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Acerca de la IP (EE. UU.)

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) supports efforts for renewal, justice and ecumenical cooperation in the United Kingdom through partner churches and organizations like the Church of Scotland,  the United Reformed Church and Corrymeela The United Kingdom is also an international site for the PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer program, where YAVs serve through the Church of Scotland.

Presbyterianism in North America traces its roots back to migration from Scotland and the north of Ireland. Today, the Church of Scotland seeks to witness to the gospel amidst a growing secular, and increasingly multicultural and multi-faith society. Although now a minority body, it still has an important role in local communities, in relating to other civic institutions, and in speaking out on issues of justice, peace, and the integrity of creation. There is a huge diversity of expression of church, in creative centers of urban ministry and worship renewal, remote islands, rural historic buildings used as stopping off points for pilgrims, community hubs in areas of deprivation, chaplaincy to prisons, schools, hospitals and workplaces. As an historic and missionary church, with a global outlook, the Church of Scotland continues to share in Christ’s call for unity through engagement with local and international ecumenical bodies, as well as sustaining vibrant, prayerful and mutually supportive connections with many churches around the world, mainly within the Reformed tradition, but also beyond.

In England and Wales churches also wrestle with declining membership and ministerial shortages as they minister in increasingly secular, multiracial and multi-faith contexts. Reimagining their witness in society, confronting racism and the widening gap between rich and poor are three of many issues that churches in the United Kingdom and the United States share and may usefully learn about from one another.  Churches in the UK, like the United Reformed Church, are especially experienced in supporting the witness of small churches, where churches of less than 20 members are not uncommon and in many places are supporting vibrant community ministries.  The United Reformed Church, with its global partners, is also actively engaged in working through the legacies of slavery, as part of its commitment to explore and practice anti-Imperial models of Christian life and witness.

In Northern Ireland, the PC(USA) continues to journey with Corrymeela in its reconciliation and community building efforts, working through the legacies of conflict and sectarianism that still haunt and threaten to trouble Northern Irish society.

Our Partners

United Kingdom Partner Churches and Organizations

Church of Scotland 
United Reformed Church
The Presbyterian Church of Wales
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

The Iona Community
Time for God

Mission Co-Worker Sending and Support

True mission partnership builds relationships by walking together in faith and friendship. Together we can build the body of Christ around the world!