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About PC(USA)
GA226 Co-Moderators Cece Armstrong and Tony Larson

Rev. Cecelia Armstrong & Rev. Tony Larson

Co-Moderators of the 226th General Assembly (2024) 
of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

A Message from the Co-Moderators

"When we Live into Hope, then we have a reason to shout 'Hallelujah,' on purpose, everyday!

Once we acknowledge that Live Into Hope is an active way of responding to God’s grace and mercy, then we can do what is necessary to press forward in ways that we may or may not have moved previously on our varied journeys. Acknowledging Ephesians 5:15-20 to call the church to Luke 4:16-20, requires us to respond to one major question: How does the church LIVE?"

Get to Know the Co-Moderators

Schedule a Visit with the Co-Moderators

During their two-year term, the Co-Moderators of the 226th General Assembly (2024) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), will "serve as ambassadors of unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, telling the story of the church's life and upholding the people of God through prayer" (Standing Rules, H.1.a.(5)).

Submit a request for CeCe or Tony to participate in an event

Download and fill out the request form


and send the completed form to:

  • your synod and
  • Meg Rift by email (
    or mail to: 
    Office of the General Assembly
    Attn: Meg Rift
    100 Witherspoon St.
    Louisville, KY 40202

Synods have been asked to develop itineration within their bounds for the Moderator. Sharing this form with your synod will inform them that you have requested a visit so that they might include your visit in the plans.

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