basket holiday-bow
Acerca de la IP (EE. UU.)

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has been engaged in mission in Mexico since 1872. Today there are four Presbyterian Borderlands Ministries (PBM)/ Ministerios Fronterizos Presbiterianos (MFP) ministries along the US/Mexico border: Puentes de Cristo, Pasos de Fe, Frontera de Cristo and Compañeros en Misión. Cafe Justo, a coffee farming cooperative that addresses root causes of migration, emerged in partnership with Presbyterian Borderlands Ministries, is part of the Coffee Project of PC(USA)'s Hunger Program, providing coffee to Presbyterian congregations in almost all fifty states. The PC(USA) also partners with the Comunión Mexicana de Iglesias Reformadas  y Presbiterianas and other ecumenical organizations and theological institutions in México. 


About our work

Mark Adams and Miriam Maldonado are mission co-workers with the Presbyterian Border Ministry in Agua Prieta, Mexico, where Mark has served since 1998. As U.S. coordinator of the binational ministry, Frontera de Cristo, Mark is responsible, in partnership with Rev. Angel Valencia of the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico, for the coordination of the six ministry areas of Frontera de Cristo: church development, health, family counseling, the New Hope Community Center, mission education, and the Just Trade Center.

Miriam connects people and organizations across borders and serves as a liaison of Frontera de Cristo with the Center for Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation and Recuperation (CRREDA in Spanish), DouglaPrieta Trabaja and the Lirio de los Valles Presbyterian Church. She works with DouglaPrieta to help the rehabilitation centers and families of the church, community and schools grow their own food, increasing their nutrition possibilities and connection to God’s creation and one another.

Mission coworkers serving in the country:

Leslie Vogel - Mark Adams
Miriam Maldonado Escobar -

Mission Co-Worker Sending and Support

True mission partnership builds relationships by walking together in faith and friendship. Together we can build the body of Christ around the world!