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About PC(USA)

Presbyterian World Mission works in partnership with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. The extensive PC(USA) Kenya Mission Network helps promote knowledge of and commitment to most effective partnership practices. World Mission encourages Kenya Mission Network members to engage in best practices of caring for orphans and vulnerable children, to support training of pastors, to support Women’s Guild work with marginalized people, and to promote work of Presbyterian Church of East Africa in outreach and mission areas.

About our work

We currently have one mission co-worker serving Kenya: the Rev. Paula Cooper, Regional Liaison for East Central Africa. Paula supports relationships with partner churches in Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, and Rwanda, facilitates partnerships with PC(USA) churches, presbyteries and other organizations, and supports mission co-workers.

Read more about Paula's ministry on her profile page, which you can find here.

Presbyterian World Mission works in partnership with the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. Missionaries from the Church of Scotland baptized the first Kikuyu convert in 1907. In 1956, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa was formed. Today the Presbyterian Church of East Africa is a thriving church, estimated at as much as 4 million members. Those members are organized into 1,000 congregations and served by 450 pastors. The church’s primary foci are education and health care. Presbyterian Church of East Africa maintains three hospitals and several health centers, two schools for deaf children, and it sponsors many primary and secondary schools. In particular, the primary school at Eastleigh Community Center serves Kenyans, Ethiopians, and Somalis and emphasizes attitudes of respect, harmony, and co-existence between children from different religious backgrounds.

In addition, Presbyterian Church of Africa operates the growing Presbyterian University of East Africa. Theological students are trained through an open and distance learning program, a diploma program, and a Bachelor’s of Theology program. The university also offers accredited degree programs in Education, Computer Science, and Business Administration.

World Mission also maintains relationships with the All Africa Conference of Churches, with the Program for Christian Muslim Relations in Africa, and with the Christian Organizations Research and Advisory Trust for Africa, all located in Nairobi. AACC is a fellowship of Christian Churches in Africa, which accounts for over 120 million Christians across the continent.

Join the Kenya Mission Network, one of more than 40 networks that connect Presbyterians who share a common mission interest. Most participants are involved in mission partnerships through congregations, presbyteries, or synods. Network members come together to coordinate efforts, share best practices, and develop strategies. Go to the Kenya Mission Network website or contact Kenya Mission Network moderator Robert McCutcheon at for the date and location of the next Kenya Mission Network Conference. 

Consider developing a partnership with a congregation or institution of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa in keeping with the interest of your congregation. Experience transformation of your own congregation as you witness the incredible faith of Kenyans praising God in the face of poverty. Contact Paula Cooper at for more information. 

Help alleviate poverty in Kenya by partnering with Presbyterian Church of East Africa in the campaign to provide quality education for children. 

Rev. Paula Cooper, regional liaison

Mission Co-Worker Sending and Support

True mission partnership builds relationships by walking together in faith and friendship. Together we can build the body of Christ around the world!