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Israel Palestine Peace

Israel-Palestine Ministries

Since 1948, Presbyterian General Assemblies have repeatedly addressed the Middle East, especially Israel and Palestine. Historically, Presbyterians have supported Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign state within internationally recognized borders, as well as the right of Palestinians to self-determination, including the right to establish a neighboring, independent, sovereign state as a means to establish a just and lasting peace.

These resources, policies, and histories are designed to help Presbyterians, churches, and mid-councils prayerfully contextualize, reflect on, and further their understanding of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

While our best response is prayer, the continuing and escalating violence in Israel/Palestine requires humanitarian assistance and support for our partners in the region. Response efforts include vital humanitarian interventions, medical supplies, shelter, water and sanitation hygiene, food, non-food items, and crucial psychosocial support for individuals.

Giving Opportunities

Support crisis response and recovery efforts in Israel-Palestine.

For over 75 years, One Great Hour of Sharing has provided people with safety, sustenance, and hope.

Support Israel-Palestine Mission Partners

Funds given to this project will be used to further the work of World Mission among our partners in the Middle East.