Comités y Comisión
¿Qué son los comités y las comisiones?
Dado que los "concilios" de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) tienen el poder de designar tanto comités como comisiones, es importante entender primero qué es un consejo. "Concilio" es la palabra genérica o colectiva para los cuerpos gobernantes de la IP (EE. UU.), a saber, consistorios, presbiterios y sínodos (concilios intermedios), y la Asamblea General.
Councils may appoint committees and commissions they find necessary and helpful to accomplish the mission of the church. A committee studies and recommends action to the council that formed it or carries out decisions already made by that council. A committee is required to make a full report to the council that created it, with its recommendations subject to approval by that council. Committees beyond the congregation’s session level are made up of ministers of the Word and Sacrament (teaching elders) and church members, as equally as possible.
Each congregation is governed by a session, which is made up of elders elected by the congregation, plus all the installed pastors on the staff. The session is responsible for all decisions regarding the program and policies of its congregation, except for the two powers reserved for the congregation: the election of officers, including the pastoral staff, and the buying, selling, and/or mortgaging of church property.
The session is composed of elders elected for specific terms of service as well as the installed pastor(s) and associate pastor(s). It is presided over by the moderator, who is the pastor or a minister member of the presbytery when the pastor is not available.
General Assembly committees and commissions operate at the highest level of the PC(USA). According to the Book of Order, the General Assembly, like any council of the church, shall designate any committee or commission “as they deem necessary and helpful for the accomplishment of the mission of the church, and may create such structures jointly with other councils, in consultation with the next higher council. In appointing such committees and commissions councils shall be mindful of the principles of unity in diversity consistent with the provisions of this Constitution.”
Comités, comisiones y otros grupos de la AG
¿Qué son los comités, comisiones, grupos de trabajo y juntas de la AG?
A nivel de la Asamblea General, existen varios tipos de comités y comisiones que funcionan de distintas maneras.
Estos comités y comisiones funcionan durante y entre las reuniones de la Asamblea General. Son diiferentes de los comités que disciernen y votan las mociones y otras acciones durante la Asamblea General pero antes de las sesiones plenarias.
Nota: Los comités y otros procesos dotados de personal de la Agencia Unificada Provisional que dependen de la actual Organización para la Misión pueden adoptar una forma diferente a medida que avance la unificación. Dado que es probable que partes importantes de la estructura se vean afectadas por la unificación, los solicitantes de puestos vacantes deben saber que es posible que las clases que finalizan en 2028 y 2030 no se completen y/o que sus funciones se modifiquen significativamente.
Visión general de los grupos
Comité de Nominaciones de la Asamblea General
Infórmese sobre las oportunidades de participar en comités, comisiones y otros grupos de la AG.
Comité de Nominaciones de la AG
Open Meeting Policy
As approved by the 209th General Assembly (1997) and amended by the 218th General Assembly (2008), the Open Meeting Policy applies to the General Assembly and its related entities and work groups.