Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence (documentary)

The Trigger documentary frames gun violence as a “disaster” and “public health” issue. It examines how one shooting impacts individuals, families and communities and gives voice to the questions and insights that arise. In the documentary, all those scarred by gun violence arrived at the question, "Why did this happen to us?” After looking at these in depth experiences of gun violence, Trigger turns its attention to the bigger question, "What can we do to prevent gun violence?”
While in production in 2012, Trigger was selected for broadcast by NBC in cities around the country and a version of the film was completed specifically for these broadcasts. This version is available on DVD for purchase HERE.
Production continued on Trigger from 2015-2017 and the final version of the film, with new interviews and updated content, was completed in 2017. The film is currently available on Amazon Prime.