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Confronting Christian Zionism - Episode 3

In the third and final webinar of the series we address how this flawed theology manifests in today’s oft-highly politicized faith practices.

Christian nationalism, whether in the U.S. or in other global contexts, brings together two seemingly unrelated identities—one’s faith in Jesus and one’s citizenship in a nation state—and grants these equal importance in a person’s life. In the U.S., Christian nationalism powerfully motivates some Christians, including some Presbyterians, to see the modern state of Israel as the homeland of God’s chosen people, which can move people to exclude any consideration of compassion for the indigenous Palestinians who, according to Christian nationalists and Christian Zionists, are living on land that is not theirs. Additionally, for U.S. Christians, discomfort about painful parts of U.S. history as a settler colonial state too often move us to ignore settler colonial acts in our modern time—particularly those of the modern state of Israel, which is seen through a Christian Zionist lens as the same as the ancient Israel referenced in the Bible.

This webinar is moderated by the Rev. Dr. Cynthia Holder Rich and will feature panelists the Rev. Jermaine Ross-Allam, Director Office of Repairs of Historic Harms, PC(USA), the Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, founder and president of the Dar Al-Kalima University in Bethlehem and Lutheran pastor and the Rev. Dr. Laurie Lyter Bright, executive director of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship.

Published Date
Dec 06, 2024