Short-term mission toolkit: Worship
Devotional guide template for use during a mission trip
You may customize this Word document, which was created in partnership with staff at Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Liturgical resources
Worship Resources from A Journey Together: A Resource for Short-Term Mission Volunteers and their Congregations (1996, Worldwide Ministries Division, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.))
Commissioning to Service from the 2018 Book of Common Worship, written by Sara Lisherness, interim director of Presbyterian World Mission.
A Commissioning Service from A Journey Together: A Resource for Short-Term Mission Volunteers and their Congregations (1996, Worldwide Ministries Division, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.))
Commissioning Service from When God’s People Travel Together Volume II
Group Covenanting Service from When God’s People Travel Together Volume II
Another Service of Sending Forth: The Covenant of the Salt from A Journey Together: A Resource for Short-Term Mission Volunteers and their Congregations (1996, Worldwide Ministries Division, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.))
Contact Us
Ellen Sherby
Coordinator for Equipping for Mission Involvement
Stephanie Caudill
Associate for Equipping for Mission Involvement