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Minutes of the 216th General Assembly 2004 - Part I Journal

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The Minutes, Part I, Journal contains the proceedings of the annual meeting (before 2004) or biennial meeting (2004 and beyond) of the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The Journal contains the minutes of the meeting (section one) – but also contains in section two the assembly committee reports (with reports from all the agencies of the church, permanent and special committees, overtures to the assembly, and commissioners’ resolutions). Section three of the book contains supplemental material (i.e. roll of the assembly, standing rules, moderators and clerks, and members of entities elected by the assembly). Beginning with the Journal for the 219th General Assembly (2010), an abbreviated printed Journal has been produced that includes a CD-ROM that holds the entire Journal in PDF format.

Published Date
Dec 01, 2004