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Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Staff and Advisory Comittee

Staff and Advisory Comittee

Rev. Edwin González-Castillo

Director, 800-728-7228, ext. 5084

Edwin manages the staff and programs of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, overseeing domestic and international response initiatives. He appreciates the opportunity to serve as the “face” of PDA, interpreting our mission in churches, presbyteries and synods; and teaching, developing curriculum, and writing for various publications. He leads and supports collaborative efforts with neighboring ministry areas within the PC(USA) and among our ecumenical and interfaith partners in disaster response.

David Barnhart

Associate for Story Ministry

David is a producer and director for PDA’s Story Ministry. He produces, directs, and promotes documentaries for PDA for the purpose of tracking and sharing stories of disaster relief and recovery. He also develops and facilitates PDA Story Ministry initiatives with survivors and their communities that educate the public about the continuum of disaster preparedness, disaster, and disaster recovery.

Rev. Nell Herring

Associate for Volunteer Ministries, 502-938-9015

Nell coordinates all domestic response efforts, manages PDA’s hosting ministry, and supports the National Volunteer Program’s long-term recovery efforts. She works with the National Response Team, volunteer work teams, mid councils, churches, host sites, and planning teams to provide support to PDA’s current and prospective volunteers. Mindful of PDA’s ministry, Nell is working to expand and diversify our volunteer base. As PDA works to decolonialize mission practices, Nell is working to restructure our practices so they convey mutuality and respect for volunteers, staff, and disaster survivors.

Rev. Jim Kirk

Associate for National Disaster Response, 502-569-5036

Jim trains, recruits, coordinates, and manages the PDA National Response Team. He works with middle governing bodies to enable response to disasters in their area and tracks our national responses. He is responsible for decision making around where we respond and at what financial level. Working with middle governing bodies, congregations, National VOAD partners and other organizations, he helps to establish and offer consultation about the operation of Presbyterian Volunteer Villages where volunteer work teams can be hosted as they help rebuild disaster-affected communities. Jim also oversees PDA equipment and operations at the PDA National Call Center/Warehouse.

Mary Lidtke

Mission Specialist for Grant Processing

Mary provides overall program support for Humanitarian and Global Ecumenical Engagement grant administration, including management of records, grant requests, and reporting.

Michelle Muñiz

Associate for Resource Development and Outreach, 502-823-9096

Michelle focuses on the development of resources, interpreting, and amplifying the work of PDA, and supports PDA’s outreach through Counter Stories Productions. Michelle works in collaboration with the Associate for Constituent Relations and the Associate for Story Ministry.

Dayna Oliver

Associate for International Program Administration, (800) 728-7228, x8700

Dayna assists with the international disaster responses of PDA, primarily walking with partners through the grants process and tracking fund allocation and reporting. She helps to provide communication with partners and to interpret the international work of PDA more widely.

Rev. Dr. Kathy Riley

Associate for Emotional and Spiritual Care, 859-536-7792

Kathy is responsible for coordinating the Emotional and Spiritual Care offerings that PDA offers through the course of disaster response and long term recovery, as well as in “blue sky” times to assist partners in being ready to provide emotional and spiritual care to others when disaster strikes. She responds to requests from mid councils, VOAD partners, and other organizations for our programs and helps prepare National Response Team members to present them. Kathy is also involved in developing and revising the curriculum for PDA’s emotional and spiritual care ministry.

Omar Salinas Chacón

Mission Specialist for Migration Accompaniment Ministries, 502-381-4657

Omar helps coordinate PC(USA)'s domestic response to refugee, asylum seekers, and other forced migrants at the border and throughout the country. He helps connect Presbyterians to organizations already doing the work on the ground and helps Presbyterians find ways to meaningfully engage and empower forced migrants in their communities.  He coordinates PDA assistance and technical support to mid councils and local task forces to equip congregations in their respective ministries. He also works with other PC(USA) ministries and with ecumenical and interfaith partners to expand our capacity to serve refugees and other vulnerable migrants. This also includes working with partner organizations and Presbyterians on immigrant lead advocacy at the national, state, and local level.

Becca Snipp

Administrative Project Manager, 800-728-7228, ext. 5326

Becca provides support for PDA staff, volunteers, and contract staff, provides support in the organizing, preparation and implementation of training events and gatherings, tracks volunteer activity, and maintains such records as requested.

Cameron Stevens

Associate for Constituent Relations and Outreach, 800-728-7228, ext. 5839

Cameron manages communications and outreach for PDA, including but not limited to web maintenance, social media, the PDA blog, developing resources and reports, coordinating translations and warehouse inventory management. Cameron is also a member of the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster Communications Committee.

Advisory Comittee

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is guided in its policy making, strategic planning, and program development by an advisory committee of seven members elected by the General Assembly. Committee members possess a variety of skills, knowledge and experience and are considered an integral part of the program.

The term of service on the PDA Advisory Committee is normally two or three years and the commitment is to attend two meetings per year and to be available by conference call between meetings.

We are always seeking persons with special skills and knowledge in the areas of communication/public relations, financial management, and information systems management. Prior experience in disaster response and international relief ministries is very helpful.

Member selections are made through the General Assembly Nominating Committee process. If you are interested in being on the PDA Advisory Committee, please contact Valerie Izumi.

Our current Advisory Committee members are:

  • Co-Chair Rev. Laura Mariko Cheifetz, Presbytery of Middle Tennessee
  • Co-Chair Rev. Jerrod Lowry, Coastal Carolina Presbytery
  • Elder Dagmary Fornés Arcelay, Presbiterio del Noroeste
  • Rev. Fern Cloud, Dakota Presbytery
  • Rev. Hardy Kim, Presbytery of San Jose
  • Elder Kathy Johnson, New Hope Presbytery
  • Amy Kim Kyremes-Parks, Presbytery of Western North Carolina
  • Marilyn Stone, National Response Team Liaison, Milwaukee Presbytery