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Upcoming Webinars
7:00 PM EST
Pondering God with Presbyterians: What do We Believe and Why?

Breaking the Myth of Presbyterian Fear of the "E" Word

Presbyterians have a long and rich history of evangelism. Rekindling the yearning to share the Good News of Christ’s love, we will incorporate the Yao mores of kalibu and ulongo, radical welcome, and relationship. Employing these concepts we can live into our quest to answer Jesus' call to make disciples of all people.

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Fellows Retreat

From engaging with members of Congress to developing a voter education campaign, it was a busy and inspiring for summer fellows of the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness (OPW) and the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations (PMUN).

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Breaking the Myth of Presbyterian Fear of the "E" Word

Presbyterians have a long and rich history of evangelism. Rekindling the yearning to share the Good News of Christ’s love, we will incorporate the Yao mores of kalibu and ulongo, radical welcome, and relationship. Employing these concepts we can live into our quest to answer Jesus' call to make disciples of all people.

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