Commissioner/YAAD reporting form - GA220
220th General Assembly Principal Commissioners and YAAD Submission Instructions
Visit the 22oth General Assembly (2012) Web site.
The form for the names of principal commissioners and YAADs is attached to this document. The instructions that follow are to aid you in that process. If possible, complete and submit the form electronically to
- Please enter the Presbytery’s name in the first field
- Please fill in the number of members of the Presbytery as of December 31, 2010 at the top of the form in the provided field.
- Fill in the requested information for your commissioners and YAAD on the form. Note that the first set of entries is for TEACHING ELDERS while the second is for RULING ELDERS. The following information is requested:
- Last Name, First Name
- Mailing Address
- Daytime Phone
- Cell Phone
- Sex
- Racial/Ethnic Group
- Date of Birth
- When filling in the commissioner’s/YAAD’s R/E group please use the following as a key. If a commissioner identifies with more than one R/E group please use “other” and OGA will correct this during their registration process.
- African American/Black
- Asian American/Pacific Islander
- Hispanic/Latino
- International (not permanent resident or U.S. citizen)
- Middle Eastern American
- Native American/American Indian/Alaskan Native
- White, not of Hispanic origin
- Other
- When entering DOB use the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. You MUST enter the slashes for the program to recognize the date.
- If your Presbytery has more than 8,000 members please use multiple forms, according the chart below. (G-3.0501)
- 8,000 members or less: 1 ruling elder and 1 teaching elder .................................................. 1 form
- 8,001-16,000: 2 ruling elders and 2 teaching elders ............................................................. 2 forms
- 16,001-24,000: 3 ruling elders and 3 teaching elders ............................................................ 3 forms
- 24,001-32,000: 4 ruling elders and 4 teaching elders ........................................................... 4 forms
- 32,001-40,000: 5 ruling elders and 5 teaching elders ............................................................ 5 forms
- 40,001-48,000: 6 ruling elders and 6 teaching elders ............................................................ 6 forms
- 48,001 or more: 7 ruling elders and 7 teaching elders ............................................................ 7 forms
- If submitting electronically the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery must ensure his/her name is at the bottom of each form.
Published Date
Jan 26, 2012