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About PC(USA)
Small white rural church blue sky

What is a congregation?

As explained in the Book of Order, the congregation is “the basic form of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), but it is not of itself a sufficient form of the church.” Congregations are bound together in communion with one another, united in relationships of accountability and responsibility, contributing their strengths to the benefit of the whole, and are called, collectively, the church. Each congregation is a formally organized community chartered and recognized by a presbytery. 


What is a new worshiping community?

New worshiping communities join people together for contextual, faith-based ministry using current and historic ways of being church as springboards for creative innovation.

As distinct yet connected expressions of the body of Christ, new worshiping communities have local leadership arising from their own community of faith. Pastoral leadership, facilities, and programs are all appropriately structured in order to demonstrate good and faithful stewardship. 

Learn more about new worshipping communities

How We Serve: Churches & Church Leaders

The Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy met at Second Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Missouri on April 13, 2024.

Learn about resources and other support for Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations and new worshiping communities.


Congregations and new worshipping communities