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Presbyterian World Mission works in partnership with the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian. Through partnership with Church of Central Africa, World Mission especially seeks to support training of theological students and strategic church leaders, strengthen work in primary and secondary school education, encourage interventions which combat endemic poverty, and address strategic issues of women and children. Our mission co-workers in Malawi assist and encourage the church in these activities.

Evangelism Efforts

Mission co-worker reflects on impact Community Health Evangelism has made in Malawi

About our work

Our mission co-workers based in Malawi are the Rev. Tyler Holm and Regional Liaison the Rev. Paula Cooper, who ministers in Zambia and works in Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, and Rwanda.

The Rev. Tyler Holm teaches Biblical Studies and Practical Theology at the University of Livingstonia Faculty of Theology in northern Malawi, where many Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Livingstonia theology students are trained. Read more about Tyler on his profile page.

The Rev. Paula Cooper serves as Regional Liaison for East Central Africa, supporting relationships with partner churches in Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, and Rwanda; facilitating partnerships with PC(USA) constituencies; supporting mission co-workers; and handling a variety of administrative responsibilities. Visit her profile page to learn more about her ministry.

Presbyterian World Mission works in partnership with the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian General Assembly and its three Malawi Synods: Blantyre, Nkhoma, and Livingstonia. The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian was established in 1924 through the evangelistic work of Livingstonia Mission of the Free Church of Scotland, Blantyre Mission of the Established Church of Scotland, and the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa (Synod of Cape Town). Today, the Church in Malawi has 3 million members spread across the entire country.

Training pastors to serve their burgeoning congregations is a major emphasis for the church. Congregations consist of prayer houses in multiple geographical locations. In some instances, pastors serve multiple congregations. Lay leaders are trained to take responsibility for preaching and pastoral care of members. Pastor to member ratios are as high as one pastor to 7,000 members. Scholarships for theological students are a major challenge at Bachelors, Masters and PhD levels.

Each Church of Central Africa Presbyterian synod operates with extensive autonomy, conducting holistic ministry through the departments, operating schools, treating children living with AIDS, and providing care for orphans and vulnerable children. The synods are Blantyre, Nkhoma and Livingstonia. Each one has a hospital; Livingstonia has three. Public health work is increasingly recognized as an important emphasis to prevent disease and improve quality of life. Zomba Theological College, established in 1977, is the historical CCAP institution for training theological students, and it continues to serve all three Malawi synods. More recently, CCAP Livingstonia has established the Faculty of Theology at the University of Livingstonia, and Josophat Mwale Faculty of Theology trains students from CCAP Nkhoma.

Additional areas of emphasis include evangelism, ensuring training and support for the synod-wide Women’s Guilds, and addressing challenges in society through Church and Society departments.

The General Assembly of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian was reconstituted in December 2013 after a seven-year suspension. The Office of the General Assembly is especially focused on strengthening the work of the CCAP Synods in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe in the areas of Education, Youth, and Church and Society.

Join the Malawi Mission Network, one of more than 40 networks that connect Presbyterians who share a common mission interest. Most participants are involved in mission partnerships through congregations, presbyteries, or synods. Network members come together to coordinate efforts, share best practices and develop strategies. Contact Malawi Mission Network Convener Doug Kee at for the date and location of the next Malawi Mission Network Conference.

Consider developing a partnership with a congregation or institution of one of the Malawi Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Synods in keeping with the interest of your congregation. Experience transformation of your own congregation as you witness the incredible faith of folks praising God in the face of poverty, disease, and death. Contact Paula Cooper at for more information.

Rev. Paula Cooper, Regional Liaison,

Tyler Holm, Mission Co-Worker,

Mission Co-Worker Sending and Support

True mission partnership builds relationships by walking together in faith and friendship. Together we can build the body of Christ around the world!