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Get Involved

Each season of church life provides volunteer opportunities. From helping with disaster responses, to joining mission trips, to participating in the General Assembly — your service can make the difference for individuals and communities across the country and around the world.

Learn more below about specific service opportunities, including a list of volunteer opportunities available through the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Immediate Help Needed:


Hurricane Relief Efforts

It is with the service of thousands of volunteers that hope continues to be borne out of the chaos of disasters. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is thankful to be part of a ministry with so many individuals and groups involved in serving.

Volunteers serve with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in a variety of capacities and commitment levels. Learn about various ways to volunteer with PDA, the commitment requirements, and how you can get involved.

Act With Us


Work teams or groups of volunteers (3+) help families and communities in the U.S. as they clean up and rebuild following a disaster. Skilled labor, compassionate hands, and open hearts are needed. 



A short-term mission trip, with good planning and leadership, can be an engaging and meaningful experience, with mutual benefit to the people who go and to the people receiving the group. Participation in a mission trip offers you and your church group a chance to share your time and talents with mission partners from other cultures and realities. Through the trip you learn from each other and worship and serve God together.

Short-Term Mission Trip Toolkit

  • The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) also offers study and education trips. You can find other study, prayer, and educational trips in the events calendar.
  • Presbyterian Women Churchwide now coordinates hands-on mission tours.

PW Churchwide


There are numerous great ways to get involved with the General Assembly, including elected service on a General Assembly level board, commission, or committee and serving as a commissioner or advisory delegate during the biennial General Assembly event.

Learn more from the list of Volunteering Opportunities below and the General Assembly Nominating Committee.

GA Nominating Committee

Abstract Art - Group of People

Other Volunteer Opportunities