshiping community grants are announced

Raising faithful stewards: A Mother’s Day tribute to my children

Race, faith and climate change

Bayanihan is the spirit of sharing in the Philippines

Four different kinds of friendship

Ministering through the challenges and gifts of older adults of Hispanic heritage

What can be done to resolve the nation’s gun violence problem?

A cry for hope amidst despair in Palestine

Special GA committee seeks to keep momentum going on a unified budget

New exhibit opens at Presbyterian Historical Society

United Methodist Church official selected for top finance position in the PC(USA)

‘Forest bathing’ renews the spirit

Columbia Theological Seminary offers new program to support clergy in crisis

International Peacemakers to return in 2021

Cameron House and the Presbyterian Church in Chinatown share resources about clergy sexual abuse

New picture book retells the story of baby Moses

Theology and tactics for stabilizing stewardship in times of crisis

‘A place, a face, a story and a voice’

The work of dismantling racism begins with self-reflection

‘An outpouring of solidarity, care and concern’

Stated Clerk remembers Walter Mondale

Webinar series kicks off Older Adult Week

Word rocks share the faith

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board sympathetic to Shinnecock Nation&#039;s fight

‘God has a work for us to do …’

‘Keep a sense of wonder’

New report explores the challenges faced and the gifts brought by fundraisers of color

Register for a virtual journey to Guatemala

Prayer shawls, chips and chocolate

Presbyterian Mental Health Network, mission agency join to support those carrying out mental health ministries across the PC(USA)

Faith gives wings to calls for environmental justice

Day-by-day impact of climate change explored at Ecumenical Advocacy Days workshop

As new creations, we need new lenses to see beyond tribalism

‘Only love can drive out hate’

Resurrection as the announcement of a new administration

Mentor program coming for women transitioning from seminary to their first ordained calls

The power of the Spirit wind

Tending and keeping

Missoula Interfaith Collaborative fighting homelessness in Montana

Seeing immigrants and refugees as ‘children of God’

코로나에도 불구하고 미국장로교 신자수 감소는 두드러지지 않았다

Las estadísticas de la IP (EE. UU.) para 2020 no muestran cambio en la tasa de reducción de la membresía durante el año de la pandemia.

PC(USA) 2020 statistics show no change in decline rate for membership during year of pandemic

U.S. House, Senate chaplains speak candidly about the work they’re privileged to do

Lived theology in Asian America conference will focus on social, racial justice

Columbia Theological Seminary appoints professor of Practical Theology, Pastoral Counseling

Vaccine rollout varies greatly around the world

Where do we go from here?

Using your collective voice to influence Congress on climate issues

‘If the Christian community stands up … we will see change’

Celebrating Lois Stair

PC(USA) pastor, NWC leader to be featured in hybrid ministry webinar

‘Oneness signals solidarity, not sameness’

Now’s the time to thank teachers

Youth ministry in the marketplace

The growing need for mental health ministries

Creating a Pentecost welcome

God’s not-so-frozen chosen

Will you be an advocate?

Decolonizing our politics

Kennedy, King and restoring God’s Creation

Give a gift that lasts this Mother’s Day

COGA aprueba lista de asuntos para la 225ª Asamblea General

총회 사무국 위원회(COGA), 제 225 차 총회 안건 목록을 승인하다

Seven presbyteries, solo congregation to begin preparing for Vital Congregations Initiative

Maine man charged with hate crime offenses in connection with Massachusetts church fire

COGA approves docket for the 225th General Assembly

University of the Ozarks campaign raises $73 million for students

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Maryland church protecting the Earth with native plants

At the Embangweni School for the Hard of Hearing, disability is not inability

Future direction of General Assembly

Workshop focuses on identifying talents, then putting them to work in group settings

PDA responding to Caribbean volcano eruptions

‘Inclusion should be our number one priority’

Presbyterians contribute to new book on race

Learning from cultures that regard aging as sacred

Presbytery of Milwaukee lives into its Matthew 25 calling

Church vision and tentative plans for GA225 take up agenda for COGA’s spring meeting

My D.E.S.K. Mission

What I’ve learned in seven decades

Attacks on peaceful protesters by military continue to escalate in Myanmar

‘You’d expect journalists to be more careful about integrating the gender lens’

Hearing other voices in Rwanda

Church membership in US now less than half the population

CPJ Days finale takes participants to the river

Until words become flesh

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to climate-related disasters

How can your congregation celebrate Earth Day?

Retired Presbyterian chaplain the Rev. Dennis C. Benson joins the ranks of President Jimmy Carter and Charles Schulz

Presbyterians Today editor wins Best in Class award for third straight year

'지금이 바로 정치인들에게 편지를 보낼 때입니다'

Crafting stories about underrepresented communities requires finesse

Story Productions adds to its story

‘This is the right time to write elected officials’

The theology of podcasting

Day 2 of CPJ Days is a rough one for capitalism

No such thing as neutral

A welcoming sanctuary for every soul

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) communicators garner Associated Church Press awards

Religion and spirituality both overlap and diverge

A webinar on the current context of the Palestinian people

Following her call, no matter the path

PC(USA) leaders discuss the church and environmental justice

CPJ Training Days tackles environmental and climate justice

‘That they all may be one’

‘Look well to the growing edge!’

Jidu is gone but his memory lives on

‘Just Talk Live’ examines AAPI hate

The world is changing and ministry needs to change, too

‘Born out of desperation’

Taking the Hygh road

It’s not over

PC(USA) Advocacy Director joins call to end filibuster

What we share with the hungry

Stated Clerk denounces violence at US Capitol that left a police officer dead last week

One congregation’s response to American imperialism

Leading the PC(USA) from a world away

The gospel and inclusivity

Finding ethical and spiritual values in this year’s Oscar-nominated films

Theologically speaking

‘Hard work and dedication’ needed to ‘overcome the evils of racism’

PHS awards grants for preserving church records

Young Adult Volunteers are developing relationships to ‘last a lifetime’

Hawkins to speak out on Moral Monday

Facing our investment in domination

Refugee ministries: stepping out in faith

Between GAs, responsible investment committee continues to evaluate companies

Saying ‘thank you’?

Katie Cannon Scholarship available for Presbyterian women of color

A Matthew 25-inspired Stations of the Cross

The holy work of reconciliation continues during Holy Week

We need to consider vast wealth accumulation as a mental illness

Seeing the reign of God at work amidst suffering and oppression

Mission Mosaic: COVID-19 response

Through another lens

The Rev. Dr. Asa J. Lee named president of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Harry Pickens to speak at Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice Training Days

‘This is a lot for three sisters to contemplate’

Syria at 10 years since the March 2011 Arab Spring Uprising

Shades of oppression

La Rvda. Dra. Rhashell Hunter anuncia un plan para dejar la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión

라셸 헌터 목사, 장로교 선교국에서의 사임 발표

The Rev. Dr. Rhashell Hunter announces plan to leave the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Nearly two dozen new worshiping communities receive Mission Program Grants

The importance of role models

Build bridges, not walls

AAPI Moderators and Vice Moderators issue statement on Atlanta killings

‘As Black people, we are acutely aware that silence perpetuates violence’

Speaking out for Black maternal health

Being antiracist means being like Jesus

Chasefu Theological College Board and CCAP Zambia are walking a journey of faith

Risks that privileged people should take

New investment strategy focuses on diversity, equity and inclusion

The white man’s gospel


"Chúng tôi chia sẻ với anh chị em"

CPJ Days speaker brings growing connection to Creation

Event sheds light on broken immigration system

"Reconhecemos a presença de vocês entre nós"

National Hispanic/Latino Presbyterian Caucus issues statement on Atlanta area killings

"Te vemos en medio de nosotros"

"우리 속에서 당신을 봅니다"

'We see you among us'

‘A saint has gone home to heaven’

Three churches share their stories of housing God’s children

UN event inspires young women

‘May we all recognize the beauty that is in the diversity of God’s people’

Presbyterian women discuss leadership during UN event

Christian Formation cohort groups are just about the best gift ever

‘When we can’t trace God, follow God’

Kindness ‘rocks’ on first Mr. Rogers’ Day in the PC(USA)

Stated Clerk calls for compassion and humanitarian aid at the US southern border

New picture book celebrates the life of an activist peace pilgrim

New Spanish-language children’s book published by Flyaway Books

New children’s book from Flyaway Books explores memory loss

Online workshop designed to help Presbyterians embrace gender and inclusion

‘Hold the people as close to God as you can’

World Communion of Reformed Churches examines the impacts of COVID-19

Discover the ancient tradition of ordering time around patterns of prayer

‘Girls on Fire’ raise voices against gender-based violence

One Great Hour of Sharing

Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo receives accreditation, prepares for leadership change

&#039;There is so much need&#039;

If the land could speak, what stories would it tell?

COGA gets first draft of proposed docket for the 225th General Assembly

Valuing women’s voices and the power of their leadership

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation accepts PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 invitation

‘Racial discrimination is heavily embedded in our country and society’

Racial Equity Advocacy Committee, National Black Presbyterian Caucus denounce Atlanta killings

Panel to explore obstacles and triumphs of women in PC(USA)

Easter service available online March 29

'인종 차별은 우리 나라와 사회에 깊숙히 뿌리내리고 있다.'

Rethinking stewardship approaches

What is happening in Syria and why?

What’s next with the Iran nuclear deal?

Presbyterians impressed with UN leader in town hall meeting

Seeking God’s call

Prayers for peace are blowing in the wind

Nelson joins faith leaders in virtual roundtable discussion with US Treasury secretary

Advocating rather than avenging

Walking the path of recovery with the psalms

Southern Africa faces a growing need for clergy training

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Commission on the Status of Women

Lift each other up, ‘like Elizabeth did with Mary’

Cada persona cristiana tiene su llamamiento

그리스도인은 각자 소명이 있다.

‘Each Christian has a calling’

Presbyterian Office of Public Witness supports minimum-wage hike

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to Appalachian flooding

Overcoming the purpose gap in leadership literature

How to flourish without feeling restricted

Having patience and hope in hard times

Board of Pensions publishes Board Bulletin following the spring meeting of the Board of Directors

A shot of hope

Decolonizing our image

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Orientation events kick off UN Commission on the Status of Women

COVID-19 sheds light on the nation’s spiritual disease

Covenant Network of Presbyterians offers up an online guest preacher for the Second Sunday of Easter

Presbytery of New York City celebrates another milestone

Let the rivers run

UN gathering lights fire of advocacy in Presbyterian woman

Study may lead to a vaccine for HIV/AIDS

Theologian builds zero energy home

McCormick Seminary, Hispanic theological network sign agreement

Sabbatical at a time of loss

What ‘laying down our lives’ looks like

Korean Presbyterian churches take deeper dive into Matthew 25 invitation

Making the PC(USA)’s national mission relevant to people in the pews

Sarah Huntington Smith: Historic advocate for Arab female education

Messy but vital work

Lenten laments for racial injustice

These little piggies …

Winter storms prompt outpouring of support

Caring for creation

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) celebrates the gifts of women

Advocating for human rights in the Occupied Territories

The intersectionality of all three Matthew 25 focuses

Moving a Virginia church from one stone edifice to another

Preparing for the last goodbye

Got questions? A new PC(USA) podcast has answers

Unity and justice on display ministering in America’s Second City

Reese’s pieces of wisdom

1001 Refresh Retreat set to explore ‘Attaining Resurrection’ amid challenging times

Creating an Easter Scripture basket

One Great Hour of Sharing gifts empower ‘the least of these’

Racism against Asian Americans decried

Administrative Commission on Mid Councils approves presbytery reorganization for New Jersey

NEXT Church panel: Deep rural Kansas has produced a model worth looking at

Day of Learning concludes with guidance for church budgeting

When physical touch is impossible

‘Church, we have an oppression obsession’

It’s time to name the demon

Tapping into the ‘genealogies of the tangible’

NEXT Church keynoter delivers insight, honesty and a few tears

The image of the golden calf and other lost opportunities

PC(USA) champions peace in Colombia

Engaging Matthew 25 through video

Conspiracy theorists in PC(USA) churches strain relationships

Making giving easy during uneasy times

‘A call-and-response opportunity for everybody’

What Presbyterians Believe about the Resurrection

Finding a way forward in Syria

Take a (virtual) trip to Guatemala on March 24

Maryland church garners national leadership and sustainability award

Caring for both body and soul as COVID vaccines are administered

Loving your neighbor means having tough conversations

Home sweet home: Native Americans return to their roots in Alabama

Introducing your community to stewardship

Time, talents and saying thank you

Disparities Experienced by Black Women and Girls Task Force holds first conversation on issues of concern

Learning from emerging global church leaders

Registration now open for Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice Training Days

Presbyterian churches commemorate SDOP Sunday on March 14

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Episcopal Church look for new ways of being church

PC(USA) offering three virtual anti-racism training sessions in 2021

COVID-19 surges in Southern Africa

Ring in a new year on March 25

Washington office rallying support for democracy reform package

J. Herbert Nelson reflects on 35 years of ministry

Celebrating the gifts of people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities

Musicians band together to stage Justice Concert

Keeping traditions alive

A new day for the connectional church

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) celebrates Women’s History Month

Wright, Henderson increase roles with Office of the General Assembly

Six things to do right now to be a better ally

The Rev. Dr. Craig Howard joins the Presbyterian Foundation

Doves in flight to be featured in Michigan church’s COVID-19 memorial

Online ministry help wanted

Pastors call on churches to teach the truth about white supremacy

PDA announces new refugee and immigrant advocacy grant opportunities

Matthew 25 congregation celebrates its impressive roots during Black History Month

Eco-Palms: creativity and caring for Creation in trying times

Embracing the ‘Holy Saturday’ phase of the pandemic

This week’s COVID-19 death milestone leads Christian leaders to pray

West Virginia vaccination effort seeks volunteers

A sign of life in one of the most contaminated places on the planet

PC(USA) joins call for wider global production of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments

The hard work of becoming more just and equitable

This little piggy …

‘Still I Rise’

Protests continue in Myanmar since Feb. 1 coup

Preacher, prophet, poet the Rev. Dr. James A. Forbes Jr. extols the blessings of Black love

The ‘grace and cosmic perception’ of Katie Geneva Cannon

Digital Lenten devotional designed for youth, young adults and adult youth workers

A big mission for a tiny church

Pastors to reflect on Jan. 6 Capitol attack

Virtual chocolate tasting replaces in-person mission trip

Reformed ministers in Switzerland take steps to meet the Jerusalema Dance Challenge

The Preaching Lab: Well-told stories can make sermons memorable

Compassion fatigue in the church

Creating the denominational website that users want — and deserve

John Detterick, who led both the General Assembly Council and the Board of Pensions, dies at age 80

Easter hope is blooming

Finding a spiritual practice that enlivens your soul

It’s time to right the wrongs

Congregation celebrates Black History Month by supporting Black-owned businesses

Winter storms impact churches, presbyteries in Synod of the Sun

Oak Hill Presbyterian Church celebrates Black History Month with art exhibit

Neo-populism fans out across Europe

History helps when conversations get stuck

Unbound centering people with disabilities during Lent

University of Dubuque purchases land for education, resource center

Join 1001 New Worshiping Communities for an unConference

Scarcity or abundance?

Looking to experience Holy Week in a new way?

Presbyterian leaders welcome return of White House faith office

Presbyterian leaders welcome return of White House faith office

Celebrating 50 years of marriage by bringing hope to others

Boundary shifts and a newly formed presbytery take up first meeting of the Administrative Commission on Mid Councils

Experience ‘Fury and Grace,’ a podcast from prison

Fair trade co-op lifts Indonesians out of poverty

Buried in the church columbarium

First 2021 virtual communications workshop addresses enewsletters

A ‘value lens’ can help three PC(USA) bodies see their way to a unified budget

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

What will church look like post-pandemic?

Where learning to save proves lifesaving

New series points to pivotal moments in the Old Testament

Poem, essay, liturgy garner top honors from Presbyterian Writers Guild

Letter seeks advocacy for New York state’s Shinnecock Nation

Hosting the General Assembly in Louisville will require some rapid remodeling of the Presbyterian Center

How do Christians confront the evil of white supremacy theology?

Presbyterian leaders and partners hail president’s immigration orders

Training nurses in the Republic of Niger

The PC(USA)’s balance sheet was affected but not devastated by the pandemic

Want to see what colonized theological education looks like? Look around

Applications now being accepted for Katie Geneva Cannon Scholarship

Three Southern California Presbyterian churches collaborate on Ash-less Wednesday service

COVID-19 didn’t dampen Sarah Bleile’s desire to serve

Helping children find their place in God’s family

OPW: Aggressive action is needed on COVID relief

Presbyterian Historical Society digitizes records of historic Mother Bethel AME Church in Philadelphia

A small building in the Republic of Georgia with a large impact on interfaith dialogue

Listening to the wilderness

Let’s talk technology!

APCE workshop looks at spiritual development during the ‘Third Thirty’

APCE opens the door to UN sustainable development goals

OPW advocates for United States to restore humanitarian aid for Palestinian refugees

Nonprofit partner of PC(USA) works to keep farmworkers safe

‘What is the church to do?’

Navigating a year of the unknown

‘For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World’ selected as a top-10 book

Leading through strength of diversity

In search of a rubber chicken

Westminster John Knox Press releases three new Bible studies

Think about your neighbors

Presbyterian Center plans online Black History Month service

Ash Wednesday service now available for congregational use

APCE honors four longtime church educators

National Council of Churches issues statement on the military coup in Myanmar

The church from a doorkeeper’s perspective

A plenary with plenty of help from her friends

Wanted: modern-day repairers of the breach

Wanted: modern-day repairers of the breach

PC(USA) leadership takes part in COVID-19 vaccination effort

What is white supremacy theology?

Everyday God-Talk features mission co-workers in Korea

From enduring to embracing

Super Sunday or Souper Sunday?

‘The new thing before us is the now thing’

Black Caucus president: ‘We cannot rest’

Presbyterian Church in Congo reimagines caring for vulnerable children

Celebrated Presbyterian organist and composer John Weaver dies at 83

God prepares the called

Authenticity is the key to quality online worship

Churches should ‘put the bucket down’ where they are to dismantle racism

교회는 인종차별 타파를 위해 지역 사회와 협력해야 한다

Iglesias deben "bajar el cubo allí mismo" donde se encuentran para acabar con el racismo

Best neighbor ever

Fundraising training as you need it, when you need it

Every hymn in ‘Glory to God’ is worth singing sometime

Nine hundred eight and counting

Stated Clerk urges immediate action to reunite migrant families

Presbyterians Today’s Lenten devotional takes readers on a journey to peace and wholeness

World Mission offers neo-populism webinar on Feb. 18

White House decision to phase out use of private prisons wins support from Stated Clerk

Louisville Seminary students establish Gayraud Wilmore Society of Black Seminarians

Robust year-end giving heralds hopeful 2021

Presbyterian University of East Africa gains charter in Kenya

Presbyterian Center customer service ministry remains fully functional during pandemic

Presbyterian Peacemaking Program offering travel study opportunities in 2021 and 2022

A personal and universal discussion on white supremacy, gender inequality

As the need increases, so do expressions of God’s love

A Presbyterian pastor’s top 10 films for 2020

Young Adult Volunteers are changing and growing during their virtual YAV year

Intergenerational conversations help ease isolation for young and old

Giving generously in their golden years

More than 300 organizations urge Biden administration to suspend US-South Korea joint military exercises

‘The country we’d like to see’

Beautiful worship without a sermon

From first cries to final goodbyes

Looking for pulpit supply for a Sunday after Easter?

Un domingo en la frontera

Sunday at the border

Forging a path for ecumenism in the 21st century

Online worship ‘in your jim-jams with a nice cup of coffee’ is probably here to stay

WJK releases updated edition of popular Walter Brueggemann book

Nuevo recurso de capacitación para ancianos/as gobernantes, diáconos y diaconisas se inicia como parte del Año de la Formación de Líderes

지도자 양성의 해의 일환인 사역 장로와 집사를 위한 새로운 교육 자료

Former co-moderators will discuss white supremacy during advocacy webinar

New training resource for ruling elders and deacons launched as part of Year of Leader Formation

Presbyterian Communicators Network holds online communications workshop

Aligning the Presbyterian Mission Agency to carry out the work of Matthew 25

Shaping the next General Assembly

Deadline to order Eco-Palms is March 5

PC(USA) supports nuclear weapons ban treaty

For churches, the pandemic has helped wipe the slate clean

With glad and generous hearts

A sharper focus on Presbyterian advocacy

ConfrontiWorld will bring the Mediterranean to your mailbox

Lessons for 21st-century Presbyterian abolitionists

Dismantling racism together in West Virginia

‘God is With Us Always Even in a Pandemic’

Interpreting the Bible and proclaiming God’s Word faithfully

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) celebrates the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Kindred spirits

Paving the way for a new General Assembly

Expanding the narrative: Women and the Reformation

PC(USA) Advocacy Director sees Biden as ‘legitimately a man of faith’

Creating jobs and bridging the political divide

Global partners working to help Mediterranean refugees

Large online gathering prays for new leaders, church, nation and world

Candlemas, Feb. 2, officially ends the season of Christmas

The Rev. Dr. Robert L. Stivers dies in Tacoma, Washington, at age 80

제 225회 총회에 대한 새로운 비전

Crear una nueva visión para la 225a Asamblea General

Se acercan las fechas límite para matricularse en el evento APCE.

APCE 연례행사 등록마감 임박

Learning the ways of peace

Casting a new vision for the 225th General Assembly

Stated Clerk joins Poor People’s Campaign in call for ‘light and leadership’

Youth trip raises justice questions

Confront the legacy of American slavery this Lent

Is your digital ministry leaving out people with disabilities?

Joanne Rogers, Fred Rogers’ widow, dies at 92

Called to cultivate

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Troubling images: White supremacists carried Christian symbols during last week’s Capitol insurrection

Looking back generations to see the path forward

An unused space becomes a place of prayer and connection

Small groups help Coordinating Table answer ‘foundational questions’

Stated Clerk discusses attack on the Capitol in online chat

Presbyterian Center to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with frontline activists as speakers

Racial Equity &amp; Women’s Intercultural Ministries funds grants to empower women, LGBTQIA communities

‘We arrived where we are now not overnight, but over time’

Webinar on the migration crisis in Europe will be offered Tuesday

Congregation helps homeless by providing a ‘Room in the Inn’

Blueprint for the mission agency’s vision process laid out

PC(USA) celebrates court decision to block ‘Death to Asylum’ Trump rule

Presbyterian Writers Guild announces ‘Ash Wednesday’ writing contest

Human rights advocate freed in Guatemala

Rediscovering the songs of the enslaved

Returning Cuba to terrorism list is ‘cruel’ to its people, PC(USA) Washington office says

Changes in store for third wave of Vital Congregations Initiative

Creating a new vision for the 225th General Assembly

Stated Clerk and Advocacy Director will take to Facebook Live to discuss Capitol attack

APCE annual event registration deadlines near

Hagar’s Community Church launches reentry ministry

One important question before investing in church technology

PastoraLab seeks to support Asian American women clergy

No changes to Book of Order

Spiritually stitching what is torn

Nelson, other faith leaders sign letter calling for Trump’s removal from office

Racial Equity &amp; Women’s Intercultural Ministries helps congregations stay connected

‘We have nothing but hope’

Samuel Robinson Award winner memorizes Westminster Shorter Catechism

Presbyterian Giving Catalog expands reach into Korean and Latinx congregations

Working to end poverty is our response to God’s grace

Monday is Human Trafficking Awareness Day

‘Whenever you stand for justice, love and inclusion, you stand with God’

PC(USA) Washington office backs ballot access bill

Reverendo John Sinclair muere en Tampa, Florida, a los 96.

Caring for those who care for others

The Rev. John Sinclair dies in Tampa, Florida, at 96

Lessons from a year of ministry during COVID-19

A webinar on COVID-19 vaccines makes a measurable difference

The gifts of the Magi, both given and received

A Presbyterian is praying in the House

Stated Clerk looks ahead to the challenges facing the church in 2021

Avoid ‘death by Zoom’

U.S. Senate calls for end to violence in Cameroon

Día de Reyes

A work of art on plywood urges Presbyterian Center staff, visitors to ‘Dream Big’

Celebrate Epiphany with the Peru Mission Network

Picturing love in a pandemic

Día de los Reyes draws Christmas season to a close

Celebrating Black History Month

Sus fotos cuentan su historia

Looking for the new in a new year

‘Voices of Jubilee’ encourages, inspires incarcerated youth

Your photos tell your story

Confession is not a downer, but moves us forward

Presbyterian will be the first woman to serve as U.S. House Chaplain

Presbyterian will be the first woman to serve as U.S. House Chaplain

Stated Clerk, other Reformed leaders join in COVID-19 discernment process

Arson suspected in fire at a PC(USA) church in Springfield, Massachusetts

‘Pray the psalms and you will learn what it means to be fully human’

Pastor, ‘professional volunteer’ John F. Stephenson, Jr., dies at 89

Service features a long list of heartfelt laments

‘We pray we won’t leave there like we came in’

Courageous leadership

Star words: An Epiphany tradition grows

Decluttering is a holy act

Getting ourselves out of a mess

Synod of the Northeast elects transitional leader

‘Stories are a way to feel how wide God’s love can be’

Resources now available for congregations holding Martin Luther King, Jr. services next month

COGA sets onsite committee meeting dates for the 225th General Assembly

Visit the Holy Land virtually during Advent and Christmas

Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice adapted to 2020 through collaboration and community

Self-Development of People announces COVID-19 grant recipients

Advent kits deliver hope, peace, joy and love

Resetting the Coordinating Table

Breaking brave new ground toward a theology of repair

Breaking brave new ground toward a theology of repair

Presbyterian Historical Society end-of-year reflections

Have yourself a jazzy little Christmas

There’s still desperate need in countries hit by back-to-back hurricanes

Miami church engages the community while the worshiping is remote

‘Faith formation concerns the whole person — our whole lives’

Escalation of tension in Iran draws concern

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Property stewardship virtual conference envisions ‘A New Thing’ on its opening day

Cautiously optimistic

PC(USA)’s Washington office releases Action Alert on Cameroon

The nine lives of the Rev. Ken Tracy

700th congregation commits to Matthew 25 vision

PC(USA), other faith groups ask Biden to protect Christians in Israel/Palestine

PC(USA) online Christmas event to draw inspiration from century-old service

In civil war and economic collapse, Syrian ministers find hope in the Gospel, partnerships

The work of Board of Pensions diversity council is ‘a journey’

Fulfilling the General Assembly mandate to engage in full inclusion

Native American gathering leads to COVID-19 relief effort

MRTI supports climate change declaration

Suffering produces endurance, which produces character, which produces hope

What systemic poverty looks like may surprise you

Cohorts benefit members and leaders alike

Longtime pastor of Waldensian Presbyterian Church shares his love of church history

Decolonizing congregational life

#GivingTuesday gifts surpass $150,000

Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath looks beyond statistics

Healing Our Borders Prayer Vigil marks its 20th anniversary

Redeeming a racist bequest

Presbyterian Historical Society to offer internships

PC(USA)’s Washington office meets with Biden advisers

The hopes and fears of all the years

Ecumenical observers declare Venezuela’s elections transparent and efficient

No longer alone

2021 sera el Año de Formación de Líderes

지도자 양성의 해가 될 2021년

The Rev. Grace Elizabeth Bowen dies at age 69

PC(USA) Washington office joins call for COVID relief

2021 to be Year of Leader Formation

A leap of faith leads to divine intervention

CEDEPCA responds to immediate and long-term needs in Central America

Staying alive

Maple buds and brimming cups

Love the otherness of the other

The complexity of the prison industrial complex

COGA approves new budget/staffing plan for the Office of the General Assembly

225th General Assembly to move to Louisville in 2022

Conference for Seminarians of Color alumna leading from her new educational post

Baptist seminary’s legacy will fund new initiatives in racial justice and theological education

The Parable of the 10 Bridesmaids, reimagined for the Zoom era

Mark your calendar now for Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice Training Days 2021

Expanding the narrative

Presbyterian Giving Catalog now available in Spanish and Korean

장로교 헌금 카탈로그가 한국어 및 스페인어로 발행되었다.

Catálogo de Donaciones Presbiterianas ahora Disponible en Español y Coreano

Mission with both hands

Racial Equity &amp; Women’s Intercultural Ministries celebrates mentorship, leadership development

Union Presbyterian Seminary creates $1M endowment in support of reparations for enslaved African Americans

Columbia Seminary awarded congregational development grant

New program gives faith leaders mental health skills

Sabeel invites you to join Advent services

Clergy and laity both solid and sage

#GivingTuesday telethon highlights the PC(USA)’s breadth and depth

Stated Clerk urges churches to stay the course on virtual worship

‘Silence is the welcome mat for hate’

A life changed but still fully lived

Setting the table

Getting connected in San Marcos, Texas

Celebrate #GivingTuesday on Dec. 1 by responding to a world in need

Get to know CPJ ministries during #GivingTuesday

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh follows America’s doctor during church webinar

Dr. Anthony Fauci pays an online house call

A history lesson on Presbyterian mission in Korea

A ‘Chrismon’ makeover miracle

No longer invisible

How does one moderate church meetings in a time of pandemic?

Stated Clerk calls for prayer in Central America

‘A lovely mix of community’

Advent’s offer of a ‘Great Reset’

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary names associate director for its Metro-Urban Institute

Living together as a community

Listen and get uncomfortable

A new tradition amid both joy and sorrow

Evangelism and justice dance well together in Africa

Mid Council Financial Network announces virtual conference set for Dec. 14-15

Mural project brings neighborhood together

Having fun and geeking out

Moderating in a digital age

Gathering as One conference ends in hope

Even during a pandemic, God will provide plenty of ‘what is it?’

Celebrating congregational vitality on #GivingTuesday

Presbyterian leader part of interfaith effort to combat climate change

Help is needed after back-to-back hurricanes in Central America

Igniting a movement in Haiti

What’s next?

Christian camps and a French contemplative community draw the faithful for similar reasons

Go to Sunday school with the United Nations

United Church of Christ in the Philippines asks for solidarity from international partners

More dialogue, less killing

Presbytery of Milwaukee extinguishes $1.9 million in medical debt

‘Seeing Jesus’ is the theme of the Matthew 25 recorded worship service

Current and former GA Moderators join #GivingTuesday telethon

Healing a divided nation post-election

Watershed moments

PC(USA) Washington Office calls on Trump to concede

Union Presbyterian Seminary helps expand learning opportunities for Cooperative Baptists

Moderators to gather online for annual conference

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Designated giving can be the start of a beautiful friendship

Pastors’ podcast helps listeners grow in their faith

International Virtual Solidarity Forum scheduled for Tuesday

‘Surprised by joy’

Be a ‘No-Yes’ child rather than a ‘Yes-No’ child

Co-Moderator will preach during theological symposium

Louisville Seminary Professor Shannon Craigo-Snell helps ‘Breakdown Whiteness’

To speak a blessing

Union Presbyterian Seminary launches Master of Arts in Public Theology

Jean Edwards, Louisville Seminary friend and advocate for peace, dies at 98

Re-envisioning and then rebuilding the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Decolonizing our consciousness

The next step: to love our neighbor

Faith Presbyterian Church: a beacon in the Blue Ridge Mountains

CARES Act incentivizes 2020 charitable giving

Amado pastor sirviendo en la frontera 'Chuy' Gallegos Blanco muere a los 63

Author found her voice working with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Hunger and Homelessness Sunday is this weekend

What does poverty have to do with worship?

Workshop explores coming alongside immigrants

Beloved borderlands pastor ‘Chuy’ Gallegos Blanco dies at 63

Presbyterians Today’s Advent devotional extended through Christmastide

Stepping into the holy story

After General Assembly approval, Roman Catholic-Reformed dialogue to focus on justification and justice

Sacramento group amplifies voice of the homeless

A philosophy that can transform the church

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Expresses Solidarity with Nigerian Partners

Relieving the stress brought on by ongoing slow-moving crises

#GivingTuesday on Dec. 1 promotes generosity as a holiday priority

Attend the Madagascar Mission Network virtual conference Nov. 12–14

A cup of water and some closure for grieving families

Jesus gives clear instructions on where to focus our giving

Young immigrants use their art to tell stories of faith and fear on their journey north

Running toward strangers to extend the hospitality God requires of us

Why bother with the Book of Common Worship?

Flourishing in Ministry

Mid Council Leaders’ Gathering goes virtual

Pumpkins for peacemaking

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary establishes Welch Scholarship

Make the most of the 12 days of Christmastide

With voting behind us, the hard work of eradicating systemic poverty lies before us

Stated Clerk issues call to prayer regarding violence in Cameroon

Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church soothes hungry hearts

Nagorno-Karabakh: Is a peaceful resolution possible between Azerbaijan and Armenia?

New faith-based investment chair focusing on people

‘This is a time of pause’

Presbyterian Voices for Justice celebrates its history as it donates to three social justice causes

Christmas Joy Offering

A racing heart and tightening in the chest

Once claiming to be Presbyterian, Trump now says he’s a ‘nondenominational Christian’

Congregations can get up to $50k to help their pastors find renewal

Presbyterian Writers Guild sponsors free poetry slam, jazz concert on November 15

Unwrapping our God-given gifts

‘Is this the apocalypse?’

Christian engagement in the public square is both faithful and biblical

Secretario Permanente insta al pueblo presbiteriano que salga a votar en martes.

Stated Clerk urges Presbyterians to get out and vote on Tuesday

총회 정서기, 장로교인들에게 화요일에 직접 투표장에 가서 투표할 것을 촉구하다.

Doubling the giving by working together

‘For Beautiful Black Boys Who Believe in a Better World’ wins inaugural social justice book prize

Recreation educator and enthusiast Glenn Bannerman dies at 93

Online show will offer Presbyterian spin on election night

Congo Mission Network adapts to 2020’s changing landscape

$1 million grant will help renew the 67 congregations in the Presbytery of Cincinnati

Deputy-involved shooting in Florida raises concerns

Love Offering — Life Offering

Seminarians of Color Conference nurtures and supports future Church leaders

PC(USA) joins call on corporations to support free and fair elections

‘Faith and Lament in Times of Crisis’

United Church of Canada shares a new vision of mission

Social media is focus of first virtual communications workshop

Poet in the pulpit

Church discovers its calling helping Navajo neighbors

Muted anniversary illustrates need for the United Nations

A time for innovation in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

‘For lives cut short, no time or space to grieve’

What’s in a name? A lot. Names reveal who we are

Eight-year-old boy seeks to change the world, one chicken — or piglet — at a time

Board of Pensions releases Fall 2020 Bulletin

Then and now: Living in a time of pandemic

Stated Clerk recognizes United Nations’ 75th Anniversary

Virtual worship service to be made available to congregations

Walk unafraid in the darkness

Seeking simple Advent joy during the pandemic

Twenty-one new worshiping communities, two presbyteries receive Mission Program Grants

‘Does God care about those of us who’ve had knees on our necks?’

Recent events ramp up daily struggles in Lebanon

Sanctuary from detention, large fines and near-certain deportation

The spirituality of pledging: Praying our way into 2021

Living out the Matthew 25 vision to eradicate systemic poverty in Presbytery of St. Augustine

Louisiana: three hurricanes, a tropical storm and a pandemic

Online Matthew 25 curriculum will help church communities engage civic life in a principled and theological way

Presbyterian Intercultural Young Adult Network discusses upcoming election

‘Empower Servant Leaders’

Louisville Seminary accepted to Wabash antiracism symposium

Major General Kermit D. Johnson, the Army’s former Chief of Chaplains, is remembered

Christian love is all about action

Did you know there’s probably a lot you don’t know about voting?

Hong Kong’s new security law is causing concern

Former PC(USA) co-moderator appears in short film about faith and voting

An elliptical sermon

‘A Bigger Table’ by John Pavlovitz is now available with a study guide

Online training platform now available for new worshiping community leaders

Worship in a pandemic world: no singing, no problem

총회 정서기 감사의 인사말

Palabras de agradecimiento del secretario permanente

Say her name and work for the justice you may never see

Say her name and work for the justice you may never see

Say her name and work for the justice you may never see

A word of thanks from the Stated Clerk

Celebrating the holidays while sheltering-at-home

The gifts of guest preaching with best-selling author Barbara Brown Taylor

Helping congregations and individuals get through election season

Addressing systemic poverty globally through partnerships

Bringing light to the Upper Dark Forest

An A Corp elevator pitch

A 코어퍼레이션 홍보문

Una presentación breve de A Corp

World Food Day highlights continuing reality of hunger

Rethinking Evangelism conference ends with a ‘scandalous conversation’

Children can be part of giving

Making the (virtual) rounds

(온라인) 회동

Cumplen con las rondas (virtuales)

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Keeping an eye on government

Keeping an eye on government

Jesus Christ and the ‘Dividing Wall’: Race and God’s mission

Jesus Christ and the ‘Dividing Wall’: Race and God’s mission

Stated Clerk says Black lives still matter in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Celebrating a total of 823 years of denominational service

Celebrating a collected 823 years of denominational service

Co-Moderators announce new book study program

Louisville Seminary receives $1 million Lilly Endowment grant to study rural ministry in African American contexts

Fifteen years after Katrina, many volunteers have made disaster response their lives

Co-moderator and his Alabama church emphasize importance of voting

You’ve got questions?

The ‘theology of evangelism’ my mother taught me

Stated Clerk joins panel to discuss the legacy of white supremacy in American Christianity

A statement on Nagorno-Karabakh

National award for diversity and inclusion work goes to Board of Pensions

The Widow’s Mite has rich meaning for today’s givers

Astudillo receives Presbyterians for Earth Care Annual Eco Justice Award

Rethinking Evangelism conference opens with worship

What can we do about disasters? Fight climate change

Stated Clerk denounces immigration officials’ plan to return hundreds of Cameroonians to a situation of extreme danger

Anytime is the right time for PC(USA) Special Offerings

Everyday God-Talk explores Union Presbyterian Seminary’s complicated history around race

A step in the right direction

Montreat receives Thriving Congregation Grant from Lilly Endowment Inc.

Presbyterian Border Region Outreach’s annual event is Nov. 6-8

Defending Armenia

Transparency, trust highlighted in Stewardship Kaleidoscope presentation

In a time of pain and suffering, Co-Moderators offer 'Good Medicine'

‘It’s like they wanted to throw money at people’

No raises in 2021 for Presbyterian Mission Agency staff

Stony Point Center discerning a new vision

Why are Presbyterians sticking their noses in politics?

A coordinated effort

Power and Privilege report presented to PMA Board

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board hears powerful preaching from one of its own

Hopes and changes

Cultivating generosity across generations

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board opens Wednesday meeting with antiracism training

‘Dipping Deeper’ into the why and how of forming lifelong disciples

Louisville Seminary releases ‘Because We Are’ statement

A roundup of action by committees of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board looks back and gazes ahead

Stated Clerk joins other faith leaders in opposition of president’s latest proposal on refugee admissions

Camp Hanover gets ‘magical’ to minister to virtual campers

Dipping Deeper: forming lifelong disciples

Dipping Deeper: forming lifelong disciples

A haven for refugees faces closure in Greece

Presbyterian Communicators Network launches online communications workshop

Los co-moderadores de la 224ª Asamblea General (2020) han sido instalados oficialmente

224회 총회(2020) 공동 총회장 위임 결정

Systemic poverty in Cameroon, Peru illustrates the complex barrier poor people face

Called to account: white Christians and white supremacy

Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly (2020) officially commissioned

1001 New Worshiping Communities, Pittsburgh Seminary team up for ‘Sustaining Grace’

‘Power and Privilege’ observances among Presbyterian Mission Agency Board action items this week

Praying for the president and the first lady

Virtual campaign urges Presbyterians to exercise their right to vote

What prevents your organization from being antiracist?

Racial Equity &amp; Women’s Intercultural Ministries launches October Election-Fest

Monthly webinar designed to promote spiritual formation among young adults

It’s 2021–22 application season for the Young Adult Volunteer program

Panel explores emotional toll of pandemic

Navigating church, faith and race

What’s getting me through these days

Davis &amp; Elkins College brings commencement to its graduates

Two 2020 Katie Cannon Scholarship award recipients named

New members join Presbyterian Foundation Board of Trustees

‘If we lean into the work, we can make for a different world’

Hive of hardworking honeybees poisoned in Florida church’s mission garden

Asking the hard questions

Merger, organization, and social justice

UN Ministry engages in virtual General Assembly, says a farewell

Anniversary event canceled, Presbyterian group gears funds toward grants

Reformation Sunday 2020: Zwingli’s 'Plague Song'

Food Week of Action starts Oct. 11

Inclusivity is a gospel issue

Board of Pensions earns national recognition for diversity and inclusion work

Upcoming events designed to encourage young adults of color to vote

A just economy can provide six keys to help humans thrive

Strengthening ties between denominations

Looking toward the future

An Everyday God-Talk dance for World Communion Sunday

Inclining our ear to stories from below

Putting the fun in fundraising

‘Addressing the root causes of hunger is always better than focusing on the symptoms’

A go-to source for worship ideas

‘Although we are scattered, we can gather around the communion table’

Presbyterians remember Breonna Taylor with a vigil for justice

In a frank exchange, pastors discuss the pain and trauma of the twin pandemics

First Unitarian Church provides sanctuary for those calling for justice in the Breonna Taylor case

Theology, Formation &amp; Evangelism conferences offer opportunities for renewal

Catch up with 16 International Peacemakers in virtual symposium

Getting through ‘rough, anxious times’

A Facebook reunion

Michigan church uses referral panel to get mental health services to people in need

A Lebanese pastoral resident talks about intercultural ministry lessons learned

Belarus, Ukraine, Russia Mission Network talks climate change

PC(USA), Mid-Kentucky Presbytery to hold Breonna Taylor vigil

Stated Clerk issues Call to Action on behalf of Indigenous people

Columbia Seminary produces timeline looking at the seminary’s links to slavery and racism

Success and near-misses (such as serving lasagna for brunch) are part of intercultural ministry

Jesus Christ and the ‘Dividing Wall’: Race and God’s Mission

Planned giving module is newest addition to Stewardship Navigator

Breonna Taylor decision: &#039;Our cries have fallen on deaf ears&#039;

PC(USA) leaders express disappointment in grand jury decision in Breonna Taylor case

New series to explore Green New Deal

Discipleship and worship in new worshiping communities

Letters of support

When things aren’t right, start turning the tables over

Pastor speaks on the ‘George Floyd Protests: Temporary Uprising, Movement or Miracle?’

Forgiving debts and spreading the Good News

‘Prophets for peace’

An economic system nesting in God’s household

Stated Clerk reflects on the life and impact of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

New picture book encourages activism and advocacy

A livestreaming event from both sides of the border

Alternative mission giving is just a click away

Connecting and equipping communities and congregations

Pastors reveal five truths about intercultural ministry and church transformation

Honoring our feelings of despair during the ‘most wonderful time of the year’

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary president announces retirement

‘Good White Racist?’ author provides anti-racism guidance for churches

Moving forward in a new financial reality

Why are people hungry and poor?

Is your church ready to embrace interculturalism?

Working to broaden the week’s most segregated hour — worship

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) issues Call to Action in observance of Native American Day

Oregon presbytery working through the smoke to respond to wildfires

Author issues rallying cry to progressive Christians

Sarah Schoper Salazar can’t be easily dismissed

Matthew 25 church an oasis in a food desert

¿Predique el evangelio en todo momento y si es necesario, use palabras?

'항상 복음을 전하되, 말은 필요할 때만 사용하라'?

Applications open Oct. 1 for 2021–22 YAV year

‘Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words’?

Muhammad Ali Center, Flyaway Books co-host &#039;Believing in a Better World&#039; with creators of new picture book

Rev. Dr. James Forbes speaks on ‘COVID-19: A Parable of Plagues before Deliverance’ during lecture series

Church leaders, members invited to participate in website testing

God makes all things new — even in a pandemic

Grief in the reality of a 30-foot dividing wall

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance monitoring impact of Hurricane Sally

Updates coming to Church Leadership Connection

Stated Clerk reflects on September 11 in sermon to New York church

Running, sleeping, driving while Black

Time for more prayer, less talk

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

‘Everyday God-Talk’: Understanding Christ as ‘the anointed one’

Middlers will engage in weeklong confirmation class at Montreat

Union Presbyterian Seminary to use $4.5M grant to address religion in families

Abuse Prevention Helpline to continue

Children and diversity

A voice to affirm all people

Eleven new worshiping communities, one presbytery receive Mission Program Grants

Want to impact racism in this country? Have the hard conversations, says Street-Stewart

Global Mission: Lessons from the coronavirus pandemic

The great bookcase reveal

The Rev. Dr. Cecil Corbett dies at 89

A call to observe Christian and Citizen Sunday on Sept. 20

Presbyterians join Poor People’s Campaign voting effort

COVID-19 delayed her disaster ministry. Then a disaster came to her

Drive through blessings as Christian Education Week begins

‘Huge burden’ of minister’s seminary debt relieved through Board’s assistance

Picking out a frame

Moria refugee camp in Lesvos, Greece destroyed by fire

Hurricane hospitality and the connectional church

Eradicating systemic poverty is topic of next online Matthew 25 curriculum

Physically distant, but spiritually close

Using our resources wisely and creatively to change the world

Studying, praying and taking steps toward action

PDA helps California presbytery navigate wildfire response

What did we expect?

The Rev. Dr. Glen Bell joins Foundation staff

The risky business of singing

Union Presbyterian Seminary faculty join #ScholarStrike

Mediterranean Hope ministry continues to bear fruit

La Oficina de la Asamblea General ofrece un nuevo curso de estudio para el Domingo de la Inclusión de la Discapacidad

Office of the General Assembly offers new study course for Disability Inclusion Sunday

총회사무국은 장애 인식 주일에 대한 새로운 학습 과정을 만들었다

Sharing the peace of Christ with the world

Make America compassionate

To reopen schools or not: A case for educational equity

PC(USA) congregations urged to support public schools

Houston pastor to be honored as Humanitarian of the Year

Big decisions along the border

New Matthew 25 Bible study explores the intersectionality of vital congregations and racism

Washington state church donates land for affordable housing

A call for dignity and respect in politics

Presbyterians working to help overlooked communities in Laura’s wake

Questionable election results send the people of Belarus to the streets

Celebrating Theological Education Sunday this month

Churches discern creative approaches and start new traditions

Crestfield camp thrives through community partnerships

Day of Service brings out volunteers for cleanup and conversation

‘Keep singing the Matthew 25 vision’

Washington Office urges congressional contacts over upcoming refugee consultations

God’s vineyard parable exposes privileges taken for granted

Education can change the lives of children in Malawi

Registration now open for the 2020 Intercultural Transformation Workshops

Take one concrete step to help dismantle systemic racism

Honoring grief and suffering as a Christian

Opening hearts and expanding minds

Presbyterian Week of Action embraces digital engagement

#Give828 raises $32,000 for efforts to develop leaders of color

El próximo evento en línea de Mateo 25 se centra en la erradicación de la pobreza

‘Sing love songs to a lonely world’

Next online Matthew 25 event focuses on eradicating poverty

What should the next General Assembly look like?

Mo-Ranch: A great place to work as well as visit

‘We must be an irritant to the justice system’

Challenging the status quo

Las injusticias contra los trabajadores agrícolas denunciadas en el webinar de la Semana de Acción

Injustices against farmworkers decried in Week of Action webinar

A somber hour during the Week of Action

Board of Pensions’ Director of Wholeness finds opportunity in COVID-19

Office of Christian Formation launches Faith Practices Toolkit

‘There is a God who sits high and looks low’

During “BLACKOUT Day” on Thursday, Presbyterians wear black to protest gender-based violence

The Tooth Bus is ready to bring smiles to the faces of Jamaicans

Dayton’s College Hill Community Church engages in Black Lives Matter

It’s not about an organization, but a cause

A yellow tricycle and a magical plate of biscuits

Presbyterians invited to dip deeper into the well of PC(USA) ministries

Beyond buildings, borders and geography

Town Hall forum sees anti-racism progress in the PC(USA) but plenty of work remaining

전염병은 신학교에 재학 중인 유학생의 상황을 불확실하게 한다

La pandemia trae incertidumbre a los estudiantes internacionales que asisten al seminario

Pandemic brings uncertainty to international students attending seminary

Menaul School is fully functional during COVID-19

Introducing “Where Your Heart Is … A Weekly Offerings Stewardship Blog”

Exploring the stories of the women of the Old Testament

Presbyterian Center bears witness on its walls

Thursday’s COVID-19 memorial service is part of the Presbyterian Week of Action

Webinar explores PC(USA) efforts to dismantle structural racism

Henderson, Wright extend contracts with the Office of the General Assembly

New David Gushee book looks at how post-evangelicals can move forward

Hundreds of Guatemalan families receive emergency food assistance

Diverse voices unite for Global Day of Solidarity

See people like Jesus did and say ‘yes’ to the will of God

PC(USA) leaders to take a hard look at future general assemblies

‘Anything But’ Ordinary Time calls for radical faith

Pennsylvania’s Nottingham Presbyterian Church hosts 11th annual Back-to-School Fair

How the Church can become a healing force in America’s racial divide

Projection: PC(USA) revenues will be down about $9 million in 2020 due to COVID-19

PC(USA) film series on race premieres during Week of Action

Re-imagining public safety amid calls to defund police

Young Adult Volunteer Program goes virtual for 2020-21

Presbyterians invited to join the Thursdays in Black observance

Who among you are lonely?

Keynote speaker talks leadership development at VC annual gathering

Living water and love

On budgets and board feedback

A place of great danger

Getting their feet wet

Churches take on racial injustice

Iowa storm hasn’t made headlines, but PDA is there

Get ready to tweet about racial justice Aug. 26

Visits that sing

Savannah students on the RISE

Showers and blessings

McCormick Theological Seminary receives grant to aid people impacted by incarceration

청소년 자립 선도연합체(Youth Rising Coalition) 기금으로 약 $44,000이 모금됨

The awakening continues

Church partners join with NGOs to help displaced families in Beirut

Youth Rising Coalition campaign raises nearly $44,000

Jim Mead, passionate volunteer and newsman, dies at age 89

Not just another Zoom meeting

Why ‘Presbyterians Affirm Black Lives Matter’?

Mental health from the trenches

Church in transition

Presbytery of Santa Fe to host online remembrance of Rev. Richard Avery on Aug. 30

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Standing with the ‘essentially disposable’

Small but mighty

U.S. Senator Chris Coons: The nation’s ‘deep racial inequities are sinful’

Church women of color gather for virtual summit

‘Healthy Church’ in Taiwan is a blessing for mission co-worker

Getting faith formation and worship resources into people’s homes

Unleashing the power of poor and low-income Americans

PHS Launches Live Webinar Series

Church is where God’s family gathers

Presbyterian Mission Agency announces launch of #Give828 fundraising campaign

The International Peacemakers are coming … online!

Season of Peace begins Sept. 6

New faces join the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly

Straddling two continents

Flyaway Books expands board book collection

Is healing at the core of our congregations?

Dismantling structural racism ‘is in all our best interest’

‘A Very Big Problem’ explores the expansiveness of God’s love

Addressing race and reparations

Stated Clerk views second term as a call to action in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Building bridges instead of walls in Charlotte, North Carolina

Pew survey: Most worshipers support COVID-19 precautions churches are taking

PC(USA)’s Washington office calls for more support for countries to fight COVID-19

Congressman remembers Rep. John Lewis in talk with PC(USA) Washington office

What, then, is the church?

A calling in the community

PC(USA), A Corporation Board elects a new co-chair

Finding vitality and resilience in the wilderness

In a pandemic, back-to-school excitement is tempered

Does the pandemic represent an interruption or a disruption?

Like the summer temperatures, tensions in Israel-Palestine heat up

Explosion nearly levels the port area of Beirut, Lebanon

Presbyterians played major role in the Prohibition era

Presbyterian pastor, educator and mission co-worker dies in North Carolina at 94

Practicing Matthew 25 through Project Common Grounds

Congregational vitality moves Georgia congregation to embody love for all

Nueva plataforma en linea para pastorado de habla hispana

‘There’s no “them.” There is only “all of us”’

Everyday God-Talk explores the joy of dancing

Bearing witness: Presbyterians to host Week of Action

PC(USA) offers guidance on baptism, ordination during the pandemic

New online platform developed for Spanish-speaking pastors

Love, prayers and masks from Changhua Presbytery

Needed: Courageous leadership

Stated Clerk says today’s generational culture is taking a different approach to racism

Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on churches and worshiping communities

Blank canvas inspires Illinois community to dream big

The Rev. Dr. Steve Montgomery, beloved Presbyterian pastor, dies at 68

Divine permission

Activist’s life story sheds light on excessive sentencing

The Stated Clerk, a traffic stop, a young teacher and her elderly students

Conference for Seminarians of Color helps participants connect with resources

The Holy Spirit is not under quarantine in Washington state

Churches asked to identify where they can act to address white supremacy

‘By offering this service, I think people will appreciate the ease of giving’

Busy Atlantic storm season impacts Texas and beyond

Receiving the gifts of people on the margins

‘You will never see a Sikh throw a Muslim under the bus’

Holy rhythms

Working together to be the Church in Niger

Listen before you leap

Colloquy for women of color begins Sept. 14 at Columbia Theological Seminary

Love and literacy behind prison walls

Pastors hopeful for church’s future

Taiwan has become a role model in fighting COVID-19

PC(USA) global partner dies from COVID-19 in Kenya

‘What will we tell them?’

Stated Clerk urges churches to stay the course on COVID-19

Synod School class explores religious diversity in Des Moines

Presbyterian Office of Public Witness lining up support for the PLANET Act

Praying for one another

Hagar’s Community Church pastor sees answer to prayers

New SDOP chair is one of the ministry’s biggest fans

PC(USA) highlights the power of protest

A game-changer

Next ‘flight’ to Guatemala departs Aug. 26

‘Who listens to the radio anymore anyway?’

‘Just Talk Live’ devotes episode to teachers

Both midwife and hospice chaplain

Mission co-workers continue to serve Zambia from Atlanta

This church took out the pews to help feed L.A.’s hungry

The Rev. Dr. Doug Oldenburg, Moderator of the 210th General Assembly, dies at 85

Beginning to understand structural racism in Oregon

Donations still needed for Baltimore’s Youth Rising Coalition

Don’t lose hope

New partnership offers online Matthew 25 curriculum

COVID-19 continues to rise in Indonesia

Invite a Presbyterian mission co-worker for a virtual visit to your church

When culture is a roadblock

COGA looks at the work ahead for the PC(USA)

Columbia Seminary trustees elevate Dr. Ralph Basui Watkins to full professor

A virtual thank-you card

Six new worshiping communities receive Mission Program Grants

Who’s in charge in the congregation?

An educational green space that teaches about butterflies and resurrection

Presbyterian Pan American School calls two new leaders

총회 사무국 위원회는 미국장로교 앞에 놓인 일에 주목하고 있다

COGA mira el trabajo que se avecina para la IP (EE. UU.)

J. Herbert Nelson reflects on the life of U.S. Rep. John Lewis

In times of need, local volunteers step up

Board of Pensions releases Summer 2020 Bulletin

An invitation to pause and rethink

Coffee and Conversations on the border

Stated Clerk issues Call to Prayer for South Sudan

A traveling and visibly scarred banner

Planning and hosting virtual mission network meetings

Being Christ to those in need grows urgent in Alaska

‘Birthed in the heart of God and planted in Talladega’

Now accepting applications for Native American Leadership Development Fund awards

PC(USA) ministries supportive of Poor People’s Campaign platform

Living into the family name

The Great ‘Co-mission’

‘That’s what we need to root out’

New Roots continues fighting for food justice in COVID-19 era

El próximo evento en línea de Matthew 25 está planeado para el 29 de julio

Reimagining public safety

User research continues for new website

A day some thought might never come

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Caesar Act worsens humanitarian situation in Syria

Next online Matthew 25 event planned for July 29

Ten films that explore the sin of structural racism

UKirk offers pivot grants to support collegiate ministries during COVID-19

Three men and a conference

Grieving, mourning, finding hope after COVID-19

Marilyn Cleeff joins Presbyterian Foundation staff

Showing God’s grace in tangible ways

PC(USA) shelves plans for Big Tent in 2021

Scripture to live by

Hoping in a better tomorrow

Truth in a fake news world

Vital Congregations host Zoom conversation on empowering servant leadership

‘Four for Four’ congregations feel a strong sense of Presbyterian connectedness

‘Ruling elders rule — and amen to that!’

OGA offers retirement package to staff 60 years and older

Senate candidate joins call for progressive Christian voice in PC(USA) talk show

Diverse leaders discuss how racism, pandemic impact them and their communities

How Christians can respond to unjust policing

International School of Reconciliation in Rwanda workshop focuses on healing inner wounds

One Louisville Seminary student defeats another for a seat in the Kentucky House of Representatives

Virtual New Wilmington Mission Conference to be held July 17–19

GA224 is a technological success, says Committee on the Office of the General Assembly

Virtual reality platform for churches creates ‘unparalleled ground for Christian evangelism’

Videos bring Hispanic Latino-a community together

Videos unen a la comunidad hispano/latina

Vacation Bible School in the ‘new normal’

‘Ordinary Time’ is extra-ordinary

Mask-wearing and social distancing are spiritual practices

Ground is broken for new chapel at Cedar Ridge Camp

‘The knowledge and wisdom you have is enough for this work’

Congregation chronicles COVID-19 in pictures

Going back to school during crisis

McCormick Seminary to house new center on reparative justice

Sisters win Presbyterian Writers Guild’s two top 2020 awards

Mission co-workers emerge from quarantine in Lima, Peru

COVID-19 research reveals innovation within PC(USA) churches

Masters-level Black students at Columbia Seminary will have tuition, fees paid for

PC(USA) Office of Public Witness decries treatment of protesters

총기 폭력 예방 옹호자 짐 애트우드 사망

A visual reminder of how hearts are joined

New season of ‘1001’ podcast focuses on racial injustice and faith

Just ahead of Israel’s annexation announcement, webinar explores the ramifications

Fallece Jim Atwood, defensor de la prevención de la violencia con armas de fuego

미국장로교의 역사적 제 224차 총회(2020년)가 장서에 수록되다.

Concluye la histórica 224ª Asamblea General (2020) de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.)

Gun violence prevention advocate Jim Atwood dies

Historic 224th General Assembly (2020) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is in the books

Eight minutes, 46 seconds of silence

Commissioners address issues related to theological education during full fifth plenary

‘Just keep stirring’

제 224차 총회(2020년)에서 인종적 불의, COVID-19, 북미 원주민 교회 지원 등이 세째 본회의의 대부분을 차지하다.

La injusticia racial, COVID-19, y el apoyo a las iglesias nativas americanas ocupan la mayor parte de la tercera sesión plenaria de la 224 Asamblea General (2020)

Racial injustice, COVID-19 and support for Native American churches take up bulk of third plenary at the 224th General Assembly

Committee members call on PC(USA) to ‘start leading’ on justice issues

MRTI endorses statement of solidarity against systemic racism

미국장로교 수정 눈물방울 상(Crystal Teardrop Awards)이 NASA의 여성들 인정하다

Los premios IP(EE. UU.) Crystal Teardrop ("Lágrima de Cristal") reconocen a las mujeres de la NASA

Upon further consideration …

‘Far more than all we can ask or imagine’

El Comité sobre Representación de la Asamblea General publica el perfil de los/as comisionados/as y delegados/as asesores

총회 대표위원회가 총대 및 자문대표단을 소개하다

General Assembly Committee on Representation releases profile on commissioners and advisory delegates

PC(USA) Crystal Teardrop Awards recognize women of NASA

Guatemala mission partners focus on relief rather than reunion

Eight new worshiping communities, two presbyteries receive Mission Program Grants

Tensions heighten on the Korean Peninsula

Environmental justice leader speaks on fossil fuel divestment

Arguing with God

인종차별의 진실과 화해를 위한 특별위원회의 성명

Una declaración del Comité Especial sobre el Racismo, la Verdad y la Reconciliación

제 224차 총회(2020년) 공동총회장의 상징으로 교회 전체가 탄력을 받다.

총회 사무국 위원회(COGA)는 제224차 총회(2020년)가 끝나기 전에 마지막 회의를 개최합니다.

COGA celebra su última reunión antes de que la 224ª Asamblea General (2020) finalice

COGA holds last meeting before 224th General Assembly (2020) wraps

‘COVID at the Margins’ shines unflinching light on coronavirus impacts

Symbol of the Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly (2020) gains momentum across the church

El símbolo de los co-moderadores de la 224ª Asamblea General (2020) cobra fuerza en toda la iglesia

Short sermons on social witness and General Assembly

A Statement from the Special Committee on Racism Truth and Reconciliation

Ecumenical and Interreligious Service Recognition Award recipients recognized

‘Look, and see our disgrace!’

Webinar highlights immigration and pandemic issues

제 224차 총회(2020년)가 총기 폭력 예방에 기여한 개인들을 인정하다.

La 224ª Asamblea General (2020) reconoce a los individuos por su trabajo en la prevención de la violencia con armas de fuego

Faith leaders demand justice for Breonna Taylor

PAM’s online 2020 Worship and Music Conference is ‘kind of a miracle’

224th General Assembly (2020) recognizes individuals for their work in gun violence prevention

Presbyterian science and technology association announces award winner

Mission co-worker says COVID-19 shows the need to answer the Matthew 25 invitation

Love knows no bounds

PC(USA) and other faith groups call for UN human rights inquiry in US

A marketplace of good ideas

A God who picks favorites?

PC(USA) leadership gives thumbs up to first weekend of GA plenaries

Louisville Seminary Counseling Center to offer telehealth services to clients beginning Monday

Matthew 25 vision passes 500th milestone

Ferncliff’s ‘Camp in a Box’ draws more than 1,300 participants

Serving her young adults during a global pandemic

A Corp Board commits itself and the entity to care for all of God’s people

월요일 회의에서 이번 주말 총회 본회의에서 무엇을 기대해야하는지에 대한 보고를 받습니다.

La Junta de A Corp se compromete a sí misma y a la entidad a cuidar a todo el pueblo de Dios.

‘Where are you?’

224th General Assembly elects Street-Stewart, Bentley co-moderators

La primera sesión plenaria de la 224ª Asamblea General (2020) pone a prueba la tecnología

제 224차 총회 1차 본회의(2020년) 전자기술력 시험대 위에

미국장로교의 223번째 총회(2018)의 공동총회장 2년 임기를 마감합니다.

Las co-moderadoras de la 223ª Asamblea General (2018) del PC(USA) concluyen su mandato de dos años

Poor People’s Campaign hails movement to meet this moment

How are defunding the police and divesting from fossil fuels related?

Co-Moderators of the 223rd General Assembly (2018) of the PC(USA) wrap two-year term

First plenary of the 224th General Assembly (2020) puts technology to the test

Crisis &amp; Creativity

Real change takes community organizing

A church struggles to do the right thing

How a pandemic brought healing to a centuries-old racial wound

Handling church money brings great responsibilities

A night to sleep on it

정서기는 DACA에 대한 대법원의 판결을 좋은 소식이라고 함

El Secretario Permanente dice que la decisión de la Corte Suprema sobre DACA son buenas noticias.

Stated Clerk calls Supreme Court decision on DACA good news

Presbyterian Center celebrates Juneteenth with soulful service

Peace Camp teach-in encourages grassroots activism

GA may not be coming, but it has had an impact on Baltimore ministry

Creating online worship space for Presbyterians of all ages

Owing to the pandemic, Stony Point Center forced to eliminate most of its staff

Assembly Committee on Business Referrals sends docket to the 224th General Assembly (2020)

‘Into the Light: Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament’

2020 Women of Faith winners will be honored virtually

Song and service weave the tapestry that is the life of this Board of Pensions church consultant

On the eve of the assembly, Moving Forward commission releases administrative supplement

COGA gets final update prior to the opening of GA224

Despite hardships and racism, Native Americans find hope during pandemic

Stated Clerk honored by union rights organization, Jobs With Justice

Juneteenth in the age of Black Lives Matter

Stated Clerk delivers virtual greeting to Presbyterian Church of Korea

Guided by the LAMB

Gelling too soon

Camps and conferences stay positive during pandemic

New ‘Everyday God-Talk’ episode drops Wednesday

The border as a place of encounter

Pastoring during protest

Former street child in Kenya looks forward to college

World Refugee Day: A time of solidarity and celebration

Young Adult Volunteer program creates new normal for 2020-22 YAV program years

Baltimore General Assembly history

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Global partners express solidarity with US siblings

Synod of the Sun network aims to help confront and dismantle racism

Support Justice in Policing Act, PC(USA) Washington office says

National Caucus of Korean Presbyterian Churches grieves with African American siblings

COVID-19 helping to fuel global hunger

Behind the scenes at the 224th General Assembly (2020) of the PC(USA)

Prayer vigil serves as on-ramp for Christians on a journey of discernment

Former GA moderator and Presbyterian News Service chief Marj Carpenter dies at 93

COVID-19 and the African American community

Celebrating Darrell Guder, a pioneer in mission theology

Southern Africa Presbyterians express solidarity with US in the struggle for racial justice

COGA says no consent agenda currently exists for the 224th General Assembly (2020)

‘A virtual choir of international peacemakers’

After accident, &#039;Surprise!&#039; from the pulpit pleases congregation members

Latin America church alliance joins PC(USA) to oppose racism, white supremacy

This Young Adult Advisory Delegate to General Assembly is a Presbyterian through and through

Domestic violence focus of final gun violence webinar

Three sets of Co-Moderator candidates make their pitches

‘COVID at the Margins’ looks at the impact of the virus on the LGBTQIA+ community

A poignant photograph illustrates dealing with deep grief

Eight mission co-workers will serve General Assembly as Mission Advisory Delegates

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance grant helps network share lifesaving information in Haiti

A great crowd talks about how they’re caring for the least of these

No justice, no breath

United Nations human rights experts concerned about the United States

Mapping the financial future of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) tops agenda for GA224

What white churches can do about racism

Presbyterians reach out to Native American communities during pandemic

‘I can’t breathe’

Stated Clerk/Committee on Theological Education express concern on San Francisco Theological Seminary merger

‘We unreservedly condemn the killings of African Americans’

Stated Clerk says don’t rush to get back into a church building for worship

Online worship is ‘not a show that you consume’

Racial Justice Resources page now available online

Beyond protests, how can you and your church bring change?

About 250 join online worship hosted by More Light Presbyterians

Finding a new normal during a global pandemic

Hosting from afar

Adopt a Family initiative in Kenya feeds 32K families in two months

Faith formation at home

What God’s community looks like

Presbytery uses video to call for unity, reconciliation and justice

The film ‘Just Mercy’ can be viewed free this month

Take up the shield of faith

Board of Pensions names new Chief Investment Officer

Mid council and other church leaders share their hearts and prayers as the nation struggles

Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba grieves with PC(USA) in the death of George Floyd

Hong Kong turns from one crisis to another

When you’re not at General Assembly, go to Peace Camp

Seeking justice in the death of George Floyd by honoring his life

Stated Clerk: ‘No longer can we hide behind not being controversial’

How should we protest, and why?

Iosso to leave ACSWP post to serve Church in a new ministry

Es una ira justa y santa que ve la injusticia y sabe que está mal.

‘It is a righteous and holy anger that sees injustice and knows that it is wrong’

What we see now is not what we get later

Running toward chaos

Synergy between PC(USA) assembly and Poor People’s Campaign continues online

‘We fall to our knees with you’

Online Bible study opens new opportunities for the 224th General Assembly (2020)

PC(USA) celebrates the life of the Rev. Dr. Mary-Anne Plaatjies van Huffel

Take part in historic first virtual New Wilmington Mission Conference, July 17–19

IP (EE. UU.) Hispana/Latina - una comunidad de fe se mantiene firme en la fe en Dios

PC(USA) Hispanic/Latino-a faith community holds firm to faith in God

Sharing pandemic voices of hope in Peru

‘Racism is a sin against humanity’

The hope of the church in the nasty here and now

‘Thank you for changing your Facebook profile or liking a post — but more is needed’

Pandemic-caused losses span the age range of Presbyterians

Virtual camp that’s real fun

Hispanic/Latinx National Presbyterian Caucus ‘stands in strong solidarity’ with African American siblings

Caucus Hispano/a Latino/a de la Iglesia Presbiteriana EUA se solidariza con los/as hermanos/as afroamericanos/as

Stated Clerk remembers recent victims of racial violence

Resources for such a time as this

Responding to the trauma of gun violence

Where is God in a pandemic?

Minister of Household

Five keys to reducing the stress around sermon preparation

1001 New Worshiping Communities leaders report released

Seeking a pastoral call during a pandemic

‘We are accountable to the commitments we have made’

Going back to the future church

‘If we will not face it, we certainly can’t fix it’

Las estadísticas de la IP (EE. UU.) muestran una nivelación en la disminución del número de miembros

미국장로교 통계에 의하면 회원의 감소가 안정되었다

PC(USA) statistics show a leveling off in membership decline

In Rwanda, integrity shines through difficult times

‘Let’s take the opportunity to swing wide the gates’

At many churches, homeless ministries continue during pandemic

Once upon a time in a pandemic

These youth are indeed rising

Mission co-workers finding new ways to serve global partners

Arthur Fullerton and Marie Mainard O’Connell seek to embrace change for the PC(USA)

2020 Pentecost echoes first century church gathering

Family, often the best teacher, can drive home environmental truths

Eleven new worshiping communities, two presbyteries receive Mission Program Grants

PC(USA) agencies/entities complete Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit

‘COVID-19 and the Digital Transformation of the Church’ webinar set for Friday

New time and new forms of ministry

Finding the divine in moments of pandemic dullness

Rejecting the quackery of politicians and preachers

Transforming lives and communities with support from the Pentecost Offering

Vital Congregations Zoom conversations to resume Wednesday

Bintou Jalloh crosses cultural, corporate borders on her way to the Board of Pensions finance team

A call for reparations

Nebraska Presbyterian Foundation awards more than $137K in grants

Festival of Homiletics preacher: ‘I wasn’t sure what God wanted from me this time’

Church music and COVID-19

COGA to create task group to continue work after General Assembly

Ethnic violence erupts in South Sudan

‘We must come together as a family’

Raising hope among children and youth

‘Spread love, not germs’

Inaugural Matthew 25 event set for June 10

Food rescue operations are vital during a pandemic

‘Every passage of Scripture sounds different now’

Pentecost’s divine disorder

Reminiscing over a very good year

PC(USA) Washington office calls on Senate to support frontline workers and more

A new tool for evangelism

Pacific Island churches begin the journey to a ‘new normal’

A pastor in Queens has but two pandemic prayers

‘Anti-racist effort is not optional for us as Christians’

Juneteenth celebrations grow

Texas church hosts diaper drive-in

‘We’re the worst babysitters on the planet’

‘The only thing that counts is when our faith expresses itself through love’

God’s commitment to the poor is our commitment, too

Youth in the church are not just the future, but the now

Washington state pastor serves a church he’s never preached in

Three entities approve diminished revenue estimates

Celebrating the call to serve as a ruling elder

Practicing self-care during COVID-19

Commencement in a cloud

PC(USA) leaders discuss income shortfall during all-staff videoconference

Union Theological Seminary executive vice president to chair NYC’s Civilian Complaint Review Board

‘I stir the pot a little to promote creativity’

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

El Comité de la Oficina de la Asamblea General se prepara para la cumbre presupuestaria la próxima semana

총회 사무국 위원회, 다음 주의 예산 심의를 준비함

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly prepares for budget summit next week

Racial Equity Advocacy Committee urges support for South Dakota tribes

How should the church stand up to anti-Asian racism?

The Mango Palace may be the key to lifting Malagasy farmers out of poverty

A visible mission against an invisible enemy

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board gives investment and loan program some lending latitude

An online service of lament

‘We’re not all in this together’

‘We the poor — all we have is God to protect us and we put ourselves in God’s hands’

May 15 commemorates Nakba (Catastrophe) Day for Palestinians

Navajo Nation suffers from one of the highest COVID-19 infection rates in the U.S.

Former Moderator the Rev. Charles A. Hammond dies at 86

Becoming Presbyterian

Connecting Korea&#039;s past and present for the future of mission

A lifetime of change — and acceptance

Ministry in an emergency

A restorative Sabbath

Commissioned ruling elders and online worship

A prayer for mothers and those who wish to mother

Former General Assembly Moderator Freda Gardner dies at 91

National Council of Churches ‘deeply disturbed’ by acts of violence against unarmed African Americans

‘COVID at the Margins’ begins Monday

Youth workers and mental health

Board of Pensions releases video on its Employee Assistance Program

Presbyterian Hunger Program awards almost 50 COVID-19 grants

Presbytery of Baltimore named online host for the 224th General Assembly

Prayers and determination bring Peru YAVs home safely

PC(USA)’s Daily Prayer app upgraded with helpful features

Presbyterian-funded program works to keep people in their homes during COVID-19

Lurkers welcome

Madre e hijo guatemaltecos buscan ayudar a los menos afortunados(as) durante la pandemia

전염병으로 어려워진 사람들을 과테말라의 어머니와 아들이 돕고자 함

Guatemalan mother and son seek to help less fortunate during pandemic

Acquiring pastoral skills at age 13

PAM Worship and Music Conference goes the virtual route

온라인 지도자 현황 보고회, 온라인 교회 회무 진행의 첫 시험을 치름

Sesiones informativas en línea para líderes ofrece la primera prueba de cómo llevar a cabo negocios eclesiásticos digitalmente

‘Everyday God-Talk’ guest asks, ‘Can the church catch the visions of young people?’

Online Leader Briefing gives first test of conducting church business digitally

Maintain that wall

Malawi Mission Network partners help create 100,000 protective masks

Grassroots home churches thrive in Rwanda

Resumen de histórico entrenamiento para el liderazgo en curso

역사적인 온라인 지도부 현황보고회 진행

Historic online Leader Briefing under way

Presbyterian group finds a casual place online for serious conversations

Riffing on gun sales during the pandemic

A ministry of intellect and street smarts

Returning to public worship

La Sesión Digital para lideres tendrá lugar esta semana en preparación para la 224a Asamblea General (2020)

제 224차 총회 (2020) 준비를 위해 디지털 지도부 현황보고회가 이번 주에 개최됨

Digital Leader Briefing to be held this week in preparation for the 224th General Assembly (2020)

Are you ready for hybrid online/in-person worship?

J. 허버트 넬슨, 디지털 총회에 의미를 부여함

J. Herbert Nelson opina sobre la Asamblea General digital

Chaplains describe pandemic-caused trauma and grief experienced by families, patients and staff

Creative giving catches on during coronavirus pandemic

J. Herbert Nelson weighs in on digital General Assembly

Outdoor sanctuaries: Churches find potential in their property

Deadline approaching for Katie Geneva Cannon Scholarship

Prodigious Old Testament scholar Pat Miller dies at 84

Spotlighting Mental Health Month during the coronavirus pandemic

총회 사무국 위원회가 특별위원회의 연장을 권고함.

El Comité de la Oficina de la Asamblea General recomienda una extensión de los comités especiales

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly recommends extension of special committees

A dead robin and a departed Pop-Pop

Deacons: breathing new life in an ancient church office

Once an oasis of peace, Cameroon is now a country in conflict

GA changes will delay divestment recommendations, but corporate engagement will continue

‘Moments like this were designed for the church’

Virtual church goes viral

An outward focus

Bike to Church Sunday appeals to cycling community

‘They’re just answering God’s call’

Answering God’s call to work with refugees in Greece

Now is a time to imagine a bold new future

Read and heed ‘Returning to Church’ long before it’s deemed safe to worship in person

Older Adult Week begins Sunday

Understanding reparations

Presbyterian webinar series asks, ‘Why do people buy guns during a pandemic?’

COVID-19 impacts on Presbyterian Hunger Program’s global partners

Presbytery of Detroit writes an open letter to soften closed hearts

LGBTQIA community susceptible to coronavirus in ways you may not have considered

A prayer tree grows

Environmental justice and COVID-19 come together in CPJ Day webinar

What to do about Vacation Bible School?

Homiletics Professor Debra J. Mumford named Academic Dean at Louisville Seminary

Strengthening connections: D.J. Lee of the Board of Pensions serves PC(USA) Korean churches

Jesus Christ is the same — yesterday, today and forever

Coalition pushes for farmworker protections against COVID-19

총회 사무국 위원회가 제 224차 총회(2020)를 향해 나아감

El Comité de la Oficina de la Asamblea General sigue determinado hacia la 224ª Asamblea General (2020)

PC(USA) Washington office asks Trump to ease sanctions to combat COVID-19

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly presses on toward the 224th General Assembly (2020)

COVID-19 deaths in South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan stand at 250; US passes 50,000

COVID-19 deaths in South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan stand at 250; US nearing 50,000

Flattening the curve means keeping churches closed for now, leaders say

‘Community’ redefined in view of COVID-19

Does the church dare to move forward?

Forman Christian College continues to offer education in Pakistan amid pandemic

One hundred days of mission and ministry in Rwanda

Despite the pandemic, churches find they’re maintaining ecclesial health

What would Fred Rogers say about the coronavirus?

Addressing the call process during COVID-19

New children’s book explores the refugee’s experience

Finding spirituality in a pandemic

New book encourages children to take low-tech adventures

Scripture in a time of pandemic: It’s where to find hope

Part 2 of ‘A Year with Matthew for a Matthew 25 Church’ is now available

Mission Co-Worker Larry Sthreshley is fighting the pandemic on the front lines in Congo

224th General Assembly to be conducted online only

제 224차 총회, 온라인으로만 진행된다

La 224ª Asamblea General se llevará a cabo solo virtualmente

PC(USA) Washington office calls on Congress to protect voting rights

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance approves more than $1.1 million in COVID-19 grants

2020년 부활절 특별 자료 수집

Recopilación especial de Pascua 2020

Easter 2020 Special Collecting

MRTI Releases 2020 Shareholder Resolutions Directory with Proxy Voting Recommendations

Old school, new school

Breath prayer eases anxiousness

Caroline Kurtz, daughter of PC(USA) missionaries, wins Presbyterian Writers Guild’s Best First Book Award

Remembering victims, resisting violence and renouncing evil

Gayraud Wilmore, who led the Commission on Religion and Race, dies at age 98

경제를 돌보기 전에 자신의 몸을 돌보십시오.

Está mejor cuidar de nuestros cuerpos que cuidar de la economía

PC(USA), A Corporation approved for $8.8 million forgivable loan

Defining sustainability for new worshiping communities

Presbyterians Today navigates the new way of being church

Take care of our bodies before we take care of the economy

Hugh Fleece Halverstadt, an expert on managing church conflict, dies at 81

The digital church arrives

Stewardship in a pandemic

장로교 선교국 이사회가 제안된 예산과 위원회 보고서를 승인하다.

La Junta de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión respalda los presupuestos propuestos, informes del comité

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board endorses proposed budgets, committee reports

Sandy Hook Promise addresses gun violence by changing culture

COGA가 제 224차 총회(2020년)에 관한 주요 회무를 고려함

COGA considera asuntos críticos para la 224a Asamblea General (2020)

Mission Agency President seeks a church-wide fundraising campaign

COGA considers critical business for 224th General Assembly (2020)

Share your CARES money (if you can)

Practicing lifelong discipleship formation during COVID-19

The coronavirus and its implications for PC(USA) ministry

El coronavirus y sus implicaciones para el ministerio de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.)

코로나 바이러스와 미국장로교 사역에 대한 시사점

COGA tomará una decisión final sobre la 224a Asamblea General (2020) la semana entrante.

총회 사무국 위원회, 제 224차 총회(2020)에 대해 다음 주에 최종 결정을 내릴 예정.

총회 선교국 이사회가 화상으로 업무 처리를 함

Comités de la Junta de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión usan Zoom para hacer su trabajo

COGA to make final decision on the 224th General Assembly (2020) next week

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board committees Zoom to get their work done

Churches urged to observe Earth Day

‘When America gets a cold, the African American community gets pneumonia’

Varied, far-flung mission is envisioned over the next two years

사역장로에 관하여: 신실한 섬김 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

향후 2년 동안의 다양하고 광범위한 사역을 전망해 본다.

Presbytery of Seattle remains strong in the midst of COVID-19

Office of Theology and Worship develops resources for prayer and comfort during the pandemic

COVID-19 impacts overseas Filipino workers

Se prevé una misión variada y remota en los próximos dos años

Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice Training Day goes online

A salute to the work of the corporate arm of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Stated Clerk weighs in on rise in technology during COVID-19

Seattle pastor survives coronavirus

Building the household of God with children, youth and young adults

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board will meet virtually Wednesday through Friday

Faith leaders under stress during the coronavirus pandemic can build resilience

A Corp Board to meet via Zoom Tuesday and Wednesday

COGA to consider abbreviated virtual General Assembly

Prayer, guided meditation no problem for online platforms

Presbyterian co-pastors ‘fill the church’ with members’ photographs during livestreamed services

Mission co-worker Louise Maxwell ‘Coffee’ Worth led a wonder-filled life for 100 years

Trade and tariff systems prevent cocoa processing in West Africa

SDOP support prepared Detroit group to respond to COVID-19

Dan and Elizabeth Turk safely back in the US

New York City’s Presbyterian leaders stand firm in the midst of COVID-19

Spirit-inspired worship requires breathing life into dry bones

1001 ‘New Way&#039; podcast to drop episode 1 of season 4 on Good Friday

The building may be closed but the Presbyterian Center continues support for Presbyterians

Self-Development of People reports on two years of partnership in Panama

Presbyterian Church of Colombia sends a pastoral letter

Piece by piece, PC(USA) Easter service comes together

Further considerations for worship in virtual space

And the steeple bell rang

California church blends old and new technology to provide worship during pandemic

Stated Clerk Nominating Committee recommends J. Herbert Nelson, II, to seek a second term

Small church with great faith helps the Big Apple

Vital Congregations, 1001 New Worshiping Communities to hold Holy Week Zoom calls

New hymn speaks to missing out on a traditional Easter celebration

Learn how your church can thrive with a part-time ministry model

Hunger Action Advocate helps congregations see ‘the big picture’

Presbyterians reach out, find ways to minister to older adults

Nancy J. Taylor named executive director at the Presbyterian Historical Society

PC(USA) Washington Office calls for domestic, international COVID-19 advocacy

Congregations self-rate ‘fairly well’ after the first few weeks of the pandemic

Stated Clerk sends message to mid council leaders

New COVID-19 QuickSheets available from youth workers, Christian formation ministries

Pastoring in a pandemic: ways to care for your church and yourself

Hosannas and honks

Board of Pensions offers dues relief and deferments to churches and employers

One Great Hour of Sharing ministries provide support during the pandemic

Young Adult Volunteers rising to lead in a time of crisis

Presbyterian hunger ministries persevere despite pandemic

‘People delight in the feeling of making a difference’

Subvenciones de Mateo 25 apoyarán a las congregaciones vulnerables que enfrentan al COVID-19

마태복음 25장 보조금은 COVID-19에 직면한 취약한 회중을 지원하게 됨

Church leaders consider holding a full virtual General Assembly

¿Cómo responde PDA a un desastre durante una pandemia?

PDA는 세계적 유행병 동안 재난에 어떻게 대응하는가?

Trabajadores en misión regresan a los Estados Unidos

미국으로 돌아 오는 선교 동역자들

Concilios intermedios comparten penas y preocupaciones

중간공의회는 슬픔과 우려를 공유함

Elona Street-Stewart와 Gregory Bentley가 제 224차 총회(2020) 공동총회장에 출마함

Elona Street-Stewart y Gregory Bentley se postularán como co-moderadores de la 224a Asamblea General (2020)

Matthew 25 grants will support vulnerable congregations facing COVID-19

온라인 부활절 축하 예배가 4월 9일에 방영됨

Servicio de Pascua virtual se lanzará el 9 de abril

‘We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed’

Co-Moderators find new ways to connect with Presbyterians

Emergency student loan management enacted during COVID-19 crisis

Discernment and prayers guide World Mission Crisis Management Team

Online Easter celebration to be released April 9

Online Easter celebration to be released April 9

Elona Street-Stewart and Gregory Bentley to run as Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly (2020)

Churches can tap into their share of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act

In spite of COVID-19, ministry to homeless population continues at First Presbyterian Church of San Diego

Responding to revenue shortfalls during the pandemic

Celebrating the life of Ruth ‘Kamuanya’ Metzel

Stated Clerk lifts up health care workers

Prayers for chaplains and health care workers

Office of Vital Congregations hosting weekly Zoom conversations through May 6

Small beginnings

Crowdsourcing kindness

‘This is just a change in where we are needed’

PC(USA) Washington office calls for easing Iran sanctions to combat COVID-19

The Rev. Darius Swann dies at age 95

PC(USA) corporate engagement committee calls on companies to support workers in COVID-19 crisis

El Comité de la Oficina de la Asamblea General considera las opciones para la 224ª Asamblea General (2020)

총회 사무국 위원회가 제 224차 총회 (2020)에 대한 옵션을 고려함

A time for pastoral, prophetic and practical Christianity

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly considers options for the 224th General Assembly (2020)

‘You can’t find the need before you find the people’

‘We’re all in this together’

Can online worship be intimate?

One mission co-worker’s vision for ‘Strong Kids’

일상의 하나님 이야기

불확실한 현 시기에 대한 제 223차 총회 공동총회장의 기도문

El Comité de la Oficina de la Asamblea General comparte su preocupación acerca de COVID-19

Office of Theology and Worship offers supplemental guidance for online communion

PDA ready to make COVID-19 grants thanks to One Great Hour of Sharing

Keeping your church/presbytery office organized during COVID-19

Presbyterian Center closing to prevent spread of coronavirus

Serious JuJu: Warehouse closed but ministry continues

Racial Equity Advocacy Committee condemns use of &#039;Chinese virus&#039;

How does PDA respond to a disaster during a pandemic?

Virtual Communion: Church leaders say it can be done

Comunión virtual: los/as líderes de la iglesia dicen que es posible

가상 성만찬: 교회 지도자들은 그것이 가능하다고 말함

Protecting your mental health during the pandemic

Remote faith formation for the long haul

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation lists worship, education resources for being the church during the COVID-19 pandemic

Presbytery of New York City installs Ruling Elder Frances Thom, the body’s youngest-ever elected moderator

Pair of books published by WJK Press are awards finalists

Survival checklist

Mission co-workers returning to the United States

Mid councils share sorrows and concerns

OGA releases new web mapping tool to show COVID-19 confirmed cases

Pope Francis asks Christians around the world to join him in prayer Wednesday

Creating community in digital spaces during a pandemic

One Great Hour of Sharing gifts save lives and livelihoods in famine-stricken countries

Presbyterians among those receiving Religion Communicators Council awards

Presbyterian pastor, songwriter Richard Avery dies

Everyday God-talk

US Congregational Vitality Survey website launched

‘The least of these,’ members of my family

Demanding a just economy

Stated Clerk urges Presbyterian churches to close on Sunday

Board of Pensions President suspends leave

‘We take hope in Christ and the promise to never leave us’

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly shares concern over COVID-19

Praying for the women of Hagar’s Community Church

Stated Clerk among the winners in church press contest

Soup suppers, flowering crosses and feeding fish

‘Does your theology suffocate protest?’

Sabbaticals are a must for healthy pastors and healthy congregations

Three hundred participate in 1001 Zoom conversation on streaming worship services

Una oración de las Co-Moderadoras en estos momentos de incertidumbre…

How ‘pew sitters’ become doers of the Word

Conference explores justice for Roma and Sinti

Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice Training Day canceled

Parking lot church

‘These are truly trying times for all of us’

An order of worship for online services is ready — and it’s adaptable

Celebrating 40 years of building leaders within the PC(USA)

Confronting your role in racism topic of new book by Kerry Connelly

Understanding why you give changes how you give

PC(USA) church-based education program helps refugees succeed

Ecumenical ministries: moving forward

Zooming to the rescue in the face of COVID-19

1001 to host Zoom conversation Thursday on how to stream worship services

PC(USA) students attending any accredited seminary can apply now for a $6,000 scholarship

Vital Congregations gathering postponed

Easter’s 50 days invite us to go from followers to believers

New book encourages interfaith engagement between Christians and Muslims

PC(USA) Washington Office urges passage of coronavirus bill

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance suspends volunteer trips

A word of prayer from the 223rd GA Co-Moderators for these uncertain times…

Learning from those we ignore

Presbyterian college students can apply now for a $4,000 scholarship

Joining Hands: Twenty years of perseverance

미국장로교 직원들의 재택 근무 및 제 224차 총회 등록 재연기

Social distancing and the love of neighbor

Webinar explores The Black Manifesto

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여: 충성된 섬김을 위한 월간 시리즈

Presbyterian seminaries respond to COVID-19 with caution, preparation

PC(USA) employees to work from home and registration for the 224th General Assembly delayed again

Coronavirus resources have been gathered on one PC(USA) webpage

Survey helps ministers learn how to cut their higher ed costs

It takes a village

‘Church attendance is an individual choice’

J. 허버트 넬슨 목사가 하비에르 페레스 데 케야르(Javier Pérez de Cuéllar)를 추모함.

Motivated by health and faith

J. Herbert Nelson recuerda a Javier Pérez de Cuéllar

A peace that surpasses all understanding

J. Herbert Nelson remembers Javier Pérez de Cuéllar

Sunday school class inspired by Presbyterian Giving Catalog choices

Bringing a taste of Stony Point Center to the Presbyterian Center

미국장로교 제 224 차 총회 (2020) 등록이 연기됨

Judy Freyer, chief investment officer for the Board of Pensions, announces July 31 retirement

Se pospone la inscripción de la 224ª Asamblea General (2020) de la IP (EE. UU.)

Presbyterians and the 2020 census

Churches in Europe urge a coordinated European humanitarian response

One Great Hour of Sharing gifts support housing affordability and fairness

Stated Clerk halts international travel for PC(USA) staff in Louisville

Did Jesus really descend into hell?

Seattle Presbytery co-executives advise churches to cancel in-person Sunday worship

Board of Pensions announces substantial Benefits Plan changes

Egyptian delegation visits United States for talks

Fire devastates New York church’s fellowship hall, but spares historic sanctuary

‘Our church needs more rocks’

Dr. Roger Gench to deliver Dawe Lecture at Union Presbyterian Seminary on March 16

Registration for the 224th General Assembly (2020) of the PC(USA) delayed

Pay attention. Be Astonished. Tell somebody

Virginia church presents a case study on elder-led congregational change

Presbyterian pastor and civic icon the Rev. Dr. George Walker Smith dies

Hive mentality

정서기가 대통령과 다른 국가 지도자들에게 이민자 이산가족의 분리를 중단할 것을 촉구함

Secretario Permanente insta al presidente y otros líderes nacionales a poner fin a la separación familiar de inmigrantes

Chapel service celebrates women of faith

Presbyterian group participates in worship at the Border Church

Community ID cards help immigrants feel welcomed

Rock of ages

A Baptist and a rabbi walk into a roomful of Presbyterians

Coronavirus: Faith not fear

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance reaching out after destructive storms in Tennessee

The courage to connect

Foundation Board experiences life along the El Paso-Mexico border

Stated Clerk opens first Sunday in Lent at The Brick Presbyterian Church in New York

Church exhibit reveals America’s racist past and present

Presbyterian group explores the experiences of migration in Central American journey

The hope that hopelessness can bring

National Caucus of Korean Presbyterian Churches shares appreciation for Stated Clerk’s Call to Prayer

The NEXT big thing

All ages fight hunger at First Presbyterian Church in Winchester, Virginia

North Carolina conservationist helps promote Eco-Palms

Fellowship is not just social time

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance releases pandemic preparedness guide

When global response requires global resources

Matthew 25 in Iran

Presbyterian campus ministry group makes a commitment to Matthew 25

New Just Worship documentary explores deep connection between justice and worship

Presbyterian generosity helps people left behind by hurricane recovery efforts in Puerto Rico

Foreigners and strangers or members of God’s household?

Group urges formation of presbytery Earth care teams

‘Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return’

Presbyterian-Episcopal dialogue looks at the needs of a changing church

Story Ministry focuses on voices that need to be heard

A new volunteer venture

2020 Peaceseeker Award goes to Michelle Muñiz-Vega

South Sudan takes a significant step toward lasting peace

The Wilmore and McCloud Collections: Keeping the common memory alive

Registration open for conference supporting commissioned pastors and ruling elders

South Carolina church grateful for ‘the gift’ of the Vital Congregations initiative

Reformed Theology 101

Call to Prayer for victims of global conflict

Presbyterian mathematician, Medal of Freedom winner Katherine Johnson dies at age 101

Pursuing justice, both locally and nationally

A journey of reconciliation leads to an apology

Just in time for Lent

Committee offers recommendations on improving the PC(USA)’s financial sustainability

Harbors and Horizons: Faith and life shaped by both

Get to know the ‘strength and power’ of Haiti

Columbia Seminary partners with Spelman College to host Atlanta stop of ‘Beyoncé Mass’

Learning from a dedicated partner in ministry

Rev. Bertram Johnson joins Union Theological Seminary as interfaith minister

Just about done

Presbyterian Center celebrates Black History Month

A website in waiting

A Call to Prayer from the Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Ancient Easter Vigil liturgy deepens faith and builds community

An unsung ministry quietly changes lives

Justice through a child’s eyes

A ‘pie for breakfast’ event becomes a Eucharistic moment

공동총회장들이 제 224차 총회(2020)의 성경공부 지도자/설교자를 발표함

Co-moderadoras anuncian líderes/predicadores de estudios bíblicos para la 224a Asamblea General (2020)

COGA obtiene una vista previa de la 224a Asamblea General (2020)

사역 장로에 관하여: 충성된 섬김을 위한 월간 시리즈

Stated Clerk urges president and other national leaders to end immigrant family separation

Ensuring a safe passing of the peace during worship

Louisville Seminary professor wins book award

A worldwide roundup

Practical tips for experiencing the fullness of Lent

Spelling out a vision for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

사역 장로에 관하여: 충성된 섬김을 위한 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

How ordinary citizens working for the common good can change American politics

Faith Is a verb that’s meant to be practiced

What footprints are we leaving?

A Corp Board takes care of business via Presidents Day teleconference

‘The fierce urgency of now’

Mission Agency Board sends divestment, mental health recommendations to GA

Administrative Commission of the General Assembly takes next step toward reconciliation in the Synod of the Covenant

Nearly $9 million worth of work needs to be done to 92 Native American churches or chapels

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) announces 2020 Women of Faith awardees

Mission Agency board, Committee on the Office of the General Assembly look at race and gender issues

‘We don’t have to wait until they come into our church building’

Eradicating systemic poverty through education

Climate change at Lent

Show, don’t tell

Moffett, Nelson share a pulpit and a common vision for the PC(USA)

Co-Moderators announce Bible study leaders/preachers for the 224th General Assembly (2020)

COGA gets preview of 224th General Assembly (2020)

Real climate change is possible — and urgently needed

Committee for women’s concerns has resolutions for General Assembly consideration

What does a vital congregation look like?

Helping to realize God’s kingdom — even in a board meeting

Baltimore Convention Center set to host thousands of Presbyterians this summer

Thursday’s peace webinar to shed light on U.S.-Iran relations

Prayers for peace keep marching on

Trees of life

Jane Mead, who ran the GA newsroom for a decade, is dead at age 88

Board of Pensions grants President Frank Spencer travel time

Building bridges between South Sudan’s Dinka and Nuer tribes in Uganda’s refugee camps

Free webinar on ‘Basics of Reformed Theology’ set for Feb. 20

Addressing climate change requires reconciliation with indigenous communities

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) boards will hold joint session in Baltimore Thursday

New Syria and Lebanon study guide available

Protecting Creation in Lebanon

Book on ‘faithful investing’ features MRTI committee chair Joseph Kinard

Study uncovers barriers to addressing mental health issues in the PC(USA)

‘All God’s children deserve to be counted’

Se necesitan «sus manos y pies» en Baltimore este verano

이번 여름 볼티모어에서 당신의 "손과 발"을 필요로 함

Once again, New Castle Presbytery delegation travels to Guatemala to renew ties

Presbyterian Church of Kabuga transforms schools

‘Now I lay me down’

Association of Presbyterian Church Educators honors four

Claude Godwin, Jr., who served the local and national church, dies in Kentucky

Philip Young, who ‘served at the heart of the church,’ is dead at age 88

Your “hands and feet” are needed in Baltimore this summer

A rising tide of urgency

New inspiration from favorite preachers

Remembering and reclaiming five forgotten books of the Bible

‘If heroes fix things and I am not a hero, then it’s not my job to fix things’

John Bingham’s reformer roots

Commission proposes changes to Presbyterian Mission Agency structure, board moniker

New publication reminds young readers there&#039;s more than one way to fly

‘We must believe that change is possible’

Who owns the Amazon rainforest?

Gun violence webinar focuses on people who pulled the trigger

정서기가 대통령의 중동 정책에 반대를 표명함

El secretario permanente habla en contra del plan del presidente para el Medio Oriente

New Watershed Camp and Retreat Cohort forms

‘This is the spiritual practice I am most renewed by’

New board book from co-authors Elizabeth F. Caldwell and Theodore Hiebert celebrates diversity

Black Church Studies Consultation to address challenges, resources for rural African American communities

Fighting climate crisis in Madagascar

Mary Jane Veloso’s traffickers are convicted

PC(USA) Washington office calls for opposition to expanded ‘Muslim ban’

Ethical and spiritual values in the Oscar-nominated films

Your photos tell your story

Guiding your church through closing

Are we really all on the same boat?

‘Be the change the world is missing’

Let’s have dinner and talk about death

‘Will we be among the just ones?’

New social justice resource inspires children and adults to live out Matthew 25

Stated Clerk speaks out against president’s Middle East plan

General Assembly co-moderator finds stories of faith in the borderlands

Each church’s mission: Craft a viable mission statement

Teaching social justice in comfortable congregations

‘Flint’ documentary gains wider release

What happens in Vegas leads to ministry in Vegas

Jesus, the first stand-up comic

Live art, two gifted musicians and some sending-out instructions

Civil rights legend speaks to Presbyterian educators

Columbia Seminary professor awarded Vital Worship Grant

Vital Congregations event to help churches develop resilience

추방 위기에 처한 카메룬 이주민이 망명 신청 때까지 머물게 됨

Inmigrante camerunés que enfrenta deportación puede quedarse en espera de su apelación para el asilo

Snapshots of pioneering Presbyterians now available online

Presbyterian Historical Society awards Heritage Preservation Grants

Expectant faith abounds in Myanmar

Work of artist Ally Markotich featured at Columbia Theological Seminary

Survey: In most areas, smaller congregations every bit as vital as larger ones

Cameroon migrant facing deportation gets stay pending her appeal for asylum

‘Why in the world would we do that?’

Links of Love inspires connections and giving

Not only a seat at the table but a new table

Global Language Resources completes ‘intensive period of discovery’

A Corp board gets first look at website designed to ‘help ministry flourish’

Nearing the finish line

정서기가 장로교회들에게 성적 비행에 관한 정책을 시행할 것을 촉구함

Secretario Permanente urge a las iglesias presbiterianas a que den cumplimiento a las políticas contra el abuso sexual

Two Presbyterian ministries urge opposition to proposed SEC rule

Patient, persistent advocacy by ‘squeaky wheel’ daughter helps change burial policy at Arlington National Cemetery

Moon Lee and Sandra Hedrick to run as Co-Moderators at the 224th General Assembly (2020)

Americans urged to speak up for Cameroon

Stated Clerk urges Presbyterian churches to enforce sexual misconduct policies

A year with Matthew

A Corp looks for new ways to help ministry flourish

No more complicity with sexual violence

J. Herbert Nelson offers reflection on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Women of color put on the mantle of leadership

Webinar to illuminate Cameroon crisis

General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations holds winter meeting

Young pilgrims journey to Malawi

Columbia Theological Seminary announces 2020 Alumni Awards

Committee recommends three oil and gas companies be added to GA divestment list

Enrich your faith journey this Lent

Apply now for a Katie Cannon Scholarship

Experts offer advice to help churches discuss gun violence prevention

Podcast highlighting leaders in new worshiping movement drops six new episodes

Racism, a ‘spirit fueled by hatred and fear’

Jane Kurtz named winner of top Presbyterian Writers Guild award

Sobre los(a) Ancianos/as: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

사역장로에 관하여: 충실한 봉사를 위한 월간 시리즈

One critic’s top 10 films for 2019

Self-Development of People celebrates its 50th anniversary

Jim Reese retires from Presbyterian Foundation role

Renita Weems to deliver 2020 O’Connor Lectures at Columbia Seminary

Stated Clerk named one of 20 people to watch in Louisville, Kentucky

Serving those who have ‘nowhere else to go, nobody else to turn to’

Deadline extended for travel study seminar to Hong Kong, Philippines

Per capita, financial sustainability committee crafting its final report

James Frederick Kubik dies

믿음의 지도자들이 미국에 이란과의 긴장 해소를 촉구하다

Líderes de fe instan a los EE. UU. a rebajar las tensiones con Irán

Cue the string section

225차 총회 (2022) 날짜 변경

Fechas revisadas de la 225ª Asamblea General (2022)

Opening our eyes to the poor

‘Standing Our Holy Ground’ webinar to help churches discuss gun violence prevention

Anti-human trafficking campaign empowers women and protects children in Madagascar

Faith leaders call on U.S. to de-escalate tensions with Iran

Columbia Theological Seminary houses the history of nearly 6,000 PC(USA) congregations

Presbyterian UN Office addresses U.S.-Iran tensions

Presbyterian observers reflect on UN climate talks

Dates revised for 225th General Assembly (2022)

Presbyterian Center prepares to celebrate MLK’s life and work

Programa Presbiteriano de Asistencia en Desastres realiza evaluación inicial después de los terremotos en Puerto Rico

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance making initial assessments of earthquakes in Puerto Rico

Looking ahead in the new year

Honoring the life and legacy of a true ‘lover of people’

What General Assemblies have said about the Nixon case, and what it means for impeachment today

PC(USA) Washington office calls for diplomacy with Iran

Columbia Theological Seminary announces pastoral excellence programs

Colliding with Jesus

U.S. funding law delivers wins for church and affiliated employers, ministers and employees

Presbyterians and interfaith friends continue to wage war on veteran suicide

The language of aspiration and inspiration

Resistance as Sabbath

‘We are not going to change the world. God is’

Receiving rest and direction from God

Silence and Sabbath

Freed from mermaid captivity

Per capita and financial sustainability committee releases preliminary report

Epiphany is at the heart of discipleship

Keeping the Sabbath is simple, but not easy

Stated Clerk: What per capita pays for, why it matters

A community youth group that works

A year of change and opportunities

God is good

California churches promote affordable housing

Iglesia de Texas adopta un enfoque diferente para la adoración

Texas church takes different approach to worship

Pearl Digital Archives: New in 2019

Struggling to right the wrongs of slavery

Building on a blessed community

What is a redeemer?

Epiphany Project reveals community needs

Brother moderators find support in family connections

Are we leading out of expectations or principles?

Challenged by God to do more

A Christmas Day Message from the Stated Clerk

Christmas Joy Offering empowers ministry in Ohio church

Taking the road not taken

Constructing a beautiful box to hold precious memories

Stated Clerk invites Presbyterians to 180 days of prayer, leading up to the 224th General Assembly (2020)

정서기는 장로교인들에게 180일 간의 기도로 초대하며 224차 총회(2020년)를 준비함

Secretario permanente invita al pueblo presbiteriano a orar por 180 días antes de la 224ª Asamblea General (2020)

Step by step: faithfully seeking climate justice

PC(USA) leaders: New Year’s resolutions for 2020

A Corp Board gives initial approval to 2020 business plan, bylaw changes

Presbyterian pastor writes new hymn following Wednesday’s impeachment

Small churches are rich in assets money can’t buy

‘Nap ministry’ and God’s plan for the Sabbath

Racism and environmental justice

Estudio del libro de las co-moderadoras se enfoca en cómo integrar el espacio.

Co-Moderators’ book study focuses on integrating space

New stories, new narratives: Columbia Seminary begins Transformative Community Conferencing process

Partnership lifts seminarians’ experience to new heights at Montreat music conference

Becoming an intercultural community

Stillman College helps student move from homelessness to hope

Detroit youth leadership group among four SDOP funded projects

Where we forget to look

A girl and a Bible

Church of Central Africa Presbyterian and the PC(USA)

Presbyterian scholar selected to lead Eden Theological Seminary

Genealogies can reveal unexpected forebears

Christmas Joy Offering gifts help retired minister live with joy and dignity

Special committee’s draft report on financial sustainability nearly ready for a vote

‘It’s a Wonderful Church’

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: Una serie mensual para servir fielmente

사역 장로에 관하여 : 충실한 섬김을 위한 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Rethinking where we buy our Christmas oranges

Called to be Jesus’ friends, not his students

Is your church safe?

Mary, Joseph and some shepherds in Nicaragua

For one Maryland church, Matthew 25 is a ‘full-bodied commitment’

Finding Jesus in prison

The smallest things can make the biggest difference

PHS Raises $10,000 for fellowships

Stated Clerk talks social justice issues with New York Mayor Bill de Blasio

Congressman shaped by civil rights movement talks faith and politics

Expanding the narrative on the PC(USA)&#039;s gender and leadership study

Katie Cannon Center for Womanist Leadership awarded $400k grant

Documenting the Church’s role in peacebuilding

The world is scary, but fear not

Menaul School helps young people succeed

‘By golly, let your gifts shine’

Creating a plan for Christmas gift-giving

LA’s Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance helps workers stand up for their rights

Minnesota church fights to keep member from being deported

See both sides of the border during the Presbyterian Travel Study Seminar

Advent activities put the holy back into the holidays

Stated Clerk speaks on Tuesday's observance of Human Rights Day

Korea YAVs share highlights from their year of service

Hudson River Presbytery transfers title of former church to Sweetwater Cultural Center

The Advent vs. Christmas debate

Lenten 2020 devotional focuses on ‘becoming a beloved community’

Stephen J. Patterson wins 2020 Grawemeyer Religion Award

Healthy Pastors, Healthy Congregations presented in Puerto Rico in Spanish

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship honors Chicago congregations for gun violence prevention

‘This is the way we sharpen our axe’

Evie Landrau named new Young Adult Volunteer coordinator

For-credit class for seminarians to be offered again at GA224

Ministry by the vulnerable with the vulnerable

Out of three, one

‘Reclaiming Jesus’ movement invites Presbyterians to rethink discipleship

Transforming Partnerships

2020 ecumenical advocacy weekend focuses on environmental justice

#GivingTuesday provides opportunity to support Presbyterian mission

The real ‘Mister Rogers’

Stated Clerk issues Call to Prayer for Cameroon

Online giving fuels congregation’s work to help immigrants

The feminists of the Reformation

Who will decorate the church?

Outdoor Ministries Connection holds its first Great Gathering

December 1 is AIDS Awareness Sunday

The power of sharing our stories

Liturgy helps cultivate gratitude

Seeking Jesus in today’s world

Planning and putting on worship beyond the congregation

Presbyterian committee submits comments on methane regulations

This Thanksgiving, TFE Director Ray Jones especially grateful for an increasingly diverse staff

A prayer for Thanksgiving

A Word from J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk, Office of the General Assembly (OGA) and Diane Moffett, President/Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency

‘When things get difficult, we are here to do ministry together’

Unbound will unwrap a new look first day of Advent

회의가 얼마나 포괄적입니까?

How inclusive are your meetings?

African American CREDO provides unique opportunity for dialogue, support and discernment

#GivingTuesday mission is to build a just and generous world

Moderators’ Conference workshop explores five ways to deal with conflict

It’s a beautiful day in the Presbyterian neighborhood

The more things change, the more Jesus stays the same

Reflections from the Co-Moderators

Moderators’ Conference opens with worship

PC(USA) joins in farmworkers’ protest of Wendy’s in New York

Congregation fights hunger in greater St. Louis

Latina/Hispanic women gather for leadership training

Urabá Presbytery seeks peace, reconciliation and remembrance

If we build it, they will sleep

Scott Warren found not guilty on two counts of felony harboring

‘What democracy requests of us’

Stated Clerk condemns U.S. position on Israeli settlements in West Bank

El Presbiterio de la Costa trabaja por la paz

Coastal Colombia Presbytery works for peace

Naturaleza y Desarrollo: La Historia del Presbiterio Central de Colombia

Nature and nurture: the story of Central Presbytery of Colombia

‘All a matter of interpretation’

Most Presbyterian Men are grounded in their faith

Unrest in Chile arrives at the church’s door

Emory professor has unique approach to connecting people from different backgrounds

Lux Summer Theological Institute uses ‘a different model’ to spur youth engagement

MRTI outlines environmental divestment standards

Resources on historic role of Presbyterians in Georgia are now available online

사역장로에 관하여: 충실히 봉사하기 위한 월간 시리즈

Para los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente Como convertirse en una Comunidad

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Teaching church leaders to be clear and bold communicators

Co-Moderator Cintrón-Olivieri joins Kentucky youth from three presbyteries

Three presbyteries finishing up Vital Congregations initiative pilot program

Churches need ‘Jesus’ leadership

How Presbyterian churches and other faith groups can combat gun violence

Have we lost our ability to live without fear?

Hong Kong may have reached the boiling point

The dollars and cents of border enforcement

For everyone born, a place at the table

‘The Word of God can reach us through the migrant’

‘Standing together in a world divided’

Effort to create Presbyterian Mental Health Network moves forward

California presbyteries deal with ‘new reality’ of annual wildfire outbreaks

Young women’s leadership training reaches beyond the church

South Sudan Education and Peace Building focuses on teacher training

Preaching and praying from the darkness of our time

Bring your hands and feet to Baltimore

Minister Survey wants to hear from retired ministers

Border wall art simultaneously expresses hope and resistance

Stated Clerk urges U.S. not to withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement

Presbyterian chaplain: Congregations can prevent veteran suicide by building connections

‘Jesus Calls Us’ video addresses climate crisis

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to crises in South Sudan and Haiti

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to crises in South Sudan and Haiti

Congregations can get up to $50k to help their pastors find renewal

Are you listening?

RV park minister Tamara John accepts new call

Lesvos Solidarity provides hope for thousands of refugees

United Methodist Church’s Western Jurisdiction announces ‘safe harbor’ for LGBTQ clergy

Conference teaches seminarians the importance of self-care

Are U.S. Presbyterians willing to learn from our siblings in Africa?

장로교 역사 보존

Preserving Presbyterian history

A worldwide roundup

Self-Development of People committee member makes Essence’s ‘Woke 100’ list

정서기는 그린스보로 회중에게 변화를 준비하라고 지시함

Stated Clerk tells Greensboro congregation to get ready for change

Pillars of the Church commemorates five-year anniversary

Atlanta podcast hosted by PC(USA) minister is growing ‘like crazy’

New Board Members at the Presbyterian Historical Society

The Presbyterian case for going to the polls

Paula White to head Trump’s faith office

Built to hold 3,000 people, Greece’s Moria Camp now shelters more than 13,000

A new look at stewardship

Joe Hopkins’ smile will live on for generations

Minister Survey assesses financial security, financial stress

An alternative to Black Friday madness

‘People make Glasgow’

Stop acting like the house isn’t on fire

Pastor/musician inspired by 2020 Vision Team Guiding Statement

Nourishing hope in Venezuela

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to California wildfires

Nearly one-third of PC(USA) churches in New York City ready for Vital Congregations initiative

‘So many signs of life in our denomination right now’

Presbyterian Writers Guild seeks Best First Book nominations

Bible study added to growing body of Matthew 25 resources

Cindy Kohlmann visits Presbyterian leaders in South Africa

Board of Pensions portfolio outperforms assumptions

Money matters at the A Corp board meeting

Training leaders of color for 40 years

A look inside Presbyterian work at the United Nations

Chile erupts into violent protests

‘Put us where you want us, and show us what to do’

Madagascar ministry seeks to raise awareness around human trafficking

Film company offers free horror short on stewardship

Online giving helps Ohio church support community

Las co-moderadoras de la 223a Asamblea General (2018) anuncian planes para una nueva conferencia

South Sudan meets the Bluegrass in Peacemaker’s journey

After more than 100 days, Hong Kongers continue their protests

Ecumenism at work

A prayer on United Nations Day

Clyburn offers ‘Make America great’ variation during PC(USA) talk

Mental Health Ministry survey needs Presbyterian participation

Mid Council Leaders Gathering concludes with hard conversation about per capita

Court rules Mary Jane Veloso can testify against her traffickers

Translating the Matthew 25 vision into liturgical language

Líderes de presbiterio y sínodos se reúnen en Baltimore

여행할 준비가 되었는가?

223차 총회(2018) 공동총회장은 평신도 목회자 사역장로들을 위한 새로운 컨퍼런스 계획을 발표함

줄리아 헨더슨이 총회 임시 운영 디렉터로 임명됨

중간공의회 지도자들은 목회 리더십의 “도전적인 흐름”을 바라본다

볼티모어 중간공의회 지도자 모임

Princeton Seminary announces plan to repent for ties to slavery

Are you ready for the journey?

From intercultural churches to healthy pastors

Creating calm in anxious times

Looking back and forward: Advent’s significance of hope

Food isn’t the only item on community dinner menus

Co-Moderators announce plans for new conference for commissioned lay pastors/ruling elders

Living into a vision

Julia Henderson named interim director of assembly operations

Moving Forward Implementation Commission sets budget summit

Mid council leaders look at 'challenging currents' of pastoral leadership

Mid council leaders gather in Baltimore

PC(USA) Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice offering 3 webinars in the coming week

Creating a ‘contagious community’

Ten churches selected to receive $1.9 million in preservation grants

Fleeing violence, finding home

Taking lessons from a Samaritan

Anointing caps 1001 New Worshiping Communities, Vital Congregations gathering

Cultivate common ground regarding faith in public life

PC(USA) investing group and others urging GM to adopt clean vehicle goals

‘Part work, part worship and part listening’

Ohio church celebrates major milestone

PC(USA) celebrates Hunger Action Congregations on World Food Day

A long, loving look

Early arrivers put on their thinking caps

사역장로에 관하여: 충실히 봉사하기 위한 월간 시리즈

Para los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

‘In Christ you are ambassadors for vitality’

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Golden Rule 2020: a call for dignity and respect in politics

Giving Tuesday helps churches ‘inject some generosity for good in the world’

Celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day

‘This is so SDOP’

정서기는 기도를 요청함

Secretario Permanente hace un llamado a la oración

Spending a year with Matthew 25

Stated Clerk issues Call to Prayer

Presbyterian, Episcopal representatives convene third round of dialogues

공평과 포용: 교회를 앞으로 나아가게 하는 것

Equidad e Inclusión: Llevar la iglesia hacia adelante

Equity and Inclusion: Moving the church forward

Justice in today’s political times

Living Waters for the World celebrates 1,000 clean water partnerships

No more stingy stewardship

Revamping the PC(USA) website will rely heavily on user input

A collective meeting of the minds — and hearts

‘You Ask for It’ workshop draws on knowledge and relationships to grow stewardship

Celebrating the gifts of new immigrants

International Peacemakers set to head home with full hearts and poignant memories

Food Week of Action will focus on ‘life and death’ issues

Conversión comunitaria: el camino para convertirse en una iglesia de barrio

Communal Conversion: the path to becoming a neighborhood church

Paula Stone Williams and Jonathan S. Williams interviewed on ‘Red Table Talk’

Presbyterian educators address their organization’s lack of diversity

How to start your church’s planned giving program

Mosaic of Peace deadline approaches

Baltimore premiere of PDA’s ‘Flint’ shows water issue bigger than one city

정서기는 미국인들이 피부색을 넘어 마음을 얻도록 촉구함

Secretario Permanente insta al pueblo estadounidense a mirar más allá del color de la piel y encontrar el corazón

Stated Clerk urges Americans to look beyond skin color and find the heart

손과 발 이니셔티브는 볼티모어 기관에서 높은 점수를 받음

Participation at UN event spurs Presbyterian to step up her gender justice advocacy

Endowments can benefit churches for generations

The Christian case against unity

You can give, pray or come see for yourself

Cultivating young leaders to serve beyond the Church

정서기 공천위원회가 공천 절차를 시작함

El Comité de Nominaciones para secretario permanente comienza el proceso de nominación

Stated Clerk Nominating Committee begins nomination process

‘I think heaven will be like this’

Stated Clerk joins call for supermarket chain to be part of Milk with Dignity campaign

‘Meeting of Great Minds’ opens with smart, high-powered worship

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance documentary on opening night of NYC film fest

Creating a culture of generosity in your Presbyterian church

Pathways to Renewal provides a way churches can expand pastoral staff

Hands and Feet initiative gets high marks from Baltimore organization

Biblical scholar Cain Hope Felder dies at 76

Tweak the current funding system, or find a new way?

Holding onto hope through worship

Count your blessings

Finding meaning in a difficult shared history

Presbyterians celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month

South African church leader visits the PC(USA)

James’ epistle and Eric Garner’s death

You are not alone

Presbyterians seek to end gender-based violence

New study details ‘intersection of philanthropy and faith’ in US

There’s still time to help Mary Jane Veloso prove her innocence

Presbyterian camp officials visit Puerto Rico’s Campamento El Guacio

COGA approves plan to boost support for Presbyterian Historical Society

Sometimes, God is silent

Living in a Palestinian refugee camp

‘Gospel hospitality and empire’ is theme of November border outreach conference

COGA가을 모임에 새롭고 친숙한 얼굴들을 마주함

Caras nuevas y familiares aparecen ante COGA en su reunión otoñal

New video series released for Co-Moderators’ book study

PMA board wraps up with worship, board development

Board gives solid support to Stony Point Vision Plan

Mission Agency board tackles tough discussion of race and Matthew 25

Climate for welcoming refugees drastically threatened

Help TOPCON! take flight

Investment group talks about refocusing on environmental justice, racism

Gauging the church’s financial sustainability

New and familiar faces appear before COGA at fall meeting

Columbia Seminary offering courses on theological reflection, spiritual formation

Music group passionate about peace and justice coming to Union Presbyterian Seminary

Oraciones por los nuevos inmigrantes

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) celebrates Native American Day with special worship service

Prayers for new immigrants

Pastors are flocking to complete the Minister Survey

A prayer celebrating the gifts of new immigrants

War veteran finds healing, reconciliation during visit to Iraq

‘Study &amp; Devotional Guide’ on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals expanded

El secretario permanente insta al senador Mitch McConnell a requerir detectores de monóxido de carbono en las viviendas públicas

세계개혁교회 협의회 지도자가 미국장로교회를 방문함

On death row in Indonesia, Mary Jane Veloso needs advocacy and prayers

World Communion of Reformed Churches leader visits Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Presbyterian United Nations office has busy week at UN General Assembly

Workshops a major part of SDOP’s engagement with Atlanta

‘You make it work, and then you make it better’

Reclaiming evangelism in the Bible Belt

Healing our borders

Seminary roundup

Giving Tuesday webinar available for churches

Florida church accepts Matthew 25 invitation

La cantata pregunta: &quot;¿Cómo pueden afirmar conocer o alabar a Dios cuando están oprimiendo a su prójimo?&quot;

Civil rights and education activist Carlton Eversley dies

German Protestant Kirchentag draws 100,000 participants

“One Christ, Many Confessions”

정서기는 미치 맥코넬 상원의원에게 공공 주택에서 일산화탄소 감지기를 요구할 것을 촉구함

Migrants matter to Protestant churches in Italy

Don’t just inform . . . Form

Mending lives near and far through the Peace &amp; Global Witness Offering

Healthcare Executive David Jones dies

‘Flint’ documentary gets conversation started at Michigan cinema

Stated Clerk urges Senator Mitch McConnell to require carbon monoxide detectors in public housing

‘Manos Indocumentadas (Undocumented Hands)’ to be performed at Just Worship

Manna: the biblical symbol of ‘enough’

사역장로에 관하여: 충실히 봉사하기 위한 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Two new children’s picture books for Christmas

New confirmation course offered at PAM worship and music conference

We are called to faith, not fear

New devotional perfect for the literature lover in your life

Almost all Presbyterians pray at least several times a week, survey suggests

Recipients selected for Excellence in Theological Education Awards

Three women receive Katie Cannon Scholarship

No red flags raised over Stony Point Center Vision Plan

Birmingham church, 56 years later, to recall bombing with messages of love, action

PDA ‘Flint’ documentary premieres in city still enduring its water crisis

Stated Clerk addresses National Association of Parliamentarians

Guitar heroes

Flint film aims to tell truth of the water crisis with residents’ voices

Mental health summit starts conversation

Leaning in, listening and learning

Newly commissioned, international peacemakers ready to share their stories

2019 peacemaker speaks out about environmental justice, human rights in Costa Rica

Nineteen new worshiping communities awarded Mission Program Grants

Louisville church provides inspiration for Vision 2020 Team

Maryville College among U.S. News and World Report’s ‘Best Colleges’

Churchwide mailing offers congregations resources to respond to gun violence

PMA’s student loan forgiveness aids widowed pastor serving small Florida church

Presbyterians Today readership survey shows engaged readers who love their official PC(USA) magazine

MRTI shares first round of General Assembly environmental compliance scores

Reading the Bible over the course of a year

Black Lives (still) Matter

Russian journalist and former agnostic among 2019 International Peacemakers

Unrest continues in Hong Kong

Blessing the animals

Living and looking like Jesus

전 미국장로교 총회장 사망

교사로서의 고찰

Former PC(USA) Moderator dies

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responding to Dorian in the US and Bahamas

‘Are we doing enough?’

Rallying around Rally Day

Presbyterians asked to support the right to boycott

Report recommends about $10 million to upgrade Stony Point Center

Reflections from a teacher

Public radio’s ‘Preach’ podcast explores religion’s messy side

Board of Pensions adoption assistance frees couple to focus on blending a new family

‘Woman, you are set free …’

Lorie Henry steps into role of Member Advocate at Board of Pensions

Coming to a pulpit near you: Food Waste Weekend

Building a Wailing Wall

Ethiopia ‘mish kid’ spins memories in new book

Nominees sought for best Presbyterian writer

Meet the Doinks … and other imaginary friends

McCormick Seminary names project director for theological studies inside prison

Presbyterian trailblazer Pat McClurg dies at age 80

Labor Day Story: Workers’ Dignity and Prophetic Voices

A Labor Day prayer for family-sustaining wages

What Presbyterians believe about work

Celebrate Theological Education Sunday

Light of Hope Presbyterian answers Matthew 25 call

San Francisco Theological Seminary’s first full-time African American professor

Giving to others renews congregations

Slam poet ‘preaches’ truth

‘You Are Phenomenal Women’

The Anglophone crisis in Cameroon

Single-digit ministry can be successful

Join the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program in a journey to Southeast Asia

Talking politics is not taboo

Searching for God’s kingdom

Columbia Theological Seminary library to digitize some of its collection

African American clergywomen gather for retreat

Sign a pact of peace for Colombia

WJK publishes 2 new Advent studies

‘Flint’ film from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance set for September premiere

Stated Clerk issues prayer for farmers and farmworkers

Angela Curry joins Presbyterian Foundation as Vice President, General Counsel

The ‘beautiful you’ blessing

The ‘beautiful you’ blessing

‘The Road Ahead’ is theme for 2019–20 worship series

Native American women are emerging leaders in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

David Cortés Fuentes and Josefina Sáez Acevedo answer God’s call to service

Thirty-two seconds in Dayton

International Peacemaker fights hunger in war-torn Cameroon

Exhibit exploring human origins coming to Columbia Theological Seminary

Better than swag

Learn about migration and labor trafficking through the eyes of migrants

A firsthand look at human dignity and self-reliance

Board of Pensions seminar addresses retirement in context of wholeness

And God said ... thou shalt not burn out

Creatively feeding the spiritually hungry

PC(USA) communications survey results are in

The story begins with no transportation and no dry tennis shoes

A woodcarver’s ministry of welcome

Faithraising, not fundraising

Repentance and forgiveness

Columbia Theological Seminary names vice president for Advancement

Serious JuJu baptizes infant, young skateboarding boy

New book combats misunderstanding of Islam in America

How safe is your church?

Presbyterians urged to protest proposed rule limiting food stamp benefits

Mississippi Presbyterian church, PDA help neighbors affected by ICE raid

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) urges RE/MAX LLC to end business ties to Israeli settlements of East Jerusalem

사역장로에 관하여: 충실히 봉사하기 위한 월간 시리즈

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

Matthew 25 is basis for Peacemaker’s work in the Dominican Republic

Ohio’s Grace Presbyterian Church answers Matthew 25 call

Soul Children of Chicago and Triennium participants break down racial, cultural barriers

Matthew 25 and care of creation go hand in hand

기후 변화와 루이지애나 바유에 대한 영향

Climate change and the impact on the Louisiana bayou

‘Everyone is welcome at God’s feast’

Pastor’s story is one of God’s faithfulness

Presbyterian Historical Society announces new board chair

Short films designed to elicit discussion and strengthen preaching and teaching

Presbyterians for Earth Care awards established and emerging leaders

What happens when you invite death along for the ride?

No pews is good news

Secretary turned lifelong missionary dies at 91

Want to end gun violence? Eradicate the conditions that lead to it

연주하는 기도

National Black Presbyterian Caucus recognizes five high achievers

Union Church in Seattle serves community through hospitality

Lilly Endowment Inc. makes new grants to save historic churches

Earth Care conference closes with call for participants to be God’s river

Presbyterians get their hands dirty at Earth Care conference

Just Worship event coming to Austin seminary Sept. 30-Oct. 2

‘Christ-centered masculinity’

‘When we reach into the community, we bring people in’

Earth Care conference looks for hope in painting and Job

Presbyterians for Earth Care keynote: ‘How is God feeling now?’

미국장로교회는 푸에르토 리코의 정치 환경에 중대한 변화를 요구함

La Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) pide un cambio trascendental en el panorama político de Puerto Rico

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) calls for major change in Puerto Rico’s political landscape

What’s the hot car to drive to the Earth Care conference? It’s electric

Presbyterian Intercultural Young Adult Network gathering follows Big Tent

Praying while playing

Reflections from the Ceasefire Walk in Baltimore [video]

The Wuppertal Call includes urgent cries for our planet’s health

Board of Pensions is now an investor signatory of Climate Action 100+

A river flows through Presbyterians for Earth Care conference opening

Once you leave, can you go home?

PC(USA) joins with Middle Eastern partners to serve traumatized refugee children

Home is wherever the people you love are

‘Our budget reflects who we are’

Exploring the benefits of beauty and diversity

The Bible for people with short attention spans

Hong Kong unrest escalates

Planned giving programs help churches, members

All about the story

PMA leaders to speak at Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network national conference

A first-ever sit-down

Co-Moderators close out Big Tent with questions

Should birds of a feather flock together?

God invites us, flawed and inconsistent though we may be

PC(USA) Mental Health Initiative focus of sold-out Big Tent breakfast

Theology and online giving are tied together

Art work tour, farm to table dinner highlight Baltimore development work

World Mission updates Big Tent participants on consultation process

Big Tent workshop suggests ways churches can help educate children

Hundreds of Presbyterians join Baltimore residents for action against gun violence

America’s identity crisis

A time to listen

Convocation for Communities of Color concludes its gathering

‘Come on, PC(USA)!’

Would you be a neighbor?

Praying for the church on broken knees

Learning from one another

‘Be careful what you pray for’

‘Four for Four’ churches feel connected

Trauma and grace

Growing our comfort zone

Moral Monday movement draws hundreds in El Paso

Ray Jones named director of Theology, Formation and Evangelism

Big Tent hosts African leaders’ pre-conference gathering

Ditch the outdated sermon

The great Lego mission

Board of Pensions repeats Best Places to Work honor

총회 사무국은 새로운 온라인 교육을 시작함

Presbyterians urged to pray for peace, justice in the Republic of Sudan

Office of the General Assembly launches new online training

Podcast highlighting PC(USA) worshiping communities drops new episodes

Stated Clerk denounces President Trump’s tweets about Baltimore

Self-Development of People will engage with Atlanta at next meeting

Helping preachers navigate difficult Old Testament passages

하나님과 과학: 두 가지 모두를 위한 공간

Cook Native American Ministries Foundation today: furthering Christian mission in Indian Country

Putting in your two cents at Big Tent

Cook Native American Ministries: Preparing Natives to lead churches, communities

Russian pastor is one of 14 International Peacemakers coming this fall

Homeless outreach creates ‘a lot of renewed passion’ in Southern California church

Presbyterian Mission: Then and now

Board of Pensions spotlight: Meet Katherine Hamilton

Love heals at Thistle Farms

‘A bright spot’ in South Sudan

Celebrating 150 years of Presbyterian partnership in Chile

Baffled by prayer

How to speak truth to power

Presbyterian film exploring gun violence now on Amazon Prime

Youth impacted by gun violence speak during Triennium webinar

PC(USA) ministries call on members to reject asylum reductions

Library project in Ethiopia half-finished

This House of God helps feed and care for migrant farmworkers

아폴로 11호 이후 50년이 지난 지금도 텍사스 교회는 여전히 달 성찬식을 기념함

‘It’s time to go’

Have a heart

Begin the week as strangers, end the week as friends

Lounging and talking theology with the Triennium Energizers

Get up and dance

Missouri, Hungary students happy to attend Triennium together

Webinar on seeking asylum in the United States coming Tuesday

Having authentic conversations about faith and politics

Labor juvenil produce frutos inesperados

&#039;If you’re prone to wander, there’s an app for that&#039;

Triennium pays it forward to hurricane-affected Puerto Rican camp

Can Youth Triennium generation be the one to end racism?

Feeling poorly at Triennium? The guys in red T-shirts are here to help

The power of storytelling

A magic birthday brings one Triennium attendee back a fourth time

Like Zacchaeus, youth are called to climb down and dine with Jesus — and invite others

Affordable housing coming soon to the heart of Durham, N.C.

Youth work yields unexpected riches

Interim leadership announced for World Mission

Sowing the seeds for future leaders

‘We are here, we are ready, and we are eager to see what God is about to do’

‘About to have the time of their lives’

Triennium stage is set

Coming soon: a toolkit for your church’s mission committee

Streams of mercy, never ceasing

휴스턴 지역 교회는 아폴로 11 호 달 착륙 50 주년을 반영함

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para servir fielmente

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

사역장로에 관하여: 충실히 봉사하기 위한 월간 시리즈

La iglesia del área de Houston reflexiona sobre el 50 aniversario del aterrizaje lunar del Apolo 11

The power of prayer walking

The theology of barn-raising

Top 10 things to do at #BigTent2019

New accompaniment program at the border helps keep migrants safe

Theological education leader Joyce C. Tucker dies

총회 사무국은 이민 관련 채플을 인도함

PMA Board to consider what’s needed to boost Stony Point Center’s viability

OGA leads chapel service on immigration

Peacemaker has seen and experienced religious persecution firsthand

Intergenerational faith formation: It’s in the cards

Start spreading the news

Partnerships and passion power this Michigan congregation’s outward focus

WJK author David Khalaf appears in The New York Times

Putting feet to faith

Gun-violence webinar will debut live at Presbyterian Youth Triennium

Five days after the Fourth of July, South Sudan quietly celebrates its independence

아이오와 교회 125주년 기념

Iowa church celebrates 125th anniversary

Presbyterian Foundation announces two promotions

Christians and food waste

Registration is still open for Big Tent

PC(USA) Washington office preparing to bring church to Congress

Tuning our hearts so we’re not prone to wander

Update: 1001 New Worshiping Communities

First-known minister of Gun Violence Prevention ordained July 7

UKirk calls a new executive director

National faith leaders call for diplomatic approach toward Iran

조안 살몬 켐벨 목사는 81세의 나이로 사망함

Presbyterian Mission Agency publishes its 2018 report

The Reverend Joan Salmon Campbell dies at the age of 81

Caring for the Caregivers

Summertime ministry

Summertime ministry

Practicing forgiveness in a judgmental world

Practicing forgiveness in a judgmental world

Reproductive Justice probably isn’t what you think it is

Military chaplains: providing hope in the time of need

Military chaplains: providing hope in the time of need

Blessed are the Peace Campers

Investment group meets Detroit residents living in refinery’s toxic shadow

Rehearsing virtually, The Nettletons are poised for their Triennium debut

Rehearsing virtually, The Nettletons are poised for their Triennium debut

Youth embrace congregation’s Matthew 25 calling

Surrounded by hopelessness, her message is one of hope

Tread the ancient stones, be transformed by the ‘living stones’ of the land called holy

From loneliness to connection

Innovative program reaches children in Baltimore area [Video]

공동총회장인 Cintrón-Olivieri는 와이오밍 장로교인들과 함께 이웃에게 다가 가기 위해 노력함

How much outreach can a small church do?

What pastors ought to know beyond seminary

Co Moderator Cintrón-Olivieri works with Rocky Mountain Presbyterians on reaching out to neighbors

Thankful hearts and voices raise

Give me Liberty or give me debt

One hundred churches and counting

The courage to seek justice

She works to bring healing to those around her

Dianna Wright to lead OGA Ecclesial and Ecumenical Ministries

A formative experience

Convocation for Communities of Color planned for Big Tent

Violence and Ebola outbreaks plague Eastern Congo

Moving Forward 전권위원회는 미국장로교회와 관련된 법률 문제에 관해 발표함

The votes are in

잊혀진 전쟁을 기억함

On justice and righteousness

Detention center reports strike PC(USA) staff as part of disturbing trend

What it means as Christians to respond to hate

What is the Guatemala Partnership Network?

Moving Forward Implementation Commission speaks up on legal matters involving Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Peace as a realized eschatology

Using her heart, her time and her gifts for Central American migrants

Remembering the forgotten war

‘The way that God would have the church operate’

A prophetic vote of confidence

Racial Equity Advocacy Committee stands with asylum seekers, refugees

Special Offerings relaunches website

Love letters from God

Adult participants can get an intergenerational education at Presbyterian Youth Triennium

Board of Pensions: Medical dues should remain unchanged for 2020

Her designs are on opening young hearts

Seminary student bridges ministry and technology for deaf communities

Cuban Peacemaker inspires with ‘liberation word’ of the Bible and MLK

In November, you can see Puerto Rico up close via Travel Study Seminar

The Suicide Epidemic

Now more than ever, Haiti needs advocates

A worldwide roundup

Should children stay in Sunday worship?

Is yours a ‘healthy’ congregation?

One refugee’s story

Getting back into the swing of things

More Light Presbyterians program and communications manager approved for ordination

Answering God’s call

An American celebration

Step by step

Jihyun Oh named director of Mid Council Ministries

A dozen 1001 New Worshiping Communities awarded Mission Program Grants

Ghost Ranch chooses next executive director

Mission Toolkit: The ties that bind us

Young Adult Volunteers forge ahead for equity and inclusion

Stated Clerk sends letters to Congress urging for protection of migrant families

Protests draw huge crowds in Hong Kong

‘Resist and Persist: Faith and the Fight for Equality’ wins top honor

Hagar’s Community Church shows inmates God&#039;s transforming love

‘Off to a great start’

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for serving faithfully

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes

사역장로에 관하여: 충성된 섬김을 위한 월간 시리즈

Nancy J. Taylor named acting executive director at the Presbyterian Historical Society

Mutuality in mission

Peacemaker has helped educate thousands in southern Africa

Former presbytery executive amazed at Miami church’s turnaround

Caring for our furry friends

Louisville area Presbyterians and their friends raise bail to spring more than 50 people

PC(USA) UN ministry hosts delegation appealing for peace in Colombia

Addressing our hesitancy to give freely

Caribbean and North American churches are on the move together

Louisville area Presbyterians and their friends raise bail to spring more than 50 people

미국장로교 총회 법인 대표로 캐시 루커트가 지명됨

Partnership ministers to refugees and immigrants

The gospel is for people of all races

Church offers monthly positive affirmation workshops to children and teens

Kathy Lueckert named president of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation

Kathy Lueckert named president of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation

Stated Clerk receives honorary doctorate from New Brunswick Theological Seminary

통일 한반도를 위해 일하는 평화조정자

The power of fearless dialogue

Living the Matthew 25 vision across the Atlantic

A musician’s food pantry hits a high note

A top Louisville jailer will join Presbyterians for Wednesday's effort to end cash bail

Hábleme del racismo

Secretario Permanente encabezó la marcha para poner fin a la fianza en efectivo en Louisville, Kentucky

정비된 교회 리더십 커넥션 (CLC)

Conexión de liderazgo para iglesias se prepara para una revisión

Church Leadership Connection to get an overhaul

Preaching the gospel in a secularized society

Nebraska Presbyterian Foundation announces more than $141K in grants

Presbyterian Foundation announces changes to New Covenant Growth Fund

The Great Commission, Matthew 25 invitation go hand in hand

Office of the General Assembly’s Kerry Rice speaks to the Presbyterian Church of Canada

Peacemaker working for a unified Korea

Houston Hodges dies at age 89

인종차별에 대해 말해 주세요

It took a village, and most of its people

Princeton Seminary and Overseas Ministries Study Center forge partnership

Talk to Me About Racism

McCormick Theological Seminary Trustees elect chair, vice-chair

Put away your books, class. It’s time for a quiz

켄터키 주 루이빌에서 현금 보석을 끝내기 위한 행진을 이끌어 갈 정서기

Stated Clerk to lead march to end cash bail in Louisville, Kentucky

안수식에서의 성령의 역할

The Holy Spirit’s role in ordination

Make a joyful noise

공동총회장에게 집중하기

Enfoque en las comoderadoras

공동총회장들에게 집중하기

Enfoque en las comoderadoras

Madison McKinney successfully navigates her Presbyterian Christianity and her Native American spirituality

For one youth, messages have lasting value

&#039;Petra’s Pier Picnic&#039; tackles world hunger

Presbyterian Foundation reaches out to small churches

Directora ejecutiva de la Sociedad Histórica Presbiteriana dejará su cargo

Focus on the Co-Moderators

The profundity of faith

Robert Jones to speak at Big Tent breakfast

The sisterhood of the traveling stole

Presbyterians have an ecumenical voice in Creation Justice Ministries

Presbyterians’ presence felt in famine-stricken countries

Big Tent attendees to speak out against gun violence

Rev. José Luis Casal announces his retirement from World Mission

U.S. Supreme Court denies stay in defamation case

Eileene MacFalls, a Presbyterian devoted to social justice, dies at 81

Just one chance to get it right

‘Healing the Nations’ is the work of Christian denominations pulling together

Peacemaker has been working for racial justice in Europe

미국장로교 자료보관실 최고 책임자가 사직함

Presbyterian Historical Society executive director to leave

Eyes on Christ

Hospitality is ‘the sweet spot’ for Charlotte new worshiping community

PDA is sending teams and resources in wake of severe weather outbreak

Ecumenical and church partners gather in Louisville to celebrate life of Robina Winbush

Small church with a heart for mission cares for vulnerable children in Congo

Focus on the Co-Moderators

Surprised by the Spirit in New Orleans

Gift allows congregations to put ‘Faith in Action’

Changing the church camp culture

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is in contact with presbyteries affected by Midwest floods

Collegiate ministry network incorporates as independent entity

Webinar explores how Presbyterians can help ease border crisis

Congolese Peacemaker follows her father’s lead standing up for women

Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns issues statement on abortion rights

One church’s Matthew 25 focus: providing health care out of a hurricane-damaged home

Trading hotel and resort management for hurricane recovery

재향군인 자살에 대한 장로교 군목 및 공동 총회장 주최 포럼

Nueva comunidad de adoración en Atlanta trabaja para aliviar el sufrimiento en Venezuela

Triennium will feature preaching from the heart

Secretario permanente pide una legislación con sentido común

Atlanta new worshiping community works to ease the suffering in Venezuela

Venezuelan refugees’ plight tugs at the heart of mission co-worker in Colombia

Stated Clerk calls for commonsense gun legislation

Board of Pensions, Presbyterian Foundation sponsor Well-Being Retreat

Leaders of color mentoring event concludes with renewed commitment to relationships

PMA Board committee speaks with 18 mission co-workers from Asia, Pacific

99-member congregation makes $12K gift through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog

Reaching our forgotten veterans

Mentoring event for leaders of color gathers at Zephyr Point

For four decades, Arizona program has focused on root causes of hunger

Breaking down the walls through grace

Denominational Communications Survey available in Korean, Spanish

A medida que crece el debate sobre el aborto, Secretario Permanente hace un recordatorio a la iglesia sobre la política de la Asamblea General

낙태에 대한 여론이 커짐에 따라, 총회 정서기는 총회의 지침을 알림

Conversation with the Co-Moderator

Seldom is heard a discouraging word

As abortion debate grows, Stated Clerk reminds church of General Assembly policy

Pastor, professor Dr. Henry Fawcett dies at age 86

Presbyterian chaplains and a Co-Moderator host forum on veteran suicide

She helped indigenous people find their story in God’s word

PC(USA) asks U.S. Supreme Court to take up defamation case appeal

‘The starter car was already going around the track’

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes

사역장로에 관하여: 신실히 봉사하기 위한 월간 시리즈

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for serving faithfully

Honoring the Rev. Henry Highland Garnet on Heritage Sunday

From anger and lament to wonder and awe

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance films inspire conversation and action

Drawing nearer to justice

Office of Public Witness issues Action Alert on reducing tension, avoiding war with Iran

Preacher at Vital Congregations gathering: ‘Rehearse Scripture together’

God’s family stands up for others

California congregation’s afterschool ministry enables students to transcend poverty

The real-time shift

I was in prison, and you bailed me out

Secretario Permanente aplaude la decisión judicial en el caso del activista inmigrante Ravi Ragbir

Artesanía, canciones y s'mores.

Crafts, songs, and s’mores

Vital Congregations East Coast gathering opens with news of ‘God doing a new thing’

하나님의 영역을 건축할 때

Week-long camp for LGBTQ+ high school youth set for July 7-13

Study trip takes Presbyterians beyond the headlines in Russia, Ukraine

How caring is your congregation?

Learning theology from my mother

정서기는 이민문제 활동가인 라비 라구르Ravi Ragbir 사건에 대한 법원의 결정에 박수를 보냄

Stated Clerk applauds court decision in immigrant activist Ravi Ragbir case

Austin Young Adult Volunteer believes everyone is welcome to the table

Seminarian discovers God’s love of imperfection by making pottery

Colombian college celebrates 150 years of academic excellence

Consultation seeks ‘mission-centered ethos’

A prayer for Mother’s Day

Three small congregations net $2,114.13 in One Great Hour of Sharing Fishing Derby

이미 확고한 관계를 강화함

PC(USA) signs multifaith letter urging President Trump to alter his Cuba policy

Strengthening an already solid relationship

It&#039;s all in the timing

Funding sources identified for Stony Point Center work

Former PC(USA) writer/editor John Filiatreau dies

UN ministry wraps up commission season getting Presbyterians ‘in the room’

2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium volunteer making up for lost time

Presbyterian Historical Society Awards 2019 Research Grants

‘It allows me to be me again!’

World Mission to hold final regional strategy planning session

‘Yo hablo el amor’

Tom Hay announces retirement

‘Leaning on God with everything they’ve got’

SFTS announces the Shaw Chaplaincy Institute for Spiritual Care + Compassionate Leadership

미국장로교회가 새로운 한국어 웹 페이지를 공개함

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) unveils new Korean web page

6 tips to help you become a website power user

Vital Congregations initiative 2020 launch is underway

Study team looks at causes contributing to border crisis

Board of Pensions, seminary team up to offer African American CREDO

Put me in, coach — I’m ready to lead

Peas and joy at Okra Abbey

Two women turn past pain into present hope

A small church with a big passion to actively engage in the community

Secretario permanente renueva el llamado por la paz y la justicia después del último tiroteo en la sinagoga cerca de San Diego

Winner of 2017 Pulitzer Prize to speak in Iowa

Pastor called to become a mission co-worker in Malawi

Churches work to strengthen South Sudan’s fragile peace as insecurity persists

Inquiring minds want to know

Ecumenical next steps following Thursday’s National Day of Prayer

정서기는 샌디에고 인근의 회당 최근 총격 사건 이후에 평화와 정의에 대한 요구를 새롭게 함

Stated Clerk renews call for peace and justice following latest synagogue shooting near San Diego

Presbyterians address cash bail plight

How (and should) the church observe Mother’s Day?

Presbyterian minister leads Poor People’s Campaign from backroads to Washington

Columbia Seminary names visiting professor of ethics, theology

Standing at the corner of justice and worship

Growing the PC(USA) means getting back to basics

Seeing abundance in the neighborhood

Reports: Man being held following San Diego-area synagogue shootings is Orthodox Presbyterian

장로교 역사를 걷다

정서기는 장로교인들에게 기후 변화에 대한 지지를 촉구함

Secretario permanente insta al pueblo presbiteriano a tomar una postura sobre el cambio climático

Stated Clerk urges Presbyterians to take a stand on climate change

General Assembly directive gives MRTI clear environmental policy guidance

Undergraduate scholarships for PC(USA) students produce dividends of dreams and hopes

Louisville Seminary inaugurates its 10th president

&#039;Let us fix our eyes on Jesus&#039;

Church groups seek changes in U.S. policy on Cuba

Presbyterians add their voices to Poor People’s Campaign events

Physician dies while treating Ebola patients

A welcome sight in your mailbox

A walk through Presbyterian history

Battling our &#039;insidious search for domination, power and authority&#039;

Stated Clerk condemns attacks in Sri Lanka

Choose life

Iowa awards show when disaster strikes, Presbyterians step up

총회 특별 태스크포스 및 조정 팀 임명

Nombramientos para las comisiones especiales, comités y grupos de trabajo de la Asamblea General

In for a penny, in for a pound

미국장로교 교인 감소세 둔화

Va en disminución la pérdida de membresía de la IP (EE. UU.)

COGA opens spring meeting in Philadelphia

Do Presbyterians believe in the devil?

Board of Pensions spotlight: Kelly Riley

Foundation supports United Methodist students at Union Presbyterian Seminary

New picture book offers fresh understanding of the story of Babel

Appointments to General Assembly Special Task Forces and Reconciliation Team

Coming together for South to South mission and ministry

Foundation accepting applications for Church Financial Leadership Grants

Sasso, Rothenberg partner with singer/songwriter on new picture book

Anonymous donor gives Columbia Seminary $1M for Walker Presidential Scholarship

PC(USA) membership decline has slowed

How to start a local chapter of the Jesus Fan Club

Historic Native American church destroyed by fire

Healthy Pastors, Healthy Congregations draws enthusiastic response

Ecumenical food for thought

Matthew 25 invites the PC(USA) to boldly live out Christ’s call

Washington activist urges Presbyterians to go ‘beyond ally to being an accomplice’

Serving people experiencing vehicular homelessness in Los Angeles

When Mother&#039;s Day Hurts

A view from the Palm Sunday summit

Amantha Barbee to lead Big Tent plenary

First-grader awaits tooth fairy visit to supplement his One Great Hour of Sharing giving

Seven-person congregation did the math, switched to solar power

Loving people who have been in and out of prison makes ‘suffering Christ more real to us’

Matthew 25 invitation fits ‘like a hand in a glove’

Grants help community dismantle racism

Holistic practices guide pastors through Holy Week

‘Like someone popped a bubble and let me out’

Stated Clerk celebrates Kentucky church’s milestone anniversary

Associated Church Press, Religious Communicators Council recognize PC(USA)

A view of the Holy City few get to see

Church installs indoor plumbing — finally

Using Tamar’s story to strengthen Guatemalan girls

Presbyterians aid vulnerable Puerto Ricans threatened with displacement

Vital Congregations pilot initiative impacts churches in Trinity Presbytery

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

CPJ Day speaker: ‘Maybe God has a plan, and God’s plan is us’

New life awaits dying churches

Immigration through the experiences of Border Patrol agents

‘I’m delighted with the church on both sides of the border’

Prayers requested for Republic of Sudan

World Mission’s Northeast Consultation encourages boldness and action

Redeeming American Christianity

Seeking inclusive stewardship

WJK Press named one of fastest-growing independent publishers

Presbyterian Witness at the U.S. Border in El Paso

Coffee cooperative satisfies customers, stems migration

The holiness of mud season

Palm Sunday: All roads lead to the Paschal mystery of Christ dying and rising

정서기는 콜롬비아 대통령이 이 지역의 평화 과정에 전념할 것을 촉구함

Ecumenical Advocates march and meet on Capitol Hill

Progress is made when we share

Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary

Fishing Derby baits One Great Hour of Sharing participation

Are you pondering a call to ministry?

A captivating talk on captivity

Stated Clerk urges Colombia’s president to commit to peace process in the region

3-ton truck severely damages Taiwanese Presbyterian Church in California

Time to rethink decision-making in the church?

Coping with grief

Making food and farming more accessible to people of color

Showing ‘what advocacy is’ keeps Presbyterians coming back to Washington event

Click, Tap, Give . . .

Click, Tap, Give . . .

More than 200 Presbyterians sharpen their social justice skills at CPJ Day

New partnership agreement links PC(USA), Scouting association

World Communion of Reformed Churches delegation calls for border reforms

‘This has the feeling of Easter morning’

A devotion for the fifth Sunday in Lent

학생들은 컬럼비아 신학대학원에서 항의함

Cyclone recovery in Southern Africa will be a long-term effort

‘Education is the vehicle of hope in Guatemala’

When earthly leaders fail, Jesus redeems

Increases should boost student loan debt forgiveness program

Peacemakers will tell churches about Matthew 25 work around the world

Students protest at Columbia Theological Seminary

Mission possible

A dozen new worshiping communities awarded mission program grants

The first to say yes

Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Rah to kick off Big Tent 2019 in Baltimore

&#039;Doing the work we were called to do&#039;

Presbyterian agencies work to extend a hand to mid councils

Day laborers in Arizona strive for fair wages and safe working conditions

Pennsylvania youth group joins Hands and Feet initiative in Baltimore

On Matthew 25 Invitation roll-out day, PMA leader is practically ubiquitous

B’Tselem works toward a future of justice and equality in Israel-Palestine

Time to start building God’s realm

PMA board allows six more months to study Stony Point Center’s future

A-Corp Board looks to identify new corporation president candidate in June

Delegation examines firsthand the root causes of migration in Honduras

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and other denominations oppose Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights

New worshiping community receives $50K Walton award

A poverty talk rich with ideas

A devotion for the fourth Sunday in Lent

Setting things right

Heart, effort and teamwork needed to minister to ‘the least of these’

레니타 윔즈는 빅 텐트에서 폐회예배를 인도할 것이다

Renita Weems to lead closing worship at Big Tent

Presbyterians get firsthand look at genocide, powerful forgiveness in Rwanda

The March 1st Movement: 100 years later

The Open Table KC is ‘a community of peace and reconciliation in a city divided’

Eunice Poethig, a champion for women

Matthew 25 invitation and Stony Point Center top board agenda

Around the table, a variety of hearts and skill sets

World Mission’s Southeast Consultation asks: Where do we go from here?

Using his talents to serve the church is a dream come true

Presbyterian Mission Agency accepting applications for Katie Cannon scholarship beginning April 1

Presbyterian delegates from New Zealand find pride, compassion at UN Commission

Hundreds gather to mourn Robina Winbush

Workshop explores Presbyterian role enabling white supremacy

Find your lane, and go as fast as you can

Conference keynoters focus on inclusion and truth-telling

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responding to several U.S. crises

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responding to cyclone in Southern Africa

Thai safe house creates space to care for the marginalized

&#039;Just row&#039;

One physician’s take on ‘the healer’s power’

Faith and your dinner plate

A devotion for the third Sunday in Lent

PC(USA) aims to do unto Louisville what it did in St. Louis: stand against cash bail

Speak up and share your faith

‘If you don’t tell your story, someone else will tell it for you’

Matching text with tune

Hebron is a community important to Christians, Muslims and Jews

Registration opens for Big Tent in Baltimore

Report: Faith-based groups have contributed more than $211M in Hurricane Harvey recovery

Church expresses concern for human rights abuses in Gaza

Children’s ‘Soup for Goats’ stirs congregational support

Continúan los nombramientos para las comisiones especiales, comités y grupos de trabajo de la Asamblea General

총회 특별 전권위원회, 위원회, 태스크포스 및 작업 그룹에 대한 임명은 계속됨

Appointments to General Assembly Special Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, and Task Groups Continue

Man on a mission

Chased away

미국장로교회는 Robina Winbush와 Mike Miller를 기억한다.

Stated Clerk condemns last week’s mass shootings in New Zealand

PC(USA) remembers Robina Winbush and Mike Miller

National Council of Churches calls for global effort to combat racist violence

We need to stop holding out for a hero, CPJ Day speaker says

Stewardship Navigator debuts to warm reviews

Board of Pensions approves 3.6 percent experience apportionment

A prayer in the aftermath of the 49 Muslim worshipers murdered in Christchurch

Church leaders and public media subject of Wednesday online forum

Talking race and the environment

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

&#039;Resist and Persist&#039; and &#039;Transforming&#039; named book award finalists

A devotion for the second Sunday in Lent

빅 텐트 성경공부를 윌리엄 브라운이 인도함

William Brown dirigirá el estudio bíblico en La Gran Carpa

William Brown to lead Bible study at Big Tent

Presbyterian delegates hear directly from UN Secretary-General at town hall

‘Simon and the Big, Bad, Angry Beasts’ is book award finalist

Acting A Corporation Chief Financial Officer dies

Fallece Robina Winbush

PPC anuncia un nuevo presidente y editor ejecutivo

Young PC(USA) delegate finds UN Commission overwhelming &#039;in a good way&#039;

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation announces new president and publisher

A fact-finding launch

Stewardship calls for a modern view of tithing

Serving God outside of church

Poet and funeral director ponders faith, life and mortality

Robina Winbush dies

PDA recovery efforts help Haitians thrive in new communities

NEXT Church gathering weaves together stories of faith

Event gives Presbyterians an idea what UN Ministry does year-round

How to come out as LGBTQ when you’re Christian

Presbyterian camp thrives on bringing camp to kids in the Rio Grande Valley

Not the church we once knew

Presbyterian Women moderator serves cultural, culinary twist on Scripture

Engaging the community rather than the corporation

PC(USA) UN Ministry opens commission by welcoming Presbyterian Women

Discover Armenia

A devotion for the first Sunday in Lent

Synod of the Mid-Atlantic plans a ‘deep dive’ next week

Engagement grants available to PC(USA) seminarians

Loving God’s creation nurtures our spirit

Rural Realities: Opioids on Main Street U.S.A.

Proclamation and service together

‘You are from dust and to dust you shall return’

정서기는 미국으로 오다가 사망한 이주자들을 기억함

Secretario Permanente recuerda a los migrantes que murieron al cruzar hacia los EE. UU.

Stated Clerk remembers migrants who died coming to the U.S.

Raising a healthy church family

Creating a kid-friendly Holy Week

Presbyterians celebrate 70 years of One Great Hour of Sharing

Are we people or property?

빅 텐트 개회예배를 Amaury Tañón-Santos가 인도함

Amaury Tañón-Santos to lead opening worship at Big Tent

A part-time seminary paying big-time dividends

Fulfilling God&#039;s dream

Forty days of Lenten prayer

미국장로교회는 연합감리교회 특별 총회를 위한 기도를 부탁함

PC(USA) asks for prayer for the United Methodist Church Special Session of the General Conference

&#039;Thank you for challenging us!&#039;

Souper Saturday meal, broadcast deliver joy around University of Kentucky campus

More than 100 years of care at McKean Rehabilitation Institute

미국장로교회 지도자들은 이주자 가족들의 변화를 지지함

볼티모어의 손과 발 이니셔티브에 샬롯 교회가 참여

회중은 감소하고 있지만 연령대는 동일하게 유지됨

Las congregaciones están en declive, pero los rangos de edad siguen siendo los mismos.

Congregations are in decline, but age ranges remain the same

Church led by Schuller grandson joins with Presbyterian church in Southern California

Three events planned to honor the Rev. Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon&#039;s legacy

Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation receives its $1 million grant

What is per capita?

Las co moderadoras anuncian nuevo libro para estudio

Native of Ethiopia to lead First Presbyterian Church of Dallas

We Speak for Ourselves: What Samuel Cornish Learned from John Gloucester

Longtime mission worker who taught at school she attended remembered

Presbyterians partner to assist with extreme crisis in Yemen

Presbyterians place pigs on center stage

More benefits than you can shake a palm at

Worship service celebrates the many gifts women bring

&#039;Jesus was a coach too&#039;

Co-Moderators announce new book study

Rev. Dr. Horace T. Allen, Jr. dies

United Methodists pass Traditional Plan

What comes next after a denomination apologizes for its sin?

Our hearts attach themselves to the things we treasure

New Lenten devotional invites readers to pray with art

Beautiful feet

San Francisco Theological Seminary, University of Redlands to begin ‘permanent partnership’

Methodists call on Presbyterian, Episcopal communicators for their expertise

PC(USA) leaders help announce bus tour to show ‘real emergency’

World Mission names regional liaison for Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Talking about gun violence as Christians

Migration conference just the beginning for Columbia Theological Seminary

Stillman College&#039;s Presbyterian roots go back nearly 150 years

&#039;Connections&#039; wins 2018 Reference Book of the Year Award

Spirit-inspired initiative produces fruit that promises to alleviate poverty

A president three times over

We are better together

A workaround for the cold shoulder

Líderes de la IP (EE. UU.) abogan por un cambio para las familias migrantes

PC(USA) leaders advocate for change for migrant families

Presbyterian-funded partnerships featured in Belize

‘A big call to action’ on mental health

Churches seek dialogue amidst Zimbabwe&#039;s turmoil

Presbyterian churches commemorate SDOP Sunday April 7

Live in the spirit of &#039;Sankofa&#039;

Charlotte church participates in Hands and Feet Initiative in Baltimore

SDOP disburses over $150k for 10 self-help projects

Church brings gospel to poor, immigrant families

The ‘New Old’: Seniors bring new life to the church

Young Adults in Mission Caribbean Work Camp planned for late July

Flint’s water crisis far from just a Flint problem

Your journey to faith formation

Is heaven our destination after death?

Team shapes plans to refine, share its vision for the PC(USA)

No foreign occupation, but remains of war still visible in Thailand

회 사무국 (OGA) 직원들이 검은 색으로 옷을 입고 발렌타인 데이에 메시지를 전함

El personal de OGA se viste de negro para enviar un mensaje por el día de San Valentín:

African-Americans have rich history in the Presbyterian Church

PC(USA) sends delegation to UN social development commission

Meeting busy, tired families where they&#039;re at

A mission of mutual inconveniencing

PC(USA) support helps people with criminal records find work in Michigan

OGA staff dresses in black to send message on Valentine’s Day:

Meeting, greeting and learning from kith and kin

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Come, meet our friends in the Middle East

&#039;Looking for ways to give themselves away&#039;

A prayer on the first Parkland school shooting anniversary

Christian Volunteers in Thailand looking for English teachers

A new suit and an act of contrition

God&#039;s vision is reconciliation

Secretario Permanente pide una solución pacífica al conflicto en Venezuela

에큐메니즘이 종교 간 대화를 만나다:

Ecumenism meets Interfaith:

McCormick Seminary to co-host 550th birthday party for Sikh spiritual master

Money, the Mind &amp; Ministry seminar offered by SFTS

Migration conference closes with call for &#039;spring cleaning of the spirit&#039;

Ecumenical collaboration as mission

Church revival will follow &#039;killing church softly&#039;

‘We can begin the revolution’

World Mission names Luciano Kovacs as new area coordinator for Middle East and Europe

APCE honors four gifted educators

Small church pastor receives $15k student loan forgiveness

Mission as advocacy

Dancing about immigration

PC(USA) Stated Clerk denounces Senate bill limiting protest of Israel

COGA wraps up meeting in Houston

&#039;Delivering theological education for the present age&#039;

Former U.S. Poet Laureate opens conference by turning the immigrant story around

Sharing the joy of medical mission

Celebrating racial and ethnic diversity

Sing it like you mean it

정서기는 베네수엘라에서 평화적 해결을 요구함

Stated Clerk calls for peaceful solution to the conflict in Venezuela

Learning from our 3rd-century forebears

Living water: a gift and a call

Moving from the &#039;is&#039; to the &#039;ought&#039;

Commuter marriages create new ministry

총회 사무국 위원회에서 하루 동안 사역의 업데이트, 발의 및 참여가 이루어짐

Lydia Frias, long-time Presbyterian leader in Texas, dies at 94

Asia and the Pacific consultation celebrates the success of partnership and looks to the future

Ministry updates, motions, and engagement make for a full day for the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly

Comité de la Oficina de la Asamblea General comienza su primera reunión del año en Houston

Union Presbyterian Seminary professor awarded $18k grant to write Earth care liturgy

Creating a modern ‘Wailing Wall’

Go and build kinder, more compassionate communities

Rebuilding the church and families in Russia

Hoping Together conference coming to Columbia Seminary April 1-5

총회 사무국 위원회는 휴스턴에서 올해의 첫 번째 회의를 개최한다

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly opens first meeting of the year in Houston

Longtime missionary, educator Don Bobb dies at 92

Do you speak mission?

Gleaning to feed the hungry

David Gambrell answers questions about Presbyterian worship

Presbyterian church educators return to school this week

&#039;Do the work your soul must have&#039;

Mission connects the family of God

‘Cool’ churches are overrated

In the breaking of bread, their eyes were opened

Presbyterian Foundation awarded second $1 million Lily Endowment grant

&#039;Our home is the Holy Land&#039; exhibit opens Feb. 3 at Columbia Seminary

Effective mission starts with learning to listen

“Camarero, quiero lo mismo que él”

Presbyterians can do their part to avert a second government shutdown

As field of presidential contenders grows,

Pulitzer Prize winner Taylor Branch to speak at Davidson College March 13

Healthy congregations: A body of Christ checkup

&#039;Waiter, I&#039;ll have what he&#039;s having&#039;

Finding ethical, spiritual values in the Academy&#039;s 2018 Best Picture nominees

New PMA Christian Formation associate coordinator to receive educators&#039; award

PC(USA) surveys: MLK&#039;s &#039;One of the most segregated hours in Christian America&#039; slowly giving way

Synod executives focus on racism at recent forum

Princeton Seminary names new Alumni Relations director

Presbyterian homeless ministry serves 8 millionth meal

Presbyterian committee says ‘dehumanizing’ treatment of transgender military personnel must end

World Mission names new mission personnel coordinator

Kenyan new worshiping community doubles worship attendance with language swap

Reflections on immigration crisis

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Sundance Film Festival

Warm hearts, frosty temps

$350k gift energizes mission in Presbytery of Detroit

New podcast highlights PC(USA)&#039;s 1001 new worshiping movement

Social justice advocacy weekend takes on Civil Rights theme

Three generations of mission in Brazil

Fourteen presbyteries begin preparing for congregational revitalization initiative

&#039;Caste and Christ cannot go together&#039;

A limping dog and a caring community

Presbyterian Foundation adds Ministers of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

So, you want to volunteer in a disaster area? Here&#039;s how

George Todd, fighter for social justice, dies at 93

&#039;We have gone back to business as usual&#039;

To baptize or not to baptize?

Creative storytelling illustrates God’s generosity

Moving from passion to action

Alabama Presbyterian church suffers major tornado damage Saturday

Moderator of the 186th General Assembly passes away

Moving beyond institution

Top 10 films for believers

Hands-On Mission Work Group invites teams to serve Detroit

Hands-On Mission Work Group invites teams to serve Detroit

Taking the Matthew 25 Initiative for a test drive

Embracing change is the Presbyterian way

New Lenten devotional uses African American spirituals

Presbyterian Historical Society awards seven preservation grants

MLK Birmingham jail letter basis of stirring PC(U.S.A.) service

PC(U.S.A.) A Corporation unites departments to create Administrative Services Group

Pastor, professor, musician remembered for &#039;ushering in a better world&#039;

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Measuring church trends

Pennsylvania church opens its food center to furloughed federal employees

&#039;This is something I need right now&#039;

Navigating &#039;this wilderness of change&#039;

Peace Fellowship offers worship resources for Parkland anniversary

Small church pastors encouraged to apply for debt assistance program

1001 New Worshiping Community&#039;s anti-racism training making impact in Kansas City

Warning: Heavy lifting ahead

빅 텐트 2019 기획이 시작됨

Planning underway for Big Tent 2019

Planificación en marcha para La Gran Carpa 2019

Remembering history builder William B. Miller

Guacio is a Presbyterian youth camp and much more

Pursuit of justice theme for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Jan. 18-25

Presbyterian Foundation online giving accounts experience record growth

A statement on Human Trafficking Awareness Day

And a little child shall lead them

Atlanta church to host #metoo, #churchtoo discussion Jan. 27

Moving forward by looking back

Moving forward by looking back

Reissuing the call for great church photos for PC(USA) calendar!

Revamping while camping

From Nashville to Nepal, human trafficking affects 30 million women, girls annually

Faith, not fear

The people healing the world often themselves need healing

Anne E. Monell is Louisville Seminary&#039;s new Vice President of Institutional Advancement

January, a month of generosity and gratitude

Presbyterian Foundation offers free webinar series

&#039;Modern Kinship&#039; explores unique challenges queer couples face

Working on our blind spots

Union Presbyterian Seminary&#039;s Smylie dies at 93

Connecting with congregations

&#039;We weren&#039;t arrested — we were rescued&#039;

Berlin consultation brings together partners from Europe, Middle East

Bread, oil and resurrection

Columbia Seminary sees growing interest in migration conference

Latino tradition enriches Epiphany

World Mission initiates global discernment process in Nairobi

The early 20s — the perfect age for leadership

A perilous journey: helping today’s asylum seekers

Giving God a divine shout-out and a high five

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation president announces June 30 retirement

Woman of the cloth, woman of the belt

육체의 영적 발견

Stated Clerk looks to challenges, opportunities facing the church in 2019

&#039;When you know you&#039;re walking alongside something that&#039;s really powerful&#039;

Connecting with the neighbors

Fifteen months after Maria, PC(USA) leaders find Puerto Rico devastated but determined

Co-Moderators see Presbyterian Church evolving and moving forward

North meets South

Old idioms, new meanings

Hands and Feet Initiative gives Presbyterian opportunity to connect through art and storytelling

Pipes, rebar form rudimentary delivery table in Ghana

The harvest of God&#039;s love

A lion running around the world

Young Adult Volunteers celebrate 25 years of service

A Christmas Day reflection

Christmas Joy gifts help Puerto Rican pastors, other church workers recover from Hurricane Maria

Are we expecting too much from our Christmas Eve worship services?

A pastor shares his passion for storytelling

A Christmas Eve reflection

Reflections from the border

Chrismons: What&#039;s in a name?

A reflection on the fourth Sunday in Advent

Good news of great joy for shepherds, cab drivers

More Light Presbyterians plans to ordain full-time staff positions

Austin Seminary Professor offers reflection at Advent

Remote Alaskan church thrives amid challenges

Presbyterian World Mission explores reconnecting with the Presbyterian Church of Liberia

Blessed are the peacemakers

Stated Clerk calls for an end to violence in Cameroon

Talking justice with Diane Moffett

Christians try to worship with one voice at the U.S.-Mexico border in California

Presbyterian Women moderator states plan for moving forward

Stated Clerk issues call to prayer for the Democratic Republic of Congo

Texas volunteers offer ministry to asylum seekers looking for a new start

Board of Pensions receives Lilly grant to expand Healthy Pastors, Healthy Congregations

Time to make sure Presbyterians are moving forward

Most Presbyterians oppose government proposals to limit refugees, immigration

Menaul School molds determination, academic achievement, spiritual formation

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) delegation crosses border into Mexico

Joining the Interfaith Caravan of Hope

Couple struggles to revive their Puerto Rico farm

Church&#039;s CFO calls on A Corp board to be clear in its direction

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

A reflection on the third Sunday in Advent

Author, scholar, preacher to give Columbia seminary&#039;s 2019 Smyth Lectures

Pray, hope, dream — and take risks

PC(USA) Christian education, formation professors gather in Louisville

Advent’s prophecies point to the hope to come

Fifteen reasons to celebrate in troubled Juba, South Sudan

A Corp board, Moving Forward Implementation Commission get some friendly advice

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) speaks against Kentucky governor’s executive order on businesses and Israel

Christmas Joy Offering enabled elderly couple to &#039;feel the arms of the church around us&#039;

In memory of Sandy Hook, an Advent prayer to end gun violence

Bridging the partisan divide topic of D.C. panel

Native American women &#039;breaking barriers&#039; within the PC(USA)

Saying goodbye to a longtime lawyer

Hands and Feet fellow finds joy working in addiction treatment clinic

Making a blanket statement

Did you hear about the Dec. 1 tornadoes in Illinois?

Book charting decline of white Christian America wins prize

PC(USA)’s Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice staff aids Louisville refugees

A reflection on the second Sunday in Advent

Our eyes and ears in Katowice, Poland

PC(USA) seminary receives nearly $1 million grant

공동총회장 Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri는 마이애미에 있는 그녀의 모교회에서 위임 받음

공동 총회장은 도서 연구 프로그램에서 책을 변경하다

Christmas Joy Offering gifts help student apply heart and mind to vexing problems

Presbyterian agencies surpass their $100,000 #GivingTuesday goal

총회장 컨퍼런스에서 풍성한 워크샵과 예배가 준비됨

Church Leadership Connection Consultant retires after 31 years

교회 리더십 컨넥션 컨설턴트는 31년을 마치고 은퇴함

A different kind of Christmas list

Zomba Theological College registered by NCHE

David Maxwell to head Geneva Press

David Maxwell nuevo director ejecutivo de Geneva Press

If you visit the U.S.-Mexico border, return home and tell your story

Si visita la frontera entre EE. UU. y México, regrese y cuente su historia

&#039;Transgender people cannot be erased&#039;

Presbyterian Ministry at the UN working to curb resurgence of HIV/AIDS

National Council of Churches outraged at use of tear gas

Hundreds of miles north of the Mexico border? You, too, can help

A reflection on the first Sunday in Advent

Witnessing for Christ in the fight against AIDS

뉴저지 교회는 1 월에 연방 당국에 의해 징집 된 교인의 석방을 기념함

Taking in the Incarnation as a community

New Jersey church celebrates release of member picked up by federal authorities in January

Saturday marks 30th World AIDS Day

Advent &#039;reorients us to the radical hope of the gospel&#039;

Groups work to avoid Puerto Rico land grab

&#039;How can we be the change?&#039;

The PC(USA) invites gifts during tomorrow&#039;s #GivingTuesday celebration

Registration for 2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium nearing launch

The Second Coming

What do Presbyterian Native Americans really think about Thanksgiving?

Vital Congregations Initiative helps one church talk about faith

Transforming gratitude into actions

Co-moderadoras cambiaran libro de estudio

New book from WJK explores gender transition in family of evangelical pastors

PDA responds to needs following both natural, human-caused disasters

Mid-council moderators hit the classroom

Workshops and worship create full agenda at Moderators’ Conference

Reflecting on #GivingTuesday leads stewardship scholar to lessons he learned in Sunday school

Co-Moderators to change books in book study program

‘Amateur theologian’ demonstrates keen insight

Peacemaking Travel Study Seminar concludes Korea trip

Princeton seminary report examines its historical connection to slavery

The grace to accept a gift

Fun fundraiser aids Middle Eastern Presbyterian pastors

Moderators’ Conference begins this week in Louisville

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will be part of #GivingTuesday

Presbyterian Home for Children wraps children and families in love

Just by surviving, Pittsburgh Seminary student is making history

National and international church leaders urge churches to engage with political leaders

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

On The Way Church celebrates a year of &#039;great blessing&#039;

Personal de OGA staff visita facilidades de ICE en Texas

Four PDA spiritual care providers now serving in fire, shooting affected California

La Oficina de Asuntos de Inmigración de la IP (EE. UU.) visita la frontera de los EE. UU. y México en El Paso

OGA 직원이 텍사스에서 ICE 시설을 견학 함

&#039;If God opens a way, no one has a possibility of closing it&#039;

OGA staff tour ICE facility in Texas

Yasmin&#039;s story

Student researchers lend authority to book on college hookup culture, Christian ethics

미국장로교 이민관련 사무실은 엘파소에 있는 미국-멕시코 국경을 방문함

PC(USA) Office of Immigration Issues visits U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso

Korean Travel Study Seminar worships with Seoul congregations, visits partners

Co-Moderators make committee appointments

Peacemaking Travel Study Seminar visits Jeju Island

PDA director Kraus named to ACT Alliance governing board

Pastor answers God&#039;s call to serve with people of East Central Africa

Church leader calls Cameroon school abductions terrifying, shocking

Prayers for Cameroon

Teacher of the Year uses honor to advocate

Small church, big God

Holiday conversations may include adoption

에큐메니칼 방식으로 건강하게 하기

선거 전야에, 정서기는 정치 지도자들에게 새로운 접근법을 요구한다

Getting healthy the ecumenical way

Presbyterian Peacemaking 2018 Travel Study Seminar under way in Korea

On election eve, Stated Clerk calls on political leaders to take new approach

In historic meeting, three Kentucky presbyteries explore collaboration, leadership

‘The Message’ author Eugene Peterson remembered for his many gifts

Co-Moderator Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri commissioned at home church in Miami

#MeToo, women’s equality panel set for Nov. 9 at SFTS

Pastor grateful for Presbyterian Mission’s Financial Aid for Service ministry

Stated Clerk urges U.S. leaders to take new approach with migrants

Esther’s story speaks to today’s strife

총회 사무국 직원이 로마에서 조상의 시복시성에 참석하다

OGA staff member attends canonization of ancestor in Rome

정서기는 피츠버그에서 대규모 총격 사건 이후에 폭행 무기 판매를 중단 할 것을 요구함

Stillman College has long history of forming leaders

Texas congregation finds new life by focusing on generosity

A close-knit group

Secretario permanente pide la culminación de la venta de armas de asalto después del tiroteo masivo en Pittsburgh

Travel study seminars to explore conflict and reconciliation in Rwanda and Ukraine

Raising generous children

Stated Clerk calls for end to the sale of assault weapons following mass shooting in Pittsburgh

After synagogue shooting, Presbyterians share shock, grief; stand in solidarity with neighbors

Rural realities: Hunger in the heartland

Stated Clerk condemns shipment of suspicious packages to Trump Administration critics

ACSWP’s new General Assembly resources focus on civic responsibility, religious freedom

Blue Christmas: ’Tis the season — for depression

Small ministry, big mission helps Syrian refugees thrive

10 great hymns about stewardship

Presbyterian leaders prepare for migrant caravan

Presbyterian Historical Society announces Pam Byers Memorial Initiative

International Peacemakers wrap up U.S. visit

Presbyterian Ministry at the UN celebrates United Nations Day

Church’s refusal to die leads to growth

PDA providing much-needed support for hurricane-ravaged areas

Virginia’s attorney general calls for cash bond system reform

‘The Message’ author Eugene Peterson dies at age 85

National Council of Churches culminates ‘Christian Unity Gathering’

Exhibit showcases Advent devotional art

Exhibit showcases Advent devotional art

Two presbyteries establish funds for Hurricane Michael relief

Mission vision

New Presbyterian News Service editor begins October 29

Two presbyteries establish funds for Hurricane Michael relief

Challenging the community to hold onto their faith

Dallas to honor those who died in homelessness

MRTI begins next season of engagement with new guidelines

Mission co-worker Gartrell honored in Brazil by community he serves

Middle East Christian has message for U.S. Christians at evangelism conference

Sextuplets baptized — first in history of PC(USA)

Hunger Action Congregations run toward food security

Mission partnership: We all have something we need — and something to give

Stated Clerk responds to new United Nations report on climate change

정서기는 기후 변화에 관한 새로운 UN 보고서에 응답하다

Secretario permanente responde al nuevo informe de las Naciones Unidas sobre el cambio climático

PC(USA) evangelism conference explores ‘What is Sabbath?’

University of Dubuque Theological Seminary receives nearly $1 million grant

Baltimore kids find safe space to play year-round

PC(USA) evangelism conference underway

Working to prevent abuse in the church

2018 Global Food Week of Action now taking place

2019 Global Food Week of Action now taking place

Halloween: letting your Christ light shine

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Coastal Carolina Presbytery recovers from Hurricane Florence

Advocating for the powerless

Which of these does your church look like?

Revs. Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather named to Emory University’s ‘40 Under 40’ class of 2018

Presbyterians mobilizing to help in Hurricane Michael recovery

PC(USA) conference center celebrates the holiness of harvest

Strangers discover their connection as children of God

What’s connecting the connectional church?

Giving Tuesday is an opportunity for churches, ministries

Sanctuary at dinner church, monthly pub talks

Mission vs. property maintenance

Mid Council Leaders Gathering concludes with messages of moving forward

Vital Congregations initiative gives Newark Presbytery a renewed sense of value

Mid Council Leaders talk per capita, General Assembly and social justice issues

Mid Council Leaders commemorate the 20th anniversary of Matthew Shepard’s beating

Sister congregations in Thailand and Santa Barbara each celebrate 150 years

Presbyterian Church leaders ask for healing in Chicago

중간공의회 지도자 모임은 "두려워하지 않는 대화"로 시작함

장로교회 지도자들은 시카고의 치유를 요청하다

중간공의회 지도자 모임은 "두려워하지 않는 대화"로 시작함

Mid Council Leaders Gathering opens with “Fearless Dialogues”

Children’s soup-making stirs congregational mission support

Four organizations receive Native American Leadership Fund Award

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team deploys in aftermath of Hurricane Florence

Prayer for Domestic Violence Awareness Sunday

National Council of Churches Calls for Withdrawal of Kavanaugh Nomination

During Food Week of Action and every day, Wisconsin church lives out its mission

Presbyterians for Earth Care responds to powerful storms

Working together for literacy

Senior sings birthday greetings to all

Michigan church makes the most of its gifts

Potential 1001 New Worshiping Community leaders identify gifts, potential blind spots

Presbyterians work together to stop the use of children in combat

Board of Pensions creates sacred space for prayer and worship

Presbyterian couple advocating for student athletes’ rights featured in HBO documentary

Including the blind in worship

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board wraps up September meeting

Presbyterian teens take a stand on Capitol Hill for immigration justice and peace

New PMAB board committees consider Stony Point sustainability

Se aceptan solicitudes para la beca Eugene Carson Blake

유진 카슨 블레이크 장학금 신청서 접수

Applications being accepted for Eugene Carson Blake Scholarship

Kentucky Supreme Court rules in defamation case

Newly reconfigured Presbyterian Mission Agency Board focuses on mission

PC(USA) New Worshiping Community pastor joins Presbyterian Mission Agency

Calling for great church photos for PC(USA) calendar!

Puerto Rico’s “Rise and Shine” initiative draws praise from Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) delegation

La iniciativa «Levántate y Resplandece» de Puerto Rico recibe elogios de la delegación de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.)

Experiencing the Holy Land with Palestinian Arab Christians

Human rights group works toward mass bailout at New York City’s Rikers Island

Grupo de derechos humanos trabaja para pagar fianzas masivamente en Rikers Island de la ciudad de Nueva York

인권 단체 그룹은 뉴욕시의 Rikers Island에서 대량 석방 모색

Memorial service held for social justice advocate Susan Stack

New life emerges at Just Worship conference

Building a culture of generosity

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board to hold first meeting since General Assembly

Why you should consider a senior living community while you’re still fit

Delegación de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) encuentra las iglesias en modo de recuperación en Puerto Rico

Interfaith Immigration Coalition speaks out on proposed changes regarding immigration status

Examining stewardship in racial and ethnic communities

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) delegation to Puerto Rico finds churches in recovery mode

2019 Commission on the Status of Women now accepting applications

Author Diana Butler Bass unpacks gratitude at Stewardship Kaleidoscope

New A Corp. Board takes first major action

Pastor, congregation offer shelter, food and hope in Florence’s aftermath

Building a mission village

U.S. and Middle East pastors partner in prayer and action for refugees in war-torn Syria

Las co-moderadoras se unen al Programa Presbiteriano de Asistencia en Desastres en visita a Puerto Rico

Super Typhoon Mangkhut rips through Philippines

International Peacemakers arrive in U.S.

Co-Moderators join Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in visit to Puerto Rico

Pennsylvania church sees boost from Giving Tuesday

Presbyteries’ Cooperative Committee on Examinations for Candidates Announces Change to Exam Schedule beginning in 2019-20 Academic Year

Rural realities: White, straight no more

Ohio congregation’s ‘Big Backyard’ welcomes Guatemalan neighbors

Stated Clerk urges President Trump to change refugee resettlement plan

Activist and author discusses ‘unholy alliance’ between corporations and anti-hunger groups

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders commemorate one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria

Liderazgo de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) conmemora el primer aniversario del huracán María

Sufferings in Madagascar and Palestine create common bond for peace and justice

When congregations vote to close or depart

PC(USA) celebrates Native American Day

Big Tent 2019 dates and location announced

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Se anuncia fechas y ubicación de La Gran Carpa 2019

PC(USA) leaders pay tribute to ‘Chip’ Andrus for his profound contributions to the church’s liturgical life

PC(USA) Guatemala Mission Network meets in Louisville

Faith communities call on administration to welcome 75K refugees

Presbyterians mobilize to help southeast U.S. recover from Hurricane Florence

A church, a camper and a couple in need

Presbyterian groups work to create a ‘culture of preparedness’ for disaster events

Mourners’ actions reveal great love

Asian church leaders search for grassroots perspective on Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace

Congregation restructures its committees and thrives

Philip Woods named Presbyterian World Mission associate director for strategy, program and recruitment

New 2018 Advent devotional: A love story of those with special needs

Rev. Chip Andrus passes away following cancer battle

College coffeehouse provides safe space for race conversation

College coffeehouse provides safe space for race conversation

PDA documentary breathes life into refugee crisis

Trinity Presbytery embraces Vital Congregations initiative

PC(USA) Stated Clerk issues statement on anniversary of DACA repeal

PC(USA) youth director testifies before congressional environmental subcommittee

Donor leaves more than $1 million to Presbyterian Foundation for college scholarships

PC(USA) A Corporation Board elects co-chairs and makes committee assignments

Peace &amp; Global Witness Offering helps diverse children find common ground

Reconfigured PC(USA) A Corporation board convenes for its first meeting

Synod includes men in #MeToo talks

OGA delegation finds resilience and hope among church leaders in Puerto Rico

Small Hunger Action Congregation uses food pantry to impact community

Ministry in the halls of power

Labor Day 2018 marks 10-year anniversary of ‘A Social Creed for the 21st Century’

PPC celebrates fifth anniversary of ‘Glory to God’ hymnal

10 worshiping communities awarded Mission Program Grants

Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico continue long road to recovery one year after hurricanes

PC(USA) partners continue working toward peace in South Sudan

‘New Creation’ provides a space for the previously unchurched

Debra Hepler announces retirement as executive director of Ghost Ranch

David LaMotte concert to kick off Season of Peace

Presbyterian Man

Joys of collaboration

International Peacemaker from Haiti to visit U.S.

The challenge of challenging behavior

Pilgrims gather in Amsterdam to celebrate 70 years of global ecumenism

More than 750 faith leaders and faith organizations decry low refugee arrivals

Denominations repent for Native American land grabs

Behind bars: Overcrowded, unsanitary, inhumane conditions

Remembering Kofi Annan’s Presbyterian connections

The wonderful life of Bud Frimoth

Presbyterian churches in the northeast dry out from last week’s heavy rains

God’s kingdom: close, yet so far

Deadline nearing for records preservation grants for churches

교회를 위한 기록 보존 보조금 신청 마감일

Presbyterian Mission Agency announces scholarship fund in memory of Katie Geneva Cannon

총회 사무국의 새로운 예산 관리자 채용 발표

St. Louis 구금 센터를 위한 223차 총회 보석금 구제의 주최자가 캠페인의 초점을 바꾸다

Self-Development of People welcomes new national committee members

클로린다 무어가 PHS의 개발담당 직원으로 합류한다

Clorinda Moore joins PHS staff as development associate

Resources available for Theological Education Sunday

Help Wanted: Seeking Pastors

Niger Mission Network holds second annual meeting

Los organizadores del pago de fianzas en la 223º AG en los centros de detención de St. Louis cambian el enfoque de la campaña

OGA announces hire of new budget manager

‘Just Worship’ conference to explore crossroads of theology, worship and justice

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Organizers of GA 223 bail-out in St. Louis detention centers shift focus of campaign

Reflections on the celebration of the life of Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon

Montreat to host ‘Better Angels’ event

Faith-based protesters flock to Washington to counter white supremacists

International Peacemaker from Palestine visits U.S. in fall

Secretario Permanente envía una carta al presidente colombiano para denunciar el aumento de las violaciones de los derechos humanos

Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations unveils new educational resource guide

NCC opposes reimposition of Iran trade sanctions

Presbyterian agency works to boost child well-being in three states

Rick Jones tapped to head OGA Communications

Stated Clerk pays tribute to Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon

Back-to-school devotional series returns to

The Rev. Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon dies

Violence follows peaceful elections in Zimbabwe

Stated Clerk sends letter to Colombian president decrying increased human rights violations

Mission Agency’s General Counsel announces retirement

Stated clerk backs call for day of prayer for South Sudan August 12

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance hosts Kenyan church leader

PC(USA) mourns the loss of Charles F. Easley, Sr.

The blossoming seeds of resurrection in a vital congregation

Presbyterian educator integrates end-of-life issues into seminary curriculum

New mission co-workers called to service in Central America

Rescue work continues following earthquake in Indonesia

What ‘the priesthood of all believers’ looks like

Lakes and Prairies Synod School draws more than 600

Donor-Advised Fund helps couple grow their commitment to giving

Closing worship speaker encourages Presbyterian Women gathering to leave a legacy

PC(USA) Board of Pensions wins 2018 Best Places to Work honor

Native American women gather for listening circle at 2018 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women march draws attention to ‘The Ninth Street Divide’

Nuclear disarmament — renewing hope, against all odds

Celebrating women in the Middle East

PC(USA) Racial Ethnic &amp; Women’s Ministries has a new name

Reaching young and old on a Sunday morning

Church-based psychological help “hotline” thrives in Cuba

California presbyteries keep tabs on raging wildfires

Let children ‘destroy’ worship

Pacificadora internacional visitará las iglesias de Estados Unidos desde Venezuela este otoño

International peacemaker from Venezuela to visit U.S. churches this fall

Pioneering missionary and pastor Elizabeth (Libby) McAliley passes at age 90

Jesus: truly human and truly divine

McCormick Seminary names David H. Crawford 11th president

New book from WJK tackles diversity in The United Methodist Church

From ages and stages ministry to intergenerational faith formation

Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women celebrates 30 years

Office of Public Witness updates grassroots advocacy manual

Breaking all the ceilings

Iowa church a haven for tornado-ravaged community

Finding homes for the homeless

Faith leaders work toward an AIDS-free generation

Presbyterian Panel issues first report on measures of congregational vitality

Ministering to the hungry: Pleasantville Presbyterian Church practices outreach

Fire destroys Girard, Pennsylvania church

Meaningful steps toward reconciliation taking place in Colombia

New book surveys the heartbreak and hilarity of ministry in a mainline church

PHS receives Pew Center for Arts & Heritage grant

Mission co-worker sees hope and joy in her students and in Rwanda

Fire destroys Presbyterian church in Little Rock

Muhammad Ali Center, Flyaway Books partner on anti-racism book for children

Evangelism conference to explore new way of being together as Presbyterians

Jesus among the Navajos

Rwandan Peacemaker to return to U.S. this fall

Building interfaith understanding in Cuba

"미국 국회는 가족 투옥을 거부해야 한다"고 600명 이상의 종교 지도자들과 신앙 단체들이 말한다

Living out the ‘Great Ends of the Church’

Former Co-Moderator Denise Anderson joins Presbyterian Mission Agency

“Congress must reject family incarceration,” say more than 600 religious leaders and faith organizations

Church started by the former enslaved members of another church acknowledges shared history

Global partners ask for prayers for democracy and prosperity in Zimbabwe

General Assembly mourns, advocates for Palestinians in Gaza

Key to successful ministry: connect, not attract

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Columbia Theological Seminary students spend week with the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

‘Learning God’s Love, Living God’s Love’ around the world

Killed by police as he ran away, Pittsburgh teen Antwon Rose would’ve been 18 today

Freedom should be free

New parent loan program now available for PC(USA) members

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to fires in Colorado, Utah and southern California

Violence escalates in Nicaragua, PC(USA) mission co-worker leaves temporarily

International peacemaker to share the latest on the Syrian refugee crisis

WCC climate change meeting explores ‘just transitions,’ plans for COP 24

Educating the hearing-impaired

Educating the hearing-impaired

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance calls on volunteers to help in disaster recovery

Office of Public Witness joins march to keep families together

모국어로 기도하기

Resumen de las acciones de la 223a Asamblea General (2018)

1,500 단어로 요약한 223차 총회 (2018)의 주요

Declaración del secretario permanente emite una orden ejecutiva sobre la separación de familias en la frontera de los EE. UU.

미국 국경에서의 가족분리에 대한 대통령 집행명령에 관한 정서기 성명서

Won’t you be an &#039;honest patriot&#039; this Fourth of July?

Texas kids to get a front row seat to persons living on fixed incomes

A fragile peace agreement was signed in South Sudan last week

International Peacemaker from South Sudan working toward unity in homeland

Highlights of actions of the 223rd General Assembly (2018) in 1,500 words or less

Presbyterian churches reach out to Texas residents affected by recent flooding

From church conflict to church building

A night of ‘trepidation and enlightenment’

Stated Clerk issues statement on executive order regarding family separation at U.S. border

International Peacemaker from Madagascar manages programs for five-million-member denomination

Houghton, Michigan residents show resilience in recent flooding

Faith leaders speak out against Supreme Court decision on travel ban

Creative ways congregations are doing more to feed the hungry

Both sides on fossil fuel divestment issue look ahead post-GA223

Westminster Presbyterian Church pledges matching gifts for South Sudan Education and Peacebuilding Project

Closing worship takeaway: Always pray and never give up

It’s a wrap: YAAD collection goes to three good causes

2018 New Wilmington Mission Conference set for July 20–27

2019 per capita set at $8.95

Commissioners ask RE/MAX to discourage sale of property in Israeli settlement colonies

GA approves mission budgets in excess of $70 million

It’s worth the time to get it right

Young women get a chance to see how GA works

Assembly addresses racism, gun violence, capital punishment

El Comité recomienda unánimemente la confirmación de la Rvda. Diane Moffett como directora de la PMA

Se llevó a cabo una manifestación a favor de la inmigración en St. Louis

GA223 opts for continued corporate engagement over divestment

Assembly honors the memory of Ben Weir and Jack Rogers

WCRC president raises hope of Just Communion

Friday worship leader calls for unity

Face-to-Face with the Holy Spirit

Seminarians earn credits while observing Assembly

Worship speaker urges PC(USA) to ‘make good biscuits’

Actions seeking peace on the Korean Peninsula, in Sudan and Central America approved by 223rd General Assembly

Audience jazzed for Hands and Feet concert

Spirituality centers provide relief for weary souls — and soles

Victor Makari receives Fahed Abu-Akel Award

Presbyterian leaders say policy change on separating immigrant families is not enough

Commissioners overwhelmingly approve Way Forward plan

Gun violence is ‘the greatest moral issue,’ Jim Atwood tells Presbyterian Writers Guild lunch attendees

C. Fred Jenkins Award is presented to Gradye Parsons

Assembly affirms re-election of Foundation President Taylor

A pauper’s grave, a place of honor

Oldenburg, Cannon honored at Theological Education Awards Breakfast

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance introduces documentary resources

Immigration rally held in St. Louis

Cuba’s man in St. Louis

Assembly moves MLK’s ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’ toward confessional status

Assembly confirms new mission leader

Assembly reaffirms PC(USA)’s inclusiveness requirements, noting ‘declining nature of black congregations’

Adaptive worship bulletin ‘shows’ as well as tells

It’s the right thing

Speaker decries neglect of second-generation Asians

Elders lead best by ‘putting up the sails’

Not one step back

Committee 11 approves change in terminology for racial ethnic people

Assembly reaffirms PC(USA)’s interfaith relations

‘Teach-in’ provides insights on race and incarceration

Navy chief says chaplains meet vital spiritual needs

Najla Kassab looks to transformation, reconciliation, peace

The church life cycle ― from new to renew

Ecumenical and interfaith representatives welcomed to 223rd General Assembly

Committee urges divestment from fossil-fuel stocks

PHS remembers Head Start program

We are family

Native American speaker says repudiating ‘discovery’ doctrine will address historic harm

Youth pitch in to share God’s love in Ferguson

Presbyterian leader urges U.S. to reconsider leaving UN Human Rights Council

Michael Blair asks churches to live and serve from the margins

Lake Erie, Ghana presbyteries join on a journey of faith

Way Forward, Vision 2020 reports approved

Covenant Network celebrates 20th anniversary

Small churches can thrive

Hundreds of Presbyterians join march to St. Louis’ Justice Center

Remembering Peg

Assembly urged to add Dr. King’s ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’ to Book of Confessions

Commission sought to sort out Synod of the Covenant’s disorder

Overture urges support for Korean peace process

Middle East panel continues support for rights of Palestinians

Speaker invites luncheon group to turn over the tables

South Sudanese Churches nudge peace negotiations forward

Committee calls for reconciliation on Jarvie Fund

Blackmon warns against losing focus on God’s call

Matthew’s Gospel unfolds in first-century setting eerily similar to today

Take the baton from MLK

Nelson, Moffett offer up a Way Forward

Committee unanimously recommends the confirmation of the Rev. Diane Moffett as head of PMA

Time for change

Prospects for lasting peace in Korea?

‘Can we give a little grace to one another?’ asks UCC officer

Stated clerk issues statement in wake of altercation

It’s complicated

What do you seek?

Moving in the Spirit

YAADs want the vote in GA moderator elections

Palestinian speakers say Middle East change is urgent

Committee approves guide to just compensation for ministers

Per Capita recommendation reduced to 10 percent increase

Youth say ‘Amen!’ to Hands & Feet initiative

World Mission lunch speakers say partnership is transformative

Thank you to Giddings-Lovejoy congregations!

Way Forward Committee tackles controversial reports

Presbyterian Church on full display at the 223rd General Assembly (2018)

‘Don’t become a brick in the system,’ Bible study leader tells General Assembly participants

A little GA silliness is good for the soul

A bountiful buffet of books

Gradye Parsons sees hopeful, though challenging future for PC(USA)

Advocacy Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns committee briefing outlines desired outcomes

Eight former GA moderators endorse fossil fuel divestment measure

A foretaste of fractious fighting

Music man

Foundation honors mid-level leaders through music

4 번째 투표에서 Cintrón-Olivieri, Kohlmann이 총회장 선거의 가까운 승리를 함

New co-moderators want to celebrate diversity and think outside the box

PC(USA) recognizes three with Women of Faith Award

On fourth ballot, Cintrón-Olivieri, Kohlmann win close moderator contest

Presbyterian Outlook kicks off 200th anniversary celebration

Gather at the river

Social-witness groups urged to join forces

Breakfast doesn’t satisfy women’s hunger for justice

Transcending barriers

Advisory delegates add global, ecumenical perspectives to GA

Youngish testament

Presbyterian partners eye Korean reunification

Palestinian speaker urges Presbyterians to change their focus

Encouraging evangelicals

Stated Clerk issues statement on separated immigrant families

Celebrating Doesn’t Mean We’re There

Roller coaster ride to St. Louis

Looking backward to see the way forward

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Process Observers needed for General Assembly Committees

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Sharing God’s perspective through partnership in Colombia

Westminster John Knox Press releases ‘The Baptism of Your Child’

Going green at General Assembly

Presbyterian coffeehouse, worshiping community helps campus deal with racial incidents

Doing Well and Doing Good: Investing Responsibly

International Peacemaker from Greece works to help refugees

‘Invest in Children’ links church and school

New online statistical resource launched by Presbyterian researchers

GA223 backgrounder: General Assembly Procedures

WCC는 북미 평화의 새로운 장을 향한 장기적인 의지를 요구

WCC calls for long-term commitment to new chapter of peace for US-North Korea

Gun Violence Prevention to Unite Presbyterians at 2018 General Assembly

Evie Landrau joins OGA’s Ecclesial and Ecumenical Ministries

Honrar la vida de un paciente con demencia

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to commemorate World Refugee Day on June 20

Honoring a dementia patient’s life

웨이 포워드 위원회, &#039;신뢰와 투명성에 관한 행정 조치&#039;승인

Way Forward Commission approves ‘Administrative Action Regarding Trust and Transparency’

GA223 backgrounder: Mid Councils

한반도에 대한 한인장로교회 선언

Korean Presbyterian Churches issue declaration on Korean peninsula

Leadership chosen for Hands and Feet initiative in Baltimore

Presbyterian Hunger Program, Coalition of Immokalee Workers encouraged by surprise move by Wendy’s

Presbyterian Foundation offers Church Financial Leadership Grant program

Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, other faith leaders arrested in Poor People’s Campaign demonstration

Connecting to the halls of power

Closing message at Presbyterian older adult conference: ‘Draw close to God’

Former Stated Clerk Parsons pens &#039;Our Connectional Church&#039;

Walk for a Fossil Free World reaches halfway point to St. Louis

GA223 backgrounder: Social Justice Issues

OGA is looking for GA223 ‘process observers’

Stated Clerk issues statement on U.S.-North Korea summit

Guatemala deals with aftermath of volcano eruption

Gerontology expert to Older Adult conference: Get ready for the ‘coming tsunami’ of aging

A mutual reach beyond the oceans

GA223 backgrounder: Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations

Alton B. Pollard III named Louisville Seminary’s tenth president

Preacher to Presbyterian older adult conference: get back to the basics

Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment invests in shareholder advocacy

The dangers of ‘groupthink’

New mission toolkit provides resources for raising awareness about HIV/AIDS

GA223 backgrounder: Environmental Issues

PC(USA) co-moderators reflect on their tenure

GA223 backgrounder: Theological and Church Growth Issues and Institutions

GA223 public witness seeks to create a “Matthew 25” church

Presbyterian Hunger Program Advisory Committee gets up-close view of food programs at work

‘Savoring the Journey’

Outreach to all faiths in the Middle East

GA223 backgrounder: The Way Forward

한국의 평화에 대한 희망과 두려움

Hopes and Fears for Peace in Korea

Philippines pastor among International Peacemakers visiting the U.S. this fall

PC(USA) membership decline slows, but does not stop

GA223 backgrounder: BOP, PILP, PPC, and Foundation

Montreat suffers flood damage from Tropical Storm Alberto

GA223 backgrounder: Peacemaking, Immigration and International Issues

Se invita a las congregaciones a cantar el himno inspirado en la 223AG el domingo 17 de junio

회중은 6월 17일 주일에 223차 총회에서 영감을 받은 찬송가를 부르게 함

Presbyterians begin 260-mile walk to the 223rd General Assembly in St. Louis

Nuevos estudios de Harvard: miles de personas murieron en Puerto Rico tras el huracán María

New Harvard study: thousands died in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria

Listening to the Spirit in South America

GA223 backgrounder: Middle East Issues

Congregations encouraged to sing GA223-inspired hymn on Sunday of the General Assembly, June 17

Ten new worshiping communities receive Mission Program Grants

¿Cómo se toman las decisiones en la Asamblea General?

How decisions get made at General Assembly

Changes announced to proposed per capita increase

장로교 센터는 공동예배서(2018) 개정판을 축하하기 위해 예배함

Centro Presbiteriano celebra servicio en la capilla para celebrar el Libro para la Adoración 2018

Presbyterian Center holds chapel service celebrating the 2018 Book of Common Worship

GA223 backgrounder: Mission Coordination

Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice leaders to honor late colleague at General Assembly

Compromise results in smaller per capita increase request

South Sudanese churches asked to lead new peace initiative

A teen’s perspective on gun control

Presbytery of Baltimore deals with flash flooding problems from weekend of heavy rain

GA223 backgrounder: Church Polity and Ordered Ministry

Office of Public Witness engages Presbyterians with national leaders

한국을 위한 장로교 평화 네트워크 파트너십 창립

Partnership inspires creation of Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea

A beachhead for ministry in eastern Cuba

Presbyterians are making their voices heard ahead of Colombia’s presidential election

Skating ministry helps save kids’ lives in northwestern Montana

Skating ministry helps save kids’ lives in northwestern Montana

La IP (EE. UU.) necesita equidad de género

The PC(USA) needs gender equity

Walking together in partnership in Zambia


Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to host Puerto Rico webinar

223rd General Assembly: The Spirit at work in St. Louis

Despite Hurricane Irma damage, Presbyterian mission at Cuban camp continues

Awakening a sense of mission in our children

Way Forward Commission strives to present counsel to the church on its ongoing work

Closing churches due to size unthinkable in Cuba

A worshiping community for the full scope of humanity

Hawaii’s volcanic activity not slowing down

Presbyterian churches remember victims in Texas school shootings

Key to true mission partnership: be humble and really listen

Applications now being accepted for Native American Leadership Fund Awards

Lord of the dance

Farming Cooperative finds success and national recognition for their work

Presbyterian Mission Agency publishes 2017 Annual Report

Hispanic/Latinx National Presbyterian Caucus and stated clerk issue statement on Trump’s latest comments on immigrants - Korean

Hispanic/Latinx National Presbyterian Caucus and stated clerk issue statement on Trump’s latest comments on immigrants - Spanish

On the road to Cathy’s house

Hispanic/Latinx National Presbyterian Caucus and stated clerk issue statement on Trump’s latest comments on immigrants

Serving in ‘God’s vineyard’ in Niger and South Sudan

Couple in Belize finds success and national recognition for farm work

Living Waters for the World Joins with Cimorelli to highlight global water crisis

‘Showing people God by our action’

Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People visits Marigold Women’s Cooperative

Synod of Presbyterian Church of Venezuela issues pastoral letter

World Council of Churches calls for just peace and an end to impunity in the Holy Land

Malagasy Church calls for peace, dialogue amid growing political tension

Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People visits Seine Bight, Belize

PC(USA) Co-Moderator issues statement on move of U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

Applications now being accepted for Church Financial Leadership grants

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

World Council of Churches condemns terror attacks on churches in Indonesia

Presbyterians moved by visit to Israel/Palestine

Hawaii residents remain on alert for more eruptions from Kilauea volcano

Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival kicks off on Mother’s Day

Declaración del secretario permanente en respuesta a la decisión del presidente Trump de retirarse del acuerdo nuclear con Irán

트럼프 대통령의 이란 핵 협상 철수 결정에 대한 진술서 발급

Film recognized for highlighting human rights in DRC

Presbyterians urge support of Fair Trade as a matter of faith

A church for the wounded and vulnerable

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People to hold national meeting in Belize

PC(USA) Facebook Live event features conversation about Pentecost

La Junta de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión elige a Diane Moffett como presidenta y directora ejecutiva

Stated Clerk issues statement in response to President Trump’s decision to withdraw from Iran nuclear agreement

장로교 선교국 이사회는 다이앤 모펫Diane Moffett을 대표 겸 사무국장으로 선출

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance volunteer receives national recognition

Understanding the Ascension of the Lord

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board elects Diane Moffett as president and executive director

Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett elected president &amp; executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Ecumenical delegation visits North Korea

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board search committee to issue report

Finding a fossil free strategy for church investments

Mission Responsibility Through Investment prepares for 223rd General Assembly

La iglesia de Savannah hace conexiones en Puerto Rico

Savannah church makes connections in Puerto Rico

Newly revised editions of Presbyterian Book of Common Worship now available

Presbyterian Mission Agency announces new 1001 Worshiping Communities coordinator

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board to hear from Executive Director Search Committee

Union Presbyterian Seminary announces faculty appointments

World Council of Churches publishes its Annual Review 2017

Comisión Camino hacia Adelante y Comité de Revisión de Todas las Agencias responden a los comentarios de la Junta de PMA

Mission Responsibility Through Investment makes headway with Houston-based oil company

Noticias de la Asamblea General ¡entrega digital gratis a domicilio!

총회 뉴스 무료 가정 배달!

The General Assembly News free home e-delivery!

Panel works for economic and climate justice

Way Forward Commission and All Agency Review Committee respond to PMA Board comments

Presbyterian camp in Missouri Ozarks learning to trust God as it moves from death to life

한국기독교교회협의회, 정상 회담 결과 환영

National Council of Churches in Korea welcomes outcome of summit

Aid workers freed in South Sudan

Fossil fuels, Middle East, denomination structures and funding likely to dominate General Assembly

Prayers sought for missing aid workers in South Sudan

PMA Board closes Cincinnati meeting reaffirming comments to General Assembly

총회 사무국과 볼티모어 노회는 봉사 학습 프로그램에 동참함

2018 Walton Award winners announced

Internal team chosen to manage Presbyterian Mission Agency

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board to reconsider its A Corp comments

OGA, Baltimore Presbytery’s The Center join in service-learning program

When Americans say they believe in God, what do they mean?

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board hears from Way Forward Commission and All Agency Review Committee

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board meets in preparation for General Assembly 223

Mission Agency Receives Clean Audit for 2017

Melting snow creates flooding problems in Montana

Latest work from Walter Brueggemann gathers wisdom on hope

상회비는 어디에서 왔는가?

Where Did Per Capita Come From?

Presbyterians join other denominations for annual Ecumenical Advocacy Weekend

Oraciones para nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Nicaragua

Prayers requested for brothers and sisters in Nicaragua

Minute for Mission: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

미국장로교 통신부는 25개의 교회 연합 언론상을 수상하다

PC(USA) communicators win 25 Associated Church Press awards

PC(USA) 2018 Book of Common Worship now available

Presbyterian church details struggle and blessings of sanctuary movement

Compassion, Peace &amp; Justice Training Day opens in Washington, D.C.

Presbyterians to commemorate Earth Day on Sunday

El archivo de registros de certificación de educadores es ahora electrónico

전자화 되는 공인교육사 기록

Educator Certification recordkeeping goes electronic

Think your church needs 100 people to make a difference? Jesus changed the world with just 12.

Mid council leaders release statement addressing proposed per capita increase

인종 문제에 대한 옹호위원회(ACREC), 인종 및 여성 사역부는 미국장로교회 전체에서의 용어 사용을 권장함

Offices propose name change from ‘racial-ethnic’ to ‘people of color’

Pentecost Offering helps youth reach full potential

Presbyterian creates unique CPE cultural immersion program

New book explores the church’s role in advocating for women’s equality

PC(USA) joins other denominations calling for an end to violence in Gaza

New book addresses gender theory and faithful responses to transgender inclusion

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

No retirement in God’s mission

Presbyterian Peacemaking Program announces 2018 International Peacemakers

The lowly goat motivates congregation to new heights of mission giving

Generosity flourishes in the midst of tragedy

Religion Communicators Council recognizes PC(USA) for excellence in communications

장로교 역사 소사이티는 NEH 그랜트 상을 수여함

Presbyterian Historical Society Receives NEH Grant Award

Mission moves ahead in faith and friendship

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance volunteers meet in Louisville

National Black Presbyterian Caucus members meet for visioning session on unity

PC(USA) corporate entity recommendations debated for second day

‘Here’s my Heart’ named 2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium theme

Presbyterian groups meet to debate corporate structure

IPMN releases book: ‘Why Palestine Matters, The Struggle To End Colonialism’

US churches wrestle with complexities of race and religion

정서기는 트럼프의 여행 금지에 반대하는 법정조언에 합류함

Stated Clerk joins amicus brief opposing Trump’s travel ban

Sri Lankan women make their voices heard

Martin Luther King’s death remembered with pledges to confront racism

Once a refugee, now a hunger advocate

Turkey’s churches publish landmark book of common Christian doctrine

World Mission names new regional liaison for Guatemala and Mexico

Mitzvah: Caring for others in life and in death

Four overarching themes come out of new worshiping communities research

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to take part in anti-racism event in Washington

Governance Task Force issues invitation

The Rev. Buddy Monahan dies at age 52

The weight of Holy Week

Commission on the Status of Women concludes at the United Nations

GA223 Commissioners set to take a break

Fair trade begins to flourish in Sri Lanka

It’s not easy serving God

¿En busca de dinero para la universidad?

Looking for money for college?

Special-needs child takes comfort in Communion

Special-needs child takes comfort in Communion

Presbyterians join hundreds of thousands in march against gun violence

Stated Clerk files amicus brief supporting DACA

Recognizing Christ in our midst

Valley United Presbyterian Church asks, ‘What’s in a name?’

제안 된 권징조례에 대한 의견comments-sought-proposed-rules-discipline

Grant from Racial Ethnic &amp; Women’s Ministries empowers and encourages young women

Se buscan comentarios sobre las nuevas reglas de disciplina

Comments sought on proposed Rules of Discipline

Johnson Amendment remains intact in latest omnibus spending bill

One body in Christ

Tribal group in India battles extreme poverty

샨탤 애트닙은Chantal Atnip은 켄 호켄베리Ken Hockenberry를 부총회장 후보로 임명하고 선거에 임함

Chantal Atnip recluta a Ken Hockenberry para que postule como vice moderador

Chantal Atnip taps Ken Hockenberry as Vice Moderator running mate

PC(USA) Facebook Live conversation asks: ‘What is on your heart during this Lenten season?’

A love for fly-fishing and radical neighboring

St. Andrew&#039;s Refugee Services has been ministering to displaced people in Cairo for nearly 40 years

COGA emite declaración sobre reportes de las de los comités de revisión

검토위원회 보고서에 대한 총회 사무국 위원회(COGA)의 성명

PC(USA) Office of Public Witness to take part in Washington march against gun violence

COGA issues statement on review committees' reports

Presbyterian-related educational institutions offer youth summer programs

PC(USA) delegates to U.N. event plan for action at home

총회 검토 그룹은 권고안을 명확히 하기 위해 편지를 발표하다

The Death Café phenomenon

General Assembly review groups issue letter seeking to clarify recommendations

Giving is a ‘response to God’s blessing’

Con respecto a los ancianos(as) gobernantes: Serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Presbyterian Ministry at the U.N. hosts event for Commission on the Status of Women

사역장로에 관한 이야기: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Spiritual Leaders

New York farm committed to ending racism and injustice in food system

Creative ways to use your church property

PC(USA) participants bring diversity of purpose to UN Commission on the Status of Women

미국장로교회의 변형적인 변화에 대한 우리의 두려움 극복하기

Superemos nuestro miedo al cambio transformador en la IP (EE. UU.)

A Lenten journey to mission

Arusha mission conference closes with sending service

Overcoming Our Fear of Transformative Change in the PC(USA)

Presbyterians advocate for rural women at the UN

Is Sri Lanka’s effort to become a tourism and business hub costing the country too much?

We’re not quite Easter people . . .

American religious leaders seek preliminary injunction to stop deportation of immigrants

Mangos help Madagascar farmers rise from poverty

Church needs creative outlet to fail and learn

The before that makes beginnings possible

Hikers ministry revives small church

PHS lanza un antiguo video del "Sunday on the Children's Corner" de Fred Rogers

PHS는 프레드 로저스Fred Rogers의 "어린이 코너에서의 일요일" 희귀 한 초기 비디오를 발표함

Mission conference opens in Tanzania with deep spirit of sharing

Nepal continues recovery nearly three years after devastating earthquake

Moral and spiritual values in the 2017 Oscar nominated films

Ghanaian congregation makes gift to support PC(USA) mission co-worker

Presbyterian Ministry at the UN prepares for Commission on the Status of Women

PHS releases rare early video of Fred Rogers' "Sunday on the Children's Corner"

Practicing resurrection

Texas church cares for God’s creation in unique ways

CPJ Training Day to include panel discussion on migrants, refugees and displaced people

Board of Pensions Spring 2018 bulletin

미국장로교 ‘A Corp’에 대한 논의

A celebration of Black History Month

PC(USA) leaders react to President Trump&#039;s newest stance on gun violence legislation

Discussions of PC(USA) &#039;A Corp&#039; at an impasse

Cecil A. Ivory: Líder y activista presbiteriano

Deadline nears for Best First Book nominations

Cecil A. Ivory: Presbyterian Leader and Activist

Flooding along Ohio River causes problems for Cincinnati churches

NEXT Church gathering hears from Harvard professor about the dangers of public praise

Former missionary, pastor, civil rights proponent and life-long servant of God, Lew Lancaster, died Feb. 13

Immigrant Presbyterians in New Hampshire, New Jersey continue to face uncertain future

Young Adult Volunteer attends Youth Assembly at United Nations

Second day of NEXT Church gathering raises issues of loss and renewal

Katie Cannon, Doug Oldenburg to be honored at PC(USA) General Assembly

Presbyterian Youth Workers encouraged to take Sabbath Day

한국 여행 학습 세미나 후원 프로그램

Peacemaking Program to sponsor travel study seminar to Korea

NEXT Church 2018 gathering begins in Baltimore

Presbyterian minister recognized for clean energy initiatives

Holy disruption: children and small congregations

Lack of proper nutrition, housing and education plague Sri Lanka&#039;s tea plantation community

Infusing capital with Presbyterian values

Corporación de publicación presbiteriana se hará responsable de los recursos curriculares

Presbyterian groups seek potential candidates for survivor benefits

Concert to aid &#039;Wicked&#039; cast member critically hurt in car crash

Presbyterian University of East Africa may be saved by land sale

Presbyterian Publishing Corp. takes responsibility for curriculum resources publishing

Anticipation from Tanzania on the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism

Kenya Mission Network meets in Dallas

Engagement is Working: Mission Responsibility Through Investment sees progress in corporate engagement

Se anuncia a Matilde Moros como oradora principal del Día de Entrenamiento de CPJ

Dialogo sobre la revisión y la restructuración de la IP(EE.UU.) continúan después del plazo mandado por la Asamblea General

Influential evangelist Billy Graham dies at age 99

Matilde Moros announced as keynote speaker for CPJ Training Day

It&#039;s all about people and relationships

2018 Lenten campaign &#039;Seven Weeks for Water&#039; begins in Colombia

North Carolina faith leaders press senators to pass clean DREAM Act

Presbyterian Mission Agency delegation travels to Sri Lanka in fulfillment of General Assembly overture

Presbyterian advocacy committees pen open letter to Way Forward Commission

PC(USA) review and restructure discussions continue past General Assembly deadline

PC(USA) Stated Clerk asks for prayers for displaced African brothers and sisters

Presbyterian leaders reach out to Parkland, Florida following school shooting

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Vital Congregations Revitalization Initiative gets underway

6개 언어로 된 Presbyterians Today 2018년 사순절 묵상

Incendio de la subestación eléctrica en San Juan pone a cansados residentes de Puerto Rico en la oscuridad nuevamente

Devocional para la Cuaresma 2018 de Presbyterians Today disponible en seis idiomas

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation launches diverse children’s book program

Way Forward plans to vote on recommendations this week

One Great Hour of Sharing gifts transform lives far and near

Presbyterians Today 2018 Lenten devotional available in six languages

Westminster John Knox Press releases new story Bible

Electric substation fire in San Juan throws weary Puerto Rico residents in dark again

El estudio bíblico de la Asamblea General 223 explorará "la familia de Dios" versus "el reino de Dios"

"친족" 대 "왕국" 223차 총회 성경공부

Bible study at GA223 will explore "kin-dom" versus "kingdom"

‘Journey to the Cross’ Lenten devotional returns to on Ash Wednesday

The pitfalls of ‘giving up’ things for Lent

무한한 환대

Boundless Hospitality

PMA Board affirms per capita increases, hears committee reports

Women of Faith Awardees named by the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board

PMAB approves Governance Task Force recommendations

Spiritual disciplines deepen faith

New Presbyterian network seeks Korean reconciliation

"가능성의 정신"

PMA Board begins first meeting of 2018

"Un espíritu de posibilidad"

"A spirit of possibility"

Nelson: La capacitación y educación del liderazgo es clave para la transformación

SDOP disburses over $100,000 for nine self-help projects

Currie leaves legacy to Presbyterian-based St. Andrews University and Scotia Village

넬슨: 훈련, 지도자 교육은 변화의 열쇠입니다

Nelson: training, education of leaders is key to transformation

NCC는 태미 위은스를 직원으로 환영함

잭 로저스 서류: "거룩하고 즐거운 삶"

Presbyterian Foundation supports green energy with investments

Way Forward Commission fine-tunes draft report

All Agency Review refines recommendations to GA

PC(USA) Stated Clerk urges Christian educators to practice ‘boundless hospitality’

Jóvenes adultos haciendo misión en todo el mundo

Presbyterian churches to commemorate SDOP Sunday April 8

Blessing the tie that binds

PC(USA) Co-Moderator Edmiston speaks on intersection of poverty and racism at APCE

California PC(USA) congregation helps launch four new worshiping communities

Young adults on mission around the world

APCE conference goers hear from committee assessing role Christian Education has played in faith formation

PC(USA) Stated Clerk preaches, delivers ‘holy pep rally’ to church educators

‘My Philippines mission service infused every aspect of my life and career’

Presbyterian Church leaders reflect on one-year anniversary of travel ban

NCC welcomes Tammy Wiens to staff

Presbyterian Mission co-worker Robert Rasmussen dies at age 90

Working for justice takes countercultural commitment

Association of Presbyterian Church Educators meets in Louisville

Gambrell to receive Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary distinguished alumni award

New Jersey church seeks release for member picked up by federal authorities

Top 10 films for Visual Parables in 2017

Partnerships help YAVs become the next generation of globally aware, faithful leaders

Evangelism Conference on ‘Sabbath Rest’ to help PC(USA) rethink evangelism

Mujeres presbiterianas y el Comité de Defensa por los Intereses de la Mujer emiten declaración conjunta sobre la injusticia sexual

Registration open for 2018 Compassion, Peace and Justice 2018 Training Day

Young adults called to mission service

Living out the Golden Rule

The Jack Rogers Papers: Sharing a "Holy and Joyful Life"

PC(USA) charter congregation ministers to neighborhood children of deported parents

Presbyterian Women and The Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns issue joint statement on sexual injustice

An eyeopening pilgrimage to serve and explore my Kenyan roots

Kentucky school shooting deaths shock small town

All Agency Review Committee plans for General Assembly report in final in-person meeting

‘Being in mission’ starts where you are

PC(USA) joins call to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Syrians

Catholic Latina listens to the wee voice of the Spirit in Scotland

Gun Violence and children • La violencia armada y la niñez

All Agency Review Committee approves series of recommendations to GA

Last day of PC(USA) 2020 Vision Team meeting addresses report’s final form

Presbyterians plan 260-mile walk to General Assembly

성적 노예의 비밀 과거

Seeking food justice, end to homelessness in the pancake-mix business

Sexual slavery’s secret past

2020 Vision Team meets in Dallas to draft General Assembly report

From soup to nuts: All Agency Review committee wades through a lot on first day of meeting

Stated Clerk, Office of Public Witness sign letter in midst of government shutdown

장로교인들이 믿는 것: 세례의 성례전

Young Adult Volunteer program celebrates first quarter of a century

Faith and Sports

Segundo día de reunión de la comisión Camino hacia Adelante mejora recomendaciones

웨이 포워드 전권위원회 모임의 두 번째 날, 추천 개선안을 가져오다

Presbyterian clergy and leaders fast to protest Wendy’s restaurant chain

Second day of Way Forward Commission meeting brings recommendation refinements

Presbytery of East Virginia to discuss racial justice at upcoming meeting

Presbyterian Mission Agency to host dialogue on Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement

PC(USA) Way Forward Commission begins meeting to craft final report

Remembering the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

‘Gravitating toward an ethos of possibility and hope’

Flor Vélez Díaz es nombrada Gerente de Proceso Judicial para la IP (EE. UU.)

플로 벨레즈 디아즈Flor Vélez-Díaz는 미국장로교회 사법 절차 관리자로 임명 됨

Flor Vélez-Díaz named Manager of Judicial Process for PC(USA)

Minneapolis church opens new wing

Southern California communities devastated by recent mudslides

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Montreat College Conference calls students ‘home’

Two new books for the season of Lent

As Hollywood speaks out, will other wounded women go deeper in the shadows?

Presbyterians Today Lenten Devotional: Jesus and the Prophets

Intersectionality and 21st century colonialism

Video series to highlight Financial Aid for Service award recipients

Jim Atwood wins top Presbyterian Writers Guild award

Cayuga-Syracuse Presbytery pastors turn pain of discovery to action

Cayuaga-Syracuse Presbytery pastors turn pain of discovery to action

PHS shares grant to digitize 18th, 19th century church records

Presbyterian Ministry to the United Nations to launch Red Hand Campaign

Finding joy in the midst of sorrow

Jimmie Hawkins looks back at his first year with Office of Public Witness

Nominations sought for 2018 Women of Faith Awards

The Academy: Training ruling elders

Everyday Epiphanies

Charles Stanford, proponent of PC(USA) move to Louisville, dies at age 83

National faith leaders to join day of fasting to protest Wendy’s Restaurant chain

Presbyterian Writers Guild seeks Best First Book nominations

PC(USA) collegiate ministries develops new resource to address gun violence

Threats of deportation jeopardize congregation

Sexual harassment in the church

New Madison, Wisc., young adult ministry to debut in 2018

PC(USA) pastor recognized by 2018 Special Olympics USA Games

January ‘Facing Racism’ resources celebrate legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

On immigration

Florida Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Network sees long road in Hurricane Irma recovery

Christmas Greetings from the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

Saludos de Navidad de la Secretario Permanente de la Asemblea General

크리스마스 인사말 총회 정서기

Not good news for everyone

Blue Christmas: Churches acknowledge that the season of joy isn’t always joyous

In Christ’s birthplace, olive wood artisans carry on a Holy Land tradition

223차 총회(2018) 총회장 선거에 나선 두 팀의 공동 총회장 후보와 개인 후보 1명

Two Co-Moderator teams, one Moderator candidate to stand for office at 223rd General Assembly (2018)

New documentary addresses Flint, Michigan water crisis

Putting ‘energy’ into mission

Early American Bibles

초기 미국 성경

Community Tenant Association makes inroads for low income housing residents

New Book of Common Worship coming in 2018

Nelson honors Michael Lukens on retirement

Kids’ holiday books: Christ, candelabras — and critters

Presbyterian ministries realize major increase in #GivingTuesday contributions

2020 Vision Team digs into its first draft

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 월간 시리즈

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Presbyterian church helps members cope with high school shooting in New Mexico

Wounded by church, new worshiping community leader now ministers in neighborhood bar

Southern California church leaders secure release of detained immigrant pastor

Sandy Hook shooting: 5 years later

12 Days of Christmas “Pearls” from the Presbyterian Historical Society

웨이 포워드 전권위원회는 미국장로교회에 대한 임시 권고안을 발표함

Way Forward Commission call reveals tentative recommendations for PC(USA)

A gift to the church: Growing in Grace and Gratitude resources

Presbyterian churches reach out to communities affected by California wildfires

PHS는 두 명의 새로운 이사진을 환영함

PHS welcomes two new board members

En Tierra Santa, secretario permanente insta al presidente Trump de no mudar la embajada de los Estados Unidos

Rvda. Jihyun Oh se une al personal de la Oficina de la Asamblea General

Calling for great church photos for PC(USA) calendar!

Board of Pensions Uncovers Fraud Scheme

Presbyterian Mission Agency race audit team prepares 2018 report

Deeply-discounted merchandise ministry a boon to churches and non-profits

Helping young entrepreneurs build a foundation

Co-moderators call for “deeper cultural shift” on sexual harassment and abuse

WCC invites youth to Stewards Program for 2018 Central Committee

Stated Clerk issues statement on Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel

In the Holy Land, Stated Clerk calls upon President Trump not to move U.S. embassy

Mexican and U.S. Presbyterians look to ‘bridge the past and the future’ of border outreach

Presbyterian churches in Ventura California face new wildfire threats

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance hires senior advisor on hurricane recovery

Christmas Joy Offering prepares racial-ethnic leaders, helps in times of crisis

Anderson pledges PC(USA) support for Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Observing Epiphany

Presbyterians cautious but optimistic following Bonn climate conference

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board suspends search for executive director

James Cone Wins 2018 Grawemeyer Award in Religion

Minute for Mission: World AIDS Day

What are we waiting for in Advent? And what are we celebrating at Christmas?

‘Following the Star’ Advent devotional series returns for 2017

오지현 목사가 총회 직원으로 합류한다.

Rev. Jihyun Oh joins Office of the General Assembly staff

During Advent, the World Council of Churches invites the world to ‘A Light of Peace’

위안부: 한국 전쟁의 인간적 얼굴

장로교 평화 대표단, 노근리 대학살 현장 방문

Facing racism — a meal at a time

포레스트힐 장로교회는 믿음을 행동으로 실천함

La Iglesia Presbiteriana Forest Hill pone la fe en acción

Forest Hill Presbyterian Church puts faith into action

Four films for Advent and Christmas

De adentro hacia afuera

안에서 바깥으로Inside Out

Inside out

Presbyterian environmentalists react to recent South Dakota oil leak

Christ-centered Christmas

Spiritual leaders unite in support of Bears Ears National Monument

Jinishian Memorial Program celebrates 50 years of service

Presbyterians Today offers bilingual Advent devotional

Presbyterian Mission Agency CFO departs

‘Facing Racism’ theme features immigrant and refugee family resources

A scandalous birth announcement

Welcoming the stranger

Young Adult Volunteer learns about the Presbyterian church’s role on the international stage

Youth endowment is ‘investment in the future’

Mary’s valuable lesson

Reformed faith and #GivingTuesday

Zimbabwe church leaders call for prayer, unity to birth a new nation

‘Melting Pot’ no longer!

Hands & Feet team from Iowa builds connections in St. Louis

아이오와 출신의 핸즈& 피트 팀이 세인트 루이스에서 관계를 구축함

Call to action for the Democratic Republic of Congo

Comfort women: The human face of war in Korea

How churches use data to reveal mission and ministry opportunities

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance delegation travels to remote communities in Puerto Rico

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Jeff Eddings named 1001 New Worshiping Communities coaching associate

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 월간 시리즈

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance visits Puerto Rican Seminary and presbytery leaders

&#039;Imagine No Hunger&#039; a cornerstone program for New Mexico church

Delegación del Programa Presbiteriano de Asistencia en Desastres viaja a Puerto Rico

Scripture, song and a statement: 2020 Vision Team’s recommendations are taking shape

Michael Lukens to retire from long tenure as stated clerk

Hardwick renuncia como director del ministerio de Teología, Formación y Evangelismo de la IP(EE. UU.)

Presbyterian Peace Delegation visits No Gun Ri massacre site

Hardwick resigns as director of PC(USA) Theology, Formation and Evangelism ministry

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance delegation travels to Puerto Rico

Can we help end poverty?

New picture book helps children understand God is always with them


PC(USA) seminary news — November 2017

A pilgrimage of environmental repair and rebirth on the Hudson River

Secretario permanente emite declaración sobre el tiroteo masivo en Tejas

텍사스 교회의 대량 살상 무기에 관한 정서기의 성명서

El legado del trabajo ecuménico de Ben Gutiérrez sigue vivo

Stated Clerk issues statement on Texas church mass shootings

정서기는 노근리 학살에 대한 회개를 약속함

Stated Clerk pledges repentance for No Gun Ri massacre

Presbyterian pastor Ben Gutiérrez had a heart as big as Texas

PC(USA) Benefits Plan offers flexibility for 21st century church leaders

NCC: “We grieve with Sutherland Springs”

Four Presbyterian seminaries receive social justice and service honors

Comisión Camino hacia Adelante se enfoca en formar recomendaciones

The Kuhnekt Initiative builds relationships among church members

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to mass shooting in Texas

Stated Clerk urges fast action on ‘clean’ DREAM Act

Puerto Rican seminary reopens in aftermath of Hurricane Maria

#GivingTuesday presents an opportunity to express thanksgiving

Heartland Presbytery members put faith into action to serve community

Celebrating the life of Marie ‘Breezy’ Lusted

Swipe the page

Stewardship as a way of living our faith

Junta de Pensiones Presbiteriana no recolectara cuotas de beneficios en Puerto Rico

Gnadinger begins service as Carroll University president

Presbyterian Board of Pensions waives benefits dues in Puerto Rico

SDOP helping people live independent and fruitful lives

The growing edges of evangelism

McCord, Adams are most-recently named chaplains at Lakes and Prairies universities

Historic Englewood church shows growth 19 months after devastating fire

When the ‘alt-right’ comes to the neighborhood

PC(USA) Board of Pensions seeks to expand services, attract members

Video series commemorates the 500th anniversary of Reformation

Preteen tackles homelessness concerns in her community

Faith-based forum on supporting LGBTQ refugees deemed a success

PC(USA) peace delegation to visit South Korea in November

Reformation 500: More than a celebration

Creating a vital snapshot of Presbyterians

PC(USA) partner asks for prayers on eve of Kenyan elections

Way Forward Commission focuses attention on forming recommendations

Hands &amp; Feet initiative launched in St. Louis

PC(USA) agencies join global #GivingTuesday movement

Hosts of international peacemakers share excitement over recent visits

Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations celebrates United Nations Day

PC(USA) documentaries selected to screen at esteemed film festivals

What Presbyterians Believe: ‘Thoughts and Prayers’

Kang named 1001 New Worshiping Communities central region associate

Critical deadlines approaching in dialogue around immigration issues

‘No Innocent Bystanders’ provides guide for social justice work

Presbyterian documentaries on immigration and refugees shown in Dayton

Upcoming weekend marks 26th annual observance of Children’s Sabbaths

International peacemakers wrap up four-week visit to U.S.

Mid council leaders reaffirm their baptism at closing worship

Mission co-worker Doug Dicks is returning to his spiritual home

Mid council leaders seek new ways of supporting ministry

Creating an environment for transformation

Playing for keeps

Assembly panels update mid council leaders on their work

Christian formation leaders identify lifelong Christian practices of faith

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 월간 시리즈

Hope and humor abound in dialogue between two top PC(USA) leaders

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Presbyterians called to be healers and table turners

PC(USA) leaders report on talks with ECO

More than 70 churches join covenant as Hunger Action Congregations

PC(USA) called to “embrace who we are”—a denomination of small churches

Taking it to the streets

Be ye noisemakers

Fun and games?

Presbyteries need written policy on departing congregations, Japinga tells moderators

Worship is like a tree, Gambrell tells mid council moderators

Building blocks

Opening plenary of PC(USA) mid council gathering inspires cultivation, growth

On following the leader

Mid council leaders called to move “beyond bracing ourselves”

Presbyterian Writers Guild seeks best Presbyterian writer nominees

Iglesias y presbiterios en California trabajan para ayudar a las personas afectadas por incendios forestales

Office of Public Witness interns, fellows vital to PC(USA) public policy ministry

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance deploys National Response Team to Las Vegas

Presbyterian Center presents Service of Awareness around domestic violence

California churches and presbyteries work to help those affected by wildfires

Presbytery of Philadelphia celebrates 300th anniversary

Board of Pensions issues statement on housing allowance ruling

Presbyterian Church in Cameroon appeals for peace, dialog

Study up: A Reformation anniversary reading list

Churches raise awareness on food sovereignty, justice issues

How the PC(USA) is fighting AIDS in Africa

International Peacemaker from Vietnam faces significant challenges

All Agency Review Committee considers General Assembly procedures

Presbyterian Hunger Program meets with participating countries on poverty, hunger issues

Pacificadora Internacional de México aboga por los derechos de las mujeres

Podcast hosted by PC(USA) co-workers debuts October 18

All Agency Review Committee hears reports from agency questionnaires

International peacemaker uninvited to two high schools

Rwandans remember the genocide but forgive

New children’s book explores diversity and inspires empathy

Pastoring in war

Reformation Sunday resources available from PHS

Applications now being accepted for YAV’s 25th annual recruitment season

Publicaciones de Ministerios Congregacionales será consolidado con la Corporación de Publicaciones Presbiteriana

1001 New Worshiping Community launches in rural Virginia

1001 New Worshiping Community launches in rural Southwest Virginia

International Peacemaker from Mexico advocates for women’s rights

Carta de Secretario Permanente, centro Stony Point y presbiterianos locales unidos tuvieron papel importante en el acuerdo del 3 de octubre entre Migrant Justice y Ben & Jerry's

정서기 서신, 스토니 포인트 센터, 지역 장로교인들 모두 “이주 노동자의 정의 (Migrant Justice)”와 벤 앤 제리스(Ben & Jerry 's)가 10 월 3 일 맺은 합의에서 역할을 감당하다

PDA emite oración a causa de la masacre en Las Vegas

Stated Clerk letter, Stony Point Center, local Presbyterians all played role in October 3 agreement between Migrant Justice and Ben & Jerry’s

Presbyterian Church leaders react to mass shooting in Las Vegas

Zephyr Point hosts inaugural retreat for homeless persons

Presbyterian churches provide pastoral support in midst of chaos in Las Vegas

PDA issues prayer following Las Vegas massacre

Presbyterians explore history and implications of Protestant Reformation

Stated Clerk urges Presbyterians to back greater refugee resettlement

PC(USA) Stated Clerk urges President Trump to expand refugee resettlement

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship and Fossil Free PC(USA) announce new partnership

‘Got Sermon?’

PC (EE.UU.) firma el Amicus Brief que va en contra de la Orden Ejecutiva sobre la prohibición de viaje

PEC Conference concludes with renewed call to end Doctrine of Discovery

Freedom Rising initiative receives major gifts

PMAB Board approves ongoing relationships with Historically Presbyterian Racial Ethnic institutions

Stewardship Kaleidoscope seminar discusses planned giving basics for churches

Exploring a partnership with the Mexican Communion of Reformed and Presbyterian Churches

NCC, 북한에 대하여 트럼프에게 보내는 공문서 서명 수집

Presbyterians for Earth Care meet with Native Americans in the northwest

NCC collecting signatures for public letter to Trump on North Korea

Helping Africa’s children

Helping Africa’s children

PC(USA) approves changes to the Joan Fong Capital Grant

미국장로교회는 여행 금지 행정명령에 반대하는 Amicus Brief를 서명함

Presbytery leader in Puerto Rico reports on damage from Hurricane Maria

PC(USA) Signs on to Amicus Brief Opposing the Executive Order on the Travel Ban

50 Years at 425 Lombard

Lessons from the Stewardship Kaleidoscope conference: Stewardship as pastoral care

Presbyterians for Earth Care open bi-annual meeting in Oregon’s Columbia River Gorge

Unbound publishes first issue after six-month hiatus

'... 그리고 비행기 표를 가져오세요'

Congregational Ministries Publishing to transfer to Presbyterian Publishing Corporation

Congregational Ministries Publishing to transfer to Presbyterian Publishing Corporation

Presbyterian ministries issue statement on 2018 refugee admissions

Second day of PMA Board meeting sees approval of new board structure

223차 총회(2018) 계획이 구체화 됨

223rd General Assembly (2018) plans take shape

PC(USA) State Clerk invites participation in Freedom Rising initiative

Native American Day Worship opens second day of PMAB meeting

Los planes para la 223a Asamblea General (2018) toman forma

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to help with earthquake recovery efforts in Mexico

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board begins fall Louisville meeting

COGA confirma que la 223a AG se reunirá en St. Louis

총회 사무국 위원회(COGA)는 223차 총회가 세인트 루이스에서 열릴 것임을 확인함

Farmworkers in Immokalee begin recovery from Hurricane Irma

COGA affirms that GA223 will meet in St. Louis

‘Theological Conversations’ releases ‘Redeeming Covenant’

Huracán María llega a Puerto Rico

International Peacemakers arrive in the U.S.

Ministerial Team Makes Recommendations About the Cost of Ministry

Freedom Rising gains traction in pilot cities

Hurricane Maria hits Puerto Rico

Facing up to our racism

Way Forward Commission concludes Louisville meeting

‘Gift and Task’ offers a year of daily reading from Walter Brueggemann

September edition of Facing Racism explores The Doctrine of Discovery

Way Forward Commission begins September meeting in Louisville

Applications being accepted for the 2018 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

Communities caught in the conflict in Congo

Presbyterian ministers gather at U.S. Capitol to speak up on federal budget proposal

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Hope in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma

Florida presbyteries mobilize to help churches and communities after Hurricane Irma

장로교 선교국은 새로운 임시 사무총장을 발표하다

UKirk opens coffee shop ministry

Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión nombra a un nuevo director ejecutivo interino

‘…and bring along a plane ticket’

Texas church shows resilience among its members following Hurricane Harvey

New Orleans congregation celebrates 100 years of international mission

OGA fills two key Mid Council Ministries staff positions

2017 Christian Unity Gathering of the National Council of Churches coming up

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance assesses Hurricane Harvey damage in the Houston area

A Presbyterian understanding of the 1st and 14th amendments: freedom of religion and equal protection under the law

마르투리아Marturia의 손실

Presbiterios se preparan para el Huracán Irma

Mayhem at Marturia

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance leaders join Mission Presbytery to assess Harvey damage

Presbyterians brace for Hurricane Irma

신학&amp;예배부서는 &#039;내쉬빌 성명서&#039;에 응답하다

장로교인들은 허리케인/열대성 폭풍 하비로 인한 텍사스의 재난에 응답하다

Presbyteries brace for Hurricane Irma

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance leaders meet with presbyteries impacted by Hurricane Harvey

PC(USA) leaders meet to discuss future of camp and conference ministries

Resources available for Theological Education Sunday

Secretario de la IP (EE.UU.) reafirma el compromiso de la Iglesia hacia las personas receptoras y defensoras de DACA

미국장로교회 정서기는 DACA 수혜자, 지지자들에 대한 교회의 결단을 재확인하다

PC(USA) Stated Clerk condemns president’s decision to end DACA program

Secretario de la IP (EE.UU.) condena la decisión del presidente de poner fin al programa DACA

미국장로교회 정서기는 DACA 프로그램을 종결키로 한 대통령의 결정을 비난하다

PC(USA) Stated Clerk reaffirms church’s commitment to DACA recipients, supporters

Teología y Adoración responde a «La Declaración de Nashville»

Presbyterians to host symposium on LGBTQ refugees and asylum seekers

New mission co-worker answers God’s call to serve in Honduras

Theology &amp; Worship responds to ‘The Nashville Statement’

Board of Pensions extends prayers, assistance information to Harvey victims

Pueblo Presbiteriano responde a la llamada de desatre en Texas después del huracán/tormenta tropical Harvey

Presbyterians continue recovery effort in Houston following Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey

Presbyterian resource stores consolidate

News from Governance Task Force

Presbyterians convene Educate a Child Round Table

At odds with the church… Yet we love the church

Presbyterians respond to disaster call in Texas following Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey

Celebrating the Reformation

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance prepares to send national response team to Texas

International Peacemaker to share need for health services in Malawi

Presbyterian Writers Guild announces publication of A Progressive Feast in Parabolic Story

Statement of former PC(USA) General Assembly Moderators on Charlottesville

Volunteer celebrates nearly 50 years of opportunity-giving ministry

Presbyterians mobilize to help the people of Texas recover after Hurricane Harvey 

Prayer in the midst of Hurricane Harvey

Presbyterian Center carnival celebrates the work of PC(USA) employees

Travel Study Seminar takes Presbyterians to Guatemala and Costa Rica

Peace and Global Witness Offering invites support for Freedom Rising

Rebecca Dali: My faith in God motivates me every second

Faith-based investing committee releases data on progress of climate change discussions

Resources for the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation

Presbyterian Hunger Program receives update on the Eco-Palms project in Guatemala

All Agency Review Committee sets plan to complete work

Confesión de pastores jóvenes coreano-americanos de la IP (EE.UU.) en relación con la supremacía blanca y el racismo

Confession of PCUSA young Korean-American Pastors regarding the White Supremacy and Racism

백인우월주의자들의 대규모 폭력 시위에 대한 미국장로교(PCUSA) 30대 40대 한인 목회자들의 신앙고백문

Se crea un ambiente para el desarrollo de las mujeres de color

Hacedora de Paz centroamericana visitara los EE.UU. este otoño

Playing together in God’s kingdom

Decision not to merge OGA and PMA eclipses All Agency Review business

International peacemaker believes education is key to peace in South Sudan

이번 가을 미국을 방문할 중앙 아메리카의 평화 조정자

Creating an environment for women of color to thrive

Central American peacemaker to visit U.S. this fall

Vacation Bible School project helps hungry neighbors in Illinois

PMAB Finance Committee receives 2017 first half report

Montana communities fight wildfires and severe drought conditions

Resources for congregations and pastors to stand against racism, white supremacy

Hundreds dead in Sierra Leone following flooding and mudslides in capital city

Mission co-workers in Africa moving to where God calls them

Presbyterian churches in St. Louis confront, engage in work of racial justice

An emotional goodbye to years of tradition

&#039;Out of Fear and into Freedom&#039;

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Korean Unification Day looks toward peaceful reconciliation of Korean Peninsula

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

PC(USA) leaders condemn white supremacy, racism

정서기의 성명: '극우 백인Alt-Right들의 인종차별에 우리는 연루되어 있는가?'

미국장로교회 지도자들은 백인 우월주의, 인종차별을 비난한다

Stated Clerk’s statement: ‘Are we complicit in the racism of the alt-right?’

Presbyterians gather in Charlottesville to unite against hate groups

Resources to promote the 2017 Peace &amp; Global Witness Offering now available

I could not walk away: The mission work on migration and human trafficking

신앙 지키기: 인종에 관한 신성한 대화

Mantenemos la fe: Conversaciones Sagradas sobre la Raza

‘Living, Dying, Rising’ at national 1001 New Worshiping Communities gathering

Kenyan peacemaker to visit U.S. this fall

New book focuses on peacemaking in the PC(USA)

‘In living and dying we belong to God’

Way Forward Commission looks to September meeting in Louisville

‘The feet of Christ were always on a journey towards God’

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance issues appeal for South Sudan

Keeping Faith: Sacred Conversations on Race

Worshiping communities remain ‘new’ when people find life in them

Stated Clerk Writes the President and Congress to continue DACA and pass the Dream Act

Nuevo Gerente de Diversidad y Reconciliación de la IP(EE.UU.) Samuel Son

미국장로교회는 다양성과 화해를 위한 새로운 관리자 채용

Presbyterian Hunger Program urges Ben &amp; Jerry’s to join Milk with Dignity program

PC(USA) hires new Manager for Diversity and Reconciliation

1001 New Worshiping Communities to live stream sermons, plenary talks from national conference

Meeting Christ in an old family journal

Se necesitan manos & pies en la 223a AG en St. Louis

St. Louis에서의 223차 총회를 위해 필요한 "손과 발"

Call to Prayer for Public Accountability and Good Governance in South Africa

Synod School sets participation record

남아프리카 공화국의 공적인 책임과 훌륭한 통치를 위한 기도

Secretario Permanente de la IP (EE.UU.) pide al pueblo presbiteriano orar por la paz y el liderazgo

Philadelphia ReStore benefits from PC(USA) Board of Pensions makeover

Hands & Feet needed in St. Louis for GA223

Nelson calls Presbyterians to action

When church hurts: Spiritual wounds and paths to healing

SDOP disburses nearly $90,000 for self-help projects

Will you pray for Iraq?

Presbyterian Peacemaker from Myanmar will speak in U.S. this fall

Volunteers still needed in the Carolinas from 2015/2016 flooding

Office of Public Witness calls on Presbyterians to participate in fall event in Washington

‘Theological Conversations’ releases ‘Seeking a Correctable Conscience’

Kentucky Court of Appeals affirms lower court’s ruling in Dermody case

Leadership institute equips immigrant women to serve church

Lifelong Presbyterian finds inspiration through Self-Development of People

Stated Clerk Speaks Out on Trump's Proposed Ban on Transgender Personnel in the Military

Technology is impacting seminaries

Presbyterian Council on Chaplains and Military Personnel announces new director

Five members of interfaith group barred from boarding plane for Israel

8월 13일에 &quot;한반도 평화 통일을 위한 기도 주일&quot;을 함께 함으로 전 세계 교회들이 한국 교회와의 연대를 표명하도록 초대함

Churches across the world invited to pray for Korean reunification

The Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas to Preach on Sunday, July 30

Young Adult Volunteer finds new focus with Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

Give Hope To South Sudan

A matter of forgiveness — of student loans

Italian peacemaker to speak to U.S. churches this fall

유대교, 기독교, 이슬람교 종교 지도자들이 이스라엘 - 팔레스타인 평화를 위해 연합

Líderes judíos, cristianos y musulmanes se unen por la paz entre el pueblo israelí y palestino

Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religious leaders unite for Israeli-Palestinian peace

New Wilmington Mission Conference welcomes first woman director

Signs are hopeful for construction of peace in Colombia

National Black Presbyterian Caucus gathers in Detroit for 43rd biennial convention

Ministerio en la intersección del racismo y la pobreza

Red de Misión de Honduras provee financiamiento crítico para nueva posición de misión

Se revive la esperanza en una comunidad Hispano/Latina inundada

International Peacemaker to share struggles from the Philippines

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Executive Committee wraps up three-day retreat

인종차별과 빈곤의 교차점에 있는 사역

빅텐트 폐회예배는 변화의 씨앗을 심고 경작하도록 장려함

총회 사무국(OGA)의 구나Guna는 권위있는 디지털 매핑상 수상

버클을 채우고, 단단히 잡고, 미친 듯이 기도하십시오

이민 강조 주일을 위한 자원 정보

Bible Explorations: Acting like God’s people

What Presbyterians believe about ecumenism

Building enduring peace in South Sudan

All are welcome at The Open Table

Helping communities help themselves

African American clergy speak out against proposed federal budget and health care plan

Guna de OGA gana prestigioso premio por su mapa conceptual digital

OGA’s Guna wins prestigious digital-mapping award

Attending church is good for your health. Now what?

PMAB Governance Task Force seeks a smaller, more responsive board

‘Best Future from Today’

PMAB Executive Committee looks into mission outreach in Minneapolis/St. Paul

"Abróchate, Sujétate fuerte y Ora Como Loco/a"

PMAB Executive Committee begins three-day retreat in St. Paul

Young adults weigh in on PC(USA)’s efforts to dismantle racism

Buckle up, hold on tight, and pray like crazy

July edition of Facing Racism leverages Big Tent theme and resources

La Sociedad Histórica Presbiteriana tiene nueva directora de desarrollo

Advocates gather around threats to family farmers and other Iowans

Presbyterian Historical Society has new development director

사역장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Iowa Presbyterian church offers ‘No Strings Attached’ education program

World Protestant body issues solidarity message with Palestinian Christians

Wisdom Journey: A Declaration of God-Dependence

International Peacemaker to address struggles in Sierra Leone

Presbyterian Writers Guild: ‘Writing Parables that Address Racism’

Big Tent workshop offers stories and struggles of reconciliation around the world

Recognizing systems of power and privilege that perpetuate racism

Putting the cross in CrossFit

Retooling the church for the 21st century

Like the church, Presbyterian worship is always being reformed

Honduras Mission Network provides critical funding for new mission position

Shattering the stained glass ceiling

2020 Vision Team: In search of a vision for the PC(USA)

Big Tent closing worship encourages planting and cultivating seeds of change

Big Tent attendees engage in dialog with St. Louis churches

Ministry at the intersection of racism and poverty

Big Tent workshop takes on the issue of climate change

New website serves up more user-friendly church statistics

Our differences are gifts of God, says Big Tent Bible study leader Eric Barreto

Stated Clerk tells Big Tent the church is primed for another Reformation

Presbyterian Intercultural Network outlines steps to engage racism

Big Tent Plenary addresses Ferguson three years later

Big Tent opening day offers big fun for adults and children

Speed-dating, Presbyterian style

WCRC joins declaration to overcome reformation divisions

Big Tent 2017 kicks off in St. Louis

Board launches search for PMA executive director

The church has ‘sold’ the building

Christian unity to be WCRC focus in Wittenberg

Presbyterian Mission Agency publishes 2016 Annual Report

Information, resources available for Immigration Sunday

Interfaith leaders hold 23-hour vigil on Capitol Hill

‘Theological Conversations’ releases ‘500 Years and Counting’ for June 2017

2017년 6 월 &#039;신학적 대화&#039;는 &#039;500년 그리고 계산은 진행중임&#039;을 발표한다

All Agency Review Committee discusses future plans

앞으로 나아갈 길 전권위원회의 중간 보고서 발표

Way Forward Commission issues mid-term report

Way Forward Commission to release midterm report

Leading by example in Rwanda

La Comisión “Camino Hacia Adelante” presenta un informe de mitad de período

Stated Clerk urges Ben & Jerry’s to strike agreement with Vermont dairy farmers

Board of Pensions reports successful Benefits Connections

Washington nonprofit shows strength in empowering low-income housing residents

Helping people help themselves keeps one volunteer inspired and motivated

Presbyterian AIDS Awareness Day observed in conjunction with National HIV Testing Day

PMAB responds to De La Rosa’s ‘open letter’ to Way Forward Commission

New interactive map highlights Presbyterian historic sites in St. Louis area

세인트 루이스 지역의 장로교 유적지를 보여주는 새로운 대화식 지도

Where leadership thrives: Summer camp and the hope for the world

«Conversaciones Teológicas» emite 500 años y contando para el mes de junio del 2017

한반도 평화를 위한 기도의 절기

A season of prayer of peace on the Korean Peninsula

1001 New Worshiping Communities hires new associate

Larry Sthreshley: On the front lines in the battle to stop Ebola

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

International Peacemaker from Sri Lanka to address U.S. churches this fall

Hope and Forgiveness for Rwandan genocide victims and perpetrators

Older adult ministry leader shares insights at ‘Ageing and Spirituality’ conference

Listening to one woman’s journey on World Refugee Day

Fifty people injured in deck collapse at Presbyterian camp

Hurricane-ravaged Haiti still reeling eight months after Matthew

Applications now open for the 2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium production team

Heads of faith groups speak out against anti-Muslim marches

De La Rosa redacta carta de preocupación para la Comisión Camino hacia Adelante

Reviving hope in an underwater Hispanic-Latino community

델라 로사(De La Rosa) 의 앞으로 나아갈 길 전권위원회(Way Forward Commission)에 보내는 공개서한

&#039;신앙 지키기&#039;: 루완다의 화해와 평화

‘More than Words’ explores modern family values

De La Rosa pens open letter of concern to Way Forward Commission

사역장로와 관련하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Four generations of Presbyterian mission: From potted plant to garden

Presbyterian churches to commemorate World Refugee Day June 20

Faithful civil engagement

‘Keeping Faith’: Reconciliation and peace in Rwanda

새로운 대화식 자료가 이민의 근본 원인을 탐구한다.

Third Thursday webinar presents ‘The view from Iraqi Kurdistan’

New interactive resource explores root causes of immigration

Nuevo recurso interactivo explora causa de la inmigración

Pakistani minister to share struggles and success in reaching people of different faiths

PC(USA) seminary news

Principles of investing

Trio of resources available for study of the Protestant Reformation

The dismantling of immigrant and refugee families

&#039;신학적 대화&#039;는 &#039;신실한 반대의 유산&#039;, 2017 년 5 번째 시리즈를 발표함

WCC Executive Committee to focus on unity

What Presbyterians Believe: Blessed!

Rural farming community in India becomes organic farming model

‘Mission 180’ celebrates milestone in Presbyterian mission abroad

1001 NWC videos inspire pastor to produce stories from Coastal Carolina Presbytery

Día Mundial de los refugiados: «elegir dar la bienvenida en vez del aislamiento y el miedo

세계 난민의 날: "고립과 두려움보다 환대를 선택"

International Peacemaker to share Palestinian experience this fall

Synod School heads toward a record enrollment this summer

‘Theological Conversations’ releases ‘A Legacy of Faithful Dissent,’ fifth in 2017 series

Big Tent attendance grows as workshop platform takes shape

World Refugee Day: “choosing welcome over isolation and fear”

Board of Pensions names Vice President, Growth Strategies and Solutions

Presbyterian Peacemaking Program prepares for 2018 Mosaic of Peace Conference

Interfaith leaders speak out on White House decision to withdraw from Paris climate accord

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship releases gun violence prevention toolkit

With only faith for protection Rev. Peter Tibi engages in shuttle diplomacy in South Sudan

Presbyterian churches to be celebrated for hunger work

Dansalan College buildings burned and teachers abducted in Marawi City, Philippines

Faith-based investors gain ground with ExxonMobil on climate change

Montreat summer worship series begins June 4

Candidate for ministry shares lesson learned from her guide dogs

Attack on Christian pilgrims in Egypt kills 35

Reformation is ‘GPS’ for next 500 years, says S. African Anglican leader in Luther’s town

New Pentecost worship resource exalts Holy Spirit-inspired possibilities

PC(USA) celebrates 25 years of partnership with the Church of Bangladesh

‘Why does Pentecost matter? What do we do with the Holy Spirit!’

Managing editor hired for Christian social justice journal, Unbound

Ukrainian peacemaker devotes life to helping at-risk youth

My Faith at Work: My ministry? Eating school lunches

Big Tent music director attracts local talent as worship leaders

Refugee women learn independence, sewing one STITCH at a time

German Protestant Kirchentag opens to call for renewal of global order

Gen-On Ministries curriculum now available from Congregational Ministries Publishing

Presbyterians join Coalition of Immokalee Workers at Wendy’s shareholders meeting

Following God’s detour

«No estamos muriendo, nos estamos reformando»

"우린 죽지 않았습니다. 우리는 개혁하고 있습니다."

‘We are not dying. We are Reforming.'

New incentive loan offered to help churches make campuses more accessible

PC(USA) membership decline continues but slows

미국장로교회 교인 감소는 계속되지만 느려짐

Continua el declive de la membresía de la IP(EE.UU.) a paso lento

Big Tent 2017 reflects new approach to big gatherings

Disability Inclusion Sunday is May 28

Office of Faith-Based Investing releases new video

빅텐트 실시간 총회 예배 통역 제공

Líder de estudio bíblico para La Gran Carpa declara «Dios ama nuestras diferencias»

‘Facing Racism’ campaign offers Belhar resources

Stated Clerk announces creation of new leadership position

Not quite right: Don’t let the church become fake news

POINT volunteers lead the way in assisting churches with educational ministry

‘Teach Me the Way I Should GO’ Bible study now available for youth and youth groups

Facebook Live video, ‘Labor and Religion — Building Durable Coalitions for Worker Justice,’ now available

쿠바와 미국에 있는 장로교인들이 모여 상호 선교 협약 갱신을 논의함

Presbyterians in Cuba and U.S. meet to discuss renewal of Mutual Mission Agreement

어느 쿠바 목사의 회고록

Memoirs of a Cuban pastor

사역장로와 관련하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Dirty hands, tired feet, and elevated spirits in St. Louis

장로교 역사 소사이티는 "역사의 맛"을 선보임

Presbyterian Historical Society Presents “Taste of History”

PC(USA) leaders decry alleged persecution of gays in Chechnya

허버트 넬슨은 J. Herbert Nelson, II 루이빌 신학교(LPTS) 졸업식에서 연설함

J. Herbert Nelson, II, to speak at LPTS commencement

미국장로교 저널리스트, 교회연합 언론상 24개 수상

PC(USA) journalists reap 24 Associated Church Press Awards

Joyce Lieberman leaving OGA to lead Synod of South Atlantic

Mission Presbytery awards “Better Together” grants

Respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: una serie mensual para líderes espirituales

사역장로와 관련하여: 영적 지도자를 위한 월간 시리즈

Regarding ruling elders: a monthly series for spiritual leaders

Stated Clerk endorses new resource on immigration and sanctuary

사역장로를 영적인 지도자로 양성하는 새로운 자원

PC(USA) Co-Moderator requests prayer for Syria Urges continued advocacy in wake of chemical attack, retaliatory strike

All proposed constitutional amendments have been ratified

PCC concurs with task force recommendations for Bible Content Examination

New resources equip ruling elders to be spiritual leaders

New Book Examines the Faith of a First Lady

Four churches celebrate 20th anniversary of full communion Formula of Agreement

Donación del Sínodo reafirma compañerismo entre presbiterianos

A Call to Prayer from the Stated Clerk for Jennifer Dalquez and the plight of overseas Filipino workers

Presbyterian ethicist draws inspiration from the global church - Korean

Presbyterian ethicist draws inspiration from the global church

Presbiteriana especialista en ética es inspirada por la iglesia global

Synod’s gift affirms partnership among Presbyterians - Korean

Synod’s gift affirms partnership among Presbyterians

Alcalde de Alaska reconoce la disculpa de la IP (EE.UU.)

Joven ministro presbiteriana encuentra que el trabajo ecuménico "cambia la vida"

Joven líder ecuménica lidera esfuerzos para prohibir armas nucleares

Alaska mayor acknowledges PC(USA) apology

PC(USA) issues letter urging Wendy’s to join Fair Food Program

사역장로와 관련하여: 사역장로와 세례

Con respecto a los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes: Los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes y el bautismo

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and Baptism

Young Presbyterian minister finds ecumenical work ‘life-changing’

Young Presbyterian minister finds ecumenical work ‘life-changing’ - Korean

Comisión Camino hacia Adelante adopta afirmación para el enfoque e invitación a la colaboración

Way Forward Commission adopts affirmation of approach and invitation to collaboration - Korean

Big Tent registration opens March 15

Choi named to new position supporting Korean-speaking councils - Korean

New Book Examines the Faith of a Sports Icon

Way Forward Commission adopts affirmation of approach and invitation to collaboration

New Handbook Helps Pastors and Congregations Recover From Un-Natural Disasters

Interim communications director begins in PC(USA) Office of the General Assembly

Young ecumenical leader spearheads effort to ban nuclear weapons - Korean

Young ecumenical leader spearheads effort to ban nuclear weapons

La IP(EE.UU.) pide al gobierno que responda a la crisis económica en Puerto Rico

PC(USA) Stated Clerk signs on to ecumenical declaration on behalf of refugees

Choi named to new position supporting Korean-speaking councils

Big things are happening at biennial Presbyterian gathering

PC(USA) asks administration to respond to Puerto Rico economic crisis

Hands & Feet mission initiative leads up to 223rd General Assembly (2018)

My time at the Presbyterian Center

Stated Clerk calls on President Trump to condemn all forms of prejudice

Secretario Permanente firma un informe amicus que se opone a la prohibición de viaje del Presidente Trump

PC(USA) leaders issue apology to Native Americans, Alaska natives, and native Hawaiians - Korean

Líderes de la IP (EE.UU,) piden disculpas a los pueblos Nativo Americanos, nativos de Alaska y de Hawái

Task force reviewing Bible content exams issues statement - Korean

Grupo de Trabajo que revisa contenido bíblico para exámenes hace declaración

Task force reviewing Bible content exams issues statement

트럼프 대통령의 여행 금지 법안에 반대하는 공 서기가 amicus brief에 서명 함

Stated Clerk signs amicus brief opposing President Trump's travel ban

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and new members

Con respecto a los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes: Los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes y la nueva membresía

사역장로와 관련하여: 사역장로와 신입교우

Members voice expectations, formulate constituent questions

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation Expands Its Sales Efforts with Two New Hires

PC(USA) leaders issue apology to Native Americans, Alaska natives, and native Hawaiians

Secretario Permanente se opone a la orden que prohíbe la entrada de los refugiados a los EE.UU.

Stated Clerk opposes order banning refugees’ entry into U.S. - Korean

Celebrate, Remember, Share: PHS marks milestones in 2017 - Korean

New Books for the Lenten Season

Stated Clerk opposes order banning refugees’ entry into U.S.

Celebrate, Remember, Share: PHS marks milestones in 2017

“One Church, One Book” aims to jumpstart discussions about race - Korean

Church is called to “radical discipleship” in the face of “empire,” WCC visitors tell PC(USA) leaders - Korean

“One Church, One Book” aims to jumpstart discussions about race

World mission leader tapped for immigration advocacy position - Korean

La Comisión Camino Hacia Adelante de la Asamblea General traza su camino de avance

Church is called to “radical discipleship” in the face of “empire,” WCC visitors tell PC(USA) leaders

사역장로와 관련하여: 성만찬 예식

Con respecto a los ancianos gobernantes: El ministerio de la Cena del Señor

Regarding ruling elders: the ministry of the Lord’s Supper

MLK Weekend: A Call to Action - Korean

MLK Weekend: A Call to Action

World mission leader tapped for immigration advocacy position

PC(USA) leader supports Pennsylvania congregants who have chosen to remain in the denomination despite schism - Korean

Comisión Camino hacia Adelante establece proceso para fomentar participación

Way Forward Commission establishes process to encourage engagement - Korean

Way Forward Commission establishes process to encourage engagement

More than $1 million saved by moving ordination exams online

General Assembly Way Forward Commission charts its own way forward - Korean

General Assembly Way Forward Commission charts its own way forward

PC(USA) call for prayer for the Democratic Republic of the Congo

PC(USA) leader supports Pennsylvania congregants who have chosen to remain in the denomination despite schism

Con respecto a los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes: preparación para los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes

사역 장로와 관련하여: 사역 장로 준비

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elder preparation

Stated Clerk speaks out on Israel’s treatment of WCC official

Krummel regresa al ministerio pastoral

Krummel returning to parish ministry - Korean

Presbyterian Historical Society digital archives features 5,000 virtual items, and the list keeps growing - Korean

Krummel returning to parish ministry

Co-Moderators Urge Presbyterians to be 'Agents of Peace'

PC(USA) issues call to prayer and action for South Sudan

무례함이 표준이 되었을 때

Con respecto a los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes: Despues del servicio en el consistorio

사역장로에 대하여: 당회사역을 마치고 나서

When incivility becomes the norm

Regarding ruling elders: after session service

노회장들이 노회 리더십의 볼트와 너트를 배우다

노회장들의 개정안 투표, 재앙대책, 목적이 있는 미팅을 위한 토론

중간 공의회 리더들이 예수님의 변화시키는 강한 부름을 듣다

“기죽지 마세요” 교회정치 컨퍼런스에서 공 서기가 중간 공의회 리더들에게 하는 말이다

중간 공의회 리더들이 변화하여 미국장로교회가 ‘반 인종차별 다문화 기관’ 만들기 도전을 받다

교회정치 컨퍼런스 워크숍이 다룬 인종 폭력, 떠나는 교회들, 그리고 중간 공의회와 관련된 다양한 이슈들

교회정치 컨퍼런스가 하나님의 비전을 기다리는 부르심으로 폐회하다

Coordination of General Assembly initiatives

New Advent Books from PPC

Stated Clerk supports peace and reconciliation in El Salvador

Polity Conference ends with call to wait for God’s vision

Polity Conference workshops address racial violence, departing churches, and a variety of issues facing mid councils

Mid council leaders challenged to embrace change, make the PC(USA) an ‘antiracist multicultural institution’

“Don’t get stuck,” Stated Clerk tells mid council leaders at Polity Conference

Presbytery moderators discuss voting on amendments, disaster response, purposeful meetings

Moderators learn nuts and bolts of presbytery leadership

Mid council leaders hear rousing call to be transformed by Jesus

Stated Clerk supports justice and advocacy work at historic N.C. church

In this season: GA222 Co-Moderator reflections

Secretario Permanente dirigirá servicio de reforma en vivo el 2 de noviembre

Stated Clerk to lead live-streamed Reformation worship service Nov. 2 - Korean

Stated Clerk to lead live-streamed Reformation worship service Nov. 2

Presbyterian Historical Society digital archives features 5,000 virtual items, and the list keeps growing

Presbyterians called to take a stand against sexual and gender-based violence - Korean

Se hicieron nombramientos para el Consejo para el Futuro y el Equipo de Visión 2020

Presbyterians called to take a stand against sexual and gender-based violence

사역장로에 관해서: 은혜와 감사

Con respecto a los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes: gracia y gratitud

Regarding ruling elders: grace and gratitude

New Book Inspires Abundant Living in a Culture of Excess

Government report could end detention of asylum-seeking families

Former PC(USA) Moderator Benjamin Weir dies

La IP(EE.UU.) continuara acompañando a la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia

Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia envía una declaración en respuesta al «no»

Presbyterian Church of Colombia issues statement in wake of “no” vote - Korean

Appointments made for Way Forward Commission, 2020 Vision Team - Korean

PC(USA) will continue to walk with the Presbyterian Church of Colombia

Entrenamiento de líderes de presbiterio energiza a una multitud mayor de la esperada

Presbytery leader training event energizes a larger-than-expected crowd - Korean

Lamentamos el asesinato de Terence Crutcher a manos de la policía en Tulsa

Presbyterian Church of Colombia issues statement in wake of “no” vote

Appointments made for Way Forward Commission, 2020 Vision Team

Lamenting the police killing of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa - Korean

Former Evangelical Megachurch Pastor Argues Against “Clobber Passages” After Being Fired For His LGBTQ Stance

Please pray for peace and justice in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

In this season: GA222 Co-Moderator reflections

Presbyterians and other faith leaders believe peace and reconciliation are possible in Colombia, despite three generations of war and trauma - Korean

Presbyterians and other faith leaders believe peace and reconciliation are possible in Colombia, despite three generations of war and trauma

Presbytery of Charlotte issues call to prayer and witness

Lamenting the police killing of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa

Con respecto a los ancianos/as gobernantes: Los ancianos/as gobernantes y los asuntos de personal

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: los/as ancianos/as gobernantes y la oración

Con respecto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: Fe y trabajo

Presbytery leader training event energizes a larger-than-expected crowd

Secretario Permanente de la IP (EE.UU.) envía carta de apoyo a la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia con respecto a los acuerdos de paz

PC(USA) Stated Clerk sends letter of support to Presbyterian Church of Colombia in the wake of peace accord

J. Herbert Nelson casts a vision for the denomination in sermon to PMAB

사역 장로에 관하여: 믿음과 업무

Regarding ruling elders: faith and work

PC(USA) Stated Clerk sends letter of support to Presbyterian Church of Colombia in the wake of peace accord

Former Prosecutor Examines Capital Punishment by Putting Jesus on Trial in New Book

PC(USA) offers support for Standing Rock Sioux protest in North Dakota

Presbyterian Center welcomes J. Herbert Nelson as Stated Clerk

In this season: GA222 Co-Moderator reflections

사역 장로에 관하여: 사역 장로와 기도

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and prayer

New app could lead to more diversity in church decision making - Korean

New app could lead to more diversity in church decision making

In this season: GA222 Co-Moderator reflections

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and per capita - Korean

Efforts to address climate change intensify following GA222 - Korean

Former General Assembly vice moderator, Floyd N. Rhodes, dies at age 83

PC(USA) Stated Clerk speaks out on police killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile

PC(USA) leadership responds to Dallas shootings, encourages people to “care for someone today” - Korean

Two New Glory to God Resources Available

Efforts to address climate change intensify following GA222

Hands & Feet

사역 장로에 관하여: 사역 장로 및 인사 문제

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and personnel matters

PC(USA) leadership responds to Dallas shootings, encourages people to “care for someone today”

PC(USA) Stated Clerk speaks out on police killings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile

PC(USA) Stated Clerk sends letter of support to church partners in Iraq

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and per capita

Stated Clerk issues statement on the attack on Istanbul's Ataturk airport

General Assembly 222 closes with recognitions and updates

General Assembly 222 concludes with worship

PC(USA) leaders issue post-General Assembly letter to the church

GA turns back move to divest from fossil-fuel firms

California pastor instructs worshipers: “Be reconciled to GOD. Now.”

World church leaders hail J. Herbert Nelson’s election as Stated Clerk of the PC(USA)

Assembly affirms centrality of Peacemaking in Christian faith

Proposed amendment would restore pre-2012 ministry titles

GA approves report re-evaluating two-state solution in Israel/Palestine

Where have all the CR’S gone?

Crochet artist stole away, created a special vestment for a special Presbyterian

Pastor, former seminary chief has proud memories of ‘Summer of Love’ GA in Portland

Third generation Presbyterian pastor elected Stated Clerk of PC(USA)

Assembly affirms pay-ratio targets for PMA

PC(USA) Stated Clerk issues statement on Supreme Court DAPA case - Korean

Assembly re-confirms leaders of Presbyterian Publishing, PILP

Committee reverses 2014 action to reduce Synods

Presbyterian writers guild celebrates distinguished communicators

Racial categories in reports to OGA will be changing

After 3-day bus odyssey, woman ‘on fire’ to attend GA is inspired to light mission fuse in home congregation

‘This is not the time to lose hope’

GA expresses ‘regret’ for harm to LGBTQ/Q members, ‘sorrow’ to those who have left inclusive church

Presbyterian CREDO alumni celebrate inspirational program

George W. Baird receives C. Fred Jenkins award

Plenary hall becomes a sea of T’s celebrating mission

Commission created to deal with PC(USA) structural issues

PC(USA) Stated Clerk issues statement on Supreme Court DAPA case

With repentance and resolve, Assembly vows to keep children safe

A place for the still, small voice in the midst of GA cacophony

Assembly approves new directory for worship

Burke, Va., Presbyterian Church honored

Dependent-care policy makes GA more family-friendly

GA pauses to honor Gradye Parsons

Ruling Elders gather in fellowship, hear from peers

Stated Clerk nominees shake, chat, pose with commissioners

AME Bishop Reginald Jackson urges PC(USA) to be ‘prophetic, not pathetic’

Allan Boesak commends Belhar Confession

Belhar added to PC(USA)’s Book of Confessions

Way forward could include examination of national structure

Committee approves child-protection policy

Committee recommends expressing “deep sorrows” to LGBTQ/Q community

PPC, PILP presidents gain approval

Historical Society chief describes church’s support for Japanese-American internees

Committee urges reversing 2014 action on reducing the number of Synods

Middle East Committee affirms study of boycott, divestment and sanctions

Voices of Sophia breakfast speaker says grief ‘can lead us to justice’

Mission work plan recommended by committee

Seminarians rate ‘polity gymnastics’ in Committee rooms 2.2

Polity Committee refuses to permit those who renounce jurisdiction to do church work

Celebrate Reformation’s 500th birthday by emulating Reformers, committee suggests

Presbyterians for Earth Care speakers say now is the time to tackle climate change

Committee recommendation impacts Refugee-resettlement policies

Awards given at Stated Clerk’s Ecumenical Dinner

Committee approves revised directory for worship

L.A. pastor calls for support of urban ministry at compassion, peace and justice dinner

Sanctuary, church property disputes among topics of resolutions referred to committees - Korean

Homenaje a Rvdo. Sun Bai Kim por su prolongado ministerio en el fomento de congregaciones Presbiterianas Coreanas

Committee ponders whether PMA-OGA merger is the best way forward

Peacemaking Committee approves overtures on Korea, DR Congo and Cuba

Committee approves overture urging PC(USA) to create non-geographical Korean presbytery

GA Procedures Committee votes down time change in Moderator’s election

National Black Presbyterian Caucus speaker envisions a more inclusive PC(USA)

Mid-council leaders discuss best ways of helping churches with new-pastor searches

Speaker at intercultural lunch tells diners to leave mom’s kitchen and encounter the world

Human trafficking roundtable speakers urge PC(USA) to wage war on modern slavery

New app helps measure participation

Panel approves addition of Belhar to the PC(USA) Book of Confessions

Committee votes to approve report on two-state solution for Israel/Palestine

PC(USA) immigration advocates mark World Refugee Day

Overture urges divestment in fossil-fuel companies

Rev. Sun Bai Kim honored for long ministry nurturing Korean Presbyterin congregations - Korean

Atmosphere at Co-Moderators’ reception reflects joy, new hope for the church’s future

Board of Pensions dinner menu includes vow to keep faith in caring for church workers

College ministers find stillness, peace in Portland-area pre-assembly retreat

First-daughter tease creates buzz, draws attention to Young Adult Volunteer program

PC(USA) Director, presbytery leader are nominated for Stated Clerk

Foundation breakfast speaker Philip Jenkins tells Mid-Council leaders to expect a world of changes

Three honored with women of faith awards

Sanctuary, church property disputes among topics of resolutions referred to committees

Assembly visitors worship with 30 local congregations

PC(USA) mourns the loss of pastor, justice advocate Kelly Allen - Korean

General Assembly News goes electronic - Korean

Noticias de la Asamblea General ahora en formato electrónico

Guidebook app lets users navigate GA with the click of the finger - Korean

Portland attractions featured in mission tours

General Assembly remembers victims in Charleston, Orlando massacres

The commemorative pin from the 1967 General Assembly

Assembly participants sit around tables discussing “When We Gather at the Table”

Opening Plenary begins business for GA222

Sweaty Sheep aid homeless, complete shortened pilgrimage

Worship opens 222nd General Assembly with rousing call to reconciliation

History made as PC(USA) elects Co-Moderators for first time

Meet the General Assembly reporting staff

General Assembly Committee 6 preview

General Assembly Committee 12 preview

General Assembly Committee 3 preview

General Assembly Committee 10 preview

General Assembly Committee 5 preview

Rev. Sun Bai Kim honored for long ministry nurturing Korean Presbyterin congregations

General Assembly Committee 11 preview

General Assembly Committee 14 preview

General Assembly Committee 13 preview

General Assembly Committee 7 preview

General Assembly Committee 8 preview

Young Adult Advisory Delegates prepare for General Assembly

General Assembly Committee 9 preview

General Assembly Committee 4 preview

General Assembly News goes electronic

New Book Argues for Accepting Your LGBTQ Child and Keeping Your Faith

PC(USA) leaders mourn victims of Orlando nightclub tragedy, recommit to advocating for a just society

Prayer after the Nightclub Shooting in Orlando

PC(USA) Stated Clerk issues statement on killings in Tel Aviv - Korean

Secretario Permanente de la IP(EE.UU.) da una declaración sobre el asesinato en Tel Aviv

PC(USA) Stated Clerk issues statement on killings in Tel Aviv

Guidebook app lets users navigate GA with the click of the finger

New life is breathed into Eugene Carson Blake Scholarship - Korean

New Book Asks Pastors to Rethink Their Role in Weddings

PC(USA) mourns the loss of pastor, justice advocate Kelly Allen

New Book Explores Race in the Church Today

La tecnología expande la congregación para el servicio de apertura de la 222AG

Local mission giving in PC(USA) churches increases in 2015 - Korean

Turning guns into water pumps

President Obama visits Hiroshima

New life is breathed into Eugene Carson Blake Scholarship

Windmills optional

Twenty-five years of ‘Turn to the Living God’

Ecumenical and Interreligious Service Recognitions awardees announced

Technology expands the congregation for opening worship of GA222 - Korean

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 3 Preview

PC(USA) celebrates 60 years of women clergy

Spotlight shines on Fair Trade items at upcoming General Assembly

Technology expands the congregation for opening worship of GA222

Aumentan donaciones para misión local en las iglesias de la IP (EE.UU.) en el 2015

Conferencia ecuménica explora dinámicas de ministerio bivocacional

Presbyterians gather for prayer and worship as NRA convention meets in Louisville

Multi-faith conference sows seeds for non-violence and nurturing peace

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 10 Preview

California church embraces organic gardening and protecting the environment

Financial Aid for Service offers educational debt management counseling at 222nd General Assembly

Presbyterians meet to address issues of race, ethnicity, racism and ethnocentricity

Farminary combines theological education and sustainable agriculture

Decently But Not Always in Good Order: An Historical Overview of Choosing the PC(USA) Stated Clerk

Los Angeles pastor to speak at General Assembly Compassion, Peace and Justice event

PC(USA) seminary news

Ecumenical conference explores dynamics of bi-vocational ministry - Korean

Secretario Permanente hace declaración sobre actos de genocidio a nivel mundial

Comité recibe objección contra el nominado para Secretario Permanente de la IP (EE.UU.)

Facing Racism: Churchwide Antiracism Policy Team report

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 7 Preview

Local mission giving in PC(USA) churches increases in 2015

Con respecto a los ancianos/as gobernantes: Los ancianos/as gobernantes y el cuidado pastoral

‘Company of New Pastors’ program provides formation framework for ministry

사역 장로에 관하여: 사역 장로와 목회적 돌봄

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and pastoral care

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 4 Preview

Underwood Park CrossFit nurtures bodies and souls

Ecumenical conference explores dynamics of bi-vocational ministry

Youth Triennium registration continues as speaker lineup announced

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 13 Preview

Robert Day Miller dies at age 81

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 12 Preview

US prepares to dump 500 metric tons of peanuts on Haiti

변화의 시기 동안 노회 리더십을 강화하기 위해 기획된 훈련 행사

Training event designed to strengthen presbytery leadership for changing times

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 14 Preview

Committee receives one challenge to its nominee for PC(USA) Stated Clerk - Korean

Se entregó reporte a la asamblea sobre identidad y propósito de la IP(EE.UU.)

James Hickson Lee dies at age 48

Support grows for national boycott of Wendy’s Restaurants

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 8 Preview

‘Partners for Just Trade’ organization celebrates tenth anniversary

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 9 Preview

Jeanne Bishop wins Presbyterian Writers Guild’s Best First Book Award

Rebuilding in Homs, life slowly returns in Syrian city devastated by civil war

Stated Clerk issues statement on acts of genocide globally - Korean

Report submitted to assembly on identity, purpose of PC(USA) - Korean

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 5 Preview

Pittsburgh pastor shares passion for the work of mission

Committee receives one challenge to its nominee for PC(USA) Stated Clerk

PC(USA) General Assembly Committee 6 Preview

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance meets with ecumenical partners in Lebanon

Office of Theology and Worship to host #TheoConvo Twitter chat May 17

미국 장로교의 Vasquez와 Park과 Correa가 번역 작업을 그들의 사역으로 받아 들이다

Empleados de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) Vásquez, Park y Correa dedican sus dones de traducción al ministerio

Report submitted to assembly on identity, purpose of PC(USA)

Celebrating resilience through theater and the arts in the Philippines

Young Adult Volunteer program provides fulfillment and challenge

Presbyterians in South Sudan ask for prayers as peace negotiations continue

Stated Clerk issues statement on acts of genocide globally

Vasquez, Park and Correa embrace translation as ministry at PC(USA)

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board concludes April 2016 meeting

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board enacts work restructuring plan

Presbyterian Mission Agency executive director search committee reports progress

First Thai-Laotian Church receives 2016 Walton Award for new church excellence

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board approves comments to Review Committee’s recommendations

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board approves board restructure plan

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board discusses Review Committee’s recommendations

Survivors still being found in Ecuador following recent earthquake

Presbyterian World Mission and New Castle Presbytery create mission study resources

Pennsylvania church inspired by peacemaker visits

Presbyterian Church among several buildings damaged by Brooklyn fire

Collegiate ministry professionals to make UKirk-sponsored pilgrimage to Taizé

Details of proposed 2017-18 Presbyterian Mission Agency budget released

PC(USA) communications groups garner 19 Associated Church Press awards

부고: 정인수 목사 61세에 소천하시다

New Jersey church worships with reform synagogue following March fire

Race and Reconciliation study is timely resource for 2016 General Assembly

Obituary: Rev. In Soo Jung dies at 61

Crestfield Camp developing intentional Christian community for young adults

Niger sets an example for the world

Presbyterian Writers Guild writing contest winners announced

New Book Argues that Jesus Needs to Save the World from Us

Founder/President of Children’s Defense Fund urges churches to be there for children in need

Carol McDonald on the selection of J. Herbert Nelson as nominee for Stated Clerk of the PC(USA)

Logan Ellis receives 2016 Samuel Robinson Award

Christian and ecumenical leaders tell church denominations to step up and speak up

Conversaciones sobre Cuba con las iglesias Reformadas en las Américas

Historic meeting between Cuban and US Presbyterians begins dialog

Día de las Camisetas de Misión en la Asamblea General #222 (2016)

J. Herbert Nelson fue seleccionado como nominado a Secretario Permanente de la IP (EE.UU.)

Building a church without a building

Presbyterian Study Grant allows Princeton seminarians to explore call to ministry

J. Herbert Nelson selected as nominee for PC(USA) Stated Clerk

J. Herbert Nelson selected as nominee for PC(USA) Stated Clerk

Ecumenical Advocacy Days policy plenary defines messages for advocates

Congregational Ministries Publishing lanza su nuevo catálogo en línea

회중 사역 출판부 (CMP)가 새로운 온라인 카탈로그를 데뷔시키다

More than 200 Presbyterians take part in CPJ Training Day

Congregational Ministries Publishing debuts new online catalog

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance mobilizing to assist the people of Japan and Ecuador

Compassion, Peace and Justice Training Day opens in Washington

PC(USA) seminary news

J. Herbert Nelson testifies before Senate committee

Con respecto a los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes: llamado como compañeros en el servicio de Cristo

사역 장로에 관하여: 그리스도를 섬기는 일에 협력자들로 부름 받음

Regarding ruling elders: called as partners in Christ’s service

Mid-Kentucky Presbytery aids PDA program via local service initiative

Washburn named interim editor of Presbyterians Today

PC(USA) Mosaic of Peace conference visits Israel and Palestine

Congregational Ministries Publishing taps Malinda Spencer

California PC(USA) church opens arms to Syrian congregation

From resiliency to water issues, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance discusses challenges

College leaders share unique approaches to advancing interfaith cooperation

Humble beginnings yield impressive results for Alabama Earth Care Congregation

Faith-based organizations voice concerns at UN hearing on HIV

Timely conference asks, ‘Can Presbyterians do interfaith?’

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance welcomes 17 National Response Team members

Historic Minneapolis church begins large expansion and outreach project

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance commemorates 20 years of service

Stony Point Center library fosters activists’ research, conversations

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to continue food security support in Malawi

‘Presbyterian and Pluralist’ conference meets in Chicago

Empaque su camiseta de misión

April 2016 - Pack your mission T - Korean

Secretario Permanente de la IP (EE.UU.) pide la revocación de la ley discriminatoria en Carolina del Norte

Mission T-shirt day at 222nd General Assembly (2016) - Korean

Stated Clerk urges Congress to welcome refugees and ensure children have lawyers in immigration court

Presbyterian Youth Triennium offering to build ‘calamity resilient’ shelters in Philippines

Second installment of De La Rosa’s ‘Keeping Faith’ now online

PC(USA) young women attend UN Commission on the Status of Women

Presbyterian Pastor Explores Moral Decision Making in New Book

National religious leaders call for presidential candidates to take on low wages

Presbyterian Mission Agency announces budget communication plan

YAV in Peru works with indigenous tribes seeking recognition

New education ministry tailored to meet needs of Syrian refugees

Mission T-shirt day at 222nd General Assembly (2016)

PC(USA) wins several DeRose-Hinkhouse Awards for communications excellence

Global poverty initiatives making a difference in Malawi

Twenty-seven new worshiping communities receive grants

April 2016 - Pack your mission T - Korean

Presbyterian Mission Agency releases unaudited 2015 financials

Why do we keep Sabbath?

Engaging churches in educating young people

Cuba conversation with Reformed churches in the Americas

Presbyterian partners in Pakistan send updates following Lahore bombing

PC(USA) Stated Clerk calls for repeal of discriminatory N.C. law - Korean

PC(USA) delegation tracks progression of Syrian refugees across Europe

Presbyterian Author Explores a Secret Sin in New Book

PC(USA) Stated Clerk calls for repeal of discriminatory N.C. law

Prayers in the wake of Easter bombing in Lahore, Pakistan

New Castle Presbytery invests $20,000 in Presbyterian World Mission

Presbyterian Ministry at the UN speaks to the Commission on the Status of Women

New Jersey church celebrates Easter despite fire damage to historic sanctuary

Hot Meals program provides more than food

Easter: A Sunday, a season, a transformation as a new people

PC(USA) files appeal in Eric Hoey’s case against the church

Video de CUIC y OAG explora raza y la iglesia

CUIC, OGA video explores race and the church - Korean

PC(USA) leaders to follow Syrian refugee path in Europe

Sudanese Presbyterians say prayers and humanitarian relief urgently needed in South Sudan

CUIC, OGA video explores race and the church

Historic New Jersey Presbyterian Church heavily damaged by fire

Ya puedes registrarte para la Asamblea General #222

Marzo 2016 - La difícil tarea de la Reconciliación

Secretario Permanente de la IP(EE.UU.) insta al presidente a que asista a la firma del acuerdo sobre el cambio climático

Certification of Christian educators benefits the entire church - Korean

La Certificación de Educadores/as Cristianos/as beneficia a toda la iglesia

Certification of Christian educators benefits the entire church

Small Church Residency Program fosters long-term pastorate

Ann Weems, ‘Presbyterian poet laureate,’ dies at age 81

Prayers for victims of bomb blasts

Discipling movement innovator to speak at ‘Go Disciple Live’ evangelism conference

Con respecto a los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes: Los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes y la mayordomia

Presbytery of Detroit works to alleviate hunger issues in city

'Build Congo Schools' improves education quality in the DRC

La IP(EE.UU.) apoya a DACA y DAPA al unirse al expediente de la Corte Suprema

PC-Biz es rediseñado a tiempo para la 222a AG

Presbyterian Hunger Program staff mourns the assassination of Honduran environmentalist

PC(USA) seminary news

Presbyterian Writers Guild to honor two celebrated church communicators

PC(USA) joins Supreme Court brief supporting DACA, DAPA - Korean

PC(USA) Stated Clerk urges president to attend signing for climate change agreement - Korean

Interfaith group urges Congress to end Cuban embargo

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation seeks seminarian intern

Mountain of light

Syrian war stretches into its sixth year of violence

Regarding Ruling Elders: Ruling Elders and Stewardship

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and stewardship

President Obama to make historic Cuba visit March 21-22

Flooding in South Central US causes major problems in low-lying communities

Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People approves grants

PC(USA) Stated Clerk urges president to attend signing for climate change agreement

Reclaiming Triduum: The Great Three Days

Inspired by New Beginnings, community garden brings unity

Director of Joining Hands Peru to speak at Compassion, Peace and Justice Training Day

Critical global initiatives taking root in Madagascar

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to water contamination in small New York community

PC-Biz is redesigned in time for GA222 - Korean

GA222 registration is open - Korean

March 2016 - The hard work of reconciliation - Korean

Coalition of Immokalee Workers and PC(USA) staff march at University of Louisville

PC(USA) joins Supreme Court brief supporting DACA, DAPA

PC(USA) holds chapel service to honor departing Mission Agency colleagues

Women of the Reformation

Challenge gifts inspire congregation to raise funds for Presbyterian World Mission

Small Church Residency Program to conclude by December 2017

Interview: Global issues of women’s empowerment and sustainable development

Rada asks New York audience for input on financial priorities, structure

Sharing 1001 New Worshiping Communities energy with international partners

Coalition of Immokalee Workers calls for Wendy’s boycott

Rosemary C. Mitchell named Interim Senior Director for Funds Development

PC(USA) Board of Pensions to launch new portal, offer employer options

LCC students receive holistic approach to education

Presbyterian Mission Agency completes voluntary separation program

PC-Biz is redesigned in time for GA222

Advocacy group asks ‘why wait?’ on fossil fuel divestment

Georgia pastor calls for a transformation of the heart on racism in the US

Presbyterian Hunger Program launches new initiative to look at root causes of poverty

GA222 registration is open

MaryAnn McKibben Dana receives top Presbyterian Writers Guild award

Go Disciple Live evangelism conference issues call to ‘Be the Light’

Coordinator for Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People retires

PC(USA) policy committee issues new report on Israel-Palestine

Young ecumenists address new realities of global movement

Committee leadership selected for the 222nd General Assembly - Korean

Fueron seleccionados líderes de comités para la 222a Asamblea General

California desert treasures designated for protection

Presbyterian hunger action advocate prepares to step down

Arkansas PC(USA) congregation reclaims holistic Lenten practices

Notes from an autopsy

New Jersey church prepares to welcome Syrian refugees

PMA’s De La Rosa launches ‘Keeping Faith’ newsletter

Alabama families seek help after February 2 tornado

NEXT Church gathering welcomes speakers and challenges

‘A beautiful thing’

New Book Finds Grace in the Stuff of Everyday

NEXT Church National Gathering explores ‘Faith at the Crossroads’

The church in Cuba and new relations with the US

Tacoma church finds success in learning center for children

Workshops announced for 2016 Compassion, Peace and Justice Training Day

‘Polity Matters’ explores Presbyterian call to faithfulness in the church

Old Bergen Church making the most of New Beginnings – after 350 years

How Presbyterians interpret the Bible

Committee leadership selected for the 222nd General Assembly

Presbyterian’s new mobile gaming app combats human trafficking

Two long-time Synod of the Lakes and Prairies leaders retire

Two PC(USA) agencies receive $1 million Lilly Endowment grants

`Siguen adelante seis candidatos para Secretario(a) Permanente de la IP (EE.UU.)

Celebrating a century of teaching, preaching and healing in the Philippines

Presbyterian churches to commemorate SDOP Sunday March 13

사역 장로에 관하여: 사역 장로들과 집사들

Con respecto a los(as) ancianos(as) gobernantes: Ancianos(as) gobernantes, diáconos y diaconisas

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and deacons

Presbyterian Church educators discuss future of confirmation curriculum

미국 장로교의 정체성 및 목적에 대해 토론해보자는 초청에 기록적인 숫자의 사람들이 반응하다

Presbyterian churches prepare for a ‘Blue-Out’ this Sunday

A record number respond to the invitation to discuss PC(USA) identity and purpose

So. Cal. PC(USA) churches feature three bowls on Ash Wednesday

‘Educate a Child’ initiative aims to remove stumbling blocks

Eighteen DREAM Grants awarded

The season of Lent begins with confession, challenge

PC(USA) international Engagement Map launches today

PC(USA) offers wide variety of resources for Lent

Get your generosity groove on

Presbyterian Ministry at the UN hopeful for political solution in Colombia

PC(USA) ruling elder Abby Brockway to continue battle against fossil fuels

PC(USA) to live stream weekly Lenten devotions

Six candidates for PC(USA) Stated Clerk move forward - Korean

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board concludes February 2016 business

Six candidates for PC(USA) Stated Clerk move forward

PC(USA) Women of Faith Awards presented at PMA Board meeting

Denver and Charlotte Presbyterians gear up for the Souper Bowl

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board approves 2017-2018 Mission Work Plan

Churches Uniting in Christ recommits to working together on justice and reconciliation

February 2016 - Sustainable ministry results from sustainable souls - Korean

Theology and Worship hires second part-time interfaith associate

Small Church Residency Program participants commissioned for service

Otis Moss III closes 2016 APCE event with powerful message

Student Reflection of the 2016 Montreat College Conference

Presbyterian World Mission exceeds 2015 fundraising goal

PMAB Executive Committee approves 2017-18 Mission Work Plan

Eco-Palm sales making a difference in Central America

Presbyterian scholar of African American Christianity dies

Presbyterian Church Educators encouraged to proclaim ‘I’m alive!’

Mike Slaughter Explores the Morality of Money in New Book

Human trafficking: beyond the Super Bowl

‘Back in black’

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance volunteers visit Flint, Michigan over water crisis

Special Offering Ambassadors wrap up training at Stony Point

Beth Hayes is named APCE’s Educator of the Year

Daniel calls the church to be ‘rigorous, reasonable, and real’

Thrills at 35,000 feet

“Kick over a few tables,” preacher charges APCE gathering

A little child will lead them

Comité busca herramientas para ayudar a congregaciones ser partícipes en relaciones interreligiosas

Committee seeks tools to help congregations engage in interfaith relationships - Korean

Moderador Rada y personas presbiterianas de Carolina del Norte se conectan con la comunidad Musulmana

Communion of Christian churches gathers in St. Louis to address issues of race and reconciliation

Special Offerings Ambassadors visit church-funded program in New York

Starting a sacred and exciting journey

Committee seeks tools to help congregations engage in interfaith relationships

Hope in the midst of heartbreak: a study mission trip to Northern Ireland

Best-Selling Author and Pastor Helps Readers Find Happiness with Ten Proven Practices

Stepping over the line

Travel to East Congo without leaving home!

‘1001’ ministry team expanding

PC(USA) Theology and Worship office announces changes in office of Interfaith Relations

Oneness with God

Special Offering Ambassadors meet for training and inspiration

Seminary students gain experience—and credit—for attending General Assembly

Wiley가 예수 그리스도에 대한 장로교 패널 (Presbyterian Panel) 설문조사의 질문을 명확하게 설명하다

What Presbyterians believe: the sacrament of baptism

Top 10 spiritual films of 2015

New Books for the Lenten Season

GA committee reviewing the Presbyterian Mission Agency submits its report - Korean ( (장로교 선교국 (PMA)을 심사하는 총회 위원회가 보고서를 제출하다 )

PC(USA) Moderator takes ‘Call to the Church’ on the road

Northwest Coast Presbytery transforms leadership conference

Being Church Together consultation explores multicultural ministry

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team to consider new volunteers

En cuanto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: ancianos/as gobernantes y los/as secretarios/as

Presbyterian Pastor Provides 100 Essential Topics Every Child Should Learn About in New Book

Renueva tu compromiso de vivir como Jesús

Que la fuerza te acompañe

Presbyterians join the call to stop raids on Central American families - Korean

PC(USA) Stated Clerk appeals to President to end raids - Korean

Sierra Leone slowly recovers following 2014-15 Ebola outbreak

A day of remembrance for Martin Luther King Jr.

GA committee reviewing the Presbyterian Mission Agency submits its report - Spanish (Comité de AG que evalúa la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión presenta su informe)

Presbyterian ruling elder at forefront of historic climate action trial

Advocacy Training Weekend to take up racism, class and power

사역 장로에 관하여: 사역 장로 및 당회 서기

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and Clerks of Session

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board prepares for February meeting

Howard University School of Divinity returns ancient Ethiopian manuscript

Nominees sought for best Presbyterian writer

Making inroads against human trafficking

1001 apprenticeship and residency program expands

PC(USA) seminary news

Presbyterians join the call to stop raids on Central American families

PC(USA) Stated Clerk appeals to President to end raids

Presbyterian Office of Public Witness joins opposition to Trans-Pacific Partnership

Wiley provides clarification on Presbyterian Panel survey question on Jesus Christ

Presbytery enlists mediator to begin discussions on gun rights and regulations

Presbyterian mission partner in Bethlehem shares Olof Palme Prize

December storms leaves path of destruction across several states

Chasing education and bringing it home

De La Rosa, Rada address Presbyterian Mission Agency Board about impending changes

Presbyterian Mission Agency to offer voluntary separation program

GA committee reviewing the Presbyterian Mission Agency submits its report

Epiphany services transport good news from ‘neighborhood to the nations’

Paper for water

Office of Public Witness applauds president’s executive action to curb gun violence

Renew your commitment to live like Jesus - Korean

January 2016 - May the force be with you - Korean

Presbyterians call for seven days of prayer and action to end human trafficking

Reclaiming 'Faith in 3:16' as a message of love instead of fear

Presbyterians remember Bob Smylie, former director of UN ministry

Presbyterian Mission Yearbook available exclusively online

Hope Incarnated: The Church in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon

Presbyterian funded community school partnership in Illinois gets rave reviews

Grace Covenant Presbyterian planting the seeds to end food insecurity in Asheville

PC(USA) Office of Public Witness applauds pay increase for low-wage government workers

My first response: ‘No way!’

National Continuing Care Residents Association elects new president

Presbyterian pastor turns bad situation into opportunity to reach young people

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship member provides Israel/Palestine update

PC(USA) Office of Public Witness looks ahead to the 2016 campaign year

Grace Presbytery hosts Cuban theologian Reinerio Arce

Pillars of the Church champion sees work ahead for PC(USA)

Video Christmas message from Tony De La Rosa

Video Christmas message from Tony De La Rosa (Spanish)

A Christmas message from Tony De La Rosa (Korean)

A Christmas meditation by the Rev. Dr. Scott Herr

A Christmas Eve greeting from the PMA communication staff

Christmas Eve at a maximum-security prison

Can the church help bring peace to Ukraine?

Food security conditions in Malawi continue to worsen

A year of record-setting weather patterns hampers poor communities around the world

Two candidacies for PC(USA) moderator of the 222nd General Assembly declared

Milwaukee church addresses homelessness with ‘Divine Intervention’

Record storms and human-caused disasters stretch Presbyterian Disaster Assistance resources

Presbyterian & Pluralist—Q&A with Davidson College chaplain Rob Spach

A homeless family discovers its own Christmas miracle

Presbyterian World Mission director offers 2015 year-end video message

Building a robust theological framework for new worshiping communities

Deadline for Stated Clerk applications draws near

Historic climate change agreement reached at COP 21 conference

Two PDA documentaries to be screened at Beaufort International Film Festival

One plus one equals one

Sweaty Sheep sponsors Pedaling Pilgrimage to the 222nd General Assembly - Korean

Korean church in Boston hosts concert to support Syrian refugees

En cuanto a los/as ancianos/as gobernantes: ancianos/as gobernantes y tesoreros/as

사역 장로에 관하여: 사역 장로와 회계 (Treasurers)

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and treasurers

Christmas Joy Offering: Blessed to become a blessing

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance documentary ‘Trigger’ available for screenings

What would Jesus do? - Korean

미국 장로교 정서기가 트럼프 (Trump)의 교회 회원 자격에 대한 질문들에 반응하다

PC(USA) Stated Clerk responds to questions on Trump’s membership

PMA Leadership Cabinet recommends elimination of 2016 salary increases

From refugee to teacher

Sweaty Sheep sponsors Pedaling Pilgrimage to the 222nd General Assembly

Christmas story kicks off 2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium

North Carolina strawberries help provide quality education for children in South Sudan

PC(USA) seminary presidents unite in appeal to end climate of fear, distrust

Choose welcome - Korean

Líderes Presbiterianos eleven sus oraciones por San Bernardino

New ‘Being Reformed’ study addresses topics of grace and gratitude

Faith leaders join U.S. Senators in call to accept refugees

PC(USA) pastors work to help community heal following San Bernardino shootings

Vice Moderator says churchwide conversation is ‘dreaming and visioning’ how to serve PC(USA)

UN Human Rights Day observed December 10

Peacemaking delegation learns about the ‘struggle of life’ in Colombia

PC(USA) associates participate in COP 21 conference

Vice Moderator, COGA host two new Twitter chats on identity

Presbyterian churches pray for an end to violence following San Bernardino shootings

‘Blue Christmas’ services offer space for feelings of grief and loss during holidays

Mary, the Magnificat, and race

Susan Holman wins Grawemeyer Award in Religion

Eliga dar la bienvenida

Presbyterian leaders lift up prayers for San Bernardino - Korean

Presbyterian leaders lift up prayers for San Bernardino

South Sudan borders on the edge of famine two years after civil war erupts

Tackling the taboo topic of sexual abuse in Egypt

De La Rosa begins tenure as Presbyterian Mission Agency interim executive director

PC(USA) member and NASA mathematician receives Presidential Medal of Freedom

Mission leaders gather to retool at Mission Magnified

PC(USA) begins live streaming Advent devotionals on Periscope

Latest ‘1001’ communities grant recipients reflect God’s incarnational image

New Vacation Bible School curriculum explores clean water as mission

Presbyterian World Mission names new associate directors

An Advent journey: Seeking safety in a world of peril

Italian churches work to create a safe and legal path for refugees

Reviving our weary pastors

International YAVs think of family, traditions during Thanksgiving

Giving thanks across racial lines in Jasper, Texas

Young Adult Volunteer alumni reflects on life-changing year of service

‘Pillar of the Church’ seeks to energize congregations for social justice work

News from the mid-councils of the PC(USA)

Bread for the World puts price tag on hunger: $160 billion in health care

Presbyterians Today ‘Rediscovering Advent’ devotional reawakens poetic speech

Native American Leadership Institute meets in North Carolina

New worshiping community getting ready to ‘Plant It’

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board executive committee meets to discuss mission work plan, grants

For Syrian refugees, faith groups want a US welcome mat

Women not portrayed equally by news media, extensive study shows

New theological resource is a timely guide for Advent reflection and study

Responding in creative ways to keep PC(USA) mission co-workers in service

Optimism high for successful climate change conference despite recent terror threat

Elige dar la bienvenida, no el temor

PC(USA) Office of Public Witness urges Congress to allocate funds for refugee assistance and resettlement

Card sales and alternative giving opportunities support PC(USA) Special Offerings

Syria—the untold story

Syrian refugee crisis highlighted at seminar with Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations

Presbyterian Network to End Homelessness holds local, national forums

Presbyterian AIDS Network provides World AIDS Day worship resources

Choose welcome, not fear -Korean

Choose welcome, not fear

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance shines light on immigration detention in new documentary

PC(USA) partner in Syria and Lebanon invites prayers, support

Presbyterians share grief, express support for people of Paris and other terror-hit cities

World religious leaders condemn Paris carnage

사역 장로에 관하여: 사역 장로 및 재단 이사들

Con respecto a los ancianos y las ancianas gobernantes: ancianas gobernantes y síndicos

Volunteers pour passion into getting youth to ‘GO’ to Presbyterian Youth Triennium

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and trustees

Call to Prayer After Terror Attacks in Paris, Beirut and Baghdad (Korean)

Call to Prayer After Terror Attacks in Paris, Beirut and Baghdad

Es nuestra época de compartir

El momento para escuchar dentro de la vida de esta iglesia

PC(USA) young adults get down on the farm

Historic church's debt cancelled as an act of racial reconciliation

Transforming communities in the Congo through education and health care

Rosa Robles Loreto vuelve a casa después de 461 días en santuario

Rosa Robles Loreto goes home after 461 days in sanctuary - Korean

Comité de Nominaciones para Secretario/a Permanente recibe solicitudes

Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries hosts leadership conferences

Presbyterian Mission Agency delivers third-quarter financial report

Coalition of Immokalee Workers wraps up five-city tour in North Carolina

New book by PC(USA) author: ‘Reflections on the Health of the Church’

National day of remembrance ‘should be the story of all’

Rosa Robles Loreto goes home after 461 days in sanctuary

Land grants hold great promise for growth of the church in Egypt

PC(USA) offers Twitter chat on navigating change in an ever-changing church landscape

White House names the Rev. Jennifer Butler to lead President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Covenant Network seeks avenues to new engagement at national gathering

Pacific Presbytery embraces critical global initiatives

Lilly Clergy Renewal Programs open for application

‘The River’s Flow’

Collegiate Ministries announces devotional App

Pew study says more Americans reject religion, but believers firm in faith

November 2015 - A listening moment in the life of this church - Korean

Stated Clerk Nomination Committee receives inquiries - Korean

Presbyterians meet at Stony Point to address issues of race and racism

Houston PC(USA) provides gift of space, finances for Ghanaian church

Presbyterian Pastor Explores a Thoughtful Faith in New Book

It’s our time to share - Korean

Presbyterian Writers Guild seeks best first book nominations

New Advent Books from PPC

IPMN concludes annual gathering encouraged to continue justice work

New reasons for hope in pollution-ravaged Peruvian communities

Stated Clerk Nomination Committee receives inquiries

Texas begins recovery following stormy weekend

Tucson PC(USA) congregation offers sanctuary to migrant mother

Keep the conversation going

New children’s curriculum greeted with enthusiastic response

IPMN reflects on progress and prepares for new challenges

Pastor de la AG elige reflejar el compromiso con la reconciliación

Thirteen new worshiping community grant recipients announced

Seminarians gather to discuss challenges of the church in the 21st century

Congregation goes orange to raise awareness on violence against women and girls

Soccer program in Palestine empowers young women

Study on the Status of Women Theological Consultation meets in Chicago

Former Presbyterian Community Center renamed to honor long-time youth mentor

GA preacher choices reflect commitment to reconciliation - Korean

Living Waters for the World completes 50th ‘Clean Water U’ training

Applications open for 60th session of the Commission on the Status of Women

Record hurricane fizzles in Mexico, but causes heavy downpours in parts of Texas

GA preacher choices reflect commitment to reconciliation

Fohr joins PC(USA) Mission Responsibility Through Investment team

The time is now – Join the Conversation!

Ahora es el momento - Únase a la conversación!

Denver Author Recounts Journey from Bartending to Ministry in New Book

Immigrant son discovers opportunity, education and ministry in the PC(USA)

From ‘repentant sinners’ to ‘helping Jesus fix the world’

Dermody files appeal in case against PC(USA)

Stated Clerk urges Kerry to help stop violence in Israel, Occupied Territories

The time is now – Join the Conversation!

Utilice su influencia

Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People disburses grant funding

PC(USA) seminary news

Con respecto a los ancianos y las ancianas gobernantes: el llamado de los jóvenes a servir

WCC expresses concern over renewed violence in Jerusalem

Application open for 2015-16 Handa Fellows in Interreligious Communication

Popular United Nations program celebrates its 65th anniversary

Exploring year-round giving during ‘stewardship season’

Chat about PC(USA) identity with the Vice Moderator

Two Cincinnati PC(USA) churches celebrate 225 years of ministry

Massachusetts church rebounds from brutal winter

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance issues appeal for help in South Carolina

사역 장로에 관하여: 성령님과 함께하는 리더십

Regarding ruling elders: leading with the spirit

New Members workbook explores Christian discipleship in the PC(USA)

Presbyterian Hunger Program kicks off Food Week of Action

PC(USA) mission personnel and partners raise alarm regarding crisis in Malawi

Polity Conference offers preview of the 222nd General Assembly (2016)

Farm-to-Table Gala caps Stony Point Center’s Living Traditions Award

Bob Smylie reflects on 70th anniversary of United Nations

New Books for Presbyterians

Polity Conference opens with worship, workshops

Post-Ebola Liberia struggles with economic, orphan and basic services challenges

Hospitality, farm-fresh food and community transform Stony Point Center experience

GA Moderator, Vice Moderator preach messages of hope

Mid council plenary sessions stimulate thought and action

More than 400 mid council leaders meet concurrently in Portland

Office of Public Witness hosts gun violence webinar

PC(USA) mission co-worker receives Christian service award

Catawba reunion celebrates accomplishments of historic African American synod

Caucus Hispano Latino felicita a De La Rosa y elogia el nombramiento de

Domestic violence workshop proclaims ‘It Happened in Our Church’

Co-directors of 2016 Mosaic of Peace conference reflect on previous Israel/Palestine trip

Únete a la Conversación

Join the Conversation

International Peacemaker shares Middle East perspective

COET considera asuntos de identidad Presbiteriana y conexionalidad

El Secretario Permanente envía carta a Trump con relación a refugiados, inmigrantes

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance teams monitor flooding in South Carolina

United Nations marks 70th anniversary

New Worshiping Community intern returns home to start ministry

Caucus Hispano Latino felicita a De La Rosa y elogia el nombramiento de un líder «humilde y con competencia cultural»

Grace Presbytery donates $2.8 million to Presbyterian World Mission

Stated Clerk issues letter to Trump on refugees, immigrants

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders renew call for gun control in the wake of the Oregon shootings

‘A brand new day’

The ripple effect of the Presbyterian Youth Triennium

Presbyterian congregation creates a home for Syrian refugees

Gwen and John Haspels teach love and forgiveness in a culture of violence

Use your influence -Korean

New Beginnings helps Ohio congregation see beyond treed barrier

Native American Young Adult Council gathers in Louisville

New Race and Reconciliation study explores reconciliation, unity, and justice

Christian denominations and ecumenical groups urge more support for Syrian refugees

GA222 is headed to Portland!

Pennsylvania church celebrates half a century of helping children succeed

PC(USA) expanding collegiate ministries network

Fadi Dagher addresses Syria Lebanon Mission Partnership

PC(USA) congregations to host ‘Courageous Conversations’ on sexual violence

Ecumenical Advocacy Days for Global Peace with Justice announces 2016 conference theme

PC(USA) World Mission staff encounter Middle East refugees at Budapest train station

National Hispanic/Latino Presbyterian Caucus congratulates De La Rosa

Study on the Status of Women consultation set for Oct. 1-3

International Peacemakers prepare to spread word on peace and justice issues

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board concludes its fall 2015 business

Dermody lawsuit against PC(USA) dismissed

장로교 선교국 임시 총무(PMA Interim Executive Director)로 임명된 De La Rosa

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board approves revised 2016 mission budget

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship divests from Fossil Fuel Corporations

Massachusetts activists work to provide family support following incarceration

Se nombró a De La Rosa como director ejecutivo interino de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión

Chilean Presbyterian World Mission partners ask for prayers after earthquake

COTE considers issues of Presbyterian identity and connectionalism

De La Rosa brings experience as interim manager to Presbyterian Mission Agency

World Mission and National Black Presbyterian Caucus celebrate partnership

De La Rosa named Presbyterian Mission Agency interim executive director

Q&A with Tony De La Rosa

Celebrating the gifts of Native Americans to the church

La niñez está creciendo en gracia y gratitud con el nuevo material de la IP (EE. UU.)

Children are growing in grace and gratitude with new PC(USA) curriculum

Palestinian peacemaker focuses on helping youth thrive in an occupied homeland

Honre a sus prójimos

Presbyterian Mission Agency Executive Committee receives budget report

2015 Advent Devotional: Reflections on the Belhar Confession

More Light Presbyterians hold national conference in Louisville

Presbyterians for Earth Care Conference concludes with a 20 year reflection

1001 Ministry distributes grants to new worshiping communities

Razones para celebrar

El Comité de Nominaciones para Secretario/a Permanente entregan los resultados de la encuesta

Creating social movement for change

Women of Color Consultation explores themes of hope, empowerment

Worshiping Communities after-school program helps bullied teen find peace

Dean Thompson to discuss unique strengths of Presbyterian-Reformed tradition and practice

Presbyterians at Earth Care Conference urged to step out of comfort zone

‘Faith at Work’ recognizes dedication to long path of recovery in New Orleans

2015–2016 Presbyterian Giving Catalog now available

PC(USA) Earth Care Conference opens at Montreat

New Resources for Leaders

Special Offerings ambassadors bring passion for PC(USA) mission to congregations

사역 장로에 관하여: 젊은이들을 섬기는 일로 부르기

Regarding ruling elders: calling young people to serve

Compassion fatigue: Recognizing the signs of personal stress in the wake of disaster

Honre a sus prójimos

Move the journey on - Korean

Stated Clerk Nomination Committee releases survey results - Korean

Presbyterian Association of Musicians honors life and ministry of Helen Kemp

Detroit organization fights for citizens’ water rights with help from PC(USA)

New worshiping community leader receives seminary debt forgiveness

Charlotte PC(USA) church finds success in children’s summer literacy program

PC(USA) worship resources for 9/11 commemoration

Stated Clerk Nomination Committee releases survey results

Europe’s refugee crisis stirs consciences, but responses vary

PC(USA) leaders call for urgent relief action in Malawi

New Book Explores Jesus and the “Francis Effect”

장로교와 카톨릭이 서로 공통점을 찾고 있는 가운데 교황이 미국을 방문하다

Pope’s U.S. visit comes as Presbyterians and Catholics are finding common ground

PCC responds to September Bible Context Exam results

All that jazz: Celebrating the 50th anniversary of first U.S. jazz mass

Food granaries loan program provides vital lifeline in Cameroon

Retired mission co-worker reflects on 35 years of service in Colombia

International communities benefit from the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People

Thousands of Syrian refugees stranded in Budapest

PC(USA) Louisville national offices host first same-gender wedding

Stated Clerk releases Labor Day statement, worship resources

Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People celebrates 45 years of ministry

PC(USA) Office of Gender & Racial Justice to host #SpeakAntiracism Twitter chat

Black and Afro-Indigenous farmers and fishermen to share 2015 Food Sovereignty Prize

Korean immigrant explores faith and leadership skills with PC(USA) scholarship

PC(USA) study team seeks input on two state solution for Israel/Palestine

Go all in - Korean

PC(USA) youth workers going ‘To The Hills’

Seven college-aged women receive Presbyterian Mission Agency education grants

Con respecto a los ancianos y las ancianas gobernantes: procedimiento parlamentario

Helping Sri Lanka heal from the inside out

Presbyterian Youth Triennium opens application for volunteer leaders

California camp employs creation as backdrop for lifelong faith formation

PC(USA) relief agency stays the course in New Orleans a decade after Hurricane Katrina

Ministers urge Montreat crowd to re-connect with King’s dream

A commitment to ‘community first, ministry next’

Gradye Parsons says ‘It’s been a privilege for me to serve’

PC(USA) leaders join other Christian groups in support of Iran nuclear agreement

PC (USA) Environmental Ministries program supports World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Author and counselor Debra Hirsch speaks on ‘Redeeming Sex’

Middle East partnerships essential to understanding, change

Presbyterian mission co-workers cautiously optimistic about South Sudan peace agreement

News from PC(USA) Mid-Councils

Company of New Pastors announces two conversations in September

U.S. Rep. John Lewis tells crowd at Montreat to speak up and speak out

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance continues assessment of northwest wildfires

Stated Clerk announces decision not to stand for third term

Ghanaian Presbyterian Women’s Fellowship meets in NYC to share hopes, dreams

On the Mend

Columnist says now is the time for a new generation of civil rights activists

Pedal for Protein hits the road to combat hunger

World Mission works with South Sudanese partners to build peace and stability

Presbyterians commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic visit to Montreat

PC(USA) seminary news

Young adult volunteer program flourishes at home and around the world

Refugee says, ‘As victims of war, these Christians help anyone they can’

First female Presbyterian clergy in Congo dedicates work toward women and children

Effective elder training is ‘not business as usual’

Racial and ethnic leaders gather at Montreat to hone leadership skills

Travel ban lifted for Presbyterian pastors released from prison in Sudan

Northwest wildfires leave dozens homeless in remote Native American communities

Choosing to lead, not leave

Reasons to celebrate-Korean

Walter Brueggemann Changes His Stance on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

New PC(USA) confirmation curriculum targeted for 2018, pending results from Princeton Seminary’s The Confirmation Project

PC(USA) partner works to transform models of church leadership in Egypt

Ministering in the midst of war, trauma and fatigue

Newest PC(USA) congregation celebrates charter at 1001 conference

New immigrant worshiping community spreading God’s love in South Georgia

사역 장로에 관하여: 회의 절차법

Regarding ruling elders: parliamentary procedure

Federal chaplains gather at Montreat for professional development, refreshment

Educate a Child, Transform the World

High school student promotes solar-powered lawn care business

International Peacemaker from Cuba is hopeful for church’s future

‘God is writing history in our lives’

Support for 1001 movement remains ‘strong and unshaken’

Racial Ethnic Caucuses and Councils elect and install new leadership

Big hearts, tiny houses combine to advance mission at Seattle church

Be ‘other side’ kind of people

Online, cost-free teacher training course now available in three languages

Video: Sights and sounds from Big Tent 2015

Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries launches new funds development efforts

Addressing racism through collaboration: ‘Don’t go it alone’

WCC greets new general secretary of Latin American Council of Churches

Learning a new theology of immigration from old friends

Mid-council representatives meet prior to Big Tent 2015

정서기 공천 위원회가 도움을 요청하다

Presbyterian Mission Agency Executive Committee meets in Philadelphia

Ghanaian Presbyterian women to gather in New York City

New incentive loan offered to help churches reduce their carbon footprint

WCC encourages churches to pray on Hiroshima Day

Mission Yearbook Transitions to New Digital-Only Format

Stated Clerk responds to the creation of ‘Muslim-free Zones’

ACREC Responde a las declaraciones de Donald Trump

Hundreds join PC(USA) to ask the president to uphold family detention court ruling

Today is the Day

Mosaic of Peace conference life-changing for one Presbyterian

Presbyterians learn human rights approach to human trafficking at Big Tent 2015

Presbyterian pastors imprisoned in Sudan set free

Advocacy session at Big Tent 2015 explores tools to affect justice and change

PC(USA) leaders applauds New York City efforts to help fast-food workers

PC(USA) weighs evolving partnerships

Presbyterians share ideas and vision for educating children

El libro digital gratis de Crecemos en Gracia y Gratitud ya está disponible

Celebrate your neighbors - Korean

Free Growing in Grace & Gratitude e-book now available

Recovery from excess and addiction leads to new expressions of ministry

Rwandan Peacemaker to share hope and forgiveness in U.S. visit this fall

Big Tent 2015 attendees urged to prioritize faith formation in children

Big Tent closing worship encourages Presbyterians to be yourself

Leadership lessons in community transformation from Egypt

Incline, recline, decline

Big Tent workshop addresses healing from school-based violence and chronic trauma

Office of Intercultural Ministries launched at Big Tent 2015

Moving from discipleship and evangelism to apostleship

Big Tent speaker Scott Weimer: Ministries of Advocacy and Renewal

Noted author shares thoughts on poverty and hunger at Big Tent 2015

PC(USA) launches antiracism campaign at Big Tent conference

El Comité de Nominaciones para Secretario/a Permanente busca ayuda

Presbyterian Investment & Loan Program Celebrates Twenty Years of Service

Big Tent 2015 officially opens in Knoxville with worship and Bible study

National Asian Presbyterian Council meeting looks to the future

Presbyterian Women in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) signs memoranda of understanding with three African immigrant women's groups

Our ‘Presbyterian Virtues’

Judge rules long-term detention of immigrant families is illegal

American hero tells inspiring story of life and faith

Presbyterian Church leaders celebrate first major U.S. grocery chain to join Fair Food Program

An Artist's Journey: Lucy Janjigian

Church leaders in Ivory Coast raise awareness about sexuality, violence and HIV

South African peacemaker promotes restitution model focusing on housing, education and employment

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) applauds New York City efforts to help fast-food workers

Ecumenical Institute for the Middle East will train young Christians


Raising the roof at Holmes Presbyterian Camp

WCC general secretary reflects on Armenian Genocide at Holy Muron ceremony

Going deep: God’s proven way of spreading the light of Christ

PC(USA) celebrates 130 years of Korean mission

Company of New Pastors program mentors clergy for success

Sudanese pastors on trial for their faith could face death or life imprisonment

Presbyterian young adults speak out on violence against women and girls

Programs continue as Ghost Ranch recovers from flash flooding

Stated Clerk Nomination Committee seeks assistance

Theological conversations highlight need for training on cultural diversity, humility

Presbyterian Writers Guild opens three-phase writing contest

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders urge presidential candidates to make poverty a priority

National Black Presbyterian Caucus responds to the signs of the times

장로교 총회 대회 부의장은 미국과 이란의 핵협의 체결을 환영한다

미국장로교 총회 정 서기가 남수단의 네 번째 기념일에 기도를 요청하다

Could You Go a Year without a Purchase?

Water project changes lives and brings smiles in Congo

Growing in Grace & Gratitude catalog wins Award of Excellence at 2015 PIAS Graphic Awards Competition

Hope despite war: Marilyn Borst speaks of the church in Syria and Iraq

Con respecto a los ancianos y las ancianas gobernantes: Los ancianos y las ancianas docentes edifican la comunidad

New Wilmington Mission Conference offers training, connections for missioners

Collegiate ministries receives $15,000 F.I.S.H. Foundation grant

Stated Clerk thanks those working to change U.S. policies on family detention

Singer-songwriter Rebecca Stevens ‘sings a new song’ with familiar tunes

Mission co-worker Jan Heckler commits heart and mind to education in Madagascar

PC(USA) African American clergywomen gather for first time in two decades

Peacemaker from India to talk of hope, empowerment during U.S. visit

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders building community

Renovated church provides home for future generations of faithful

Miami Presbyterian gives extraordinary gift to grow the Christian church in Egypt

Finding hope in the heartbreak of sexual violence in Guatemala

Stated Clerk applauds signing of U.S.-Iran nuclear accord

Pennsylvania churches help West Virginia families recover from harsh spring weather

Ghost Ranch college staff essential to retreat center programming

Bree Newsome, Confederate flag remover, speaks with PNS

Czech Republic celebrates Protestant reformer Jan Hus

Wild Goose Festival flies into North Carolina for fifth year

A companion on the journey

Internal Executives Selected as Temporary Team to Manage the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Black Presbyterians and Presbyterian World Mission sign historic partnership covenant

Stated Clerk calls for prayer on South Sudan’s fourth anniversary

First-ever Big Tent large group Bible study promises lots of questions

The Kindness of Strangers

United Church of Christ votes to divest from Israeli companies in occupied territories

Ghost Ranch Education & Retreat Center suffers extensive damage from sudden, severe storm

Iraqi minister to share harsh realities facing Christians in his country this fall

After fires, killings, black churches debate the best ways to protect themselves

Louisville’s historic ‘Whiskey Row’ burns next to PC(USA) Center

PC(USA) leaders applaud decision to reopen U.S. Embassy in Cuba

Zehnder closes Family Week with Fourth of July concert

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to help churches recently damaged/destroyed by fire

July 2015 - Walk toward a new day - Korean

Youth makes find of (really) historic proportions in N.M. desert

Caminando hacia un nuevo día

Presbyterian Foundation announces new provider for Jarvie Commonweal Service

Family legacy unites Presbyterian ministers at Ghost Ranch

PC(USA) leaders issue statement on church burnings

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board responds to lawsuit

Learning to ‘live missionally’ at Big Tent 2015 in Knoxville

Supreme Court ruling on power plant regulations is a win for energy corporations

Korean American church leaders gather in nation’s capital


Pastors on trial in Sudan await July 2 hearing

Congregations receive excellence grants of $35,000 each

Presbyterian Mission Agency Consolidates Two Ministry Areas into Theology, Formation and Evangelism

Advocacy and faith join forces in Big Tent 2015 workshop

PC(USA) advocates celebrate Supreme Court decision on same-gender marriage

EL Secretario Permanente de la IP(EE.UU.) da un comunicado sobre la acción de la Corte Suprema con respecto al matrimonio

미국 장로교 정서기가 결혼에 대한 대법원의 판결에 대해 성명을 발표하다

PC(USA) Stated Clerk issues statement on Supreme Court’s action on marriage

Churchwide pastoral letter from the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board

PC(USA) Office of Public Witness applauds affordable care decision

Finding God at the intersection of physical and spiritual health

U.S./Cuban relations thaw uplifts Cuba’s Presbyterian leader

PCUSA Leadership Promoting the Values of Big Tent 2015

A critical conversation on sex trading and trafficking

Ghost Ranch offers a place to grow families and friendships

Testimonials offered for departing PMA executive director Linda Valentine

Elona Street-Stewart addresses Native American Presbyterian Women’s Conference

Focus on faith formation: From following the light to being the light

Mending as Ministry

PC(USA) pastor pens hymn to commemorate those slain in Charleston

Presbyterian Women working to end sexual violence against women and girls

New ministries reshape community, no longer ‘underused or underutilized’

Austin Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press announce new lectionary commentary series, Connections

New Book of Order (2015–2017) is now available

Film unmasks the inhumanity of family detention

Presbyterian Women meet in Minneapolis for inspiration and business

On World Refugee Day, closed doors or a welcome for the stranger?

Mosaic of Peace conference witnesses for peace in Israel and Palestine

Charleston Presbyterian pastor calls for unity in the wake of church shooting

Presbyterians partner to ‘Train Leaders for Community Transformation’ locally and globally

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) welcomes the release of Pope Francis’ papal encyclical Laudato Sii

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) reaches out to its sisters and brothers of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church of Charleston

An interview with Linda Valentine

Church partnership leads to successful tutoring program in Kentucky community

Comienza el trabajo del comité de nominaciones para Secretario/a Permanente

Churches nationwide celebrate Growing in Grace & Gratitude and respond with encouraging feedback

PMA Executive Director Linda Valentine announces resignation

Linda Valentine resigns post as executive director for Presbyterian Mission Agency

PC(USA) ecumenical committee takes on issues of interfaith relations

‘Grace and gratitude’ at Big Tent — Q&A with theologian Martha Moore-Keish

Stated Clerk urges prayer and recommitment to refugees and asylees

Presbyterian Disaster officials visit Central American families along the U.S. border

사역 장로에 관하여: 변화하는 지역에서의 사역

Con respecto a las ancianas y los ancianos gobernantes: Ministerio en vecindarios versatiles

Regarding ruling elders: ministry in changing neighborhoods

Tucson Young Adult Volunteers learn home repair, share cultures

Georgia church makes big investment to help homeless families

One body, one spirit, one sisterhood

Climate change at Big Tent 2015 – Q&A with Rebecca Barnes

United Methodist Church approves Louisville Seminary for preparation of candidates

‘Blessing of the bikes’ helps churches make climate change a local issue

Martin Luther King’s unfinished agenda

Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois experiments with Small Church Residency Program

Q&A interview with author of “A Nun on the Bus”

Disability Inclusion Sunday is June 14th

‘Pursued by Grace’ theme at New Worshiping Communities gathering

Damaged by storms, John Knox Ranch to open June 10

Mission co-worker pursues women’s rights in war torn South Sudan

미국 장로교 정서기 공천 위원회가 업무를 시작하다

John Knox Center staff to engage children, youth in Big Tent 2015 worship

Prague set for HusFest 2015 honoring reformer Jan Hus

Seminary news

Stated Clerk Nomination Committee begins work

Secretario Permanente aplaude los que luchan contra la detención de la familia

PC(USA) conference center hosts summer worship series

Q&A interview with author of ‘A Year Without a Purchase’

A quest for faith and spirituality leads to Wild Goose

North Carolina church transforming the lives of resettled families

Employment issues regarding PCNCI staff reach conclusion

‘One size doesn’t fit all’ for Christian educator

Presbyterian mission co-worker edits innovative study Bible on mission

Big Tent to feature big changes, big names

Influential and long-time Presbyterian racial ethnic school leader retires

Small Church Residency Program offers a helping hand in West Virginia

Book Review: “Slow Church”

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance assesses flood and tornado damage in the Midwest

PC(USA) leadership institutes prepare clergy to face real-world challenges

Mary Jane Veloso’s attorneys and supporters continue to plead for clemency

Chaldean Church in Erbil embraces Mosul refugees

Letter to Jonathan

그리스도 안에서 친애하는 형제 자매 여러분

Stated Clerk applauds those fighting family detention

Cultivating a new generation of church leaders

New policy on dependent care seeks to broaden General Assembly participation - Korean

PC(USA) membership lies in medium-sized congregations - Korean

La membresía de la IP(USA) se encuentra en las congregaciones de mediana cantidad

Faith groups join call to end family detention

Seventeen worshiping community grant recipients announced

Trial begins for two Presbyterian pastors in Sudan

Good News about Student Loans

Office of Theology and Worship launches new “Theological Conversations” series

Peacemaker’s US visit has major impact on Arizona congregation

Message of the presidents of the World Council of Churches at Pentecost 2015

New policy on dependent care seeks to broaden General Assembly participation

Con respecto a las ancianas y los ancianos gobernantes: Como lidiar con el conflicto

Bayville church recognized for Hurricane Sandy recovery work

New UKirk Worship Book "UWorship" Now Available

Relationships trump structure

사역 장로에 관하여: 갈등 처리

Regarding ruling elders: managing conflict

Sri Lanka: the struggles continue for fishermen and farmers

President Emeritus Si Vaughn Passes at 89

India’s Food Sovereignty at a Crossroads—Part Two

India’s Food Sovereignty at a Crossroads, Part One

PC(USA) membership lies in medium-sized congregations

La IP (EE.UU.) firma un informe amicus que busca cambiar el destino de millones de inmigrantes

Se requiere hacer la tarea santa para acabar con el racismo

May 2015 - Do the holy work required to end racism - Korean

PC(USA) Stated Clerk affirms, shares NBPC statement on Baltimore - Korean

GA committee reviewing the Presbyterian Mission Agency performs considerable work, anticipates more to do - Korean

A living church - Korean

Christine Pohl to present theme of ‘grace and gratitude’ at Big Tent

New Palestinian saints highlight region’s beleaguered Christians

Project Homecoming names Kris Pottharst as new executive director

Presbyterian task force examines consequence of America’s ‘war on drugs’

Lentecost: A spiritual journey of ninety days and ninety nights?

Associate for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance retires

Presbyterian World Mission offers webinar series for mission leaders

Presbyterian artist illustrates the plight of the homeless on canvas

Elona Street-Stewart installed as Synod of Lakes and Prairies executive

Presbyterian World Mission funding gap may force recall of 40 mission co-workers by 2017

'Responding to School Violence' conference expands healing camp ministry

Associated Church Press awards Presbyterian publications top prizes

Presbyterian Study Grant helps Princeton student say 'yes' to seminary

Presbyterians join hundreds in protest to end family detention

Se lamenta el fallecimiento de un representante que por muchos años trabajó en la Junta de Pensiones

Time to register for Come to the Waters: Horizons 2015-16 Bible Study Leader Training

PC(USA) Stated Clerk affirms, shares NBPC statement on Baltimore

'GO' is the focus for 2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium

Longtime Board of Pensions Representative Is Mourned

PC(USA) Moderator issues nine challenges to Presbyterians for the coming year

The Presbytery of Detroit grows in ‘grace and gratitude’

No Easy Way

The power of the connectional church ‘on display’

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) issues appeal for Nepal

PC(USA) Colombia Accompaniment Program celebrates a decade of difference making

Presbyterians kick-off weekend of worship and advocacy to end exploitation

Participants in 1001 movement are young, racially diverse

PC(USA) calls on Indonesian government to halt execution of Mary Jane Veloso

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board affirms Purdue as location for 2016 Youth Triennium

Ecumenical Advocacy Days: Fighting mass incarceration and systems of exploitation

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) representatives commemorate tragedy in Bangladesh

On eve of anniversary, Turkey’s ‘cultural genocide’ of Armenian history is ongoing

Closed church continues ministry of relationship and caring following tragedy

Confession of Belhar approved by presbyteries

Nuevo material educativo para la niñez de la IP (EE. UU.) incluye a niños/as con discapacidades y necesidades especiales

Rhashell Hunter receives life membership award from Presbyterian Women

Con respecto a las ancianos y los ancianos gobernantes: Los/as ancianos/as gobernantes y el presbiterio

Office of Theology and Worship introduces Directory for Worship study guide

New PC(USA) denominational children’s curriculum includes children with disabilities and special needs

GA committee reviewing the Presbyterian Mission Agency performs considerable work, anticipates more to do

PC(USA) Office of Public Witness joins striking federal contract workers to protest low wages

Rule change opens the way for Co-Moderators of the General Assembly - Korean

Earth Day: Celebrating service to the environment

From 'making good church people' to 'becoming good disciples'

Preparing for Big Tent 2015: A conference. A homecoming. A wedding?

Leanne Van Dyk named as president of Columbia Theological Seminary

Pillars of the Church program fosters commitment to peace and justice ministries

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board briefed on Educate a Child initiative

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board approves revised mission budgets for 2015 and 2016

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board receives report on new church initiative

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Mission Agency Board committees convene at spring board meeting

Rule change opens the way for Co-Moderators of the General Assembly

Intersection of science and religion embraced by Presbyterian-related school

Forty-year legacy of eco-justice flourishes at Ithaca, New York, congregation

Presbyterian World Mission Faces Potential Funding Shortfall in 2016 & 2017

사역 장로에 관하여: 사역 장로들과 노회

Regarding ruling elders: ruling elders and presbytery

Presbyterian social witness policy group advocates tax and economic reform

Presbyterian Women answer call to disaster preparedness

Furniture ministry restores homes and lives of those in need

Presbyterian communicators garner several Derose-Hinkhouse awards

Presbyterian advocate inspired by the U.N.’s Commission on the Status of Women

The Discovery Curve

Korean university grants Olav Fykse Tveit honorary doctorate for his ecumenical vision

A passion for small church ministry has big payoff

Ordinations underscore work of Middle Eastern Ministries

WCC general secretary highlights significance of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

PC(USA) signs on to amicus brief seeking to change the fate of millions of immigrants - Korean

Artist’s gift extends reach of presbytery camp

Flagstaff Federated Church achieves energy independence with solar power

The future map of religions reveals a world of change for Christians, Muslims and Jews

PC(USA) signs on to amicus brief seeking to change the fate of millions of immigrants

New Book Encourages Individual Bible Exploration

WCC member churches pursue climate justice

It’s a long story

Presbyterian News Service welcomes Gregg Brekke as new editor

Breathing new life into Rockwood, Oregon—Part Two

PC(USA) anxiously awaits proposed revision to Indiana RFRA law - Korean

Abril 2015 - Una gran excelente sorpresa

April 2015 - The big great surprise - Korean

PC(USA) anxiously awaits proposed revision to Indiana RFRA law

Five-day spiritual pilgrimage for college students, campus ministers

Con Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Ordenación

Breathing new life into Rockwood, Oregon—Part One

Presentamos el nuevo material para la niñez de la IP (EE. UU.)

Living Missionally Under the Big Tent

Second time around

Introducing a new PC(USA) denominational children’s curriculum

Churches grieve Germanwings tragedy

Changes coming to PC(USA) ordination exams

Obama to host Pope Francis at White House in September

Stillman College Inaugurates Peter Millet as its Sixth President

Out with the old, in with the new

Central American children find support from the church in their legal battle for political asylum Guardian Angel program holds court officials accountable

Morning by morning

Grawemeyer Award winner Willie James Jennings to discuss race and theology at Louisville Seminary April 15

Keynote address at Compassion Peace and Justice Training Day explores relevance of church in reducing mass incarceration

I and Thou at Ghost Ranch

Prayers for peace in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and beyond

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation announces new titles for Executive Staff members

Columbia Seminary’s William Brown to Teach at Ghost Ranch

Dreaming of a church with no steeples, buildings

GA Vice Moderator facing new challenge with cancer diagnosis - Kor

Overcoming the Odds

Year D at Ghost Ranch

GA Vice Moderator facing new challenge with cancer diagnosis

What same-sex marriage means to Presbyterians

One Day Options for Colloquium 2015

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) addresses Commission on the Status of Women

Presbyterians focus on collaboration

Children’s sermon moves Iowa children to support mission in South Sudan

Amendment 14-F approved-개정안 14-F가 승인되다

Amendment 14-F approved

Enmienda 14-F aprobada

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approves marriage amendment

What’s in a word?

사역 장로에 관하여: 안수

Regarding ruling elders: ordination

Presbyterian Joint Consultation in Cuba

Presbyterians host NCC at the Texas-Mexico border

ANALYSIS: 7.5 million Americans lost their religion since 2012

Lord in your mercy …

More than 40 Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding studies now available

One Great Hour of Sharing helps rebuilding efforts a decade after Katrina

New Book Explores the “Fierce” Side of Mister Rogers

National PC(USA) staff, friends show support for Arizona mom in sanctuary for eight months

Q&A: Rachel Held Evans on the ills of American Christianity, and leaving evangelicalism

‘Doing interfaith relations right’

Presbyterian churches continue to struggle with winter storm damage in the Northeast

Pope Francis nearly as popular as St. John Paul II among US Catholics

Presbyterians respond to the mass incarceration crisis

Historian and theologian tapped to lead Presbyterian Historical Society - Korean

COTE marks and celebrates membership and staff transitions

The road from Selma was paved with the blood of four unsung martyrs

Ferncliff Camp to host Responding to School Violence conference

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation soliciting applications for leadership development opportunity for racial/ethnic seminarians

Presbyterian Association of Musicians Announces Internship Grant Recipients

The long, hard battle against human trafficking

Engage deepens understanding of the gospel

Historian and theologian tapped to lead Presbyterian Historical Society

Stated Clerk Writes Letter Opposing the Protection of Children Act and the Asylum Reform and Border Protection Act

Israel’s ultra-Orthodox women make uphill battle for parliament

Who’s watching all that Christian media? Christians, but not many others

Pamela Cooper-White to Join Faculty of Union Theological Seminary

From competition to compassion, a university president leads the way

WCC commission promotes ecumenical learning and education

3 ways relics and artifacts can help us ‘find Jesus’

Commission on the Status of Women attendee shares her hopes for upcoming event

Our New Day Begun (#6 in a series)

Winter storms spell catastrophe for New England

Louisville Seminary enters new affiliation with the Indianapolis Center for Congregations

Camp Grier Restructuring Results in Growth

Our New Day Begun (#5 in a series)

Association of Presbyterian Colleges & Universities names new executive director

A letter from the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL)

59th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

Immokalee workers take campaign to college campuses

Muslims stand with Christians against attacks on churches in Niger

Embracing Peru

Michelle J. Bartel to head theological education office

People who are seeking peace

Utah highest, Vermont lowest on newest church attendance poll

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) joins interfaith coalition opposing trade injustice

New Book Tells How a Public Defender Reconciled with Sister’s Killer

New training opportunity for prophetic capacity for prospective NWC leaders

Eleven self-help community projects receive funding

Washington National Cathedral finishes first stage of earthquake repairs

IP (EE. UU.) lamenta y condena el asesinato de cristianos coptos egipcios

La fe perdura en medio del caos

Las preguntas nos dan apertura a nuevas posibilidades

Presbyterian Historical Society offers new digitization services - Korean

In the midst of turmoil, hope still survives - Korean

Bryce Wiebe will lead churchwide Special Offerings for the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Our New Day Begun (#4 in a series)

Focus on Africa’s Islamic extremists has diverted attention from South Sudan’s growing crisis

Kayla Mueller remembered

Faiths unite to mourn the death of 21 Coptic Orthodox Christians

‘An audacious thing’

Celebrating African American History Month

Sister Dorothy Stang died fighting for Brazil’s landless; 10 years later, not much has changed

WCC member church in South Sudan launches educational resource on reconciliation

A bicyclist dead, the Episcopal Church takes a hard look at alcohol

PC(USA) mourns and condemns the killing of Egyptian Coptic Christians

PC(USA) mourns and condemns the killing of Egyptian Coptic Christians

The Hidden Flame

Our New Day Begun (#3 in a series)

Columbia Seminary Offers New Certificate in Spiritual Direction

Behind closed doors?

Prayer in response to the murder of three Chapel Hill students

Amid criticism, Nigeria postpones presidential election, citing ongoing violence by Boko Haram

Con Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: El ministerio sin liderazgo pastoral instalado

사역 장로에 대하여 : 위임 목회 리더십이 없는 사역

Regarding ruling elders: ministry without installed pastoral leadership

Upcoming advocacy training to focus on mass incarceration and systems of exploitation

Parking spat as motive for triple murder? N.C. Muslims don’t buy it

Presbyterian Historical Society offers new digitization services

Kathy Dawson Honored; Unveils New Initiative

Stated Clerk Writes Letter Opposing H.R. 399, Secure Our Borders First Act of 2015 (Korean)

Stated Clerk Writes Letter Opposing H.R. 399, Secure Our Borders First Act of 2015

A Great Man Died Today

World Council of Churches mourns the death of Leopoldo J. Niilus

The best birthday gift ever

‘Their history is also ours’

Hope — but then horror

Our New Day Begun (#2 in a series)

‘What are Presbyterians, anyway?’

‘They came to break the land’

‘Book of Common Worship’ editor Harold M. Daniels dies at 87

Board of Pensions Announces Ordination of its President, Frank Spencer

Our New Day Begun

It’s official: Pope Francis to address Congress in September

Clinton School Student Creates Environmental Education Program for Ferncliff Camp’s Eco Center

Injured mission co-workers have safely returned home to Kansas

Mexico-based coffee cooperatives empower growers, eliminate need for migration - Korean

February 2015 - Questions open us to new possibilities - Korean

Paying it forward - Kor

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Names David Esterline as Sixth President

Dreams and dangers

Muslim women in Los Angeles start a mosque of their own

Urgent Work on Tenth Anniversary of Colombia Accompaniment Program

Joy and ‘han’

Paying it forward

Office of Public Witness Director Meets with United States Embassy Officials in South Sudan

World Council of Churches calls for protection of church leaders in Colombia

Two women, two borders, one cause

Steve Hayner, 66, Seminary President and Interdenominational Leader

Mexico-based coffee cooperatives empower growers, eliminate need for migration

Stated Clerk honors Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba

Disaster survivors take comfort from sea of blue

‘Answered prayer’

Desert pathways to a future uncertain

Stated Clerk joins religious leaders in pushing for two-state peace agreement

Priced out of New York, American Bible Society decamps to Philadelphia

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary receives largest gift in its history

Eco-Palms: a celebration of triumphal entry and environmental justice

New Books for Lent from Rowan Williams and Feasting on the Word Series

PC(USA) Presidents: Affirming the Call for Racial Justice

Tighter fiscal control for Presbyterian Youth Triennium

Raleigh congregation partners for education in South Sudan

Voices from the border and beyond

Lifelong servant of the church, Elizabeth-Ann ‘Betty’ Nicholson, dies at 81

Jimmy Carter, Russell Moore and Harry Jackson: Bridging the racial divide

Marcus Borg, leading liberal theologian and historical Jesus expert, dies at 72

Rehabilitation or incarceration?

Company of New Pastors announces upcoming webinars

Ralph Abernathy: Martin Luther King Jr.’s overlooked ‘civil rights twin’

Eight ministries awarded DREAM Grants

British churches to celebrate Magna Carta’s 800th birthday by reasserting its Christian heritage

Border towns like Douglas and Agua Prieta reflect complicated immigration struggle

Black churches offer scholarships to students at Michael Brown’s alma mater

Praying with few words

Christian writer Margaret Feinberg shares breast cancer struggles, lessons on joy

Holy Week Pilgrimages At Ghost Ranch

Journeying in Hope (Viajando en Esperanza)

Southside Presbyterian is a model for the Church’s immigration response

Dismissing the crowds

The Stated Clerk speaks on immigration on U.S.-Mexico border

PC(USA) advocating for the safety and release of two pastors detained in Sudan

Líderes de la IP(EE. UU.) condenan los actos de violencia en Paris y piden justicia

La IP(EE. UU.) lamenta la pérdida del ex Moderador y líder ecuménico

PC(USA) mourns loss of former Moderator and ecumenical leader - Korean

Pope Francis on free speech: ‘You cannot insult the faith of others’

Presbyterian Village North residents find joy in giving to neighbors in need

PC(USA) college ministries encouraged to apply for Campus Ministry Grant

Evangelism disciple making conference engages in ‘divine therapy’

Contemplative Church At Ghost Ranch

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Inspires Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Staff to a Renewed Commitment to Free Oppressed People

Risen from the ashes

Youth devotional app a hit

Majority of British Jews feel they have no future in England, Europe

사역 장로에 관하여: 당신의 신앙 이야기를 나누기

Con Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Compartir la fe

Regarding ruling elders: sharing your faith

Derribar muros por medio de la construcción de relaciones para abogar por la justicia y para oír

Florecer y crecer en nuestra renovación

Nigerian archbishop calls for unity marches following Boko Haram massacres

PC(USA) mourns loss of former Moderator and ecumenical leader

Nun is named first female head of Catholic Charities USA

Bible teaching grant helps Presbyterian-related schools explore grace and gratitude

Police chief to black churches: ‘We can’t do this without you guys’

Special Offerings to revise promotional campaign

Statement from Special Offerings

OGA hires coordinator for advocacy in Office of Immigration Issues

On fifth anniversary of earthquake, ministry in Haiti continues

Top 10 spiritual films of 2014

Young Adults gather online in South Dakota

Blossom and flourish in our renewal - Korean

Denomination in prayer for former GA moderator - Korean

PC(USA) leaders condemn Paris violence and call for justice - Korean

Contemporary gospel music pioneer Andrae Crouch dead at 72

Denomination in prayer for former GA moderator

PC(USA) leaders condemn Paris violence and call for justice

Palestinian college opens new doors for young people

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) applauds new Fair Food Program partnership

Congo Mission Network raises money to reopen nutrition center

Muslims on edge after Paris terrorist attack on satirical magazine

7 ways religious affiliation will (and won’t) change in the new Congress

Theologian, writer Edward Farley died Dec. 27

Jordan welcomes throngs of tourists at site where believers say Jesus was baptized

Along the border

Racial ethnic, new immigrant seminarians gather to explore changing landscape of ministry

Tsunami: 10 years later, a lesson in resilience

A silent — but not lonely — night

Blown away by the Christmas spirit

Moses: Movie star: Part 2

Beauty’s first language


Declaration of The Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba Regarding the Announcement of Reestablishing Relations Between the Governments of Cuba and the United States of America

Past scholarship recipient gives back to Presbyterian financial aid office

Office of Public Witness celebrates President Obama’s work on Cuba

PC(USA) Stated Clerk lauds historic action on Cuba

Serving and loving God wherever you are

Call to Prayer for the People of Pakistan

Evangelism in Madagascar

Unplugged and tuned in

사역 장로에 관하여: 교회 통계

Con Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Las estadísticas congregacionales

Regarding ruling elders: congregational statistics

Moses: Movie star

Secretario Permanente denuncia ataque a sinagoga

December 2014 - Link daily toil and holy quest in a deeper, earthier way this Advent - Korean

Una el trabajo diario con la búsqueda santa de una manera más profunda y terrenal durante este Adviento

Hispanic/Latino National Presbyterian Caucus releases statement on recent grand jury verdicts

Supporting Hispanic youth ministry

Documentary highlights farm work exploitation in United States

Sea una persona reconciliadora en la iglesia

Beard or no beard?

Youth groups from New York, Maine carry on 40-year tradition of mission

From one playground to another

Interactive, online Advent calendar offers fun activities to do with kids

ACREC statement expresses concern about verdict in Michael Brown case

Presbyterian border ministry site celebrates 30 years

Special Offerings take on new look

Presbyterians hope to make an impact on Giving Tuesday

Containing Ebola

If you build it, they will come

Churches have a special role to play in HIV response

NCC stands in solidarity with those seeking justice in Ferguson - Korean

5 reasons why we want to believe Jesus was married

Advent Calendar of Savings 2014

Hope in spite of drought

WCRC recommits to the Accra Confession

PC(USA) Stated Clerk responds to Ferguson grand jury decision

Introducing the new PC(USA) Store

Sudan partner church asks for prayer, support after attack on pastor’s home

A call to prayer for the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church

Religion survey babble confuses 103% of readers. Here’s why.


The Dones

Jerusalem’s Temple Mount: A launching pad for holy wars?

Long Island Presbyterians: Our Puritan beginnings

Merri Alexander takes role of senior director for strategic partnership development for Montreat

Seminary news

NCC stands in solidarity with those seeking justice in Ferguson

Stated Clerk denounces synagogue attack - Korean

Building together

Presbyterian Association of Musicians launches internship program for aspiring church musicians

Court rejects atheists’ demand to end tax break for clergy housing

‘The call to ministry is above rejection’

Catherine “Kay” Phillippe succumbs to cancer

Be a reconciler in the church-Korean

National Council of Churches welcomes two new staff members

Stated Clerk denounces synagogue attack

Mustard seeds in the Philippines

Rural women in Nicaragua working toward empowerment

Catholic bishops back Obama acting alone on immigration

사역 장로에 관하여: 직제 사역

Respecto a los ancianos y ancianas gobernantes: ministerios ordenados

Regarding ruling elders: ordered ministries

PC(USA) backs ‘Giving Tuesday’

Edna Palmer, Presbyterian ecumenist, dies at 97

New HLPM moderator expresses solidarity with murdered Mexican students

General Theological Seminary resolves faculty dispute, but future is unclear

Signs of hope in a nation still healing from brokenness

U.S., Cuban religious leaders press humanitarian case for prisoners’ release

North Korea’s release of U.S. prisoners sparks debate on why

Reflections on the Khulumani Support Group

The Berlin Wall: looking back, looking forward

Why Mark Driscoll’s fall and Mars Hill’s breakup issues a warning for megastar pastors

Cara a Cara con el llamado de Dios

The Rev. John M. Coffin, 85, dies

‘Our Challenging Way’

New Advent Resources from PPC

‘A gift and an offering’

Return from obscurity: NY’s Spring Street Presbyterian Church

Carolyn Winfrey Gillette pens new hymn for Donor Sabbath

El Caucus Nacional Presbiteriano Hispano Latino (NHLPC) de la Iglesia

Online, offline faith go hand in hand

Visible scars and wounds


Secularism grows as more U.S. Christians turn ‘churchless’

How to clean water with a guitar

Annie's children

Christian Aid turns to prophets of old for climate change hope

Statement by delegation to Cuba calls for release of captives

Tree of life

Harvest of hope

Evangelical ethicist David Gushee is now pro-LGBT. Here’s why it matters.

Expansion plans

Discussions in Punta Cana encourage collaboration among ecumenical organizations

Home grown

Monday at the movies

Stated Clerk part of delegation to Cuba

A fresh expression for a frightening era

Does purgatory have a prayer with Protestants?

Nov. 8 memorial service set for Pam Byers

Despite electronic voting snafu, commissioners and advisory delegates give GA 221 high marks

Freedom of religion, belief must be protected in workplace says U.N. expert

New WCRC General Secretary stresses solidarity to bring change-Korean

Tent of Nations

The Reformation was never univocal, says Mexican Reformed theologian

La IP (EE.UU.) reafirma su compromiso con las personas deportadas a través del movimiento Santuario 2014

La oración alrededor del mundo mientras la familia reformada marca días especiales

El nuevo secretario general de la WCRC hace hincapié en la solidaridad para lograr cambio

BOP’s Spencer charts ‘optimistic’ course

ACT Alliance elects new moderator, approves new strategic plan

Museum of the Bible aims for timeless name, imagery

Aja deja su posición en la Oficina de la Asamblea General

Presbytery and synod news

Faith Works

Aja leaving OGA position-Korean

Practicar la hospitalidad en un lugar inhospitalario

Refugees fleeing Iraq Christian torment enter Jordan in droves

PC(USA), Taiwanese Presbyterians agree on renewed mission and ministry together

Presbyterian Investment & Loan Program (PILP) Names Jim Rissler President

Con respecto a los ancianos y las ancianas gobernantes: Cómo moderar reuniones

Seventh-day Adventists to decide in 2015 on women’s ordination

WCC launches online survey on theology schools to probe climate justice

New WCRC General Secretary stresses solidarity to bring change

Aja leaving OGA position

Services of healing

From little brown church to little brown mission hub

In Africa, church leaders responding to climate change locally and globally

‘If not now, when?’

Oremos por Madagascar

Condolences offered following Jerusalem killing

‘1001’ grant program is retooled

Pits, Pitfalls, and Possibilities

Benjamin A. Reist remembered

Nearly $8 Million Lilly Endowment grant renews work of Louisville Institute

Bishops' debate over gays: Lost in translation?

Hope beyond the walls

Meet some of the 2014 Polity Conference attendees—Part 2

Beginning to sound a lot like Christmas

SDOP grant recipients announced

Lutheran Holy Land Bishop Younan to get Canadian peace work award

Meet some of the 2014 Polity Conference attendees-Part 1

'Kid to kid'

On the language of faith in writing

Type cast

What's in a name?

Face to Face with God’s call-Korean

Does the Muslim headscarf boost body image

The world comes to Costa Rica

Let the games begin!

Speaking God’s language(s)

Richard DuBose named president of Montreat Conference Center

Lutherans and UN refugee agency sign agreement on humanitarian cooperation

Prayers for Madagascar-Korean

Polar distress

Nobel laureates′ conference cancelled in South Africa over Dalai Lama visa

Church giving won’t rise unless pastors embrace Jesus’ teachings on poor, report says

사역 장로에 관하여: 회의 진행

Regarding ruling elders: moderating meetings

Good news and great news

Pilgrimage of justice and peace inspires Latin American communicators

Prayers for Madagascar

Face to Face with God’s call

PMAB approves budget changes

Building blocks

‘Winter Is Coming’

North American participants lay groundwork for a 2015 consultation on evangelism

Giving back in return

Practicing hospitality in an inhospitable place-Korean

Nobel winner Malala: Kids ‘should stand up for their rights’

‘Bread, Bath, and Beyond’

Seminary news

With persecution now ended, Protestants in Russia sputter along, pastor says

Stated Clerk issues letter of support to UCC in the Philippines

Severance pay

Pakistan’s emergencies require action before problems grow

Doris J. García Rivera installed as president of the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico

Presbyterian Peacemaker undeterred by roadblocks

Methodists resolve gay marriage complaint against 36 pastors without a trial

Emphasis on empathy

Kneeling in prayer

Brand New Resources Available in the Feasting on the Word Family

Longtime Presbyterian leader George Conn dies after brief illness

Call to end conflict

Company of New Pastors announces second Conversation on Pastoral Formation

Many church choirs are dying. Here’s why

Presbyterians called to pray for peace and justice in Hong Kong

Journeying together

Waging heavy peace

David Lewicki to preach on ‘Day 1’

Tensions at Episcopal Church's oldest seminary reflect larger crisis in future of theology schools

Reformed family called to ‘pray globally’ as it marks special days - Korean

Presbyterian mission co-workers injured in Ethiopia

Kids on the firing line

Mary Frances ‘Chick’ Ogden Foreman dies at 94

Churches and agencies formulate responses to Ebola outbreak

Agents of peace

One pastor’s response

Book on pastoral succession: ‘All pastors are interim pastors’

New UN document opens door for churches to do more for indigenous rights

Advocate for the common good

PC(USA) reaffirms commitment to deportees via Sanctuary 2014 movement-Korean

New Presbyterian Giving Catalog offers creative way to make a difference

Historic civil rights church to be considered for national recognition

Peace and tolerance

Yale chaplain's resignation reflects larger mainline tensions over Israel

Learning healing, finding peace

No reconciliation, no peace

‘Over there’ is right here

Ukraine is flowing with blood, say bishops, warning worse could come

Americans slowly starting to climb out of poverty, according to new census data

Revisiting the gospel in Egypt

Thirst for peace

God provides

PC(USA) reaffirms commitment to deportees via Sanctuary 2014 movement

Why same-sex marriage is expected to heat up this election among evangelicals

Voices from the Border and Beyond

The church on the margins

South Africa denies Dalai Lama another visa to visit ‘due to China relations’

Young theologians explore ways of furthering ecumenical formation

Presbytery and synod news

The struggle to survive

U.S. churches feel beat of change: More diversity, more drums

Displaced Iraqis appeal for security and tolerance

ACREC ‘applauds’ General Assembly divestment vote

Life and times of St. Paul Epps

Setting an example

A good foundation

Four years under construction

Big churches, big bucks: Southern senior pastors take top salaries

PMAB committee hears update on study process for proposed revisions to Directory for Worship

Seminary news

Catholic Relief Service looks at Central American programs to help fight migration crisis

Giving Peace a Chance

New in Managua

Letter to the President in Support of Sanctuary and in Hope of Administrative Relief - Korean

Letter to the President in Support of Sanctuary and in Hope of Administrative Relief

Denominational restructuring won’t work; local churches must innovate

Con Respecto a los ancianos y las ancianas gobernantes: como encontrar su voz como anciano/a gobernante

Experiencing ‘the church in action’

Graduation and General Assembly

Prayers, reflections and action during “Time for Creation”

100 years of calling, equipping, and sending Christian educators

WCC hosts Global Energy Parliament exploring ‘science of peace’

사역 장로에 관하여: 사역 장로로서 당신의 소리를 발견하기

Regarding ruling elders: finding your voice as a ruling elder

New ‘Nuns on the Bus’ tour to tackle political ‘dark money’

Battling Ebola with prayer and accurate information

Sea Prayers in Samoa show solidarity with people exposed to sea-level rise

Uphold Protections for Migrant Children and Families

‘People with a heart’

Going solar in West Virginia

Humanitarian need and loss punctuate crisis in northern Iraq (Part One)

Johannes G.J. “Jannie” Swart dies suddenly

Celebrations and challenges

Seeking forgiveness in Hudson River Presbytery

When Stewardship Is an Act of Public Witness

Grace Presbytery, Highland Park Presbyterian Church settle lawsuit

John Lennon’s killer: My life is all about Jesus now

‘On an adventure’

Church members assemble CWS school kits during a ‘participatory sermon’

Pastor who fought China's Christian crackdown faces 10 years in prison

Progress in Batey 7

Transformative workshop with indigenous women in Colombia addresses gender-based violence

Hispanic Christians launch initiative to bolster minority student achievement

Allan Boesak headlines one-day conference on the Belhar Confession

New hunger figures show millions of Americans continue to struggle

Cracks in the ‘stained-glass ceiling’: Women reach prominent pulpits

Food drive on wheels

From one Presbyterian Rear Admiral to the next

Christian and Muslim aid groups unite to urge action on IS threat in Iraq

Melva Costen shares rich life, experiences in PHS Living History project

New work

Una teología preciosa

China urges villagers: Give militants a bad stare and have a club

Pope Tawadros II speaks on role of Coptic Church in Egyptian society during WCC visit

Vatican’s doctrinal chief renews criticism of US nuns, says he’s no misogynist

Witnessing to the world

Avenues for healing

Christian leaders call for end to US strikes in Iraq, focus on peaceful resolution

What is home?

Learning from each other

Have Americans made God in their image?

Following God’s call: an introduction to our 2014 interns

From Las Vegas stages to Air Force chaplaincy

Jason Brian Santos to head PC(USA)’s collegiate ministries

MLK’s daughter seeks nonviolent Ferguson response

Making souls God wants to dwell in

Something old, something young

Argentinean churches rejoice at grandmother finding grandson born to death camp mother

Presbytery and synod news

Company of New Pastors launches new series of events

WCC commission leadership selected

Facing up to Ferguson

Back to the future

Losing religion at college? New study flips the common wisdom

It takes a village

Worship service in Pyongyang focuses on peace and reunification of Korean peninsula

Gay, Christian and celibate: The changing face of the homosexuality debate

PC(USA) leaders call for calm and prayer in Ferguson crisis - Spanish

Respite break becomes Peace Camp

Columbia president affirms faith despite spreading cancer

Chinese crackdown on crosses and churches continues

Can We Gather at the Table?-Korean

«¿Nos podemos reunir a la mesa?»

Can We Gather at the Table?

PC(USA) leaders call for calm and prayer in Ferguson crisis-Korean

Life beyond a trust fund

‘Ecstatic and enthusiastic’

China lets Pope use its airspace for first time in papal history

PC(USA) leaders call for calm and prayer in Ferguson crisis

Understanding military chaplaincy

Valdir França joins Presbyterian World Mission

Patriarchs of Eastern Churches appeal for aid against forces of religious extremism

More than we bargained for

Juan Sarmiento joins Presbyterian World Mission

After the Ferguson protests, church volunteers pick up the pieces

Opening doors for reconciliation

2014 Evangelism and Church Growth Conference draws diverse crowd

Pedaling for protein

Con Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Consistorios Presbiterianos

사역 장로에 관하여: 장로교 공의회들

Regarding ruling elders: Presbyterian councils

Evangelical leaders will travel to Israel to signal their support

Uprooted by force

PC(USA) Stated Clerk joins religious leaders in welcoming ceasefire

Alaska declares Nov. 14 ‘Dr. Walter Soboleff Day’

Marginal Christianity

Pilgrimage of justice and peace inspires production of liturgical material In Latin America

Experiencing the breadth and depth of the PC(USA)-Korean

A day in Gaza

WCRC selects Germany for next General Council

Humble modesty

Mommy, minister and unmarried: Single mothers in the pulpit

Experimentamos con la amplitud y la profundidad de la IP (EE.UU.)

Practical suggestions toward establishing new worshiping communities offered in new Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding study

Report from a mission co-worker in Israel/Palestine

Muslim Indonesia tries to halt spread of IS teachings in the country

Laugh practice

2014 Peacemaking Advent devotional now available

Gradye Parsons escribió una carta por la protección de los niños

Serving those who serve

Ministry with women and children

Islamic extremist impose reign of terror on Iraq

August 2014 - YEA as a liturgical response - Korean

Seminary news

Two congregations receive $5,000 grants to enhance multicultural ministry

United Church of Bacon: May the Lard be with you

Ebola virus frontline caregivers face deadly dangers in their work

WCC to hold seminar on migration and theological education

Julio del 2014 - Enredado

El comienzo de un diálogo

Respuesta de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) a la crisis de los niños sin acompañante

A new president with a vision

Agosto del 2014 – SI como una respuesta litúrgica

In God’s image

New officer-training resources will inspire transformational leaders for your church

Lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings still need to be applied seven decades later

Nursing home evangelism: Preaching at the ‘bus stop to eternity’

Transforming lives

Alex Evans to preach on ‘Day 1’

Making an elephant dance

14 years of ecumenical service

The Bible as ‘story of immigrants’

More than 100 religious, immigration activists arrested at White House

PDA issues appeal for funds to address border crisis

A family legacy of mission in Malawi

New York’s historic Jan Hus Church calls Beverly Dempsey

Survey: Most Americans say U.S. should shelter, not rush to deport, child migrants

‘God gets what God wants’

Congregations caring for creation

Columbia Seminary alum develops app to assist those in need

Meet the 2014 Ecumenical Service Recognition recipients

House and Senate Border and Immigration Bills

Ukrainian students’ views

‘From the brink of death to life’

Montreat summer worship series concludes Aug. 3

대통령께: 가자 지구와 이스라엘에서의 휴전을 위해 단호히 대처해 주기 바랍니다

Rabbi David Saperstein tapped as first non-Christian to serve as U.S. ambassador for religious freedom

Refugees from Central America provide 'gifts' of grace

Company of New Pastors announces expansion plans

J. Herbert Nelson joins workers and faith leaders in demanding better jobs for federal workers

Grace for refugees from Central America

New workers for Niger

Con Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Equipados para el Ministerio

With Mosul’s Christians gone, Islamic State troops take over 4th-century monastery

Sr. Presidente: haga firme presión a favor del alto al fuego en Gaza e Israel

Extravagant generosity

A light shining in the darkness

IRS agrees to monitor churches for electioneering

Presbyterian pastor and his daughter write novel about their experiences with international adoption

WCRC invites nominations for prize promoting women in church leadership

Participating in the dance of life

Faith journeys

WCC expresses concern over exodus of Christian community in Mosul, Iraq

Faith communities are dumping their fossil fuel investments

Faith in action

Volunteers pack 24,800 meals for children around the world at New Wilmington Mission Conference

Mr. President: Press firmly for ceasefire in Gaza and Israel

Bay City Westminster Presbyterian pastor to lead U.S. House of Representatives in prayer this week

Statement issued by PC(USA) denouncing attacks in Mosul

A holy and wholly different experience

ACSWP seeks people to serve on study teams authorized by 221st General Assembly

Moving churches to discuss the morality of climate change

PC(USA) leaders offer a prayer for peace in many places of need around the world

Walled history

Spare time to serve

Global Institute of Theology gathers in Costa Rica

Move over, smiley face: New religious emojis on the way

Immigration European style

WCC urges Christian responsibility in economic measures related to Israel-Palestine conflict

The person behind the papers

Presbyterian playwright addresses patriarchy at seminary

More than a meal

WCC announces interfaith summit on climate change

Stated Clerk issues statement on Gaza crisis

Church of England approves women bishops in historic vote

The beginning of a dialogue - Korean

Board of Pensions welcomes new president, Frank Spencer

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation to place older hymnals out of print

사역 장로에 관하여: 사역을 위해 무장되다

Regarding ruling elders: equipped for ministry

Major themes of the Belhar Confession explored in Being Reformed study

Border crisis inspires new Carolyn Winfrey Gillette hymn

Churches to continue their “pilgrimage of justice and peace” in the world

Pan Asian Conference addresses changing landscape, leadership

Religious leaders petition Congress to support immigrant children

Stated Clerk asks President to honor protections afforded to children

General Assembly offering yields $13,500 for ministries in Detroit, around the world

Ghost Ranch event to focus on wilderness spirituality

Jinishian Memorial Program Praises PC(USA) Action Commemorating Armenian Genocide

Forget Republican or Democrat: Americans divide by their values

Religious giving: not yet reviving

Building God’s beloved community

Women leaders in African churches reflect on HIV/AIDS

PC(USA)’s J. Herbert Nelson criticizes Supreme Court’s Harris v. Quinn decision

비 동반 어린이들의 위기에 대한 미국 장로교의 반응

J. William Straughan, Jr. to preach at Montreat

Republicans woo evangelical base in bid to recapture the Senate

No more monoculture

Joy, sorrow, pain held together in Presbyterian identity

PC(USA)’s J. Herbert Nelson criticizes ‘Hobby Lobby’ decision

New, approved translation of the Heidelberg Catechism explored in Being Reformed study

‘You don't all have to be the same’

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Response to Unaccompanied Children Crisis

Vatican confronts shifting landscape on family issues

A cry for peace and end to violence

Chief WCC governing body begins its meeting in Geneva

Book on history of Presbyterian Border Ministry released

Turning church right side up

Storms and dawns

Five takeaways from the Hobby Lobby case

July 2014 - Tangled - Korean

Congregational Ministries Publishing resources for sale through Presbyterian Publishing Corporation

Fine dining

The treasure of transformation in Christ

Consultation plans handbook on evangelism in Europe

Call to Prayer

Beyond Mississippi Burning

Living the dream

Study: Interfaith civic groups bridge diversity with participatory prayers

Zionism Unsettled No Longer Sold on PC(USA) Website

Seminary news

Presbytery and synod news

Moravians in 13 states vote to ordain gay clergy

An Open Letter of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to our American Jewish Interfaith Partners

Marriage, divorce and mariners

New Wilmington Mission Conference celebrates, encourages global mission

Latin American Presbyterians meet to celebrate and contextualize globalization pronouncement

Searching for the right pair of shoes

PC(USA)’s Joe Evans to preach on ‘Day 1’

Awaiting Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling, public favors contraception mandate

Gamm assumes leadership of Presbyterian Mission Agency Board

Latin American Presbyterians meet to celebrate and contextualize globalization pronouncement

Assembly closing sermon encouraged the gathered to trust in God alone


Church leaders meet and agree to advance peace on Korean Peninsula

Growing coalition presses Obama to end policy on religious discrimination in hiring

Season of Service Award

Get ready, Portland. The Presbyterians are on their way!

GA actions increase per capita 5 cents per year for 2015, 2016

Before the stroke of midnight, Assembly urges local jurisdictions to tighten background checks

Assembly adopts mission budgets of $73.7 million and $78.2 million for next two years

By slim margin, Assembly approves divestment from three companies doing business in Israel/Palestine

Fossil fuel overture sent to the Mission Responsibility Through Investment Committee

Divestment decision immediately becomes target in and outside Cobo Center

Assembly asks government to follow due process when drones are used

Bill, these bowties are for you!

By slim margin, Assembly approves divestment from three companies doing business in Israel/Palestine

Fossil fuel overture sent to the Mission Responsibility Through Investment Committee

합법적인 주에서 목사들이 동성 결혼식을 주례할 수 있도록 총회가 승인하고, 결혼 정의를 바꾸는 헌법 개정안을 보내다

'Life service, not lip service' is what God wants is theme of Motown-flavored worship service

Assembly approves dissolution of Hanmi Presbytery

Assembly votes to cut number of synods, but by fewer than recommended

PC(USA) leaders issue pastoral letter to the church on Assembly’s marriage actions-Spanish

2014년 6월 19일

Press Release-Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly Approves Recommendation Giving Pastors Discretion to Perform Same-Gender Marriage Ceremonies

PC(USA) leaders issue pastoral letter to the church on Assembly’s marriage actions

“These boots were made for writing”: 2014 distinguished writer talks shoes

Assembly adopts statement laying out 'Interreligious Stance' of PC(USA)

Restructuring of Peacemaking Offering to include global witness passes Assembly

Assembly acts decisively on gun violence, abortion, tax reform

Thursday's GA221 session ends with a happy celebration

Assembly approves allowing pastors to perform same-gender marriage where legal Sends proposed constitutional amendment changing marriage definition

Presbyterians launch 'Educate a Child' initiative to 'Transform the World'

Even before the vote was over, efforts began to address disagreements to come

통역자들과 번역자들이 제 221차 미국 장로교 총회에 참석한 모든 사람들이 이해할 수 있도록 하기 위해 수고하다

Interpretes y traductores trabajan arduamente en la Asamblea para asegurarse que todos puedan entender

Another new thing: Assembly sets aside time for discernment without debate

Valentine wins confirmation for unprecedented third term as head of mission agency

Hope can be heartbreaking, but Christ never disappoints, Egyptian theologian reminds Assembly

Assembly agrees to hit 'pause' on discussion of two issues dealing with pastoral fitness

GA Speakouts: Democracy in 60 second soundbites

Assembly refers question about providing childcare to COGA

Assembly sends Belhar Confession to presbyteries for inclusion in Book of Confessions

Interpreters and translators work hard at GA221 to ensure that all can understand

‘The sweet spot of our work’

Assembly confirms elections of leaders for Board of Pensions, Foundation

Gun violence discussion sparks laments, but also hope at screening of Trigger

Ruling elders reminded that God will supply tools enabling them to fulfill duties

GA221 kicks off first day of decisions with ecumenical breakfast and service

Stated Clerks honor Tammen with Fred Jenkins award

After 220 previous meetings, GA tries something new at its 221st gathering

Theological conservatives urged to join efforts at immigration reform

Mid Council Commission II report approved with minor change, 10-12 synods recommended

Presbyterians urged to stand up to power, pass overture on fossil fuel divestment at Earth Care luncheon

Convergence of voice and action key to Christian leadership, speaker says

중동 문제 위원회가 Caterpillar와 HP와 Motorola로부터의 투자 철수를 추천하다

Committee sends Belhar Confession to Assembly for approval

Congregational Vitality Committee hits the streets, makes connections

El Comité de Asuntos del Medio Oriente recomienda la desinversión en Caterpillar, Inc.; Hewlett-Packard y Motorola

Middle East Committee recommends divestment from Caterpillar, H-P and Motorola

Peacemaking committee votes to recommend that the Assembly take action aimed at restoring relationship with Cuba

Immigration and Environmental Issues Committee requests fossil fuel overture be sent to MRTI

General Assembly Procedures: Votes on YAADS and Per Capita

Virtual participation at 221st General Assembly allows more Presbyterians to follow the action

Committee recommends that Presbyterian pastors be permitted to perform same-sex marriages where they are legal

Being a disciple is really pretty simple: 'Follow Jesus,' pastor says

Social Justice Issues Committee disapproves call for a new abortion study

Committee recommends rejection of making distinction between modern and ancient Israel

Immigrant worshiping communities help revitalize the PC(USA)

Committee approves advocating for tighter measures to fight gun violence

PMA 'vitality' initiatives win endorsement by Assembly committee

Assembly committee recommends Valentine for third term as PMA executive director

Committee of Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations approves “interreligious stance”

Committee recommends GA urge pulling investments from for-profit prison companies

Committee listens to opinions on Middle East, but takes no action

Assembly committee endorses elections of Board of Pensions, Foundation leaders

Peacemaking committee approves continued discernment despite calls for more definitive action

Committee endorses creation of immigration defense group within PC(USA)

Committee recommends teaching elders 'assume moral responsibility' of per capita

Committee OKs recommendation permitting a presbytery to have fewer than 10 congregations

Committee votes to recommend dissolution of nongeographic Korean-American presbytery

Draft of new Directory for Worship recommended for study

Líder de la Iglesia Unida de Cristo (UCC) declaro a los comisionados de la Asamblea General: «el post-cristianismo no es algo malo»

지도자가 총대들에게‘포스트 기독교 국가’는 그렇게 나쁜 것이 아니라고 말하다

Differing stances on civil union and marriage quickly appear in public hearing

UKirk ministries reclaiming Presbyterian heritage of integrating faith and service

'Post-Christendom' isn't such a bad thing, UCC leader tells GA commissioners

Chaplains are ministers too, Kibben tells PC(USA) chaplaincy advocate group

Mid Councils committee makes its case to commissioners for fewer, bigger synods

Committee makes its case for updated GA Standing Rules

Middle East dominates commissioners' resolutions

Young Adult Volunteers program celebrates 20th anniversary

Commissioners hear rationale for increased flexibility in process to prepare ministers

Vice Moderator Kwong Abazia hopes Assembly can imagine new places

Belhar Committee turns to a variety of voices to make its case for new confession

Moderator Heath Rada's newest friends gather to wish him well

Young Adult Advisory Delegates elect co-moderators

GA event honors three women for their prophetic witness

Respecto a los Ancianos y Ancianas Gobernantes: Líderes Espirituales

El evento de la Asamblea General rinde honores a tres mujeres por sus testimonios proféticos

사역 장로에 관하여: 영적 지도자들

Regarding ruling elders: spiritual leaders

Theologian says 'end of Protestantism' may make U.S. Christianity interesting

Detroit area churches receive awards for social righteousness

Sunday morning brings a variety of worship experiences

Rada fue elegido como moderador para la 221a Asamblea General en primera vuelta

La 221a Asamblea General comienza con la adoración antes del debate

Presbyterian Mission Agency catalogues service for commissioners

Rada elected moderator of 221st General Assembly on first ballot

Presbyterian Mission Agency celebrates milestone in 1001 movement

If at first you don't succeed, go to Plan B, then C to count votes

Commissioners take time to have conversations about race

Down by the Riverside: getting the discussions started

If it's Presbyterian, it's probably in the Assembly Exhibit Hall

Before the business, 221st General Assembly opens with worship

Stated Clerk Urges President to Make Enforcement Policy Changes Now

Staying informed at GA221

Church councils reflect on the spirit of Christian unity in a time of change

Russia’s Baptist Union elects vice president, re-elects president

In publishing, all dogs go to heaven, but what about cats, horses and birds?

General Assembly backgrounder: immigration and environmental issues

Seminary news

CWS Kits donated by congregations help Alabama storm survivors clean up

Africa’s Islamic extremist groups are on the rise

Presbyterian Outlook to present E.T. Thompson awards to Buchanan, Wheeler, Small

General Assembly backgrounder: peacemaking and international issues

Brazil, football and protests

Jimmy Carter 3.0: Building a post-presidential legacy

Riders on the storm

General Assembly backgrounder: mission coordination

Expanding the choir

Growing a church that looks like the world

General Assembly backgrounder: BOP, PILP, PPC, Foundation

Anglicans in Brazil engage in theology to understand human rights and the environment

Southern Baptists meet as membership, baptism decline continues

Serpent on the Seal

General Assembly backgrounder: congregational vitality

Saving grain for a rainy day in Haiti

Pastor publishes book to honor animals of his congregation

Columbia Seminary President Steve Hayner diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

General Assembly backgrounder: General Assembly procedures

General Assembly backgrounder: social justice issues

Devotions on the go

More than 80 religious groups for passage of Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014

General Assembly backgrounder: theological issues and institutions

CRC, RCA to consider joint resolution

Ahead of the World Cup, Brazil’s churches work to protect children from sex abuse

PHEWA recognizes four social justice ministries with 2014 awards

General Assembly backgrounder: church polity and ordered ministry

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship reaches $150,000 with Occupation-Free Endowment Fund

Planning underway for world gatherings of theological educators

General Assembly backgrounder: mid councils issues

Detroit 1954: a tale of two cities

Q&A with musician, speaker, author David LaMotte

Fellowship, Presbyterians for Renewal plan merger that would offer a new home to evangelicals

Survey: One-quarter of the world harbors anti-Semitic sentiment

El Secretario Permanente comunica las estadísticas del 2013 de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU)

Stated Clerk releases PC(USA) 2013 statistics-Korean

General Assembly backgrounder: ecumenical and interfaith relations

Play a song for everyone

Then the bulldozers rolled

Self-Development of People announces May 2014 grant recipients

Conservative United Methodists say divide over sexuality is ‘irreconcilable’

Stated Clerk releases PC(USA) 2013 statistics

General Assembly backgrounder: civil unions and marriage

Back in the sanctuary business

National Council of Churches issues calls for justice in the Middle East and South Sudan

General Assembly backgrounder: the Middle East

PC(USA) Urges Wendy’s to Join Fair Food Program

More U.S. Latinos shift and drift outside the Catholic Church

The Jesus Trail – a journey along the path of Jesus

Seminary news

Finalists announced for 1001 NWC video contest

Overtures to the 221st General Assembly (2014)

Making a difference

Christian leaders say Middle East Christians must not be forgotten

Austin Seminary backs Columbia Seminary statement on schism

In a process of restructuring CLAI defines strategies and rescinds services of general secretary

Notes about people

Call to Prayer for the Release of Sudanese Christian Prisoner of Conscience

PC(USA) mission co-worker in Africa speaks on her calling

Are Millennials really leaving the church? Yes ― but mostly white Millennials

Commissioners and Young Adult Advisory Delegates to the 221st General Assembly

Holy Land Christians hope Pope Francis' visit might revive peace talks

Glory to God

Beyond what’s required

New initiatives explore relationships between ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue

Religious leaders press Obama on high-level dialogue with Cuba

Bastions of hope

Poll: Americans stretch the truth on attending church

John D. Sharick dies at 78

Hunger among seniors on the rise, Bread for the World reports

Survey: When science and faith collide, faith usually wins

‘Give it your best shot’

New Being Reformed study by Joseph D. Small surveys the six great ends of the church

Preparing Christian leaders

Christopher Ferguson elected WCRC general secretary

사역 장로에 관하여: 제 221차 미국 장로교 총회 (2014)

Understanding the politics

Respecto a los Ancianos Gobernantes: 221a Asamblea General (2014)

Regarding ruling elders: 221st General Assembly (2014)

Opening doors to the world

Latin America’s LGBTI movement celebrates triumphs, sets new goals

Methodists approve same-sex marriage benefits

Called to a community

Presbytery and synod news

Churches urge South Sudanese leaders to implement peace agreement

¿Hacer Discípulos? / Make Disciples?

The path to legal same-sex civil unions in Peru

Seminary news

Survey: Most Americans say fighting global poverty is futile

Attend the Moderator’s 2nd Convocation for Asian American Presbyterians - Korean

Dispatches from the Holy Land

Church leaders to take part in talks between South Sudan’s Kiir and Machar

Preaching, teaching, healing

Discerning the future

“It Is Time” - Korean

Jewish Americans ask: What does it mean to be ‘pro-Israel’?

PC(USA) leaders call for prayer as the world mourns missing Nigerian girls

PMA to send Special Offerings gifts to churches and presbyteries

Final study in the best-selling Engage curriculum series now available

Commitment to securing humanitarian access in South Sudan a step forward, says ACT

Faculty of Columbia Theological Seminary call for witness to Christian love in PC(USA)

Listening to your enemy

No guns at Episcopal churches in Georgia, bishops say

WCC general secretary: war in South Sudan must end now

Supreme Court approves sectarian prayer at public meetings

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance assessing damage, needs after April storms

Beauty and brokenness in Jerusalem

«Ya es hora»

Lutheran Church in Chile ordains first woman pastor

‘Welcome home’

Inside out and inside in

Haiti is not receiving the attention of the international community, says UN coordinator

Are married priests next on Pope Francis' reform agenda?

The Outreach Foundation celebrates two milestones

Ecumenical delegation to visit South Sudan amidst conflict

Richard Haney tapped to head Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship

Historic Riverside Church recommends first woman as senior minister

Inmigrante Presbiteriana de Guatemala se convierte en activista de asuntos migratorios

Presbyterian immigrant from Guatemala becomes activist on immigration issues - 과테말라 출신의 장로교 이민자가 이민 이슈들과 관련하여 적극적인 활동을 하다

Faith leaders call on Sarah Palin, NRA, to repudiate statement equating waterboarding with baptism

Fitting the pieces together

Sara Speicher tapped as interim head of Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance

Presbyterian immigrant from Guatemala becomes activist on immigration issues

A visit to the Presbyterian Church of Colombia

Farmworkers’ Fair Food program highlighted in NY Times

United Church of Christ sues over North Carolina gay marriage ban

A cross-cultural journey to the Holy Land

Young Women’s Leadership Development to host event at General Assembly

Veteran church leader tapped for Mid Council Relations post

New website connects young adults with service, community, advocacy opportunities

PDA responders on the way to Arkansas

‘Walk where Jesus walked’

Presbyterian journalists win 11 ACP awards

Cast your vote!

Most voters favor prayer, minus Jesus, at public meetings

2015-2016 Budget Approved by the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board

Down to the River

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board approves 2014-2016 mission budgets

Declaración del moderador con respecto al Comité de Asuntos del Medio Oriente

Italy’s ‘singing nun’ shows that ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun’

PMAB approves Stony Point Center agreement

Church without walls

La Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) envía sus condolencias y oraciones a las víctimas de los tiroteos en las afueras de los edificios judíos

Statement from the Moderator about the GA221 Middle East Issues Committee-Korean

‘A Season of Listening’

Presbyterians Call for Armenian Genocide Recognition and Commemoration

Educate a child, save the world

A new Noah

Ecumenical consultation urges elimination of human trafficking

‘Heaven Is for Real’ … and for everyone in new film

A church without walls (literally)

J. Herbert Nelson to speak at National Black Presbyterian Caucus GA dinner

WCC member church in Kenya ordains the Rev. Dawn Gikandi

Novel set in the Civil War wins First Book Award

‘Interesting times’

Committee leaders named for 221st General Assembly (2014) - Korean

He doesn’t just listen to the Sunday sermon; he draws it

Religious leaders release Easter statement to end war on drugs and mass incarceration

No PNS postings on Thursday, Friday of Holy Week

Running the race that is set before us

500 global groups push SEC on transparency rules

President Obama mourns Kansas tragedy: ‘We’re all children of God’

The church has left the building

사역 장로에 관하여: 재정적 책임

Regarding Ruling Elders: Financial Responsibilities

PC(USA) sends condolences, prayers to victims of shootings outside Jewish facilities-Korean

Worship Times partners with Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to build websites for new worshiping communities

Respecto a los Ancianos Gobernantes: Responsabilidades Financieras

Listening and responding to Earth’s voices

PC(USA) sends condolences, prayers to victims of shootings outside Jewish facilities

Small Church Residency Program changes name, application process

Statement affirms PC(USA)’s historic support for the UN - Korean

From Beacon Hill to ‘Bishop Bling,’ clergy housing faces new scrutiny

An Easter poem from J. Barrie Shepherd

Blessed are the peacemakers

Anti-Semitic incidents continue to decline in U.S.

Presbytery and synod news

Three different Palm Sundays

Young enough to dream

Graham’s grandkids collect thank-you’s for ‘Daddy Bill’

Presbyterian communicators win 14 RCC awards

Moonlighting pastors and postponed health care

Churches use Lent season to raise awareness on climate change

Washington church dedicates T-shirt memorial to gun violence victims

Heath Rada announces choice for GA vice-moderator

Kenyan Christian leaders oppose polygamy bill

Declaración de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) afirma el apoyo histórico para las Naciones Unidas

'Together for Peace in Syria'

American Bible Society to sell 12-story NYC building

¡Bebamos! Ventas de K-fe ayuda a financiar el desarrollo de los recursos en español de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.)

Drink up! Coffee sales help fund development of PC(USA) Spanish-language resources

Water, water everywhere

Se nombraron los líderes de los comités para la 22va Asamblea General (2014)

Young women in PC(USA) delegation inspired by Commission on the Status of Women

Living into the life set before us

WCC consultation will address migration, human trafficking and modern slavery

Slow church movement fights the McDonaldization’ of church

Committee leaders named for 221st General Assembly (2014)

Seeking the welfare of the city

Being there

Statement affirms PC(USA)’s historic support for the United Nations

The Rev. Billy Honor to preach on ‘Day 1’

New Book Examines Core Values in a Time of Crisis

Finding what is lost

Funds Development adds new staffer

World Vision's gay marriage flip-flop reflects evangelical angst as culture shifts

Stated Clerk participates in dialogue with Christian and Jewish leaders

Seminary news

Alban Institute, a resource for mainline institutions, to shutter

Church-based development group invites EU to adopt long-term strategy to reconnect Gaza to West Bank

Repentance and reconciliation

Presbyterian youth’s ministry receives national award, attention

Peery to retire as president of Montreat Conference Center

Out of a little … plenty

Fred Phelps' hateful legacy may be the opposite of all he intended

WACC helps raise the voices of Haitian women

NCC’s first Christian Unity Gathering slated for May 18-20 in Washington, D.C.-area

Pew research: Pope Francis hugely popular with U.S. Catholics

The widow’s might

Campaign in Brazil focuses on the ‘globalized indifference’ to human trafficking

Mormon women seeking priesthood to be shut out of Temple Square

The power to build peace

Out of the whirlpool

Anglicans, Roman Catholics and Muslims sign historic agreement to combat human trafficking, slavery

Presbyterians help press U.N. to improve plight of world’s women

‘Homeless Jesus’ provokes debate on what it means to be Christian

A prayer for Rasel

WCC general secretary expresses concern over Israeli Knesset law

New broadly graded summer curriculum sets stage for awesome adventures

The joyful feast

Church is a ‘unifying force’ in conflicted South Sudan, missionaries say

John Wilkinson taps MaryAnn McKibben Dana as GA running mate

WCC president for Latin America expresses concern over clashes in Venezuela

Spared a church trial in one region, Methodists may find censure in another

사역 장로에 관하여: 예배 리더십

Con Respecto a los/as Ancianos/as Gobernantes: Liderazgo de adoración

Regarding Ruling Elders: Worship Leadership

Committee affirms PC(USA)’s commitment to interfaith relationships, honors four for outstanding ecumenical service

Cuban church leaders press for normalization with U.S.

Call and response

Presbyterian co-leading CWS tornado recovery workshops in Illinois this week

A port after the storm

PPC announces revitalized benevolence programs

Journey and awaken into God’s diverse world

Survey finds growth, vitality in multisite church model

‘Not just hands, but also a voice’

Presbytery unites youth groups for mission

Faith-based voices urge expansion of access to HIV treatment

EEOC details employer rules as religious worker complaints rise

San Antonio pastor is third candidate for GA moderator

National Presbyterian Church of Mexico excludes recently ordained woman pastor

PPC announces revitalized leadership development opportunity for racial/ethnic seminarians

Remembering how it was when we were still brothers

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship launches Peace Communities Partnership initiative

WCC general secretary shares with pope aspirations for unity, justice and peace

A Church No Longer Subdued: Be a Voice for Peace

Study: Protestant work ethic isn’t just Protestant anymore

PC(USA), African partners empower women

Notes about people

Lent Letter: World Communion of Reformed Churches

Spreading the spirit of General Assembly

WCRC joins Presbyterian advocates for women at UN Commission on the Status of Women

Inspired by St. Francis, young adults look to emulate his bond with nature

Social media Sunday

Seminary news

Whitworth to host PC(USA)’s conversation on Unity with Difference March 12-14

John Ortberg’s Menlo Park Presbyterian votes to leave PCUSA despite $8 million fee

Dumpster diving as an act of faith

Board of Pensions grants 4.6% experience apportionment

Conciliation essential, says Central Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Venezuela

Rwanda: 20 Years Later

Special Offerings launches Pentecost video contest

2014 Seven Weeks for Water campaign kicks off

Questions and answers about Ash Wednesday

From the Underside-Korean

“Lots and lots of paperwork”-Korean

Ecumenical Advocacy Days March 21-24

“Lots and lots of paperwork”

Self-Development of People announces grant recipients

Protecting Haiti’s vulnerable children

What is the Answer to Bad Religion?

PC(U.S.A.) Daily Prayer app now available for Android

Trust is a key factor to peace in Colombia, says Jesuit leader

Survey: Americans turn sharply favorable on gay issues

COTE names recipients of Excellence in Theological Education award

PC(USA) leaders briefed in meetings with Syrian, Lebanese partners

Board of Pensions names Frank Spencer as president-elect

Pentecostal groups agree to bridge a century-old racial divide

El material educativo Participe está ahora disponible en Español y Coreano

태평양 연안에서 화합과 교회론에 대한 대화의 장을 준비한 총회장

Moderador convoca conversaciones acerca la unidad y la eclesiología en la costa

Pastor petitions United Nations: ‘Pray for U.S.’

NCC joins push to end solitary confinement in prisons

South Sudanese churches ask warring parties to end conflict and build peace

New Presbyterian Youth Book Club study on Divergent

MRTI considers fossil fuel divestment overtures

‘It’s like taking a spiritual vitamin’

Kansas, Arizona bills reflect national fight over gay rights vs. religious liberty

Retired pastor finds niche leading disaster relief efforts

Adventist Church changes thousands of lives through literacy program

Ancestral land returned

Best-selling author of Soul Feast Returns with New Lenten Study

First Church Houston is staying in PC(USA)

A new day in Ukraine

Baseballing Presbyterians

Evangelical women look beyond Bible study to new causes

A time to stand firm

Colombian Catholic bishops emphasize family, poverty as elections approach

Chaplains help others grieve, but learn to grieve themselves

Oscars’ best films from a faith perspective

A valuable partnership

Calling all cooks

Gender counts in the aftermath of disaster in the Caribbean

Worried about their future, French Jews take a bet on Israel

A lifetime of faith

Blair Monie to preach on ‘Day 1’ in Lent

Seminary news

Coming to the Sudanese table in Iowa

Bread for the World launches campaign to reform U.S. food aid

World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) project strengthens communication rights in Bolivia

Comité especial recomienda que la Confesión de Belhar sea añadida al Libro de Confesiones

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) remains committed to peace for Israelis and Palestinians

Building on a legacy

New Book Examines the Journey Ahead After the Loss of a Child

Young adults gather online

Presbytery and synod news

Consultation on ‘Faith Declarations’ opens future possibilities

‘Comparative Statistics 2012’ now available

Mormon missionaries find work, meaning in community service

Signs of hope in Cremisan Valley for Palestine’s Christians

PNS to change email distribution of stories

WCC seeks young adult stewards for summer meeting

Christian Hospitality Center opens its doors at the Sochi Olympics

Líderes de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (E.E.U.U.) se reunieron con el Caucus del Senado Demócrata y otros líderes religiosos

Sent to serve

2014 Women of Faith Award recipients named

Revision of Directory for Worship sent to 221st General Assembly (2014) for comment, study from wider church

Major themes of Belhar Confession explored in Being Reformed study

‘A present reality’

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board elects new chair, vice chair

Sunni-Shiite violence soars in Pakistan

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board approves recommendations for 1001

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board sends MRTI recommendations to General Assembly

PPC ends distribution partnership with Cokesbury

Abortion rate hits lowest level since 1973

Board agrees to let staff leaders come up with Stony Point plan

Cuba connection

Kathy Bostrom named winner of top writing prize

God’s salad bowl

Light: global economic justice and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

특별 위원회가 벨하 신앙 고백을 미국 장로교 신앙 고백서에 추가하기를 추천하다

Real family values

Youth inspire overture calling for fossil fuel divestment

Presbyterian Mission Agency Executive Committee approves two church-wide initiatives

Faith leaders wrestle over growing support for marijuana

Special committee recommends Belhar be added to <em>Book of Confessions</em>

‘Weavers of Hope’

PHEWA seeks nominations for social justice ministries awards

Walter Brueggemann Discusses the Sabbath in His New Book

Presbyterian leaders call for a Day of Prayer for South Sudan on February 16th

Presbyterians seek unity—or amicable split—on gay clergy

Learning by doing

Presbyterian leaders call for a Day of Prayer for South Sudan on February 16th

Christians in the Sudan face travel restrictions, cardinal says

Doing more with less

Bottoms up

A honest ‘selfie’

For some Christians, sharing medical bills is a godly alternative

Face-to-face connections

A long, strange trip

Update on Political Turmoil in Thailand

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Sikh Coalition to host interfaith dialogue events in New York City

South Sudan ceasefire agreement marks start of rebuilding, ACT Alliance says

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders meet with U.S. Senate Democratic caucus, other faith leaders

Safety net

PC(USA) documentary on the ripple effect of gun violence shown as part of MLK Week

The pope and the president: What to look for in the Obama-Francis summit

Hope Amid Violence in South Sudan

Sing to the East and the West

A mission co-worker in Europe?

Special Offerings task force recommends changes to Peacemaking Offering

5.3 billion people face harsh religious freedom restrictions

ACSWP continues work on reports to GA

Tony Campolo to shutter the evangelical ministry he started 40 years ago

MRTI to recommend divestment from Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions and Hewlett Packard

Churches expect decisive actions for peace in Syria from Geneva 2 talks

G. Thompson ‘Tommy’ Brown dies at 92

PDA honored for Superstorm Sandy relief efforts

World Communion of Reformed Churches finds new home

Christians in Libya cast anxious eye at religious freedom

Top 10 films for 2013

Presbyterian network opens new dialogue on Zionism

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr.

PC(USA) delegation accompanies Syrian Church partners in meeting with Syrian President Assad to press for peace

Coalition of Immokalee Workers reaches agreement with Walmart

Fans rely on God, rituals to boost favorite team

One-quarter of Colombia's Indians displaced

Sharing the love one neighbor at a time

Peace activist John Dear parts ways with the Jesuits

Overcoming evil with good

A bridge between Pentecostal and Baptist

Serán ofrecidas sesiones de entrenamiento acerca de los problemas de inmigración

Stony Point evaluation committee recommends against incorporation

CWS: ‘World must fulfill the promise to Haiti earthquake survivors’

Presbyterians are working to end violence against women and children

Roman Catholics decline in England, Wales

Immigrant Ministries: Growing a diverse church

Women photographers shatter Middle Eastern stereotypes

More than survival

‘nFOGging’ the General Assembly

‘Collaboration is a good way to go’

Face-to-Face 행사, 다른 자료들, 임지를 찾는 자들과 미국 장로교 고용 기관들을 연결시키기

Survey: Views on evolution driven by religion more than education

Face-to-Face, hace un encuentro entre las personas y las organizaciones empleadoras de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (E.U.A.) entre otros recursos

Rosemary Mitchell will help Presbyterians engage with Washington and UN ministries

Thirst for learning

Notes about people

Training sessions to be offered on immigration issues - Korean

Face-to-Face, other resources, match call seekers and PC(USA) employing organizations

Seminary news

Prayer is key to Baltimore congregation’s transformation

Report: 8 UNHCR member countries on human rights organization’s list that restrict religious freedom

Training sessions to be offered on immigration issues

Interfaith group serves Christmas dinner to homeless

Despair in the South Sudan

2013 marked shifts in views on social issues

Creation care

Grants available for clergy renewal leaves

Report: Alarming data of violence against women in Latin America and the Caribbean

Pam Driesell to preach on ‘Day 1’

Report: Femicides in Brazil hit civil war proportions

Call to Prayer for Madagascar: Election Update

Seminars in Bossey will provide opportunities of ecumenical formation

Left behind

2013 in Review: Pope Francis dominates the headlines

Bringing the sick to Christ, the healer

Faith-based organizations join hands in their response to HIV and AIDS

Single-parent residential program moving toward goal

Nominations still being accepted for PWG awards

Connection brings comfort and hope

PNS to take holiday break

Faith leaders urge EPA to assess impact of Alaskan mine

Jesus, Elvis and Aristotle: Who’s bigger?

Making ‘miracles’

PC(USA) mission co-worker, bishops write book about border mission

A library of legacy

Church leaders issue statement in the wake of escalating violence in South Sudan

Responding to the crisis in South Sudan

Church-state partnerships aid malaria fight in rural Africa

Where John baptized Jesus

Ministry at the intersection of life and death

God interrupts

Notes about people

Mormon Church: Justifications for black priesthood ban rooted in racism

David vs. Goliath

다윗과 골리앗

And then there were 172

Engage study now available for Spanish and Korean speakers

Moral Mondays

At National Cathedral, a vigil for victims of gun violence

YAV program expands to six new sites

Ecclesiology without metaphor

Learning by doing, doing by learning

Make your own kind of music

David vs. Goliath

Think globally, act locally ... or vice versa?

Some Seventh-day Adventists forge ahead on women clergy

Following God’s call

A million for mission

Whitworth awarded $1 million from Lilly Endowment

Membership defined

Call and response ecclesiology

Word becoming flesh

Targeted by Assassins: Women, Children, Families of Honduras

Washington National Cathedral to charge visitors

A tribute to Nelson Mandela

Former Crafton pastor uses investments to make a lasting contribution to kids

Call to Prayer for Madagascar: Election Update December 1, 2013

Influential investor

Supreme Court takes up contraceptive mandate, will rule on religious rights of corporations

Nelson Mandela: dreamer of big dreams

Kathy Francis chosen as new Senior Director of Communications

Presbyterian Center chapel hosts interfaith celebration

Just say yes

Seminary news

A common ground in preventing gun violence

Wild Goose uprising

‘Crown jewel’ of American printing fetches $14.2 million in record auction

Relief work continues after typhoon in the Philippines

Presbyterian partner leading the World Council of Churches in Latin America

2nd candidate named to stand for GA moderator

Religious conflict rips through Central African Republic

Stated Clerk Urges End of ATEP (Alien Transfer and Exit Program) | El Secretario Permanente urge el término de ATEP (Programa de transferencia y salida de inmigrantes)

Pray for Peace in Mozambique

Comfort zone? What comfort zone?

Seminary news

PC(USA) leaders ask Congress not to cut SNAP benefits

Church trial shines spotlight on denomination’s ambivalence

Coming full circle

Interactive, online Advent calendar offers fun activities to do with kids this Advent

Virginia congregation partners on affordable housing

NCC installs new officers

Not a SNAP

Breaking down barriers

Church of England ‘one generation from extinction’ says former archbishop

SNAP to it

Global Institute of Theology 2014 to take place in Costa Rica

Donations pouring in for Philippines, but it may not be enough

Webinar updates Presbyterians on Philippines disaster response

James E. Winkler elected NCC general secretary/president

Presbyterian leaders released following imprisonment in South Sudan

Series of ‘flash sales’ being offered to followers of CMP on Facebook and Twitter

"God blesses us and leads our lives"

A presidential pew

Catholic bishops’ new president can help hierarchy pivot toward Pope Francis

Thanksgiving 2013: Our 150-Year-Old National Tradition

Presbyterians engage in SNAP/Food Stamp Challenge

Nominees sought for best Presbyterian writer

New Book from Presbyterian Author Offers Biblical Guidance on Today’s Ecological Crisis

Presbyterians, Adventists conclude 4-year dialogue

A light in the distance

Children killed in attack near Damascus church and school

In Oval Office, evangelicals press for immigration reform

Call to Prayer for the Philippines - Spanish

In search of affordable groceries

Music is love

American Bible Society donates Bibles to remind Congress to protect the nation’s most vulnerable

Rise in Italian Catholic Church attendance attributed to ‘Francis effect’

GA special committee examining ministry preparation process releases interim report - Korean

Reverend Admiral

Call to Prayer for the Philippines - Korean

ACSWP continues work on reports to GA 221

Notes about people

Army medic shares vision with Indiana congregation

“Tragedy must not deter us from our Christian calling”

WCC Assembly addresses contemporary public issues

Emboldened, gay marriage activists eye 50 states

Message of the WCC Assembly: ‘We intend to move together’

U.S. National Council of Churches officers welcome Obama outreach to Cuban dissidents

PDA has set up account for contributions to Philippines typhoon relief

New Beginnings: from ‘navel-gazing’ to ‘acting out faith’

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, ecumenical partners, responding to Philippines typhoon | 장로교 재해 지원부와 에큐메니컬 동역자들이 필리핀 태풍에 반응하다 | El Programa presbiteriano de asistencia en desastres los socios ecuménicos responden a los tifones de las Filipinas

First woman and African moderator elected of the WCC Central Committee

Call to Prayer for the Philippines

Despite ‘huge’ hesitancy, seminaries branch out in online degrees

Historically peaceful Syria in ‘unimaginable situation’

Unity in Christ: the journey of fellowship

Fifty years later, C.S. Lewis’ legacy shines in US, not his homeland

Water ways

Let the future shape the present

Mission: a call to life-giving witness

A million for mission

Finding the lost

Fire water

Asia shares aspirations for justice and peace at the WCC assembly | 아시아가 세계 교회 협의회(WCC) 총회에서 정의와 평화를 위한 열망을 공유하다

Baptist-Hindu couple write how-to book on interfaith marriage

GA special committee examining ministry preparation process releases interim report

Water works

‘Act and work where justice is’

Young adult ministry grows in Northeast Georgia Presbytery

10th Assembly elects new WCC presidents

The power of narratives uncovered at training event

Christmas with a touch of Celtic

By train to Busan: journeying for peace in Korea


‘I need a pastor for the restaurant industry. Are you interested?’

Report: Church giving reaches Depression-era record lows

Gospel demands marriage equality, Johnson tells Covenant Network

Exclusive focus on heterosexual marriage is not biblical or Reformed, Covenant Network told

Participants connect assembly theme to their realities

Group building project expands thinking on representation

Theological education initiative begins in Seoul

Biblical arguments favor marriage equality, religious researcher says

Cuban handicapped analyze their sense of Gospel hope

Hollywood looks to the Bible for screenplay potential

‘You serve the church because God called you to do this’

Building on a legacy

The For Such a Time as This Pastoral Residency Program is Now Part of CLC

The disappearance of ENInews

WCC assembly opens with prayers, reflections and great hopes

‘Jesus would want us to do it all’

Poverty, not Islam, is the enemy, Niger peacemaker says

Baptism rates slide despite high-profile boosts

Board of Pensions looks to future, approves 2014 business plan

Self-Development of People announces grant recipients

WCC assembly ready to open, watch from afar

Stated Clerk urges the end of programs that create distrust of local enforcement and make us less safe

East meets West during mission trip to Navajo Nation

WCC 10th Assembly: hopes and aspirations

Breaking bread in faith and love

COGA issues letter on General Assembly gathering and Detroit

Coalition of Immokalee Workers awarded Roosevelt Institute’s Freedom from Want medal

Synod COR training event opens with contextual Bible study

Where truth and beauty reunite

Can online Communion be a substitute for the real thing?

The Bible and Belhar

Rocky Stony Point

They applauded!

A call to prayer for Madagascar elections Oct. 25

Interview: Malcolm Gladwell on his return to faith

Initial 1001 Investment Grants awarded

Religious leaders urge direct talks between U.S., Cuba

Church news outlets struggle to keep their editorial independence

Two Churches, One Pastor

Pastor Brings Back Unity to Church

2013 Women of Color Consultation

After 65 years, will peace finally come to Colombia?

Consultants help churches with the business of growth

Presbyterians for Earth Care to honor two leaders

National Council of Churches still pushing for comprehensive immigration policy reform

God through the eyes of artists

PC(USA) sponsoring November food stamp challenge

Faith leaders march on Congress

A time for every (re)purpose under Heaven

Christine Chakoian to preach on ‘Day 1’

Long an oasis of Christian-Muslim calm, Kenya may see more strife

2014 Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study available

Peace Train takes a journey towards reunification of Koreas

Church bells ring in a corner of Turkey once the site of Armenian genocide

COGA visits Detroit in advance of GA221

Food for thought … and action

Hobby Lobby apologizes for Hanukkah flap

Understanding trauma is key to children’s ministry, researcher tells Russia Mission Network

Seminary news

From the occupied Palestinian territories to the European Union

Fraternal twins

WCRC lauds South African churches for progress toward unity

‘Gravity’ and the unanswered questions of unbelief

Improving human dignity among poor, homeless in Madagascar

Council of Churches of Cuba partners with U.S. Rainbow Coalition PUSH

Dominican court ruling increases risk of statelessness, CWS warns

‘Not someone else’s problem’

A new path to poverty eradication

Billy Graham’s legacy fading ‘into the mists of history’

A clean water community

A Christian witness in Iraq

1001 video contest: what’s your story?

The price of freedom

Who’s a Jew? Few American Jews say it’s a matter of belief

‘Where hope never dies’

Whitworth enters into new partnerships with PC(USA)

PNS shifts ‘digest’ schedule from Friday to Wednesday

‘The fight for life’

New Engage study seeks to call, train, inspire, and support disciples of Jesus Christ

Three churches become one to better engage neighborhood

Presbyterian Center celebrates publication of new hymnal

Syrian Christians may get pulled into civil war

Religious leaders urge ‘path toward improved relations with Cuba’

Youth delegates prepare for WCC assembly

Behind the front lines in Syria

GA mission budget receipts down but so are expenses

For Such a Time as This Residency Program applications now accepted year round

Stated Clerk urges Congress: Stop Playing Politics with People's Wellbeing

Ann Tiemeyer elected to key NCC post

United Methodist high court to consider challenges to gay teachings

COTE’s Fall Meeting Opens New Possibilities for the Church

Walking the walk

A Call to Action: How you can help us share the power of faith with the world

Making a joyful noise

PMAB rejects pay raise modifications for Center employees

Keeping the main thing the main thing

Religious leaders denounce child marriage in joint video

Stony Point incorporation proposal referred to ‘evaluation team’

1001 movement is ‘transformation strategy for entire church’

Earline B. Williams addresses Presbyterian Mission Agency Board

Living out our faith

Stated Clerk issues statement on the Westgate Mall attack in Kenya

Board of Pensions changes prescription drug provider

Stated Clerk issues statement on Pakistan church bombing

Giving catalog to connect Presbyterians with impact of gifts to Special Offerings

Moody Bible Institute drops alcohol and tobacco ban for employees

Talmaks: Camp Meeting of the Nez Perce Presbyterians

Global survey documents trends in theological education

Prayer for Colorado

Hospitality integral to mission co-worker’s interfaith engagement

North Carolina Presbyterian pastor featured on ‘Day 1’

SFTS student starts street ministry in San Francisco

WCC consultation brings rights of religious minorities into focus

From burlap sack to digital file, church records get makeover

Diverse faiths enhance consultation conversation

What you need, baby, God’s got it

Prayer for Colorado - Oremos por Colorado

Prayer for Colorado - Korean

Consultation on interfaith relations maps way forward for PC(USA)

Historic Presbyterian church engages children in global mission

Who’s joining the exodus?

Remarriage rates plunge as divorced Americans have doubts

Become life shapers

Soul to soul

Egyptian Christians minister on in spite of violence

Interfaith Art Exhibit

‘Missionaries of Shalom’

From farm to iPhone

New Presbyterian hymnal published

We remain committed to eradicating gun violence

Pope Francis tells atheists to ‘obey their conscience’

‘Presbyterian ministers for $400, Alex’

From making decisions to making disciples

Balanced and transformed

Putting knowledge into practice

New, Progressive Approach to Having the “Talk” Revealed in New Book

‘Don’t make it harder than it needs to be’

Student faith worshiping community at UKirk Ole Miss grows tenfold

A matter of gifts

Seminary news

Feminists call temporary Western Wall prayer platform a ‘sundeck’

Celebrate Theological Education Sunday Sept. 15

WCC and Global Christian Forum seek Christian unity together

Is ‘Just War’ doctrine another victim of the Syrian conflict?

Pumping civility into our civic culture

Exhibition in Geneva raises awareness of Armenian genocide

PC(USA) Special Committee encourages churchwide study of the Confession of Belhar

‘God brought you here’

Presbytery and synod news

Youth create multi-faith community in Bossey

Union Presbyterian Seminary’s Building “Preaches” to the Community

Christians in Middle East: U.S. attack on Syria would be detrimental

Mid-Council Commission unanimously recommends fewer/larger synod model

PC(USA)’s Syrian partners urge dialogue, not military strikes

Churches to observe International Day of Prayer for Peace

Leader of the Anglican communion praises Mexicans for ministry with the poor

PMA’s Rob Fohr to lead webinar on young adult ministry

Religious diversity is increasing at the office, and so are pitfalls

‘Syria Update’ webinar set for Sept. 10 to update Presbyterians

Bert Tom, 79, remembered at Chinatown service

Virginia ‘Ginna’ Bairby is new managing editor of Unbound online social witness journal

A precious gift of peace

Palestinian Christians under attack

WCRC Member Churches called to prayer for Syria

Catholic migrant rights defenders in Mexico face growing pressure

A Call to Action

‘I do not call you servants any longer... Instead, I call you friends’

Evangelical leaders in Peru commit to fight corruption

The ethics of a Syrian military intervention: The experts respond

A Season of Peace to begin Sept. 8

PC(USA) church partners support call for no military action in Syria

New Being Reformed study illuminates the Advent season

Seminary news

Ecumenical publication in Latin America focuses on eco-theology

‘The church has to do something’

‘Once we were no people, now we are God’s people’

Stated Clerk issues statement in the wake of the escalating violence in Syria

Korean Presbyterians gather for spiritual, family retreat

Newest ‘Values Voters’ adversary to America: The Emergent Church

Prayer, not politics, is Egypt solution, says religious leader

‘Miracles of love’ reshape worshiping community

Living its calling

Crowds recall the faith that animated MLK’s unfinished dream

Indian churches reflect on the WCC assembly theme

Beloved Author of <i>Bridge to Terabithia</i> Returns With Modern-Day Christmas Stories

Love is a verb

Islamic TV station in England fined for inciting violence

‘The Butler,’ ‘I Have a Dream’ and the Trayvon Martin fallout

NCC calls for renewed commitment to racial harmony

‘Duck Dynasty’ success thrives on Christian stereotypes

A revolutionary response in a revolutionary time

GACEIR seeks information on Presbyterians’ interfaith experiences

Remembering a ‘life well loved’

Churches raised funds, encouraged crowds at ’63 march

Pray before meeting

Preparing for international service

‘God is the best artist’ takes off on social media

PC(USA) partners in Egypt call for peace in wake of violence

Glimpses of good news

Bar mitzvah training goes online in a digital age

The PC(USA) remembers the March on Washington

Cultivating conversations about race

We are family

Reformers want Congress to end ban on pulpit politicking

Paddling for peace

Seminary news

New book recounts church gardening as peacemaking ministry

Roots bound

Pedro and his butterflies

Two ecumenical bodies established for Sudan and South Sudan

Evangelical ‘Messy Middle’ is more accepting of gays

Fossil Free PCUSA

Based on true stories

Centre College lands $250 million donation

Lutherans elect Elizabeth Eaton first female presiding bishop of ELCA

Thin air

Picking up the pieces

Stated Clerk calls for prayer in the wake of the escalated violence in Egypt

Christian groups support new Brazil law providing hospital attention to victims of sexual violence

Can a Hebrew charter school teach the language but not the faith?

Celebrating a Decade of Hearing and Singing New Songs to God

‘Rosie’: hands across the HealthLine

Latin America lags on reproductive rights

Ethicist Shaun Casey to oversee religious engagement for State Department

Transformed from the inside out

Brave new world

Former charity head confirmed as U.S. ambassador to Vatican

A moving experience

Connecting online

Stony Point Center hosts Native American paddlers on journey down Hudson River

African chief evangelizes about adult circumcision

Sacred story telling

Trying to find Christ in everybody

Arizona congregation rallies to help wildfire-ravaged community

Presbyterian Hymnal producers respond to misinformation

Wives find renewed faith after husbands ‘visit’ heaven


A deeper look at marriage

From ebb to flow

Multiple paths to multiculturalism

Reporting as a priestly calling

Presbyterians stir debate by rejecting popular new hymn

Mission to repair souls and restore life

Making multicultural music

Prescriptions for the church

Being in the world

Integrated gospel, interconnected church, interdependent world

Once a ruling elder, always a ruling elder

World Mission conference at Big Tent concludes with worship

Homeless find a home in Presbyterian children’s hearts

‘You cannot reconcile with racism’

‘100 Words On’

Words of thanks

It’s your call

Praying with strangers

Making a difference in Colombia

Just a closer walk

Square burgers but not a square deal

The church speaks on race

Seminary Support Network focuses on quality of ministry

Beliefs shape behavior

Reconcile now

Discomfort zones

Retune, respond, re-present

Pentecost Presbyterians

‘Look around the table – is this one where Jesus would sit?’

One size doesn’t fit all

Comfort in the uncomfortable

Escaping poverty’s grip

Woman charged with paint vandalism at Washington National Cathedral

What’s in a name? A lot, it turns out

Big questions

Youthful elders

How to think the faith

Modern-day slavery

Not exactly like herding cats

A Missionary to the United States: Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri

‘Tis a gift to be simple

123 down, 878 to go

Survey: UK Muslims give more to charity than Jews, Christians

The Holy Spirit’s already in the house

Revolution reclaimed

Lupton challenges traditional methods of mission

Presbyterians urge Wendy’s to join Fair Food Program

Whither synods?

Nuns on the Bus push Congress to pass immigration reform

Communication from A to Z

Rev. Christine Coy Fohr joins World Mission

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood

Did Pope Francis change church teaching on homosexuality?

Changes coming to PC(USA)’s Church Leadership Connection

National Elders Conference at Big Tent offers opportunities to connect, explore, listen

Belonging to God

New health program in Congo hopes to improve maternal, infant mortality rates

House rejects call to allow nonreligious military chaplains

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Celebrates 25th Year in Louisville

Author Robert Lupton to address Big Tent’s World Mission Conference

Interfaith leaders back Kerry’s Israel-Palestine peace initiative

Faith leaders promote protection of displaced people

Report: Americans hold different views of what ‘religious’ means

Racial Ethnic and Immigrants Convocation at Big Tent features sermon by Carvalhaes

Cuban Council of Churches applauds President Raúl Castro’s courage

PC(USA) Special Offerings to kick off Big Tent during Louisville Bats baseball game

Taking a month to find out what really matters

A letter to members of Congress from Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons

Tweet your way out of purgatory (but there’s work involved)

Use your head, heart, hands

During flight to Brazil, pope talks about importance of giving young people jobs

Religious groups face uphill fight in House on immigration reform

Women as ‘witnesses for the Lord’

From Taiwan to Taize

Ecumenical Water Network (EWN) consultation calls for universal access to water and sanitation

Lawmakers ask Obama for religious diversity summit

Energizers before rain dances

Christians in Sudan face increased hostility

Sara. B. Moseley, first woman PCUS moderator, dies

Taize to hip-hop

Guantanamo Bay prison poses moral dilemma for White House

Conservatives say religious freedom is ‘under attack’ in military

Clear as a bell

Evangelism & Church Growth Conference to highlight 1001 initiative at Big Tent

Pray for peace in Zimbabwe

Encuentro conference to provide ‘big tent of welcome’

OGA’s preparations for the 221st General Assembly (2014) proceed with confidence following Detroit’s July 18 bankruptcy filing

Satan worship worries Christians in Northeast India

CUIC issues statement on the George Zimmerman verdict in the killing of Trayvon Martin

Heaven or hell

Notes about people

Paying Attention to the Needs around Us

Is the growth of the nonreligious good or bad? Americans are divided

Compassion, Peace and Justice Big Tent conference to focus on faith in action

Burning bushes

In praise of artisans

Mormon missionaries to tap online tools

Into the woods

Starting from scratch

Nurturing a much bigger imagination

Mr. In-Between

Church leaders affirm Cuban religious reforms

Priests’ reform group charts middle course

Church leaders issue statement on the George Zimmerman trial

Líderes de la iglesia hacen declaración acerca del juicio de George Zimmerman

Toya Richards tapped for top OGA communications post

Seminary news

Pope Francis: Christianity is incompatible with anti-Semitism

U.S. Department of the Treasury releases blocked CLAI VI General Assembly funds

Study of 1001 initiative leads to action

Bono: David sang the blues and Jesus did some punk rock

Presbyterian Youth Triennium prepares for more than 5,000 participants

‘Trashing the playbook’

Why Brazilians are protesting the World Cup

Hispanic Christians press lawmakers on immigration reform

Beautiful bureaucracies

Theology, Worship and Education to provide Big Tent scholarships

Green economy not taking off in Latin America

For some converts, Ramadan is loneliest time of year

Voices of faith challenge violation of women’s rights

Holy handwriting

Introductory study from Being Reformed invites participants to better understand the Heidelberg Catechism

Bob Whitesel headlines Healthy Ministry Conference

Invisible singles

Pope Francis proclaims John Paul II, John XXIII as new saints

Celebrate with us!

Behind the curtains

Presbytery and Synod News

New series by Being Reformed focuses on directional goals of the Presbyterian Mission Agency

Kenya’s Christians and Muslims unite to combat addiction

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) reacts to the Senate’s passage of immigration reform legislation

Groundbreaking study reveals the Heidelberg Catechism’s true identity

Church unity frees energy for social justice, says global church leader

Board of Pensions approves dues model overhaul

Thy sister’s keeper

Lutherans and Catholics bury the hatchet for Reformation’s 500th

Dream on

Special Offerings to sponsor scavenger hunt at Youth Triennium

Feds release first guidelines for confronting a church shooter

When ‘Christian’ and ‘citizen’ go hand in hand

Our quiet room

NCC officers welcome Senate passage of comprehensive immigration reform bill

Mother Dolores Hart, from kissing Elvis to joining the convent

Is America now the hardest Christian mission field?

ACSWP discusses broad array of topics at June meeting

Study says gays find most U.S. faiths unfriendly

Cold War, warm heart

The Rev. Richard Ray to preach at Montreat

10 years later, Mister Rogers is still making neighbors

Reunite, renew, respond

LWF calls for end to violence, impunity in Central America

Is yoga instruction religious? San Diego court case may decide

Earline B. Williams Confirmed as Deputy Executive Director for Shared Services

Seminary news

J.C. Austin to preach on ‘Day 1’

15 years later, religious freedom panel lacks real power

PC(USA)’s two-hour study on Christian marriage is now available

Best-selling Being Reformed studies now available for iPad, Kindle


Ex-gay group Exodus International shuts down, president apologizes

1001 movement passes milestone — more than 101 new worshiping communities in first year

The Rev. Fairfax Fair to preach at Montreat

Full participation of people with disabilities in churches

Rabbi has a message for old and young Jews: Change or die

Workshops exploring the PC(USA)’s marriage study announced for Big Tent conference

MRTI reports record proxy votes for environmental shareholder resolutions

Lifetree Cafes offer space for tough topics

Rye Presbyterian Church grant will help teach English in Port Chester

CWS praises 38 countries that have halved hunger

Pope Francis: Wasting food is like stealing from the poor

Bear hugs

Pastoral residency program, For Such a Time as This, receives $25,000

Consultation reflects on how to build peace with justice in Asia

Jewish federations support egalitarian space at Western Wall

Earline B. Williams named Chief Financial Officer/Deputy Executive Director for Shared Services

SDOP announces grant recipients

Inspiring African churches to uphold women's dignity

ELCA Lutherans elect first openly gay bishop

PDA receives $1.4 million grant from American Red Cross

Churches seek life, peace, justice and dignity for Africa

Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury to meet for the first time

Fields of dreams

College students showing up awakens Chicagoland congregation

Catholic leaders urge support for Boy Scouts after shift on gays

PC(USA) marriage study available for download

New hymnal orders continue to increase

Syrian civil war forces Sunni and Shiite Muslims to pick sides

Living water

CWS offers ways for faith communities to commemorate World Refugee Day

Feisty civil rights activist Will Campbell dies at 88

Health Insurance Grant program established to aid new worshiping communities

Award of Lombard Prize for theological essay on ‘paradise’ marks World Environment Day

Evangelicals launch $250,000 immigration campaign

Makeovers and more

'The Holy Spirit just went "pow"'

Service is worship

Lacking recognition, Italy’s Muslims face an uncertain future

All talk leads to action

Synod and presbytery news

‘Nuns on the Bus’ kick off immigration tour

Empirical hermeneutics

CLAI’s president-elect values strengthening regional ecumenical relations

Southern Baptist Richard Land passes baton to Russell Moore

A letter from the Stated Clerk to Suzan Johnson Cook, United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

Theologian sees ecumenism as the dynamism of a renewed Christianity

Call to action

Oklahoma Muslims aid in tornado relief in bid to build bridges

Proud to be Reformed

Arab Christians have built hope in hopeless situations

Will there be a ‘mass exodus’ of religious groups from the Scouts?

Stated Clerk releases PC(USA) 2012 statistics

Putting faith into action

Churches express solidarity with Christians in the Middle East

(Presbyterian) Church of Scotland OKs gay ministers

Riders on the storm

From gardens to pantries

Churches in Africa hope for good governance and stable democracy

Congregations tend the soil and the soul with vegetable gardens

PC(USA) denominational curriculum We Believe offers new supplemental resources for children’s age levels

Montreat Conference Center’s Summer Worship Series begins June 2

Board of Pensions won’t change medical dues model until 2015

WCRC can be a “worthy partner” in addressing poverty and interfaith relations, says Ghana’s president


Christian leaders seek to overcome polarization

CLAI Assembly gets going with worship

Abundant life includes sexual and reproductive rights, says CLAI

Human cloning breakthrough prompts religious objections

Mexico’s community radio stations fight for survival and recognition

The greatest story ever (re)told

New translation of the Heidelberg Catechism achieves required two-thirds majority of presbyteries

Canadians turning away from organized religion

Ghanaian Presbyterians are open to African expressions of Christian faith

Creating a biblical ethic of peace in Colombia

Bridgett Green joins PPC editorial team

Franklin Graham calls IRS probe of ministry finances 'un-American'

Adapting theological education in Asia

Church leaders call for prayer in the wake of the May 20 tornado in Moore-Oklahoma City

Catholic population surges across the Global South

Two Young Adult Volunteers receive FTE fellowships

Seminary news

Lutheran and Reformed churches in France unite

Church-based scouting alternatives attract interest

Collective impact

Older Cuban women move to improve quality of life

Jesuits face a shrinking pool of university presidents

Pentecost Offering video contest winner announced

The Inheritance of Abraham?

Church leaders tackle the stigma of mental illness

Board of Pensions Releases ‘2012 Annual Review’

Laura Cheifetz joins the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation

‘Nuns on the Bus’ will hit the road for immigration reform

Blessed to be a blessing

South Sudan president expresses appreciation for churches’ contribution to the new nation

50 years later, recalling the young ‘foot soldiers’ of civil rights

A whole new way of life

Montreat’s Imagine Conference explores what it means to be a follower of Jesus in today’s world

15 countries cited for religious freedom violations

New worshiping communities movement inspires church in Puerto Rico

Synod/presbytery news

How could slave traders pray in chapel built over dungeons? Jamaican pastor asks

Modern hymn writers revive a lost musical art

CLP? Easy as 123

Alto de Julio

Female converts to Islam facing growing scrutiny

The valley of the shadow

Jerry Pillay is an African church leader with a global perspective

Colm Toibin’s ‘Testament of Mary’ brings Jesus’ mother down to earth

A (new) vision leads to dwelling place for low-income senior citizens

When history gets hacked

Has something significant happened in Mongolia?

New World Council of Churches congregational resource invites ‘pilgrimage to Busan’

French Jews face uncertain future after scandal

A letter to President Obama from Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons

‘Just add water’

Living Waters for the World releases Mother’s Day e-card

Pope Francis’ preaching style is low-key, mostly private

Caribbean churches reflect on new directions for diaconal work

Theologian Richard Lischer tries to make sense of his son’s death

From the ashes

A letter from the Stated Clerk to the Chief Executive Officer of Wendy’s

Heath Rada is first candidate for GA moderator

A baptismal way of life

Homeless Jesus sculpture searches for a home

Nueva comunidades de adoracion

Alexey Smirnov on track for re-election

Uruguay is second Latin American country to adopt gay marriage

Former ‘Jesus freak’ traces the evolution of Christian rock

Something new in Nyack

Solidarity visit to Bangladesh amidst growing religious intolerance

Atheists find a Sunday-morning connection with other nonbelievers

U.S., Korean Presbyterians adopt common mission statement

Dues change discussion continues at Western/Central RBC

Boy Scouts proposal displeases religious leaders on both sides

Study on marriage ready for congregational and presbytery use

Transforming mission

Notes about people

Churches in solidarity with campesinos arrested during protest against mining project in Guatemala

Pope Francis redirects employee bonuses to charity

U.S. and Korean Presbyterians issue joint statement on easing tensions on Korean Peninsula

Heads we win, tails we win

Parliament of the World’s Religions survives financial crunch

Extending the legacy

‘Feasting on the Word’ curriculum announces new highlights as churches begin ordering for fall 2013

A Joint Statement on the Peace of the Korean Peninsula

Holy Communion in three tenses

From the Church Pew to the Global Pulpit

The upside-down tornado

PC(USA) marriage study available for electronic download April 29

White House council calls for action on modern-day slavery

Gun Violence: A Church Speaks Out

Belhar Confession recommended again for PC(USA)’s adoption

Lineup of experts set for Bread for the World’s 2013 national gathering

Muslim leaders: We stand against terrorism

Church leaders call for prayer after kidnapping of Syrian Christian leaders

A Call for Prayer from Setri Nyomi, General Secretary, World Communion of Reformed Churches

Moderator’s Colloquium on Ecclesiology set for this week

Mission board takes up positive investment in Israel-Palestine

Russia’s Chechnya: A breeding ground for terror

Full circle

Global gathering of Reformed and Catholic theologians continues 40-year dialogue

Pope Francis orders overhaul of U.S. nuns to continue

Ideas and concerns about challenges facing PC(USA) exchanged at Eastern RBC

CWS hopeful on immigration reform proposal

George Beverly Shea, the voice of Billy Graham crusades, dies at 104

Growing support for Presbyterian mission

Addressing immigration reform

PC(USA)-UCC congregation in Boston offers comfort to those affected by Monday’s bombing

Do legislators remember the Virginia Tech tragedy?

As they turn 150, Adventists still praying for the Apocalypse

Sobre la reforma de inmigración

Johnson C. Smith takes spiritual journey with students, preparing them for God’s call

Students, alumni, and others in Louisville Seminary community making a difference

What it means to be the Church

Pope Francis orders overhaul of U.S. nuns to continue

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Presbyterian Mission Agency Board moves to reduce financial barriers to service for young adults

Líderes de la iglesia ofrecen un llamado a la oración a raíz de los eventos trágicos en el Maratón de Boston

Circle of life

Whitworth University affirms, expands Presbyterian partnerships

Fifty years later, church leaders respond to King’s “Birmingham Jail” letter

Living to serve

Food for thought

Vatican gets behind adult stem cell research

Recognized for excellence, three new church starts win 2013 Walton awards

Speaking out against hunger

Producer priest navigates Hollywood in a collar

Rest for the weary

Feasting on the Word Curriculum announces new highlights as churches begin ordering for fall 2013

‘Harvest revival’

New testing dates Shroud of Turin to era of Christ

Another kind of party

Presbyterian communicators win seven RCC awards

Cardinal Dolan: Catholic Church could do better on gay outreach

Immigrants in Detention and Solitary Confinement

The troublemakers

Called to Uptown

Obama recalls Holy Land trip at Easter prayer breakfast

No longer ‘white-knuckling it’

Presbyterian journalists win 18 ACP awards

American Atheists wrestles with its cherished ‘grumpy’ image

Like a good neighbor

A strong community which does not give way to tears

Despite censures, Womenpriests movement grows

From hunter to hospital chaplain

English-language church in Ecuador’s capital seeks pastor

Vatican defends Pope Francis’ washing of women’s feet

Te-Chien Chang has a passion for creation, Christian formation

We need to wash our dirty feet!

Scholars piece together a ‘new’ New Testament

From recipient to donor

Presbyterian Media Mission wins prestigious film award

Pope washes feet of two girls, two Muslims at youth prison

Oil industry sues to overturn transparency legislation within Wall Street Reform Act

Discerning the future of Portuguese-language ministry

Alcoholics Anonymous wrestles with its spiritual roots

Seminary news

Presbyterian Border Ministry changes name, mission focus

Pope Francis says the ‘nones’ can be allies for the church

National Day of Action in Support of Immigration Reform April 10, 2013

Sign up for the Advocacy Training Weekend

Unto the least of these

Theological education initiatives at WCC assembly

After giving up religion, atheists try giving up something else for Lent

Encouraging generosity

PEIA pastors, elders begin ‘Following God into the World’

Presbytery and synod news

Argentina’s Pope Francis heralds a new era for Latin America

Growing congregations keep pace with changing times

Commission on mission and evangelism prepares for WCC assembly

Melissa Rogers new head of White House faith-based office

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly celebrates ministry of departing staff members

Connective tissue

Time for new ways of promoting social change, says WCRC justice official

Lesbian provisions prompt Catholic bishops to oppose Violence Against Women Act

Only 421 days away!

Russia’s National Prayer Breakfast addresses morality, common good

Global data upend usual picture of Christianity trends

Why the first Jesuit pope is a big deal

Whither synods?

Faith community to Congress: ‘It doesn’t take a miracle to make a moral budget’

Fighting threatens Islamic artifacts in troubled Timbuktu

Let Us Play: Expressing Our Faith through Dance

Somewhere in a mountain town

Human trafficking is focus of church consultation in Cuba

Dwindling Catholic schools see future in Latino students

Blood flow

‘Tell the old, old story’

Churches address violence against women with disabilities

Pope Francis’ first day hints at a change in papal style

Farmworkers, supporters on the road again in Florida

Church in Jordan and the Holy Land joins WCC

Exhibit highlights blacks’ connection to Scripture

A letter from PC(USA) leaders on the election of the 226th Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, His Holiness Pope Francis

2013 partner presbyteries chosen for small-church pastoral residency program, For Such a Time as This

Look out of any window

Five hopeful signs for U.S. congregations

What’s in a name? For a new pope, quite a bit

Cardinals searching for a CEO pope who can clean up the mess

Godly giving

Christians in Lahore rally in wake of Muslim riots

The church of improv

Just in time for Passover, Israel braces for locust invasion

New worshiping community, “little church” connects with young adults

Board of Pensions goes back to the healthcare drawing board

Lebanon Partners Overcome Odds to Serve Syrian Influx

Board of Pensions approves 1% experience apportionment

Courage and Compassion Amidst War in Syria

A new song

‘The one voice who has called us by name’

Everything you need to know about popes and conclaves

Following where God leads

Searching for brave and humble leaders

Reformed church theologians gather to set focus in a time of transition

Armenia struggles to absorb Christian refugees from Syria

Presbyterian children’s agencies form network to expand, improve services

Churches advocate for the rights of stateless people

Computer simulator preps military chaplains for the battlefield

Office of the General Assembly announces details of reorganization, staffing changes

PC(USA) Chief Historical Officer announces retirement

Theology and Worship hires new interfaith relations associate

World Mission hires three ‘catalysts’

CLAI assembly in Cuba will include support for Superstorm Sandy relief

Has there ever been a black or African pope?

What’s next?

Noted writer Carolyn Winfrey Gillette pens new hymn for One Great Hour of Sharing

Wagering on a new pope? You bet!

Living with God in the context of HIV/AIDS

Mental health of clergy requires balancing stress and success

Documentary film helps launch Bread for the World’s annual Offering of Letters

Gay, transgender band breaks barriers in Christian music

PC(USA) scholar featured in ‘ON Scripture – the Bible’ series

Observe Clean Water Sunday March 17

Rosa Parks statue unveiled at Capitol, celebrated by AME Church

Synod and presbytery news

Ecumenical vision for new financial system presented to Latin American governments

Benedict will be’Pope Emeritus’ after resignation

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly approves reorganization for the Office of the General Assembly

National events for new Presbyterian hymnal planned

SDOP disburses more than $160,000 to 10 U.S. self-help projects

When spouses lose faith, sticking together is hard

Youth groups invited to enter Pentecost Offering video contest

A new home she never dared hope for in Haiti

House passes bill to give disaster relief to religious groups

Presbyterian Delegation to Help Form an Intergenerational Approach to Eliminating and Preventing Violence Against Women

Sharing the impact of Special Offerings

Seminary news

Pope expected to live out a quiet retirement in Vatican monastery

Ten new Presbyterian mission co-workers complete orientation

Can’t say ‘no’

WCC to hold consultation on stateless people

Christian left sees optimism in Obama’s second term

‘Launching pad’ for organizing pastors

Wake up, Africa!

Controversy over Cardinal Mahony’s conclave vote reaches Vatican

Presbyterian global mission leader Don Black dies at 93

Drip, drip, drip

Orlando retirement complex caters to aging Hindu immigrants

Church leaders and Christian educators engage in new curriculum from PC(USA)

Chicago is ground zero in U.S. Muslim renaissance

PDA responding to tornado in Mississippi

Follow to lead

Catholic, Reformed churches agree on baptism

Play practice

NCC to consolidate operations in Washington, D.C.

Tibetans mourn as self-immolations near 100

MRTI approves shareholder resolutions

Pension industry legend Dan McGill dies at 93

Electing a new pope draws on tradition and secrecy

Board of Pensions postpones vote on medical dues overhaul

Playing with the locusts of life

Fasting like an Old Testament prophet gains followers during Lent

Boy Scouts shift on gays wouldn’t change rules on atheists

March 1, 2013 is World Day of Prayer

GreenFaith, PC(USA) Environmental Ministries announce partnership

Holy playfulness

You are what you eat (unfortunately)

Femicide continues to mark Guatemalan society

Pope Benedict XVI says lack of ‘faith’ could be used in marriage annulments

Javanese neighbors

Vatican admits it doesn’t fully understand youth culture

Church leaders urge fundamental immigration reform

Presbytery and synod news

Justice is the key to peace in Colombia

40 years after Roe v. Wade, abortion foes are winning — and losing

Seeking the shalom of the city

The things that make for peace

Notes about people

European court says U.K. equality laws trump personal religious beliefs

Political solution is the only way to end Syria conflict, human rights activist says

At halftime, a religious alternative to Beyonce

Presbyterian film critic’s top 10 spiritual films of 2012

Religious leaders in Geneva advocate for peace

U.S. mosques hit by shortage of imams

Movement on Immigration Reform is in-line with Policy of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Trigger spurs conversations on gun violence in a Chicago community

Seeking and doing justice

WCC assembly an opportunity for praying, listening, sharing

Cubans see Internet as crucial to future development

Hungry Jews in America? Kosher food pantries report growing need

Dare to believe peace is coming, Tveit tells Korean congregations

Shifts in balance of power create uneasy relations in Latin America

‘Virtual’ public schools draw interest of religious families

Church in a post-Christian context

Dagmar Heller’s book places baptism in ecumenical perspective

Citing religion, some health workers refuse flu shots

Gang of 6 reach an immigration deal!

Jewish, Christian and Muslim Religious Leaders Call For Bold New Initiative for Israeli-Palestinian Peace Before It’s Too Late

Christ to Christ

Head of WCRC’s justice program now based in Geneva

Churches, synagogues press for federal rebuilding aid after Sandy

Announcement of organization for communications and funds development

Peculiar and maladjusted

It is time to get radical

Career path

Africa rises, China falls on Christian persecution list

Margin call

New Lenten Study Available from Presbyterian Old Testament Scholar Patricia Tull

Sweet surrender

Obama extols a biblical vision of equality for all in second inaugural

Wear your PDA T-Shirt to church the first Sunday in Lent


PC(USA) Daily Prayer app on top 20 list for most-used lifestyle apps

New Books for Lent from Authors Dietrich Bonhoeffer and N. T. Wright

Cultivating wonder

Change partners

Book shares stories of Illinois congregation’s members

Frei Betto to receive José Martí Award

God is alive and well in America, says Gallup chief

In the wake of Sandy, CWS coordinating recovery trainings in New Jersey, New York

Church World Service urges action on hunger, immigration in letter to Obama

Obama’s use of Scripture has elements of Lincoln, King

Applications for small church residency program, For Such a Time as This, now being accepted

Religious coalition takes on the gun lobby

Seeking to be a bridge of reconciliation

Gwen Crawley died Jan. 2

Latin American Parliament recognizes the right to food

Years of tension yield to thaw between gays, Mormons

2013 Moderator’s Lenten study invites Christians to seek to live out the will and purposes of God together

Strengthening mission support

Mission in a mysterious field

Office of the General Assembly moves forward with reorganization

WCC blasts U.S. for blocking ecumenical meeting in Cuba

Bags of hope

Russell Moore: Why adoption is a ‘pro-life’ policy for evangelicals

National Faith Call-in Day for Humane Immigration Reform

Living Waters for the World names new education director

Pope Paul VI inches one step closer to sainthood

Worshiping Community launches faster than anyone imagined

100 percent placement

As bells toll, clergy push Congress on gun control

New curriculum from Presbyterian Mission Agency's office of Evangelism engages the church in the gospel, discipleship, and mission

Crowd pleaser

Indigenous groups present peace plan to Colombian government and FARC negotiators

PBS series depicts American abolitionists as fired by faith

Showing families a promising future

Lutheran ‘comfort dogs’ welcome students back to Newtown school

Coudersport, Pa. church to reopen this weekend

No longer a fringe group

Faith leaders want Americans to pray for collegiality

Bells that sounded — and some that didn’t

From local mission partnership to global advocacy

Christianity in Britain losing ground to Islam, secularism

Santa’s not the only black belt

U.S.-based Haiti advocacy organizations hopeful after UN launches initiative to eliminate cholera from Haiti

From nuns to ‘nones,’ 10 ways religion shaped the news in 2012

Self-Development of People invites Three Young Adults to Assist with Building Community Partnerships

Homer T. Rickabaugh dies at 80

Presbyterian youth meet in Lebanon to discuss faith, response to Syria crisis

Poll: More than one-third of Americans see signs of end times in extreme weather

Charities fight changes on tax deductions

Communication rights for Indigenous people are here to stay

Olympian Gabby Douglas talks faith, forgiveness and matzo ball soup

Out in the cold

A very sweaty Christmas

CBS Christmas Eve special celebrates power of hope

Polls show views on gays and lesbians shifting fast

Abraham Lincoln’s faith and the Presbyterian connection

Commission suggests ways to keep closer eye on lavish ministries

Requests for ‘Trigger’ screenings rise in wake of Newtown shootings

‘Rhythm for mission’

A missionary who preaches gender equality

Pope Benedict XVI tightens church control over Catholic charities

Office of Immigration Issues joins with community and faith partners in asking for the end of 287(g) programs.

Presbytery and synod news

Poll: Most Americans say employers should cover contraception

Living Waters for the World announces Christmas E-card

PC (USA) announces new coordinator for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Secession theology runs deep in American religious, political history

A letter concerning passage of the Indonesian Family Refugee Protection Act

PNS to take holiday break

A call for unity

In the Aftermath of Two Mass Shootings This Week

‘I will give you rest’

A tribute to Presbyterian-friendly Dave Brubeck

‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ moves evangelicals beyond black and white sexuality

Knit together

Seminary news

WCC seeks young adult stewards for Busan Assembly

U.S. dominates list of world’s ‘500 Most Influential Muslims’

In search of a spiritual leader

Former GA Moderator Cindy Bolbach dies at age 64

A challenge for the season: reaching out while turning in

Churches valuable for peace and security in Latin America, consultation told

The sacred ran through jazz legend Dave Brubeck’s music

Update - Call to prayer for the Moderator of the 219th General Assembly (2010)

Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East dies at age 92

Survey shows camps, retreats have touched most Presbyterians

‘He will bring forth justice to the nations...’

Some Jews can’t get jazzed over Hanukkah

Thirteen Churches to Participate in Study on Marriage Pretest

Addressing the Moral Concern of Deficits through Principle, Not Politics

A challenge to do more

At Christmas, in celebration of birthdays

Luther anniversary links Protestant Reformation to contemporary issues

Pope’s final book on Jesus focuses on Christmas birth, hidden childhood

A Merry Christmas for Team Sweaty Sheep

PC(USA)’s West Africa Initiative promotes sustainable food production

Africa struggles with impact of small arms proliferation

Church of England rejects women bishops

Nurturing Christian vocation with college students

Plans begin in Havana for the CLAI VI Assembly

New ‘Terumah’ phone app will link churches with far-flung followers

How many loaves have you?

Muslim feminist scholar wins prestigious Grawemeyer Award in Religion

Nigerian youth adopt eco-justice for urban neighborhoods

Pope Benedict XVI faces uphill challenge in trying to resurrect Latin

“We are all Egyptians and that is the way we want to be!”

Church musician shot, killed during worship

Post-election survey: changing religious landscape challenges influence of white Christian vote

Church leaders say returning vets need time, attention

What do you think about God?

Bible Society of Egypt requests prayers for demonstrators

Identifying those in need

‘Jazz Noel’ concert scheduled to support Jersey Shore Hurricane Sandy victims

Leaving their mark

Judge rejects much of Schuller’s bankruptcy bid

Native of Sudan finds refuge in North Carolina church

Korean church leader shares vision for next decade

Jewish and Christian leaders try to revive at-risk interfaith group

Answering the call: the executive turned farmhand

Praise for Presbyterian Anne Lamott’s new book

Deadline approaching fast for Bible trivia TV show

The ‘nones’ say 2012 election proves they are a political force

Popular Advent devotional series

Commemorating dark days

Bolivian Lutheran congregation serves single mothers

Jews push back against Scouts over policy banning gay

The Office of Immigration Issues has a new logo

Leaders Guide available for new U.S. Congregations Study book on leadership

Change partners

Bread for the World joins global network of farmers in ending hunger

#GivingTuesday event aims to boost charities

Supporting planters as they grow

Situation in Greece more than an economic crisis

‘Mormon moment’ ends with a loss - but Romney’s religion still won

Touring Taiwan

Report: anti-Semitic incidents decline in the U.S.

Seminary news

New congregational resource invites pilgrimage to Busan’

Library of Congress exhibit celebrates Jewish history, artifacts

Historical society introduces downloadable exhibits

Russian Presbyterians form General Assembly

Chastened Catholic bishops told they have to reform themselves

Cross Cultural Young Adult Network Hopes to Lead the Church in Outreach to Young Adults

A faith-based storm shelter that just doesn’t close its doors

Moscow Theological Seminary perseveres despite challenges

WCRC to leave Geneva for Hanover, Germany

Buddhist, Hindu make history in new Congress

Monisha Smith selected as YAV Recruiter

Learning along the way

Hosanna Preaching Prize winners announced

‘Scandalous’ evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson gets star turn on Broadway

Contending for water rights in Bolivia

Statement on the Escalating Violence in and around Gaza

On the (soggy) ground in New York City

A strategy for ministry

Bishops and American nuns hold ‘cordial and open’ meeting

‘Elasticity of spirit’

Messages of prayer and solidarity pour in from PC(USA) international partners

On Sistine Chapel’s 500th, foot traffic remains a threat

Presbyterians and eschatology

Consolidated WCC library opens in Bossey

What do religious leaders want for Obama’s next four years?

Czeching in

Sultans of Satire aims to bridge gaps with Muslims, Arabs through comedy

PC(USA) CFO Joey Bailey announces retirement

Has security become the new religion?

Presbyterian church in Aleppo destroyed by bomb attack

Who is most likely to stray? Christians and Jews

A city under siege

Stony Point Center seeks 2013 calendars

Has security become the new religion?

Is it ethical to defy evacuation orders?

A priority for the poor

GAPJC rules presbyteries must consider property values when churches leave

Muslims back Obama, but by smaller margin than in 2008

Prepare your bags . . . God is going to change your language and nationality

Community centered

A picture’s worth a thousand words

Board of Pensions unveils new 2014 healthcare dues structure

New Mission Program Grants for 1001

Adventists call actions to allow women’s ordinations ‘mistakes’

Glendora Paul, world mission advocate, dies at age 82

Carter Center supports calls to investigate Israeli human rights violations

Are ministers and musicians allies or rivals?

Hurricane Sandy no Halloween treat

Hurricane Sandy: Church World Service responds in New Jersey and Cuba

Muslim women bridge differences to help refugees resettle in U.S.

The Daily Prayer app is here!

Workshop addresses ecumenical advocacy for rights of domestic migrant workers

‘Extreme Makeover’ family has a call to ‘change the world’

Office of the General Assembly prepares for reorganization

(Social) climate change

Orthodox churches reflect on WCC Assembly theme

Neither Obama nor Romney? Some Christians vote for ’None of the Above’

Church leaders offer call to prayer as Hurricane Sandy continues to rage

Speaking out

Korean Association of Women Theologians wins Swiss prize

Kabul school of rock gains acceptance among Muslims

Nadia’s kids

Permissible activities for churches and other entities, especially during election years

‘What it is to be a human being’

Youth eco-justice efforts expand

Majority of Protestant pastors back Romney, but many still undecided

Moscow’s Russian-American Institute for sale

Ferncliff plans $3.5 million expansion

Unitarian Universalists see chance for growth in growth of secularism

A message from the Stated Clerk concerning recent General Assembly statements on Israel

School daze

Presbyterian Church rejuvenates with new pastor

New Native American saint Kateri Tekakwitha stirs mixed emotions

Looking back, looking ahead

Church World Service resettles nearly 6,000 refugees

Shiite Muslims quietly establish a foothold in U.S.

(Financial) keys to the Kingdom

Jewish and Christian groups at impasse over U.S. aid to Israel

Cycle of attacks on Holy Land churches continues

Taliban unrepentant after attack on Pakistani teen, vow to kill her

PC(USA) stated clerk urges Palestinian leaders to work with each other, Israel

Coping with Alzheimer’s

Seminary news

Poll: Most Americans don’t think Scientology is a religion

A place of refuge

Presbytery and synod news

Catholic bishops rebuke Biden over contraception mandate claims

Reaching out to the Roma


There are alternatives, says leading development economist at ecumenical meeting

Shariah or not, Muslim divorces can get tricky

Eight New Church Grants Awarded

Connecting in a new way

Members chosen for three General Assembly special committees

Blood is thicker than gay ordination

PC(USA)’s Scott Black Johnston to preach on ‘Day 1’

Jewish groups say conspiracy theory over anti-Islam film won’t die

Building for the future

One nation still under God?

Communication is the invisible link that unites faith communities, says WACC president

Romney appeals to evangelicals through ‘Judeo-Christian’ values

Before things go dark

New roadmap for NGOs in Haiti aims to ‘weed out bad apples’

Religious groups team up to fight sex trafficking

Reflections on the 50th anniversary of the Cuban missile crisis

Craig Barnes named Princeton Theological Seminary president

New members named to expanded General Assembly special committee

Developing capacity ― a way to be church

Christians have crosses, Jews have stars and atheists have ... what, exactly?

Scholar depicts Martin Luther in traditional Japanese Noh drama

Church lifts-off into new beginnings

Better together

Protecting Haiti’s children

Poll: Obama surges ahead among Catholic voters

Moravian pastor to lead a U.S. Episcopal church

Being Reformed studies explore confessional statements

Religious leaders ask Congress to condition Israel military aid on human rights compliance

Peace discernment process underway

Muslim parents wrestle with passing on Islamic values

Hindus in Pakistan say they are a forgotten community

Space shot

WCC conference probes sustainability crises

Spirit of St. Francis lives strong in Assisi

Inter-Anglican commission considers ecumenical dialogues

‘Paradise and the economy’ is theme of theological essay competition

Aiding the oppressed

Jewish voters still favoring Obama

African religious leaders demand end to illegal wildlife trade

Invitation to mission

PADVN releases domestic violence awareness resources

Mass movements in support of financial reform needed, Latin American peasant leader says

Report: Restrictions on religious freedom increasing worldwide

Australian Christians put global poverty deadline on nation’s agenda

Syria’s Good Samaritans

Poll: White working class voters are still looking for a candidate, and still religious

Indigenous theologians reflect on life, justice and peace in Taiwan

ENInews suspends service, seeks further funding

Serving a full sentence

Making the Word into flesh

Theologians and economists to join in push for new global financial system

Charities struggle with cleanup from Hurricane Isaac

Faith groups in Africa mobilize to protect environment

Turning God’s whispers into shouts

Message from the Middle East

Shelters for undocumented migrants under threat in Mexico

Obama at the U.N.: A new religion doctrine

Dutch ecumenical leader wants churches to examine slavery history

Knowing Jesus

Newly created Asian Forum on Theological Education meets and sets course

Middle East Christians are endangered, Protestant assembly hears

Evangelicals seek a future for thousands of frozen embryos

Hope in the midst of a firestorm

Open invitation

Promoting hope amid rampant violence

Faith leaders call for higher standard of public discourse

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship gives top award to Jewish, PC(USA) groups

Seventh-day Adventists facing pressure to allow female clergy

Latin American and Caribbean Lutheran churches discuss challenges

Mission board approves ‘path and process’ toward separate incorporation of Stony Point Center

Love in Jesus’ way: the basic tool for peace

Q&A with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

New Zealand clerics seek an official measure of child poverty

Don’t live life backwards, Korean gathering told

Union Presbyterian Seminary opens new building, campus

WCC and Latin American churches express hope for Colombia peace talks

Five big questions about the ‘Jesus' wife’ discovery

In Australia, gay marriage debate goes local after federal bill fails

For Such a Time as This announces recruitment plans for 2013

National Council of Churches governing board adopts recommendations for future mission

Survey: Economy continues negative effect on churches

Religious leaders seek inquiry into misuse of Pakistan blasphemy law

Serving with hope

Inside out

Latin American and Caribbean Lutherans launch HIV network

Lily Dale, N.Y.: A gated community for spiritualists

Kenyan faith leaders issue guidelines for choosing elected officials

WCC holds public hearing on Pakistan’s blasphemy law

Tyler Clementi's parents leave evangelical church over views on homosexuality

Jerusalem music festival honors a range of faiths

Office of Financial Aid for Studies changes name to Financial Aid for Service

State of the union

GA moderator Neal Presa preaches in South Korea

PMAB revises 2013-2014 mission budgets

Homeless find support on Facebook, Twitter

Christian communicators support Argentina study of non-sexist communication

Mission worker Martha Sommers featured in documentary

PMAB stops funding for Barber-Scotia College in N.C.

Mission Agency Board congratulates Presbyterian Church of Korea on 100th anniversary

Bob Smylie named director emeritus of Presbyterian Ministry at the U.N.

Are Muslims allowed to dance? Depends who you ask

Pakistani Christians hail arrest of Muslim cleric for framing Christian girl

PC(USA) leaders respond to attacks in Libya

Evidence of continuing income inequality

Does megachurch ‘high’ explain their success?

Australian Anglicans accused of sexism over new marriage vows

Presbyterian Mission Agency Launches New Logo to Go with New Name

Office of the General Assembly bids fond farewell to Sharon Youngs, welcomes Emily Odom

Now what?

Presbytery and synod news

Youth learn ‘different ways of living Christian faith’

Black pastors move to counter new voter ID laws

Indian nun lives with indigenous people to defend land rights

Greening at the White House

New Finance Manager brings strong experience to Presbyterian World Mission

Seminary news

Caravan across U.S. calls attention to human impact of Mexico’s drug war

Activists hail release of Christian pastor in Iran, teen in Pakistan

Congo religious leaders seek to build awareness of war

Joint Orthodox-Pentecostal patrols proposed to guard church property in Russia

WCC wants safe communities for women and men

God is back in the party platform, but religion remains an issue for Democrats

In Cameroon, faith supports a road safety campaign

Minority witness amidst anarchy

The power of parable: Old Testament parables

Arson, graffiti, and price tags in the Holy Land

Prominent priest blames sex victims, says first-time abusers shouldn't face jail

New Zealand lawmakers back same-sex marriage


Central Committee appreciates text on ecclesiology

Romney-Ryan GOP ticket reflects religious shift

Asian churches mark Communication Sunday

Carolyn Winfrey Gillette pens new hymn for ‘Season of Peace’

WCC calls for dialogue and prayer in support of peace in Syria

Washington state churches told not to collect funds for gay marriage fight

World church council to hold hearing on religious minorities in Pakistan

WCC statement invokes new understanding of mission

Muslim immigrants at home key to U.S. image abroad

Russian, Polish churches sign reconciliation agreemen

Lucimarian Roberts dies at 88

Tveit reports on churches’ work for justice and peace

Obama and Romney offer rare glimpse of their spiritual lives

Evangelical alliance criticizes treatment of religious minorities in Sri Lanka

Seven years after Katrina, New Orleans Jews wander no more

Australia’s clerics criticize plans for asylum seekers

Altmann affirms signs of hope in the ecumenical movement

‘No more solo’

Cardinal Dolan ― and Sister Simone Campbell ― to bless the Democratic convention

Lutheran federation to assist Syrian refugees in Jordan

Church Leaders Offer Call to Prayer as Hurricane Isaac prepares to come ashore

In the midst of unspeakable violence

Orthodox Academy of Crete hosts WCC Central Committee meeting

Bible game show aims for religious audience

Kenyan church leaders react to protests against Chinese

Jail break

J.C. Austin to preach on ‘Day 1’

Malawi churches unite to promote better management

Mars Hill Bible Church names Rob Bell’s successor

"We can do it together"

Transparency advocates laud new SEC rules on foreign business operations

Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s GOP convention blessing prompts debate

ECG 2012 impacts lifelong Presbyterian

Cathedrals in U.K. to hold memorial services for infants

Walking with wounded warriors

Colombian president meets with Nasa Indians

Report highlights Islam’s global diversity

Canadian church approves boycott of Israeli settlement products

Partnership at work

Isabel Apawo Phiri joins WCC as new associate general secretary

Is skinny-dipping in the Sea of Galilee sacrilegious?

South African religious leaders launch campaign to end corruption

Making space and being salt

Presbyterian leaders meet in the Dominican Republic

Family Research Council accuses Southern Poverty Law Center of sparking shooter’s hatred

Livingston to leave U.S.-based church council

‘The ecumenical movement must expand its commitment to women’

First Guatemalan Lutheran woman pastor ordained

Muslims petition Egypt not to include Shariah

Poll shows Africa is most devout region of the world

Two lives, two worlds, one ministry

Report: racism persists in English-speaking Caribbean

Black churches split over gay marriage and Obama

“Prosperity gospel” attracts many African Christians

Seminary news

Aung San Suu Kyi addresses CCIA consultation urging new model of reconciliation

Japanese Catholic monastery practices an ecological way of life

Nuns reject Vatican takeover but seek dialogue on differences

Ministry of service, for the services

Latin American Lutherans discuss role of theological education

Population bill tests Philippine Catholic Church’s clout

For Sikhs, turban is a proud symbol — and a target

Mission co-worker Richard Williams named YAV Coordinator

A mission of health and hope

Kenyan Presbyterian church involved in fatal bus accident

National Black Presbyterian Caucus revisits its purpose and mission

What was Romney like as a Mormon bishop?

Congolese churches issue a ‘cry of distress’ over war

Chautauqua offers free stay to young Presbyterian ministers, families

Presbytery and synod news

Do the American nuns have a future?

In U.S., Amish report staggering growth

London “street pastors” help Olympic visitors

PC(USA)’s Reggie Weaver to preach on ‘Day 1’

Faith leaders urge Americans to combat attacks on religious minorities

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) offers prayers for the Sikh community

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr. to Deliver 30th Annual Everett C. Parker Lecture

Catholics walk the ground traveled by new Native American saint

Faith groups condemn shootings at Wisconsin Sikh temple

James Solheim, ‘ecumenical communicator,’ dies at 73

Worth a thousand words

WCC calls on churches to observe International Day of Prayer for Peace

Evangelical church in Brazil celebrates centennial

Poll: Romney may see an evangelical ‘enthusiasm gap’

Going for the gold

What’s next?

New study connects communications rights and social change

New poll examines minorities' views on social issues

First female Anglican bishop elected in Africa

UPDATE on applying affirmatively for deferred action for some young people who may qualify for the DREAM Act

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Weakness is a virtue

WCC calls for ‘madang’ program applications

Mormons and Baptists compete for converts

New Worshiping Communities Spring Up in Northwest

French town creates ‘Esplanade of Religions’ for greater understanding

August call to prayer for Syria

Love is all you need

Don’t ‘go’ to church, evangelist tells ‘ECG 2012’

Join in all the reindeer games

Survey finds record 19 percent of Americans religiously unaffiliated

Korean church group proposes peace projects for WCC’s 10th Assembly

Narraforically speaking


Born again … and again … and again

Orthodox Church in America head Metropolitan Jonah dismissed over alleged rape cover-up

Kenyan Roman Catholic bishops oppose push for birth control

Reframing New Church Development

Sweet encourages church to follow Jesus

Into the great wide open

On campus

Malawi religious leaders and people living with HIV agree on common actions through dialogue

Bustin’ a move for God

St. Paul Saints baseball team to become ‘Mr. Paul Aints’ on atheist night

Ecumenical group criticizes continuing export of Filipino labor

Big picture, small picture

The pilgrim journey

Presbyterian churches smaller, older, research shows

Gallup reports new low in religious confidence

Russian Patriarch calls for reconciliation in ceremony at massacre site

Improbable providence leads GA to vice-moderator

Show and tell

Nominations open for Reformed church leadership award for women

Churches shifting summer worship from Sunday to Wednesday nights

Armenian Church awards prize to Russian film maker Alexander Sokurov

Presbyterian Centers for New Church Innovation announce 1001: Get in the Game gatherings

Maggs, Maloney announce retirements from BOP

Your church’s front door

NAACP urges black churches to address AIDS epidemic

Scotland will be first country in UK to legalize gay marriage

All around Abraham

Spiritual, But Not Religious

Religion has played role at Olympics since days of ancient Greece

In London, Olympic athletes offered free sports Bibles

The ministry rings on

Even better than a ballgame

Is gun control a religious issue?

EU and religious leaders call for solidarity to solve economic and other challenges

Serving in Africa and Asia

Faith community must address injustice to help ‘turn the tide’ of the HIV pandemic

A fledging pastor by the age of 6

Aurora worshippers seek solace, guidance after movie theater shooting

To fast or not to fast: Muslim athletes face dilemma at Olympic Games

Religion needs to open doors

Seminary news

Religious leaders call for prayer and tighter gun control after Colorado shooting

Iraqi refugees targets of sectarian violence in escalating Syrian civil war

In the Aftermath of a Massacre

Funding a movement

WCC’s Faith and Order Commission approves new theological agreement

Bible museum planned for Washington, D.C.

Nun and pastor risk staying in Homs, Syria to care for nursing home residents

Presbyterian leaders issue statement in wake of suicide bombings

Notes about people

Meet the (Presbyterian) Press

Study: Pastors' concerns for others may harm their own health

Scottish government delays decision on same sex weddings

PC(USA) partners to testify before Congress on La Oroya contamination

Water, water everywhere

Evangelical author sees a ‘Mormonizing of America’

Christian groups scale up humanitarian aid to victims of Syrian conflict

Six candidates for ministry receive first calls in third year of For Such a Time as This program

Future uncertain for Syrian Christians, church leader says

Women secure a third of Mexican parliament

What ‘Dummies’ need to know about atheism

Report: churches vital in tackling HIV/AIDS

Standing with displaced Colombians

An ideal time to stay at home

Vatican blames lack of priests on secularism, abuse, parents

Christian communicators support indigenous radio project in Peru

Calling all photographers

Tuesday morning memorial service set for Deborah Bruce

WCC urges Colombia to protect human rights defenders

Catholic bishops denounce ‘economic dictatorship’ in Brazil’s Amazon region

Poll: Mormons excited about Romney's rise, but wary of media

Historian predicts ‘bright future’ for Christianity, but warns of crisis in Catholicism

Presbyterian World Mission to participate in “Together for Justice” international gathering Aug. 13-15 in Chicago

Renowned Presbyterian researcher Deborah Bruce dies

Assembly in Brief is now available

Will new language legislation destroy the Ukraine?

Reaction mixed to Episcopal Church’s approval of same-sex rites

Church of England postpones historic vote on female bishops

A week with the Vietnamese church

Trouble for Mitt Romney? Poll says anti-Mormon bias unchanged since 1967

Asian theologians express views on Christian hospitality

Donations to U.S. religious institutions decline for second year

Australian census shows numbers of non-believers are growing

Schramm takes on mantle of Presbyterian Mission Agency Board leadership

Piecing it all together

Churchwide pastoral letter from the 220th General Assembly (2012)

Carta Pastoral Circular de la 220a Asamblea General

A name for mission

Presbyterian Writers Guild honors Buchanan, Kovacs

220th GA removes about 50 of the 300-plus authoritative interpretations

General Assembly Mission Council is renamed

Assembly approves actions in support of immigrants

General Assembly approves all recommendations of Church Growth/PILP Committee

220th GA calls for ‘serious study and discernment’ regarding Christian Marriage

Assembly rejects return to ‘fidelity and chastity’ language

Prayer at the 220th GA: ‘A respite from all the busyness’

220th General Assembly elects entire Nominating Committee slate

New Arab democracies doing in a few years what it took the U.S. over 200 to do

Multicultural Network celebrates church’s diversity

Boycott added to Presbyterian tools for Middle East peace

Voices of Sophia breakfast: Thorson-Smith reflects back and looks forward

YAADs model community for Assembly

220th General Assembly authorizes study of health insurance companies

GA220 Friday worship: ‘The water of baptism confounds the boundaries that people hold so dear’

Ecumenical Breakfast: Christian students committed to ‘an economy of life’

J. Herbert Nelson rallies Presbyterians to continue the struggle for peace and justice

Vast, beautiful universe says astrophysicist

Pastor’s role examined in Company of Pastors luncheon

Growing Robust Churches Breakfast

AEPs dinner: presbytery leaders reflect on change

220th General Assembly opts for ‘positive investment’ over divestment

Presbyterian World Mission Luncheon celebrates the past and embraces the future

220th General Assembly asks Board of Pensions to discuss shared benefits plan

GA 220 mission tour is a trip of remembrance

General Assembly retains PC(USA) property clause

General Assembly adopts wide range of social justice issues

Interim ministry training: It’s guiding, not telling

Theological Education Awards Breakfast

National Asian Presbyterian Council banquet offered time to share stories

The power of story: Native Americans speak in changing times

Assembly receives permanent committee reviews

GA asks COGA to study per capita giving

Presbyterian Publishing Corporation Breakfast

General Assembly rejects non-geographic presbyteries

National Black Presbyterian Caucus dinner

220th GA approves recommendation for development of clear definition for affiliated school

General Assembly commissions new mission personnel and honors retirees

A whole-hog success

220th GA Church Growth Committee recommends approval of 1001 movement

PFR breakfast includes numerous awards

Tom Trinidad is confirmed as new vice moderator of 220th GA

Bailey: ‘We can disagree without hate or fear’

Korean Centennial Service celebrates grand act of God in creating the Presbyterian Church of Korea

Committee on Immigration Issues is united in support of immigrants

YAADs have much on their minds while at the 220th GA

Special Presbyterian night at the ballpark

Commissioners approve new Heidelberg catechism translation

220th GA committee on Board of Pensions, Foundation, and PPC sends several overtures to full Assembly

Presbyterian Coalition honors Schlossberg

New direction for collegiate ministries

220th GA Ecumenical Worship Service embraces global church

Assembly celebrates anniversaries of Cuban, Guatemalan, Korean churches

A prayer on Independence Day

GA Procedures Committee asks for COGA study on presbyteries’ per capita obligation

Assembly committee rejects proposal for non-geographic presbyteries

McCabe resigns as vice moderator of the 220th GA

Civil Union and Marriage Issues Committee recommends change to definition of marriage

Church Orders to recommend adding “repentance” and “grace” to ordination standards

Belhar Confession to be recommended for inclusion in Book of Confessions

Biennial Assemblies Committee declines to mandate quota on young adult commissioners

Assembly committee recommends divestment

Health Issues Committee addresses reproductive health care access

Social Justice Issues Committee finishes work

220th GA Theological Issues, Institutions, and Christian Education Committee recommends development of clear definition for affiliated school

Mission Coordination Committee leaves special offerings relatively unchanged

Missionaries were “social radicals”

Nelson calls on church to remove the labels

OnebyOne Luncheon: Linda Harvey shares concerns for America’s children

Presbyterian military chaplains share stories of combat, faith

Students’ research highlights urgency of collegiate ministry

Anderson is speaker at the Covenant Network Luncheon

Faith trumps identity

Civil Union and Marriage Issues

Middle East and Peacemaking Issues

Church Polity

Church Orders

Authoritative Interpretation Review

Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations

Mission Coordination

Social Justice Issues

Church Growth and PILP

Confessions of the Church

Theological Issues, Institutions, and Christian Education

McLaren is featured speaker for GA Breakfast

Brian McClaren brings a message of hope for the future

Musicians add richness to the 220th General Assembly (2012)

Speakers put a human face on immigration issues

GA 220 Mission and Cultural Tours

“Home Runs for Hunger” a hit in Pittsburgh Presbytery

Gradye Parsons unanimously reelected stated clerk of General Assembly

1001 Worshiping Communities T-Shirt giveaway

GA 220 Exhibit Hall offers something for everyone

Alyson Janke receives Jenkins award

Heinz History Center Exhibit on Presbyterian Pioneers starts with lecture on July 2

Women of Faith Awards Breakfast honors three recipients

Team Sweaty Sheep bicyclists finish trek to General Assembly

Tara Spuhler McCabe confirmed as GA vice-moderator

GA Moderator’s Press Conference

Ohio church severely damaged in Friday’s storm

Confusion is better than certainty, says first gay Episcopal bishop

Neal D. Presa elected moderator on fourth ballot

Riverside Conversation on reports from the GA Stated Clerk and Executive Director of the GAMC

Riverside Conversation on Equipping the Church for Ministry with God’s Diverse Family

Moderator Cindy Bolbach opens 220th General Assembly (2012) with worship

Mendenhall receives Ernest Trice Thompson Award

GA 220 gets underway

Riverside Conversation: Nature of the Church in the 21st Century

Riverside Conversation on Middle East Peace

Riverside Conversation: Biennial Review Committee

Pittsburgh happenings during GA

“Wait for the Lord” makes GA debut during opening worship

Local churches host GA participants

Communion Ware Honors Pittsburgh’s Glass-Making History

Church governance, sexuality, peace issues top GA agenda

After 54 years, PC(USA) General Assembly returns to Pittsburgh

News from GA will be plentiful and in many formats

Parsons issues statement on Supreme Court decision on healthcare law

ABC’s for GA

GA backgrounder: Mid Councils Commission

Ecumenical accompaniers share updates on Palestinian territory

Religious groups vie for Internet space in domain name grab

In Australia, churches speak out on gay marriage ahead of parliamentary debate

GA backgrounder: the 21st century church

Psalms in the summer

Russia’s Presbyterians are forming a General Assembly

Catholic theologians stand up to the Vatican

Japan to restart nuclear reactors as faith groups continue opposition

Being Reformed releases mission-focused study

Non-anxious moderator seeks same for GA220

GA backgrounder: confessional statements

Presbyterians for Earth Care to present annual awards at GA

Black Mormons face a political choice like no other

Jerusalem councilwoman proposes interfaith forum for women

A new morning in Vietnam

General Assembly backgrounder: Same-gender partner benefits

WCC forum issues a call to promote ‘economy of life’

Young snake handlers grasp the power of faith

Thai village will get first Christian crematorium

El liderazgo de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EEUUA) expresa tanto apoyo como preocupación sobre la decisión del Tribunal Supremo acerca de la SB 1070 de Arizona

VoiceLine summaries from GA will be available

General Assembly backgrounder: Immigration

Acts of faith

World Council of Churches announces Geneva site development

Black preachers divided on same-sex marriage, not Obama

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders express both encouragement and concern over Supreme Court’s decision on Arizona SB 1070

A spiritual mentor

Presbyterian Network to End Homelessness releases handbook

General Assembly backgrounder: Middle East peace

Notes about people

Technology shifts the meaning of ‘death us do part’ in funeral rituals

Japan to restart nuclear reactors as faith groups continue opposition

Los temas de sexualidad, gobierno de la iglesia, y paz son los más destacados en la agenda de la AG

Stated Clerk releases PC(USA) 2011 statistics

Carlos Malave to head Christian Churches Together

General Assembly backgrounder: ordination standards

Rocking Russian grannies to build church with prize winnings

With nomination clinched, focus turns to Romney’s Mormon faith

General Assembly leaders offer a renewed call to prayer and action for the people of Syria

37 presbyteries honored for generosity in 2011

General Assembly backgrounder: special offerings

Southern Baptists elect Fred Luter as first black president

Christian-Muslim peace summit underway in Beirut

Feasting on the Word curriculum celebrates new Canadian distribution

Sexuality, church governance, peace issues top GA agenda

Like countless spiritual pilgrims, Esalen Institute faces its own midlife crisis

Israeli archaeologists find ancient seal that mentions Bethlehem

General Assembly backgrounder: Same-sex marriage

Friending media

Mosque construction continues to attract opposition across U.S.

Churches ask Philippine government to improve human rights record

Presbyterian World Mission calls young leader with broad experience to key role

Major agreement reached to reaffirm purpose of Japan Mission in alliance with Presbyterian World Mission and Yodogawa Christian Hospital

Presbyterian Pan American School celebrates 100th anniversary

Studies say atheists, believers both do good, but for different reasons

Canadian Anglican and United churches renew dialogue

Black Baptist says church shouldn’t be defined by race

Student Christian leadership group sets action plan

Mission Program Grants totaling $100,000 awarded

Better together

The Pennsylvania mission connection

A sustainable mission

Still a long way to go in fight against sexual violence in Central America

Evangelicals press U.S. Congress on immigration

In Indonesia, church head seeks help to mediate tensions

Discerning a calling

Tusculum business program recognized by Clinton Foundation as model for global action

Interfaith special on HIV/AIDS to air on CBS

Church delegates to bring ethical perspectives to environment summit

10 years after Catholic sex abuse reforms, what’s changed?

(Not so) easy riders

Presbytery and synod news

Rabbi Rick Jacobs takes helm of Reform Judaism

Egyptian Christians seek freedom guarantees ahead of run-off vote

33 church leaders publicly oppose special offerings overhaul

Back from the brink

Church leader says religious freedom is growing in Myanmar

As Muslim community grows, Muslim funerals follow suit

Diversity in Leadership Network is About Matching Skills to Needs

A ministry with bite

Change management consultant elected NCC transitional general secretary

Taize movement brings throwback appeal to U.S.

Asian group’s general secretary asserts women's right to leadership

Showered with praise

WCC to launch book series on Orthodox theology

U.S. churches tread lightly on politics in 2012 election

Korean churches plan peace train ahead of 2013 WCC assembly

Basic training

Social networking, Cuban style

Amnesty International report notes persecution of religious minorities

Does love last longer in arranged marriages?

Trusting God to provide

Seeking a nonviolent future for Mexico in the Bible

China Christian Council to host WCC meeting in China

Southern Baptist heavyweight Richard Land in the fight of his life

Christian network: Japan disaster victims still ‘isolated and uncertain’

Federal appeals court rules against gay marriage ban

In Cameroon, new churches sprout, many illegally

2012 Samuel Robinson Award winners announced

From 10,000 lakes to the desert

Presbyterians, other faith leaders meet with White House chef

Pope Benedict XVI wants Catholic colleges to ensure faculty are faithful to church doctrine

Ecumenical panel kicks off UN forum on indigenous issues

Presbytery and synod news

Joel Ortega Dopico: ‘Come together as a Cuban family’

The Rev. Patrick Conroy, U.S. House chaplain, talks about conflict and his unusual congregation

In a changed world, churches need to rethink communications

Janet Edwards steps down as GA moderator candidate

Southern Sudanese again seek safety at Kakuma camp

Israeli artifacts support Solomon’s Temple, archaeologists say

‘A different time’

Thomas Long to preach on ‘Day 1’

Taize movement brings throwback appeal to U.S.

New Zealand Anglicans choose unconventional bishop

Success stories

Online directory for theological institutions launched

How did Mormons grow so fast? They changed how they counted

Theologian sees links between Christianity and African traditional religion

Trade Agreements vs. Democracy

Exploring the value of theological friendship groups

Churches to observe 'World Week for Peace in Palestine-Israel'

Ecumenical award goes to Church World Service leader

Sikhs launch app to report profiling

United Nations warns on trafficking of indigenous girls near the Nicaragua-Honduras border

Narnia or Neverland? Christians choose their favorite fantasy land

Anglican world marks 350 years of the Book of Common Prayer

Cultivating community

Global Reformed church movement sets priorities for 2012-2013

For clergy, lost faith can lead to lost family, jobs

Presbyterians value special offering causes

John C. Martin Award announced

GA 220 marks 175 years of world mission

Agents of peace

Jamaica’s rich biodiversity faces multiple threats

Arctic Christians get first complete Inuit Bible

France will have new denomination with Protestant merger

The reshaping of World Mission

Presbyterians divided on same-sex marriage

Cultivating leadership

All in the family: a history of splits in the American Presbyterian Church

Evangelicals say it’s time for frank talk about sex

Presbyterian Church of Mexico begins anniversary celebrations

Funding needs in the U.S. and around the world

Redwood Presbytery votes to oppose GAPJC decision rebuking Spahr for performing same-gender marriages

Ecumenical Patriarch honored with ‘Freedom Award’

Orthodox patriarch calls Putin Russia’s legitimate leader

Syrian Christians live in uneasy alliance with Bashar Assad

Spirit of understanding

Plans for WCRC focus discussion

Young ‘Millennials’ losing faith in record numbers

Greek churches ‘face disaster’ as crisis deepens

Share what God is up to in your congregation

Planting the future

National Presbyterian Church of Mexico begins 140th anniversary

Indonesian authorities restrict places of worship after Muslim protests

Supreme Court decision on religion upends campus religious groups

Preparing leaders for Eastern Europe

GAMC approves lower 2013-2014 mission budgets

GAMC Approves Budget and Plan for 2013-2014

Emergent seminaries for the emergent church

Why the United Methodist Church canceled votes on same-sex marriage and gay clergy

Anglican-Roman Catholic meeting ponders ecumenical dialogue

The ecology of grace and gratitude

North Carolina debates approval of same-sex marriage ban

Dynamic new church ministries receive Mission Program Grants

Order of the day

Missing French reporter’s journalistic mission in Colombia

‘The Voice’: New Bible translation focuses on dialogue

Listen to the most vulnerable, church alliance urges World Bank head

White House honors Presbyterian Hunger Program partner Student Action with Farmworkers

Love affair

Kinnamon returns to familiar turf: the classroom

Good theology can change the world, asserts WCC conference

WCRC seeks nominations for Sylvia Michel Prize

Soldiers’ Bibles exhibit a walk through American history


Methodists reach across historic racial boundaries with communion pact

Churches cite rising tension between North and South Korea

Presbyterian journalists win 14 ACP awards

Water works

Methodists uphold policy that calls homosexuality ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’

‘Green and Just’ webinar to foster conversation about environmental issues

PC(USA)’s Pen Peery to preach on ‘Day 1’

Man behind ‘near-death experience’ ponders the afterlife

France hears the gospel, or at least the music

Becoming a channel of hope

Religious belief highest in developing and Catholic countries

Religious questions for Pa. voter ID law draw fire

“Called to serve”

Church works to turn old Orlando motel into Faith Arts Village

Ohio congressman on a mission to bring meditation to the masses

Bosnian cardinal laments Sarajevo’s ‘disappearing Christians’

Presbyterian Committee on Northern Ireland honored

Guatemala churches supporting families opposed to mining

Man spends 12 months practicing 12 different religions, and finds peace at year’s end

Presbyterian teen chooses service over a sweet 16 party

Branson taps Des Moines pastor as running mate

Catholic bishops issue rallying cry for ‘religious freedom’

Mali hopes for peace after inauguration of civilian president

Empowering Haitians with disabilities

Vet hears God’s call in providing artificial limbs

Australia’s Anglican church still divided over women’s ordination

Easing a political refugee’s hard road to opportunity

Growing the PC(USA) deep, wide, and diverse

Knitted together

Youth in Peru less likely to consider themselves religious

‘Reverts’ return to their childhood faith

MRTI holds long-sought meeting with Caterpillar

‘Dancing with the foxes’

Another Cuba

Lutheran groups explore common observances of Reformation anniversary

Vatican orders crackdown on American nuns

Notes about people

Campaign promise

Radiation protection standards are skewed towards industry, says Japanese interfaith group

Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a (Hindu) match

Call for prayer from Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) partners in Sudan

‘Unreconciled diversity’

‘Day 1’ receives video production grant from Odyssey Networks

Vatican praises Buddhism for the ‘wisdom’ it teaches its young

Mississippi, Vermont score at opposite ends of religious spectrum

RCC’s Wilbur Awards honor multi-media

What do Presbyterians prefer in pastors?

Religious freedom ambassador settles into role, diplomacy

Sudanese bishop says peace depends on lifestyle change

International leaders gather in Washington to support ‘the Cuban Five’

Church groups express concern over escalating Sudan conflict

Anti-Shariah movement loses steam in state legislatures

Presbyterian partnerships in mission: Church World Service

Edwards taps Krehbiel as vice-moderator running mate

Bowling lanes disappearing from U.S. churches

Catholic priest gives bird’s eye tour of Jerusalem from rooftop

An agent of generosity

Parsons, Valentine issue Earth Day ‘meditation’

Dallas II October consultation to create collective impact for mission

From Cuba with love

Presbyterians win 15 RCC awards

Peruvian government leader defends mine opposition

Religious freedom ambassador settles into role, diplomacy

Film about Argentinian ‘tragic events’ receives award

New hymnal contents released

Third vice moderator candidate announced

Son says sibling rivalry fueled Crystal Cathedral downfall

Filmmaker looks at religion, human rights through eyes of Flemish painter

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Ministries’ Effort Receives International Award

Company of New Pastors announces new leadership team

Committed to Serve

Residents’ protests continue as Peruvian gold mine awaits green light

Orthodox primates stress need for peace and stability in Middle East

Refugee finds his own church ‘sanctuary’

220th General Assembly committee leadership named

Agents of reconciliation

Presa taps D.C. pastor as GA vice-moderator running mate

Orthodox patriarch hits at ‘unacceptable’ attacks on ecumenism

‘Covenant’ to bind Anglican Communion appears dead

Lessons in ‘normal’

Mexican Senate ratifies lay state and establishes religious freedom

Bart Ehrman’s new portrayal of Jesus is surprisingly sympathetic

Holy Week draws pilgrims to St. Thomas shrine in India

Piece by piece

Pope’s Easter message includes Middle East

Dalai Lama wins Templeton Prize for work on science, religion

Small conferences, large reach

Churches campaign for treaty on illicit arms sales,

Where was Jesus buried?

In Cameroon, Muslims and Christians support electoral reform

Presbytery and synod news

Seminary news

Passover traditions reflect ethnic, regional customs

In Myanmar, army’s attacks on Christians continue

EHAIA, an African initiative going beyond Africa

A change of scenery

Women faith leaders call for greater oversight of the cosmetic industry to protect children

Mission Program Grants totaling $100,000 awarded to four new church developments

What did Jesus do on Holy Saturday?

Religious leaders hail Senegal’s peaceful elections

New Presbyterian hymnal contents to be released

Notes about people

Ending child malnutrition in Kenya, one sprinkle at a time

Pope Benedict XVI denounces cultural shift toward gay marriage in U.S.

As Rowan Williams retires, speculation turns to successor

A new silent majority?

Protestant elected mayor of major Russian city

Pope asks Castro for more church freedom, Good Friday holiday

Malawi president rejects calls from faith leaders to resign

Why is it so hard to do religion in prime time?

Motivating a movement

Haitian, Dominican bishops create commission to help rebuild Haiti

Dalai Lama awarded 2012 Templeton Prize

Pastor says hospitality staff can't live by bread alone

CUIC issues statement on killing of Florida teenager

Mission in Haiti: young adults working to help others

Board of Pensions: no 2012 experience apportionment

Faith leaders join in honoring farm workers at Department of Labor hall of honor

At Mass, pope recognizes Cubans’ struggles, calls freedom a necessity

Panel says bishops have the last word on Catholic theology

Church leaders see hope amid suffering in Manila's slums

Making a 180 degree shift, one degree at a time

Churches on the move amidst changing landscapes

Harold Camping says May 21 prediction was ‘incorrect and sinful’

Report: Christians are half of world’s migrants

Reports of numerous GA special committees to 220th GA are now available online

Fast forward

‘Mission from the margins’ explored at CWME event

Churches lost $1.2 billion in recession

Religious minorities subject to cruel treatment, U.N. expert says

From the pulpit to the stage

Mexican Lutheran church celebrates female leaders

Church leaders stress partnership as Christianity grows in global South

Cash-strapped Italy looks to tax church-owned properties

Welling up

Religious leaders press ‘faithful’ federal budget

White House proposal gives religious groups more say in birth control mandate

U.N. experts urge Pakistan to improve security for religious minorities

Connecting through mission in Haiti

Gillette pens ‘gift’ for Living Waters for the World

Rio+20 summit must include ethical principles, say experts

Pope to find challenges, opportunities in Cuba

Stated Clerk Nomination Committee selects Parsons for a second term

Cuban Presbyterian theologian, artist René Castellanos dies at 97

Called as partners in Christ’s service

High note

Evangelicals voting in record numbers in GOP primaries

Doorways into the life of a church

Egyptian Bible Society remembers Pope Shenouda III

Egyptian Christians mourn death of Coptic Pope Shenouda III

Rewriting the story

Caribbean nations need common climate change strategy, Cuban expert says

New book explores a Jewish view of the New Testament

After losing school job, gay teacher loses church job

2013 Presbyterian Youth Triennium theme announced

Finding new ways

Seminary news

Archbishop of Canterbury to step down, accepts position at Cambridge

U.S. mosques report rapid growth in past 10 years

Shopping around

‘Ten Commandments Judge’ Roy Moore poised to return to Alabama court

Church council seeks to re-define mission and evangelism

Gratification is ‘flip side’ of generosity, Taylor says

‘One in Christ for the sake of all’

Doctor who championed ‘death with dignity’ dies at 83

Filipino church leaders raise concerns on ‘People Power’ anniversary

Tornado survivors band together to aid community

Repairs, funds are slow-going at quake-damaged National Cathedral

Russian election sparks debate in Orthodox Church

Rob Fohr tagged to serve in new young adult catalyst position

Docket in your pocket

Notes about people

South Sudanese face deadline to leave the north

Both sides gear up in N.C. gay marriage fight

Ecumenical leaders oppose Congressional resolutions on Iran

Assembly of Middle Eastern Protestant churches discusses future of Christians in region

ACT Alliance report looks at successful gender equality programs in 13 countries

After C.S. Lewis College flops, a free campus for the taking

220th General Assembly (2012) registration is now open

Pittsburgh area congregations to host assembly goers on Sunday morning

Hearing the silenced voices

NEXT leaders map out next steps

Poll finds Americans split on contraception mandate

In Cameroon, faith leaders fear expansion of extremism from Nigeria

2.3 million reasons for change

Presbyterians challenge nationwide prison privatization

You’ve heard of evangelicals, but just who are they?

In Brazil, public health is theme of bishops’ campaign

Creating space for something new to be born

Presbyterian leaders oppose rush to war with Iran

NCC, PC(USA) launch Lenten fast to protest mistreatment of tomato harvesters

Don’t lose sight of Middle East peace, U.S. religious leaders say

Rick Santorum’s secret army: home-schoolers

Rev. Janet Edwards is fifth moderator candidate

Presbyterian leader George Telford dies at 78

Church-related group outlines key issues facing digital media platforms

Why do Mormons baptize the dead?

Same-gender partner benefits approved for benefits plan of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Peace train

Next Church is coming

Historian tackles doubt, divorce and the priesthood

Survey: more Israeli Jews express belief in God

We Believe offers affordable, age-appropriate denominational curriculum for all age levels

Presbyterian-related documentary nominated for two Emmys

WCC disowns doctrine used against indigenous peoples

FBI, Muslims report progress over training materials

Lenten reflections focus on water as God’s gift and a human right

Disarming hands and hearts

Palestinian Lutheran pastor receives German media award

Grief without God is a challenge for nonbelievers

Indonesia may pass new law on religious identification

A call for prayer and action for the people of Syria

A peaceful refuge

Colombian church to host 2012 Lutheran World Federation Council

Nonprofit groups oppose Obama’s change in charitable deductions

Violent repression of church demonstration in Congo raises concerns

Forged by war

Security and international peace focus of WCC consultation

Anglican breakaway groups confront a new power struggle

Libyan Christian leaders stress reconciliation

Leaving room for the Spirit

Feeding advocacy

Blacks say atheists were unseen civil rights heroes

Prison drama takes Ecumenical Jury prize at the Berlin International Film Festival

Campus ministry abuzz over giant face poster

A festival every fifth Sunday of the month

WCC Executive Committee sends message to Syrian churches

U.S. tourists to Israel advised to dress modestly

Fears grow Syrian conflict may slide into civil war

GAPJC upholds Spahr rebuke for performing same-gender weddings

GAMC approves sweeping changes to special offerings

Southern Baptists to stick (mostly) with same name

Christian communicators celebrate World Radio Day

A new vision for collegiate ministry

Paul Simon’s long meandering spiritual journey

Chaplains hear call to serve God while serving country

Pope contributes to restoration of Algerian basilica

2012 Walton Award winner announced

GAMC recommends divestment from Caterpillar, Motorola, Hewlett-Packard

Women of Faith Awards

Native American Ministries Consultation

COGA, GAMC propose 35-cent per capita increase over two years

State takes control of Sheldon Jackson College archives

Evangelical churches rise in France, attracting youth

Will Mormons’ racial history be a problem for Mitt Romney?

707: An idea that’s taking off

Study says U.S. Muslims don’t want Shariah, either

‘Games pastors’ to help visitors at London Olympics

Retired mission workers translating Bible into Anuak with Africans

New beginnings for Presbyterian Church

McDonald says seminaries exist to serve gospel, not themselves

Youth longing for peace in the Arab world

As New Orleans still recovers, prayer teams cover one block at a time

Zambian Catholic bishops oppose repatriation of Rwandan refugees

Ashley called as new associate for leadership development

Yamada says church must focus on multiple futures

Catholicism still dominant in Caribbean, but its influence wanes

Americans intrigued but wary still of Mormon beliefs

Egypt's humanitarian problems need addressing, say Christian representatives

Trader Joe’s Signs Fair Food Agreement with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers

SDOP welcomes community partners

Haiti recovery: no room for complacency, no time for blame, says Church World Service

Pro footballer Tebow is top religion author of 2011

Berlin churches oppose ‘inhumane’ detention of asylum seekers

Legacy album connects family heritage, musical tradition

Notes about people

‘A miniature Christian bookstore’ in the palm of your hand

Ecumenical group affirms relationship with Rome

John Buchanan tapped for top Writers Guild award

Christianity, religion risk oblivion in many parts of world, pope says

Workers at religious institutions fear future of pensions

European humanists demand ‘equal rights’ with churches

New beginnings

Commission calls for national racial ethnic ministries task force

2011-12 Women of Color awardees announced

SDOP disburses more than $240,000 to 13 self-help projects in the U.S.

In academia, Islam remains a risky third rail

Ecumenical group cites increased attacks against Palestinian villages

Come and see…

New Orleans pastor poised to be first black to lead Baptists

Vatican to host global summit on sexual abuse

Speaking a word of grace

Veteran Pastor James C. Howell Examines Micah's Life and Message in New Book

Commission proposes non-geographic presbyteries

Notes about people

As missionary movement turns 200, questions for the future

China frees underground church leader

Grants still available for 'communities of theological friendship'

Read your own story into the Bible story, APCE told

Life after synods

International ecumenical accompaniment is crucial in Colombia, religious and community leaders say

WCC accepting applications for 2012 stewards

Cairo congregation ministered to Tahrir Square protesters

Megadeth star takes thrash metal ― and seminary ― on tour


Ecumenical panel recommends steps to advance Christian unity

Poll: Preachy politicians turn off many voters

Kashmir Shariah court order targets Christians

Presbyterians back disaster relief

Task Force encourages 20/20 Vision for Special Offerings

Despite roadmap, severe human rights violations continue in Madagascar

Cover designs for new hymnal released

Investing in success

After Fiji flood, churches, Christian agencies help thousands

Study portrays Mormons as outsiders looking in

Animated faith: Disney, discipleship and Dr. King

Between life and death

Global economy is focus of Ecumenical Advocacy

Health, human rights experts call for ‘safe spaces’ in churches

Traveling repairmen help rebuild churches

Faith sharing in fresh ways

New Believer remembers joy of baptism

An honest question

Working together for social justice and decent work

After minor turbulence, Alaska Airlines suspends prayer cards

In Fiji, Methodists frustrated over repressive decree

Evangelical Covenant Order unveils polity

Report shows Christianity shifting to Africa

Churches in Sudan encounter more hostility after south’s independence

Old challenges, new solutions

Russian Protestants commemorate MLK Day for the first time

El Salvadoran president officially apologizes for 1981 massacre

N.C. man has a ‘gentle madness’ for church fans collection

Risky journey

Presbyterian film critic releases Top 10 movies of 2011

24 PC(USA) leaders issue ‘Letter of Reconciliation’

NCC names Chapman as interim general secretary

For many, ‘Losing My Religion’ isn't a song: It’s life

Fellowship’s theology document may remain a work in progress

North Korean Christian leader Kang Young-sup dies

It’s 2012, which means another doomsday may be upon us

Is it Ethical for Christians to Use Genetic Screening?

Financial Aid for Studies announces Transformational Leadership Debt Assistance

The way of the cross

Lifelong learning

Bread for the World launches annual letters campaign

Atheists face uphill climb with new political party

In Israel, a clash over religious gender segregation

Fellowship of Presbyterians unveils name for ‘new Reformed body’

Presbytery in the mirror … and furthermore

Latino evangelical coalition highlights issues in U.S. election

U.S. jumps to top of charity index

Planting a missional imagination

Presbytery in the mirror

Would Mormons try to influence a Romney White House?

In Israel, Christian population has lowest growth rate, report says

A capital idea

Rural and remote

It’s 2012, which means another doomsday may be upon us

Report names 50 worst countries for Christian persecution

Webinar to explore new publishing technologies

Seminary news

Religious leaders: Same-sex marriage threatens religious freedom

Honduras to use evangelism to fight police corruption

Haiti: two years later

Applications for small church residency program, For Such a Time as This, now being accepted

Eight leaders urge congregations to rethink leaving the PC(USA)

Cuban Biblical Network celebrates its 10th anniversary

Holy Land pilgrimage can lead to inter-religious understanding

Supreme Court sides with churches in employment fights

2012 Lenten study explores how gates are conceptually used throughout the Bible; written by Gradye Parsons, stated clerk of the PC(USA)

Notes about people

Church of Scotland supports Israeli agricultural project

Rob Bell says goodbye to Michigan megachurch

‘The hidden treasure of prison ministry’

Presbytery and synod news

Hungarian court annuls law that withdraws legal recognition of churches

Pope names 22 new cardinals, including two Americans

A hospital for Léogâne

Bringing the power

NCC announces Kinnamon's departure, transition plan

Egyptian Christian leaders consider dialogue with Islamic groups

Vatican launches Catholic home for U.S. Episcopalians

Expanding mission sending

Back to the garden

Building a presence

Dissident’s book reveals ‘secret history’ of Christianity in China

Muslims caught in reality show crossfire struggle to understand controversy

The New Jerusalem

Top 10 Presbyterian stories from 2011

Romney's evangelical problem starts with theology

Orthodox emergency care group trains Arab women in home safety

Full-contact relating

Magi would have a tough time finding frankincense

Faith group says ‘human dignity’ should be key to bioweapons accord

Christmas in Bethlehem

New Reform Jewish leader promises revitalization

American city will see ‘multi-faith neighborhood’

PNS to take holiday break

Physician, heal thyself

2011: A year of taking it to the streets

Could “Arab spring” turn into “Christian winter”?

Churches in Colombia express concern over recent law changes

A world apart

School daze

Bin Laden’s death rated top religion news story

Churches in Congo slam presidential election process

The dance of life and death

“As we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us open our hearts for the joy that characterizes the season”

Philippine Catholic Church at odds with health department over HIV prevention

Christmas symbols are in the eye of the beholder

Church throws party for neighborhood

Ringing in a record

Religious groups in Scotland overwhelmingly disapprove of gay marriage

Advent a make-or-break chance for churches, visitors

Christmas Message 2011 from the World Council of Churches general secretary

Noted author John Philip Newell to preach on ‘Day 1’

As church-based civil unions kick in, Church of England says no

Muslim reality show, under fire, denies charges of extremism

As the year closes, the call to observe the “Decade of Hearing and Singing New Songs to God” is renewed

Eight new mission program grants totaling $250,000 awarded


Cuban, U.S. Councils of Churches issue joint statement

Court upholds Berlin school’s ban on Muslim prayer

Young hip Jews leading a Hanukkah music makeover

Parsons and Valentine join NCC in speaking against Islamophobia

PC(USA) New Church Development leader to attempt world record for continuous bell ringing


In India, tribunal says state government failed to protect Christians

Parents, pastors wrestle with place of Santa at Christmas

Rebirth and new life

New titles released from Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding; popular studies now available in Spanish and Korean languages

Notes about people

Nationwide survey in Mexico reveals religious discrimination

Action group provides new life to HIV-infected in Indonesia

Poll suggests believers can be swayed on nukes, environment

Haitians rebuilding Haiti

Campus as mission field

Join us for worship in Bethlehem this Saturday

GOP candidates make pitch to Jewish voters

In some Arab villages, imams now preach driver safety

Fellowship releases 2 guiding documents discussing creation of new Reformed body

U.S. churches will continue to press for Cuba-U.S. normalization, Kinnamon says

Cathedrals becoming rallying points for anti-capitalist protesters

Israel inaugurates ‘Gospel Trail’ to follow Jesus’ steps

‘Give a Gift with Spirit’ campaign lifts up Reformed titles as gifts for Christmas; sponsored by Congregational Ministries Publishing

Partnership in a ‘newborn nation’

Hindu Christian Forum launches at Lambeth Palace

Angry churches pull money from big banks

School supplies

Mission Crossroads magazine content now available online

More than consultation — collaboration

Atheists launch campaign to get unbelievers

Cluster bomb accord derailed after failing to meet humanitarian concerns

“Our first Christmas together”

California church wins ‘Energy Oscar’

Religious groups spend nearly $400 million on D.C. advocacy

Faith groups in Kenya seek to strengthen HIV/AIDS strategies

A gift that keeps on giving

John Calvin would have been in the Occupy Wall Street movement, says WCRC’s Nyomi

Fundamentalist Bob Jones U. maintains stunning Catholic art collection

Number of Somali refugees declining due to aid and rainfall

Living into her gifts

Hey elders: Try a little humility

Indian churches propose anti-corruption legislation

Crystal Cathedral is cautionary tale for pastors

Pray for embargo’s end, Cuban parliamentary leader tells U.S. religious leaders

Study: religious services make some women happier

Ecumenical group highlights Israeli demolitions

Connecting with college students

‘From Gutenberg to Google’ is one theme of Reformation anniversary

Salem witch trials get a second look

Seminary news

Report: hunger affects millions in Latin America, Caribbean

Tea Party, Occupy movements fail to capture Americans’ hearts

Radical Somali group bans aid agencies

New online journal blends information, action

As Uganda re-considers anti-gay law, former bishop calls for tolerance

Black seminaries embrace hip-hop

Russia Mission Network holds 7th annual conference

El Salvador gives award to Archbishop Romero Trust

As injured vets return home, congregations reach out

Presbytery and synod news

A vista of mesas, a vision of peace

Kathryn Lohre installed as NCC president

Freedom of religion in Russia faces increased limits

Students ‘do interfaith’ through universal language of music

Faith and food: a worldwide blessing

The Big Banana - NY Premiere

Mission at any age

Christian leaders press Middle East stalemate solution

Japan’s Christian leaders criticize government involvement in trade talks

Was the First Thanksgiving a religious celebration?

Proclaim words of hope, Campbell tells moderators

A long vision

The Rev. Charles “Chip” Hardwick named Director of Theology, Worship and Education

“What Christ’s church could and should look like”

Prayers for policy makers

Former GA moderator Silas Kessler dies at 100

After Miss. defeat, what’s next for ‘Personhood’?

Burma stepping up attacks on Christians, says rights group

Applications being accepted for GA stated clerk

BOP keeps eye on federal health care reform developments

Pope to make second trip to Africa

An unintentional tentmaker

Climate is good for pope’s possible visit to Cuba

Evangelicals call for nuclear cutbacks

Sudan churches remain united despite country division

Weighing the inheritance

South African expert on gender, religion and health

Steve Jobs’ private spirituality now an open book

UK to allow religious gay partnership ceremonies

Communities of Theological Friendship

A family of Léogâne

World Mission committed to continue ministry in Mexico and along border

The long journey of reconciliation

Ecumenical Water Network breaks new ground

U.N. criticizes China crackdown on Buddhist monks

U.S. Muslims get their turn at reality TV

Solidarity, peace and human rights focal points of PC(USA) visit to Madagascar

NCC governing board approves leadership transition process

Expert says churches must adapt to new profile of charitable giving

Churches call for greater efforts to counter arms trade

U.S. seminaries consider radical changes

From gracious hosts to gracious guests

Self-Development of People announces grant recipients

Tibetan protests spread to Nepal

Hawaii moves closer to California

Climate justice youth caravan heads for South Africa

Muslim superhero comics gain fans ― and controversy

Reformed reconciliation

Thomas W. Gillespie, retired Princeton Seminary president, dies

Catholics urge civility in politics

Chinese prison Bible to be displayed in U.S.

At the intersection of church and world

Circus ministry is a high-wire act of faith for chaplain

Interfaith Tokyo symposium explores attitudes on suicide

LPTS goes tuition-free for master’s degree students

‘In our DNA’

Faith, political leaders find out how far food stamps go

St. Paul’s dean resigns, cites protest controversy

Showered with fellowship

NCC documentary highlights churches’ outreach to struggling communities

Succession rules changed for British monarchs

U.S. activists bemoan low priority given to religious freedom

Samuel Robinson Award leads Whitworth University student to “fall more in love with the story of scripture”

Bridging divisions in Northern Ireland

Room to breathe

Heeding the call

Catholics see difference in loyalty to faith, hierarchy

New book tackles history of the popes

Great Ministry Practices: Using social media to broaden the reach of traditional ministries

Refugee resettlement dropped 25 percent in FY 2011

WCC starts global theological education survey

In Philippines, native wisdom enhances Christian spirituality

What would Jesus laugh at? A lot, says Colbert’s ‘chaplain’

God: just an “imaginary friend”?

Churches pledge support for migrant Caribbean workers

Gallup Poll: 35 percent oppose death penalty

Reformation Sunday marks need for ongoing church renewal

Weekend of Joy: Four Baptisms in the Guadalupe River

The earth is the Lord’s

Mormon leaders quiz followers on reading habits

WCC assembly planning committee meets

Pakistani judge who sentenced governor’s assassin vanishes

Creative Services group wins four awards

The pied piper of Detroit

Be the burning bush

CUIC strives to heal divisions of racism in church, society

Repression of religious minorities is increasing, says human rights group

Presbytery and synod news

Study: Religion can affect your soul ― and your wallet

PC(USA) leaders recognize Reformation Day in churchwide letter

Presbyterian Historical Society features Civil War resources

Christian leaders say yes to Palestine U.N. membership

Seminary news

Church partners respond to Thailand’s flood disaster

First Catholic bishop charged with sex abuse cover-up

Texas pastor is fourth candidate for GA moderator

Spanish translation of Tutu letter to Gradye Parsons

D.C. pastor to lead Democrats’ faith outreach

‘A long loving look at the real’

WACC president says communication is building meaning in common

Forum: migrant Christian communities transforming traditional churches

Muslim superhero comics gain fans ― and controversy

Welcome home

A resource for all seasons

Cuban seminary commemorates 65th anniversary

Should our bodies become bullets after death?

Glory days

Orthodox get green light to rebuild at Ground Zero

Peace Prize winner Gbowee says faith helped in peace campaign

Follow Jesus into the world; invite the church and others to join you

‘A wave of the Spirit’

Pittsburgh pastor preaches winning sermon in Geneva

Egypt still rocked by sectarian violence in post-Mubarak regime

Sheen, Estevez find ‘The Way’ to make a non-preachy religious film

Explore the logo designs for the 220th GA (2012)

Planting, digging, watering

World Christianity has a new address, a new look and many names

Scotland’s gay marriage discussion stirring controversy among faith groups

How George Harrison changed the way we believe

Partnership, contextualization, recreation

Asian ecumenical group sees Philippines as ‘model’ for peace

Exiled Libyan Jews look with hope toward homeland

Presbytery and synod news

Presbytery of Charlotte endorses third moderator candidate

Congregation rallies after vandals attack

People of faith join Wall Street protests

Religious groups latch on to the Groupon craze

Great Rivers endorses 2nd candidate for moderator

Charges dismissed against D.C. prayer vigil leaders

U.N. condemns Coptic killings in Egypt

‘Protest chaplains’ shepherd movement’s spiritual side

Announcing the Second Annual Multicultural Institute at Montreat

COGA weighs 10-A responses from partner churches

South Koreans’ visit to North Korea aims to ease tensions

Seven things learned from the Values Voter Summit

MGB Commission votes to eliminate synods

Raising ethical dimensions in debate on climate justice

Dead Sea Scrolls now available online

Clinton's anti-child-marriage initiative finds relevance in churches

Mobilizing youth and women to reduce HIV

Economics/foreign policy expert assails Cuba embargo

25-year-old Belhar Confession still relevant for South African churches

Pentagon: Chaplains can celebrate gay marriages

For Such a Time as This small church residency program extended

Pittsburgh Presbyterians hit hunger out of the park

Southern Baptist president floats name change

Churches in North America and the Caribbean plan increased cooperation

Japanese Christian doctor turns 100, looks toward 110

Living out Micah 6:8

PHEWA seeks nominations for social justice ministries awards

Christian leaders plot ecumenical future in Indonesia

Dalai Lama refused visa by South Africa

Alan Gripe, interim ministry pioneer, dies

Conference to address criminal justice crisis in the U.S.

Lutherans seek greater unity ahead of 2017 observance

Supreme Court to weigh churches’ hiring rights

GAMC leaders reflect on Middle East trip

Farmhouse becomes mission center to house new church development

New daily devotionals based on Feasting on the Word series to be published

Evangelism on the Great Lawn

‘The only hope is Jesus Christ’

Palestinian, Israeli students use art to bridge differences

Evangelicals line up behind Rick Perry

Stillman Choir to be featured in 2011 Christmas Joy Offering video

PC(USA) leaders call for release of Iranian pastor

Neal Presa is first candidate for GA 220 moderator

Stronger congregations, deeper relationships

Partisan politics affecting role of faith groups in U.S., says prominent journalist

Poll finds evangelicals stand apart on evolution, climate change

No fear

Christian bookstores try to gain off Borders' loss

Raphael’s twin Madonnas reunited for pope’s visit to Germany

Presbyterian Health, Education and Welfare Association (PHEWA) seeks nominations to recognize ministries of social justice

Loving God by loving neighbor

Religious dialogue helped release of U.S. hikers in Iran

More Americans designing a make-your-own religion

‘Dare to be sympathetic’

Catholics warn of ‘national conflict’ over gay marriage

Jerusalem interfaith dialogue sees increased participation

Reconciliation amid great pain

Can young Jews become more Jewish without much Judaism?

Muslims helping to rebuild Christian school in Kashmir

‘Know justice, know peace; know peace, know justice’

China’s influence in Africa includes church construction

Study probes why college students leave church

Feasting on the Word Curriculum serves up new seasonal pricing plan

Retaining our Reformed vision

After Fukushima, faith groups ponder nuclear power

Poll shows young evangelical divide on gay marriage

Working with others for Christ

Mission program grants awarded

New challenges growing out of Arab Spring

Presbytery and synod news

Christian-Jewish relations still a source of debate

In recession-hit Hungary, churches take over state schools

A journey for justice

The divine surprises of adoption

In Indonesia, church runs afoul of Islamic street name

Digging up the past

Lutheran federation asks U.N. to intervene in Honduras

Senators probe politics and piety in new books

CWS climate change project receives ACT award

Forgotten, but not gone

WCC president calls for solidarity with the poor

Religious minorities criticize Indian anti-corruption campaign

New forms of telling a very old story

Introductory study for congregations offers insights to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s new Form of Government

Mienda Uriarte to coordinate the PC(USA)’s mission work in Asia and the Pacific

Water water everywhere

A connectional community

Hong Kong Christians support residency for migrant workers

Obama administration criticizes eight countries on religious freedom

Changes coming to PC(USA) ordination exam process

PPC announces new hymnal title, colors, prices

German Web site allows congregations to rate clergy

Poll: NY may be more spiritual, but not because of 9/11

Rethinking theology for HIV response

Presbytery Grants for Congregational Transformation announced

Fueling a relationship

Refugee resettlement special to air Sept. 25 on CBS

Political issues highlight Pacific churches’ anniversary meeting

Poll: Americans are tolerant of other faiths ― except Islam

Presbyterian author constructs a Christology from the margins in latest book

MRTI recommends PC(USA) divestment of three companies

"Perhaps this is my season"

MRTI reports on engagement with companies doing business in Israel-Palestine

New network of church-based HR professionals formed

Christian communications groups pledge to work more closely

‘Roamin’ Catholics' wander in search of new church

9/ll plus ten

Notes about people

Catholic schools in Kenya prohibit Muslim head covering

On 9/11, preachers find no easy words

Presbytery and synod news

Orthodox leaders smooth path to proposed summit meeting

In U.S., interfaith worship doubled since 9/11

Warren Wilson College hosts luncheon for Western North Carolina Presbytery’s For Such a Time as This pastoral residents

Since 9/11, number of Presbyterian churches engaged with other faith groups has increased 50 percent

Association of Presbyterians for Cross-cultural Mission announces its closure

Seminary news

Church council sends peace teams to South Sudan

Interfaith understanding remains elusive 10 years after 9/11

Joining Hands partners sponsor photojournalism contest on ecological injustice and solutions

…Always being reformed

Armed civilians heighten Tripoli danger, cleric says

After 9/11, some run toward faith, some run other way

Popular study from Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding now available in Korean language

Berlin’s Protestants celebrate roots in Judaism

Facebook game players ‘elect’ new popes

Many Voices, One Song: Join Presbyterians in song on September 4

Sing, sing a song

Church leaders call for prayer and support following Hurricane Irene

Australian churches welcome refugee ‘swap’ ruling

Jedis and Pastafarians: Real religion or just a joke?

A harvest of righteousness is sown in peace

‘Best friends’

After hurricane, faith-based groups mobilize relief

Bats in belfry plague British church

Is Twilight bad news for girls?


PC(USA) stated clerk condemns bombing of U.N. compound in Nigeria

Alive with a new hope

Son of Pakistani governor who criticized blasphemy law is kidnapped

Charity group brings dollars, and controversy

Filling the empty warehouse

A new Presbyterian order?

PDA, presbyteries prepare for Hurricane Irene

WCC general secretary calls for urgent action in the Horn of Africa

Asian ecumenical group opposes South Korea base construction

States scramble to find prison chaplains after cuts

No more ‘stinky talk’

Ecumenical team pays solidarity visit to Myanmar and to refugees

Somali refugee camp expanding into Kenya’s third-largest ‘city’

At Church of Beethoven, music is the message

World Mission responds to ending of partnership by Mexican Presbyterian Church

Latin American Protestant leaders criticize U.S. budget decisions

Earthquake damages Washington National Cathedral

Study sees link between education and views of heaven

Newly revised study encourages congregation-wide reading of Bible in its entirety as Bible literacy in U.S. sees steep decline

Mexican Presbyterian Church votes to end 139-year-old relationship with PC(USA)

Church of Scotland GA votes for more dialogue on same-sex issues

Mar Thoma church in India celebrates 175th anniversary

A soundtrack for your inner Dude

Waiting on the Lord

An ‘airport’ congregation

Pakistani police claim Bhatti murder due to family dispute, story says

Study of secularism sees boost on college campuses

Church leaders point to worship resources for 9/11 remembrances

We have the power

A different kind of discipleship

Tutu: lingering effects of apartheid include ‘self-hate’

Virginian on national religious history museum quest

Mission in a post-Christian society

Latin American Protestants, Catholics hold historic meeting

Religious groups in Nepal start equal rights campaign

Colleges sign up for Obama’s interfaith program

Taste and see that the Lord is good

Peace convocation to inspire prayer for Sept. 21

In Australia, Christian leaders support asylum seekers

Women show deep drop in church-going, survey says

New international mission appointees complete orientation

The universal tentmaker

Not out of Africa

From unchurched to church planter

Christian activists in India seeking stronger rules to curb alcoholism

More Catholic departures than baptisms for first time in Germany

Changing times, changing needs

WCRC issues call to prayer for security in Mexico

Faith groups concerned about North Korean leadership of U.N. group

Mormons add shorter stints to boost missionaries

Thirty-seven presbyteries honored for giving

Here, there and everywhere

Hungry in Hungary

Church leaders seek long-term solutions to Horn of Africa food crisis

Poll: Americans want religious presidents, but are vague on details

A way of life

Presbyterians compose worship resources for 9/11

Campus Crusade ditches name for ‘Cru’

Pioneering Japanese Protestant to be portrayed in TV series

All the church’s a stage

Helping others while in the midst of your own disaster

Resurrecting urban ministry

Northern Sudan Christians face challenges after south’s secession

State Dept. tries to raise visibility of religion

‘Friending’ church

A dream fulfilled

Haiti’s reconstruction still an uphill battle

In England, faith groups work to heal riot-scarred towns

As candidates run for office, some run from their church

Something stirring along the water’s edge

Notes about people

Orthodox Patriarch calls for reconciliation of Russia and Georgia

Poll: American Muslims hopeful about life in the U.S.

Ordinary encounters, extraordinary power


World-changing ideas

Christian agencies continue work in Somalia despite security issues

Blogosphere abuzz over Rupert Murdoch as ‘Bible mogul’

Joplin after the tornado: a photo essay

Ecumenical ‘accompaniers’ aid Palestinians

Teaching what they learned

Grinding it out

Willow Creek cuts ties with ex-gay Exodus International

Presbyterian puppetry

Passage of debt-ceiling bill prompts response from Stated Clerk

GAPJC clears Scott Anderson for ordination

Ramadan treat dates back to Muhammad

Not Fade Away

Week of Prayer 2012 asks what victory means for unity

Hungarian churches divided over new religion law

Professor tweets Quran for Ramadan

A song of New Hope

Child of apartheid to lead world Methodists

Norway’s churches at center of country’s efforts to heal after attacks

Poll: Anti-Muslim sentiment grew after bin Laden death

Rebuilding in faith

Presbytery and synod news

Pressure mounts on Iran to acquit Christian pastor

Poll: God has better approval rating than Congress

Ten candidates for ministry receive first calls in second year of For Such a Time as This program

The Reverend J. Herbert Nelson is arrested in protest over debt ceiling negotiations

No more ‘mommy voice’

Brandon preacher’s husband content with unconventional role

Japan’s ecumenical office responds to ‘triple disaster’

More questions, fewer answers, on the afterlife

Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons calls on elected officials to protect vulnerable people in the debt ceiling talks

New steps into history

Sacks of hope

Kenya promises to expand camp for refugees

U.S. conservatives on defense after Oslo killings

A common table

Talking about God

Greek churches face financial disaster in economic crisis

Jewish foes of circumcision sit out attempts to ban it

Search, and you will find

Book fair

Students of diverse faiths seek understanding at Bossey

State discrimination forces Dalits to leave church, says Catholic bishop

Acting school aims to make Hollywood more like Holy-wood

Presbyterian competes in national wedding dress design competition

Seminary news

Christian agencies warn that 10 million people face famine in Horn of Africa

Mormon leaders told to stay out of politics

Presbyterians promote compassion, peace, and justice

Beginning their work together

Newly ordained Catholic priests excommunicated in China

Iraqi pastor bemoans flight of Christians

Gagging orders

Church council warns of food shortages in North Korea

Sharon Watkins re-elected president of Disciples

Weekly liturgical helps in Spanish one of most popular web resources

What’s in a name?

CBS, NBC specials show connection between immigration and faith community

Russian pro-lifers to launch women’s health clinics that don’t provide abortions

Saintly relics, from the macabre to the magnificent

‘Fair trade, not just free trade’

‘Trying something better’

CLAI chooses Cuba for its next General Assembly

South Sudan Catholic bishop dies a week after independence

Ecumenical veteran sees a ‘new frontier’

Board of Pensions announces two-step dues increase

From Brazil to Angola, not content to accept injustice

Interfaith leaders press for poverty assistance funding

Pakistani religious minorities criticize recent government initiative

Championship coach tackles God on the gridiron

Carrying Rosa

Christian youth to be trained for eco-justice

Churches and aid agencies lobby for ‘Robin Hood’ tax

Report says Islamophobia on the rise

A journey of letting go and bringing together

South Sudan churches hope for new nation’s peace and growth

Parochial schools not immune to bullies

Presbyterians stage pro-immigrants public witness during Big Tent

Tradition of mission

Global Christian leaders hail Southern Sudan’s independence and assure continued support

Catholics look into buying Crystal Cathedral

Do you feel the call?

Through the eyes of Haitians

Christians reach broad consensus on appropriate missionary conduct

China vows to ordain bishops without Vatican’s OK

Episcopal Church defends top bishop’s record in abuse case

Alabama and Tennessee July long-term recovery trainings to help most vulnerable tornado survivors

Abortion fight taken up by Russian Orthodox and American evangelicals

Jewish concerns remain as Delta, Saudis deny discrimination

Fresh role likely for charities as Nepal’s refugees find new home

Schuller removed from board at Crystal Cathedral

Archbishop of Canterbury urges greater church involvement in environment and social media

Report: Mercedes to unveil new eco-friendly popemobile

Lives Transformed: ‘Start with the Kids’

Environmental Ministries Action Network launched

Stated Clerk releases PC(USA) 2010 statistics

Everybody into the pool!

Breaking the ‘cradle to prison pipeline’

Having what it takes

WCRC calls for week of prayers for Sudan amid signs of progress in negotiations

We are Presbyterians

Presbytery and synod news

Sudanese clergy seek to give aid in South Kordofan

Critics push Obama to change faith-based hiring rules

Community owned and operated

1001 in 10

Seminary news

Leaders examine religion’s place in Israeli democracy

Pawlenty’s prominent pastor not a political pawn

Big Tent’s Peacemaking Conference focuses on reconciliation, understanding

Not complicated, but not easy

Anglican-Lutheran dialogue examines service and witness

Greek Orthodox rally to rebuild Ground Zero church

Finding 'speranza' in Moldova

Stated clerk speaks out against Colombia Free Trade Agreement

Nudity in religious art: godly or sinful?

Church of England to allow gay bishops … sort of

Middle East Monitoring Group announces search for narratives

WJK Titles Named Gold and Silver Books of the Year from <i>ForeWord Reviews</i>

PC(USA) leaders call Wisconsin governor to protect campus ministry

Japanese interfaith group opposes U.S. bases on Okinawa

All Southern Baptist eyes on black New Orleans pastor

‘Learning to live together’ inside the Big Tent

All but one PC(USA) constitutional amendment headed for approval

Notes about people

Japanese churches must become more active, warns theologian

Americans see room to disagree but remain faithful to religion

Presbyterian leaders offer a call to prayer for Sudan

Leading in healthy, bold and dangerous ways

Religious leaders assess UN AIDS declaration

Gallup says 9 in 10 Americans believe in God

SDOP grants more than $150,000 to 9 U.S. self-help projects

World Mission Matters encourages participation

U.N. environment agency sees work with faith groups, African cleric says

Lesbian minister to face Methodist church trial

Through the Storm

Can I get a witness!

Pakistani court postpones trial in 2009 attacks on Christians

Bishops open meeting to review sex abuse rules

A circuitous journey

Thinking theologically about technology

Conference to address issues faced by Christians in the Middle East

After controversy, Baptists affirm belief in ‘eternal’ hell

Church: it’s not just for Sunday mornings anymore

Stated clerk issues call to prayer for Nepal Christians

Lutheran federation president urges members to pursue justice

Religious freedom envoy condemns religious intolerance

PC(USA) presses Obama on human rights in Colombia

Healing memories

African faith leaders call for action on climate change

Southern Baptists look to minorities to jumpstart growth

PC(USA) Middle East Monitoring Group releases Kairos Palestine Study Guide

Distinguished Christian educator Ellis Nelson dies

WCC will return 60s-80s torture documents to Brazil

Israel sees slow but growing acceptance for gay Orthodox

First-ever gathering set of churches and organizations of Afro-descendent minorities in Latin America

Renewed Sudan fighting causing humanitarian crisis

Catholic bishops to take second look at abuse reforms

A big dance floor: building trust and being the church

Renewal and witness at the heart of Pentecost

Muslims contribute to German society, church gathering told

Judge hears monks’ suit over right to build caskets

Icing on the Kake

Collaborating community

Human rights groups praise indictments in Salvadoran Jesuits case

Ore. faith-healing trial draws to a close

Majority of presbyteries approve new Form of Government

Most Presbyterians prefer monthly Lord’s Supper celebrations

Cuba’s churches grapple with a changing society, says council leader

Satan doesn't have a blog, but if he did ...

A churchwide letter concerning the new Form of Government

Presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have approved a new Form of Government

Presbyterian-run student housing at a crossroads

Octogenarian learns how to read so he can better understand Bible

King’s daughter leaves Georgia church after scandal

Guided by the Spirit

‘Climate justice’ new concern of Christian communicators

Christians shatter taboos around talking about money

MGB Commission mulls data, identifies some ‘operating assumptions’

A few friendly faces

India’s Catholics plan first synod for lay people

Add one of these to your summer reading list

Growing a community

Church of Scotland moves closer to accepting more gay clergy

Katrina volunteers keep coming, even if they have to pay

Making room for the little shots

Pilgrims return to Jesus’ baptismal site as Israel removes landmines

How didst the KJV come to be?

Saving lives, strengthening pastoral ministry

Calling all elders

People of faith fast to protest U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement

Canadian editor elected president of Ecumenical News International

Same-sex relations, marriage receive record approval

Presbyterian pastor responds: What makes a good spiritual life?

Former GA moderator Bill Lytle dies

Alaska Presbyterian icon Walter Soboleff dead at 102

International Ecumenical Peace Convocation addresses issues of nonviolence and the environment

Churches asked to share pulpits with Muslims

Korean-American church leader Youngil Cho dies

With nFOG vote close, advocates renew call to pass it

Zimbabwe church groups pray for peace ahead of elections

For many blacks, there’s only one Bible, and it’s the KJV

Presbyterian leaders reflect on week of deadly storms

Percolating on the meaning of ‘call’

Evangelist says Rapture date was off by five months

Finding God in unexpected and Marvel-ous places

A congregation for the community

Theologian Kung says only radical reforms can save the Catholic church

Muslims battle to be official voice of U.S. Islam

Reading justice in the inner city

Japan’s churches urged to work together after ‘triple disaster’

Acceptance grows for autistic kids in church

Board of Pensions hears feedback on proposed same-gender benefits

Orthodox churches object to national identity cards

Study: 2 in 10 atheist scientists are `spiritual'

Blessed be the ties that bind

Seminary news

In Zimbabwe, Catholic bishops are among Mugabe’s toughest critics

Scholars chase Bible’s changes, one verse at a time

A Presbyterian church finds a place to call home

U.N. report on Sri Lankan conflict evokes mixed reactions

Study links reliance on God with reliance on treatment

Resources ready for Presbyterian Heritage Sunday

Human Trafficking: The Story of Mariano Lucas and the Impact of the Campaign for Fair Food

San Francisco Theological Seminary names new president

Notes about people

Mennonites appoint first leader from Global South

Economic bell tolls for nation's church steeples

PDA, Red Cross provide spiritual care training in wake of natural disasters

70th anniversary celebration of the Council of Churches of Cuba begins

Indian churches challenged to address caste discrimination

Feminist pioneer challenges Orthodox patriarchy

PPC welcomes the Rev. Meg Flannagan to hymnal staff

Bare Bulb Coffee hopes to shine a bit of light

Palestinian agreement sign of hope, WCC’s Tveit says

Methodists express repentance for massacre of Native Americans

Abuse victims oppose pick for House chaplain

24 former GA moderators call for unity after 10-A passes

Nairobi blast survivors meet bin Laden’s death with prayer

From Chernobyl to Japan’s ‘tsunami stones’

Two-thirds of Americans say bin Laden’s in hell

Twelfth volume in Feasting on the Word completes acclaimed series, expansion projects in works

PC(USA) relaxes constitutional prohibition of gay and lesbian ordination

Colombian Presbyterian women seek to change culture of violence

Religious leaders urge Russians to heed lessons of World War II

RCA, CRC join to plant churches

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approves change in ordination standard

A churchwide letter concerning Amendment 10-A

Christian-Muslim clashes in Egypt leave 12 dead, Coptic churches burnt

Muslims hope bias ends with bin Laden’s death

Worldwide action for Palestine-Israel peace coming up

Frank Yamada named McCormick Theological Seminary president

Notes about people

Panel cites Egypt for violation of religious freedom

‘Simple churches’ find a foothold across the U.S.

2011 Samuel Robinson Award winners announced

‘Do the things that a church must do’

Czechs back oppressed Roma, march against neo-Nazis

Japanese pastor fears “tsunami” of visitors during holidays

Minister moms split between pulpit and potty training

Faith unTapped

Posthumous David M. Bailey album released

After beatification, focus turns to John Paul II's legacy

Osama bin Laden is dead. Discuss.

PC(USA) ministries offer reflection resources in wake of bin Laden’s death

World Association for Christian Communication tackles difficult questions about its future

Taiwan Presbyterians invite Japanese pastors to study disaster relief

Think you’ll need last rites? Better plan ahead

Fire can’t stop church’s hunger ministry

Presbytery and synod news

African leaders call for more effective aid programs

PC(USA) publications win 10 Associated Church Press awards

Big Tent to stay in Indianapolis

Evangelical icon David Wilkerson dies in car crash

The Rev. Trina Zelle called to serve as the new National Organizer for the Presbyterian Health, Education and Welfare Association (PHEWA)

Growth of Protestantism in Latin America will tend to stabilize, says Brazilian sociologist

Church-state ties will be on display at royal wedding

Oops, we did it again

La Vida De La Rosa

Interfaith Broadcasting Commission announces NBC-TV specials

Mennonite World Day of Prayer focuses on Latin American women

‘Soul Surfer’ rides the wave of ‘real’ Christian films

New Church Development growing spiritually, making disciples, baptizing adults

The big table

Building “right relations” between people and the earth

John Paul II’s feast day will be October 22, Vatican says

Should religion have a role in U.S. foreign policy?

Forging ahead

Templeton Prize awarded to British cosmologist

Museum to feature treasure trove of biblical artifacts

Lives transformed: Maseabane and the people of Lesotho

Biker Sunday

Solidifying a relationship

European churches debate anti-Christian violence response

Study: congregations slowly recovering from recession

Agents of transformation

Lack of money will leave more churches without pastors, Presbyterians predict

Ivory Coast churches prepare to help victims of turmoil

Scholar challenges Thursday date of Last Supper

Parsons joins Obama for White House prayer breakfast

Calculating the cost

Christ’s last words unite Philippine churches

Just how long did Jesus stay in the tomb?

PMM wins top Houston Film Festival award

After Japan disaster, faiths join to prevent suicides

U.S. Senate confirms religious freedom ambassador

Financial Aid for Studies announces new Theological Student Loan (TSL) Forgiveness Program

Jinkins inaugurated as Louisville Seminary president

Notes about people

Ethiopian Jews in Israel learn about the Passover Seder

At interfaith church, a rabbi does the Easter sermon

SFTS professor wins best first book award

Lutheran church in Brazil marks 50 years of mission

Report: Small churches feeling financial squeeze

Forgive, don’t forget

Archaeologist claims to find nails from Jesus’ cross

‘Word is God’ at Shakespeare theatre’s London season

More good news for 2011 Walton Award winners

Kinnamon renews NCC’s call for common Easter date

‘We cannot be ecumenical by ourselves’

Churches in India endorse protests against corruption

Fed up with Hollywood, churches make their own films

Staying power

Humanitarian situation in Ivory Coast is dire as leader captured

Study suggests young adults can get fat at church

New books in “Belief” offer theological insights on 1 & 2 Peter and Jude, Ephesians

Building on the past, for the future

Theology major immerses himself in urban, global and poverty ministries

Expert says faith groups play an environmental role

New looks at a very old book

Big Tent location up in the air

Trees and tweets for World Sunday for Peace

Orthodox churches find it difficult to overcome differences

Supreme Court takes dim view of church-state challenges

Called to leave home

COGA hears initial plans for 2012 General Assembly

CBS special to show how faith communities are aiding job-seekers

Latin American council seeks to strengthen youth work

TSA, airlines tread carefully on religious expression

Peace Discernment Steering Team appointed

Seminary news

Vatican announces details of John Paul II's beatification

Poll: Most Americans don't blame God for disasters

In our midst

2011 and 2012 mission budgets are increased

NCC and its interfaith partners express sadness over Islamophobia and mob violence

Declining ratio of women in India a challenge, church leader says

Supreme Court to weigh churches’ employment rights

PHS to mark sesquicentennial anniversary of American Civil War

PC(USA)-related conference centers face challenges, transitions

Becoming a voice for national unity in Russia

De Santis appointed editor of ENInews

In Senate Muslim hearings, a decided change in tone

2011 Walton Award winners announced

‘No other more important human issue’

‘The World House’

Presbyterian communicators win 18 RCC awards

De Santis appointed editor of ENInews

In Senate Muslim hearings, a decided change in tone

A crisis in ministry

Synod PJC upholds Spahr’s conviction on same-sex wedding charge

WCRC representatives to meet with farm workers

Adventists grow as other churches decline

A heart and history of mission

SJC trustees hand over deed to new owner

U.S. church council renews call for common Easter

Chaplains offered exit plan as gay training starts

Looking inside Presbyterian congregations

It’s never too late to pray

Churches in Japan recovering in the midst of ecumenical spirit

U.N. passes religious freedom resolution

Churches across the country sample new Feasting on the Word Curriculum

Was America founded as a Christian nation?

By all writes

Words of grace for a century

Number of Catholics worldwide edged up, Vatican says

Charitable giving stabilizes as recession ebbs

'In Christ we are not alone'

Arizona student group attacked in Peru thanks supporters

ACWC goes to Washington

Obama praised, criticized for Romero commemoration

Some question conventional wisdom on divorce stats

A group effort

Notes about people

Anti-Christian violence continues in Pakistan

Co-creator shares genesis of Mormon musical

‘Here for the long term’

New Media Project to survey ACP members on faith/tech nexus

Two new books focus on an interfaith world

‘Book of Mormon’ musical called surprisingly sweet

New study from Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding encourages conversation regarding the Confession of Belhar

Stated Clerk issues statement in wake of Jerusalem bombing

Presbyterian students back in U.S. after attack in Peru

On World Water Day, student Christian group focuses on ‘water justice’

Obama taps U.S. campuses for interfaith service projects

Debate is needed on future of secularism in emerging democracies, historian says

Being a pastor is hard, and failure is easy

Update: PC(USA) continues response to Japan disasters

Presbytery and synod news

Churches urge NATO to remove all nuclear weapons from Europe

Turkish Protestants still face "long path" to religious freedom

Museum restores Jefferson’s unique Bible

MRTI reaches agreement with Time Warner

Scholars study WCC in 1960s and ’70s

WWND: What Would Niebuhr Do?

Russian Orthodox Church expands prison ministry

Collegiate Ministries task force named, will meet this fall

Let a thousand flowers bloom

U.S. Lenten campaign seeks to bolster dialogue about poverty

Japanese look to ancient traditions for strength

Sharing God’s love at the U.S./Mexico border


Youth and the ecumenical movement: ‘There is a delicate dance going on in our churches’

Churches rally support after Japan earthquake

Confession? There’s an app for that. Several, actually

No 2011 pension experience apportionment, BOP says

Inspired by faith

In Japan: a priest dead, a chapel “drowned”

The God Factor: Big questions from a small film

Heidelberg Catechism Special Committee reaches unanimous decision on common translation

Presbyterian Historical Society names new director of administrative services

PC(USA) framing response to Japan earthquake, tsunami

Leaders call for prayer on Japan earthquake and tsunami

Ecumenical Advocacy Days meets March 25-28

In the watery Netherlands, a modern Noah builds an ark

With all eyes on Capitol Hill, Muslims watch warily

Walking in her great grandfather’s footsteps

PC(USA) stated clerk signs on to letter calling for just peace in Israel/Palestine

Notes about people

Madagascar church leader appeals for support following ‘harassment’

Pope says Jews not to blame for Jesus’ death

A congregational coffee shop

Special Committee on Domestic Partner Benefits

Inter-Orthodox consultation begins discussion on the nature of the church

International Women’s Day turns attention on Scripture, communication, advocacy

Court rejects challenge to ‘In God We Trust’


Budgets: Can’t cut moral responsibility to save lives, say faith leaders

Jamaica and the vision of a just peace

Anglican bishop in Jerusalem seeking renewal of visa

Age-old Lent gets a 21st-century makeover

Financial situation for one-third of Presbyterian churches is at least “good” even with economic crisis

Giving shape to peaceful relationships

Philippine Protestant council hails plan to resume peace talks

On evangelical campuses, rumblings of gay acceptance

Mother’s Day Project aids African children and families

Westminster John Knox Press books recognized by <i>Christianity Today</i>, Academy of Parish Clergy

One church, three locations

Canadian Anglican leader sees “great hope” in the Cuban church

Israel revokes Anglican bishop's residency permit

Jews hope Vegas will draw lost members back to the fold

Stated clerk backs public employees’ collective bargaining rights

Zambian nurse wins Swiss prize

World Day of Prayer focuses on women of Chile

Blacks bristle at notion of ‘slave of Christ’

What’s next?

WCC calls for more ecumenical peace-building in Colombia

Pakistan's minister for religious minorities assassinated

Islam dominated religion coverage in 2010

WCC Central Committee focuses on peace, justice

Listening and learning

A poignant Sunday in quake-ravaged Christchurch, New Zealand

U.S. rabbis blast Israel over new conversion rules

WCC’s 2013 Assembly theme focuses on justice and peace

SDOP disburses $260,000 to 14 US self-help projects

Pope, Russian president vow to strengthen relationship

Stuff we don’t want, stuff they can’t use

"Absolutely joyful, but scary too"

New book offers spiritual analysis of Bob Dylan

WCC pressed to develop new policy statement on gender justice

In Christchurch, New Zealand: shattered churches, grieving parishioners

2011 Eco-Stewards accepting applications

Churches in India challenged to support indigenous people

Religious voices enter Wisconsin union debate

Educating for the future

WCC calls governments for implementation of water as human right

Libyan Christian clergy vow to stay on amid violence

States caught in crossfire over guns in churches

Southern Sudan independence secured, ecumenical movement turns to nation-building

‘Bearing fruit and growing in the knowledge of God’

Episcopalians, Moravians inaugurate full communion relationship

Churches, charities not in competition for dollars

WCC criticizes U.S. veto of UN resolution on continued Israeli settlement-building

Presbyterian Writers Guild seeks best new author

Anti-Semitic incidents last year in Britain were second-highest

Egypt’s Christians keep wary eye on Muslim Brotherhood

Church educators get a taste of the new online lectionary curriculum based on the award-winning commentary Feasting on the Word

Massive flight of Iraqi Christians can’t dim churches’ witness, leaders say

WCC explores how to adapt to changing religious world

WCC sponsors graduate class in peacemaking

Kandhamal Christians struggling after carnage

Buddhist Bhutan wrestles with `shocking’ abuse study

In opening addresses, WCC leaders stress unity

Some Presbyterians cutting back on health care

Indonesia urged to repeal blasphemy laws

Biggest obstacle for Catholic nuns lies at home

‘A new leadership environment’

Membership trends for U.S. churches reported to be “stable”

Woman recounts bomb memories from historic Birmingham church

New pastors, small churches

Author accounts for damaged state of contemporary Christianity, offers ‘upgrade’

Belhar Confession generating spirited discussion online

Not toy, not tyrant

Philippine church celebrates 100 years of Protestantism

Pope can't be organ donor, church says

Theology must drive polity, MGB commissioners told

Sudanese churches seek action on Ugandan rebel group

Faiths’ ad campaigns chase after the great ‘I Am’

“Let’s Move” 1,000 Presbyterian congregations

Standing against the world

A year after quake, Haiti community media still struggling

New Nepal PM urged to ensure Christians’ rights

Scientists probe brief brushes with the afterlife

SFTS closes Southern California campus

Notes about people

Church of Scotland to discuss sustainable farming

Consumer protection chief seeks allies in faith leaders

GAPJC reinstates ‘not guilty’ verdict in Southard same-sex marriage case

‘Be strong and courageous’

Russian Orthodox clergy may run for office

Controversial N.Y. mosque loses another leader


Japan’s Christian council plans to restructure

Obama names second round of faith-based advisers

New mission workers complete orientation

When the church and culture collide

Churches closing in north Sudan after referendum

Muslim countries cited on religious freedom

The Thoughtful Christian launches increased discounts on books, unveils new blog

Future of the church

CMEP urges support of U.N. Israel-Palestine resolution

Recognizing their strengths

Survey: Typical U.S. atheist is white son of religious parents

Presbytery and synod news

Seminary news

Interfaith Harmony Week to be celebrated

Does God play favorites on the gridiron?

Judge kills most of Lutheran retirees’ claims

Souper Bowl of Caring gears up for 22nd year

A Hungarian sabbatical of blessing and peace

Pentagon: No change for chaplains with gay ban repeal

The God Factor: National Prayer Breakfast again overshadowed by controversy

Discerning a dream

Religious leaders must be more open, says senior Muslim in UK

Cash-strapped cities look to tax churches for road use

Popular author Don McKim writes new book on Presbyterian faith

Presbyterians rally to oppose Arizona-style immigration law in Kentucky

‘Flying Dutchman’ will minister to oil and gas industry

Technology unites missionaries, families around the world

The Rev. Dr. Ann Philbrick named new associate for Church Growth and Transformation

The entire PC(USA) organization is behind me

General Assembly leaders offer a call to prayer

Arts program to take over Sheldon Jackson College

LWF launches youth initiative on environmental justice

Russian Orthodox leader chides faithful over sloppy dress

Judge upholds law preventing guns in churches

From the darkness of the mine to the light of day

Planting seeds of hope

Sudan faith leader supports call to forgiveness

Liberal UCC steps in to boost ranks of chaplains

First response in Tucson

Ecumenical Advocacy Days held March 25-28

Billy Graham says he ‘would have steered clear of politics’

Why is Hollywood obsessed with Catholic exorcisms?

Churches urged to observe interfaith harmony week

When history comes alive

Churches Uniting in Christ members recommit to ecumenical tasks

Several leaders will boycott Anglican summit

Former UCC president suspended after affair

General Assembly Mission Council continues popular “Deep and Wide” video series

A welcoming Departure

CWS urges U.S. to restore funding for global hunger

Minority Christians cling to tenuous hold in Pakistan

Institute probes religion’s role in peace-making

Three as one

Indigenous theologians meet to ‘affirm spiritualities of life’

Exiled Sudanese clergy hope for peaceful return

Army faces questions over ‘spiritual fitness’ test

Special Committee on Existing Authoritative Interpretations begins its work

Northern Korean Christians help feed most vulnerable

Pastor Offers Insights on 40 Treasured Bible Verses

Survey finds one-fifth of PC(USA) churches involved in homeless ministries

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity focus on Jerusalem

NCC praises new Obama policy towards Cuba

Faith gets star treatment at Sundance

2011 Moderator’s Lenten study focuses on sacrament; brings faith community together

PC(USA) groups call for halt to Justice Department subpoenas of pro-Palestinian activists

Rise in global food prices cause for alarm

Churches mobilize as flooding affects Brazil

Alabama governor says only Christians are his ‘brothers and sisters’

2011 partner presbyteries chosen for For Such a Time as This pastoral residency program

Food for the soul

Cuban ecumenical leaders affirm ‘signs of a new understanding’ after visit to U.S.

Australian churches come together in flood crisis

Civility Project disbands after low interest in Congress

Members named to final two GA219 special committees

A letter from Birmingham

The shooting in Tucson — is it close enough this time?

Ecumenism takes time to bear fruit, says NCC leader

Behind a mighty civil rights icon, a rich prayer life

Faith leaders to Congress: ‘soul searching’ needed about toxic rhetoric

Pakistani churches criticize government's refusal to amend blasphemy law

Jews troubled by Palin’s use of ‘blood libel’

PC(USA) leaders send solidarity letter to Egyptian partners

Lutheran World Federation (LWF) general secretary cautions of religion’s role in fueling violence

Haitians mark a ‘very, very difficult year’

Poll: Americans see religion’s role declining

‘Civility’ author comments on Arizona shooting, political blame game

Second Tucson shooting victim with Presbyterian ties identified

Presbytery and synod news

A year later, quake-ravaged Haiti struggles to recover

Senator concludes probe of ministry finances

Being something

Local action against hunger needed in 2011, says CWS

WCC delegation consoles Pope Shenouda

Atheists’ diversity woes have no black-and-white answers

PC(USA) member among those killed in Arizona shootings

Luke’s Gospel comes to life in Charlotte

PC(USA)-backed domestic violence special begins airing Jan. 9 on ABC

Seminary news

Prayers sought on Jan. 9 for Coptic Christians

Religious profile of 112th Congress remains stable

Pastor outlines list of ten things Christians don’t — and do — need to believe

Reflecting reality

Interim editor appointed for ENI

Assassination complicates controversial blasphemy law

I Believe You: Faiths’ response to intimate partner violence

Presbyterian Writers Guild seeks best new author

World Association for Christian Communication conveys support to U.N. new women’s program

Mormons lift the veil on official ‘handbook’ of teachings

Facing life and death

International ecumenical and interfaith leaders condemn New Year church bombing in Egypt

King James Bible still influential, argues literary scholar

Books probe Christmas’ religious origins

Carol Weir’s memorial service set for Jan. 2

Haiti earthquake response is top 2010 Presbyterian news story

Chinese church officials see unity behind growth

Faith now ‘a consumer commodity in America,’ warns new book

U.S. clergy’s professional reputation hovers in the middle

Away with Christmas!

WCRC drafts programmatic objectives for next 6 years

Latin American churches explore ecumenical dialogue

Privatization deters poor’s access to water, say Asian church leaders

International adoptions changing face of U.S. Judaism

Give the gift of water

Lives Transformed – Eliecer Barrantes

Finding God’s magic touch

Cuban church leaders seek eased travel restrictions

God Box in New York more diverse as it turns 50

Bishop says Mary appeared in Wisconsin, but who can say for sure?

Carol Weir dies at 86

PNS to take a holiday break

Barn dance

ENInews to shut down in its current form

Obama, in shadow of worrisome polls, embraces ‘Christian’ label

Timeless stories

PC(USA) named in lawsuit by alleged victim of sexual abuse on mission field in 1988

Presbyterian theologian takes helm at Indian church council

American exorcist plies his lonely trade

Church critical to Sudan’s future, mission network told

More than fair

Plans for mosque in Moscow district spark controversy

Hangovers, debts may last longer than holiday happiness

Bullying: ‘a national disaster’

Turning lives around

Food insecurity war can be won, says church advocacy body head

Celebrating Christmas before Dec. 25? Bah humbug!

For the peace of Jerusalem

Sharing of joys and concerns

New books offer spiritual renewal for individuals and families this Christmas

Turning over Ike’s reins

Philippines justice minister discusses human rights with WCC delegation

German Protestant head says a European Islam needed for dialogue

Mormons soften language on gays

Brian McLaren looks to the future

The hopes and fears of all the years

PC(USA)’s Public Witness office seeks financial support for young adult interns

PC(USA) initiates formal dialogue with Adventists

Filipino sugar laborers’ lives painful, church group finds

Play examines black church arsons in the South

Praying for change in Myanmar

Notes about people

Philippines Protestant leader renews appeal to free 43 detainees

Israel finds common cause with evangelicals

Timeless stories

Presbytery and synod news

Europeans feature in Pope’s new list of cardinals

Muslims say respect is key to better relations

Company of New Pastors tells recent seminarians: "Don't forget the voice you heard"

ACSWP seeks nominations for two task forces

PC(USA)-backed revenue transparency coalition honored

Police raid Sudan churches’ offices during referendum build-up

Military chaplains voice ‘intense’ views on gay ban

‘Walking delicately’

Seminary news

Popular anger unabated over chaotic elections in Haiti

Global and Asian churches leaders warn on Korea standoff

Poll: Americans of all faiths see a civility problem in U.S. politics

Partnership is only mission way in China, Adeney says

WCC Living Letters team to visit the Philippines

WCC leader to meet with Pope in Rome

Blasphemy resolution passes U.N. committee

Partnering party

Korean Presbyterian council supports Belhar

Canadian court rules dissident churches must abandon property

Actress pushes churches to reach out to prisoners

The Stated Clerk writes a churchwide Christmas letter

Noted author Louis Weeks to write new book on current state of PC(USA)

Short-term trip, long-term relationship

UNAIDS says Pope’s condom move makes HIV cooperation easier

Poll: Christians most likely to want New York Islamic center moved

A place to rest their heads

Churches warn on British welfare changes and poverty

Bishops defend opposition to health care reform

Hunger program announces grant recipients

European, Latin American church leaders call for climate justice

Respect result, Christian leaders say in advance of Sudan plebiscite

U.S. activists lobby against U.N. defamation resolution

BOP continues to adjust to new U.S. health care plan

Air lift

U.S. Episcopalian to lead global Christian students’ federation

Clinton details religious freedom, nominee faces senators

A great dinner party

Recording recovery

Haiti: living in fear of sickness and death

U.S. Episcopalian to lead global Christian students’ federation

Obama signs order to reform faith-based office

Lives Transformed – The Rev. Nancy Benson-Nicol

PC(USA) leaders praise Florida farmworkers deal

Discipleship leads to change at center of being

Germany’s Protestants elect steel worker’s son as new leader

Mission program grants awarded

One baptism

Better together

Holy Land Jews and Muslims pray together for rain

Dalai Lama’s newest book also his most personal

Growing a dream

Circling back

Zimbabwe church groups warn over new elections

Dalai Lama’s newest book also his most personal

Even in tough times, Presbyterians optimistic about ending hunger in the United States

Ecumenical women a powerful presence at the Centennial Gathering in New Orleans

Air Force Academy cites progress in tackling religious intolerance

Chechen leader campaigns on bride kidnaps, supports headscarves

Building community, box by box

Ecumenical Gathering studies, worships, speaks out

WCC leader: faith cannot be imposed through force

Study: Americans crave forgiveness but are choosy on dispensing it

Peacemakers face intimidation during Colombia visit

The music remains

Archbishop Aymond: all of us were strangers once

World’s ‘lowest city’ Jericho celebrates 10,000 years

Supreme Court wrestles over religious scholarship program

Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese Presbyterians gather

NCC governing board calls for end of Afghanistan War

CWS resettles nearly one tenth of refugee arrivals to U.S. in 2010

China helps human rights by feeding its people says Swiss ethicist

U.S. is feeling charitable, just not through churches

One in God’s image

House of Manna becomes house of hip-hop for friday night outreach worship celebration

Presbyterian Historical Society announces restructure

Middle Governing Body Commission urged: ‘think big’

Faith and Order movement marks centennial

Notes about people

Forbes magazine names Pope world’s fifth most powerful figure

Openly gay Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson to retire in 2013

Christians, Muslims call for mutual commitment to justice

Seminary news

No tolerance for caste discrimination, says India church gathering

Gallup: Most religious Americans have high levels of well-being

Plans proceed for second Big Tent event

Korean peace impossible without justice for all, Reformed church leader says

Christian and Muslims to mobilize joint crisis group

Some religious charities receive more despite overall drop in contributions

New Gillette hymn captures the theme and spirit of the NCC’s Centennial Gathering in New Orleans

Catholic-Reformed dialogue completes documents on baptism, Eucharist/Lord’s Supper

Bishop of ancient Christian church warns on Protestant dialogue

Have Democrats lost faith in faith-based outreach?

COGA writes off $315,000 in ‘uncollectible’ per capita

Truly moving pictures

Israeli criticizes Vatican meeting on Middle East

Americans say religious messages fuel negative views of gays

2010 Samuel Robinson Award recipients reflect

“Holy Spirit-powered”

Christian witness through a wire fence

PC(USA) leaders express deep sorrow over church killing in Iraq

‘Protect religious minorities’ says Muslim leader at talks with Christians

Personal ties hold U.S. religious fabric together, says new book

WCC condemns attack on church in Iraq

Office of Public Witness revamps internship program

ACT Alliance says a billion hungry is not right

Palin, at center of political stage, keeps mum on faith

Rising from the ashes

The high cost of religious persecution

Indonesian Christian group warns on quake and tsunami deaths

Gays tell teens ‘it gets better’ despite religion

Commissioners, advisors give GA219 high ratings

At the Heartland Film Festival

Turkish aide wants Hagia restored for Muslim, Christian worship

California’s Crystal Cathedral files for bankruptcy

Inside out

Tension in Sudan ahead of vote is dangerous, warns church envoy

Behind Colbert’s right-wing funnyman, a quiet faith

New Books in Emerging Theology

SDOP announces scholarship contest winner

Catholic media in Cuba multiply, but change is slow

First woman to lead Church of Norway bishops

After teen suicides, gay opponents look inward

PC(USA) partners merge in South America

Anglican congregation’s plan for Roman exit not seen as exodus

Survey: Jewish disapproval of Obama rising

Board of Pensions appoints special committee to consider same-gender benefits

Church of North India turns 40

Zacchaeus’ tree now a top tourist destination

Presbyterian colleges selected to participate in interfaith leadership training


WCC leader’s speech reaches to evangelical Christians

Critics still waiting for action from faith-based office

“Where God wanted me to be”

Tools for the trade

Seminarians encouraged to develop 'a deeply theological core'

Christian communication groups gets first female head

Report finds strong growth in U.S. Orthodox churches

Training twins

Film on effects of Afghan war wins human rights award

Tea party more religious than U.S., less than conservative Christians

Breaking ground

Presbytery and synod news

African churches can play key role in Middle East, says WCC head

Catholics face vocal ‘mutiny’ over gay teachings

Presbyterians reject idea that government spends too much on public schools

Menaul School receives grant from PW


WCC leader praises Nobel Peace Prize for Liu Xiaobo

NCC special uncovers realities of aging in America

Author finds faith and fanaticism in South’s football god

Beckmann Receives World Food Prize as New Book on Hunger Releases

Training camp

SDOP disburses $240,000 to 13 U.S. self-help projects

Revised Bible seen as ‘uniting point’ for Chinese Christians

Parishes leaving ELCA find an unexpected price to pay

Beblawi to coordinate the PC(USA)’s mission work in Middle East, Europe, and Central Asia

Synod PJC upholds Scott Anderson ordination approval

Youth in Mexico City affirm that they believe in God but not in the church’s hierarchies

Pope denounces violence in God’s name at meeting on Middle East

Scholar: Israelites beer drinkers, too

World Communion of Reformed Churches launches new website

Catholic condemnation of Nobel Prize stirs Italian press reaction

Poll: Most Americans OK student religious speech

GAMC approves revised mission budgets for 2011, 2012

ELCA presiding bishop announces new churchwide organization design for 2011

South African ‘moral compass’ Tutu officially retires

Miniseries traces religion’s U.S. impact across 400 years

As Presbyteries begin study of Belhar, survey shows Presbyterians have much to learn

Panel completes investigation of abuse claims; pursues truth, healing and justice

Special committee named to review biennial General Assemblies

Seminary news

Catholic bishops to discuss Middle East Christianity

Supreme Court torn on free speech rights, private funeral rites

WCC publishes Justice Not Greed

WCC leader: ‘Keep train on track’ for Sudan peace

Self-taught iconographer writes ‘God’s story in pictures’

Physical presence is key to effective mission partnerships, global church leaders say

COTE authorizes task forces to further leadership needs studies

Pray, partner, advocate with Colombia, pastor urges

Interfaith council condemns West Bank mosque burning

Ban on school Christmas carols upheld

Members named to the General Assembly Commission on Middle Governing Bodies

Approach of winter complicates Pakistan flood relief

Understanding is the key to success in Bolivia, pastor says

Evangelical Christian pilgrims converge on Jerusalem

Definition of family shifting, scholar says

david m bailey succumbs to brain cancer

Church near site of Russian tsar’s and family’s remains burns down

Heaven trumps hell in Canadian poll

Presbyterians are older, even more involved in their communities

The Rev. Dave Crittenden selected to head GAMC Stewardship Ministry

Final jeopardy

Conflict resolution, cultural awareness are topics of Indonesian leader’s talks

Christians call for calm after Indian verdict on holy site

Charity report: U.S. ties for fifth in global giving

Presbyterian Office of Public Witness invites internship applicants and church partnerships

Parsons letter to Congress supports DREAM Act

Season’s greetings

To abandon peacemaking is to betray the faith, says Philippines church leader

Women under-reported in global wealth-gap news

Mormons catch a glimpse of life in the big leagues

Meeting the challenges

Stated Clerk launches “Tilling the Soil”

Lisa Larges moves closer to ordination

Rabbi warns of 'new intifada' as Palestinian-settler tensions rise

Poll finds unbelievers know the most about belief

Despite overall membership decline, some good news

Communication, cooperation are keys to Middle East peace, Palestinian Christian says

Pennsylvania government, religious leaders to honor Native Americans

Foreign bio-fuel projects 'undermine 'African food security

Three years on, Creation Museum is evolving

Ecumenical leaders from the United States visit Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador

Mexico 'country of contrast,' says peacemaker

Romania church leaders say Roma deportations wrong

Justice Department: FBI erred in targeting interfaith center

Sudan Christians need people more than money, religious leaders say

Transforming congregations

U.N. Millennium Development Goals summit gets mixed grades

Is burning a Quran an insult or intimidation?

Three Presbyterian institutions host bestselling author Eric Metaxas

"The beginning of a new day"

A bequeath and legacy

Reconciliation is ‘compulsion’ for Pakistani religious leader

Sudanese churches’ leader calls for Obama’s help over referendum

Bible study asks, ‘What Would Andy Do?’

Presbyterians rally behind San Bruno congregation

Women’s justice is key church role, African leader says

Russia’s prisons look to faiths to bring moral guidance

Christian women prefer Sunday services to shopping, study says

Racing for hunger

Judging movies in Montreal

Church grouping says action needed, if one sixth of world hungry

Belgian Catholics' abuse plan falls flat with critics

Koenig named director of Presbyterian ministry at the UN

A child … well, a teenager … shall lead them

Office of Public Witness touts health care conference call with President Obama

Indonesian church leaders say attack on its members ‘barbaric’

Pope meets with abuse victims, laments ‘shame and humiliation’

Small is beautiful

Root connection

Sri Lanka could face 'constitutional dictatorship', warn churches

Outgoing Reformed Christian leader looks back

Congregations caring for creation

“Go to a land I shall show you”

Trust is needed, says Finland’s first female Lutheran bishop

Jesus seminar to mark 25 years of questions

Workshop to help churches build ‘military ministry’

Kenyan religious leaders want repeal of traditional brews law

For Muslims, the bonfire that wasn’t still carries implications

Moravians vote to establish covenant relationship with PC(USA)

Religion root of homophobia, says Latin American academic

German church leaders urge concessions for Christians in Turkey

Court rules university wrong to exclude student group

Clint McCoy dies suddenly of heart attack

Bolbach appoints Middle East Monitoring Group

Pope to defend religion against rising secularism during British visit

Muslims go ‘green’ for Ramadan

A time for Christian witness

Striking a balance

Hiroshima pan flutes from Palestine olive tree blow peace tunes

Muslims wary of closeness between holiday and 9/11

Rochester Presbyterian youth featured on CBS special

Seminary news

As Ramadan ends, Muslims seek school holiday

Conservative Lutherans form new church body

Divine deposits

Court overturns border volunteer's 'littering' conviction

‘Knit together’

Mini-Luthers on Wittenberg market square cause offense to some

On other side of church closings, new reasons for hope

A call for respect for Muslim neighbors

Remember your baptism

For Jews and Arabs, a focus on friendship

Italian Protestants approve same-sex blessings

Recession prompts plans to lower high costs of the High Holidays

PC(USA)’s Pakistan flood relief nears $250,000

Recovery and relationships

South Korean church council says rice needed for flooded North

Ironman Philip Lotspeich

Long hand

Focus on human aspect of Holy Land conflict, says WCC leader

Poll: Majority opposes mosque near Ground Zero, sees site as ‘sacred ground’

Christian leaders laud Obama's Middle East peace talks

Notes about people

Scottish church official supports decision to release Libyan bomber

Christian counselors claim discrimination over gays

Faith leaders decry questioning of Obama’s faith

Spahr plans to appeal same-sex marriage conviction

Poll: Muslims give Obama highest approval ratings

The Rev. Dr. Jin S. Kim will serve as GAMC field staff for Korean English Ministries

MC student conducts research at ORNL that could aid Homeland Security

Spahr found guilty on same-gender marriage charges

Five years after Katrina, U.S. mourns dead, survivors remember

New Catholic Mass approved for 2011 roll-out

Feed my sheep

Inaugural class of pastoral residents receive first calls to ministry through For Such a Time as This pastoral residency program

Church warns of Malawi ‘dictatorship’ after leader’s arrest

Jews keep wary eye on new ‘Hebrew Catholics’ group

Wood working

Climate change shows we are ‘one humanity,’ says WCC leader

Study says religious hospitals more efficient, provide better care

Red letter days

Journal examines anxieties and resilience of US churches

Age-old Amish experience a 21st century boom

Presbyterian Office of Public Witness, Network to End Homelessness partner to survey, analyze homeless ministries throughout PC(USA)

Building a culture of peace in Jamaica

Protestant Reformer to greet Pope in Scotland

Study finds prayer aids relationships

All are welcome

Citizens mobilize for housing in Haiti

Mini Luthers to stand in Wittenberg market square

Closer to heaven, workers repair steeples and lives

Paddling around the world

Fundraising for education

Philippines president ‘misreads’ misery’s roots, says church head

Jews, Muslims make pilgrimage to Auschwitz

Changing the wind

Christian and Muslim groups denounce ‘burn Quran’ initiative

After public family feud, another Schuller steps in

Presbyterian Youth Triennium’s head cheerleader

Parsons to join Office of Public Witness in webinar on general assembly issues

Taking care of #1

Mapping the future

Christian leaders deplore expulsion of aid agencies from Somalia

Religious groups press for CIA torture probe

Let go

Presbytery and synod news

Tributes mark 70 years of Taizé spiritual community

Fight over N.Y. mosque becomes a partisan wedge issue

Where Are You on the Food Chain?

Fight the good fight

After World Cup, deal with social issues, say South African church leaders

‘Eat, Pray, Love’ leads resurgence of spiritual memoirs

Celebrating by giving

Seminary News

Princeton Review names most, least religious colleges

For clergy, losing faith can be an occupational hazard

Mission worker with many roles

A whole new world

Presbyterians Today looking for ‘unsung servants’

Is the Tea Party unbiblical?

World has forgotten about Somalia, says church aid alliance

Room at the table

Notes about people

Russians pray for rain while churches collect aid

Study finds strong Amish growth, western migration

Young people from Russia enjoy Youth Triennium

The bucket list

Christian group ‘wants to stay’ in Afghanistan despite killings

Why the Prop 8 ruling scares religious conservatives

New Theological Commentary on the Bible Series Opens with Bill Placher’s Final Work

Former GA Moderator Howard Rice dies at 78

One of a kind

Pension fight raises moral concerns for ELCA, publisher

Pray for protection of our rivers, says Korean group

‘The Waltons’ star Ralph Waite finds a home in church

Into the deep

Go green, environmental activist tells India’s churches

Focus on the Family announces 110 job cuts

‘An unusual generation’

Young Muslims, Jews and Christians become peace facilitators

Churches remember Hiroshima by urging ban on nuclear weapons

Judge says ‘moral and religious views’ don't justify gay marriage ban

A different kind of refugee camp

Good news for all

Church agencies battle flood damage to bring aid to Pakistan

Quietly, another mosque operates in shadow of Ground Zero

BOP approves health care reform-related changes

Baptists warn against ‘culture of Islamophobia’

Catholic patriarch blasts Israel for allowing gay parade

Revolutionary choices

We are family

Jordan River called ‘too polluted’ for pilgrims’ baptisms

Gay debate mirrors church dispute, split on slavery

‘All God’s Children’

Mollie Hopper is laid to rest

Do all dogs go to heaven? New books seem to think so

Ambassadors across the generations

Acting out in love

Churches at global meeting urged to tackle military outlay hikes

Bible Belt megachurches on a building boom

‘Forward Ever, Backward Never’

Engaging the immigrant experience in worship

Social media 'may' help Philippine church cope with fewer pastors

Students seek to revive progressive movement

Esther for a new generation

A family affair

Tutu announces retirement plans, thanks South Africans

Hospitals revamp chapels into meditation rooms

Take a risk

Taking water to the Jordan

Citing Madoff losses, American Jewish Congress suspends operations

Board of Pensions to study General Assembly’s action urging domestic partner benefits eligibility

Moments of call

Opening doors, minds, hearts

Churches stunned as two Christians shot dead in Pakistani court

Christian magazines find specialization is (sometimes) key to survival

‘Step into greatness’

Renewing and re-forming

Church-backed alliance warns on HIV funding reductions

U.S. nun creates impromptu oasis to heal Haitian bodies and souls

Tutoring program helps Baltimore kids

Notes about people

Survey of British Jews finds majority for Israel-Hamas talks

Musicians gather to shepherd future of hymnody

Rising from ashes

PC(USA)-backed financial disclosure legislation passes

Faith leaders warned on statements about HIV/AIDS

Methodists study the hallmarks of healthy churches

Tebbe named president of Forman Christian College and Friends organization

Orthodox women seek ‘theology of healing’

YMCA world council meets in Hong Kong, chooses Norwegian head

Preacher re-enactor brings age-old gospel to battlefields

Gulf Presbyterians divided on drilling moratorium

The Middle Governing Body Commission: questions and answers

US study analyses ‘the religion-racism paradox’

Churches opt for starting own humanitarian agencies

Help is on the way

Bill Wiseman is dead at 91

New Form of Government questions and answers

Six months later, many in Haiti feel ‘it just happened’

Abuse scandal may lead to exodus for German Catholics

Civil union and marriage issues questions and answers

House to house

World Student Christian Federation launches fund for learners

Do all dogs go to heaven? New books seem to think so

Actions on Middle East peace questions and answers

Services held for Dottie Hedgepeth

Indonesian musician remembered for hymns, worship

Faith leaders call BP spill a ‘sin against creation’

The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) recognized for excellence in community service and corporate social responsibility

Deborah Block elected to chair of Presbyterian Publishing Corporation board of directors

Two final videos announced in the ymiLIVE video

Ordination standards questions and answers

U.S. church workers wounded in Uganda bomb blasts

Church brokers deal to free 52 Cuban dissidents

Post General Assembly pastoral letter from Moderator and Stated Clerk

GA approves ‘Breaking Down the Walls’ report on Middle East

GA 219 closing worship

Committee on Health Issues closes out Friday business

Moderator bestows smart new title on those considering polity business

General Assembly calls on the United States to cease combat in Afghanistan

Assembly approves benefits for same-gender households

Quantum mechanics in the Bible? It’s in there, says speaker

Grand Canyon Presbytery encourages ‘accompaniment’ program in Arizona

God is the source of all living water, preacher reminds worshipers

Youth of all backgrounds offer enthusiastic help to travelers

The people behind the news

Post-Assembly summaries are available

Attorney helps spell out law regarding church property issues

Author Eugene Peterson shares words, wisdom and wit

Scoutmaster offered refugee boys an alternative to gang life

Women must not forget how oppression works

GAMC leaders to look at compensation for pastors and employees

Presbyterian Voices for Justice Awards luncheon

Assembly approves measure in response to Arizona immigration law

The 219th General Assembly maintains current definition of marriage

PC(USA) makes great strides with ecumenical, interfaith relations

PC(USA) hopes to achieve more diversity in church jobs, volunteers

Modern-day slavery ‘alive and well’ in 21st century

PVJ/Voices of Sophia speaker reflects on de-centering privilege

'God stands with outstretched arms,' speaker reminds crowd

For homosexuals, community more important than counseling, speaker says

Share your love of Jesus, not your love of the iPad, speaker urges

Assembly okays middle governing body commission

Barbara Wheeler receives award for theological education from COTE

GA narrowly approves overture to amend ‘fidelity, chastity clause’ in ordination standards

Looking back at Indians’ history with church helps build toward multiculturalism

Kim calls on church to be ‘mutually submissive’

Spreading the “Good News” in a broken world

Synod of the Covenant hears update on mission

Mission honorees’ work tallies 222 years of service, spanned the globe

Soldier found peace and ‘liberation’ after refusing to return to war in Iraq

Excellence award presented to retired Auburn Seminary president Barbara Wheeler

PHEWA awards reception honors “whole ministry”

Voluntary AIDS/HIV test participants include top PC(USA) officers

Advocates of Palestinian school, artisans honored for 17 years of service

Politics, sex and a popular pastor of the 1800s: The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher

Presbyterians for Renewal reminded: believers result from history, tradition

Peacemaking Program celebrates 30 years

219th General Assembly approves new Form of Government

Four More Years

Whitsitt installed as Vice Moderator of the 219th General Assembly

Belhar Confession passes first hurdle on journey to The Book of Confessions

Young singers bring Jesus’ love to Hell’s Kitchen

Atlanta youth group participants are upbeat about GA experience

The practice of patience and self-restraint: the church and social media

Screenshots show Stated Clerk’s silent sentry

Getting face time with job candidates is valuable opportunity for those with positions to fill

Assembly mourns two longtime leaders

Navigating the sea of change

Former Moderator challenges audience to commit to faith community for the long haul

Breakfast bytes: PCs and the PC(USA)

Asian-American Presbyterians sound call for unity

Thanks to PC(USA), local shelters will help keep folks warmer this winter

New Maryville College president likes school’s commitment to faith and learning

Christians experience unity through relationship rather than agreement, speaker says

Singing Miriam’s song, exploring ‘unknown wilderness’ ahead

COTE recommends approval of nominations of new seminary presidents

Assembly Committee on Social Justice Issues completes full docket

Gun violence measure approved by Social Issues Committee

Committee recommends study of new approaches to peacemaking, nonviolence

Commission sought to find way out of Puerto Rican church impasse

Definition of marriage to include union of “two people”

Middle East Study Committee report advances to full Assembly

Tension between hope and uncertainty remains for interfaith papers

Committee on Review of GA Permanent Committees wraps up work

New language offered for ordination standards

Mission Coordination Committee makes tough decisions

Church Polity Committee reconsiders definition of youth

Polity Committee disapproves overture to increase oversight of events at GA

Medical Benevolence Foundation launches $10.5 million Haiti initiative

Doctor speaks emotionally of those in need of abortions

Hello, I must be going

Sharing the Good News isn’t rocket science, Jones tells evangelism lunch

Take young adults seriously to keep them connected, speaker says

Health Committee passes overture on coerced abortions after amending language

New form of government moves on to full Assembly

Conversation continues on changes in mainline denominations

A modern ministry for a modern military

Rowin’, rowin’, rowin’ down the river

Peacemaking committee recommends Unites States cease combat in Afghanistan

Don’t discount the little guys

World Mission leader says church is opening a new chapter in its mission history

Language in overture on violence against pregnant women spurs debate

Heidelberg Catechism and Belhar Confession to go to full Assembly

Theological artist adds visual texture to worship

... And the password is 'trust'

Middle East breakfast discussion focuses on MESC report

Social media joins the church

Church Orders and Ministry Committee hears from both sides of G-6.0106b

Social justice committee looks at wide range of topics

Social Justice Committee focuses on aid for wetlands education center

Committee recommends middle governing body commission

Grueling debate ends with negative vote on ‘Christians and Jews’ paper

Committee recommends denouncing Caterpillar for actions in Middle East

Form of Government Revision Committee stands behind flexibility of proposed revision

Special committee report on civil union, marriage issues approved 47-8

A river runs through Assembly’s daily worship services

Mission Coordination Committee begins its work

Committee on church growth discusses role of union churches, increasing diversity

Respectful engagement is the way forward, Niebuhr tells Covenant Network

Author tells GA breakfast-goers how cultural shift changes society, religion

Their aid is of 'bib'-lical import

Presbyterian Peacemaking Program shares overview of its work

YAADs bring new energy to GA while gaining experience

Assembly committee recommends Valentine for second term as GAMC leader

Skype gets pastor to two places at once on Sunday morning

Bills and Overtures Committee refers 12 commissioner’s resolutions to committees

ACC offers approval to revised Form of Government

Speaker tells Presbyterians Pro-Life to 'promote life'

Women of Faith award given to four recipients

Amendments to the Book of Confessions before Assembly

Committee on General Assembly Procedures opens business

Special guest makes appearance at Coalition breakfast

Awards ceremony highlights national support for MLP churches

Phyllis Tickle addresses middle governing body leaders

Outgoing Moderator reminds denomination of need to involve younger members

Global effort is local attraction

Lydia Women’s Empowerment Project: Embraced, Empowered, Employed

‘Deadheads’ turn into 2nd-chance crosses

Wisconsin potter crafts Communion ware for Sunday worship

Feeding tummies and souls

Cynthia Bolbach elected Moderator on fourth ballot

Report on Civil Union and Marriage among the Conversation Mix

Form of Government Task Force engages commissioners

Participants get close-up look at MESC report

Hip Hip Hoo-Rhee! Ernest Trice Thompson Award luncheon honors past moderator's half-century of ministry

PC(USA) leaders share hopeful vision for GA 219

Participants in morning conversation share personal stories of understanding, celebrating racial diversity

A bang!-up Sunday is planned for Assembly goers

Hopes for Mideast peace are shared among several faith leaders

Experiencing mission

Stated Clerk touts middle governing body commission

GA 219 commissioners face weighty agenda

Form of Government Revision Committee meets early

'Bring on the Presbyterians! We’re ready!'

PNS will be on hiatus during General Assembly

Protestants repent for churches’ role in oppressing First Nations

Church attendance inches up, Gallup says

Stated Clerk releases PC(USA) 2009 statistics

GA 219 commissioners face weighty agenda

SDOP celebrates partnerships in Dominican Republic

Parsons touts middle governing body commission

S. African president ‘patches’ breach with national church grouping

Churches torn on allowing child molesters in pews

PC(USA) students receive FTE fellowships

Sudan church head calls for urgent resolution of Darfur conflict

Sex, violence warnings come to Christian movies

16 former moderators support Middle East report

Russian Patriarch meets WCC leader in Moscow

Church leaders meet with Secretary of Agriculture on childhood hunger

Supreme Court rules against Christian legal group

Presbyterian leaders fight stigma, get tested for HIV

Native American speaker calls for truth and reconciliation commission

Arizona Presbyterians resist new immigration law

Officers of new global Reformed organization elected

U.S. ‘broke commitment’ on visas for global church gathering

Oil spill prompts environmental soul-searching

Celebration of a century

What commissioners and advisory delegates do at GA

College News

US faith groups give G20 nations failing grade on poverty

Oil spill prompts environmental soul-searching

Six degrees of cooperation

Do you have Calvin on the brain?

New book honors life and work of Clifton Kirkpatrick

Feasting on the Word Curriculum – coming in fall 2011

Wrapped with a message

Children help usher in new era for Reformed churches

Linked together

Nyomi, van Houten look to future of WCRC union

Solid steps in Cuba consolidate strategic alliance around theme of women, gender

World Communion of Reformed Churches is born

15 new PC(USA) mission workers to be commissioned

American Indian religious educator to address global church event

Reformed reunion

In the garden

Reformed Women Gather in Grand Rapids

Still time to pledge

Old Testament for Everyone author John Goldingay appears on latest edition of WJK Radio

Seattle Presbytery ordains PC(USA)'s first Iranian pastor

Spreading the news

GA committee leadership is complete

Using social media at the General Assembly

Youthful volunteers

Notes about people

Passing the torch

A test of solidarity

Moderators and vice moderators chosen for 18 committees

Clare Lewis named publisher of Congregational Ministries Publishing

Listening to God’s call


Hopes for the 219th General Assembly (2010)

University of Dubuque pulls back SJC campus offer

Horseback evangelism

SDOP disburses more than $260,000 to 14 self-help projects in the U.S.

Peace of Kake

Louisville Seminary calls new leader

Faith-based groups, including PDA, respond to Tennessee flooding

At sea with 'The Presbyterian Navy'

Broadening the call

Stated Clerk issues statement on Gaza blockade incident

Moderator reflects on time in Haiti

Always enough

Gratitude for our military chaplains

2010 Samuel Robinson Award winners announced

Building community

‘Grace relates to place’

California pastor 6th to stand as moderator

GAMC releases list of positions impacted by budget

No man's land

Hopeful changes

Minnesota science museum exhibits Dead Sea Scrolls

A landmark dispute

Presbyterian Haiti relief contributions top $9.5 million

Cynthia Campbell announces retirement

PC(USA) General Assembly Mission Council affirms Congregational Ministries Publishing (CMP)

People with passion called for a purpose

Presbyterians Today announces photo contest winners

PC(USA) General Assembly Mission Council approves 2011-12 plan and budget, announces staffing changes

GAMC approves re-organization of PC(USA)’s mission enterprise

McFayden named to BOP church relations post

Welcoming to all

GAMC confirms new deputy executive for mission

Clean-up continues

Looking for 500 voices

Generation to generation

Philadelphia pastor fifth to stand for moderator

PC(USA) publications take home 16 Associated Church Press awards

Wisconsin pastor is fourth GA moderator candidate

More with less

Staying at the table

Mission program grants awarded

'Flood mud' in Bellevue

Standing together

Paula Sanders: COLA executive coordinator

Notes about people

Beyond the challenge

Stairway to heaven

2010 Walton Award winners announced

'Edinburgh 2010' conference slated for June 2-6

Tennessee churches inundated by floods

2010 Walton Award winners announced

PC(USA) leaders press for immediate immigration reform

Seminary news

'A different world is possible'

Standing where God stands

Barnes-Davies wins Angell Award for best first book

Maggie Lauterer is third GA moderator candidate

Christian Films

Missing in action

Don Marsh is dead at 86

The feeding of the 90,000

CWS rips Arizona immigration legislation

Law and (Presbyterian) order

Mission: support

The boat is gone

Crossing borders … encountering God

Notes about people

Roger Dermody chosen as GAMC Deputy Executive Director for Mission

Crossing Borders conference issues statement on immigration reform

Surprised by joy

219th General Assembly committee leadership named

Grand Rapids has long history as a center of faith

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to give $500,000 for seeds of hope in Haiti

The intersection of memory and hope

Sunday at Luyano with Jerry

Prayer volunteers

Strength in numbers

A resurrection story

Growth spurt

Milestone on the journey toward a fair food industry

Home sweet home

Seminary news

Moral politics

A new outlook

We belong to God

Youth movement

‘Project Overture’: March sadness

Stated Clerk issues statement on signing of START treaty by United States and Russia

Stated Clerk issues statement commending CIW and Aramark agreement

Material matters

He lives forever

Matanzas Evangelical Theological Seminary

Celebrating gifts

‘Priestly in love, prophetic in speaking truth to power’

Moscow missionaries, parishioners safe after blast

Resurgence in Cuba

Grace Presbytery calls Jan DeVries as new executive

The future is now

Adding their $2 worth

‘A good image’

'A place to call home'

Partner presbyteries chosen for new pastoral residency program


Discover an old country

Reviving a community

North Minneapolis Presbyterian church hopes to offer refuge for victims of prostitution

'Musical and missional'

As Presbyterian women watch, U.N. creates new women’s agency

J. Herbert Nelson named director of public witness, Presbyterian Washington Office

Pregnant with hope

Theological education on the bubble

Seminary news, March 15, 2010

BOP’s investments gain, but not enough for apportionment

New Mexico presbyteries to share staff

Serving the service

Theologians draft manifesto for church unity, justice

Full report of PC(USA) Middle East Study Committee is now available

Spring Cleaning

Notes about people, March 10, 2010

Complete Great Ends of the Church series now available

Fast forward

Surf’s up!

College News, March 9, 2010

PC(USA)’s Middle East Study Committee releases part two of final report and recommendations to GA

Presbyterians win eight RCC awards

Calling for change

Partners with a purpose

Eugene Peterson wins top writing honor

GAMC approves new strategic direction for Presbyterian World Mission

Middle East Study Committee approves final report and recommendations to General Assembly

Heidelberg Catechism Special Committee approves final report

Presbyterians favor pushing corporations not to promote violence

Sowing seeds of the future

PC(USA) Stated Clerk issues statement calling for end to violence against Christians in Mosul

GAMC approves guidelines for decision making

Chilean pastor: ‘Trust in the Lord’

Top presbyteries named for support of Presbyterian Hunger Program

PC(USA) leaders ask for prayer in wake of Chilean earthquake

GAMC forwards papers on Christian-Jewish and Christian-Muslim relations to GA

Navigational tools

Presbyterians respond quickly to earthquake in Chile

‘We can heal the future’

“Women of Faith” named

General Assembly Mission Council renews support for Deep and Wide initiative

Valentine re-elected to second four-year term

GAMC recommends Caterpillar’s profit from non-peaceful activities in Israel-Palestine be denounced

PC(USA)’s ‘Women of Faith’ named

GAMC examines leadership needs in the church

Abiding hope

GAMC mulls planning guidelines

Thousands of faith leaders send letter, run full-page ad for health reform

All together now

Living community

COGA proposes middle governing body commission

COGA recommends Portland as site for 2016 GA

‘We cannot be afraid of the future’

Scott Anderson approved for ordination

Registration still open for Presbyterian Writers Guild annual conference

Lights! Camera! Faith statements!

‘Evil hides in familiar places’

“Crossing Borders: Encountering God” conference to inspire conversation on border issues confronting the church and the world

PDA’s Haiti response tops $500,000

Broadway stars come out to support Haiti relief

PNS seeks Mission Challenge success stories

More money for Haiti

Veteran of African mission named to coordinate the PC(USA)’s Africa work

Staying connected

Seminary news

Finding their place

Notes about people

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance rushing help to Haiti

Young people team with youth ministry specialists to co-lead Pathways seminar

‘Put your hand in God’s hand’

Into Africa

Building on the past

A 2008 Presbyterian snapshot: More older members, more female pastors

Grounds for service

Make way for connections

‘Holding on with our fingernails’

Balancing act

The Rev. David Loleng named associate of evangelism

Ties that bind

Minneapolis congregation awarded grant to spark search for future leaders

The theology of diversity

Food for thought

We get letters

Sing, sing a song

Goings and comings

Home is a field, but families remain families in Haiti

Collegial leadership

Self-Development of People announces grant recipients

Chicago church reaches out to young men

What we were made to do

PC(USA) stated clerk issues statement on Supreme Court’s election finance decision

Planting new churches is best evangelistic strategy for renewal in 21st century

Middle East study team nears release of its final report

An unlikely leader

Final answer (not!)

A Valentine for Haiti

ACSWP readies papers for General Assembly

A Valentine for Haiti

Sales of new PC(USA) curriculum are booming

A concert for God

Songs in the key of life

Making joyful noise

Notes about people

Seminary news

PDA’s Ackley records video message to Presbyterians

‘Loyal radicals’

Reaping what they sew

CWS campaign: ‘Tithe Wall Street bonuses for Haiti’

Caring for Haiti’s kids

‘Urban Presbyterians Together’ wants spirituality to meet city’s needs, create better future

Practical education

Living Waters’ Haiti water systems to convert to solar

Committee recommends steps toward traditional marriage and same-gender ceremonies

COLA picks communion ware for GA’s opening worship

Empowering change

A missional spirit

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance accepts $4,000 donation from Jeffersontown City Council for Haiti relief and recovery

“Re-Membering Peace: Still the Believers’ Calling”

“Presbytery Ten-Year Trends” now available online

Haitian hospital approved for $200,000 from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Match up

Skyping out the mission field

Memorial service held for Arabella Meadows-Rogers

‘God’s people in any circumstance’

PC(USA)-backed hospital in Haiti still standing

Writers Guild schedules annual conference

Notes about people

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance rushing help to Haiti

Filling the room with the love of Christ

Marj Carpenter breaks hip in fall

Quake destroys longtime PC(USA)-related hospital

PC(USA) Middle East caucus condemns Egypt attacks

Middle East churches Assembly issues final communiqué

PC(USA) missionaries, mission groups in Haiti reported safe

Presbyterian Writers Guild seeking best new author

Crisis team meets to frame Haiti earthquake response

Jin S. Kim is second candidate for GA moderator

Forming a lasting partnership

Test Post

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) hosts traveling celebration of the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr.

‘Project Overture’: On the road to General Assembly

Sprouting up

Seminary news

A tiny star shining brightly

Memorial services this weekend for Arabella Meadows-Rogers and Harold Kurtz

Notes about people

Jann Treadwell is named APCE’s Educator of the Year

SFTS names Laird Stuart interim president

First candidate for GA moderator announced

Gifts that keep giving

Globe-spanning missionary Harold Kurtz dies

PNS to take a holiday break

Presbytery and synod news

Christmas message 2009

Notes about people

Palestinian Christians call for just peace in Palestine

Arabella Meadows-Rogers dies

Well water

Healing salve


Presbyterian leaders oppose Ugandan anti-gay act

‘Spare Kids the Ads’ campaign focuses on healthier marketing

Days of future past

Women face greater violence risk in the Dominican Republic, Latin American leaders say

All in the families

Christmas Joy Offering children’s art contest winners announced

Presbyterians back carbon emission agreement

Nigerian faith leaders launch campaign against malaria

Notes about people

A biblical challenge

Building a world of interfaith cooperation

Give a Presbyterian this Christmas!

Montreat’s Left Bank building to get $500,000 upgrade

Seminary news

Equipping for service

Calvin and dump trucks

Permanent lodging

Room to grow

A manger far

Learning the language of love

Home for the holidays

GA Middle East study team meets with UN officials

Faithful response

Brave new world

ABC to televise special on people with disabilities

NCC/CWS opens with call for renewal

FTE offers fellowships for 2010-2011 academic year

Life and Thankfulness

GAMC executive deputy director for mission to head Presbyterian Foundation

Achtemeier charts spiritual journey on homosexuality at Covenant Network gathering

MRTI recommends denouncement of Caterpillar, Inc. for corporate irresponsibility in Israel/Palestine

The Discernment journey

Straight A

Senior Presbyterian military chaplain addresses Fort Hood killings

Seminary news

Presbyterian News Service announces ‘Project Overture’

History as it happens

GAPJC issues technical rulings in closely-watched cases

Reaching out in Europe and central Asia

PBS to air documentary on American religious history

Unusual loan revives two weeklies

Getting heard

Nominees sought for best Presbyterian writer

‘Between Iraq and a hard place’

Church as a way of life


Partners across borders

Renowned Christian educator Mary Duckert dies

Rising market lifts BOP’s portfolio 21.2 percent

The old college try

Living together, faithfully

Seeking land

Graduation day

UN expert: Governments failing indigenous declaration

Family gathering

Money’s no object

Dissident Cuba blogger cannot receive prize

Change partners

When water is personal

The ‘wholesaler’

Professing faith

Ginny Davidson dies at 93

Presbytery and synod news

Common ground

Bowled over

Seminary news

Working with, not working for

Calvin legacy is mixed in South Africa

A seed grows in Tijuana

Connecting, learning, sending

Media Violence Fast ’09 counters anti-immigrant hate speech

‘Life in Haiti abounds’

Presbyterian Native American nursing school honored with National Historic Landmark status

Text and context

Seeking a lasting peace

A PK on Broadway

A new meaning of ‘partnering’

Seminary at the crossroads

Partnering presbyteries

From texts to haiku

Bible requires new reading, says Nicaraguan theologian

Notes about people

Seminary news

From greed to need

Carolyn Gillette pens new hunger walk hymn

SFTS president resigns to return to pastoral ministry

Self-Development of People announces grant recipients

College news

PC(USA) responds to south Asian disasters

Legendary mission innovator Margaret Flory dies at 95

Yodogawa Christian Hospital contributes more than $200,000 to PC(USA) mission in Asia

Cool, clear water

Why they serve

Seattle pastor gives Nigerian polio victims a lift

Serving up hope

“Peace without Borders” concert bridges borders and differences in Cuba

Meeting John Calvin


Planned community

GAMC lowers 2010 mission budget by 6 percent

Council reaffirms support of Presbyterian News Service

CIW announces agreement with Compass Group NA

GA special committee unanimously recommends adoption of Belhar Confession

Big Tent garners high ratings from participants

Malnutrition killing children again in Guatemala

Task force approves final Form of Government report

Crossing obstacles

Priests targeted in drug-related and other violence in mexico

‘We cannot agree,’ says marriage/unions panel

Spreading the word

Lutheran coalition takes steps toward forming ‘free-standing’ synod

Special committee to study issues of civil union and Christian marriage releases preliminary report

Faith leaders to press G-20 for anti-poverty action

Presbytery and synod news

Neighbor News

Going with Google

Renowned theologian, ecumenist Lew Mudge dies

Hispanic Caucus task force deals with pressing issues

What’s a Presbyterian minister got to do with a film festival?

WARC group issues message on Accra Confession

Another serving

Survey results show strength, vitality during hard times

Forgotten, but not gone

Knit together

Home improvement

U.S. churches are ‘agents of peace,’ Syria-Lebanon visitors say

U.S. not at center of Montreal World Film Festival

What are you looking forward to?

Necessary networking

Match point

Honduran military coup reverses women’s gains in human rights

WCC presidents rue lack of women in top posts

What’s in store

Blackhawk Presbytery goes live

WCC urges freeze on Israeli settlements

Reformed churches gather in South Africa to analyze impact of global economic crisis

PW grant helps Utah women and children leaving polygamy

Higher education

Back to school

Colombian family accompanied by friends and colleagues from Tres Rios Presbytery

Losing control

White House reaffirms commitment to immigration reform

‘God is up to things’

‘Coming-of-age’ film opens Canada’s largest film fest

Beyond the walls

Seminary news

Spirit blowing, water flowing

‘Hungry to make a difference’

Easy being green

ACSWP releases three new study resources

The Giving Jar

Lessons for life

‘Embracing others in our midst’

Statistically speaking

Lightning destroys Florida church

More than just a garden

140,000 participate in historic faith call with President Obama

Form of Government Task Force approves final draft

All kinds of carpenters

College news

Women lead opposition to gold mine in Colombia

Artful wonders

Stepping away

Awareness and prevention

Presbytery and synod news


Camps for kids with disabilities in Cuba are a sign of hope

A heart for soldiers

Seminary news

‘God is never done with us’

Leaders for the future

Joshua: A Book to Be Celebrated?

New Day

Notes about people

Historic Presbyterian mission named historic landmark

‘Tremendous legacy’

Calling for more straw

Gathered in faith

Stated Clerk issues statement on current health care debate

Back from the edge

Bill Forbes — a last word

Retiree makes joyful noise through church work

Grace in the streets

New Wilmington conference encourages missionary service

Presbytery and synod news

Future figuring

Notes about people

From chaos to college

Practical knowledge

A debt to world mission

Mountain climber

No joke

Greet a stranger to celebrate Calvin

Defining church

Joshua: A Book to Be Celebrated?

Champion of creation

Blazing trails

Being connected

‘Out of Chaos, Hope’

PW Gathering hosts commissioning service for mission personnel

Caution: imagination at work

Task force seeks to delineate news, public relations functions

40 years of fighting hunger

Sibling rivalry

Seminary news

Recharging ‘Presby’ batteries

World on fire


‘Now is the time’

‘No option but to prevail’

Seeing the 'dazzling theater'

Calling for a ministry of meddlin'

Choosing Life

Following Jesus into dangerous places

Sharing Calvin’s DNA

‘Dialogue between theology and literature is urgent,’ says Puerto Rican theologian Luis Rivera Pagán

Presbytery and synod news

Bearing the standard

Women of Faith Award winner Evelyn Bonner dies

Can you hear me now?

Musical midwives

Connecting with Dignity

A new twist on partnership

PCA rejects study on women’s roles in the church

New president installed at Montreat Conference Center

Stewardship approaches must take cultural diversity into account, Reese tells Big Tenters

Memorial service set for Bill Forbes

Partnering for success

Board of Pensions expands, simplifies Medical Plan

Bridge over troubled water

College News

Centering on Christ

Special committee on civil union and Christian marriage invites feedback from the church

Theological learning by doing

Notes about people

Special committee on civil union and Christian marriage invites feedback from the church

Special committee on civil union and Christian marriage invites feedback from the church

Stated Clerk releases PC(USA) 2009 statistics

Stated Clerk comments on PC(USA) 2008 statistics

Special committee on civil union and Christian marriage plunges into details in second meeting

Survivor: southern Louisiana edition

Many peoples, one church

Store of success

New Mexico’s presbyteries move to shared staff model

‘Enlarge the site’

Healing spirits

Won’t you be my neighbor?

Future of Presbyterian News Service debated as task force meets

A healthy team effort

‘Called to do justice’

Face to face

Seminary news

Birth of a new Presbyterian evangelism movement?

New Orleans church rebuilds life as well as building

Dangerous elders wanted

Ready to roll

Into the Woods

Renowned Presbyterian evangelist Ralph Winter dies

PC(USA) international mission advocates gather

PNS to be closed for one week

Clean Water U schedules first summer session

A two-way street

Biographical information released for Youth Ministries Task Force

Answering the higher call

Something old is new again

Who God hopes we will become

Johnson C. Smith University inaugurates new president

PC(USA) publications garner 18 Associated Church Press awards

PC(USA) publications garner 18 Associated Church Press awards

Stepping out

The pluck of the Irish

WARC essay contest to focus on Calvin's take on environmental, financial stewardship

Presbyterian Hymnal committee holds second meeting

The pluck of the Irish

The human face of partnership

PNS review task force is set to meet

Small is beautiful

Past scholarship winner remains grateful to PC(USA)

Presbyterians respond cautiously to swine flu outbreak

Notes about people

Finding a vision for the future by discovering the past

Swine flu resources available

Parsons joins call for review of post-9/11 interrogations

Interfaith bridge building

Buying local, going global

Christian Peace Witness continues to press for end to Iraq war

Rest for the weary

Church leaders write in response to amendment voting

‘A whole new way of doing mission’

College news

Robert B. Smith dies

Amendment B is defeated

Going the distance

Memorial service set for Carl Dudley

Setting the record straight

CBS to televise interfaith special on poverty

Amendment B nears defeat

Northern Michigan Presbyterians help plant 12,000 trees in honor of Earth Day 2009

Minister of reconciliation

PC(USA) agencies back Obama's nuke-free proposals

Picture this

Guess who’s coming to dinner

Notes about people

PDA and Hurricane Katrina: in it for the long run

Kingdom come

‘Something out of nothing’

Water for Malawi

Tornado tears through Tennessee

18 congregation-based community organizing groups to share $92,500

One church’s ‘crazy idea’ allows another to be reborn

Seminary news

Bruce blogs Bay Area

New York faith leaders call for immigration reform

Mary Jane Patterson dies

Setting the stage for peace

Communication and resurrection

PC(USA) pension plan remains fully funded

Great loss, great harvest

A life the church is compelled to live

Hog Heaven

Seminary news

Youth Ministries Task Force membership is announced

College news

Staff reduction announced at the Presbyterian Foundation

Presbytery and synod news

Ecumenical Advocacy Days draws veterans, newcomers

PPC’s 2008 sales exceed previous year’s

PC(USA)-related artisans group in Peru honored

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly approves revisions to the 2009-2010 budgets

GA special committee to study civil union and Christian marriage begins its work

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly will hold its spring meeting in Louisville

Biographical information on members of the Committee to Prepare a Comprehensive Study Focused on Israel Palestine

Biographical information on members of Special Committee to Study Issues of Civil Union and Christian Marriage

Biographical information on members of Special Committee to Consider Amending the Confessional Documents of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to Include the Belhar Confession in The Book of Confessions.

GA special committee to study civil union and Christian marriage to begin work

Membership named to GA special committee to consider adding the Belhar Confession to The Book of Confessions

Biographical information on members of the Climate for Change Task Force

GA moderator continues work on filling special committees and task forces

Biographical information on members of the Special Committee on Correcting Translation Problems of the Heidelberg Catechism

GA Moderator announces names for special committee to study civil union and Christian marriage

Stated Clerk comments on PC(USA) 2008 statistics

Becoming the Beloved Community of Christ

Numbers Matter to God

Stated Clerk commends farmworkers and Whole Food Market on landmark agreement

Committee on the Office of the General Assembly tackles full agenda at winter meeting

Stated Clerk releases statement on violence in Kenya

Stated Clerk releases statement on plight of Gaza inhabitants

An Open Statement to Burger King and the Florida Tomato Growers Exchange