The Church Calendar
Seasons and Festivals, Special Days and Other Celebrations
As the church keeps time with Christ through the year, we observe several different kinds of occasions.
- First, there are the seasons and festivals of the Christian year.
- Second, there are programmatic emphases of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
- Third, there are other events in public life that may be acknowledged in congregations.
This page provides an index to such occasions, with links to resources on the website of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
The Church Calendar
Advent Season (begins November 30, 2025)
Africa Day
All Saints’ Day (November 1, 2025)
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
Ascension of the Lord (May 29, 2025)
Ash Wednesday (begins March 5, 2025)
Baptism of the Lord (January 12, 2025)
Blue T-shirt Sunday
Camp and Retreat Sunday
Celebrate the Gifts of Women
Children’s Sabbath
Christ the King / Reign of Christ (November 23, 2025)
Christian and Citizen; Election Day
Christian Formation Week
Christmas Eve / Nativity (December 24, 2025)
Christmas Day / Nativity (December 25, 2025)
Christmas Joy Offering
Christmas Season (begins December 24, 2025)
College and Young Adult Sunday
Day of Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula
Disability Inclusion
Domestic Violence Awareness
Earth Day
Easter Day / Resurrection (April 20, 2025)
Easter Season (begins April 20, 2025)
Easter Vigil (April 19, 2025)
Educate a Child, Transform the World
Election Day
Epiphany of the Lord (January 6, 2025)
Evangelism Sunday
Fair Trade Day
Father’s Day
First Sunday of Advent
Forgiveness Sunday
Foster Care Month
Gifts of New Immigrants
Giving Tuesday
Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence
Good Friday (April 18, 2025)
Health Awareness and Prayer for Healing
Higher Education/Collegiate Ministries
Hiroshima Day
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Holy Week
Honest Patriotism for Christian Citizens
Human Rights Day
Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Hunger and Homelessness
Immigration Sunday
Independence Day
Intercultural Church
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade Abolition
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
International Day of Peace
International Day of Farmers’ Struggles
International Roma Day
International Women’s Day
Justice Advocacy Sunday
Labor Day
Legacy Giving Sunday
Lent Season (begins March 5, 2025)
Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
Matthew 25: Building Congregational Vitality Sunday
Matthew 25: Dismantle Structural Racism Sunday
Matthew 25: Eradicating Systemic Poverty Sunday
Maundy Thursday (April 17, 2025)
May Friendship Day
Memorial Day Observed
Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental Illness Awareness Week
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People
Mission Worker Sunday
Mothers’ Day
Mr. Rogers Day
Multicultural Church; Immigration
Nativity Fast
National Day of Prayer
National Gun Violence Awareness Day
National Suicide Prevention Month
Native American Day
New Year’s Day
Older Adult Week
Wills Emphasis Sunday
One Great Hour of Sharing
One Thousand and One (1001) New Worshiping Communities
Palestinian Nakba Remembrance Day
Palm/Passion Sunday (April 13, 2025)
PDA Blue T-shirt Sunday
Peace & Global Witness Offering
Pentecost (June 8, 2025)
Pentecost Offering
Per Capita Sunday
Presbyterian Federal Chaplaincies
Presbyterian Heritage
Presbyterian Media Sunday
Presbyterian Men
Presbyterians Affirm Black Lives Matter
Presidents Day
Public Education
Race Relations/Racial & Intercultural Justice
Reformation Sunday
Rural Life
Season of Peace begins
Self-Development of People Sunday
September 11 Anniversary
A Social Creed for the 21st Century
Souper Bowl of Caring
Stewardship Commitment
Thanksgiving Day
Theological Education/Seminary
Thursdays in Black
Transfiguration of the Lord (March 2, 2025)
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Trinity Sunday (June 15, 2025)
Veterans Day
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Wills Emphasis Sunday
World AIDS Day; Presbyterian HIV/AIDS Awareness
World Communion
World Community Day
World Day of Prayer
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
World Food Day
World Refugee Day
Young Adult Volunteer Commissioning Sunday
Young Adult Volunteers
Youth and the World Sunday
Day of Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula
Youth in the Church and World
New Year’s Day (Jan. 1, 2025)
Epiphany of the Lord (January 6, 2025)
Human Trafficking Awareness Day (Thursday, Jan. 11, 2025)
Baptism of the Lord (January 12, 2025)
Matthew 25: Dismantle Structural Racism Sunday (Jan. 19, 2025)
Racial & Intercultural Justice/Presbyterians Affirm Black Lives Matter (Jan. 19, 2025)
Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday (Jan. 20, 2025)
Ecumenical Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins (Jan. 18, 2025)
Per Capita Sunday (Jan. 19, 2025)
World Interfaith Harmony Week Begins (Feb. 1, 2025)
Remember our Chaplains - Presbyterian Federal Chaplaincies (Feb. 2, 2025)
Thursdays in Black (Feb. 6, 2025)
Presbyterian Media Sunday (Feb. 9, 2025)
Camp and Retreat Sunday (Feb. 9, 2025)
Souper Bowl of Caring (Feb. 9, 2025)
Presidents’ Day (Feb. 17, 2025)
Fasting Season of Ramadan begins (March 1, 2025)
Forgiveness Sunday (March 2, 2025)
Transfiguration of the Lord (March 2, 2025)
Ash Wednesday (begins March 5, 2025)
Lent Season (begins March 5, 2025)
World Day of Prayer (March 7, 2025)
International Women’s Day (March 8, 2025)
PDA Blue T-Shirt Sunday (March 9, 2025)
Celebrate the Gifts of Women (March 16, 2025)
Self-Development of People (March 16, 2025)
Justice Advocacy Sunday (March 16, 2025)
Mr. Rogers Day (March 20, 2025)
Matthew 25: Building Vital Congregations Sunday (April 6, 2025)
International Roma Day (April 8, 2025)
Black Maternal/Birthing Health Week begins (April 11-17, 2025)
Palm/Passion Sunday (April 13, 2025)
International Day of Farmers’ Struggles (April 17, 2025)
Maundy Thursday (April 17, 2025)
Good Friday (April 18, 2025)
Easter Vigil (April 19, 2025)
Easter Day / Resurrection (April 20, 2025)
Easter Season (begins April 20, 2025)
Earth Day (April 22, 2025)
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day (April 24, 2025)
Mental Health Awareness Month begins (May 1, 2025)
Foster Care Month begins (May 1, 2025)
National Day of Prayer (May 1, 2025)
May Friendship Day (May 2, 2025)
Older Adult Week begins (May 4, 2025)
Legacy Giving Sunday (May 4, 2025)
National Day of Awareness and Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People (May 5, 2025)
Holocaust Remembrance Day (May 6, 2025)
Fair Trade Day (May 10, 2025)
Mother’s Day (May 11, 2025)
Palestinian Nakba Remembrance Day (May 15, 2025)
Mission Worker Sunday (May 18, 2025)
Presbyterian Heritage Sunday (May 18, 2025)
Africa Day (May 25, 2025)
Ascension of the Lord (May 29, 2025)
Intercultural Church Sunday (June 1, 2025)
1001 New Worshiping Communities (June 1, 2025)
National Gun Violence Awareness Day (June 6, 2025)
Pentecost (June 8, 2025)
Trinity Sunday (June 15, 2025)
Father’s Day; Presbyterian Men (June 15, 2025)
Juneteenth (June 19, 2025)
World Refugee Day (June 20, 2025)
Season of Prayer and Reflection in the Korean Peninsula begins (June 25–Aug. 15, 2025)
Independence Day (July 4, 2025)
Immigration Sunday (July 6, 2025)
Kenya Mission (July 21, 2025)
College and Young Adult Sunday (Aug. 3, 2025)
Hiroshima Day (Aug. 6, 2025)
International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples (Aug. 9, 2025)
Youth and the World Sunday (June 10, 2025)
Day of Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula (Aug. 10, 2025)
Young Adult Volunteer Commissioning Sunday (Aug. 17, 2025)
Public Education Day (Aug. 20, 2025)
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade Abolition (Aug. 23, 2025)
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (Sept. 1, 2025)
National Suicide Prevention Month begins (Sept. 1, 2025)
Disaster Preparedness Month begins (Sept. 1, 2025)
Labor Day and A Social Creed for the 21st Century (Sept. 1, 2025)
Season of Peace begins (Sept. 7 - Oct 5, 2025)
Christian Formation Week begins; Christian Formation Celebration (Sept. 7, 2025)
September 11 Anniversary (Sept. 11, 2025)
Disability Inclusion Sunday (Sept. 14, 2025)
Evangelism Sunday (Sept. 21, 2025)
International Day of Peace (Sept. 21, 2025)
Gifts of New Immigrants (Sept. 21, 2025)
Native American Day (Sept. 26, 2025)
Mental Illness Awareness Week begins (Oct. 1, 2025)
Peace & Global Witness Offering (Oct. 5, 2025)
World Communion Sunday (Oct. 5, 2025)
Indigenous Peoples Day (Oct. 13, 2025)
World Food Day (Oct. 16, 2025)
Children’s Sabbath; Educate a Child, Transform the World (Oct. 19, 2025)
Young Adult Volunteer Program (Oct. 20, 2025)
United Nations Day (Oct. 24, 2025)
Reformation Sunday (Oct. 26, 2025)
All Saints’ Day (November 1, 2025)
Election Day; Honest Patriotism for Christian Citizens (Nov. 4, 2025)
World Community Day (Nov. 7, 2025)
Veterans Day (Nov. 11, 2025)
Hunger and Homelessness (Nov. 16, 2025)
Transgender Day of Remembrance (Nov. 20, 2025)
Christ the King / Reign of Christ (November 23, 2025)
Matthew 25: Eradicating Systemic Poverty Sunday (Nov. 23, 2025)
Thanksgiving Day; Nativity Fast (Nov. 27, 2025)
Advent Season (begins November 30, 2025)
World AIDS Day; Presbyterian HIV/AIDS Awareness (Dec. 1, 2025)
Giving Tuesday (Dec. 2, 2025)
Human Rights Day (Dec. 10, 2025)
Christmas Joy Offering (Dec. 21, 2025)
Christmas Eve / Nativity (December 24, 2025)
Christmas Season (begins December 24, 2025)
Christmas Day / Nativity (December 25, 2025)