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Ministry Engagement & Support

The Ministry Engagement and Support Team gathered for a photo.

Ministry Engagement and Support

Connecting Presbyterian generosity for the sake of Christ’s mission

Scripture teaches us that generosity and giving are elements of discipleship, a way to express gratitude for God’s unfailing and unmerited grace. Ministry Engagement and Support seeks to foster discipleship, particularly as it pertains to ministry support. We help Presbyterians respond to God’s call to be faithful stewards in all things while working to identify and secure the financial resources for Presbyterian ministries so that they may flourish.

You make mission happen — and we are here to help!

Contact your regional Ministry Engagement Advisor if you have any questions about individual, congregational or mid council giving.

Download the Map as a PDF

This is a map of the United States that shows the region each MEA serves to see this map as a pdf use the link above this image.