Centering Partners Voices - Paradox of Plenty, the Resource Curse
Jaff Bamenjo, the Coordinator of RELUFA, the Network for the Fight Against Hunger in Cameroon and Steve Tammotu, an Intern with RELUFA, joined us for a discussion on the concept of Resource Curse.
They explained the resource curse and its links to colonization. The resource curse, also known as the “paradox of plenty”, refers to the phenomenon where countries rich in natural resources, such as oil, minerals, or gas, often experience less economic growth and worse development outcomes than countries with fewer natural resources. Many of these resource rich countries experience high levels of poverty, high levels of authoritarianism, elevated risks for conflicts, and difficulty meeting the essential needs of its population for healthcare, education, infrastructure, and food security.
Using the example of Cameroon, they examined why poverty is so high in a country that has more than enough to meet the needs of its entire population, and what can be done to reverse this situation.