Mission Networks
Mission networks and partnership networks bring together Presbyterians from around the United States who share a common international mission focus. World Mission-related mission and partnership networks facilitate building and maintaining healthy partnerships and provide a place for representatives of various PC(USA) partnerships to share information, learn from each other, coordinate their efforts and find ways to have greater impact together as a network.
Each mission network or partnership network centers around a specific country, people group, or program area of ministry and is composed of Presbyterians who represent international mission partnerships established through their synods, presbyteries, congregations, or other PC(USA) entities.
World Mission and Mission Networks: We Can Help!
Connect with other Presbyterians engaged in God’s mission around the world! Attend a mission/partnership network meeting.
2025 Schedule
Malawi Mission Network Conference
July 31 - August 3, 2025
Mountain View Presbyterian Church, Loveland, CO
Contact: Doug Kee - jdkee1002@gmail.com
Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea
Korea Peace Journey
October 14-23
Registration opens March 1
For more information: peacenetworkforkorea@gmail.com
Korea Peace Journey Flyer
Congo Mission Network Conference
October 23-25
Stillman College and Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Contact: Roberta Spalding (rlspalding@earthlink.net) or Bill Reinhold (billreinhold1970@icloud.com), co-conveners
Mission Networks and Contacts
DR Congo; contacts: Roberta Spalding or Bill Reinhold, co-conveners
Ethiopia; contact: Rachel Weller
Ghana; contact: Donna Cammarata, coordinator
Kenya; contact: Robert McCutcheon
Madagascar; contact: Carol Hafer, convener
Malawi; contact: Doug Kee
Niger; contact Don Dawson, and Matt Schramm, co-conveners
Sudan/South Sudan; contact: Skip Noftzger and Sylvia Carlson
Zambia–Zimbabwe–Mozambique-USA Mission Network (ZZMUSA); contact: Rev. Thomas Sheffield or Rev. Sevatt Kabaghe, co-conveners
Latin America and Caribbean
Colombia Mission Network co-conveners: Larry Hollar and Doug Early
Costa Rica Mission Network convener: Stan DeVoogd
Cuba Partners Network contacts: Deborah McEachran and Rev. Jeremiah Lange, co-conveners
Guatemala Mission Network contacts: Rev. Kathleen Gorman-Coombs and Judy Persons, co-conveners
Guatemala/CEDEPCA contact: Kathy Carpenter, facilitator
Haiti Mission Network contact: Cindy Corell, convener
Honduras Mission Network contact: Phil Butin, convener
Mesoamerica Mission and Migration Network contact: Joseph Russ
Peru Mission Network convener: Anya Ezhevskaya
Venezuela Mission Network convener: Matilde Moros
Middle East
Please note that Egypt, Iraq, and Syria/Lebanon are referred to as “Partnership Networks,” not “Mission Networks.”
Egypt; contact: Alfred Graise, convener
Iraq; contact: Joanne Sizoo, convener
Israel/Palestine; contact: Susan Wilder and Robert Trawick
Syria/Lebanon; contact Ann Brunger, moderator and Billie Sutter, chair, education team
Korea (Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea); contact: Linda Russell, and Rev. Choon Lim, co-conveners, Rev. Earl Arnold, secretary
Eastern Europe Partnership Network; contact: Jean Waters
Czech Republic; contact: Betty McGinnis, chair or visit http://czechpres.net
Russia; contact: Deb Burgess
Southern Europe Partnership Network; contact Katherine Cunningham and Allison Seed