February 20, 2022
News, media, information, publishing and the spiritual or divine are inseparable — digital or otherwise. This fact has been laid bare since the pandemic began. Churches have had to respond quickly to increased anxieties and new challenges, all while reimagining the ways we gather as disciples of Jesus. How can they worship and serve faithfully in a strange time, when we are not gathered in bodily presence?
On this day, we celebrate publishing in the PC(USA) in the service of truth, justice and peace, through news, information and inspiration found in printed and digital magazines, books, curricula and other resources.
Sharing information is intended to stimulate discussion, increase engagement, inspire action and open eyes to see the world through faith. Media — print, social, digital, film — provides mediums so that together we can lift our voices in a proactive way to bring attention to injustices.
The Communications Ministry of the Presbyterian Mission Agency has been successful in helping church communicators understand the need for planning their communications efforts and implementing best practices for those efforts. They link Presbyterians who are officially responsible for communications in their synod, presbytery or congregation through workshops, e-newsletters, social media and other communications vehicles that provide shape and grounding for our efforts to answer the call of Christ to the Church, especially in this moment.
Christ’s followers are called to vigorous engagement in the world. Storytelling is one way to engage communities and respond to the urgent call to be a church of action, where God’s love, justice and mercy shine forth and are contagious.
Information sharing is a fundamental part of our connectionality as Presbyterians. It unites the PC(USA), creating a spark that energizes and joins us in our common mission together.
Melody K. Smith, Manager of Organizational Communications, Presbyterian Mission Agency
Today's Focus: Presbyterian Media Sunday
Let us join in prayer for:
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Laurie Kraus, Director, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Mission Agency
Susan Krehbiel, Associate, Refugee & Asylum Catalyst, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Mission Agency
Let us pray
Holy Spirit,
you are the one who blessed the first disciples
with the words to spread God’s love.
We pray for power to proclaim your word
through our own unique gifts and mediums.
Bless all who use their talents to send
out the message and bless those who receive it.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.