Join the world in worship

World Wide Worship Kit
Dive into World Wide Worship! Encounter God through music, prayers and sermons from Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Connect virtually with mission co-workers and global partners and join the world in worship.
The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way PC(USA) works with global church partners and maintains relationships with those who support our mission co-workers’ ministries. Earlier this year, a working group was formed to identify and collect resources from around the world, so that U.S. Presbyterian churches could highlight and celebrate these special relationships during their worship services. This collection is meant to be an organic one that will evolve and grow over time.
Wednesday virtual chapel service featuring global partners
This video is from the Wednesday virtual chapel service on September 9, 2020, when a group of PC(USA) mission co-workers featured different music and prayers, shared directly from global partners. While watching this video and worshiping with global partners, please consider the various videos and printed liturgies that could be shared with a wider audience. Feel free to add stories or other details that help us stay informed and deepen our relationships with one another.

World Communion Sunday
October 6, 2024 is World Communion Sunday and the theme is “Sowing the seeds of peace.”
Find resources for World Communion Sunday here.
We are deeply grateful to our global church partners who shared their gifts of prayers and music, representative of their spirituality and relationships with God, humanity and creation.
Additional liturgical resources will be added soon!
How will your congregation use these resources? Would you like to connect with the mission co-workers and partners who provided these videos? Please contact Stephanie Caudill at

Contact Us
Stephanie Caudill
Associate for Resources and Promotions