Is your congregation curious about energy efficiency and/or renewable energy? Have you heard about the financial resources, tax incentives and pathways provided by this year’s legislation passed through the U.S. Congress for some of these kinds of projects?
While not all congregations will be able to make use of these resources, some may be able to use opportunities now while others could use some of these ideas to plan for the future. These aren't the easiest resources to figure out how to access. Thus, we are grateful for experts, organizations and friends who've shared ideas of how to make good use of these offerings.
In addition to the curated list below, you can find other great webinars from Interfaith Power and Light ( as well as Presbyterians for Earth Care ( to help in your learning.
Webinars and Web Sites for more information
- A follow-up website is It’s a lot of content but this spreadsheet might be particularly helpful to you as it has things broken down by types of work:
- Website explains sort of what is covered by the “direct pay” that’s referenced on IPLS page and this FAQ may also be useful:
In addition to these webinars and web sites about public funding and tips for saving energy and money, a reminder about the Restoring Creation Loan from Presbyterian Investment and Loan! Many congregations have made use of this great resource as a way to get started.
The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.
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