Report and Recommendations on Limited Water Resources and Takings with Study Guide
The purpose of this study is to help the church understand and struggle with the issues surrounding limited water resources and takings, to think about the impact humans and groups have on the natural world and environment, and explore why care for God's creation is part of our Christian call.
This resolution is “based on the theology, ethics, and social policy stated in the report, “Restoring Creation for Ecology and Justice,” adopted by the 202nd General Assembly (1990). Th is resolution is an eff ort to build on that report to keep the environmental policy of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) current and to address issues that have risen since the report was adopted.”
The resolution affirms that the “issues of water rights and regulatory takings are exceedingly complex.” It also affirms that the “spirit of love and justice and the creation of humans in the image of God that give foundation to rights are God-given.” Th e report, however, reminds the church that rights are “limited by the community’s responsibility to promote the common good and to restrain those who seek individual gain at the expense of others and the community as a whole.”
The resolution will determine procedures and program for the ministry divisions and staff of the General Assembly. It is recommended for consideration and study by other governing bodies (sessions, presbyteries, and synods). It is commended to the free Christian conscience of all congregations and the members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for prayerful study, dialogue, and action.
The study guide included with the resolution is an educational piece designed to take participants through a process to gain an understanding of the report and recommendations approved by the 216th General Assembly (2004). It is designed for personal and class use in the hope that we may all become more aware of our call to be God’s people in our daily lives.