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Lorraine P. McKenzie, a Ruling Elder at New River Presbyterian Church, in front of her former church, Calvin Presbyterian, which is now part of New River Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Ruling Elders and Deacons

In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), ruling elders and deacons are called to ministry in partnership with teaching elders, also known as ministers of Word and Sacrament. 

While teaching elders show gifts for teaching, preaching, and administering the sacraments, ruling elders and deacons show gifts unique to their roles in the life of their congregation.

Ruling elders have responsibilities in leadership, governance, and worship. They discern God’s calling for the life of a congregation and measure its faithfulness to that call. The PC(USA) resources ruling elders through its Leadership Formation program so congregational leaders can grow through their service and minister in innovative ways to their communities.

Deacons embody acts of care, compassion, and service. While they often undertake ministries of feeding, visitation, prayer, and hospitality, they can also fulfill other acts of service within the church and its surrounding community.

Along the Road Podcast

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The third season of Along the Road — a podcast on faith and leadership for PC(USA) ministry leaders — is available now. 

Nourish episodes, which are available every other week, are geared toward ruling elders and deacons.


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