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nativity of the Lord
A painting of the Nativity by Italian artist Giotto di Bondone (1266-1337).

Since at least the fourth century in Rome, Christians have celebrated the incarnation and nativity of Jesus Christ on Dec. 25. There is more than one theory about the origin of this festival day. Some have suggested that it was established to replace the Roman feast of Natalis Solis Invicti (the “birthday of the unconquered sun”). Others believe that Jesus was conceived on March 25 (coinciding with the date of his crucifixion, as recorded by some witnesses in the early church); Dec. 25 is exactly nine months later.

Regardless, the time between Dec. 25 and Jan. 6 (Epiphany) has become an occasion for the church to celebrate and give thanks for the arrival of God’s Word made flesh — the light of God that has come into the world, the light that even death could not extinguish.

Christmas Inspiration

Christmas Resources

Read the Revised Common Lectionary Scripture lessons for the Nativity of the Lord:

Christmas Eve           Christmas Day

Adapted from the 1918 King’s College liturgy for a Service of Lessons and Carols, this prerecorded video from the PC(USA) national offices is provided for congregational use during this Christmas season. It features: a sermon from the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, former Stated Clerk of the PC(USA); a prayer and blessing from the Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, former President and Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency; Scripture readings from the Rev. Gregory Bentley and Ruling Elder Elona Street-Stewart, Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly (2020); and Christmas songs from a variety of traditions. The full text of the service is available; brief orders of worship and video captions are provided in English, Korean, and Spanish.

These prayers might be used in a variety of settings: Opening Prayers (at the beginning of worship) or concluding collects (after the Prayers of the People); for church websites or newsletters; or in personal, small group or family devotion.

Prayers for Christmas