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About PC(USA)

Hunger Program

The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) works to alleviate hunger and eliminate its root causes. As recognized by PC(USA) policies, hunger is an extremely complex phenomenon with economic, political, environmental, and social causes.

Working through relationships and partnerships in the United States and around the world, we seek to find out why people are hungry and to encourage action that will help address the underlying causes — including gender and racial injustice, systemic poverty, climate change and environmental racism, violent conflict, lack of affordable housing, and more. Because of the generous support of Presbyterians, we usually are able each year to make a real impact in communities struggling with hunger and poverty by supporting around 100 community groups in around 22 countries with just over $1 million.

PHP Reports

Open quote
“Enslaving poverty in a world of abundance is an intolerable violation of God’s good creation.”
Close quote
Book of Confessions, 9.46

PHP Advisory Committee

Hunger Action Advocates

Support Presbyterian Hunger Program

Your financial support enables the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) to witness to the healing love of Christ and to bring hope to communities and individuals struggling with hunger.


Contact Us

Rev. Rebecca Barnes, Coordinator

Valery Nodem, International Hunger

Andrew Kang Bartlett, National Hunger

Jessica Maudlin, Sustainable Living & Earth Care

Eileen Schuhmann, Global Engagement & Resources

Jennifer Evans, Communications & National Partners

Jenny Oldham, Hunger Program Support

Hunger Program Social Media