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Updated Earth Care Congregations Guide

Earth Care Congregations
Environmental Ministries started the Earth Care Congregations program in 2010, and since then more than 50 churches have used A Guide to Greening Presbyterian Churches to become certified as Earth Care Congregations. The goal of the program is to inspire churches to care for God’s earth in a holistic way, through integrating earth care into all of church life. In addition to recognizing churches that have committed to the mission of earth care, the program guide can be used to help churches that are just getting started on earth care structure their program and find ideas and resources.

The Earth Care Congregation guide and application materials have been updated, incorporating new resources and feedback from churches who have become Earth Care Congregations. Download the updated Guide to Greening Presbyterian Churches, which links to the First Year Application Materials and to the Recertification Application. The new application forms can be filled out and saved on your computer to send as a digital application, or printed and sent in via mail or fax. If your church has already started on the Earth Care Congregation certification process using the old version, please continue on that path.

Learn more about the Earth Care Congregations program and consider using it in your church to explore holistic earth care.


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Topics: Congregations, Earth Care Congregations
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