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Acerca de la IP (EE. UU.)

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) supports the Christian witness in Argentina through our partner churches and through mission co-workers who work alongside our partners. Considering the great diversity among Christians in this large country, finding ways to work cooperatively is both a challenge and a rewarding success.  Our partners in Argentina place a high priority on theological education for both pastors and lay leaders, urban ministry, evangelism, and advocacy for human rights.

About our work

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) accompanies the Christian witness in Argentina through our partner churches, Valdense Evangelical Church of the Rio de la Plata/Iglesia Evangelica Valdense del Rio de la Plata (IEVRP), Evangelical Church of the Rio de la Plata/Iglesia Evangelica del Rio de la Plata (IERP), Asociación La Iglesia De Dios (ALIDD), Asociación Cultural y Espiritual de las Iglesias Reformadas en la Argentina (IRA)

Considering the great diversity among Christians in this large country, working cooperatively in building congregational vitality, is both a challenge and a rewarding success, as they place a high priority on theological education for pastors and lay leaders, urban ministry, evangelism, and advocacy for human rights. In the ecumenical regional world, we walk along with Alliance of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches of Latin America and The Caribbean /Alianza de Iglesias Presbiterianas y Reformadas de America Latina y El Caribe (AIPRAL); Ecumenical Network for Theological Education/Red Ecuménica de Educación Teológica (REET); World Student Christian Federation/Federación Universal de Movimientos Estudiantiles Cristianos (FUMEC-ALC); ACT Alliance; Centro Regional Ecuménico de Asesoría y Servicios (CREAS); American Waldensian Society, and Church World Service (CWS) that translates into broad connections and relationships with local congregations, presbyteries, seminaries, and agencies.

Evangelism: The Chaco region, covering parts of Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia, is home to many indigenous peoples. Our ecumenical partners have worked for years to provide basic education for community leaders of the Toba nation, as well as pastoral and theological training.

Alleviating Poverty: Ecumenical partners in Argentina work together to provide social services to at-risk women and children, especially in urban areas.

Reconciliation: The Argentine Commission for Refugees and Migrants was created by our ecumenical partners to serve and protect refugees fleeing political repression in the 1970s. More recently, the group has worked on human trafficking. The group works with local churches helping them to become communities of healing for the victims of human trafficking.

Mission Co-Worker Sending and Support

True mission partnership builds relationships by walking together in faith and friendship. Together we can build the body of Christ around the world!