Resolution on Africa: A Guide for Study and Reflection
Nineteenth-century images of Africa continue to replay in our minds, even in this twenty- first century. We tend to be ignorant of the history of Africa and of its great diversity of life. We hold stereotypes of a backward continent. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has invited its members and friends to embark on a journey with Africans. If we no longer wish to look at Africa through a dim glass, but rather through high-intensity lenses, then we will have to be intentional in seeking new perspectives on a contemporary continent. This guide for study and reflection is intended for adults of all ages. Older youth may find it informative also."
In response to a General Assembly action this guide (2005) was produced by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy and the Worldwide Ministries Division to call attention to the continent of Africa. It offers six sessions with a wealth of material appropriate for adult, older youth, session and other study groups.