Worship Service Materials
Planning Worship?
Are you thinking of starting a new worship service? Or changing your current service? Or perhaps you’re part of a new worshiping community that needs help structuring a worship service? A good place to start is with conversation about what constitutes good worship and by what theological norms you will make that judgment. Then you can start planning particular services.
Read a guide for planning worship at any church council meetings. Access other key worship resources below, including the Worship FAQ.

The Book of Common Worship is user-friendly and conducive to various worship styles. Responsive to the many changes in the church and world since the last revision in 1993, the new edition has been reimagined and redesigned to meet the needs of today's church. It is more informative, more user-friendly, and more flexible. Want to see sample prayers, the full table of contents and more?

Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music & the Arts
This sister site offers insight and inspiration for pastors, church musicians, artists, and other worship leaders. This quarterly journal is published by the PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship in partnership with the Presbyterian Association of Musicians.
Provides an abundance of liturgical resources, music suggestions, and visual art for every Sunday and festival of the Christian year.
Current topics in liturgy, music, preaching, and the arts. Other features of the Call to Worship website, available to all subscribers, include an online gallery, community forum, and archive of previous issues.
Subscribe to Call to Worship print editions and online access for $48 per year or online-only access for $40 per year.