Short-term mission toolkit: Learn
Learning ahead of time about context, culture, history, current events and the ways of life of the people you are visiting can help prepare mission trip participants for experiences that transform those who are going and those who are hosting.
What do Presbyterians believe?
Presbyterians Do Mission in Partnership (English)
The practice of partnership guides our whole connectional church. It guides us individually as members, officers and pastors. It guides us collectively as congregations, presbyteries, synods, General Assembly ministries and related institutions. This document paraphrases a policy statement adopted by the 215th General Assembly (2003) regarding mission in partnership.
Los presbiterianos hacemos misión en hermanamiento
La práctica del hermanamiento guía a toda nuestra iglesia conexional. Nos guía individualmente como miembros, líderes y pastores. Nos guía colectivamente en nuestras congregaciones, presbiterios, sínodos, ministerios de la Asamblea General, e instituciones vinculadas. Este documento parafrasea una declaración de política adoptada por la 215a Asamblea General (2003) sobre la misión en hermanamiento.
Basic Information
Further Study
Contact Us
Ellen Sherby
Coordinator for Equipping for Mission Involvement
Stephanie Caudill
Associate for Equipping for Mission Involvement