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A diverse group of seminarians join in worship.

Equity & Representation

The denomination’s Book of Order describes a “rich diversity” that the PC(USA) recognizes as guaranteed full participation and representation in church life, including race, ethnicity, age, disability, geography, and theological conviction.

The 2024 General Assembly voted to add “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” to that list — with that proposed addition going to the presbyteries for a vote by June 2025.

Ensuring full participation means fostering a genuine sense of being included and providing equitable access to all at every level of the church, defining that commitment broadly, and setting up structures to support it over time. 

For more on the church's ministry efforts in equity and inclusion, click the buttons below.

Support the Connectional Fund

Support the work of the Interim Unified Agency, the emerging ministry structure created by the Unification Commission.