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Puzzle piece for Christian-Muslim toolkit-learn-connect-worship-act

Christians are called by God to live out the great commandment to “love God” and to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:36-40). Presbyterians seek to live in fellowship with people of all faiths, striving for understanding and learning to work together to create positive change in our world.

Who’s this toolkit for?

This toolkit provides resources for PC(USA) congregations interested in engaging with their Muslim neighbors. Church leaders — including pastors, mission and outreach committees, sessions, youth group leaders, and Christian education teachers — will find resources to better understand, connect with and advocate for our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Why engage in Christian-Muslim interfaith relations?

Fuller understanding. In Christian-Muslim relationships in our time, it is clear in new ways that, as human beings, we often fail one another. Muslims and Christians fail to understand one another, and often do not make the effort to do so. Commanded by our faith to love our neighbors as ourselves, and committed to do all in our power to do so, Presbyterians seek fuller understanding of Islam, relationships with Muslim communities, and discernment of what God requires of us in Christian-Muslim relations.[1]

Deeper discipleship. God calls us to deeper relationships with people of other faiths. As Christians learn about and relate with Muslims, we not only learn more about the multitude of diverse cultures, contexts and expressions of faith of Muslims, but we are compelled to walk a path of deeper understanding of Christian faith. We are also better equipped to engage in faithful, humble and respectful Christian witness.

[1] “Toward an Understanding of Christian-Muslim Relations,” 219th General Assembly (2010).

How to use this toolkit

Mission co-workers serving in Muslim majority contexts

Mission co-workers are “bridges to the world” for Presbyterians in the U.S. Learn more from those serving in Muslim-majority contexts and invite them to visit your congregation.

Related Mission/Partnership Networks

A mission or partnership network is a collegial partnership between various PC(USA) entities, governing bodies and associations working together around a specific region, people group or program area of international mission.

Act locally

Act globally



  • Support mission co-workers serving in Muslim-majority contexts:
  • Give to Mission Personnel Support, E132192
  • Gifts from individuals, combined with Basic Mission Support funds from congregations, enable Presbyterian mission personnel to work in approximately 80 countries. Your financial gift is an important part of our global work of walking in partnership with our siblings in countries all across the globe.
  • Give to Special Opportunities in World Mission, E864015.  Special funds are needed to increase our response to world mission needs in the areas of evangelism, health, development and other ministries. Overseas mission work is often inhibited because of unpredictable funding patterns. This ECO will provide the means to better respond to the needs of Christian churches around the world as they seek to spread the good news.

To give by mail, please write the ECO number in the memo line and mail the check to:

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
P.O. Box 643700
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700

Contact Us

Ellen Sherby
Associate Director, Global Connections

Stephanie Caudill
Associate for Resources and Promotions