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Traveling Light

A Letter from Betsey and Eric Moe, preparing to serve in Guatemala

Winter 2022

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Dear friends,

Greetings from Guatemala!

We arrived January 5 after an almost-two-year pandemic delay, and we are thrilled to be here. We are loving the volcano views, the fresh fruit, and the challenge of communicating in Spanish, but we are especially grateful for the kind spirit of welcome that met us here. Gracious hospitality is everywhere.

Here are a few examples: At the airport, a man in a teal polo, perhaps an airport employee, rounded up two large wheeled carts to tote our luggage and then helped us get all of our dog’s paperwork checked by customs officials. I had lost sleep for weeks wondering how we were going to manage it all when we arrived.

Our CEDEPCA colleagues Esvin, Nancy, and Freddy met us right outside the airport in the CEDEPCA shuttle and whisked us away to the home of our Regional Liaison, Leslie Vogel. There we were met by Leslie and more of the CEDEPCA family (Judith and Priscilla) who showered us with an enthusiastic “We’re so glad to have you here!” before being offered a quiet spaghetti dinner and warm beds where we could lay our heads.

The property manager at our apartment, Flor, besides being attentive to any question or problem we have, took us on a ride around the neighborhood on our second day and introduced us to another missionary couple. That couple introduced us to a bilingual mechanic named Darvy who helped us through the complicated process of buying a used car.

[ngg src="galleries" ids="1077" display="pro_horizontal_filmstrip" show_captions="1"]Jamie, a fellow parent at Owen and Zoey’s new school, emailed me on the kids’ first day: “If there is anything I can help you with as you adjust to life in Antigua, or answer any questions...I remember the feelings of adjusting and just trying to figure out groceries...let me know how I can help.” Within the week, she accompanied us to the public market and organized a coffee gathering to introduce us to other parents.

Several students in Owen’s 10th grade class invited him to join them on a parent-kid hike up the Acatenango Volcano, something Owen had dreamed of doing. Eric and Owen completed the hike in February, and both bonded with some new friends through fierce winds and sore quads.

My CEDEPCA co-workers have been faithful in extending friendship and help – loaning a car for us to use temporarily, offering to accompany us to open a bank account or to church, introducing Eric to local musicians. These gestures have been a lifeline for us in the transition.

What people here are teaching us is that being present with a person who is vulnerable in some way— a new neighbor, a child, a migrant, a person who doesn’t speak the dominant language of a place – is a gift that cannot be underestimated. The love of God is known through simple acts of welcome. Eric and I hope to be a part of the team that extends the same kindness and welcome to visiting groups as they start coming to Guatemala through CEDEPCA’s Intercultural Encounters ministry. We trust that wherever YOU are, you are extending God’s love through your kindness.

You have already shown your kindness to us – through joining with us in financial support, prayers, and friendship. You have believed in the work we are called to do in the midst of the chaos and disappointment of the pandemic. Thank you for being a part of the network of love and support that made our move possible.

Muchas gracias y bendiciones – many thanks and blessings – from Guatemala!

Betsey and Eric Moe