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Stones of Remembrance

A Letter from Myoungho Yang and Jiyeon Yoo, serving in China

Summer 2021

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Dear friends,

Grace and peace in Christ, our Lord.

We always say, “Time flies.” It really does. Seven years have passed very quickly since Jiyeon and I came to Hong Kong in 2014. Our ministry in Hong Kong will come to a close at the end of September. We came with great excitement, and we leave with great thanksgiving. We haven’t done any great things, but we have enjoyed God’s abundant grace. We may think we have served, but we can say we have been served by God’s loving care. It has been our great joy to walk with you in God’s mission. We are all co-workers of God. We thank you for your prayers and support.

It is also a great joy that I could share what I learned with students, and that I could learn from their experiences in their context. My students are actively serving in many areas as church leaders and teachers. They are fellow co-workers in God’s great mission. I believe that what we have planted and watered with you will grow and produce fruit because God is the one who makes things grow. We have enjoyed planting and watering.

During this seven-year ministry, Jiyeon and I encountered unexpected and unwanted difficulties when she had a stroke, was hospitalized, and had surgery. Almost three years have passed now, but I still give thanks to God for all your prayers and encouraging words whenever I recall those difficult times. Your loving support strengthened us during that time. We are so grateful. Jiyeon is doing well now!

[ngg src="galleries" ids="982" display="pro_horizontal_filmstrip" show_captions="1"]It is not easy to say goodbye to my colleagues and students in Hong Kong and leave the land I have been praying for and serving. But as Ecclesiastes (3:1-2) says, “… there is… a right time for everything on earth: …a right time to plant and another to reap….” So, we all can enjoy every time as a gift from God because our lives are under God’s plan. We will leave Hong Kong with trust and hope.

Because of the pandemic, we could not fellowship in person with my colleagues, students, and friends in Hong Kong when we left. But I had a chance to preach at one Thursday Worship Gathering that was streamed online where a limited number of students were present. Jiyeon and I also put stones of remembrance in the chapel font. (The school has a tradition that graduates leave a stone of remembrance in the font when they leave the school.) As our stones continue to decorate the font, the school and students will remain in our prayers. Those stones remind me of our class discussions, choir practices, school activities, smiles, tears, prayers, singing, and food that we shared over the years. We joined our hopes and pains with the hopes and pains of the people of Hong Kong as we witnessed history unfold. I remember when we climbed the hill on campus and prayed for Hong Kong, facing the river that runs through the northern part of the city. Classes were canceled, the school was closed, and we were evacuated during the freedom protests. Our short stay of seven years in Hong Kong was one of the most crucial periods of Hong Kong’s history. I also thank you for your prayers for Hong Kong during those days.

We are now in the U.S. sharing stories about our ministry in Hong Kong. It is difficult to meet in person at this time because of the pandemic, but we can connect virtually with your congregation, group, or committee. If you are interested in inviting us to join you, please let us know so that we can set up a meeting.

Thank you for walking with us thus far in our ministry in Hong Kong. Please continue to walk with us as we follow God’s leading. Please continue to remember Hong Kong and Mainland China in your prayers.

In Grace and Peace of Christ,

Myoung Ho and Ji Yeon