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Go nationally

National disaster relief mission trips are available through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. The website provides information on how your group can help communities affected by disasters. There are congregations willing to serve as way station locations — offering volunteer work teams a place to stay overnight while journeying to or from their mission destination. To find out more about wayside congregations for volunteer work teams in transit, click here.

The Center in Baltimore hosts church groups interested in doing “mission outside the box.” The Center aims to “inspire and equip churches and individuals to engage boldly with their neighborhoods — to get involved where Christ’s love and justice are already at work.” Learn more about The Center.

Frontera de Cristo offers immersion opportunities for individuals and groups to get involved in the life of border ministry. Day- to week-long border immersions allow people to worship, learn and serve with their brothers and sisters from the churches and communities of Agua Prieta, Sonora, and Douglas, Arizona. Coffee, Migration and Faith trips are held each fall. 

Groups of young people may be interested in Memphis Youth Mission’s immersion programs. They offer week-long summer mission trips or weekend trips in the spring and fall. Learn more.

Go internationally

For international mission trips, group leaders are encouraged to contact PC(USA) mission co-workers in the region to seek more information and enter a process of discernment. These partnership facilitators walk alongside groups as they plan, lead and reflect on mission experiences. They can be helpful to you before, during and after your mission trip.

International disaster relief mission trips: Find out how your group can help communities affected by disasters.

Presbyterian Women Mission Trips: Presbyterian Women organize regular trips to participate in mission work or learn about the mission needs of a particular region.

Need leader resources? Go to the Learn page or contact our office: or

*Please note that a listing on this web page does not imply an endorsement of the mission site by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Contact Us

Ellen Sherby
Coordinator for Equipping for Mission Involvement

Stephanie Caudill
Associate for Equipping for Mission Involvement

Mission co-Worker Sending and Support

True mission partnership builds relationships by walking together in faith and friendship. Together we can build the body of Christ around the world!

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