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Pondering God with Presbyterians: What Do We Believe and Why?

Leader Formation Webinar

This webinar explores some basic theological convictions of our faith, including what we hold in common with other Christians and peculiar treasures of the Reformed tradition.  Want to learn more about the mystery of the Trinity, justification by grace through faith, or the puzzle of predestination? Come join the conversation!

This event was led by Martha Moore-Keish, the J.B. Green Professor of Theology at Columbia Theological Seminary. She earned the Ph.D. in theology from Emory University, worked in the PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship, and taught liturgical studies at Yale Divinity School, before becoming a professor of theology at Columbia.  She has published books on eucharistic theology and prayer, a research guide on Reformed theology, a commentary on the book of James and a co-edited volume Karl Barth and Comparative Theology.  Her latest publication is a co-edited reference volume The T&T Clark Handbook on Sacraments and Sacramentality (2023)In addition to research on liturgical and sacramental theologies, she has long-standing interest in interreligious issues, particularly Christian-Jewish relations and the religions of India. A Reformed theologian committed to theology for the church, she also serves on the new PC(USA) committee to write a new confession for the Book of Confessions.  

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Published Date
Mar 11, 2025