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Acerca de la IP (EE. UU.)

Acerca del Comité

El Comité de Defensa para la Equidad Racial mantiene un fuerte testimonio profético en la iglesia como defensor de las personas racializadas, supervisando los problemas existentes y emergentes en la iglesia y la sociedad, ya que afectan a nuestras comunidades constituyentes. Los temas incluyen, entre otros, los derechos civiles, la justicia racial, la justicia económica, la educación pública, la aplicación de la ley, la atención sanitaria, el empleo, la vivienda, los derechos de inmigración y la justicia medioambiental.

The Racial Equity Advocacy Committee (REAC) is a prophetic voice that serves to hold the PC(USA) to the commitments it has made to inclusiveness with equity in all areas of the life and work of the church in society.

REAC is responsible for involving racial ethnic people in the formation of public policy, particularly where race is a factor that negatively impacts the quality of life of people of color. The committee also monitors the implementation of policies adopted by the church that impact the quality of life of racial ethnic people in the church and in the world.

REAC advocates for full access with equity for all racial-ethnic/immigrant groups to all programs, ministries, middle governing bodies, and congregations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), monitoring decisions and issues that impact all, but most directly, the lives of racial ethnic people in the church.

The 205th General Assembly (1993) approved the creation of the Racial Equity Advocacy Committee.

According to the Presbyterian Mission Agency Manual of Operations:

The Racial Equity Advocacy Committee shall have direct access to the General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board. In accordance with the recommendation of the 220th General Assembly (2012), the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board shall meet at least once every two years with the elected leadership of the advocacy committees for strategic reflection and anticipation concerning racial ethnic concerns.

Access to the General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board shall be in the form of policy statements, resolutions, study papers, racial involvement reports, a yearly narrative report, Advice and Counsel Memoranda, and other appropriate correspondence. Advice and Counsel Memoranda shall be developed in consultation with other advisory and advocacy committees as appropriate.

The committee shall submit its General Assembly report to the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Executive Committee for review and possible comments by the Presbyterian Mission Agency (Presbyterian Mission Agency Manual of Operations Appendix 1F, I.B.3).

The functions of the committee are twofold: advocacy and monitoring.

Through advocacy, the committee continually evaluates shifting social trends in church and society and provides Advice and Counsel to the General Assembly and Presbyterian Mission Agency Board in response to their request or on its own initiative. The chairperson of REAC is a corresponding member of the General Assembly and the General Assembly Mission Council.

The committee also monitors the implementation of programs and policies on racial justice. These responsibilities are fulfilled in consultation with other agencies and committees, including the Advocacy Committee for Women and Gender Justice, the Women of Color Joint Working Group, the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, and the National Caucuses and Councils representing people of color and new immigrants.

In order to effectively advocate and monitor, REAC:

  • Reports directly to the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board and the General Assembly, where it participates with voice, but not vote.
  • Meets three times annually.
  • Provides an orientation session for commissioners to General Assembly.
  • Participates in the preparation of policy statements, resolutions, recommendations, and reports to the General Assembly and Advice and Counsel Memoranda on issues of interest and concern to people of color.
  • May respond to particular issues at the request of the General Assembly, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board, or on its own initiative.
  • Works with the Stated Clerk, the Moderator of the General Assembly and the Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency to provide information and assistance as they fulfill their responsibilities to communicate and interpret General Assembly policies on issues that impact people of color.
  • Assists the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy to maintain an up-to-date and accurate compilation of General Assembly policy on racial justice concerns and provide information to the church as requested.
  • Works with the Advocacy Committee for Women and Gender Justice to help the church maintain a strong prophetic witness for social justice.


  • Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy
  • Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns
  • General Assembly Nominating Committee
  • Mission Responsibility Through Investment


  • National Asian Presbyterian Council
  • National Black Presbyterian Caucus
  • National Hispanic/Latino Presbyterian Caucus
  • National Middle Eastern Presbyterian Caucus
  • Native American Consulting Committee


Julissa Alvarez-Garcia

Reginald Avant

Kymberlaine Banks
Vice Chair, Dual Member on the Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI)

Flora Wilson Bridges

Sarang Kang
Liaison to Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP)

Noha Khoury-Bailey
Chair, Dual Member on A Corp Board

Carmen Rosario

Sobhy Sadak Girgis


Tamar Wasoian, from the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP)

Le Anne Clausen de Montes, from the Advocacy Committee for Women and Gender Justice (ACWGJ)


Mel Tubb, Coordinator for Advocacy Support 

Hayley Scheir, Mission Specialist for Committee Support  

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Llamados a ser ". . .hacedores de la palabra y no meros oidores"
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James 1:22a

Candidaturas a la AG

El proceso de nominaciones a la Asamblea General se basa en la aplicación y refleja el compromiso de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) para garantizar la plena participación y representación de la rica diversidad de la iglesia en el gobierno de la iglesia.

Obtenga más información


Mel Tubb
Apoyo del Comité de

Hayley Scheir
Especialista de Misión de Apoyo a Comités

Open Meeting Policy

As approved by the 209th General Assembly (1997) and amended by the 218th General Assembly (2008), the Open Meeting Policy applies to the General Assembly and its related entities and work groups.

Review the Policy