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Presbyterian World Mission works in partnership with the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar. We work with the Madagascar church in ministries that improve teaching methods in schools; protect Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity; promote agricultural development; and provide clean water and sanitation and prevent the spread of HIV, malaria, and other threats to public health. In cooperation with the Madagascar church, Presbyterian World Mission also engages in advocacy with U.S. public officials to encourage the government of Madagascar to strengthen democratic institutions and promote respect for human rights.

Reconciliation Efforts

Training Leaders for Community Transformation in Madagascar

Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) works to stop sexual violence and end human trafficking

About our work

The PC(USA) has two mission co-workers based in Madagascar: Dan and Elizabeth Turk. In addition, mission co-workers Christi Boyd and Doug Tilton work in Madagascar.

Dan Turk is an agro-forester who works with the Madagascar church’s synods, seminaries, and Development Department to help people to improve their lives in ways that protect the integrity of Creation. He helps to train farmers and theological students to grow fruit trees and other crops. He also promotes environmental education and biodiversity.

Elizabeth Turk is a public health nurse who works with the Madagascar church’s Development Department and the church-wide HIV and AIDS Committee to prevent and treat major public health threats, including malaria, diarrhea, respiratory infections and HIV, to promote access to safe water and sanitation, and to encourage family planning.

Christi Boyd lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo and serves as Regional Facilitator for Women’s and Children’s Interests in five countries, including Madagascar. She assists the Madagascar church ministries to develop programs that address women’s marginalization in church and society and halt exploitation and abuse of women.

Doug Tilton serves as Regional Liaison for Southern Africa and Madagascar from his base in South Africa. He helps to maintain and build the PC(USA)’s relationship with the Madagascar church, to support mission co-workers, to resource mission networks and partnerships, and to assist with administrative tasks.

Presbyterian World Mission works in partnership with the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar. The church was formed in 1968. Today, it has roughly 6 million members or nearly half of Madagascar’s Christian population.

The Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar is an important voice for justice, reconciliation, and development. The church’s multifaceted ministry transforms lives in every corner of the island. The church operates more than 700 schools, dozens of rural dispensaries and clinics, and spiritual retreat centers that also provide care for those with mental health challenges. Its development department helps communities to obtain access to clean water, works to protect the island’s unique biodiversity, promotes disaster preparedness, and enhances food security. The church’s Chaplaincy program includes a particular outreach to marginalized people that works to prevent exploitation of women, children, disabled people, and other vulnerable groups. Strongly evangelistic, the church has established, on average, one new congregation per week for more than 10 years. The church in Madagascar has worked together with the Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican Churches through the Christian Council of Churches in Madagascar to promote democracy, human rights, social harmony, and reconciliation.

Consider developing a partnership with an FJKM congregation, seminary, or ministry that reflects the interests of your congregation. Experience transformation as you learn from each other and pray for each other. Contact Ellen Sherby at for more information about mission partnerships or Doug Tilton at for more information about Madagascar.

Join the Madagascar Mission Network, one of more than 40 networks that connect Presbyterians who share a common mission interest. Most participants are involved in mission partnerships through congregations, presbyteries, or synods. Network members come together to coordinate efforts, share best practices, and develop strategies. Contact Doug Tilton for more information about connecting with the Madagascar Mission Network.

Help the Madagascar church to equip young people to be future leaders for Madagascar by supporting the introduction of improved teaching methods in church schools as part of World Mission’s campaign to provide quality education. 

Help share the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ by partnering with the FJKM as they train leaders for community transformation. FJKM seminaries are giving theological students training in agriculture and fruit tree propagation so that they can share these skills with the remote communities to which they are often assigned after graduation. 

Support the efforts of the FJKM’s Chaplaincy program to halt the exploitation of women, children, and other marginalized groups and stop sexual violence.

Christi Boyd, mission co-worker,

Dan Turk, mission co-worker,

Elizabeth Turk, mission co-worker,

Doug Tilton, Regional Liaison for Southern Africa and Madagascar,

Mission Co-Worker Sending and Support

True mission partnership builds relationships by walking together in faith and friendship. Together we can build the body of Christ around the world!