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Presbyterian World Mission is working to build and strengthen congregational and presbytery partnerships with the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church Ghana, and two related institutions, Akrofi Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission, and Culture, and Trinity Theological Seminary. We support these partnerships to address the three Critical Global Initiatives of the Presbyterian Mission Agency: evangelism and leadership development, addressing global poverty, and peacemaking and reconciliation. These partnerships have done wonderful work in so many areas, such as building wells and community sanitation projects, helping female-led projects in fishing and agriculture, and developing leaders in health, education, and church growth and evangelism.

About our work

Josh Heikkila

Josh serves as the Regional Liaison for West Africa, supporting PC(USA) partners and mission personnel across the region. He also works with presbyteries and churches who want to partner with congregations and groups in Ghana for learning and mission work.

The Evangelical Presbyterian Church Ghana was founded in 1847 by German missionaries, and under Scottish influence during the First World War organized itself as an independent Presbyterian denomination. It is located largely in the eastern part of the country and shares a long history with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Togo. The EP Church, as it is widely known, is working with evangelism efforts in urban areas and the relatively undeveloped northern part of the country. The church runs several health clinics, and its primary and middle schools can be found almost everywhere a church is located. The EP Church is known for its strong embrace of African music and culture and incorporating it into its Christian life and ministry. In recent years, there has been a special PC(USA) interest in supporting mission and outreach in the northern part of Ghana.

The Presbyterian Church of Ghana was founded in 1828 by Swiss missionaries, and also under Scottish influence during the first World War, organized itself as an independent Presbyterian denomination. The PCG has its historic base in the Accra-Kumasi corridor, but in recent decades, has placed an emphasis in expanding to all parts of Ghana, and especially to the north which the Christian presence has traditionally been much smaller. The church is noted for its high-quality schools, and for its collaboration with government to be the primary health provider in several municipalities.

Akrofi Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission, and Culture is a graduate school that offers both masters and doctoral degrees. It was organized in 1987 under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, and currently educates students from across Africa, Europe, and the Americas, with a special emphasis on African theology and church mission. ACI runs a short course, An Introduction to African Christianity, which has been attended by many PC(USA) individuals and congregational mission trips, and has been very well received. The school also publishes a journal of African Christianity, to which individuals can subscribe.

Trinity Theological Seminary is the ecumenical seminary run by the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Evangelical Presbyterian Church Ghana, and the Methodist Church Ghana. There are special centers associated with the seminary dedicated to African theology as it relates to women, and African theology in the local languages. Trinity has had close connections to several PC(USA) seminaries and often receives visiting American Presbyterian students.

Develop a new congregational or presbytery partnership by contacting Josh Heikkila, regional liaison for West Africa for Presbyterian World Mission.

Join the Ghana Mission Network and attend the annual meeting. Contact Josh Heikkila for information.

Come to Ghana and take part in an Introduction of African Theology at Akrofi Christaller Institute.

Please contact Josh Heikkila at if you are interested in developing a congregational or presbytery partnership, or having a mission trip to Ghana. Josh is the regional liaison for West Africa.

The Ghana Mission Network is an active group of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations and presbyteries that meets annually to share about work they are doing in Ghana. Get more information by contacting Josh Heikkila at

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