Statistics & Lists
The files maintained by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are based on the responsibilities of the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly. The processes in place are to ensure the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly remains in compliance with the Book of Order and General Assembly mandates.
A few of the rolls — or lists — maintained by the Stated Clerk include ministers, churches, and clerks of session. The General Assembly also mandates the collection and publication of the statistics of churches as part of the Minutes of the General Assembly, Part II, Statistics.
Access featured statistical reports and lists below.
Annual Statistical Reporting
Guidance and access for churches and presbyteries to the year-end statistics online reporting system.
Denominational Statistics
Comparative Summary
Complete Statistics
Looking for a full list of PC(USA) statistical information?
Church Lists
Do you need to update your church data?
Changes can be made in the online reporting system.

Church Trends
Church Trends is the site for all PC(USA) data, managed by Research Services in coordination with the Office of the General Assembly.
Whether you’re looking for a general overview of the national church or more specific information related to your congregation, presbytery, or synod, Church Trends is the place to access all statistics related to the PC(USA).