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Acerca de la IP (EE. UU.)

Founded in 1856 through efforts of our predecessor denomination, the Presbyterian Church in the U.S., the Presbyterian Church of Colombia/Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia (IPC) was the first protestant church established in Colombia, and the first Presbyterian mission in Latin America. We have been engaged in God’s mission in Colombia for over 165 years.  

From the beginning, education has been a major focus of Presbyterian ministry in Colombia. The IPC also speaks and acts to promote lasting peace and overcome a legacy of militarism after generations of internal armed conflict in Colombia. Young Adult Volunteers come alongside the IPC in various ministries, often serving with the church’s most vulnerable communities. The IPC’s foundation for diaconal service, PAZOS, works to eradicate systemic poverty. The women’s ministry engages actively with other civil society organizations to promote gender justice. Each of the IPC’s three presbyteries has a unique approach to building congregational vitality. 

About our work

Sarah Henken

Sarah Henken has served as a mission co-worker since 2010. After six years serving as regional liaison for the Andean countries of South America (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela), in 2017 her ministry shifted to a key focus on peace initiatives with the Presbyterian Church of Colombia (known as the IPC after its Spanish name). Sarah works in collaboration with the peace commission of the IPC as the church strives to help all Colombians build a new future and bring an end to over 50 years of armed conflict.

A lifelong peace advocate, Sarah helps develop educational materials and programs for the promotion of peace and reconciliation within churches and communities. She engages in diaconal ministry with groups of campesino farmers displaced by the violence as they seek new land to farm and strive to sustain their families. Sarah also coordinates the Young Adult Volunteers who serve alongside the IPC in a variety of ministries. Her home base is in Barranquilla, on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, and she visits churches and communities throughout the country. Read more about Sarah’s ministry on their profile page, which you can find here.

The Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia is comprised of three presbyteries in northern and central Colombia. Its mission focuses on education, evangelism, and service. 

The Reformed University is an accredited institution of higher education operated by the Presbyterian Church of Colombia. Programs include theology, music, psychology, bilingual education, business administration, and environmental engineering.

The Colombia Accompaniment Program sends volunteers from the US church to accompany the Colombian church as it does courageous work to promote peace and reconciliation in Colombia. Volunteers apply through Presbyterian World Mission and receive training from the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship prior to spending a month offering a ministry of presence in Colombia. 

The Colombia Mission Network connects US and Colombian Presbyterians in mutual mission, ( The following Presbyteries are active in the Colombia Mission Network: 

Winnebago Presbytery 
Miami Valley Presbytery
San Fernando Presbytery

The Young Adult Volunteer Program opened a site in Colombia in 2014. YAVs gain a new perspective on what it means to be church through service with the Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia or Presbyterian Church of Colombia. They live and work alongside the church, learning from and contributing to its holistic witness. The program aims to develop globally-minded leaders and cultivate awareness of the interconnections between church and society in the U.S. and Colombia.

Mission coworkers serving in the country:

Sarah Henken, mission co-worker -

Mission Co-Worker Sending and Support

True mission partnership builds relationships by walking together in faith and friendship. Together we can build the body of Christ around the world!