Matthew 25

Matthew 25 in the PC(USA)
Welcome to the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.’s Matthew 25 movement!
This transformative movement calls on mid councils, congregations, and groups to live out the church’s mission through bold and compassionate discipleship. Rooted in Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 25:31-46, this movement invites you to engage in three core pillars: building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty.
The Matthew 25 vision builds from the theme of wholeness or peace – shalom in the Hebrew text and Eirene in the Greek - and orients us toward what we are building, cultivating, and creating with God in lives and communities. We build beloved communities in part by dismantling the harm caused by racist structures. We cultivate economic wholeness when we act to eliminate the destructive influence of poverty on people and communities. These actions can welcome abundant life equity, and hope in our shared journey.
At its core, Matthew 25 is about the healing and restoration of relationships, systems, and societies that reflect God’s justice and love. Jesus was often referred to as the Prince of Peace. Like Christ, Matthew 25 seeks to embody wholeness in action.
Building congregational vitality empowers churches to be vibrant, engaging communities of faith. By fostering spiritual growth and community involvement, congregations create dynamic spaces for individuals to connect with God and each other in meaningful ways.
Dismantling structural racism is a call to acknowledge and address the deep-seated racial injustices that pervade our society. We strive to create inclusive, equitable communities by promoting awareness, understanding, and action to eliminate racism in all its forms.
Eradicating systemic poverty involves addressing the root causes of economic inequality and providing support to those in need. Through advocacy, service, and partnership, we work to create just systems and opportunities for all people to thrive.
The Matthew 25 movement’s three intersectional priorities include addressing climate change, militarism, gender justice, and heteropatriarchy. These priorities are intertwined with our core pillars, recognizing that true transformation requires a holistic approach to justice and compassion.
Join us in this journey of faith and action. Together, we can make a profound impact and bring the vision of a just and loving world to life.
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Learn about your own congregation’s strengths by taking the survey.
This collection of videos is featured on our resource page.
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Contact Us
DeEtte Decker
Manager of Vision Integration and Constituent Service