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Resolution on Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse Against Educators with Study Guide (2004)

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The 216th General Assembly (2004) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in reliance upon God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in exercise of its responsibility to witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every dimension of life, has approved this resolution on “Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse Against Educators.” It is presented for the guidance and edification of the whole Christian Church and the society to which it ministers; and will determine procedures and program for the ministry divisions and staff of the General Assembly and its Council. This resolution is recommended for consideration and study by other governing bodies (sessions, presbyteries, and synods) and is commended to the free Christian conscience of all congregations and the members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for prayerful study, dialogue, and action. 

This resolution is the result of a development process that addressed issues in the church in its internal community life and in its role as advocate within the social systems such as public and private, state and local educational institutions. It draws upon biblical sources and insights and presents a theological understanding for the challenges presented by this complex issue. The report affirms procedures for mandating reporting of child sexual abuse and the importance of handling complaints of child sexual abuse according to standards of fair process. By doing so, it seeks to balance the rights and duties of those accused of alleged child sexual abuse with the inherent needs and rights of the protection of children from abuse.

The included study and action guides designed for personal and class use in the hope that we may all become more aware of our call to be God’s people in our daily lives and work.