Religious Exemptions from Vaccine Mandates
Responding to Requests for Religious Exemptions from Vaccine Mandates
The Stated Clerk has issued an information piece to inform PC(USA) members, churches, and councils that Presbyterian theology and polity do not support a religious exemption from COVID vaccines. Questions have arisen and may arise from churches and councils that are employers concerning how to respond if they mandate that their employees be vaccinated and get a request for a religious exemption from an employee. This information piece will share information based upon published guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”). It is recommended that congregations and councils consult with their local employment attorney at all steps in the process of reviewing and considering requests for accommodation from COVID vaccines.
DISCLAIMER: This document should not be considered legal advice. Each state has different laws and regulations for COVID issues -- and local laws may also apply. Therefore, you should not rely upon the contents of this information piece in lieu of and without obtaining legal advice from a legal advisor in your state and jurisdiction. It would also be wise to consult with your insurer on COVID issues.