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Teaching Elders

For Presbyterians, Jesus Christ provides the pattern for ministry and leadership: the pattern of one who came “not to be served but to serve” (Matthew 20:28). In what Presbyterians believe to be a “priesthood of all believers,” each believer can reveal God’s love in ways unique to them, contributing to the growth of the church and its community. 

Teaching Elders (or Ministers of Word and Sacrament) are people who display gifts for teaching, preaching, and presiding over the Sacraments. They may serve in a variety of ministries within and beyond the congregation, showing in any context a commitment to modeling the faith in word and deed and equipping others to serve the world with Christian love.

Among the PC(USA) ministry areas helping Teaching Elders and others seeking calls in ordered ministry are Church Leadership Connection in the Office of Call Process, Leadership Development for Leaders of Color, and 1001 New Worshiping Communities. Theology and Worship supports pastors and other church leaders in claiming the church’s theological and liturgical tradition.