Mission Committee Toolkit
Mission committees serve at the heart of the congregation, leading churches as they discern and engage in the active life of faith. While this work is richly life-giving, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Allocating funds, choosing mission projects, beginning and sustaining partnerships — all of this work takes time, energy and an awareness of the movement of the Spirit. This toolkit provides resources to help equip your mission committee for this important work.
Who’s this toolkit for? This toolkit is for mission committee members interested in learning more about God’s mission, evaluating their congregation’s mission involvement, and discerning a new mission focus.
What about PC(USA)’s invitation to become a Matthew 25 Church? How can this toolkit help? This toolkit can help your mission committee discern which Matthew 25 focus (or foci) God is calling your congregation to engage in. The three foci include building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty.

Contact Us
Stephanie Caudill
Associate for Resources and Promotions