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Acerca de la IP (EE. UU.)
The Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy met at Second Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Missouri on April 13, 2024.

Política eclesiástica

El pueblo presbiteriano tiene una forma distintiva de gobierno eclesiástico, o política, en la que la autoridad para decidir no es solamente tomada por una persona, sino en grupos, conocidos como concilios, formados tanto por personas ministras como por personas miembro elegidas de las congregaciones, conocidas como personas ancianas gobernantes. La palabra "presbiteriano" viene de la palabra griega para "anciano".

The body of elders elected by a congregation to govern a congregation is called a “session.” In one sense, sessions represent the other members of the congregation — even more importantly, they seek to discover and represent the will of Christ as they govern. Presbyterian elders are both elected and ordained. Ministers of the Word and Sacrament (also known as teaching elders) are elected by the congregation and are also part of the session.

Together, ruling and teaching elders exercise leadership, governance, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as well as the church at large. When elected as commissioners to higher councils, ruling elders participate and vote with the same authority as teaching elders. Congregations may also elect and ordain deacons to a ministry of compassion, witness, and service.

The session is the smallest and most localized governing body in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The other governing bodies are presbyteries (composed of multiple congregations); synods (composed of several presbyteries); and the General Assembly (which represents the entire denomination). Elders and ministers who serve on these governing bodies are also called “presbyters.” Presbyteries and synods are collectively referred to as “mid councils.”

The PC(USA) Book of Order, which contains detailed information on the denomination’s polity, is updated in the year following each biennial General Assembly, after presbyteries have voted to approve or disapprove amendments proposed by each assembly. 

Along the Road

Along the Road Podcast logo

The third season of Along the Road — a podcast on faith and leadership for ministry leaders of the PC(USA) — is available now. Nourish and Encounter episodes discuss the importance of Presbyterian polity to the connectional church.
